--source include/default_optimizer_switch.inc --let $replace_regex_tsltz6= /TIMESTAMP..WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE..'....-..-.. ..:..:..[.]......'/TIMESTAMP\/*WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE*\/'YYYY-MM-DD hh:ss:mm:.uuuuuu'/ create table emp ( emp_id int, name varchar(127), mgr int ) with system versioning; insert into emp values (1, 'bill', 0), (2, 'bill', 1), (3, 'kate', 1); set @ts=now(6); delete from emp; insert into emp values (4, 'john', 1); with ancestors as (select * from emp) select * from ancestors; set @tmp= "with ancestors as (select * from emp) select * from ancestors"; prepare stmt from @tmp; execute stmt; drop prepare stmt; with ancestors as (select * from emp for system_time all) select * from ancestors; set @tmp= "with ancestors as (select * from emp for system_time all) select * from ancestors"; prepare stmt from @tmp; execute stmt; drop prepare stmt; with recursive ancestors as (select * from emp) select * from ancestors; set @tmp= "with recursive ancestors as (select * from emp) select * from ancestors"; prepare stmt from @tmp; execute stmt; drop prepare stmt; select emp_id from (select emp_id from emp where row_end>'2031-1-1') as tmp; set @tmp= "select emp_id from (select emp_id from emp where row_end>'2031-1-1') as tmp"; prepare stmt from @tmp; execute stmt; drop prepare stmt; with recursive ancestors as ( select e.emp_id, e.name, e.mgr from emp as e where name = 'john' union select ee.emp_id, ee.name, ee.mgr from emp as ee, ancestors as a where ee.mgr = a.emp_id ) select * from ancestors; set @tmp= " with recursive ancestors as ( select e.emp_id, e.name, e.mgr from emp as e where name = 'john' union select ee.emp_id, ee.name, ee.mgr from emp as ee, ancestors as a where ee.mgr = a.emp_id ) select * from ancestors"; prepare stmt from @tmp; execute stmt; drop prepare stmt; #385 with recursive ancestors as ( select e.emp_id, e.name, e.mgr from emp for system_time as of timestamp @ts as e where name = 'bill' union select ee.emp_id, ee.name, ee.mgr from emp for system_time as of timestamp @ts as ee, ancestors as a where ee.mgr = a.emp_id ) select * from ancestors; set @tmp= " with recursive ancestors as ( select e.emp_id, e.name, e.mgr from emp for system_time as of timestamp @ts as e where name = 'bill' union select ee.emp_id, ee.name, ee.mgr from emp for system_time as of timestamp @ts as ee, ancestors as a where ee.mgr = a.emp_id ) select * from ancestors"; prepare stmt from @tmp; execute stmt; drop prepare stmt; drop table emp; create or replace table t1 (x int) with system versioning; create or replace table t2 (y int) with system versioning; insert into t1 values (1); set @t0= now(6); delete from t1; insert into t1 values (2); insert into t2 values (10); --replace_column 2 # 3 # select * from (select *, t1.row_end, t1.row_end as endo from t1) as s0; --replace_column 3 # 4 # select * from (select *, t1.row_end, t2.row_start from t1, t2) as s0; --echo # SYSTEM_TIME propagation from inner to outer select * from (select * from t1 for system_time as of timestamp @t0, t2) as s0; with s1 as (select * from t1 for system_time as of timestamp @t0, t2) select * from s1; --echo # leading table selection --replace_column 3 # select * from (select *, t1.row_end from t2, t1 for system_time as of timestamp @t0) as s2; --replace_column 3 # with s3 as (select *, t1.row_end from t2, t1 for system_time as of timestamp @t0) select * from s3; --echo ### VIEW instead of t1 set @q= concat("create view vt1 as select * from t1 for system_time as of timestamp '", @t0, "'"); prepare q from @q; execute q; drop prepare q; create view vt2 as select * from t1; --echo # SYSTEM_TIME propagation from view select * from vt1; --echo # SYSTEM_TIME propagation from inner to outer select * from (select * from vt1, t2) as s0; --echo ### SYSTEM_TIME clash --error ER_VERS_NOT_VERSIONED select * from (select * from t1 for system_time all) for system_time all as dt0; --error ER_VERS_NOT_VERSIONED select * from vt1 for system_time all; --error ER_VERS_NOT_VERSIONED with dt1 as (select * from t1 for system_time all) select * from dt1 for system_time all; --echo ### UNION set @t1= now(6); delete from t2; insert into t2 values (3); --echo # SYSTEM_TIME is not propagated select x from t1 union select y from t2; select x from t1 for system_time as of @t0 union select y from t2; select x from t1 union select y from t2 for system_time as of @t1; select x from t1 for system_time as of @t0 union select y from t2 for system_time as of @t1; --echo # LEFT/RIGHT JOIN create or replace table t1 (x int, y int) with system versioning; create or replace table t2 (x int, y int) with system versioning; insert into t1 values (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5); insert into t2 values (1, 2), (2, 1), (3, 1); --echo ## Outer or inner SYSTEM_TIME produces same expression --disable_warnings --disable_query_log explain extended select * from ( select t1.x, t1.y as y1, t2.x as x2, t2.y as y2 from t1 join t2 on t1.x = t2.x) for system_time as of now() as t; --replace_regex $replace_regex_tsltz6 let $a=`show warnings`; --echo Query A: echo $a; explain extended select * from ( select t1.x, t1.y as y1, t2.x as x2, t2.y as y2 from t1 for system_time as of now() join t2 for system_time as of now() on t1.x = t2.x) as t; --replace_regex $replace_regex_tsltz6 let $b=`show warnings`; --echo Query B: echo $b; if ($a == $b) { --echo Fine result: queries A and B are equal. } --enable_query_log --enable_warnings --echo ## LEFT JOIN: t1, t2 versioned select * from ( select t1.x as LJ1_x1, t1.y as y1, t2.x as x2, t2.y as y2 from t1 left join t2 on t1.x = t2.x) as derived; alter table t2 drop system versioning; --echo ## LEFT JOIN: t1 versioned select * from ( select t1.x as LJ2_x1, t1.y as y1, t2.x as x2, t2.y as y2 from t1 left join t2 on t1.x = t2.x) as derived; alter table t1 drop system versioning; alter table t2 add system versioning; --echo ## LEFT JOIN: t2 versioned select * from ( select t1.x as LJ3_x1, t1.y as y1, t2.x as x2, t2.y as y2 from t1 left join t2 on t1.x = t2.x) as derived; alter table t1 add system versioning; --echo ## RIGHT JOIN: t1, t2 versioned select * from ( select t1.x as RJ1_x1, t1.y as y1, t2.x as x2, t2.y as y2 from t1 right join t2 on t1.x = t2.x) as derived; alter table t2 drop system versioning; --echo ## RIGHT JOIN: t1 versioned select * from ( select t1.x as RJ2_x1, t1.y as y1, t2.x as x2, t2.y as y2 from t1 right join t2 on t1.x = t2.x) as derived; alter table t1 drop system versioning; alter table t2 add system versioning; --echo ## RIGHT JOIN: t2 versioned select * from ( select t1.x as RJ3_x1, t1.y as y1, t2.x as x2, t2.y as y2 from t1 right join t2 on t1.x = t2.x) as derived; drop table t1, t2; drop view vt1, vt2;