# This file describes how to run benchmarks and crash-me with FrontBase Installed components: - FrontBase-2.1-8.rpm (had to run with rpm -i --nodeps; the rpm wanted libreadline.so.4.0, but only libreadline.so.4.1 was available) - DBD-FB-0.03.tar.gz (perl Makefile.Pl; make; make test; make install;) - DBI-1.14.tar.gz (perl Makefile.Pl; make; make test; make install;) - Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2215.tar.gz (perl Makefile.Pl; make; make test; make install;) After installations: - cd /etc/rc.d FBWeb start FrontBase start - cd /usr/local/mysql/sql-bench - FBExec & - FrontBase test crash-me: There were a lot of troubles running the crash-me; FrontBase core dumped several tens of times while crash-me was trying to determine the maximum values in different areas. The crash-me program itself was also needed to be tuned quite a lot for FB. There were also some bugs/lacking features in the crash-me program, which are now fixed to the new version. After we finally got the limits, we runned the benchmarks. benchmarks: Problems again. Frontbase core dumped with every part of the benchmark (8/8) tests. After a lot of fine-tuning we got the benchmarks to run through. The maximum values had to be dropped down a lot in many of the tests. The benchmarks were run with the following command: perl run-all-tests --server=frontbase --host=prima --cmp=frontbase,mysql --tcpip --log