#if 0 <<'SKIP'; #endif /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ppport.h -- Perl/Pollution/Portability Version 3.13 Automatically created by Devel::PPPort running under perl 5.010000. Do NOT edit this file directly! -- Edit PPPort_pm.PL and the includes in parts/inc/ instead. Use 'perldoc ppport.h' to view the documentation below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SKIP =pod =head1 NAME ppport.h - Perl/Pollution/Portability version 3.13 =head1 SYNOPSIS perl ppport.h [options] [source files] Searches current directory for files if no [source files] are given --help show short help --version show version --patch=file write one patch file with changes --copy=suffix write changed copies with suffix --diff=program use diff program and options --compat-version=version provide compatibility with Perl version --cplusplus accept C++ comments --quiet don't output anything except fatal errors --nodiag don't show diagnostics --nohints don't show hints --nochanges don't suggest changes --nofilter don't filter input files --strip strip all script and doc functionality from ppport.h --list-provided list provided API --list-unsupported list unsupported API --api-info=name show Perl API portability information =head1 COMPATIBILITY This version of F is designed to support operation with Perl installations back to 5.003, and has been tested up to 5.10.0. =head1 OPTIONS =head2 --help Display a brief usage summary. =head2 --version Display the version of F. =head2 --patch=I If this option is given, a single patch file will be created if any changes are suggested. This requires a working diff program to be installed on your system. =head2 --copy=I If this option is given, a copy of each file will be saved with the given suffix that contains the suggested changes. This does not require any external programs. Note that this does not automagially add a dot between the original filename and the suffix. If you want the dot, you have to include it in the option argument. If neither C<--patch> or C<--copy> are given, the default is to simply print the diffs for each file. This requires either C or a C program to be installed. =head2 --diff=I Manually set the diff program and options to use. The default is to use C, when installed, and output unified context diffs. =head2 --compat-version=I Tell F to check for compatibility with the given Perl version. The default is to check for compatibility with Perl version 5.003. You can use this option to reduce the output of F if you intend to be backward compatible only down to a certain Perl version. =head2 --cplusplus Usually, F will detect C++ style comments and replace them with C style comments for portability reasons. Using this option instructs F to leave C++ comments untouched. =head2 --quiet Be quiet. Don't print anything except fatal errors. =head2 --nodiag Don't output any diagnostic messages. Only portability alerts will be printed. =head2 --nohints Don't output any hints. Hints often contain useful portability notes. Warnings will still be displayed. =head2 --nochanges Don't suggest any changes. Only give diagnostic output and hints unless these are also deactivated. =head2 --nofilter Don't filter the list of input files. By default, files not looking like source code (i.e. not *.xs, *.c, *.cc, *.cpp or *.h) are skipped. =head2 --strip Strip all script and documentation functionality from F. This reduces the size of F dramatically and may be useful if you want to include F in smaller modules without increasing their distribution size too much. The stripped F will have a C<--unstrip> option that allows you to undo the stripping, but only if an appropriate C module is installed. =head2 --list-provided Lists the API elements for which compatibility is provided by F. Also lists if it must be explicitly requested, if it has dependencies, and if there are hints or warnings for it. =head2 --list-unsupported Lists the API elements that are known not to be supported by F and below which version of Perl they probably won't be available or work. =head2 --api-info=I Show portability information for API elements matching I. If I is surrounded by slashes, it is interpreted as a regular expression. =head1 DESCRIPTION In order for a Perl extension (XS) module to be as portable as possible across differing versions of Perl itself, certain steps need to be taken. =over 4 =item * Including this header is the first major one. This alone will give you access to a large part of the Perl API that hasn't been available in earlier Perl releases. Use perl ppport.h --list-provided to see which API elements are provided by ppport.h. =item * You should avoid using deprecated parts of the API. For example, using global Perl variables without the C prefix is deprecated. Also, some API functions used to have a C prefix. Using this form is also deprecated. You can safely use the supported API, as F will provide wrappers for older Perl versions. =item * If you use one of a few functions or variables that were not present in earlier versions of Perl, and that can't be provided using a macro, you have to explicitly request support for these functions by adding one or more C<#define>s in your source code before the inclusion of F. These functions or variables will be marked C in the list shown by C<--list-provided>. Depending on whether you module has a single or multiple files that use such functions or variables, you want either C or global variants. For a C function or variable (used only in a single source file), use: #define NEED_function #define NEED_variable For a global function or variable (used in multiple source files), use: #define NEED_function_GLOBAL #define NEED_variable_GLOBAL Note that you mustn't have more than one global request for the same function or variable in your project. Function / Variable Static Request Global Request ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PL_signals NEED_PL_signals NEED_PL_signals_GLOBAL eval_pv() NEED_eval_pv NEED_eval_pv_GLOBAL grok_bin() NEED_grok_bin NEED_grok_bin_GLOBAL grok_hex() NEED_grok_hex NEED_grok_hex_GLOBAL grok_number() NEED_grok_number NEED_grok_number_GLOBAL grok_numeric_radix() NEED_grok_numeric_radix NEED_grok_numeric_radix_GLOBAL grok_oct() NEED_grok_oct NEED_grok_oct_GLOBAL load_module() NEED_load_module NEED_load_module_GLOBAL my_snprintf() NEED_my_snprintf NEED_my_snprintf_GLOBAL my_strlcat() NEED_my_strlcat NEED_my_strlcat_GLOBAL my_strlcpy() NEED_my_strlcpy NEED_my_strlcpy_GLOBAL newCONSTSUB() NEED_newCONSTSUB NEED_newCONSTSUB_GLOBAL newRV_noinc() NEED_newRV_noinc NEED_newRV_noinc_GLOBAL newSVpvn_share() NEED_newSVpvn_share NEED_newSVpvn_share_GLOBAL sv_2pv_flags() NEED_sv_2pv_flags NEED_sv_2pv_flags_GLOBAL sv_2pvbyte() NEED_sv_2pvbyte NEED_sv_2pvbyte_GLOBAL sv_catpvf_mg() NEED_sv_catpvf_mg NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_GLOBAL sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext() NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext_GLOBAL sv_pvn_force_flags() NEED_sv_pvn_force_flags NEED_sv_pvn_force_flags_GLOBAL sv_setpvf_mg() NEED_sv_setpvf_mg NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_GLOBAL sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext() NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext_GLOBAL vload_module() NEED_vload_module NEED_vload_module_GLOBAL vnewSVpvf() NEED_vnewSVpvf NEED_vnewSVpvf_GLOBAL warner() NEED_warner NEED_warner_GLOBAL To avoid namespace conflicts, you can change the namespace of the explicitly exported functions / variables using the C macro. Just C<#define> the macro before including C: #define DPPP_NAMESPACE MyOwnNamespace_ #include "ppport.h" The default namespace is C. =back The good thing is that most of the above can be checked by running F on your source code. See the next section for details. =head1 EXAMPLES To verify whether F is needed for your module, whether you should make any changes to your code, and whether any special defines should be used, F can be run as a Perl script to check your source code. Simply say: perl ppport.h The result will usually be a list of patches suggesting changes that should at least be acceptable, if not necessarily the most efficient solution, or a fix for all possible problems. If you know that your XS module uses features only available in newer Perl releases, if you're aware that it uses C++ comments, and if you want all suggestions as a single patch file, you could use something like this: perl ppport.h --compat-version=5.6.0 --cplusplus --patch=test.diff If you only want your code to be scanned without any suggestions for changes, use: perl ppport.h --nochanges You can specify a different C program or options, using the C<--diff> option: perl ppport.h --diff='diff -C 10' This would output context diffs with 10 lines of context. If you want to create patched copies of your files instead, use: perl ppport.h --copy=.new To display portability information for the C function, use: perl ppport.h --api-info=newSVpvn Since the argument to C<--api-info> can be a regular expression, you can use perl ppport.h --api-info=/_nomg$/ to display portability information for all C<_nomg> functions or perl ppport.h --api-info=/./ to display information for all known API elements. =head1 BUGS If this version of F is causing failure during the compilation of this module, please check if newer versions of either this module or C are available on CPAN before sending a bug report. If F was generated using the latest version of C and is causing failure of this module, please file a bug report using the CPAN Request Tracker at L. Please include the following information: =over 4 =item 1. The complete output from running "perl -V" =item 2. This file. =item 3. The name and version of the module you were trying to build. =item 4. A full log of the build that failed. =item 5. Any other information that you think could be relevant. =back For the latest version of this code, please get the C module from CPAN. =head1 COPYRIGHT Version 3.x, Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Marcus Holland-Moritz. Version 2.x, Copyright (C) 2001, Paul Marquess. Version 1.x, Copyright (C) 1999, Kenneth Albanowski. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO See L. =cut use strict; # Disable broken TRIE-optimization BEGIN { eval '${^RE_TRIE_MAXBUF} = -1' if $] >= 5.009004 && $] <= 5.009005 } my $VERSION = 3.13; my %opt = ( quiet => 0, diag => 1, hints => 1, changes => 1, cplusplus => 0, filter => 1, strip => 0, version => 0, ); my($ppport) = $0 =~ /([\w.]+)$/; my $LF = '(?:\r\n|[\r\n])'; # line feed my $HS = "[ \t]"; # horizontal whitespace # Never use C comments in this file! my $ccs = '/'.'*'; my $cce = '*'.'/'; my $rccs = quotemeta $ccs; my $rcce = quotemeta $cce; eval { require Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::GetOptions(\%opt, qw( help quiet diag! filter! hints! changes! cplusplus strip version patch=s copy=s diff=s compat-version=s list-provided list-unsupported api-info=s )) or usage(); }; if ($@ and grep /^-/, @ARGV) { usage() if "@ARGV" =~ /^--?h(?:elp)?$/; die "Getopt::Long not found. Please don't use any options.\n"; } if ($opt{version}) { print "This is $0 $VERSION.\n"; exit 0; } usage() if $opt{help}; strip() if $opt{strip}; if (exists $opt{'compat-version'}) { my($r,$v,$s) = eval { parse_version($opt{'compat-version'}) }; if ($@) { die "Invalid version number format: '$opt{'compat-version'}'\n"; } die "Only Perl 5 is supported\n" if $r != 5; die "Invalid version number: $opt{'compat-version'}\n" if $v >= 1000 || $s >= 1000; $opt{'compat-version'} = sprintf "%d.%03d%03d", $r, $v, $s; } else { $opt{'compat-version'} = 5; } my %API = map { /^(\w+)\|([^|]*)\|([^|]*)\|(\w*)$/ ? ( $1 => { ($2 ? ( base => $2 ) : ()), ($3 ? ( todo => $3 ) : ()), (index($4, 'v') >= 0 ? ( varargs => 1 ) : ()), (index($4, 'p') >= 0 ? ( provided => 1 ) : ()), (index($4, 'n') >= 0 ? ( nothxarg => 1 ) : ()), } ) : die "invalid spec: $_" } qw( AvFILLp|5.004050||p AvFILL||| CLASS|||n CX_CURPAD_SAVE||| CX_CURPAD_SV||| CopFILEAV|5.006000||p CopFILEGV_set|5.006000||p CopFILEGV|5.006000||p CopFILESV|5.006000||p CopFILE_set|5.006000||p CopFILE|5.006000||p CopSTASHPV_set|5.006000||p CopSTASHPV|5.006000||p CopSTASH_eq|5.006000||p CopSTASH_set|5.006000||p CopSTASH|5.006000||p CopyD|5.009002||p Copy||| CvPADLIST||| CvSTASH||| CvWEAKOUTSIDE||| DEFSV|5.004050||p END_EXTERN_C|5.005000||p ENTER||| ERRSV|5.004050||p EXTEND||| EXTERN_C|5.005000||p F0convert|||n FREETMPS||| GIMME_V||5.004000|n GIMME|||n GROK_NUMERIC_RADIX|5.007002||p G_ARRAY||| G_DISCARD||| G_EVAL||| G_NOARGS||| G_SCALAR||| G_VOID||5.004000| GetVars||| GvSV||| Gv_AMupdate||| HEf_SVKEY||5.004000| HeHASH||5.004000| HeKEY||5.004000| HeKLEN||5.004000| HePV||5.004000| HeSVKEY_force||5.004000| HeSVKEY_set||5.004000| HeSVKEY||5.004000| HeVAL||5.004000| HvNAME||| INT2PTR|5.006000||p IN_LOCALE_COMPILETIME|5.007002||p IN_LOCALE_RUNTIME|5.007002||p IN_LOCALE|5.007002||p IN_PERL_COMPILETIME|5.008001||p IS_NUMBER_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX|5.007002||p IS_NUMBER_INFINITY|5.007002||p IS_NUMBER_IN_UV|5.007002||p IS_NUMBER_NAN|5.007003||p IS_NUMBER_NEG|5.007002||p IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT|5.007002||p IVSIZE|5.006000||p IVTYPE|5.006000||p IVdf|5.006000||p LEAVE||| LVRET||| MARK||| MULTICALL||5.009005| MY_CXT_CLONE|5.009002||p MY_CXT_INIT|5.007003||p MY_CXT|5.007003||p MoveD|5.009002||p Move||| NOOP|5.005000||p NUM2PTR|5.006000||p NVTYPE|5.006000||p NVef|5.006001||p NVff|5.006001||p NVgf|5.006001||p Newxc|5.009003||p Newxz|5.009003||p Newx|5.009003||p Nullav||| Nullch||| Nullcv||| Nullhv||| Nullsv||| ORIGMARK||| PAD_BASE_SV||| PAD_CLONE_VARS||| PAD_COMPNAME_FLAGS||| PAD_COMPNAME_GEN_set||| PAD_COMPNAME_GEN||| PAD_COMPNAME_OURSTASH||| PAD_COMPNAME_PV||| PAD_COMPNAME_TYPE||| PAD_RESTORE_LOCAL||| PAD_SAVE_LOCAL||| PAD_SAVE_SETNULLPAD||| PAD_SETSV||| PAD_SET_CUR_NOSAVE||| PAD_SET_CUR||| PAD_SVl||| PAD_SV||| PERL_ABS|5.008001||p PERL_BCDVERSION|5.009005||p PERL_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS_FORBIDDEN|5.008001||p PERL_HASH|5.004000||p PERL_INT_MAX|5.004000||p PERL_INT_MIN|5.004000||p PERL_LONG_MAX|5.004000||p PERL_LONG_MIN|5.004000||p PERL_MAGIC_arylen|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_backref|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_bm|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_collxfrm|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_dbfile|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_dbline|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_defelem|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_envelem|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_env|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_ext|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_fm|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_glob|5.009005||p PERL_MAGIC_isaelem|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_isa|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_mutex|5.009005||p PERL_MAGIC_nkeys|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_overload_elem|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_overload_table|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_overload|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_pos|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_qr|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_regdata|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_regdatum|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_regex_global|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_shared_scalar|5.007003||p PERL_MAGIC_shared|5.007003||p PERL_MAGIC_sigelem|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_sig|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_substr|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_sv|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_taint|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_tiedelem|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_tiedscalar|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_tied|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_utf8|5.008001||p PERL_MAGIC_uvar_elem|5.007003||p PERL_MAGIC_uvar|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_vec|5.007002||p PERL_MAGIC_vstring|5.008001||p PERL_QUAD_MAX|5.004000||p PERL_QUAD_MIN|5.004000||p PERL_REVISION|5.006000||p PERL_SCAN_ALLOW_UNDERSCORES|5.007003||p PERL_SCAN_DISALLOW_PREFIX|5.007003||p PERL_SCAN_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX|5.007003||p PERL_SCAN_SILENT_ILLDIGIT|5.008001||p PERL_SHORT_MAX|5.004000||p PERL_SHORT_MIN|5.004000||p PERL_SIGNALS_UNSAFE_FLAG|5.008001||p PERL_SUBVERSION|5.006000||p PERL_UCHAR_MAX|5.004000||p PERL_UCHAR_MIN|5.004000||p PERL_UINT_MAX|5.004000||p PERL_UINT_MIN|5.004000||p PERL_ULONG_MAX|5.004000||p PERL_ULONG_MIN|5.004000||p PERL_UNUSED_ARG|5.009003||p PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT|5.009004||p PERL_UNUSED_DECL|5.007002||p PERL_UNUSED_VAR|5.007002||p PERL_UQUAD_MAX|5.004000||p PERL_UQUAD_MIN|5.004000||p PERL_USE_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS|5.009004||p PERL_USHORT_MAX|5.004000||p PERL_USHORT_MIN|5.004000||p PERL_VERSION|5.006000||p PL_DBsignal|5.005000||p PL_DBsingle|||pn PL_DBsub|||pn PL_DBtrace|||pn PL_Sv|5.005000||p PL_compiling|5.004050||p PL_copline|5.009005||p PL_curcop|5.004050||p PL_curstash|5.004050||p PL_debstash|5.004050||p PL_defgv|5.004050||p PL_diehook|5.004050||p PL_dirty|5.004050||p PL_dowarn|||pn PL_errgv|5.004050||p PL_expect|5.009005||p PL_hexdigit|5.005000||p PL_hints|5.005000||p PL_last_in_gv|||n PL_laststatval|5.005000||p PL_modglobal||5.005000|n PL_na|5.004050||pn PL_no_modify|5.006000||p PL_ofs_sv|||n PL_perl_destruct_level|5.004050||p PL_perldb|5.004050||p PL_ppaddr|5.006000||p PL_rsfp_filters|5.004050||p PL_rsfp|5.004050||p PL_rs|||n PL_signals|5.008001||p PL_stack_base|5.004050||p PL_stack_sp|5.004050||p PL_statcache|5.005000||p PL_stdingv|5.004050||p PL_sv_arenaroot|5.004050||p PL_sv_no|5.004050||pn PL_sv_undef|5.004050||pn PL_sv_yes|5.004050||pn PL_tainted|5.004050||p PL_tainting|5.004050||p POP_MULTICALL||5.009005| POPi|||n POPl|||n POPn|||n POPpbytex||5.007001|n POPpx||5.005030|n POPp|||n POPs|||n PTR2IV|5.006000||p PTR2NV|5.006000||p PTR2UV|5.006000||p PTR2ul|5.007001||p PTRV|5.006000||p PUSHMARK||| PUSH_MULTICALL||5.009005| PUSHi||| PUSHmortal|5.009002||p PUSHn||| PUSHp||| PUSHs||| PUSHu|5.004000||p PUTBACK||| PerlIO_clearerr||5.007003| PerlIO_close||5.007003| PerlIO_context_layers||5.009004| PerlIO_eof||5.007003| PerlIO_error||5.007003| PerlIO_fileno||5.007003| PerlIO_fill||5.007003| PerlIO_flush||5.007003| PerlIO_get_base||5.007003| PerlIO_get_bufsiz||5.007003| PerlIO_get_cnt||5.007003| PerlIO_get_ptr||5.007003| PerlIO_read||5.007003| PerlIO_seek||5.007003| PerlIO_set_cnt||5.007003| PerlIO_set_ptrcnt||5.007003| PerlIO_setlinebuf||5.007003| PerlIO_stderr||5.007003| PerlIO_stdin||5.007003| PerlIO_stdout||5.007003| PerlIO_tell||5.007003| PerlIO_unread||5.007003| PerlIO_write||5.007003| Perl_signbit||5.009005|n PoisonFree|5.009004||p PoisonNew|5.009004||p PoisonWith|5.009004||p Poison|5.008000||p RETVAL|||n Renewc||| Renew||| SAVECLEARSV||| SAVECOMPPAD||| SAVEPADSV||| SAVETMPS||| SAVE_DEFSV|5.004050||p SPAGAIN||| SP||| START_EXTERN_C|5.005000||p START_MY_CXT|5.007003||p STMT_END|||p STMT_START|||p STR_WITH_LEN|5.009003||p ST||| SV_CONST_RETURN|5.009003||p SV_COW_DROP_PV|5.008001||p SV_COW_SHARED_HASH_KEYS|5.009005||p SV_GMAGIC|5.007002||p SV_HAS_TRAILING_NUL|5.009004||p SV_IMMEDIATE_UNREF|5.007001||p SV_MUTABLE_RETURN|5.009003||p SV_NOSTEAL|5.009002||p SV_SMAGIC|5.009003||p SV_UTF8_NO_ENCODING|5.008001||p SVf|5.006000||p SVt_IV||| SVt_NV||| SVt_PVAV||| SVt_PVCV||| SVt_PVHV||| SVt_PVMG||| SVt_PV||| Safefree||| Slab_Alloc||| Slab_Free||| Slab_to_rw||| StructCopy||| SvCUR_set||| SvCUR||| SvEND||| SvGAMAGIC||5.006001| SvGETMAGIC|5.004050||p SvGROW||| SvIOK_UV||5.006000| SvIOK_notUV||5.006000| SvIOK_off||| SvIOK_only_UV||5.006000| SvIOK_only||| SvIOK_on||| SvIOKp||| SvIOK||| SvIVX||| SvIV_nomg|5.009001||p SvIV_set||| SvIVx||| SvIV||| SvIsCOW_shared_hash||5.008003| SvIsCOW||5.008003| SvLEN_set||| SvLEN||| SvLOCK||5.007003| SvMAGIC_set|5.009003||p SvNIOK_off||| SvNIOKp||| SvNIOK||| SvNOK_off||| SvNOK_only||| SvNOK_on||| SvNOKp||| SvNOK||| SvNVX||| SvNV_set||| SvNVx||| SvNV||| SvOK||| SvOOK||| SvPOK_off||| SvPOK_only_UTF8||5.006000| SvPOK_only||| SvPOK_on||| SvPOKp||| SvPOK||| SvPVX_const|5.009003||p SvPVX_mutable|5.009003||p SvPVX||| SvPV_const|5.009003||p SvPV_flags_const_nolen|5.009003||p SvPV_flags_const|5.009003||p SvPV_flags_mutable|5.009003||p SvPV_flags|5.007002||p SvPV_force_flags_mutable|5.009003||p SvPV_force_flags_nolen|5.009003||p SvPV_force_flags|5.007002||p SvPV_force_mutable|5.009003||p SvPV_force_nolen|5.009003||p SvPV_force_nomg_nolen|5.009003||p SvPV_force_nomg|5.007002||p SvPV_force|||p SvPV_mutable|5.009003||p SvPV_nolen_const|5.009003||p SvPV_nolen|5.006000||p SvPV_nomg_const_nolen|5.009003||p SvPV_nomg_const|5.009003||p SvPV_nomg|5.007002||p SvPV_set||| SvPVbyte_force||5.009002| SvPVbyte_nolen||5.006000| SvPVbytex_force||5.006000| SvPVbytex||5.006000| SvPVbyte|5.006000||p SvPVutf8_force||5.006000| SvPVutf8_nolen||5.006000| SvPVutf8x_force||5.006000| SvPVutf8x||5.006000| SvPVutf8||5.006000| SvPVx||| SvPV||| SvREFCNT_dec||| SvREFCNT_inc_NN|5.009004||p SvREFCNT_inc_simple_NN|5.009004||p SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void_NN|5.009004||p SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void|5.009004||p SvREFCNT_inc_simple|5.009004||p SvREFCNT_inc_void_NN|5.009004||p SvREFCNT_inc_void|5.009004||p SvREFCNT_inc|||p SvREFCNT||| SvROK_off||| SvROK_on||| SvROK||| SvRV_set|5.009003||p SvRV||| SvRXOK||5.009005| SvRX||5.009005| SvSETMAGIC||| SvSHARED_HASH|5.009003||p SvSHARE||5.007003| SvSTASH_set|5.009003||p SvSTASH||| SvSetMagicSV_nosteal||5.004000| SvSetMagicSV||5.004000| SvSetSV_nosteal||5.004000| SvSetSV||| SvTAINTED_off||5.004000| SvTAINTED_on||5.004000| SvTAINTED||5.004000| SvTAINT||| SvTRUE||| SvTYPE||| SvUNLOCK||5.007003| SvUOK|5.007001|5.006000|p SvUPGRADE||| SvUTF8_off||5.006000| SvUTF8_on||5.006000| SvUTF8||5.006000| SvUVXx|5.004000||p SvUVX|5.004000||p SvUV_nomg|5.009001||p SvUV_set|5.009003||p SvUVx|5.004000||p SvUV|5.004000||p SvVOK||5.008001| SvVSTRING_mg|5.009004||p THIS|||n UNDERBAR|5.009002||p UTF8_MAXBYTES|5.009002||p UVSIZE|5.006000||p UVTYPE|5.006000||p UVXf|5.007001||p UVof|5.006000||p UVuf|5.006000||p UVxf|5.006000||p WARN_ALL|5.006000||p WARN_AMBIGUOUS|5.006000||p WARN_ASSERTIONS|5.009005||p WARN_BAREWORD|5.006000||p WARN_CLOSED|5.006000||p WARN_CLOSURE|5.006000||p WARN_DEBUGGING|5.006000||p WARN_DEPRECATED|5.006000||p WARN_DIGIT|5.006000||p WARN_EXEC|5.006000||p WARN_EXITING|5.006000||p WARN_GLOB|5.006000||p WARN_INPLACE|5.006000||p WARN_INTERNAL|5.006000||p WARN_IO|5.006000||p WARN_LAYER|5.008000||p WARN_MALLOC|5.006000||p WARN_MISC|5.006000||p WARN_NEWLINE|5.006000||p WARN_NUMERIC|5.006000||p WARN_ONCE|5.006000||p WARN_OVERFLOW|5.006000||p WARN_PACK|5.006000||p WARN_PARENTHESIS|5.006000||p WARN_PIPE|5.006000||p WARN_PORTABLE|5.006000||p WARN_PRECEDENCE|5.006000||p WARN_PRINTF|5.006000||p WARN_PROTOTYPE|5.006000||p WARN_QW|5.006000||p WARN_RECURSION|5.006000||p WARN_REDEFINE|5.006000||p WARN_REGEXP|5.006000||p WARN_RESERVED|5.006000||p WARN_SEMICOLON|5.006000||p WARN_SEVERE|5.006000||p WARN_SIGNAL|5.006000||p WARN_SUBSTR|5.006000||p WARN_SYNTAX|5.006000||p WARN_TAINT|5.006000||p WARN_THREADS|5.008000||p WARN_UNINITIALIZED|5.006000||p WARN_UNOPENED|5.006000||p WARN_UNPACK|5.006000||p WARN_UNTIE|5.006000||p WARN_UTF8|5.006000||p WARN_VOID|5.006000||p XCPT_CATCH|5.009002||p XCPT_RETHROW|5.009002||p XCPT_TRY_END|5.009002||p XCPT_TRY_START|5.009002||p XPUSHi||| XPUSHmortal|5.009002||p XPUSHn||| XPUSHp||| XPUSHs||| XPUSHu|5.004000||p XSRETURN_EMPTY||| XSRETURN_IV||| XSRETURN_NO||| XSRETURN_NV||| XSRETURN_PV||| XSRETURN_UNDEF||| XSRETURN_UV|5.008001||p XSRETURN_YES||| XSRETURN|||p XST_mIV||| XST_mNO||| XST_mNV||| XST_mPV||| XST_mUNDEF||| XST_mUV|5.008001||p XST_mYES||| XS_VERSION_BOOTCHECK||| XS_VERSION||| XSprePUSH|5.006000||p XS||| ZeroD|5.009002||p Zero||| _aMY_CXT|5.007003||p _pMY_CXT|5.007003||p aMY_CXT_|5.007003||p aMY_CXT|5.007003||p aTHXR_|5.009005||p aTHXR|5.009005||p aTHX_|5.006000||p aTHX|5.006000||p add_data|||n addmad||| allocmy||| amagic_call||| amagic_cmp_locale||| amagic_cmp||| amagic_i_ncmp||| amagic_ncmp||| any_dup||| ao||| append_elem||| append_list||| append_madprops||| apply_attrs_my||| apply_attrs_string||5.006001| apply_attrs||| apply||| atfork_lock||5.007003|n atfork_unlock||5.007003|n av_arylen_p||5.009003| av_clear||| av_create_and_push||5.009005| av_create_and_unshift_one||5.009005| av_delete||5.006000| av_exists||5.006000| av_extend||| av_fake||| av_fetch||| av_fill||| av_len||| av_make||| av_pop||| av_push||| av_reify||| av_shift||| av_store||| av_undef||| av_unshift||| ax|||n bad_type||| bind_match||| block_end||| block_gimme||5.004000| block_start||| boolSV|5.004000||p boot_core_PerlIO||| boot_core_UNIVERSAL||| boot_core_mro||| boot_core_xsutils||| bytes_from_utf8||5.007001| bytes_to_uni|||n bytes_to_utf8||5.006001| call_argv|5.006000||p call_atexit||5.006000| call_list||5.004000| call_method|5.006000||p call_pv|5.006000||p call_sv|5.006000||p calloc||5.007002|n cando||| cast_i32||5.006000| cast_iv||5.006000| cast_ulong||5.006000| cast_uv||5.006000| check_type_and_open||| check_uni||| checkcomma||| checkposixcc||| ckWARN|5.006000||p ck_anoncode||| ck_bitop||| ck_concat||| ck_defined||| ck_delete||| ck_die||| ck_eof||| ck_eval||| ck_exec||| ck_exists||| ck_exit||| ck_ftst||| ck_fun||| ck_glob||| ck_grep||| ck_index||| ck_join||| ck_lengthconst||| ck_lfun||| ck_listiob||| ck_match||| ck_method||| ck_null||| ck_open||| ck_readline||| ck_repeat||| ck_require||| ck_retarget||| ck_return||| ck_rfun||| ck_rvconst||| ck_sassign||| ck_select||| ck_shift||| ck_sort||| ck_spair||| ck_split||| ck_subr||| ck_substr||| ck_svconst||| ck_trunc||| ck_unpack||| ckwarn_d||5.009003| ckwarn||5.009003| cl_and|||n cl_anything|||n cl_init_zero|||n cl_init|||n cl_is_anything|||n cl_or|||n clear_placeholders||| closest_cop||| convert||| cop_free||| cr_textfilter||| create_eval_scope||| croak_nocontext|||vn croak|||v csighandler||5.009003|n curmad||| custom_op_desc||5.007003| custom_op_name||5.007003| cv_ckproto_len||| cv_ckproto||| cv_clone||| cv_const_sv||5.004000| cv_dump||| cv_undef||| cx_dump||5.005000| cx_dup||| cxinc||| dAXMARK|5.009003||p dAX|5.007002||p dITEMS|5.007002||p dMARK||| dMULTICALL||5.009003| dMY_CXT_SV|5.007003||p dMY_CXT|5.007003||p dNOOP|5.006000||p dORIGMARK||| dSP||| dTHR|5.004050||p dTHXR|5.009005||p dTHXa|5.006000||p dTHXoa|5.006000||p dTHX|5.006000||p dUNDERBAR|5.009002||p dVAR|5.009003||p dXCPT|5.009002||p dXSARGS||| dXSI32||| dXSTARG|5.006000||p deb_curcv||| deb_nocontext|||vn deb_stack_all||| deb_stack_n||| debop||5.005000| debprofdump||5.005000| debprof||| debstackptrs||5.007003| debstack||5.007003| debug_start_match||| deb||5.007003|v del_sv||| delete_eval_scope||| delimcpy||5.004000| deprecate_old||| deprecate||| despatch_signals||5.007001| destroy_matcher||| die_nocontext|||vn die_where||| die|||v dirp_dup||| div128||| djSP||| do_aexec5||| do_aexec||| do_aspawn||| do_binmode||5.004050| do_chomp||| do_chop||| do_close||| do_dump_pad||| do_eof||| do_exec3||| do_execfree||| do_exec||| do_gv_dump||5.006000| do_gvgv_dump||5.006000| do_hv_dump||5.006000| do_ipcctl||| do_ipcget||| do_join||| do_kv||| do_magic_dump||5.006000| do_msgrcv||| do_msgsnd||| do_oddball||| do_op_dump||5.006000| do_op_xmldump||| do_open9||5.006000| do_openn||5.007001| do_open||5.004000| do_pipe||| do_pmop_dump||5.006000| do_pmop_xmldump||| do_print||| do_readline||| do_seek||| do_semop||| do_shmio||| do_smartmatch||| do_spawn_nowait||| do_spawn||| do_sprintf||| do_sv_dump||5.006000| do_sysseek||| do_tell||| do_trans_complex_utf8||| do_trans_complex||| do_trans_count_utf8||| do_trans_count||| do_trans_simple_utf8||| do_trans_simple||| do_trans||| do_vecget||| do_vecset||| do_vop||| docatch_body||| docatch||| doeval||| dofile||| dofindlabel||| doform||| doing_taint||5.008001|n dooneliner||| doopen_pm||| doparseform||| dopoptoeval||| dopoptogiven||| dopoptolabel||| dopoptoloop||| dopoptosub_at||| dopoptosub||| dopoptowhen||| doref||5.009003| dounwind||| dowantarray||| dump_all||5.006000| dump_eval||5.006000| dump_exec_pos||| dump_fds||| dump_form||5.006000| dump_indent||5.006000|v dump_mstats||| dump_packsubs||5.006000| dump_sub||5.006000| dump_sv_child||| dump_trie_interim_list||| dump_trie_interim_table||| dump_trie||| dump_vindent||5.006000| dumpuntil||| dup_attrlist||| emulate_cop_io||| emulate_eaccess||| eval_pv|5.006000||p eval_sv|5.006000||p exec_failed||| expect_number||| fbm_compile||5.005000| fbm_instr||5.005000| fd_on_nosuid_fs||| feature_is_enabled||| filter_add||| filter_del||| filter_gets||| filter_read||| find_and_forget_pmops||| find_array_subscript||| find_beginning||| find_byclass||| find_hash_subscript||| find_in_my_stash||| find_runcv||5.008001| find_rundefsvoffset||5.009002| find_script||| find_uninit_var||| first_symbol|||n fold_constants||| forbid_setid||| force_ident||| force_list||| force_next||| force_version||| force_word||| forget_pmop||| form_nocontext|||vn form||5.004000|v fp_dup||| fprintf_nocontext|||vn free_global_struct||| free_tied_hv_pool||| free_tmps||| gen_constant_list||| get_arena||| get_av|5.006000||p get_context||5.006000|n get_cvn_flags||5.009005| get_cv|5.006000||p get_db_sub||| get_debug_opts||| get_hash_seed||| get_hv|5.006000||p get_mstats||| get_no_modify||| get_num||| get_op_descs||5.005000| get_op_names||5.005000| get_opargs||| get_ppaddr||5.006000| get_re_arg||| get_sv|5.006000||p get_vtbl||5.005030| getcwd_sv||5.007002| getenv_len||| glob_2number||| glob_2pv||| glob_assign_glob||| glob_assign_ref||| gp_dup||| gp_free||| gp_ref||| grok_bin|5.007003||p grok_hex|5.007003||p grok_number|5.007002||p grok_numeric_radix|5.007002||p grok_oct|5.007003||p group_end||| gv_AVadd||| gv_HVadd||| gv_IOadd||| gv_SVadd||| gv_autoload4||5.004000| gv_check||| gv_const_sv||5.009003| gv_dump||5.006000| gv_efullname3||5.004000| gv_efullname4||5.006001| gv_efullname||| gv_ename||| gv_fetchfile_flags||5.009005| gv_fetchfile||| gv_fetchmeth_autoload||5.007003| gv_fetchmethod_autoload||5.004000| gv_fetchmethod||| gv_fetchmeth||| gv_fetchpvn_flags||5.009002| gv_fetchpv||| gv_fetchsv||5.009002| gv_fullname3||5.004000| gv_fullname4||5.006001| gv_fullname||| gv_handler||5.007001| gv_init_sv||| gv_init||| gv_name_set||5.009004| gv_stashpvn|5.004000||p gv_stashpvs||5.009003| gv_stashpv||| gv_stashsv||| he_dup||| hek_dup||| hfreeentries||| hsplit||| hv_assert||5.009005| hv_auxinit|||n hv_backreferences_p||| hv_clear_placeholders||5.009001| hv_clear||| hv_copy_hints_hv||| hv_delayfree_ent||5.004000| hv_delete_common||| hv_delete_ent||5.004000| hv_delete||| hv_eiter_p||5.009003| hv_eiter_set||5.009003| hv_exists_ent||5.004000| hv_exists||| hv_fetch_common||| hv_fetch_ent||5.004000| hv_fetchs|5.009003||p hv_fetch||| hv_free_ent||5.004000| hv_iterinit||| hv_iterkeysv||5.004000| hv_iterkey||| hv_iternext_flags||5.008000| hv_iternextsv||| hv_iternext||| hv_iterval||| hv_kill_backrefs||| hv_ksplit||5.004000| hv_magic_check|||n hv_magic_uvar_xkey||| hv_magic||| hv_name_set||5.009003| hv_notallowed||| hv_placeholders_get||5.009003| hv_placeholders_p||5.009003| hv_placeholders_set||5.009003| hv_riter_p||5.009003| hv_riter_set||5.009003| hv_scalar||5.009001| hv_store_ent||5.004000| hv_store_flags||5.008000| hv_stores|5.009004||p hv_store||| hv_undef||| ibcmp_locale||5.004000| ibcmp_utf8||5.007003| ibcmp||| incl_perldb||| incline||| incpush_if_exists||| incpush||| ingroup||| init_argv_symbols||| init_debugger||| init_global_struct||| init_i18nl10n||5.006000| init_i18nl14n||5.006000| init_ids||| init_interp||| init_main_stash||| init_perllib||| init_postdump_symbols||| init_predump_symbols||| init_stacks||5.005000| init_tm||5.007002| instr||| intro_my||| intuit_method||| intuit_more||| invert||| io_close||| isALNUM||| isALPHA||| isDIGIT||| isLOWER||| isSPACE||| isUPPER||| is_an_int||| is_gv_magical_sv||| is_gv_magical||| is_handle_constructor|||n is_list_assignment||| is_lvalue_sub||5.007001| is_uni_alnum_lc||5.006000| is_uni_alnumc_lc||5.006000| is_uni_alnumc||5.006000| is_uni_alnum||5.006000| is_uni_alpha_lc||5.006000| is_uni_alpha||5.006000| is_uni_ascii_lc||5.006000| is_uni_ascii||5.006000| is_uni_cntrl_lc||5.006000| is_uni_cntrl||5.006000| is_uni_digit_lc||5.006000| is_uni_digit||5.006000| is_uni_graph_lc||5.006000| is_uni_graph||5.006000| is_uni_idfirst_lc||5.006000| is_uni_idfirst||5.006000| is_uni_lower_lc||5.006000| is_uni_lower||5.006000| is_uni_print_lc||5.006000| is_uni_print||5.006000| is_uni_punct_lc||5.006000| is_uni_punct||5.006000| is_uni_space_lc||5.006000| is_uni_space||5.006000| is_uni_upper_lc||5.006000| is_uni_upper||5.006000| is_uni_xdigit_lc||5.006000| is_uni_xdigit||5.006000| is_utf8_alnumc||5.006000| is_utf8_alnum||5.006000| is_utf8_alpha||5.006000| is_utf8_ascii||5.006000| is_utf8_char_slow|||n is_utf8_char||5.006000| is_utf8_cntrl||5.006000| is_utf8_common||| is_utf8_digit||5.006000| is_utf8_graph||5.006000| is_utf8_idcont||5.008000| is_utf8_idfirst||5.006000| is_utf8_lower||5.006000| is_utf8_mark||5.006000| is_utf8_print||5.006000| is_utf8_punct||5.006000| is_utf8_space||5.006000| is_utf8_string_loclen||5.009003| is_utf8_string_loc||5.008001| is_utf8_string||5.006001| is_utf8_upper||5.006000| is_utf8_xdigit||5.006000| isa_lookup||| items|||n ix|||n jmaybe||| join_exact||| keyword||| leave_scope||| lex_end||| lex_start||| linklist||| listkids||| list||| load_module_nocontext|||vn load_module|5.006000||pv localize||| looks_like_bool||| looks_like_number||| lop||| mPUSHi|5.009002||p mPUSHn|5.009002||p mPUSHp|5.009002||p mPUSHu|5.009002||p mXPUSHi|5.009002||p mXPUSHn|5.009002||p mXPUSHp|5.009002||p mXPUSHu|5.009002||p mad_free||| madlex||| madparse||| magic_clear_all_env||| magic_clearenv||| magic_clearhint||| magic_clearpack||| magic_clearsig||| magic_dump||5.006000| magic_existspack||| magic_freearylen_p||| magic_freeovrld||| magic_freeregexp||| magic_getarylen||| magic_getdefelem||| magic_getnkeys||| magic_getpack||| magic_getpos||| magic_getsig||| magic_getsubstr||| magic_gettaint||| magic_getuvar||| magic_getvec||| magic_get||| magic_killbackrefs||| magic_len||| magic_methcall||| magic_methpack||| magic_nextpack||| magic_regdata_cnt||| magic_regdatum_get||| magic_regdatum_set||| magic_scalarpack||| magic_set_all_env||| magic_setamagic||| magic_setarylen||| magic_setbm||| magic_setcollxfrm||| magic_setdbline||| magic_setdefelem||| magic_setenv||| magic_setfm||| magic_setglob||| magic_sethint||| magic_setisa||| magic_setmglob||| magic_setnkeys||| magic_setpack||| magic_setpos||| magic_setregexp||| magic_setsig||| magic_setsubstr||| magic_settaint||| magic_setutf8||| magic_setuvar||| magic_setvec||| magic_set||| magic_sizepack||| magic_wipepack||| magicname||| make_matcher||| make_trie_failtable||| make_trie||| malloced_size|||n malloc||5.007002|n markstack_grow||| matcher_matches_sv||| measure_struct||| memEQ|5.004000||p memNE|5.004000||p mem_collxfrm||| mess_alloc||| mess_nocontext|||vn mess||5.006000|v method_common||| mfree||5.007002|n mg_clear||| mg_copy||| mg_dup||| mg_find||| mg_free||| mg_get||| mg_length||5.005000| mg_localize||| mg_magical||| mg_set||| mg_size||5.005000| mini_mktime||5.007002| missingterm||| mode_from_discipline||| modkids||| mod||| more_bodies||| more_sv||| moreswitches||| mro_get_linear_isa_c3||5.009005| mro_get_linear_isa_dfs||5.009005| mro_get_linear_isa||5.009005| mro_isa_changed_in||| mro_meta_dup||| mro_meta_init||| mro_method_changed_in||5.009005| mul128||| mulexp10|||n my_atof2||5.007002| my_atof||5.006000| my_attrs||| my_bcopy|||n my_betoh16|||n my_betoh32|||n my_betoh64|||n my_betohi|||n my_betohl|||n my_betohs|||n my_bzero|||n my_chsize||| my_clearenv||| my_cxt_index||| my_cxt_init||| my_dirfd||5.009005| my_exit_jump||| my_exit||| my_failure_exit||5.004000| my_fflush_all||5.006000| my_fork||5.007003|n my_htobe16|||n my_htobe32|||n my_htobe64|||n my_htobei|||n my_htobel|||n my_htobes|||n my_htole16|||n my_htole32|||n my_htole64|||n my_htolei|||n my_htolel|||n my_htoles|||n my_htonl||| my_kid||| my_letoh16|||n my_letoh32|||n my_letoh64|||n my_letohi|||n my_letohl|||n my_letohs|||n my_lstat||| my_memcmp||5.004000|n my_memset|||n my_ntohl||| my_pclose||5.004000| my_popen_list||5.007001| my_popen||5.004000| my_setenv||| my_snprintf|5.009004||pvn my_socketpair||5.007003|n my_sprintf||5.009003|vn my_stat||| my_strftime||5.007002| my_strlcat|5.009004||pn my_strlcpy|5.009004||pn my_swabn|||n my_swap||| my_unexec||| my_vsnprintf||5.009004|n my||| need_utf8|||n newANONATTRSUB||5.006000| newANONHASH||| newANONLIST||| newANONSUB||| newASSIGNOP||| newATTRSUB||5.006000| newAVREF||| newAV||| newBINOP||| newCONDOP||| newCONSTSUB|5.004050||p newCVREF||| newDEFSVOP||| newFORM||| newFOROP||| newGIVENOP||5.009003| newGIVWHENOP||| newGP||| newGVOP||| newGVREF||| newGVgen||| newHVREF||| newHVhv||5.005000| newHV||| newIO||| newLISTOP||| newLOGOP||| newLOOPEX||| newLOOPOP||| newMADPROP||| newMADsv||| newMYSUB||| newNULLLIST||| newOP||| newPADOP||| newPMOP||| newPROG||| newPVOP||| newRANGE||| newRV_inc|5.004000||p newRV_noinc|5.004000||p newRV||| newSLICEOP||| newSTATEOP||| newSUB||| newSVOP||| newSVREF||| newSV_type||5.009005| newSVhek||5.009003| newSViv||| newSVnv||| newSVpvf_nocontext|||vn newSVpvf||5.004000|v newSVpvn_share|5.007001||p newSVpvn|5.004050||p newSVpvs_share||5.009003| newSVpvs|5.009003||p newSVpv||| newSVrv||| newSVsv||| newSVuv|5.006000||p newSV||| newTOKEN||| newUNOP||| newWHENOP||5.009003| newWHILEOP||5.009003| newXS_flags||5.009004| newXSproto||5.006000| newXS||5.006000| new_collate||5.006000| new_constant||| new_ctype||5.006000| new_he||| new_logop||| new_numeric||5.006000| new_stackinfo||5.005000| new_version||5.009000| new_warnings_bitfield||| next_symbol||| nextargv||| nextchar||| ninstr||| no_bareword_allowed||| no_fh_allowed||| no_op||| not_a_number||| nothreadhook||5.008000| nuke_stacks||| num_overflow|||n offer_nice_chunk||| oopsAV||| oopsCV||| oopsHV||| op_clear||| op_const_sv||| op_dump||5.006000| op_free||| op_getmad_weak||| op_getmad||| op_null||5.007002| op_refcnt_dec||| op_refcnt_inc||| op_refcnt_lock||5.009002| op_refcnt_unlock||5.009002| op_xmldump||| open_script||| pMY_CXT_|5.007003||p pMY_CXT|5.007003||p pTHX_|5.006000||p pTHX|5.006000||p packWARN|5.007003||p pack_cat||5.007003| pack_rec||| package||| packlist||5.008001| pad_add_anon||| pad_add_name||| pad_alloc||| pad_block_start||| pad_check_dup||| pad_compname_type||| pad_findlex||| pad_findmy||| pad_fixup_inner_anons||| pad_free||| pad_leavemy||| pad_new||| pad_peg|||n pad_push||| pad_reset||| pad_setsv||| pad_sv||5.009005| pad_swipe||| pad_tidy||| pad_undef||| parse_body||| parse_unicode_opts||| parser_dup||| parser_free||| path_is_absolute|||n peep||| pending_Slabs_to_ro||| perl_alloc_using|||n perl_alloc|||n perl_clone_using|||n perl_clone|||n perl_construct|||n perl_destruct||5.007003|n perl_free|||n perl_parse||5.006000|n perl_run|||n pidgone||| pm_description||| pmflag||| pmop_dump||5.006000| pmop_xmldump||| pmruntime||| pmtrans||| pop_scope||| pregcomp||5.009005| pregexec||| pregfree||| prepend_elem||| prepend_madprops||| printbuf||| printf_nocontext|||vn process_special_blocks||| ptr_table_clear||5.009005| ptr_table_fetch||5.009005| ptr_table_find|||n ptr_table_free||5.009005| ptr_table_new||5.009005| ptr_table_split||5.009005| ptr_table_store||5.009005| push_scope||| put_byte||| pv_display||5.006000| pv_escape||5.009004| pv_pretty||5.009004| pv_uni_display||5.007003| qerror||| qsortsvu||| re_compile||5.009005| re_croak2||| re_dup||| re_intuit_start||5.009005| re_intuit_string||5.006000| readpipe_override||| realloc||5.007002|n reentrant_free||| reentrant_init||| reentrant_retry|||vn reentrant_size||| ref_array_or_hash||| refcounted_he_chain_2hv||| refcounted_he_fetch||| refcounted_he_free||| refcounted_he_new||| refcounted_he_value||| refkids||| refto||| ref||5.009003| reg_check_named_buff_matched||| reg_named_buff_all||5.009005| reg_named_buff_exists||5.009005| reg_named_buff_fetch||5.009005| reg_named_buff_firstkey||5.009005| reg_named_buff_iter||| reg_named_buff_nextkey||5.009005| reg_named_buff_scalar||5.009005| reg_named_buff||| reg_namedseq||| reg_node||| reg_numbered_buff_fetch||| reg_numbered_buff_length||| reg_numbered_buff_store||| reg_qr_package||| reg_recode||| reg_scan_name||| reg_skipcomment||| reg_stringify||5.009005| reg_temp_copy||| reganode||| regatom||| regbranch||| regclass_swash||5.009004| regclass||| regcppop||| regcppush||| regcurly|||n regdump_extflags||| regdump||5.005000| regdupe_internal||| regexec_flags||5.005000| regfree_internal||5.009005| reghop3|||n reghop4|||n reghopmaybe3|||n reginclass||| reginitcolors||5.006000| reginsert||| regmatch||| regnext||5.005000| regpiece||| regpposixcc||| regprop||| regrepeat||| regtail_study||| regtail||| regtry||| reguni||| regwhite|||n reg||| repeatcpy||| report_evil_fh||| report_uninit||| require_pv||5.006000| require_tie_mod||| restore_magic||| rninstr||| rsignal_restore||| rsignal_save||| rsignal_state||5.004000| rsignal||5.004000| run_body||| run_user_filter||| runops_debug||5.005000| runops_standard||5.005000| rvpv_dup||| rxres_free||| rxres_restore||| rxres_save||| safesyscalloc||5.006000|n safesysfree||5.006000|n safesysmalloc||5.006000|n safesysrealloc||5.006000|n same_dirent||| save_I16||5.004000| save_I32||| save_I8||5.006000| save_aelem||5.004050| save_alloc||5.006000| save_aptr||| save_ary||| save_bool||5.008001| save_clearsv||| save_delete||| save_destructor_x||5.006000| save_destructor||5.006000| save_freeop||| save_freepv||| save_freesv||| save_generic_pvref||5.006001| save_generic_svref||5.005030| save_gp||5.004000| save_hash||| save_hek_flags|||n save_helem||5.004050| save_hints||5.005000| save_hptr||| save_int||| save_item||| save_iv||5.005000| save_lines||| save_list||| save_long||| save_magic||| save_mortalizesv||5.007001| save_nogv||| save_op||| save_padsv||5.007001| save_pptr||| save_re_context||5.006000| save_scalar_at||| save_scalar||| save_set_svflags||5.009000| save_shared_pvref||5.007003| save_sptr||| save_svref||| save_vptr||5.006000| savepvn||| savepvs||5.009003| savepv||| savesharedpvn||5.009005| savesharedpv||5.007003| savestack_grow_cnt||5.008001| savestack_grow||| savesvpv||5.009002| sawparens||| scalar_mod_type|||n scalarboolean||| scalarkids||| scalarseq||| scalarvoid||| scalar||| scan_bin||5.006000| scan_commit||| scan_const||| scan_formline||| scan_heredoc||| scan_hex||| scan_ident||| scan_inputsymbol||| scan_num||5.007001| scan_oct||| scan_pat||| scan_str||| scan_subst||| scan_trans||| scan_version||5.009001| scan_vstring||5.009005| scan_word||| scope||| screaminstr||5.005000| seed||5.008001| sequence_num||| sequence_tail||| sequence||| set_context||5.006000|n set_csh||| set_numeric_local||5.006000| set_numeric_radix||5.006000| set_numeric_standard||5.006000| setdefout||| setenv_getix||| share_hek_flags||| share_hek||5.004000| si_dup||| sighandler|||n simplify_sort||| skipspace0||| skipspace1||| skipspace2||| skipspace||| softref2xv||| sortcv_stacked||| sortcv_xsub||| sortcv||| sortsv_flags||5.009003| sortsv||5.007003| space_join_names_mortal||| ss_dup||| stack_grow||| start_force||| start_glob||| start_subparse||5.004000| stashpv_hvname_match||5.009005| stdize_locale||| strEQ||| strGE||| strGT||| strLE||| strLT||| strNE||| str_to_version||5.006000| strip_return||| strnEQ||| strnNE||| study_chunk||| sub_crush_depth||| sublex_done||| sublex_push||| sublex_start||| sv_2bool||| sv_2cv||| sv_2io||| sv_2iuv_common||| sv_2iuv_non_preserve||| sv_2iv_flags||5.009001| sv_2iv||| sv_2mortal||| sv_2nv||| sv_2pv_flags|5.007002||p sv_2pv_nolen|5.006000||p sv_2pvbyte_nolen|5.006000||p sv_2pvbyte|5.006000||p sv_2pvutf8_nolen||5.006000| sv_2pvutf8||5.006000| sv_2pv||| sv_2uv_flags||5.009001| sv_2uv|5.004000||p sv_add_arena||| sv_add_backref||| sv_backoff||| sv_bless||| sv_cat_decode||5.008001| sv_catpv_mg|5.004050||p sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext|||pvn sv_catpvf_mg|5.006000|5.004000|pv sv_catpvf_nocontext|||vn sv_catpvf||5.004000|v sv_catpvn_flags||5.007002| sv_catpvn_mg|5.004050||p sv_catpvn_nomg|5.007002||p sv_catpvn||| sv_catpvs|5.009003||p sv_catpv||| sv_catsv_flags||5.007002| sv_catsv_mg|5.004050||p sv_catsv_nomg|5.007002||p sv_catsv||| sv_catxmlpvn||| sv_catxmlsv||| sv_chop||| sv_clean_all||| sv_clean_objs||| sv_clear||| sv_cmp_locale||5.004000| sv_cmp||| sv_collxfrm||| sv_compile_2op||5.008001| sv_copypv||5.007003| sv_dec||| sv_del_backref||| sv_derived_from||5.004000| sv_does||5.009004| sv_dump||| sv_dup||| sv_eq||| sv_exp_grow||| sv_force_normal_flags||5.007001| sv_force_normal||5.006000| sv_free2||| sv_free_arenas||| sv_free||| sv_gets||5.004000| sv_grow||| sv_i_ncmp||| sv_inc||| sv_insert||| sv_isa||| sv_isobject||| sv_iv||5.005000| sv_kill_backrefs||| sv_len_utf8||5.006000| sv_len||| sv_magic_portable|5.009005|5.004000|p sv_magicext||5.007003| sv_magic||| sv_mortalcopy||| sv_ncmp||| sv_newmortal||| sv_newref||| sv_nolocking||5.007003| sv_nosharing||5.007003| sv_nounlocking||| sv_nv||5.005000| sv_peek||5.005000| sv_pos_b2u_midway||| sv_pos_b2u||5.006000| sv_pos_u2b_cached||| sv_pos_u2b_forwards|||n sv_pos_u2b_midway|||n sv_pos_u2b||5.006000| sv_pvbyten_force||5.006000| sv_pvbyten||5.006000| sv_pvbyte||5.006000| sv_pvn_force_flags|5.007002||p sv_pvn_force||| sv_pvn_nomg|5.007003||p sv_pvn||| sv_pvutf8n_force||5.006000| sv_pvutf8n||5.006000| sv_pvutf8||5.006000| sv_pv||5.006000| sv_recode_to_utf8||5.007003| sv_reftype||| sv_release_COW||| sv_replace||| sv_report_used||| sv_reset||| sv_rvweaken||5.006000| sv_setiv_mg|5.004050||p sv_setiv||| sv_setnv_mg|5.006000||p sv_setnv||| sv_setpv_mg|5.004050||p sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext|||pvn sv_setpvf_mg|5.006000|5.004000|pv sv_setpvf_nocontext|||vn sv_setpvf||5.004000|v sv_setpviv_mg||5.008001| sv_setpviv||5.008001| sv_setpvn_mg|5.004050||p sv_setpvn||| sv_setpvs|5.009004||p sv_setpv||| sv_setref_iv||| sv_setref_nv||| sv_setref_pvn||| sv_setref_pv||| sv_setref_uv||5.007001| sv_setsv_cow||| sv_setsv_flags||5.007002| sv_setsv_mg|5.004050||p sv_setsv_nomg|5.007002||p sv_setsv||| sv_setuv_mg|5.004050||p sv_setuv|5.004000||p sv_tainted||5.004000| sv_taint||5.004000| sv_true||5.005000| sv_unglob||| sv_uni_display||5.007003| sv_unmagic||| sv_unref_flags||5.007001| sv_unref||| sv_untaint||5.004000| sv_upgrade||| sv_usepvn_flags||5.009004| sv_usepvn_mg|5.004050||p sv_usepvn||| sv_utf8_decode||5.006000| sv_utf8_downgrade||5.006000| sv_utf8_encode||5.006000| sv_utf8_upgrade_flags||5.007002| sv_utf8_upgrade||5.007001| sv_uv|5.005000||p sv_vcatpvf_mg|5.006000|5.004000|p sv_vcatpvfn||5.004000| sv_vcatpvf|5.006000|5.004000|p sv_vsetpvf_mg|5.006000|5.004000|p sv_vsetpvfn||5.004000| sv_vsetpvf|5.006000|5.004000|p sv_xmlpeek||| svtype||| swallow_bom||| swash_fetch||5.007002| swash_get||| swash_init||5.006000| sys_intern_clear||| sys_intern_dup||| sys_intern_init||| taint_env||| taint_proper||| tmps_grow||5.006000| toLOWER||| toUPPER||| to_byte_substr||| to_uni_fold||5.007003| to_uni_lower_lc||5.006000| to_uni_lower||5.007003| to_uni_title_lc||5.006000| to_uni_title||5.007003| to_uni_upper_lc||5.006000| to_uni_upper||5.007003| to_utf8_case||5.007003| to_utf8_fold||5.007003| to_utf8_lower||5.007003| to_utf8_substr||| to_utf8_title||5.007003| to_utf8_upper||5.007003| token_free||| token_getmad||| tokenize_use||| tokeq||| tokereport||| too_few_arguments||| too_many_arguments||| uiv_2buf|||n unlnk||| unpack_rec||| unpack_str||5.007003| unpackstring||5.008001| unshare_hek_or_pvn||| unshare_hek||| unsharepvn||5.004000| unwind_handler_stack||| update_debugger_info||| upg_version||5.009005| usage||| utf16_to_utf8_reversed||5.006001| utf16_to_utf8||5.006001| utf8_distance||5.006000| utf8_hop||5.006000| utf8_length||5.007001| utf8_mg_pos_cache_update||| utf8_to_bytes||5.006001| utf8_to_uvchr||5.007001| utf8_to_uvuni||5.007001| utf8n_to_uvchr||| utf8n_to_uvuni||5.007001| utilize||| uvchr_to_utf8_flags||5.007003| uvchr_to_utf8||| uvuni_to_utf8_flags||5.007003| uvuni_to_utf8||5.007001| validate_suid||| varname||| vcmp||5.009000| vcroak||5.006000| vdeb||5.007003| vdie_common||| vdie_croak_common||| vdie||| vform||5.006000| visit||| vivify_defelem||| vivify_ref||| vload_module|5.006000||p vmess||5.006000| vnewSVpvf|5.006000|5.004000|p vnormal||5.009002| vnumify||5.009000| vstringify||5.009000| vverify||5.009003| vwarner||5.006000| vwarn||5.006000| wait4pid||| warn_nocontext|||vn warner_nocontext|||vn warner|5.006000|5.004000|pv warn|||v watch||| whichsig||| write_no_mem||| write_to_stderr||| xmldump_all||| xmldump_attr||| xmldump_eval||| xmldump_form||| xmldump_indent|||v xmldump_packsubs||| xmldump_sub||| xmldump_vindent||| yyerror||| yylex||| yyparse||| yywarn||| ); if (exists $opt{'list-unsupported'}) { my $f; for $f (sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %API) { next unless $API{$f}{todo}; print "$f ", '.'x(40-length($f)), " ", format_version($API{$f}{todo}), "\n"; } exit 0; } # Scan for possible replacement candidates my(%replace, %need, %hints, %warnings, %depends); my $replace = 0; my($hint, $define, $function); sub find_api { my $code = shift; $code =~ s{ / (?: \*[^*]*\*+(?:[^$ccs][^*]*\*+)* / | /[^\r\n]*) | "[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*" | '[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*' }{}egsx; grep { exists $API{$_} } $code =~ /(\w+)/mg; } while () { if ($hint) { my $h = $hint->[0] eq 'Hint' ? \%hints : \%warnings; if (m{^\s*\*\s(.*?)\s*$}) { for (@{$hint->[1]}) { $h->{$_} ||= ''; # suppress warning with older perls $h->{$_} .= "$1\n"; } } else { undef $hint } } $hint = [$1, [split /,?\s+/, $2]] if m{^\s*$rccs\s+(Hint|Warning):\s+(\w+(?:,?\s+\w+)*)\s*$}; if ($define) { if ($define->[1] =~ /\\$/) { $define->[1] .= $_; } else { if (exists $API{$define->[0]} && $define->[1] !~ /^DPPP_\(/) { my @n = find_api($define->[1]); push @{$depends{$define->[0]}}, @n if @n } undef $define; } } $define = [$1, $2] if m{^\s*#\s*define\s+(\w+)(?:\([^)]*\))?\s+(.*)}; if ($function) { if (/^}/) { if (exists $API{$function->[0]}) { my @n = find_api($function->[1]); push @{$depends{$function->[0]}}, @n if @n } undef $define; } else { $function->[1] .= $_; } } $function = [$1, ''] if m{^DPPP_\(my_(\w+)\)}; $replace = $1 if m{^\s*$rccs\s+Replace:\s+(\d+)\s+$rcce\s*$}; $replace{$2} = $1 if $replace and m{^\s*#\s*define\s+(\w+)(?:\([^)]*\))?\s+(\w+)}; $replace{$2} = $1 if m{^\s*#\s*define\s+(\w+)(?:\([^)]*\))?\s+(\w+).*$rccs\s+Replace\s+$rcce}; $replace{$1} = $2 if m{^\s*$rccs\s+Replace (\w+) with (\w+)\s+$rcce\s*$}; if (m{^\s*$rccs\s+(\w+)\s+depends\s+on\s+(\w+(\s*,\s*\w+)*)\s+$rcce\s*$}) { push @{$depends{$1}}, map { s/\s+//g; $_ } split /,/, $2; } $need{$1} = 1 if m{^#if\s+defined\(NEED_(\w+)(?:_GLOBAL)?\)}; } for (values %depends) { my %s; $_ = [sort grep !$s{$_}++, @$_]; } if (exists $opt{'api-info'}) { my $f; my $count = 0; my $match = $opt{'api-info'} =~ m!^/(.*)/$! ? $1 : "^\Q$opt{'api-info'}\E\$"; for $f (sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %API) { next unless $f =~ /$match/; print "\n=== $f ===\n\n"; my $info = 0; if ($API{$f}{base} || $API{$f}{todo}) { my $base = format_version($API{$f}{base} || $API{$f}{todo}); print "Supported at least starting from perl-$base.\n"; $info++; } if ($API{$f}{provided}) { my $todo = $API{$f}{todo} ? format_version($API{$f}{todo}) : "5.003"; print "Support by $ppport provided back to perl-$todo.\n"; print "Support needs to be explicitly requested by NEED_$f.\n" if exists $need{$f}; print "Depends on: ", join(', ', @{$depends{$f}}), ".\n" if exists $depends{$f}; print "\n$hints{$f}" if exists $hints{$f}; print "\nWARNING:\n$warnings{$f}" if exists $warnings{$f}; $info++; } print "No portability information available.\n" unless $info; $count++; } $count or print "Found no API matching '$opt{'api-info'}'."; print "\n"; exit 0; } if (exists $opt{'list-provided'}) { my $f; for $f (sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %API) { next unless $API{$f}{provided}; my @flags; push @flags, 'explicit' if exists $need{$f}; push @flags, 'depend' if exists $depends{$f}; push @flags, 'hint' if exists $hints{$f}; push @flags, 'warning' if exists $warnings{$f}; my $flags = @flags ? ' ['.join(', ', @flags).']' : ''; print "$f$flags\n"; } exit 0; } my @files; my @srcext = qw( .xs .c .h .cc .cpp -c.inc -xs.inc ); my $srcext = join '|', map { quotemeta $_ } @srcext; if (@ARGV) { my %seen; for (@ARGV) { if (-e) { if (-f) { push @files, $_ unless $seen{$_}++; } else { warn "'$_' is not a file.\n" } } else { my @new = grep { -f } glob $_ or warn "'$_' does not exist.\n"; push @files, grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @new; } } } else { eval { require File::Find; File::Find::find(sub { $File::Find::name =~ /($srcext)$/i and push @files, $File::Find::name; }, '.'); }; if ($@) { @files = map { glob "*$_" } @srcext; } } if (!@ARGV || $opt{filter}) { my(@in, @out); my %xsc = map { /(.*)\.xs$/ ? ("$1.c" => 1, "$1.cc" => 1) : () } @files; for (@files) { my $out = exists $xsc{$_} || /\b\Q$ppport\E$/i || !/($srcext)$/i; push @{ $out ? \@out : \@in }, $_; } if (@ARGV && @out) { warning("Skipping the following files (use --nofilter to avoid this):\n| ", join "\n| ", @out); } @files = @in; } die "No input files given!\n" unless @files; my(%files, %global, %revreplace); %revreplace = reverse %replace; my $filename; my $patch_opened = 0; for $filename (@files) { unless (open IN, "<$filename") { warn "Unable to read from $filename: $!\n"; next; } info("Scanning $filename ..."); my $c = do { local $/; }; close IN; my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0); # Temporarily remove C/XS comments and strings from the code my @ccom; $c =~ s{ ( ^$HS*\#$HS*include\b[^\r\n]+\b(?:\Q$ppport\E|XSUB\.h)\b[^\r\n]* | ^$HS*\#$HS*(?:define|elif|if(?:def)?)\b[^\r\n]* ) | ( ^$HS*\#[^\r\n]* | "[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*" | '[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*' | / (?: \*[^*]*\*+(?:[^$ccs][^*]*\*+)* / | /[^\r\n]* ) ) }{ defined $2 and push @ccom, $2; defined $1 ? $1 : "$ccs$#ccom$cce" }mgsex; $file{ccom} = \@ccom; $file{code} = $c; $file{has_inc_ppport} = $c =~ /^$HS*#$HS*include[^\r\n]+\b\Q$ppport\E\b/m; my $func; for $func (keys %API) { my $match = $func; $match .= "|$revreplace{$func}" if exists $revreplace{$func}; if ($c =~ /\b(?:Perl_)?($match)\b/) { $file{uses_replace}{$1}++ if exists $revreplace{$func} && $1 eq $revreplace{$func}; $file{uses_Perl}{$func}++ if $c =~ /\bPerl_$func\b/; if (exists $API{$func}{provided}) { $file{uses_provided}{$func}++; if (!exists $API{$func}{base} || $API{$func}{base} > $opt{'compat-version'}) { $file{uses}{$func}++; my @deps = rec_depend($func); if (@deps) { $file{uses_deps}{$func} = \@deps; for (@deps) { $file{uses}{$_} = 0 unless exists $file{uses}{$_}; } } for ($func, @deps) { $file{needs}{$_} = 'static' if exists $need{$_}; } } } if (exists $API{$func}{todo} && $API{$func}{todo} > $opt{'compat-version'}) { if ($c =~ /\b$func\b/) { $file{uses_todo}{$func}++; } } } } while ($c =~ /^$HS*#$HS*define$HS+(NEED_(\w+?)(_GLOBAL)?)\b/mg) { if (exists $need{$2}) { $file{defined $3 ? 'needed_global' : 'needed_static'}{$2}++; } else { warning("Possibly wrong #define $1 in $filename") } } for (qw(uses needs uses_todo needed_global needed_static)) { for $func (keys %{$file{$_}}) { push @{$global{$_}{$func}}, $filename; } } $files{$filename} = \%file; } # Globally resolve NEED_'s my $need; for $need (keys %{$global{needs}}) { if (@{$global{needs}{$need}} > 1) { my @targets = @{$global{needs}{$need}}; my @t = grep $files{$_}{needed_global}{$need}, @targets; @targets = @t if @t; @t = grep /\.xs$/i, @targets; @targets = @t if @t; my $target = shift @targets; $files{$target}{needs}{$need} = 'global'; for (@{$global{needs}{$need}}) { $files{$_}{needs}{$need} = 'extern' if $_ ne $target; } } } for $filename (@files) { exists $files{$filename} or next; info("=== Analyzing $filename ==="); my %file = %{$files{$filename}}; my $func; my $c = $file{code}; my $warnings = 0; for $func (sort keys %{$file{uses_Perl}}) { if ($API{$func}{varargs}) { unless ($API{$func}{nothxarg}) { my $changes = ($c =~ s{\b(Perl_$func\s*\(\s*)(?!aTHX_?)(\)|[^\s)]*\))} { $1 . ($2 eq ')' ? 'aTHX' : 'aTHX_ ') . $2 }ge); if ($changes) { warning("Doesn't pass interpreter argument aTHX to Perl_$func"); $file{changes} += $changes; } } } else { warning("Uses Perl_$func instead of $func"); $file{changes} += ($c =~ s{\bPerl_$func(\s*)\((\s*aTHX_?)?\s*} {$func$1(}g); } } for $func (sort keys %{$file{uses_replace}}) { warning("Uses $func instead of $replace{$func}"); $file{changes} += ($c =~ s/\b$func\b/$replace{$func}/g); } for $func (sort keys %{$file{uses_provided}}) { if ($file{uses}{$func}) { if (exists $file{uses_deps}{$func}) { diag("Uses $func, which depends on ", join(', ', @{$file{uses_deps}{$func}})); } else { diag("Uses $func"); } } $warnings += hint($func); } unless ($opt{quiet}) { for $func (sort keys %{$file{uses_todo}}) { print "*** WARNING: Uses $func, which may not be portable below perl ", format_version($API{$func}{todo}), ", even with '$ppport'\n"; $warnings++; } } for $func (sort keys %{$file{needed_static}}) { my $message = ''; if (not exists $file{uses}{$func}) { $message = "No need to define NEED_$func if $func is never used"; } elsif (exists $file{needs}{$func} && $file{needs}{$func} ne 'static') { $message = "No need to define NEED_$func when already needed globally"; } if ($message) { diag($message); $file{changes} += ($c =~ s/^$HS*#$HS*define$HS+NEED_$func\b.*$LF//mg); } } for $func (sort keys %{$file{needed_global}}) { my $message = ''; if (not exists $global{uses}{$func}) { $message = "No need to define NEED_${func}_GLOBAL if $func is never used"; } elsif (exists $file{needs}{$func}) { if ($file{needs}{$func} eq 'extern') { $message = "No need to define NEED_${func}_GLOBAL when already needed globally"; } elsif ($file{needs}{$func} eq 'static') { $message = "No need to define NEED_${func}_GLOBAL when only used in this file"; } } if ($message) { diag($message); $file{changes} += ($c =~ s/^$HS*#$HS*define$HS+NEED_${func}_GLOBAL\b.*$LF//mg); } } $file{needs_inc_ppport} = keys %{$file{uses}}; if ($file{needs_inc_ppport}) { my $pp = ''; for $func (sort keys %{$file{needs}}) { my $type = $file{needs}{$func}; next if $type eq 'extern'; my $suffix = $type eq 'global' ? '_GLOBAL' : ''; unless (exists $file{"needed_$type"}{$func}) { if ($type eq 'global') { diag("Files [@{$global{needs}{$func}}] need $func, adding global request"); } else { diag("File needs $func, adding static request"); } $pp .= "#define NEED_$func$suffix\n"; } } if ($pp && ($c =~ s/^(?=$HS*#$HS*define$HS+NEED_\w+)/$pp/m)) { $pp = ''; $file{changes}++; } unless ($file{has_inc_ppport}) { diag("Needs to include '$ppport'"); $pp .= qq(#include "$ppport"\n) } if ($pp) { $file{changes} += ($c =~ s/^($HS*#$HS*define$HS+NEED_\w+.*?)^/$1$pp/ms) || ($c =~ s/^(?=$HS*#$HS*include.*\Q$ppport\E)/$pp/m) || ($c =~ s/^($HS*#$HS*include.*XSUB.*\s*?)^/$1$pp/m) || ($c =~ s/^/$pp/); } } else { if ($file{has_inc_ppport}) { diag("No need to include '$ppport'"); $file{changes} += ($c =~ s/^$HS*?#$HS*include.*\Q$ppport\E.*?$LF//m); } } # put back in our C comments my $ix; my $cppc = 0; my @ccom = @{$file{ccom}}; for $ix (0 .. $#ccom) { if (!$opt{cplusplus} && $ccom[$ix] =~ s!^//!!) { $cppc++; $file{changes} += $c =~ s/$rccs$ix$rcce/$ccs$ccom[$ix] $cce/; } else { $c =~ s/$rccs$ix$rcce/$ccom[$ix]/; } } if ($cppc) { my $s = $cppc != 1 ? 's' : ''; warning("Uses $cppc C++ style comment$s, which is not portable"); } my $s = $warnings != 1 ? 's' : ''; my $warn = $warnings ? " ($warnings warning$s)" : ''; info("Analysis completed$warn"); if ($file{changes}) { if (exists $opt{copy}) { my $newfile = "$filename$opt{copy}"; if (-e $newfile) { error("'$newfile' already exists, refusing to write copy of '$filename'"); } else { local *F; if (open F, ">$newfile") { info("Writing copy of '$filename' with changes to '$newfile'"); print F $c; close F; } else { error("Cannot open '$newfile' for writing: $!"); } } } elsif (exists $opt{patch} || $opt{changes}) { if (exists $opt{patch}) { unless ($patch_opened) { if (open PATCH, ">$opt{patch}") { $patch_opened = 1; } else { error("Cannot open '$opt{patch}' for writing: $!"); delete $opt{patch}; $opt{changes} = 1; goto fallback; } } mydiff(\*PATCH, $filename, $c); } else { fallback: info("Suggested changes:"); mydiff(\*STDOUT, $filename, $c); } } else { my $s = $file{changes} == 1 ? '' : 's'; info("$file{changes} potentially required change$s detected"); } } else { info("Looks good"); } } close PATCH if $patch_opened; exit 0; sub try_use { eval "use @_;"; return $@ eq '' } sub mydiff { local *F = shift; my($file, $str) = @_; my $diff; if (exists $opt{diff}) { $diff = run_diff($opt{diff}, $file, $str); } if (!defined $diff and try_use('Text::Diff')) { $diff = Text::Diff::diff($file, \$str, { STYLE => 'Unified' }); $diff = <
$tmp") { print F $str; close F; if (open F, "$prog $file $tmp |") { while () { s/\Q$tmp\E/$file.patched/; $diff .= $_; } close F; unlink $tmp; return $diff; } unlink $tmp; } else { error("Cannot open '$tmp' for writing: $!"); } return undef; } sub rec_depend { my($func, $seen) = @_; return () unless exists $depends{$func}; $seen = {%{$seen||{}}}; return () if $seen->{$func}++; my %s; grep !$s{$_}++, map { ($_, rec_depend($_, $seen)) } @{$depends{$func}}; } sub parse_version { my $ver = shift; if ($ver =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) { return ($1, $2, $3); } elsif ($ver !~ /^\d+\.[\d_]+$/) { die "cannot parse version '$ver'\n"; } $ver =~ s/_//g; $ver =~ s/$/000000/; my($r,$v,$s) = $ver =~ /(\d+)\.(\d{3})(\d{3})/; $v = int $v; $s = int $s; if ($r < 5 || ($r == 5 && $v < 6)) { if ($s % 10) { die "cannot parse version '$ver'\n"; } } return ($r, $v, $s); } sub format_version { my $ver = shift; $ver =~ s/$/000000/; my($r,$v,$s) = $ver =~ /(\d+)\.(\d{3})(\d{3})/; $v = int $v; $s = int $s; if ($r < 5 || ($r == 5 && $v < 6)) { if ($s % 10) { die "invalid version '$ver'\n"; } $s /= 10; $ver = sprintf "%d.%03d", $r, $v; $s > 0 and $ver .= sprintf "_%02d", $s; return $ver; } return sprintf "%d.%d.%d", $r, $v, $s; } sub info { $opt{quiet} and return; print @_, "\n"; } sub diag { $opt{quiet} and return; $opt{diag} and print @_, "\n"; } sub warning { $opt{quiet} and return; print "*** ", @_, "\n"; } sub error { print "*** ERROR: ", @_, "\n"; } my %given_hints; my %given_warnings; sub hint { $opt{quiet} and return; my $func = shift; my $rv = 0; if (exists $warnings{$func} && !$given_warnings{$func}++) { my $warn = $warnings{$func}; $warn =~ s!^!*** !mg; print "*** WARNING: $func\n", $warn; $rv++; } if ($opt{hints} && exists $hints{$func} && !$given_hints{$func}++) { my $hint = $hints{$func}; $hint =~ s/^/ /mg; print " --- hint for $func ---\n", $hint; } $rv; } sub usage { my($usage) = do { local(@ARGV,$/)=($0); <> } =~ /^=head\d$HS+SYNOPSIS\s*^(.*?)\s*^=/ms; my %M = ( 'I' => '*' ); $usage =~ s/^\s*perl\s+\S+/$^X $0/; $usage =~ s/([A-Z])<([^>]+)>/$M{$1}$2$M{$1}/g; print < }; my($copy) = $self =~ /^=head\d\s+COPYRIGHT\s*^(.*?)^=\w+/ms; $copy =~ s/^(?=\S+)/ /gms; $self =~ s/^$HS+Do NOT edit.*?(?=^-)/$copy/ms; $self =~ s/^SKIP.*(?=^__DATA__)/SKIP if (\@ARGV && \$ARGV[0] eq '--unstrip') { eval { require Devel::PPPort }; \$@ and die "Cannot require Devel::PPPort, please install.\\n"; if (\$Devel::PPPort::VERSION < $VERSION) { die "$0 was originally generated with Devel::PPPort $VERSION.\\n" . "Your Devel::PPPort is only version \$Devel::PPPort::VERSION.\\n" . "Please install a newer version, or --unstrip will not work.\\n"; } Devel::PPPort::WriteFile(\$0); exit 0; } print <$0" or die "cannot strip $0: $!\n"; print OUT "$pl$c\n"; exit 0; } __DATA__ */ #ifndef _P_P_PORTABILITY_H_ #define _P_P_PORTABILITY_H_ #ifndef DPPP_NAMESPACE # define DPPP_NAMESPACE DPPP_ #endif #define DPPP_CAT2(x,y) CAT2(x,y) #define DPPP_(name) DPPP_CAT2(DPPP_NAMESPACE, name) #ifndef PERL_REVISION # if !defined(__PATCHLEVEL_H_INCLUDED__) && !(defined(PATCHLEVEL) && defined(SUBVERSION)) # define PERL_PATCHLEVEL_H_IMPLICIT # include # endif # if !(defined(PERL_VERSION) || (defined(SUBVERSION) && defined(PATCHLEVEL))) # include # endif # ifndef PERL_REVISION # define PERL_REVISION (5) /* Replace: 1 */ # define PERL_VERSION PATCHLEVEL # define PERL_SUBVERSION SUBVERSION /* Replace PERL_PATCHLEVEL with PERL_VERSION */ /* Replace: 0 */ # endif #endif #define _dpppDEC2BCD(dec) ((((dec)/100)<<8)|((((dec)%100)/10)<<4)|((dec)%10)) #define PERL_BCDVERSION ((_dpppDEC2BCD(PERL_REVISION)<<24)|(_dpppDEC2BCD(PERL_VERSION)<<12)|_dpppDEC2BCD(PERL_SUBVERSION)) /* It is very unlikely that anyone will try to use this with Perl 6 (or greater), but who knows. */ #if PERL_REVISION != 5 # error ppport.h only works with Perl version 5 #endif /* PERL_REVISION != 5 */ #ifdef I_LIMITS # include #endif #ifndef PERL_UCHAR_MIN # define PERL_UCHAR_MIN ((unsigned char)0) #endif #ifndef PERL_UCHAR_MAX # ifdef UCHAR_MAX # define PERL_UCHAR_MAX ((unsigned char)UCHAR_MAX) # else # ifdef MAXUCHAR # define PERL_UCHAR_MAX ((unsigned char)MAXUCHAR) # else # define PERL_UCHAR_MAX ((unsigned char)~(unsigned)0) # endif # endif #endif #ifndef PERL_USHORT_MIN # define PERL_USHORT_MIN ((unsigned short)0) #endif #ifndef PERL_USHORT_MAX # ifdef USHORT_MAX # define PERL_USHORT_MAX ((unsigned short)USHORT_MAX) # else # ifdef MAXUSHORT # define PERL_USHORT_MAX ((unsigned short)MAXUSHORT) # else # ifdef USHRT_MAX # define PERL_USHORT_MAX ((unsigned short)USHRT_MAX) # else # define PERL_USHORT_MAX ((unsigned short)~(unsigned)0) # endif # endif # endif #endif #ifndef PERL_SHORT_MAX # ifdef SHORT_MAX # define PERL_SHORT_MAX ((short)SHORT_MAX) # else # ifdef MAXSHORT /* Often used in */ # define PERL_SHORT_MAX ((short)MAXSHORT) # else # ifdef SHRT_MAX # define PERL_SHORT_MAX ((short)SHRT_MAX) # else # define PERL_SHORT_MAX ((short) (PERL_USHORT_MAX >> 1)) # endif # endif # endif #endif #ifndef PERL_SHORT_MIN # ifdef SHORT_MIN # define PERL_SHORT_MIN ((short)SHORT_MIN) # else # ifdef MINSHORT # define PERL_SHORT_MIN ((short)MINSHORT) # else # ifdef SHRT_MIN # define PERL_SHORT_MIN ((short)SHRT_MIN) # else # define PERL_SHORT_MIN (-PERL_SHORT_MAX - ((3 & -1) == 3)) # endif # endif # endif #endif #ifndef PERL_UINT_MAX # ifdef UINT_MAX # define PERL_UINT_MAX ((unsigned int)UINT_MAX) # else # ifdef MAXUINT # define PERL_UINT_MAX ((unsigned int)MAXUINT) # else # define PERL_UINT_MAX (~(unsigned int)0) # endif # endif #endif #ifndef PERL_UINT_MIN # define PERL_UINT_MIN ((unsigned int)0) #endif #ifndef PERL_INT_MAX # ifdef INT_MAX # define PERL_INT_MAX ((int)INT_MAX) # else # ifdef MAXINT /* Often used in */ # define PERL_INT_MAX ((int)MAXINT) # else # define PERL_INT_MAX ((int)(PERL_UINT_MAX >> 1)) # endif # endif #endif #ifndef PERL_INT_MIN # ifdef INT_MIN # define PERL_INT_MIN ((int)INT_MIN) # else # ifdef MININT # define PERL_INT_MIN ((int)MININT) # else # define PERL_INT_MIN (-PERL_INT_MAX - ((3 & -1) == 3)) # endif # endif #endif #ifndef PERL_ULONG_MAX # ifdef ULONG_MAX # define PERL_ULONG_MAX ((unsigned long)ULONG_MAX) # else # ifdef MAXULONG # define PERL_ULONG_MAX ((unsigned long)MAXULONG) # else # define PERL_ULONG_MAX (~(unsigned long)0) # endif # endif #endif #ifndef PERL_ULONG_MIN # define PERL_ULONG_MIN ((unsigned long)0L) #endif #ifndef PERL_LONG_MAX # ifdef LONG_MAX # define PERL_LONG_MAX ((long)LONG_MAX) # else # ifdef MAXLONG # define PERL_LONG_MAX ((long)MAXLONG) # else # define PERL_LONG_MAX ((long) (PERL_ULONG_MAX >> 1)) # endif # endif #endif #ifndef PERL_LONG_MIN # ifdef LONG_MIN # define PERL_LONG_MIN ((long)LONG_MIN) # else # ifdef MINLONG # define PERL_LONG_MIN ((long)MINLONG) # else # define PERL_LONG_MIN (-PERL_LONG_MAX - ((3 & -1) == 3)) # endif # endif #endif #if defined(HAS_QUAD) && (defined(convex) || defined(uts)) # ifndef PERL_UQUAD_MAX # ifdef ULONGLONG_MAX # define PERL_UQUAD_MAX ((unsigned long long)ULONGLONG_MAX) # else # ifdef MAXULONGLONG # define PERL_UQUAD_MAX ((unsigned long long)MAXULONGLONG) # else # define PERL_UQUAD_MAX (~(unsigned long long)0) # endif # endif # endif # ifndef PERL_UQUAD_MIN # define PERL_UQUAD_MIN ((unsigned long long)0L) # endif # ifndef PERL_QUAD_MAX # ifdef LONGLONG_MAX # define PERL_QUAD_MAX ((long long)LONGLONG_MAX) # else # ifdef MAXLONGLONG # define PERL_QUAD_MAX ((long long)MAXLONGLONG) # else # define PERL_QUAD_MAX ((long long) (PERL_UQUAD_MAX >> 1)) # endif # endif # endif # ifndef PERL_QUAD_MIN # ifdef LONGLONG_MIN # define PERL_QUAD_MIN ((long long)LONGLONG_MIN) # else # ifdef MINLONGLONG # define PERL_QUAD_MIN ((long long)MINLONGLONG) # else # define PERL_QUAD_MIN (-PERL_QUAD_MAX - ((3 & -1) == 3)) # endif # endif # endif #endif /* This is based on code from 5.003 perl.h */ #ifdef HAS_QUAD # ifdef cray #ifndef IVTYPE # define IVTYPE int #endif #ifndef IV_MIN # define IV_MIN PERL_INT_MIN #endif #ifndef IV_MAX # define IV_MAX PERL_INT_MAX #endif #ifndef UV_MIN # define UV_MIN PERL_UINT_MIN #endif #ifndef UV_MAX # define UV_MAX PERL_UINT_MAX #endif # ifdef INTSIZE #ifndef IVSIZE # define IVSIZE INTSIZE #endif # endif # else # if defined(convex) || defined(uts) #ifndef IVTYPE # define IVTYPE long long #endif #ifndef IV_MIN # define IV_MIN PERL_QUAD_MIN #endif #ifndef IV_MAX # define IV_MAX PERL_QUAD_MAX #endif #ifndef UV_MIN # define UV_MIN PERL_UQUAD_MIN #endif #ifndef UV_MAX # define UV_MAX PERL_UQUAD_MAX #endif # ifdef LONGLONGSIZE #ifndef IVSIZE # define IVSIZE LONGLONGSIZE #endif # endif # else #ifndef IVTYPE # define IVTYPE long #endif #ifndef IV_MIN # define IV_MIN PERL_LONG_MIN #endif #ifndef IV_MAX # define IV_MAX PERL_LONG_MAX #endif #ifndef UV_MIN # define UV_MIN PERL_ULONG_MIN #endif #ifndef UV_MAX # define UV_MAX PERL_ULONG_MAX #endif # ifdef LONGSIZE #ifndef IVSIZE # define IVSIZE LONGSIZE #endif # endif # endif # endif #ifndef IVSIZE # define IVSIZE 8 #endif #ifndef PERL_QUAD_MIN # define PERL_QUAD_MIN IV_MIN #endif #ifndef PERL_QUAD_MAX # define PERL_QUAD_MAX IV_MAX #endif #ifndef PERL_UQUAD_MIN # define PERL_UQUAD_MIN UV_MIN #endif #ifndef PERL_UQUAD_MAX # define PERL_UQUAD_MAX UV_MAX #endif #else #ifndef IVTYPE # define IVTYPE long #endif #ifndef IV_MIN # define IV_MIN PERL_LONG_MIN #endif #ifndef IV_MAX # define IV_MAX PERL_LONG_MAX #endif #ifndef UV_MIN # define UV_MIN PERL_ULONG_MIN #endif #ifndef UV_MAX # define UV_MAX PERL_ULONG_MAX #endif #endif #ifndef IVSIZE # ifdef LONGSIZE # define IVSIZE LONGSIZE # else # define IVSIZE 4 /* A bold guess, but the best we can make. */ # endif #endif #ifndef UVTYPE # define UVTYPE unsigned IVTYPE #endif #ifndef UVSIZE # define UVSIZE IVSIZE #endif #ifndef sv_setuv # define sv_setuv(sv, uv) \ STMT_START { \ UV TeMpUv = uv; \ if (TeMpUv <= IV_MAX) \ sv_setiv(sv, TeMpUv); \ else \ sv_setnv(sv, (double)TeMpUv); \ } STMT_END #endif #ifndef newSVuv # define newSVuv(uv) ((uv) <= IV_MAX ? newSViv((IV)uv) : newSVnv((NV)uv)) #endif #ifndef sv_2uv # define sv_2uv(sv) ((PL_Sv = (sv)), (UV) (SvNOK(PL_Sv) ? SvNV(PL_Sv) : sv_2nv(PL_Sv))) #endif #ifndef SvUVX # define SvUVX(sv) ((UV)SvIVX(sv)) #endif #ifndef SvUVXx # define SvUVXx(sv) SvUVX(sv) #endif #ifndef SvUV # define SvUV(sv) (SvIOK(sv) ? SvUVX(sv) : sv_2uv(sv)) #endif #ifndef SvUVx # define SvUVx(sv) ((PL_Sv = (sv)), SvUV(PL_Sv)) #endif /* Hint: sv_uv * Always use the SvUVx() macro instead of sv_uv(). */ #ifndef sv_uv # define sv_uv(sv) SvUVx(sv) #endif #if !defined(SvUOK) && defined(SvIOK_UV) # define SvUOK(sv) SvIOK_UV(sv) #endif #ifndef XST_mUV # define XST_mUV(i,v) (ST(i) = sv_2mortal(newSVuv(v)) ) #endif #ifndef XSRETURN_UV # define XSRETURN_UV(v) STMT_START { XST_mUV(0,v); XSRETURN(1); } STMT_END #endif #ifndef PUSHu # define PUSHu(u) STMT_START { sv_setuv(TARG, (UV)(u)); PUSHTARG; } STMT_END #endif #ifndef XPUSHu # define XPUSHu(u) STMT_START { sv_setuv(TARG, (UV)(u)); XPUSHTARG; } STMT_END #endif #ifdef HAS_MEMCMP #ifndef memNE # define memNE(s1,s2,l) (memcmp(s1,s2,l)) #endif #ifndef memEQ # define memEQ(s1,s2,l) (!memcmp(s1,s2,l)) #endif #else #ifndef memNE # define memNE(s1,s2,l) (bcmp(s1,s2,l)) #endif #ifndef memEQ # define memEQ(s1,s2,l) (!bcmp(s1,s2,l)) #endif #endif #ifndef MoveD # define MoveD(s,d,n,t) memmove((char*)(d),(char*)(s), (n) * sizeof(t)) #endif #ifndef CopyD # define CopyD(s,d,n,t) memcpy((char*)(d),(char*)(s), (n) * sizeof(t)) #endif #ifdef HAS_MEMSET #ifndef ZeroD # define ZeroD(d,n,t) memzero((char*)(d), (n) * sizeof(t)) #endif #else #ifndef ZeroD # define ZeroD(d,n,t) ((void)memzero((char*)(d), (n) * sizeof(t)), d) #endif #endif #ifndef PoisonWith # define PoisonWith(d,n,t,b) (void)memset((char*)(d), (U8)(b), (n) * sizeof(t)) #endif #ifndef PoisonNew # define PoisonNew(d,n,t) PoisonWith(d,n,t,0xAB) #endif #ifndef PoisonFree # define PoisonFree(d,n,t) PoisonWith(d,n,t,0xEF) #endif #ifndef Poison # define Poison(d,n,t) PoisonFree(d,n,t) #endif #ifndef Newx # define Newx(v,n,t) New(0,v,n,t) #endif #ifndef Newxc # define Newxc(v,n,t,c) Newc(0,v,n,t,c) #endif #ifndef Newxz # define Newxz(v,n,t) Newz(0,v,n,t) #endif #ifndef PERL_UNUSED_DECL # ifdef HASATTRIBUTE # if (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__cplusplus)) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) # define PERL_UNUSED_DECL # else # define PERL_UNUSED_DECL __attribute__((unused)) # endif # else # define PERL_UNUSED_DECL # endif #endif #ifndef PERL_UNUSED_ARG # if defined(lint) && defined(S_SPLINT_S) /* www.splint.org */ # include # define PERL_UNUSED_ARG(x) NOTE(ARGUNUSED(x)) # else # define PERL_UNUSED_ARG(x) ((void)x) # endif #endif #ifndef PERL_UNUSED_VAR # define PERL_UNUSED_VAR(x) ((void)x) #endif #ifndef PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT # ifdef USE_ITHREADS # define PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT PERL_UNUSED_ARG(my_perl) # else # define PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT # endif #endif #ifndef NOOP # define NOOP /*EMPTY*/(void)0 #endif #ifndef dNOOP # define dNOOP extern int /*@unused@*/ Perl___notused PERL_UNUSED_DECL #endif #ifndef NVTYPE # if defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE) && defined(HAS_LONG_DOUBLE) # define NVTYPE long double # else # define NVTYPE double # endif typedef NVTYPE NV; #endif #ifndef INT2PTR # if (IVSIZE == PTRSIZE) && (UVSIZE == PTRSIZE) # define PTRV UV # define INT2PTR(any,d) (any)(d) # else # if PTRSIZE == LONGSIZE # define PTRV unsigned long # else # define PTRV unsigned # endif # define INT2PTR(any,d) (any)(PTRV)(d) # endif # define NUM2PTR(any,d) (any)(PTRV)(d) # define PTR2IV(p) INT2PTR(IV,p) # define PTR2UV(p) INT2PTR(UV,p) # define PTR2NV(p) NUM2PTR(NV,p) # if PTRSIZE == LONGSIZE # define PTR2ul(p) (unsigned long)(p) # else # define PTR2ul(p) INT2PTR(unsigned long,p) # endif #endif /* !INT2PTR */ #undef START_EXTERN_C #undef END_EXTERN_C #undef EXTERN_C #ifdef __cplusplus # define START_EXTERN_C extern "C" { # define END_EXTERN_C } # define EXTERN_C extern "C" #else # define START_EXTERN_C # define END_EXTERN_C # define EXTERN_C extern #endif #if defined(PERL_GCC_PEDANTIC) # ifndef PERL_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS_FORBIDDEN # define PERL_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS_FORBIDDEN # endif #endif #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(PERL_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS_FORBIDDEN) && !defined(__cplusplus) # ifndef PERL_USE_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS # define PERL_USE_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS # endif #endif #undef STMT_START #undef STMT_END #ifdef PERL_USE_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ # define STMT_END ) #else # if defined(VOIDFLAGS) && (VOIDFLAGS) && (defined(sun) || defined(__sun__)) && !defined(__GNUC__) # define STMT_START if (1) # define STMT_END else (void)0 # else # define STMT_START do # define STMT_END while (0) # endif #endif #ifndef boolSV # define boolSV(b) ((b) ? &PL_sv_yes : &PL_sv_no) #endif /* DEFSV appears first in 5.004_56 */ #ifndef DEFSV # define DEFSV GvSV(PL_defgv) #endif #ifndef SAVE_DEFSV # define SAVE_DEFSV SAVESPTR(GvSV(PL_defgv)) #endif /* Older perls (<=5.003) lack AvFILLp */ #ifndef AvFILLp # define AvFILLp AvFILL #endif #ifndef ERRSV # define ERRSV get_sv("@",FALSE) #endif #ifndef newSVpvn # define newSVpvn(data,len) ((data) \ ? ((len) ? newSVpv((data), (len)) : newSVpv("", 0)) \ : newSV(0)) #endif /* Hint: gv_stashpvn * This function's backport doesn't support the length parameter, but * rather ignores it. Portability can only be ensured if the length * parameter is used for speed reasons, but the length can always be * correctly computed from the string argument. */ #ifndef gv_stashpvn # define gv_stashpvn(str,len,create) gv_stashpv(str,create) #endif /* Replace: 1 */ #ifndef get_cv # define get_cv perl_get_cv #endif #ifndef get_sv # define get_sv perl_get_sv #endif #ifndef get_av # define get_av perl_get_av #endif #ifndef get_hv # define get_hv perl_get_hv #endif /* Replace: 0 */ #ifndef dUNDERBAR # define dUNDERBAR dNOOP #endif #ifndef UNDERBAR # define UNDERBAR DEFSV #endif #ifndef dAX # define dAX I32 ax = MARK - PL_stack_base + 1 #endif #ifndef dITEMS # define dITEMS I32 items = SP - MARK #endif #ifndef dXSTARG # define dXSTARG SV * targ = sv_newmortal() #endif #ifndef dAXMARK # define dAXMARK I32 ax = POPMARK; \ register SV ** const mark = PL_stack_base + ax++ #endif #ifndef XSprePUSH # define XSprePUSH (sp = PL_stack_base + ax - 1) #endif #if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5005000) # undef XSRETURN # define XSRETURN(off) \ STMT_START { \ PL_stack_sp = PL_stack_base + ax + ((off) - 1); \ return; \ } STMT_END #endif #ifndef PERL_ABS # define PERL_ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x)) #endif #ifndef dVAR # define dVAR dNOOP #endif #ifndef SVf # define SVf "_" #endif #ifndef UTF8_MAXBYTES # define UTF8_MAXBYTES UTF8_MAXLEN #endif #ifndef PERL_HASH # define PERL_HASH(hash,str,len) \ STMT_START { \ const char *s_PeRlHaSh = str; \ I32 i_PeRlHaSh = len; \ U32 hash_PeRlHaSh = 0; \ while (i_PeRlHaSh--) \ hash_PeRlHaSh = hash_PeRlHaSh * 33 + *s_PeRlHaSh++; \ (hash) = hash_PeRlHaSh; \ } STMT_END #endif #ifndef PERL_SIGNALS_UNSAFE_FLAG #define PERL_SIGNALS_UNSAFE_FLAG 0x0001 #if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5008000) # define D_PPP_PERL_SIGNALS_INIT PERL_SIGNALS_UNSAFE_FLAG #else # define D_PPP_PERL_SIGNALS_INIT 0 #endif #if defined(NEED_PL_signals) static U32 DPPP_(my_PL_signals) = D_PPP_PERL_SIGNALS_INIT; #elif defined(NEED_PL_signals_GLOBAL) U32 DPPP_(my_PL_signals) = D_PPP_PERL_SIGNALS_INIT; #else extern U32 DPPP_(my_PL_signals); #endif #define PL_signals DPPP_(my_PL_signals) #endif /* Hint: PL_ppaddr * Calling an op via PL_ppaddr requires passing a context argument * for threaded builds. Since the context argument is different for * 5.005 perls, you can use aTHXR (supplied by ppport.h), which will * automatically be defined as the correct argument. */ #if (PERL_BCDVERSION <= 0x5005005) /* Replace: 1 */ # define PL_ppaddr ppaddr # define PL_no_modify no_modify /* Replace: 0 */ #endif #if (PERL_BCDVERSION <= 0x5004005) /* Replace: 1 */ # define PL_DBsignal DBsignal # define PL_DBsingle DBsingle # define PL_DBsub DBsub # define PL_DBtrace DBtrace # define PL_Sv Sv # define PL_compiling compiling # define PL_copline copline # define PL_curcop curcop # define PL_curstash curstash # define PL_debstash debstash # define PL_defgv defgv # define PL_diehook diehook # define PL_dirty dirty # define PL_dowarn dowarn # define PL_errgv errgv # define PL_expect expect # define PL_hexdigit hexdigit # define PL_hints hints # define PL_laststatval laststatval # define PL_na na # define PL_perl_destruct_level perl_destruct_level # define PL_perldb perldb # define PL_rsfp_filters rsfp_filters # define PL_rsfp rsfp # define PL_stack_base stack_base # define PL_stack_sp stack_sp # define PL_statcache statcache # define PL_stdingv stdingv # define PL_sv_arenaroot sv_arenaroot # define PL_sv_no sv_no # define PL_sv_undef sv_undef # define PL_sv_yes sv_yes # define PL_tainted tainted # define PL_tainting tainting /* Replace: 0 */ #endif /* Warning: PL_expect, PL_copline, PL_rsfp, PL_rsfp_filters * Do not use this variable. It is internal to the perl parser * and may change or even be removed in the future. Note that * as of perl 5.9.5 you cannot assign to this variable anymore. */ /* TODO: cannot assign to these vars; is it worth fixing? */ #if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5009005) # define PL_expect (PL_parser ? PL_parser->expect : 0) # define PL_copline (PL_parser ? PL_parser->copline : 0) # define PL_rsfp (PL_parser ? PL_parser->rsfp : (PerlIO *) 0) # define PL_rsfp_filters (PL_parser ? PL_parser->rsfp_filters : (AV *) 0) #endif #ifndef dTHR # define dTHR dNOOP #endif #ifndef dTHX # define dTHX dNOOP #endif #ifndef dTHXa # define dTHXa(x) dNOOP #endif #ifndef pTHX # define pTHX void #endif #ifndef pTHX_ # define pTHX_ #endif #ifndef aTHX # define aTHX #endif #ifndef aTHX_ # define aTHX_ #endif #if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5006000) # ifdef USE_THREADS # define aTHXR thr # define aTHXR_ thr, # else # define aTHXR # define aTHXR_ # endif # define dTHXR dTHR #else # define aTHXR aTHX # define aTHXR_ aTHX_ # define dTHXR dTHX #endif #ifndef dTHXoa # define dTHXoa(x) dTHXa(x) #endif #ifndef PUSHmortal # define PUSHmortal PUSHs(sv_newmortal()) #endif #ifndef mPUSHp # define mPUSHp(p,l) sv_setpvn_mg(PUSHmortal, (p), (l)) #endif #ifndef mPUSHn # define mPUSHn(n) sv_setnv_mg(PUSHmortal, (NV)(n)) #endif #ifndef mPUSHi # define mPUSHi(i) sv_setiv_mg(PUSHmortal, (IV)(i)) #endif #ifndef mPUSHu # define mPUSHu(u) sv_setuv_mg(PUSHmortal, (UV)(u)) #endif #ifndef XPUSHmortal # define XPUSHmortal XPUSHs(sv_newmortal()) #endif #ifndef mXPUSHp # define mXPUSHp(p,l) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); sv_setpvn_mg(PUSHmortal, (p), (l)); } STMT_END #endif #ifndef mXPUSHn # define mXPUSHn(n) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); sv_setnv_mg(PUSHmortal, (NV)(n)); } STMT_END #endif #ifndef mXPUSHi # define mXPUSHi(i) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); sv_setiv_mg(PUSHmortal, (IV)(i)); } STMT_END #endif #ifndef mXPUSHu # define mXPUSHu(u) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); sv_setuv_mg(PUSHmortal, (UV)(u)); } STMT_END #endif /* Replace: 1 */ #ifndef call_sv # define call_sv perl_call_sv #endif #ifndef call_pv # define call_pv perl_call_pv #endif #ifndef call_argv # define call_argv perl_call_argv #endif #ifndef call_method # define call_method perl_call_method #endif #ifndef eval_sv # define eval_sv perl_eval_sv #endif #ifndef PERL_LOADMOD_DENY # define PERL_LOADMOD_DENY 0x1 #endif #ifndef PERL_LOADMOD_NOIMPORT # define PERL_LOADMOD_NOIMPORT 0x2 #endif #ifndef PERL_LOADMOD_IMPORT_OPS # define PERL_LOADMOD_IMPORT_OPS 0x4 #endif /* Replace: 0 */ /* Replace perl_eval_pv with eval_pv */ #ifndef eval_pv #if defined(NEED_eval_pv) static SV* DPPP_(my_eval_pv)(char *p, I32 croak_on_error); static #else extern SV* DPPP_(my_eval_pv)(char *p, I32 croak_on_error); #endif #ifdef eval_pv # undef eval_pv #endif #define eval_pv(a,b) DPPP_(my_eval_pv)(aTHX_ a,b) #define Perl_eval_pv DPPP_(my_eval_pv) #if defined(NEED_eval_pv) || defined(NEED_eval_pv_GLOBAL) SV* DPPP_(my_eval_pv)(char *p, I32 croak_on_error) { dSP; SV* sv = newSVpv(p, 0); PUSHMARK(sp); eval_sv(sv, G_SCALAR); SvREFCNT_dec(sv); SPAGAIN; sv = POPs; PUTBACK; if (croak_on_error && SvTRUE(GvSV(errgv))) croak(SvPVx(GvSV(errgv), na)); return sv; } #endif #endif #ifndef vload_module #if defined(NEED_vload_module) static void DPPP_(my_vload_module)(U32 flags, SV *name, SV *ver, va_list *args); static #else extern void DPPP_(my_vload_module)(U32 flags, SV *name, SV *ver, va_list *args); #endif #ifdef vload_module # undef vload_module #endif #define vload_module(a,b,c,d) DPPP_(my_vload_module)(aTHX_ a,b,c,d) #define Perl_vload_module DPPP_(my_vload_module) #if defined(NEED_vload_module) || defined(NEED_vload_module_GLOBAL) void DPPP_(my_vload_module)(U32 flags, SV *name, SV *ver, va_list *args) { dTHR; dVAR; OP *veop, *imop; OP * const modname = newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, name); /* 5.005 has a somewhat hacky force_normal that doesn't croak on SvREADONLY() if PL_compling is true. Current perls take care in ck_require() to correctly turn off SvREADONLY before calling force_normal_flags(). This seems a better fix than fudging PL_compling */ SvREADONLY_off(((SVOP*)modname)->op_sv); modname->op_private |= OPpCONST_BARE; if (ver) { veop = newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, ver); } else veop = NULL; if (flags & PERL_LOADMOD_NOIMPORT) { imop = sawparens(newNULLLIST()); } else if (flags & PERL_LOADMOD_IMPORT_OPS) { imop = va_arg(*args, OP*); } else { SV *sv; imop = NULL; sv = va_arg(*args, SV*); while (sv) { imop = append_elem(OP_LIST, imop, newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, sv)); sv = va_arg(*args, SV*); } } { const line_t ocopline = PL_copline; COP * const ocurcop = PL_curcop; const int oexpect = PL_expect; #if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) utilize(!(flags & PERL_LOADMOD_DENY), start_subparse(FALSE, 0), veop, modname, imop); #else utilize(!(flags & PERL_LOADMOD_DENY), start_subparse(), modname, imop); #endif PL_expect = oexpect; PL_copline = ocopline; PL_curcop = ocurcop; } } #endif #endif #ifndef load_module #if defined(NEED_load_module) static void DPPP_(my_load_module)(U32 flags, SV *name, SV *ver, ...); static #else extern void DPPP_(my_load_module)(U32 flags, SV *name, SV *ver, ...); #endif #ifdef load_module # undef load_module #endif #define load_module DPPP_(my_load_module) #define Perl_load_module DPPP_(my_load_module) #if defined(NEED_load_module) || defined(NEED_load_module_GLOBAL) void DPPP_(my_load_module)(U32 flags, SV *name, SV *ver, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, ver); vload_module(flags, name, ver, &args); va_end(args); } #endif #endif #ifndef newRV_inc # define newRV_inc(sv) newRV(sv) /* Replace */ #endif #ifndef newRV_noinc #if defined(NEED_newRV_noinc) static SV * DPPP_(my_newRV_noinc)(SV *sv); static #else extern SV * DPPP_(my_newRV_noinc)(SV *sv); #endif #ifdef newRV_noinc # undef newRV_noinc #endif #define newRV_noinc(a) DPPP_(my_newRV_noinc)(aTHX_ a) #define Perl_newRV_noinc DPPP_(my_newRV_noinc) #if defined(NEED_newRV_noinc) || defined(NEED_newRV_noinc_GLOBAL) SV * DPPP_(my_newRV_noinc)(SV *sv) { SV *rv = (SV *)newRV(sv); SvREFCNT_dec(sv); return rv; } #endif #endif /* Hint: newCONSTSUB * Returns a CV* as of perl-5.7.1. This return value is not supported * by Devel::PPPort. */ /* newCONSTSUB from IO.xs is in the core starting with 5.004_63 */ #if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5004063) && (PERL_BCDVERSION != 0x5004005) #if defined(NEED_newCONSTSUB) static void DPPP_(my_newCONSTSUB)(HV *stash, const char *name, SV *sv); static #else extern void DPPP_(my_newCONSTSUB)(HV *stash, const char *name, SV *sv); #endif #ifdef newCONSTSUB # undef newCONSTSUB #endif #define newCONSTSUB(a,b,c) DPPP_(my_newCONSTSUB)(aTHX_ a,b,c) #define Perl_newCONSTSUB DPPP_(my_newCONSTSUB) #if defined(NEED_newCONSTSUB) || defined(NEED_newCONSTSUB_GLOBAL) void DPPP_(my_newCONSTSUB)(HV *stash, const char *name, SV *sv) { U32 oldhints = PL_hints; HV *old_cop_stash = PL_curcop->cop_stash; HV *old_curstash = PL_curstash; line_t oldline = PL_curcop->cop_line; PL_curcop->cop_line = PL_copline; PL_hints &= ~HINT_BLOCK_SCOPE; if (stash) PL_curstash = PL_curcop->cop_stash = stash; newSUB( #if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5003022) start_subparse(), #elif (PERL_BCDVERSION == 0x5003022) start_subparse(0), #else /* 5.003_23 onwards */ start_subparse(FALSE, 0), #endif newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, newSVpv((char *) name, 0)), newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, &PL_sv_no), /* SvPV(&PL_sv_no) == "" -- GMB */ newSTATEOP(0, Nullch, newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, sv)) ); PL_hints = oldhints; PL_curcop->cop_stash = old_cop_stash; PL_curstash = old_curstash; PL_curcop->cop_line = oldline; } #endif #endif /* * Boilerplate macros for initializing and accessing interpreter-local * data from C. All statics in extensions should be reworked to use * this, if you want to make the extension thread-safe. See ext/re/re.xs * for an example of the use of these macros. * * Code that uses these macros is responsible for the following: * 1. #define MY_CXT_KEY to a unique string, e.g. "DynaLoader_guts" * 2. Declare a typedef named my_cxt_t that is a structure that contains * all the data that needs to be interpreter-local. * 3. Use the START_MY_CXT macro after the declaration of my_cxt_t. * 4. Use the MY_CXT_INIT macro such that it is called exactly once * (typically put in the BOOT: section). * 5. Use the members of the my_cxt_t structure everywhere as * MY_CXT.member. * 6. Use the dMY_CXT macro (a declaration) in all the functions that * access MY_CXT. */ #if defined(MULTIPLICITY) || defined(PERL_OBJECT) || \ defined(PERL_CAPI) || defined(PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT) #ifndef START_MY_CXT /* This must appear in all extensions that define a my_cxt_t structure, * right after the definition (i.e. at file scope). The non-threads * case below uses it to declare the data as static. */ #define START_MY_CXT #if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5004068) /* Fetches the SV that keeps the per-interpreter data. */ #define dMY_CXT_SV \ SV *my_cxt_sv = get_sv(MY_CXT_KEY, FALSE) #else /* >= perl5.004_68 */ #define dMY_CXT_SV \ SV *my_cxt_sv = *hv_fetch(PL_modglobal, MY_CXT_KEY, \ sizeof(MY_CXT_KEY)-1, TRUE) #endif /* < perl5.004_68 */ /* This declaration should be used within all functions that use the * interpreter-local data. */ #define dMY_CXT \ dMY_CXT_SV; \ my_cxt_t *my_cxtp = INT2PTR(my_cxt_t*,SvUV(my_cxt_sv)) /* Creates and zeroes the per-interpreter data. * (We allocate my_cxtp in a Perl SV so that it will be released when * the interpreter goes away.) */ #define MY_CXT_INIT \ dMY_CXT_SV; \ /* newSV() allocates one more than needed */ \ my_cxt_t *my_cxtp = (my_cxt_t*)SvPVX(newSV(sizeof(my_cxt_t)-1));\ Zero(my_cxtp, 1, my_cxt_t); \ sv_setuv(my_cxt_sv, PTR2UV(my_cxtp)) /* This macro must be used to access members of the my_cxt_t structure. * e.g. MYCXT.some_data */ #define MY_CXT (*my_cxtp) /* Judicious use of these macros can reduce the number of times dMY_CXT * is used. Use is similar to pTHX, aTHX etc. */ #define pMY_CXT my_cxt_t *my_cxtp #define pMY_CXT_ pMY_CXT, #define _pMY_CXT ,pMY_CXT #define aMY_CXT my_cxtp #define aMY_CXT_ aMY_CXT, #define _aMY_CXT ,aMY_CXT #endif /* START_MY_CXT */ #ifndef MY_CXT_CLONE /* Clones the per-interpreter data. */ #define MY_CXT_CLONE \ dMY_CXT_SV; \ my_cxt_t *my_cxtp = (my_cxt_t*)SvPVX(newSV(sizeof(my_cxt_t)-1));\ Copy(INT2PTR(my_cxt_t*, SvUV(my_cxt_sv)), my_cxtp, 1, my_cxt_t);\ sv_setuv(my_cxt_sv, PTR2UV(my_cxtp)) #endif #else /* single interpreter */ #ifndef START_MY_CXT #define START_MY_CXT static my_cxt_t my_cxt; #define dMY_CXT_SV dNOOP #define dMY_CXT dNOOP #define MY_CXT_INIT NOOP #define MY_CXT my_cxt #define pMY_CXT void #define pMY_CXT_ #define _pMY_CXT #define aMY_CXT #define aMY_CXT_ #define _aMY_CXT #endif /* START_MY_CXT */ #ifndef MY_CXT_CLONE #define MY_CXT_CLONE NOOP #endif #endif #ifndef IVdf # if IVSIZE == LONGSIZE # define IVdf "ld" # define UVuf "lu" # define UVof "lo" # define UVxf "lx" # define UVXf "lX" # else # if IVSIZE == INTSIZE # define IVdf "d" # define UVuf "u" # define UVof "o" # define UVxf "x" # define UVXf "X" # endif # endif #endif #ifndef NVef # if defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE) && defined(HAS_LONG_DOUBLE) && \ defined(PERL_PRIfldbl) /* Not very likely, but let's try anyway. */ # define NVef PERL_PRIeldbl # define NVff PERL_PRIfldbl # define NVgf PERL_PRIgldbl # else # define NVef "e" # define NVff "f" # define NVgf "g" # endif #endif #ifndef SvREFCNT_inc # ifdef PERL_USE_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS # define SvREFCNT_inc(sv) \ ({ \ SV * const _sv = (SV*)(sv); \ if (_sv) \ (SvREFCNT(_sv))++; \ _sv; \ }) # else # define SvREFCNT_inc(sv) \ ((PL_Sv=(SV*)(sv)) ? (++(SvREFCNT(PL_Sv)),PL_Sv) : NULL) # endif #endif #ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_simple # ifdef PERL_USE_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS # define SvREFCNT_inc_simple(sv) \ ({ \ if (sv) \ (SvREFCNT(sv))++; \ (SV *)(sv); \ }) # else # define SvREFCNT_inc_simple(sv) \ ((sv) ? (SvREFCNT(sv)++,(SV*)(sv)) : NULL) # endif #endif #ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_NN # ifdef PERL_USE_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS # define SvREFCNT_inc_NN(sv) \ ({ \ SV * const _sv = (SV*)(sv); \ SvREFCNT(_sv)++; \ _sv; \ }) # else # define SvREFCNT_inc_NN(sv) \ (PL_Sv=(SV*)(sv),++(SvREFCNT(PL_Sv)),PL_Sv) # endif #endif #ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_void # ifdef PERL_USE_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS # define SvREFCNT_inc_void(sv) \ ({ \ SV * const _sv = (SV*)(sv); \ if (_sv) \ (void)(SvREFCNT(_sv)++); \ }) # else # define SvREFCNT_inc_void(sv) \ (void)((PL_Sv=(SV*)(sv)) ? ++(SvREFCNT(PL_Sv)) : 0) # endif #endif #ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void # define SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void(sv) STMT_START { if (sv) SvREFCNT(sv)++; } STMT_END #endif #ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_simple_NN # define SvREFCNT_inc_simple_NN(sv) (++SvREFCNT(sv), (SV*)(sv)) #endif #ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_void_NN # define SvREFCNT_inc_void_NN(sv) (void)(++SvREFCNT((SV*)(sv))) #endif #ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void_NN # define SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void_NN(sv) (void)(++SvREFCNT((SV*)(sv))) #endif /* Backwards compatibility stuff... :-( */ #if !defined(NEED_sv_2pv_flags) && defined(NEED_sv_2pv_nolen) # define NEED_sv_2pv_flags #endif #if !defined(NEED_sv_2pv_flags_GLOBAL) && defined(NEED_sv_2pv_nolen_GLOBAL) # define NEED_sv_2pv_flags_GLOBAL #endif /* Hint: sv_2pv_nolen * Use the SvPV_nolen() or SvPV_nolen_const() macros instead of sv_2pv_nolen(). */ #ifndef sv_2pv_nolen # define sv_2pv_nolen(sv) SvPV_nolen(sv) #endif #ifdef SvPVbyte /* Hint: SvPVbyte * Does not work in perl-5.6.1, ppport.h implements a version * borrowed from perl-5.7.3. */ #if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5007000) #if defined(NEED_sv_2pvbyte) static char * DPPP_(my_sv_2pvbyte)(pTHX_ SV * sv, STRLEN * lp); static #else extern char * DPPP_(my_sv_2pvbyte)(pTHX_ SV * sv, STRLEN * lp); #endif #ifdef sv_2pvbyte # undef sv_2pvbyte #endif #define sv_2pvbyte(a,b) DPPP_(my_sv_2pvbyte)(aTHX_ a,b) #define Perl_sv_2pvbyte DPPP_(my_sv_2pvbyte) #if defined(NEED_sv_2pvbyte) || defined(NEED_sv_2pvbyte_GLOBAL) char * DPPP_(my_sv_2pvbyte)(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp) { sv_utf8_downgrade(sv,0); return SvPV(sv,*lp); } #endif /* Hint: sv_2pvbyte * Use the SvPVbyte() macro instead of sv_2pvbyte(). */ #undef SvPVbyte #define SvPVbyte(sv, lp) \ ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK|SVf_UTF8)) == (SVf_POK) \ ? ((lp = SvCUR(sv)), SvPVX(sv)) : sv_2pvbyte(sv, &lp)) #endif #else # define SvPVbyte SvPV # define sv_2pvbyte sv_2pv #endif #ifndef sv_2pvbyte_nolen # define sv_2pvbyte_nolen(sv) sv_2pv_nolen(sv) #endif /* Hint: sv_pvn * Always use the SvPV() macro instead of sv_pvn(). */ /* Hint: sv_pvn_force * Always use the SvPV_force() macro instead of sv_pvn_force(). */ /* If these are undefined, they're not handled by the core anyway */ #ifndef SV_IMMEDIATE_UNREF # define SV_IMMEDIATE_UNREF 0 #endif #ifndef SV_GMAGIC # define SV_GMAGIC 0 #endif #ifndef SV_COW_DROP_PV # define SV_COW_DROP_PV 0 #endif #ifndef SV_UTF8_NO_ENCODING # define SV_UTF8_NO_ENCODING 0 #endif #ifndef SV_NOSTEAL # define SV_NOSTEAL 0 #endif #ifndef SV_CONST_RETURN # define SV_CONST_RETURN 0 #endif #ifndef SV_MUTABLE_RETURN # define SV_MUTABLE_RETURN 0 #endif #ifndef SV_SMAGIC # define SV_SMAGIC 0 #endif #ifndef SV_HAS_TRAILING_NUL # define SV_HAS_TRAILING_NUL 0 #endif #ifndef SV_COW_SHARED_HASH_KEYS # define SV_COW_SHARED_HASH_KEYS 0 #endif #if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5007002) #if defined(NEED_sv_2pv_flags) static char * DPPP_(my_sv_2pv_flags)(pTHX_ SV * sv, STRLEN * lp, I32 flags); static #else extern char * DPPP_(my_sv_2pv_flags)(pTHX_ SV * sv, STRLEN * lp, I32 flags); #endif #ifdef sv_2pv_flags # undef sv_2pv_flags #endif #define sv_2pv_flags(a,b,c) DPPP_(my_sv_2pv_flags)(aTHX_ a,b,c) #define Perl_sv_2pv_flags DPPP_(my_sv_2pv_flags) #if defined(NEED_sv_2pv_flags) || defined(NEED_sv_2pv_flags_GLOBAL) char * DPPP_(my_sv_2pv_flags)(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp, I32 flags) { STRLEN n_a = (STRLEN) flags; return sv_2pv(sv, lp ? lp : &n_a); } #endif #if defined(NEED_sv_pvn_force_flags) static char * DPPP_(my_sv_pvn_force_flags)(pTHX_ SV * sv, STRLEN * lp, I32 flags); static #else extern char * DPPP_(my_sv_pvn_force_flags)(pTHX_ SV * sv, STRLEN * lp, I32 flags); #endif #ifdef sv_pvn_force_flags # undef sv_pvn_force_flags #endif #define sv_pvn_force_flags(a,b,c) DPPP_(my_sv_pvn_force_flags)(aTHX_ a,b,c) #define Perl_sv_pvn_force_flags DPPP_(my_sv_pvn_force_flags) #if defined(NEED_sv_pvn_force_flags) || defined(NEED_sv_pvn_force_flags_GLOBAL) char * DPPP_(my_sv_pvn_force_flags)(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp, I32 flags) { STRLEN n_a = (STRLEN) flags; return sv_pvn_force(sv, lp ? lp : &n_a); } #endif #endif #ifndef SvPV_const # define SvPV_const(sv, lp) SvPV_flags_const(sv, lp, SV_GMAGIC) #endif #ifndef SvPV_mutable # define SvPV_mutable(sv, lp) SvPV_flags_mutable(sv, lp, SV_GMAGIC) #endif #ifndef SvPV_flags # define SvPV_flags(sv, lp, flags) \ ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK)) == SVf_POK \ ? ((lp = SvCUR(sv)), SvPVX(sv)) : sv_2pv_flags(sv, &lp, flags)) #endif #ifndef SvPV_flags_const # define SvPV_flags_const(sv, lp, flags) \ ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK)) == SVf_POK \ ? ((lp = SvCUR(sv)), SvPVX_const(sv)) : \ (const char*) sv_2pv_flags(sv, &lp, flags|SV_CONST_RETURN)) #endif #ifndef SvPV_flags_const_nolen # define SvPV_flags_const_nolen(sv, flags) \ ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK)) == SVf_POK \ ? SvPVX_const(sv) : \ (const char*) sv_2pv_flags(sv, 0, flags|SV_CONST_RETURN)) #endif #ifndef SvPV_flags_mutable # define SvPV_flags_mutable(sv, lp, flags) \ ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK)) == SVf_POK \ ? ((lp = SvCUR(sv)), SvPVX_mutable(sv)) : \ sv_2pv_flags(sv, &lp, flags|SV_MUTABLE_RETURN)) #endif #ifndef SvPV_force # define SvPV_force(sv, lp) SvPV_force_flags(sv, lp, SV_GMAGIC) #endif #ifndef SvPV_force_nolen # define SvPV_force_nolen(sv) SvPV_force_flags_nolen(sv, SV_GMAGIC) #endif #ifndef SvPV_force_mutable # define SvPV_force_mutable(sv, lp) SvPV_force_flags_mutable(sv, lp, SV_GMAGIC) #endif #ifndef SvPV_force_nomg # define SvPV_force_nomg(sv, lp) SvPV_force_flags(sv, lp, 0) #endif #ifndef SvPV_force_nomg_nolen # define SvPV_force_nomg_nolen(sv) SvPV_force_flags_nolen(sv, 0) #endif #ifndef SvPV_force_flags # define SvPV_force_flags(sv, lp, flags) \ ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK|SVf_THINKFIRST)) == SVf_POK \ ? ((lp = SvCUR(sv)), SvPVX(sv)) : sv_pvn_force_flags(sv, &lp, flags)) #endif #ifndef SvPV_force_flags_nolen # define SvPV_force_flags_nolen(sv, flags) \ ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK|SVf_THINKFIRST)) == SVf_POK \ ? SvPVX(sv) : sv_pvn_force_flags(sv, 0, flags)) #endif #ifndef SvPV_force_flags_mutable # define SvPV_force_flags_mutable(sv, lp, flags) \ ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK|SVf_THINKFIRST)) == SVf_POK \ ? ((lp = SvCUR(sv)), SvPVX_mutable(sv)) \ : sv_pvn_force_flags(sv, &lp, flags|SV_MUTABLE_RETURN)) #endif #ifndef SvPV_nolen # define SvPV_nolen(sv) \ ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK)) == SVf_POK \ ? SvPVX(sv) : sv_2pv_flags(sv, 0, SV_GMAGIC)) #endif #ifndef SvPV_nolen_const # define SvPV_nolen_const(sv) \ ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK)) == SVf_POK \ ? SvPVX_const(sv) : sv_2pv_flags(sv, 0, SV_GMAGIC|SV_CONST_RETURN)) #endif #ifndef SvPV_nomg # define SvPV_nomg(sv, lp) SvPV_flags(sv, lp, 0) #endif #ifndef SvPV_nomg_const # define SvPV_nomg_const(sv, lp) SvPV_flags_const(sv, lp, 0) #endif #ifndef SvPV_nomg_const_nolen # define SvPV_nomg_const_nolen(sv) SvPV_flags_const_nolen(sv, 0) #endif #ifndef SvMAGIC_set # define SvMAGIC_set(sv, val) \ STMT_START { assert(SvTYPE(sv) >= SVt_PVMG); \ (((XPVMG*) SvANY(sv))->xmg_magic = (val)); } STMT_END #endif #if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5009003) #ifndef SvPVX_const # define SvPVX_const(sv) ((const char*) (0 + SvPVX(sv))) #endif #ifndef SvPVX_mutable # define SvPVX_mutable(sv) (0 + SvPVX(sv)) #endif #ifndef SvRV_set # define SvRV_set(sv, val) \ STMT_START { assert(SvTYPE(sv) >= SVt_RV); \ (((XRV*) SvANY(sv))->xrv_rv = (val)); } STMT_END #endif #else #ifndef SvPVX_const # define SvPVX_const(sv) ((const char*)((sv)->sv_u.svu_pv)) #endif #ifndef SvPVX_mutable # define SvPVX_mutable(sv) ((sv)->sv_u.svu_pv) #endif #ifndef SvRV_set # define SvRV_set(sv, val) \ STMT_START { assert(SvTYPE(sv) >= SVt_RV); \ ((sv)->sv_u.svu_rv = (val)); } STMT_END #endif #endif #ifndef SvSTASH_set # define SvSTASH_set(sv, val) \ STMT_START { assert(SvTYPE(sv) >= SVt_PVMG); \ (((XPVMG*) SvANY(sv))->xmg_stash = (val)); } STMT_END #endif #if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5004000) #ifndef SvUV_set # define SvUV_set(sv, val) \ STMT_START { assert(SvTYPE(sv) == SVt_IV || SvTYPE(sv) >= SVt_PVIV); \ (((XPVIV*) SvANY(sv))->xiv_iv = (IV) (val)); } STMT_END #endif #else #ifndef SvUV_set # define SvUV_set(sv, val) \ STMT_START { assert(SvTYPE(sv) == SVt_IV || SvTYPE(sv) >= SVt_PVIV); \ (((XPVUV*) SvANY(sv))->xuv_uv = (val)); } STMT_END #endif #endif #if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(vnewSVpvf) #if defined(NEED_vnewSVpvf) static SV * DPPP_(my_vnewSVpvf)(pTHX_ const char * pat, va_list * args); static #else extern SV * DPPP_(my_vnewSVpvf)(pTHX_ const char * pat, va_list * args); #endif #ifdef vnewSVpvf # undef vnewSVpvf #endif #define vnewSVpvf(a,b) DPPP_(my_vnewSVpvf)(aTHX_ a,b) #define Perl_vnewSVpvf DPPP_(my_vnewSVpvf) #if defined(NEED_vnewSVpvf) || defined(NEED_vnewSVpvf_GLOBAL) SV * DPPP_(my_vnewSVpvf)(pTHX_ const char *pat, va_list *args) { register SV *sv = newSV(0); sv_vsetpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*)); return sv; } #endif #endif #if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_vcatpvf) # define sv_vcatpvf(sv, pat, args) sv_vcatpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*)) #endif #if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_vsetpvf) # define sv_vsetpvf(sv, pat, args) sv_vsetpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*)) #endif #if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_catpvf_mg) #if defined(NEED_sv_catpvf_mg) static void DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg)(pTHX_ SV * sv, const char * pat, ...); static #else extern void DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg)(pTHX_ SV * sv, const char * pat, ...); #endif #define Perl_sv_catpvf_mg DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg) #if defined(NEED_sv_catpvf_mg) || defined(NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_GLOBAL) void DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg)(pTHX_ SV *sv, const char *pat, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, pat); sv_vcatpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), &args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*)); SvSETMAGIC(sv); va_end(args); } #endif #endif #ifdef PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT #if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext) #if defined(NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext) static void DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext)(SV * sv, const char * pat, ...); static #else extern void DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext)(SV * sv, const char * pat, ...); #endif #define sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext) #define Perl_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext) #if defined(NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext) || defined(NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext_GLOBAL) void DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext)(SV *sv, const char *pat, ...) { dTHX; va_list args; va_start(args, pat); sv_vcatpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), &args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*)); SvSETMAGIC(sv); va_end(args); } #endif #endif #endif /* sv_catpvf_mg depends on sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext */ #ifndef sv_catpvf_mg # ifdef PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT # define sv_catpvf_mg Perl_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext # else # define sv_catpvf_mg Perl_sv_catpvf_mg # endif #endif #if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_vcatpvf_mg) # define sv_vcatpvf_mg(sv, pat, args) \ STMT_START { \ sv_vcatpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*)); \ SvSETMAGIC(sv); \ } STMT_END #endif #if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_setpvf_mg) #if defined(NEED_sv_setpvf_mg) static void DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg)(pTHX_ SV * sv, const char * pat, ...); static #else extern void DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg)(pTHX_ SV * sv, const char * pat, ...); #endif #define Perl_sv_setpvf_mg DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg) #if defined(NEED_sv_setpvf_mg) || defined(NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_GLOBAL) void DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg)(pTHX_ SV *sv, const char *pat, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, pat); sv_vsetpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), &args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*)); SvSETMAGIC(sv); va_end(args); } #endif #endif #ifdef PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT #if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext) #if defined(NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext) static void DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext)(SV * sv, const char * pat, ...); static #else extern void DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext)(SV * sv, const char * pat, ...); #endif #define sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext) #define Perl_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext) #if defined(NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext) || defined(NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext_GLOBAL) void DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext)(SV *sv, const char *pat, ...) { dTHX; va_list args; va_start(args, pat); sv_vsetpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), &args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*)); SvSETMAGIC(sv); va_end(args); } #endif #endif #endif /* sv_setpvf_mg depends on sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext */ #ifndef sv_setpvf_mg # ifdef PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT # define sv_setpvf_mg Perl_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext # else # define sv_setpvf_mg Perl_sv_setpvf_mg # endif #endif #if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_vsetpvf_mg) # define sv_vsetpvf_mg(sv, pat, args) \ STMT_START { \ sv_vsetpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*)); \ SvSETMAGIC(sv); \ } STMT_END #endif #ifndef newSVpvn_share #if defined(NEED_newSVpvn_share) static SV * DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_share)(pTHX_ const char *src, I32 len, U32 hash); static #else extern SV * DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_share)(pTHX_ const char *src, I32 len, U32 hash); #endif #ifdef newSVpvn_share # undef newSVpvn_share #endif #define newSVpvn_share(a,b,c) DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_share)(aTHX_ a,b,c) #define Perl_newSVpvn_share DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_share) #if defined(NEED_newSVpvn_share) || defined(NEED_newSVpvn_share_GLOBAL) SV * DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_share)(pTHX_ const char *src, I32 len, U32 hash) { SV *sv; if (len < 0) len = -len; if (!hash) PERL_HASH(hash, (char*) src, len); sv = newSVpvn((char *) src, len); sv_upgrade(sv, SVt_PVIV); SvIVX(sv) = hash; SvREADONLY_on(sv); SvPOK_on(sv); return sv; } #endif #endif #ifndef SvSHARED_HASH # define SvSHARED_HASH(sv) (0 + SvUVX(sv)) #endif #ifndef WARN_ALL # define WARN_ALL 0 #endif #ifndef WARN_CLOSURE # define WARN_CLOSURE 1 #endif #ifndef WARN_DEPRECATED # define WARN_DEPRECATED 2 #endif #ifndef WARN_EXITING # define WARN_EXITING 3 #endif #ifndef WARN_GLOB # define WARN_GLOB 4 #endif #ifndef WARN_IO # define WARN_IO 5 #endif #ifndef WARN_CLOSED # define WARN_CLOSED 6 #endif #ifndef WARN_EXEC # define WARN_EXEC 7 #endif #ifndef WARN_LAYER # define WARN_LAYER 8 #endif #ifndef WARN_NEWLINE # define WARN_NEWLINE 9 #endif #ifndef WARN_PIPE # define WARN_PIPE 10 #endif #ifndef WARN_UNOPENED # define WARN_UNOPENED 11 #endif #ifndef WARN_MISC # define WARN_MISC 12 #endif #ifndef WARN_NUMERIC # define WARN_NUMERIC 13 #endif #ifndef WARN_ONCE # define WARN_ONCE 14 #endif #ifndef WARN_OVERFLOW # define WARN_OVERFLOW 15 #endif #ifndef WARN_PACK # define WARN_PACK 16 #endif #ifndef WARN_PORTABLE # define WARN_PORTABLE 17 #endif #ifndef WARN_RECURSION # define WARN_RECURSION 18 #endif #ifndef WARN_REDEFINE # define WARN_REDEFINE 19 #endif #ifndef WARN_REGEXP # define WARN_REGEXP 20 #endif #ifndef WARN_SEVERE # define WARN_SEVERE 21 #endif #ifndef WARN_DEBUGGING # define WARN_DEBUGGING 22 #endif #ifndef WARN_INPLACE # define WARN_INPLACE 23 #endif #ifndef WARN_INTERNAL # define WARN_INTERNAL 24 #endif #ifndef WARN_MALLOC # define WARN_MALLOC 25 #endif #ifndef WARN_SIGNAL # define WARN_SIGNAL 26 #endif #ifndef WARN_SUBSTR # define WARN_SUBSTR 27 #endif #ifndef WARN_SYNTAX # define WARN_SYNTAX 28 #endif #ifndef WARN_AMBIGUOUS # define WARN_AMBIGUOUS 29 #endif #ifndef WARN_BAREWORD # define WARN_BAREWORD 30 #endif #ifndef WARN_DIGIT # define WARN_DIGIT 31 #endif #ifndef WARN_PARENTHESIS # define WARN_PARENTHESIS 32 #endif #ifndef WARN_PRECEDENCE # define WARN_PRECEDENCE 33 #endif #ifndef WARN_PRINTF # define WARN_PRINTF 34 #endif #ifndef WARN_PROTOTYPE # define WARN_PROTOTYPE 35 #endif #ifndef WARN_QW # define WARN_QW 36 #endif #ifndef WARN_RESERVED # define WARN_RESERVED 37 #endif #ifndef WARN_SEMICOLON # define WARN_SEMICOLON 38 #endif #ifndef WARN_TAINT # define WARN_TAINT 39 #endif #ifndef WARN_THREADS # define WARN_THREADS 40 #endif #ifndef WARN_UNINITIALIZED # define WARN_UNINITIALIZED 41 #endif #ifndef WARN_UNPACK # define WARN_UNPACK 42 #endif #ifndef WARN_UNTIE # define WARN_UNTIE 43 #endif #ifndef WARN_UTF8 # define WARN_UTF8 44 #endif #ifndef WARN_VOID # define WARN_VOID 45 #endif #ifndef WARN_ASSERTIONS # define WARN_ASSERTIONS 46 #endif #ifndef packWARN # define packWARN(a) (a) #endif #ifndef ckWARN # ifdef G_WARN_ON # define ckWARN(a) (PL_dowarn & G_WARN_ON) # else # define ckWARN(a) PL_dowarn # endif #endif #if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(warner) #if defined(NEED_warner) static void DPPP_(my_warner)(U32 err, const char *pat, ...); static #else extern void DPPP_(my_warner)(U32 err, const char *pat, ...); #endif #define Perl_warner DPPP_(my_warner) #if defined(NEED_warner) || defined(NEED_warner_GLOBAL) void DPPP_(my_warner)(U32 err, const char *pat, ...) { SV *sv; va_list args; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(err); va_start(args, pat); sv = vnewSVpvf(pat, &args); va_end(args); sv_2mortal(sv); warn("%s", SvPV_nolen(sv)); } #define warner Perl_warner #define Perl_warner_nocontext Perl_warner #endif #endif /* concatenating with "" ensures that only literal strings are accepted as argument * note that STR_WITH_LEN() can't be used as argument to macros or functions that * under some configurations might be macros */ #ifndef STR_WITH_LEN # define STR_WITH_LEN(s) (s ""), (sizeof(s)-1) #endif #ifndef newSVpvs # define newSVpvs(str) newSVpvn(str "", sizeof(str) - 1) #endif #ifndef sv_catpvs # define sv_catpvs(sv, str) sv_catpvn(sv, str "", sizeof(str) - 1) #endif #ifndef sv_setpvs # define sv_setpvs(sv, str) sv_setpvn(sv, str "", sizeof(str) - 1) #endif #ifndef hv_fetchs # define hv_fetchs(hv, key, lval) hv_fetch(hv, key "", sizeof(key) - 1, lval) #endif #ifndef hv_stores # define hv_stores(hv, key, val) hv_store(hv, key "", sizeof(key) - 1, val, 0) #endif #ifndef SvGETMAGIC # define SvGETMAGIC(x) STMT_START { if (SvGMAGICAL(x)) mg_get(x); } STMT_END #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_sv # define PERL_MAGIC_sv '\0' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_overload # define PERL_MAGIC_overload 'A' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_overload_elem # define PERL_MAGIC_overload_elem 'a' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_overload_table # define PERL_MAGIC_overload_table 'c' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_bm # define PERL_MAGIC_bm 'B' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_regdata # define PERL_MAGIC_regdata 'D' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_regdatum # define PERL_MAGIC_regdatum 'd' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_env # define PERL_MAGIC_env 'E' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_envelem # define PERL_MAGIC_envelem 'e' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_fm # define PERL_MAGIC_fm 'f' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_regex_global # define PERL_MAGIC_regex_global 'g' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_isa # define PERL_MAGIC_isa 'I' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_isaelem # define PERL_MAGIC_isaelem 'i' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_nkeys # define PERL_MAGIC_nkeys 'k' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_dbfile # define PERL_MAGIC_dbfile 'L' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_dbline # define PERL_MAGIC_dbline 'l' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_mutex # define PERL_MAGIC_mutex 'm' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_shared # define PERL_MAGIC_shared 'N' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_shared_scalar # define PERL_MAGIC_shared_scalar 'n' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_collxfrm # define PERL_MAGIC_collxfrm 'o' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_tied # define PERL_MAGIC_tied 'P' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_tiedelem # define PERL_MAGIC_tiedelem 'p' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_tiedscalar # define PERL_MAGIC_tiedscalar 'q' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_qr # define PERL_MAGIC_qr 'r' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_sig # define PERL_MAGIC_sig 'S' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_sigelem # define PERL_MAGIC_sigelem 's' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_taint # define PERL_MAGIC_taint 't' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_uvar # define PERL_MAGIC_uvar 'U' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_uvar_elem # define PERL_MAGIC_uvar_elem 'u' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_vstring # define PERL_MAGIC_vstring 'V' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_vec # define PERL_MAGIC_vec 'v' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_utf8 # define PERL_MAGIC_utf8 'w' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_substr # define PERL_MAGIC_substr 'x' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_defelem # define PERL_MAGIC_defelem 'y' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_glob # define PERL_MAGIC_glob '*' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_arylen # define PERL_MAGIC_arylen '#' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_pos # define PERL_MAGIC_pos '.' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_backref # define PERL_MAGIC_backref '<' #endif #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_ext # define PERL_MAGIC_ext '~' #endif /* That's the best we can do... */ #ifndef sv_catpvn_nomg # define sv_catpvn_nomg sv_catpvn #endif #ifndef sv_catsv_nomg # define sv_catsv_nomg sv_catsv #endif #ifndef sv_setsv_nomg # define sv_setsv_nomg sv_setsv #endif #ifndef sv_pvn_nomg # define sv_pvn_nomg sv_pvn #endif #ifndef SvIV_nomg # define SvIV_nomg SvIV #endif #ifndef SvUV_nomg # define SvUV_nomg SvUV #endif #ifndef sv_catpv_mg # define sv_catpv_mg(sv, ptr) \ STMT_START { \ SV *TeMpSv = sv; \ sv_catpv(TeMpSv,ptr); \ SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv); \ } STMT_END #endif #ifndef sv_catpvn_mg # define sv_catpvn_mg(sv, ptr, len) \ STMT_START { \ SV *TeMpSv = sv; \ sv_catpvn(TeMpSv,ptr,len); \ SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv); \ } STMT_END #endif #ifndef sv_catsv_mg # define sv_catsv_mg(dsv, ssv) \ STMT_START { \ SV *TeMpSv = dsv; \ sv_catsv(TeMpSv,ssv); \ SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv); \ } STMT_END #endif #ifndef sv_setiv_mg # define sv_setiv_mg(sv, i) \ STMT_START { \ SV *TeMpSv = sv; \ sv_setiv(TeMpSv,i); \ SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv); \ } STMT_END #endif #ifndef sv_setnv_mg # define sv_setnv_mg(sv, num) \ STMT_START { \ SV *TeMpSv = sv; \ sv_setnv(TeMpSv,num); \ SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv); \ } STMT_END #endif #ifndef sv_setpv_mg # define sv_setpv_mg(sv, ptr) \ STMT_START { \ SV *TeMpSv = sv; \ sv_setpv(TeMpSv,ptr); \ SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv); \ } STMT_END #endif #ifndef sv_setpvn_mg # define sv_setpvn_mg(sv, ptr, len) \ STMT_START { \ SV *TeMpSv = sv; \ sv_setpvn(TeMpSv,ptr,len); \ SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv); \ } STMT_END #endif #ifndef sv_setsv_mg # define sv_setsv_mg(dsv, ssv) \ STMT_START { \ SV *TeMpSv = dsv; \ sv_setsv(TeMpSv,ssv); \ SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv); \ } STMT_END #endif #ifndef sv_setuv_mg # define sv_setuv_mg(sv, i) \ STMT_START { \ SV *TeMpSv = sv; \ sv_setuv(TeMpSv,i); \ SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv); \ } STMT_END #endif #ifndef sv_usepvn_mg # define sv_usepvn_mg(sv, ptr, len) \ STMT_START { \ SV *TeMpSv = sv; \ sv_usepvn(TeMpSv,ptr,len); \ SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv); \ } STMT_END #endif #ifndef SvVSTRING_mg # define SvVSTRING_mg(sv) (SvMAGICAL(sv) ? mg_find(sv, PERL_MAGIC_vstring) : NULL) #endif /* Hint: sv_magic_portable * This is a compatibility function that is only available with * Devel::PPPort. It is NOT in the perl core. * Its purpose is to mimic the 5.8.0 behaviour of sv_magic() when * it is being passed a name pointer with namlen == 0. In that * case, perl 5.8.0 and later store the pointer, not a copy of it. * The compatibility can be provided back to perl 5.004. With * earlier versions, the code will not compile. */ #if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5004000) /* code that uses sv_magic_portable will not compile */ #elif (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5008000) # define sv_magic_portable(sv, obj, how, name, namlen) \ STMT_START { \ SV *SvMp_sv = (sv); \ char *SvMp_name = (char *) (name); \ I32 SvMp_namlen = (namlen); \ if (SvMp_name && SvMp_namlen == 0) \ { \ MAGIC *mg; \ sv_magic(SvMp_sv, obj, how, 0, 0); \ mg = SvMAGIC(SvMp_sv); \ mg->mg_len = -42; /* XXX: this is the tricky part */ \ mg->mg_ptr = SvMp_name; \ } \ else \ { \ sv_magic(SvMp_sv, obj, how, SvMp_name, SvMp_namlen); \ } \ } STMT_END #else # define sv_magic_portable(a, b, c, d, e) sv_magic(a, b, c, d, e) #endif #ifdef USE_ITHREADS #ifndef CopFILE # define CopFILE(c) ((c)->cop_file) #endif #ifndef CopFILEGV # define CopFILEGV(c) (CopFILE(c) ? gv_fetchfile(CopFILE(c)) : Nullgv) #endif #ifndef CopFILE_set # define CopFILE_set(c,pv) ((c)->cop_file = savepv(pv)) #endif #ifndef CopFILESV # define CopFILESV(c) (CopFILE(c) ? GvSV(gv_fetchfile(CopFILE(c))) : Nullsv) #endif #ifndef CopFILEAV # define CopFILEAV(c) (CopFILE(c) ? GvAV(gv_fetchfile(CopFILE(c))) : Nullav) #endif #ifndef CopSTASHPV # define CopSTASHPV(c) ((c)->cop_stashpv) #endif #ifndef CopSTASHPV_set # define CopSTASHPV_set(c,pv) ((c)->cop_stashpv = ((pv) ? savepv(pv) : Nullch)) #endif #ifndef CopSTASH # define CopSTASH(c) (CopSTASHPV(c) ? gv_stashpv(CopSTASHPV(c),GV_ADD) : Nullhv) #endif #ifndef CopSTASH_set # define CopSTASH_set(c,hv) CopSTASHPV_set(c, (hv) ? HvNAME(hv) : Nullch) #endif #ifndef CopSTASH_eq # define CopSTASH_eq(c,hv) ((hv) && (CopSTASHPV(c) == HvNAME(hv) \ || (CopSTASHPV(c) && HvNAME(hv) \ && strEQ(CopSTASHPV(c), HvNAME(hv))))) #endif #else #ifndef CopFILEGV # define CopFILEGV(c) ((c)->cop_filegv) #endif #ifndef CopFILEGV_set # define CopFILEGV_set(c,gv) ((c)->cop_filegv = (GV*)SvREFCNT_inc(gv)) #endif #ifndef CopFILE_set # define CopFILE_set(c,pv) CopFILEGV_set((c), gv_fetchfile(pv)) #endif #ifndef CopFILESV # define CopFILESV(c) (CopFILEGV(c) ? GvSV(CopFILEGV(c)) : Nullsv) #endif #ifndef CopFILEAV # define CopFILEAV(c) (CopFILEGV(c) ? GvAV(CopFILEGV(c)) : Nullav) #endif #ifndef CopFILE # define CopFILE(c) (CopFILESV(c) ? SvPVX(CopFILESV(c)) : Nullch) #endif #ifndef CopSTASH # define CopSTASH(c) ((c)->cop_stash) #endif #ifndef CopSTASH_set # define CopSTASH_set(c,hv) ((c)->cop_stash = (hv)) #endif #ifndef CopSTASHPV # define CopSTASHPV(c) (CopSTASH(c) ? HvNAME(CopSTASH(c)) : Nullch) #endif #ifndef CopSTASHPV_set # define CopSTASHPV_set(c,pv) CopSTASH_set((c), gv_stashpv(pv,GV_ADD)) #endif #ifndef CopSTASH_eq # define CopSTASH_eq(c,hv) (CopSTASH(c) == (hv)) #endif #endif /* USE_ITHREADS */ #ifndef IN_PERL_COMPILETIME # define IN_PERL_COMPILETIME (PL_curcop == &PL_compiling) #endif #ifndef IN_LOCALE_RUNTIME # define IN_LOCALE_RUNTIME (PL_curcop->op_private & HINT_LOCALE) #endif #ifndef IN_LOCALE_COMPILETIME # define IN_LOCALE_COMPILETIME (PL_hints & HINT_LOCALE) #endif #ifndef IN_LOCALE # define IN_LOCALE (IN_PERL_COMPILETIME ? IN_LOCALE_COMPILETIME : IN_LOCALE_RUNTIME) #endif #ifndef IS_NUMBER_IN_UV # define IS_NUMBER_IN_UV 0x01 #endif #ifndef IS_NUMBER_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX # define IS_NUMBER_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX 0x02 #endif #ifndef IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT # define IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT 0x04 #endif #ifndef IS_NUMBER_NEG # define IS_NUMBER_NEG 0x08 #endif #ifndef IS_NUMBER_INFINITY # define IS_NUMBER_INFINITY 0x10 #endif #ifndef IS_NUMBER_NAN # define IS_NUMBER_NAN 0x20 #endif #ifndef GROK_NUMERIC_RADIX # define GROK_NUMERIC_RADIX(sp, send) grok_numeric_radix(sp, send) #endif #ifndef PERL_SCAN_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX # define PERL_SCAN_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX 0x02 #endif #ifndef PERL_SCAN_SILENT_ILLDIGIT # define PERL_SCAN_SILENT_ILLDIGIT 0x04 #endif #ifndef PERL_SCAN_ALLOW_UNDERSCORES # define PERL_SCAN_ALLOW_UNDERSCORES 0x01 #endif #ifndef PERL_SCAN_DISALLOW_PREFIX # define PERL_SCAN_DISALLOW_PREFIX 0x02 #endif #ifndef grok_numeric_radix #if defined(NEED_grok_numeric_radix) static bool DPPP_(my_grok_numeric_radix)(pTHX_ const char ** sp, const char * send); static #else extern bool DPPP_(my_grok_numeric_radix)(pTHX_ const char ** sp, const char * send); #endif #ifdef grok_numeric_radix # undef grok_numeric_radix #endif #define grok_numeric_radix(a,b) DPPP_(my_grok_numeric_radix)(aTHX_ a,b) #define Perl_grok_numeric_radix DPPP_(my_grok_numeric_radix) #if defined(NEED_grok_numeric_radix) || defined(NEED_grok_numeric_radix_GLOBAL) bool DPPP_(my_grok_numeric_radix)(pTHX_ const char **sp, const char *send) { #ifdef USE_LOCALE_NUMERIC #ifdef PL_numeric_radix_sv if (PL_numeric_radix_sv && IN_LOCALE) { STRLEN len; char* radix = SvPV(PL_numeric_radix_sv, len); if (*sp + len <= send && memEQ(*sp, radix, len)) { *sp += len; return TRUE; } } #else /* older perls don't have PL_numeric_radix_sv so the radix * must manually be requested from locale.h */ #include dTHR; /* needed for older threaded perls */ struct lconv *lc = localeconv(); char *radix = lc->decimal_point; if (radix && IN_LOCALE) { STRLEN len = strlen(radix); if (*sp + len <= send && memEQ(*sp, radix, len)) { *sp += len; return TRUE; } } #endif #endif /* USE_LOCALE_NUMERIC */ /* always try "." if numeric radix didn't match because * we may have data from different locales mixed */ if (*sp < send && **sp == '.') { ++*sp; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } #endif #endif #ifndef grok_number #if defined(NEED_grok_number) static int DPPP_(my_grok_number)(pTHX_ const char * pv, STRLEN len, UV * valuep); static #else extern int DPPP_(my_grok_number)(pTHX_ const char * pv, STRLEN len, UV * valuep); #endif #ifdef grok_number # undef grok_number #endif #define grok_number(a,b,c) DPPP_(my_grok_number)(aTHX_ a,b,c) #define Perl_grok_number DPPP_(my_grok_number) #if defined(NEED_grok_number) || defined(NEED_grok_number_GLOBAL) int DPPP_(my_grok_number)(pTHX_ const char *pv, STRLEN len, UV *valuep) { const char *s = pv; const char *send = pv + len; const UV max_div_10 = UV_MAX / 10; const char max_mod_10 = UV_MAX % 10; int numtype = 0; int sawinf = 0; int sawnan = 0; while (s < send && isSPACE(*s)) s++; if (s == send) { return 0; } else if (*s == '-') { s++; numtype = IS_NUMBER_NEG; } else if (*s == '+') s++; if (s == send) return 0; /* next must be digit or the radix separator or beginning of infinity */ if (isDIGIT(*s)) { /* UVs are at least 32 bits, so the first 9 decimal digits cannot overflow. */ UV value = *s - '0'; /* This construction seems to be more optimiser friendly. (without it gcc does the isDIGIT test and the *s - '0' separately) With it gcc on arm is managing 6 instructions (6 cycles) per digit. In theory the optimiser could deduce how far to unroll the loop before checking for overflow. */ if (++s < send) { int digit = *s - '0'; if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) { value = value * 10 + digit; if (++s < send) { digit = *s - '0'; if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) { value = value * 10 + digit; if (++s < send) { digit = *s - '0'; if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) { value = value * 10 + digit; if (++s < send) { digit = *s - '0'; if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) { value = value * 10 + digit; if (++s < send) { digit = *s - '0'; if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) { value = value * 10 + digit; if (++s < send) { digit = *s - '0'; if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) { value = value * 10 + digit; if (++s < send) { digit = *s - '0'; if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) { value = value * 10 + digit; if (++s < send) { digit = *s - '0'; if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) { value = value * 10 + digit; if (++s < send) { /* Now got 9 digits, so need to check each time for overflow. */ digit = *s - '0'; while (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9 && (value < max_div_10 || (value == max_div_10 && digit <= max_mod_10))) { value = value * 10 + digit; if (++s < send) digit = *s - '0'; else break; } if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9 && (s < send)) { /* value overflowed. skip the remaining digits, don't worry about setting *valuep. */ do { s++; } while (s < send && isDIGIT(*s)); numtype |= IS_NUMBER_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX; goto skip_value; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } numtype |= IS_NUMBER_IN_UV; if (valuep) *valuep = value; skip_value: if (GROK_NUMERIC_RADIX(&s, send)) { numtype |= IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT; while (s < send && isDIGIT(*s)) /* optional digits after the radix */ s++; } } else if (GROK_NUMERIC_RADIX(&s, send)) { numtype |= IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT | IS_NUMBER_IN_UV; /* valuep assigned below */ /* no digits before the radix means we need digits after it */ if (s < send && isDIGIT(*s)) { do { s++; } while (s < send && isDIGIT(*s)); if (valuep) { /* integer approximation is valid - it's 0. */ *valuep = 0; } } else return 0; } else if (*s == 'I' || *s == 'i') { s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0; s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'F' && *s != 'f')) return 0; s++; if (s < send && (*s == 'I' || *s == 'i')) { s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0; s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'I' && *s != 'i')) return 0; s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'T' && *s != 't')) return 0; s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0; s++; } sawinf = 1; } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') { /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */ s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0; s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0; s++; sawnan = 1; } else return 0; if (sawinf) { numtype &= IS_NUMBER_NEG; /* Keep track of sign */ numtype |= IS_NUMBER_INFINITY | IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT; } else if (sawnan) { numtype &= IS_NUMBER_NEG; /* Keep track of sign */ numtype |= IS_NUMBER_NAN | IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT; } else if (s < send) { /* we can have an optional exponent part */ if (*s == 'e' || *s == 'E') { /* The only flag we keep is sign. Blow away any "it's UV" */ numtype &= IS_NUMBER_NEG; numtype |= IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT; s++; if (s < send && (*s == '-' || *s == '+')) s++; if (s < send && isDIGIT(*s)) { do { s++; } while (s < send && isDIGIT(*s)); } else return 0; } } while (s < send && isSPACE(*s)) s++; if (s >= send) return numtype; if (len == 10 && memEQ(pv, "0 but true", 10)) { if (valuep) *valuep = 0; return IS_NUMBER_IN_UV; } return 0; } #endif #endif /* * The grok_* routines have been modified to use warn() instead of * Perl_warner(). Also, 'hexdigit' was the former name of PL_hexdigit, * which is why the stack variable has been renamed to 'xdigit'. */ #ifndef grok_bin #if defined(NEED_grok_bin) static UV DPPP_(my_grok_bin)(pTHX_ const char * start, STRLEN * len_p, I32 * flags, NV * result); static #else extern UV DPPP_(my_grok_bin)(pTHX_ const char * start, STRLEN * len_p, I32 * flags, NV * result); #endif #ifdef grok_bin # undef grok_bin #endif #define grok_bin(a,b,c,d) DPPP_(my_grok_bin)(aTHX_ a,b,c,d) #define Perl_grok_bin DPPP_(my_grok_bin) #if defined(NEED_grok_bin) || defined(NEED_grok_bin_GLOBAL) UV DPPP_(my_grok_bin)(pTHX_ const char *start, STRLEN *len_p, I32 *flags, NV *result) { const char *s = start; STRLEN len = *len_p; UV value = 0; NV value_nv = 0; const UV max_div_2 = UV_MAX / 2; bool allow_underscores = *flags & PERL_SCAN_ALLOW_UNDERSCORES; bool overflowed = FALSE; if (!(*flags & PERL_SCAN_DISALLOW_PREFIX)) { /* strip off leading b or 0b. for compatibility silently suffer "b" and "0b" as valid binary numbers. */ if (len >= 1) { if (s[0] == 'b') { s++; len--; } else if (len >= 2 && s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'b') { s+=2; len-=2; } } } for (; len-- && *s; s++) { char bit = *s; if (bit == '0' || bit == '1') { /* Write it in this wonky order with a goto to attempt to get the compiler to make the common case integer-only loop pretty tight. With gcc seems to be much straighter code than old scan_bin. */ redo: if (!overflowed) { if (value <= max_div_2) { value = (value << 1) | (bit - '0'); continue; } /* Bah. We're just overflowed. */ warn("Integer overflow in binary number"); overflowed = TRUE; value_nv = (NV) value; } value_nv *= 2.0; /* If an NV has not enough bits in its mantissa to * represent a UV this summing of small low-order numbers * is a waste of time (because the NV cannot preserve * the low-order bits anyway): we could just remember when * did we overflow and in the end just multiply value_nv by the * right amount. */ value_nv += (NV)(bit - '0'); continue; } if (bit == '_' && len && allow_underscores && (bit = s[1]) && (bit == '0' || bit == '1')) { --len; ++s; goto redo; } if (!(*flags & PERL_SCAN_SILENT_ILLDIGIT)) warn("Illegal binary digit '%c' ignored", *s); break; } if ( ( overflowed && value_nv > 4294967295.0) #if UVSIZE > 4 || (!overflowed && value > 0xffffffff ) #endif ) { warn("Binary number > 0b11111111111111111111111111111111 non-portable"); } *len_p = s - start; if (!overflowed) { *flags = 0; return value; } *flags = PERL_SCAN_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX; if (result) *result = value_nv; return UV_MAX; } #endif #endif #ifndef grok_hex #if defined(NEED_grok_hex) static UV DPPP_(my_grok_hex)(pTHX_ const char * start, STRLEN * len_p, I32 * flags, NV * result); static #else extern UV DPPP_(my_grok_hex)(pTHX_ const char * start, STRLEN * len_p, I32 * flags, NV * result); #endif #ifdef grok_hex # undef grok_hex #endif #define grok_hex(a,b,c,d) DPPP_(my_grok_hex)(aTHX_ a,b,c,d) #define Perl_grok_hex DPPP_(my_grok_hex) #if defined(NEED_grok_hex) || defined(NEED_grok_hex_GLOBAL) UV DPPP_(my_grok_hex)(pTHX_ const char *start, STRLEN *len_p, I32 *flags, NV *result) { const char *s = start; STRLEN len = *len_p; UV value = 0; NV value_nv = 0; const UV max_div_16 = UV_MAX / 16; bool allow_underscores = *flags & PERL_SCAN_ALLOW_UNDERSCORES; bool overflowed = FALSE; const char *xdigit; if (!(*flags & PERL_SCAN_DISALLOW_PREFIX)) { /* strip off leading x or 0x. for compatibility silently suffer "x" and "0x" as valid hex numbers. */ if (len >= 1) { if (s[0] == 'x') { s++; len--; } else if (len >= 2 && s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x') { s+=2; len-=2; } } } for (; len-- && *s; s++) { xdigit = strchr((char *) PL_hexdigit, *s); if (xdigit) { /* Write it in this wonky order with a goto to attempt to get the compiler to make the common case integer-only loop pretty tight. With gcc seems to be much straighter code than old scan_hex. */ redo: if (!overflowed) { if (value <= max_div_16) { value = (value << 4) | ((xdigit - PL_hexdigit) & 15); continue; } warn("Integer overflow in hexadecimal number"); overflowed = TRUE; value_nv = (NV) value; } value_nv *= 16.0; /* If an NV has not enough bits in its mantissa to * represent a UV this summing of small low-order numbers * is a waste of time (because the NV cannot preserve * the low-order bits anyway): we could just remember when * did we overflow and in the end just multiply value_nv by the * right amount of 16-tuples. */ value_nv += (NV)((xdigit - PL_hexdigit) & 15); continue; } if (*s == '_' && len && allow_underscores && s[1] && (xdigit = strchr((char *) PL_hexdigit, s[1]))) { --len; ++s; goto redo; } if (!(*flags & PERL_SCAN_SILENT_ILLDIGIT)) warn("Illegal hexadecimal digit '%c' ignored", *s); break; } if ( ( overflowed && value_nv > 4294967295.0) #if UVSIZE > 4 || (!overflowed && value > 0xffffffff ) #endif ) { warn("Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff non-portable"); } *len_p = s - start; if (!overflowed) { *flags = 0; return value; } *flags = PERL_SCAN_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX; if (result) *result = value_nv; return UV_MAX; } #endif #endif #ifndef grok_oct #if defined(NEED_grok_oct) static UV DPPP_(my_grok_oct)(pTHX_ const char * start, STRLEN * len_p, I32 * flags, NV * result); static #else extern UV DPPP_(my_grok_oct)(pTHX_ const char * start, STRLEN * len_p, I32 * flags, NV * result); #endif #ifdef grok_oct # undef grok_oct #endif #define grok_oct(a,b,c,d) DPPP_(my_grok_oct)(aTHX_ a,b,c,d) #define Perl_grok_oct DPPP_(my_grok_oct) #if defined(NEED_grok_oct) || defined(NEED_grok_oct_GLOBAL) UV DPPP_(my_grok_oct)(pTHX_ const char *start, STRLEN *len_p, I32 *flags, NV *result) { const char *s = start; STRLEN len = *len_p; UV value = 0; NV value_nv = 0; const UV max_div_8 = UV_MAX / 8; bool allow_underscores = *flags & PERL_SCAN_ALLOW_UNDERSCORES; bool overflowed = FALSE; for (; len-- && *s; s++) { /* gcc 2.95 optimiser not smart enough to figure that this subtraction out front allows slicker code. */ int digit = *s - '0'; if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 7) { /* Write it in this wonky order with a goto to attempt to get the compiler to make the common case integer-only loop pretty tight. */ redo: if (!overflowed) { if (value <= max_div_8) { value = (value << 3) | digit; continue; } /* Bah. We're just overflowed. */ warn("Integer overflow in octal number"); overflowed = TRUE; value_nv = (NV) value; } value_nv *= 8.0; /* If an NV has not enough bits in its mantissa to * represent a UV this summing of small low-order numbers * is a waste of time (because the NV cannot preserve * the low-order bits anyway): we could just remember when * did we overflow and in the end just multiply value_nv by the * right amount of 8-tuples. */ value_nv += (NV)digit; continue; } if (digit == ('_' - '0') && len && allow_underscores && (digit = s[1] - '0') && (digit >= 0 && digit <= 7)) { --len; ++s; goto redo; } /* Allow \octal to work the DWIM way (that is, stop scanning * as soon as non-octal characters are seen, complain only iff * someone seems to want to use the digits eight and nine). */ if (digit == 8 || digit == 9) { if (!(*flags & PERL_SCAN_SILENT_ILLDIGIT)) warn("Illegal octal digit '%c' ignored", *s); } break; } if ( ( overflowed && value_nv > 4294967295.0) #if UVSIZE > 4 || (!overflowed && value > 0xffffffff ) #endif ) { warn("Octal number > 037777777777 non-portable"); } *len_p = s - start; if (!overflowed) { *flags = 0; return value; } *flags = PERL_SCAN_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX; if (result) *result = value_nv; return UV_MAX; } #endif #endif #if !defined(my_snprintf) #if defined(NEED_my_snprintf) static int DPPP_(my_my_snprintf)(char * buffer, const Size_t len, const char * format, ...); static #else extern int DPPP_(my_my_snprintf)(char * buffer, const Size_t len, const char * format, ...); #endif #define my_snprintf DPPP_(my_my_snprintf) #define Perl_my_snprintf DPPP_(my_my_snprintf) #if defined(NEED_my_snprintf) || defined(NEED_my_snprintf_GLOBAL) int DPPP_(my_my_snprintf)(char *buffer, const Size_t len, const char *format, ...) { dTHX; int retval; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); #ifdef HAS_VSNPRINTF retval = vsnprintf(buffer, len, format, ap); #else retval = vsprintf(buffer, format, ap); #endif va_end(ap); if (retval >= (int)len) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "panic: my_snprintf buffer overflow"); return retval; } #endif #endif #ifdef NO_XSLOCKS # ifdef dJMPENV # define dXCPT dJMPENV; int rEtV = 0 # define XCPT_TRY_START JMPENV_PUSH(rEtV); if (rEtV == 0) # define XCPT_TRY_END JMPENV_POP; # define XCPT_CATCH if (rEtV != 0) # define XCPT_RETHROW JMPENV_JUMP(rEtV) # else # define dXCPT Sigjmp_buf oldTOP; int rEtV = 0 # define XCPT_TRY_START Copy(top_env, oldTOP, 1, Sigjmp_buf); rEtV = Sigsetjmp(top_env, 1); if (rEtV == 0) # define XCPT_TRY_END Copy(oldTOP, top_env, 1, Sigjmp_buf); # define XCPT_CATCH if (rEtV != 0) # define XCPT_RETHROW Siglongjmp(top_env, rEtV) # endif #endif #if !defined(my_strlcat) #if defined(NEED_my_strlcat) static Size_t DPPP_(my_my_strlcat)(char * dst, const char * src, Size_t size); static #else extern Size_t DPPP_(my_my_strlcat)(char * dst, const char * src, Size_t size); #endif #define my_strlcat DPPP_(my_my_strlcat) #define Perl_my_strlcat DPPP_(my_my_strlcat) #if defined(NEED_my_strlcat) || defined(NEED_my_strlcat_GLOBAL) Size_t DPPP_(my_my_strlcat)(char *dst, const char *src, Size_t size) { Size_t used, length, copy; used = strlen(dst); length = strlen(src); if (size > 0 && used < size - 1) { copy = (length >= size - used) ? size - used - 1 : length; memcpy(dst + used, src, copy); dst[used + copy] = '\0'; } return used + length; } #endif #endif #if !defined(my_strlcpy) #if defined(NEED_my_strlcpy) static Size_t DPPP_(my_my_strlcpy)(char * dst, const char * src, Size_t size); static #else extern Size_t DPPP_(my_my_strlcpy)(char * dst, const char * src, Size_t size); #endif #define my_strlcpy DPPP_(my_my_strlcpy) #define Perl_my_strlcpy DPPP_(my_my_strlcpy) #if defined(NEED_my_strlcpy) || defined(NEED_my_strlcpy_GLOBAL) Size_t DPPP_(my_my_strlcpy)(char *dst, const char *src, Size_t size) { Size_t length, copy; length = strlen(src); if (size > 0) { copy = (length >= size) ? size - 1 : length; memcpy(dst, src, copy); dst[copy] = '\0'; } return length; } #endif #endif #endif /* _P_P_PORTABILITY_H_ */ /* End of File ppport.h */