# # Purpose: # This test ensures that a replica's default value for Using_Gtid is set # correctly. Specifically, it should default to 'Slave_Pos' unless the primary # server does not support GTIDs (if its version is less than 10), in which case # the replica should fall back to 'No'. # # Methodology: # Validate the value of Using_Gtid on replica initialization and after # RESET SLAVE commands. Specifically, we validate the following use cases: # # Case 1) A replica will initialize with Slave_Pos if the primary supports # GTIDs # Case 2) A replica configured with the Using_Gtid=Slave_Pos issued # RESET SLAVE will preserve Using_Gtid without any informational # messages. # Case 3) A replica configured with Using_Gtid=No against a master which # supports GTIDs will revert to Using_Gtid=Slave_Pos after issued # RESET SLAVE and provide an informational note # Case 4) A fresh replica targeting a primary which does not support GTIDs # will fall back to Using_Gtid=No when starting. An informational # message should be logged. # Case 5) A replica connected to a primary which does not support GTIDs # should preserve Using_Gtid=No when issued RESET SLAVE. No message # should be provided to the user. # Case 6) A replica configured with Using_Gtid=Current_Pos should revert # to Slave_Pos when issued RESET SLAVE. An informational message # should be provided to the user. # Case 7) The MTR include file rpl_change_topology.inc should implicitly # set MASTER_USE_GTID=NO when provided with $rpl_master_log_file # Case 8) The MTR include file reset_slave.inc should keep/delete GTID state # when reset_slave_keep_gtid_state is set, respectively. # Case 9) A replica issued CHANGE MASTER TO specified with log coordinates # but not master_use_gtid=No should warn the user that Using_Gtid is # being changed to No. # Case 10) A replica issued CHANGE MASTER TO specified with log coordinates # and master_use_gtid=Slave_Pos should warn the user that the log # coordinates will be ignored. # # References: # MDEV-19801: Change defaults for CHANGE MASTER TO so that GTID-based # replication is used by default if master supports it # --source include/have_debug.inc --source include/master-slave.inc # Format independent test so just use one --source include/have_binlog_format_mixed.inc --echo # --echo # Slave default configuration should be Slave_Pos --let $expected_default_using_gtid= Slave_Pos --connection slave --let $using_gtid= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Using_Gtid, 1) if ($using_gtid != $expected_default_using_gtid) { --die Using_Gtid had wrong default value of '$using_gtid' when it should have been '$expected_default_using_gtid' } --echo # --echo # Ensure that a slave configured with Using_Gtid=Slave_Pos will remain --echo # as Slave_Pos after RESET SLAVE --source include/stop_slave.inc RESET SLAVE; --echo # No warning should be given because Slave_Pos never changed SHOW WARNINGS; --source include/start_slave.inc --let $using_gtid= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Using_Gtid, 1) if ($using_gtid != $expected_default_using_gtid) { --die Using_Gtid has wrong value of '$using_gtid' when it should be '$expected_default_using_gtid' } --echo # --echo # Ensure that a slave configured with Using_Gtid=No will revert to its --echo # default of Slave_Pos after RESET SLAVE for a master which supports --echo # GTIDs --source include/stop_slave.inc CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_USE_GTID=NO; --source include/start_slave.inc --source include/stop_slave.inc RESET SLAVE; --echo # A notification that Using_Gtid was reverted should exist SHOW WARNINGS; --source include/start_slave.inc --let $using_gtid= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Using_Gtid, 1) if ($using_gtid != $expected_default_using_gtid) { --die Using_Gtid has wrong value of '$using_gtid' when it should be '$expected_default_using_gtid' } --echo # Clear SHOW WARNINGS --disable_query_log set SQL_LOG_BIN=0; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int); DROP TABLE t1; set SQL_LOG_BIN=1; --enable_query_log --echo # --echo # If the primary does not support GTIDs (version < 10), the replica --echo # should fall back to Using_Gtid=No on slave start, and should not --echo # revert Using_Gtid to Slave_Pos after RESET SLAVE --source include/stop_slave.inc RESET SLAVE ALL; --replace_result $MASTER_MYPORT MASTER_MYPORT --eval CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='', MASTER_PORT=$MASTER_MYPORT, MASTER_USER='root', MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY=1 SET @saved_dbug= @@GLOBAL.debug_dbug; set @@global.debug_dbug= "d,mock_mariadb_primary_v5_in_get_master_version"; --source include/start_slave.inc --echo # Replica should detect at start that the primary does not support GTIDs --echo # and fall-back to Using_Gtid=No --let $using_gtid= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Using_Gtid, 1) if ($using_gtid != 'No') { --die Using_Gtid has wrong value of '$using_gtid' when it should be 'No' } --echo # Replica should have an informational message stating it is falling --echo # back to Using_Gtid=No let $log_error_= `SELECT @@GLOBAL.log_error`; if(!$log_error_) { # MySQL Server on windows is started with --console and thus # does not know the location of its .err log, use default location let $log_error_ = $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/log/mysqld.2.err; } --let SEARCH_FILE=$log_error_ --let SEARCH_PATTERN=Falling back to Using_Gtid=No because master does not support GTIDs --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --source include/stop_slave.inc RESET SLAVE; --echo # Replica should know that the primary does not support GTIDs and --echo # preserve Using_Gtid=No --let $using_gtid= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Using_Gtid, 1) if ($using_gtid != 'No') { --die Using_Gtid has wrong value of '$using_gtid' when it should be 'No' } --echo # 'No' was not reverted and therefore no note should be added SHOW WARNINGS; set @@global.debug_dbug= @saved_dbug; --source include/start_slave.inc --echo # --echo # Ensure that a slave configured with Using_Gtid=Current_Pos will revert --echo # to its default of Slave_Pos after RESET SLAVE. --source include/stop_slave.inc CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_USE_GTID=Current_Pos; --source include/start_slave.inc --source include/stop_slave.inc RESET SLAVE; --echo # A notification that Using_Gtid was reverted should exist SHOW WARNINGS; --source include/start_slave.inc --let $using_gtid= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Using_Gtid, 1) if ($using_gtid != $expected_default_using_gtid) { --die Using_Gtid has wrong value of '$using_gtid' when it should be '$expected_default_using_gtid' } --echo # Clear SHOW WARNINGS --disable_query_log set SQL_LOG_BIN=0; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int); DROP TABLE t1; set SQL_LOG_BIN=1; --enable_query_log --echo # The MTR include file rpl_change_topology.inc should implicitly set --echo # MASTER_USE_GTID=NO when provided with \$rpl_master_log_file. Note that --echo # this will switch master and slave roles. --connection slave --source include/stop_slave.inc --let $pos_c= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Exec_Master_Log_Pos, 1) --let $file_c= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Master_Log_File, 1) --let $rpl_master_log_file= 2:$file_c --let $rpl_master_log_pos= 2:$pos_c --let $rpl_topology= 2->1 --source include/rpl_change_topology.inc --echo # connection 'master' is the slave in this comparison --connection master --let $using_gtid= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Using_Gtid, 1) --echo # Validating Using_Gtid=No.. if (`SELECT strcmp("$using_gtid","No") != 0`) { --die Using_Gtid should be No when calling rpl_change_topology with \$rpl_master_log_file set } --echo # ..success --let $rpl_master_log_file= --let $rpl_topology= 1->2 --source include/rpl_change_topology.inc --echo # connection 'slave' is back to slave role --connection slave --let $using_gtid= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Using_Gtid, 1) --echo # Validating Using_Gtid=$expected_default_using_gtid.. if (`SELECT strcmp("$using_gtid","$expected_default_using_gtid")!= 0`) { --die Using_Gtid should be back to $expected_default_using_gtid with empty \$rpl_master_log_file } --echo # ..success --source include/start_slave.inc --echo # --echo # The MTR include file reset_slave.inc should keep/delete GTID state --echo # when reset_slave_keep_gtid_state is set, respectively. --echo # --connection master CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); DROP TABLE t1; --source include/save_master_gtid.inc --connection slave --source include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc --source include/stop_slave.inc --echo # Tagging gtid_slave_pos before reset_slave.inc as old_slave_pos --let $old_slave_pos= `SELECT @@gtid_slave_pos` if (`SELECT strcmp("$old_slave_pos","") = 0`) { die gtid_slave_pos is empty but should not be; } --echo # Using reset_slave_keep_gtid_state=1 should preserve GTID state --let $master_use_gtid_option=Slave_Pos --let $reset_slave_keep_gtid_state=1 --source include/reset_slave.inc --echo # Tagging gtid_slave_pos after reset_slave.inc as new_slave_pos --let $new_slave_pos= `SELECT @@gtid_slave_pos` --echo # Validating old_slave_pos == new_slave_pos.. if ($old_slave_pos != $new_slave_pos) { die gtid_slave_pos unexpectedly changed after running reset_slave.inc; } --echo # ..success --echo # Using reset_slave_keep_gtid_state=0 should empty GTID state --let $master_use_gtid_option=Slave_Pos --let $reset_slave_keep_gtid_state=0 --source include/reset_slave.inc --echo # Tagging gtid_slave_pos as new_slave_pos --let $new_slave_pos= `SELECT @@gtid_slave_pos` --echo # Validating new_slave_pos is empty.. if (`SELECT strcmp("$new_slave_pos","") != 0`) { die gtid_slave_pos should be empty after reset_slave.inc without keeping gtid state; } --echo # ..success --replace_result $old_slave_pos old_slave_pos eval set global gtid_slave_pos="$old_slave_pos"; --source include/start_slave.inc --echo # --echo # A replica issued CHANGE MASTER TO specified with log coordinates but --echo # not master_use_gtid=no should warn the user that Using_Gtid is being --echo # changed to No. --echo # --connection master --source include/save_master_pos.inc --connection slave --source include/sync_io_with_master.inc --let $io_log_pos= query_get_value('SHOW SLAVE STATUS', Read_Master_Log_Pos, 1) --let $io_log_file= query_get_value('SHOW SLAVE STATUS', Master_Log_File, 1) --source include/stop_slave.inc --replace_result $io_log_file io_log_file $io_log_pos io_log_pos --eval CHANGE MASTER TO master_log_pos=$io_log_pos, master_log_file='$io_log_file' --source include/start_slave.inc --echo # --echo # A replica issued CHANGE MASTER TO specified with log coordinates and --echo # master_use_gtid=Slave_Pos should warn the user that the log --echo # coordinates will be ignored. --echo # --connection slave --let $io_log_pos= query_get_value('SHOW SLAVE STATUS', Read_Master_Log_Pos, 1) --let $io_log_file= query_get_value('SHOW SLAVE STATUS', Master_Log_File, 1) --let $relay_log_pos= 4 --let $relay_log_file= slave-relay-bin.000001 --source include/stop_slave.inc --replace_result $io_log_file io_log_file $io_log_pos io_log_pos --eval CHANGE MASTER TO master_log_pos=$io_log_pos, master_log_file='$io_log_file', master_use_gtid=Slave_Pos --replace_result $relay_log_file relay_log_file $relay_log_pos relay_log_pos --eval CHANGE MASTER TO relay_log_pos=$relay_log_pos, relay_log_file='$relay_log_file', master_use_gtid=Slave_Pos --source include/start_slave.inc --source include/rpl_end.inc --echo # --echo # End of rpl_using_gtid_default.test