-- source include/not_embedded.inc -- source include/have_innodb.inc # Add to users to the setup_actors table: one enabled, and one disabled INSERT INTO performance_schema.setup_actors VALUES ('localhost', 'foo', '%', 'YES', 'YES'), ('localhost', 'bar', '%', 'NO', 'NO'); # Disable all but a few instruments (reduces output as well) # It is not possible to disable memory/performance_schema/% # so don't even try. UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments SET ENABLED = 'NO' WHERE NAME NOT LIKE 'memory/performance_schema/%' AND NAME NOT LIKE 'stage/innodb/%' AND NAME NOT LIKE 'statement/com/%' AND NAME <> 'idle'; # Disable the history_long consumers: UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET ENABLED = 'NO' WHERE NAME LIKE '%\_history\_long'; # Disable some of the background threads (including those that differ between unix like and Windows systems): UPDATE performance_schema.threads SET INSTRUMENTED = 'NO' WHERE NAME LIKE 'thread/innodb/srv\_%' OR NAME LIKE '%con\_%' OR NAME LIKE '%signal_handler%'; # Show limited info (no thread or instrument info) CALL sys.ps_setup_show_enabled(FALSE, FALSE); # Should show instrument data, but not thread info CALL sys.ps_setup_show_enabled(TRUE, FALSE); # Should show thread info, but no instrument data CALL sys.ps_setup_show_enabled(FALSE, TRUE); # Should show all info CALL sys.ps_setup_show_enabled(TRUE, TRUE); # Clean up -- source ../include/ps_setup_reset_to_default_cleanup.inc