Access 97 tested through ODBC 1998.04.19, by Access 97 has a bug when on executes a SELECT follwed very fast with a DROP TABLE or a DROP INDEX command: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access 97 Driver] The database engine couldn't lock table 'crash_q' because it's already in use by another person or process. (SQL-S1 000)(DBD: st_execute/SQLExecute err=-1) Debugging SQL queries in Access 97 is terrible because most error messages are of type: Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access 97 Driver] Syntax error in CREATE TABLE statement. (SQL-37000)(DBD: st_prepare/SQLPrepare err=-1) Which doesn't tell a thing! -------------- Access 2000 tested through ODBC 2000.01.02, by crash-me takes a LONG time to run under Access 2000. The '1+NULL' and the 'OR and AND in WHERE' tests kills Activestate Perl, build 521, DBI-DBC with an OUT OF MEMORY error. The later test also kills perl/access with some internal errors. To go around this one must run crash-me repeatedly with the --restart option. Testing of the 'constant string size' (< 500K) takes a LOT of memory in Access (at least 250M on My computer). Testing of number of 'simple expressions' takes REALLY a lot of time and memory; At some point I was up to 350M of used memory! To fix the above, I modified crash-me to have lower max limits in the above tests. Benchmarks (under Win98): Running the connect-test will take up all available memory and this will not be freed even after quitting perl! There is probably some bug in the Access connect code that eats memory!