set default_storage_engine=innodb; create or replace table dept ( dept_id int(10) primary key, name varchar(100) ) with system versioning; create or replace table emp ( emp_id int(10) primary key, dept_id int(10), name varchar(100), salary int(10), constraint `dept-emp-fk` foreign key (dept_id) references dept (dept_id) on delete restrict on update restrict ) with system versioning; select now() into @ts_0; insert into dept (dept_id, name) values (10, "accounting"); commit; select row_start into @ts_1 from dept where dept_id=10; insert into emp (emp_id, name, salary, dept_id) values (1, "bill", 1000, 10); commit; select row_start into @ts_2 from emp where name="bill"; select * from emp; emp_id dept_id name salary 1 10 bill 1000 update emp set salary=2000 where name="bill"; commit; select row_start into @ts_3 from emp where name="bill"; select * from emp; emp_id dept_id name salary 1 10 bill 2000 select * from emp for system_time as of timestamp @ts_2; emp_id dept_id name salary 1 10 bill 1000 select * from emp for system_time as of timestamp @ts_3; emp_id dept_id name salary 1 10 bill 2000 select * from emp e, dept d where d.dept_id = 10 and d.dept_id = e.dept_id; emp_id dept_id name salary dept_id name 1 10 bill 2000 10 accounting select * from emp for system_time from timestamp @ts_1 to timestamp @ts_2 e, dept for system_time from timestamp @ts_1 to timestamp @ts_2 d where d.dept_id = 10 and d.dept_id = e.dept_id; emp_id dept_id name salary dept_id name set statement system_versioning_asof=@ts_0 for select * from emp e, dept d where d.dept_id = 10 and d.dept_id = e.dept_id; emp_id dept_id name salary dept_id name set statement system_versioning_asof=@ts_1 for select * from emp e, dept d where d.dept_id = 10 and d.dept_id = e.dept_id; emp_id dept_id name salary dept_id name set statement system_versioning_asof=@ts_2 for select * from emp e, dept d where d.dept_id = 10 and d.dept_id = e.dept_id; emp_id dept_id name salary dept_id name 1 10 bill 1000 10 accounting set statement system_versioning_asof=@ts_3 for select * from emp e, dept d where d.dept_id = 10 and d.dept_id = e.dept_id; emp_id dept_id name salary dept_id name 1 10 bill 2000 10 accounting drop table emp, dept; create table t1 ( a timestamp(6), b timestamp(6) generated always as (a + interval 1 day), c timestamp(6) generated always as (a + interval 1 month) stored, d timestamp(6) generated always as row start, e timestamp(6) generated always as row end, period for system_time(d,e) ) with system versioning; show columns from t1; Field Type Null Key Default Extra a timestamp(6) YES NULL b timestamp(6) YES NULL VIRTUAL GENERATED c timestamp(6) YES NULL STORED GENERATED d timestamp(6) NO NULL STORED GENERATED e timestamp(6) NO NULL STORED GENERATED select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name,column_name,ordinal_position,column_default,is_nullable,data_type,character_maximum_length,character_octet_length,numeric_precision,numeric_scale,datetime_precision,character_set_name,collation_name,column_type,column_key,extra,column_comment,is_generated,generation_expression,'---' from information_schema.columns where table_name='t1'; table_catalog def table_schema test table_name t1 column_name a ordinal_position 1 column_default NULL is_nullable YES data_type timestamp character_maximum_length NULL character_octet_length NULL numeric_precision NULL numeric_scale NULL datetime_precision 6 character_set_name NULL collation_name NULL column_type timestamp(6) column_key extra column_comment is_generated NEVER generation_expression NULL --- --- table_catalog def table_schema test table_name t1 column_name b ordinal_position 2 column_default NULL is_nullable YES data_type timestamp character_maximum_length NULL character_octet_length NULL numeric_precision NULL numeric_scale NULL datetime_precision 6 character_set_name NULL collation_name NULL column_type timestamp(6) column_key extra VIRTUAL GENERATED column_comment is_generated ALWAYS generation_expression `a` + interval 1 day --- --- table_catalog def table_schema test table_name t1 column_name c ordinal_position 3 column_default NULL is_nullable YES data_type timestamp character_maximum_length NULL character_octet_length NULL numeric_precision NULL numeric_scale NULL datetime_precision 6 character_set_name NULL collation_name NULL column_type timestamp(6) column_key extra STORED GENERATED column_comment is_generated ALWAYS generation_expression `a` + interval 1 month --- --- table_catalog def table_schema test table_name t1 column_name d ordinal_position 4 column_default NULL is_nullable NO data_type timestamp character_maximum_length NULL character_octet_length NULL numeric_precision NULL numeric_scale NULL datetime_precision 6 character_set_name NULL collation_name NULL column_type timestamp(6) column_key extra STORED GENERATED column_comment is_generated ALWAYS generation_expression ROW START --- --- table_catalog def table_schema test table_name t1 column_name e ordinal_position 5 column_default NULL is_nullable NO data_type timestamp character_maximum_length NULL character_octet_length NULL numeric_precision NULL numeric_scale NULL datetime_precision 6 character_set_name NULL collation_name NULL column_type timestamp(6) column_key extra STORED GENERATED column_comment is_generated ALWAYS generation_expression ROW END --- --- drop table t1;