/****************** bsonudf C++ Program Source Code File (.CPP) ******************/ /* PROGRAM NAME: bsonudf Version 1.0 */ /* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2020 - 2021 */ /* This program are the BSON User Defined Functions. */ /*********************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************/ /* Include relevant sections of the MariaDB header file. */ /*********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bsonudf.h" #if defined(UNIX) || defined(UNIV_LINUX) #define _O_RDONLY O_RDONLY #endif #define MEMFIX 4096 #if defined(connect_EXPORTS) #define PUSH_WARNING(M) push_warning(current_thd, Sql_condition::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR, M) #else #define PUSH_WARNING(M) htrc(M) #endif #define M 6 int JsonDefPrec = -1; int GetDefaultPrec(void); int IsArgJson(UDF_ARGS* args, uint i); void SetChanged(PBSON bsp); int GetJsonDefPrec(void); static PBSON BbinAlloc(PGLOBAL g, ulong len, PBVAL jsp); /* --------------------------------- JSON UDF ---------------------------------- */ /*********************************************************************************/ /* Replaces GetJsonGrpSize not usable when CONNECT is not installed. */ /*********************************************************************************/ int GetJsonDefPrec(void) { return (JsonDefPrec < 0) ? GetDefaultPrec() : JsonDefPrec; } /* end of GetJsonDefPrec */ /*********************************************************************************/ /* Program for saving the status of the memory pools. */ /*********************************************************************************/ inline void JsonMemSave(PGLOBAL g) { g->Saved_Size = ((PPOOLHEADER)g->Sarea)->To_Free; } /* end of JsonMemSave */ /*********************************************************************************/ /* Program for freeing the memory pools. */ /*********************************************************************************/ inline void JsonFreeMem(PGLOBAL g) { g->Activityp = NULL; g = PlugExit(g); } /* end of JsonFreeMem */ /*********************************************************************************/ /* Allocate and initialize a BSON structure. */ /*********************************************************************************/ static PBSON BbinAlloc(PGLOBAL g, ulong len, PBVAL jsp) { PBSON bsp = (PBSON)PlgDBSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(BSON)); if (bsp) { snprintf(bsp->Msg, sizeof(bsp->Msg), "Binary Json"); bsp->Msg[BMX] = 0; bsp->Filename = NULL; bsp->G = g; bsp->Pretty = 2; bsp->Reslen = len; bsp->Changed = false; bsp->Top = bsp->Jsp = (PJSON)jsp; bsp->Bsp = NULL; } else PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); return bsp; } /* end of BbinAlloc */ /* --------------------------- New Testing BJSON Stuff --------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************************/ /* SubAlloc a new BJNX class with protection against memory exhaustion. */ /*********************************************************************************/ #ifdef NOT_USED static PBJNX BjnxNew(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL vlp, int type, int len) { PBJNX bjnx; try { bjnx = new(g) BJNX(g, vlp, type, len); } catch (...) { if (trace(1023)) htrc("%s\n", g->Message); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); bjnx = NULL; } // end try/catch return bjnx; } /* end of BjnxNew */ #endif /* ----------------------------------- BSNX ------------------------------------ */ /*********************************************************************************/ /* BSNX public constructor. */ /*********************************************************************************/ BJNX::BJNX(PGLOBAL g) : BDOC(g) { Row = NULL; Bvalp = NULL; Jpnp = NULL; Jp = NULL; Nodes = NULL; Value = NULL; //MulVal = NULL; Jpath = NULL; Buf_Type = TYPE_STRING; Long = len; Prec = 0; Nod = 0; Xnod = -1; K = 0; I = -1; Imax = 9; B = 0; Xpd = false; Parsed = false; Found = false; Wr = false; Jb = false; Changed = false; Throw = false; } // end of BJNX constructor /*********************************************************************************/ /* BSNX public constructor. */ /*********************************************************************************/ BJNX::BJNX(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL row, int type, int len, int prec, my_bool wr) : BDOC(g) { Row = row; Bvalp = NULL; Jpnp = NULL; Jp = NULL; Nodes = NULL; Value = AllocateValue(g, type, len, prec); //MulVal = NULL; Jpath = NULL; Buf_Type = type; Long = len; Prec = prec; Nod = 0; Xnod = -1; K = 0; I = -1; Imax = 9; B = 0; Xpd = false; Parsed = false; Found = false; Wr = wr; Jb = false; Changed = false; Throw = false; } // end of BJNX constructor /*********************************************************************************/ /* SetJpath: set and parse the json path. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::SetJpath(PGLOBAL g, char* path, my_bool jb) { // Check Value was allocated if (Value) Value->SetNullable(true); Jpath = path; // Parse the json path Parsed = false; Nod = 0; Jb = jb; return ParseJpath(g); } // end of SetJpath /*********************************************************************************/ /* Analyse array processing options. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::SetArrayOptions(PGLOBAL g, char* p, int i, PSZ nm) { int n = (int)strlen(p); my_bool dg = true, b = false; PJNODE jnp = &Nodes[i]; if (*p) { if (p[n - 1] == ']') { p[--n] = 0; } else if (!IsNum(p)) { // Wrong array specification snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Invalid array specification %s", p); return true; } // endif p } else b = true; // To check whether a numeric Rank was specified dg = IsNum(p); if (!n) { // Default specifications if (jnp->Op != OP_EXP) { if (Wr) { // Force append jnp->Rank = INT_MAX32; jnp->Op = OP_LE; } else if (Jb) { // Return a Json item jnp->Op = OP_XX; } else if (b) { // Return 1st value (B is the index base) jnp->Rank = B; jnp->Op = OP_LE; } else if (!Value->IsTypeNum()) { jnp->CncVal = AllocateValue(g, PlugDup(g, ", "), TYPE_STRING); jnp->Op = OP_CNC; } else jnp->Op = OP_ADD; } // endif OP } else if (dg) { // Return nth value jnp->Rank = atoi(p) - B; jnp->Op = OP_EQ; } else if (Wr) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Invalid specification %s in a write path", p); return true; } else if (n == 1) { // Set the Op value; switch (*p) { case '+': jnp->Op = OP_ADD; break; case 'x': jnp->Op = OP_MULT; break; case '>': jnp->Op = OP_MAX; break; case '<': jnp->Op = OP_MIN; break; case '!': jnp->Op = OP_SEP; break; // Average case '#': jnp->Op = OP_NUM; break; case '*': jnp->Op = OP_EXP; break; default: snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Invalid function specification %c", *p); return true; } // endswitch *p } else if (*p == '"' && p[n - 1] == '"') { // This is a concat specification jnp->Op = OP_CNC; if (n > 2) { // Set concat intermediate string p[n - 1] = 0; if (trace(1)) htrc("Concat string=%s\n", p + 1); jnp->CncVal = AllocateValue(g, p + 1, TYPE_STRING); } // endif n } else { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Wrong array specification"); return true; } // endif's return false; } // end of SetArrayOptions /*********************************************************************************/ /* Parse the eventual passed Jpath information. */ /* This information can be specified in the Fieldfmt column option when */ /* creating the table. It permits to indicate the position of the node */ /* corresponding to that column. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::ParseJpath(PGLOBAL g) { char* p, * p1 = NULL, * p2 = NULL, * pbuf = NULL; int i; my_bool a; if (Parsed) return false; // Already done else if (!Jpath) // Jpath = Name; return true; if (trace(1)) htrc("ParseJpath %s\n", SVP(Jpath)); if (!(pbuf = PlgDBDup(g, Jpath))) return true; if (*pbuf == '$') pbuf++; if (*pbuf == '.') pbuf++; if (*pbuf == '[') p1 = pbuf++; // Estimate the required number of nodes for (i = 0, p = pbuf; (p = NextChr(p, '.')); i++, p++) Nod++; // One path node found if (!(Nodes = (PJNODE)PlgDBSubAlloc(g, NULL, (++Nod) * sizeof(JNODE)))) return true; memset(Nodes, 0, (Nod) * sizeof(JNODE)); // Analyze the Jpath for this column for (i = 0, p = pbuf; p && i < Nod; i++, p = (p2 ? p2 : NULL)) { a = (p1 != NULL); p1 = strchr(p, '['); p2 = strchr(p, '.'); if (!p2) p2 = p1; else if (p1) { if (p1 < p2) p2 = p1; else if (p1 == p2 + 1) *p2++ = 0; // Old syntax .[ else p1 = NULL; } // endif p1 if (p2) *p2++ = 0; // Jpath must be explicit if (a || *p == 0 || *p == '[' || IsNum(p)) { // Analyse intermediate array processing if (SetArrayOptions(g, p, i, Nodes[i - 1].Key)) return true; } else if (*p == '*') { if (Wr) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Invalid specification %c in a write path", *p); return true; } else // Return JSON Nodes[i].Op = OP_XX; } else { Nodes[i].Key = p; Nodes[i].Op = OP_EXIST; } // endif's } // endfor i, p Nod = i; //MulVal = AllocateValue(g, Value); if (trace(1)) for (i = 0; i < Nod; i++) htrc("Node(%d) Key=%s Op=%d Rank=%d\n", i, SVP(Nodes[i].Key), Nodes[i].Op, Nodes[i].Rank); Parsed = true; return false; } // end of ParseJpath /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a valid key from the passed argument. */ /*********************************************************************************/ PSZ BJNX::MakeKey(UDF_ARGS *args, int i) { if (args->arg_count > (unsigned)i) { int j = 0, n = args->attribute_lengths[i]; my_bool b; // true if attribute is zero terminated PSZ p; PCSZ s = args->attributes[i]; if (s && *s && (n || *s == '\'')) { if ((b = (!n || !s[n]))) n = strlen(s); if (IsArgJson(args, i)) j = (int)(strchr(s, '_') - s + 1); if (j && n > j) { s += j; n -= j; } else if (*s == '\'' && s[n-1] == '\'') { s++; n -= 2; b = false; } // endif *s if (n < 1) return NewStr((PSZ)"Key"); if (!b) { p = (PSZ)BsonSubAlloc(n + 1); memcpy(p, s, n); p[n] = 0; return p; } // endif b } // endif s return NewStr((PSZ)s); } // endif count return NewStr((PSZ)"Key"); } // end of MakeKey /*********************************************************************************/ /* MakeJson: Make the Json tree to serialize. */ /*********************************************************************************/ PBVAL BJNX::MakeJson(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL bvp, int n) { PBVAL vlp, jvp = bvp; Jb = false; if (n < Nod -1) { if (bvp->Type == TYPE_JAR) { int ars = GetArraySize(bvp); PJNODE jnp = &Nodes[n]; jvp = NewVal(TYPE_JAR); jnp->Op = OP_EQ; for (int i = 0; i < ars; i++) { jnp->Rank = i; vlp = GetRowValue(g, bvp, n); AddArrayValue(jvp, DupVal(vlp)); } // endfor i jnp->Op = OP_XX; jnp->Rank = 0; } else if(bvp->Type == TYPE_JOB) { jvp = NewVal(TYPE_JOB); for (PBPR prp = GetObject(bvp); prp; prp = GetNext(prp)) { vlp = GetRowValue(g, GetVlp(prp), n + 1); SetKeyValue(jvp, vlp, MZP(prp->Key)); } // endfor prp } // endif Type } // endif n Jb = true; return jvp; } // end of MakeJson /*********************************************************************************/ /* SetValue: Set a value from a BVALUE contains. */ /*********************************************************************************/ void BJNX::SetJsonValue(PGLOBAL g, PVAL vp, PBVAL vlp) { if (vlp) { vp->SetNull(false); if (Jb) { vp->SetValue_psz(Serialize(g, vlp, NULL, 0)); Jb = false; } else switch (vlp->Type) { case TYPE_DTM: case TYPE_STRG: vp->SetValue_psz(GetString(vlp)); break; case TYPE_INTG: vp->SetValue(GetInteger(vlp)); break; case TYPE_BINT: vp->SetValue(GetBigint(vlp)); break; case TYPE_DBL: case TYPE_FLOAT: if (vp->IsTypeNum()) vp->SetValue(GetDouble(vlp)); else // Get the proper number of decimals vp->SetValue_psz(GetString(vlp)); break; case TYPE_BOOL: if (vp->IsTypeNum()) vp->SetValue(GetInteger(vlp) ? 1 : 0); else vp->SetValue_psz(GetString(vlp)); break; case TYPE_JAR: vp->SetValue_psz(GetArrayText(g, vlp, NULL)); break; case TYPE_JOB: vp->SetValue_psz(GetObjectText(g, vlp, NULL)); break; case TYPE_NULL: vp->SetNull(true); /* fall through */ default: vp->Reset(); } // endswitch Type } else { vp->SetNull(true); vp->Reset(); } // endif val } // end of SetJsonValue /*********************************************************************************/ /* GetJson: */ /*********************************************************************************/ PBVAL BJNX::GetJson(PGLOBAL g) { return GetRowValue(g, Row, 0); } // end of GetJson /*********************************************************************************/ /* ReadValue: */ /*********************************************************************************/ void BJNX::ReadValue(PGLOBAL g) { Value->SetValue_pval(GetColumnValue(g, Row, 0)); } // end of ReadValue /*********************************************************************************/ /* GetColumnValue: */ /*********************************************************************************/ PVAL BJNX::GetColumnValue(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL row, int i) { PBVAL vlp = GetRowValue(g, row, i); SetJsonValue(g, Value, vlp); return Value; } // end of GetColumnValue /*********************************************************************************/ /* GetRowValue: */ /*********************************************************************************/ PBVAL BJNX::GetRowValue(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL row, int i) { PBVAL bap; PBVAL vlp = NULL; for (; i < Nod && row; i++) { if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_NUM) { Value->SetValue(row->Type == TYPE_JAR ? GetArraySize(row) : 1); vlp = NewVal(Value); return vlp; } else if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_XX) { return MakeJson(g, row, i); } else if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_EXP) { PUSH_WARNING("Expand not supported by this function"); return NULL; } else switch (row->Type) { case TYPE_JOB: if (!Nodes[i].Key) { // Expected Array was not there if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_LE) { if (i < Nod - 1) continue; else vlp = row; // DupVal(g, row) ??? } else { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Unexpected object"); vlp = NULL; } //endif Op } else vlp = GetKeyValue(row, Nodes[i].Key); break; case TYPE_JAR: bap = row; if (!Nodes[i].Key) { if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_EQ || Nodes[i].Op == OP_LE) vlp = GetArrayValue(bap, Nodes[i].Rank); else if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_EXP) return (PBVAL)ExpandArray(g, bap, i); else return NewVal(CalculateArray(g, bap, i)); } else { // Unexpected array, unwrap it as [0] vlp = GetArrayValue(bap, 0); i--; } // endif's break; case TYPE_JVAL: vlp = row; break; default: snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Invalid row JSON type %d", row->Type); vlp = NULL; } // endswitch Type row = vlp; } // endfor i return vlp; } // end of GetRowValue /*********************************************************************************/ /* ExpandArray: */ /*********************************************************************************/ PVAL BJNX::ExpandArray(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL arp, int n) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Expand cannot be done by this function"); return NULL; } // end of ExpandArray /*********************************************************************************/ /* Get the value used for calculating the array. */ /*********************************************************************************/ PVAL BJNX::GetCalcValue(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL bap, int n) { // For calculated arrays, a local Value must be used int lng = 0; short type = 0, prec = 0; bool b = n < Nod - 1; PVAL valp; PBVAL vlp, vp; OPVAL op = Nodes[n].Op; switch (op) { case OP_NUM: type = TYPE_INT; break; case OP_ADD: case OP_MULT: if (!IsTypeNum(Buf_Type)) { type = TYPE_INT; prec = 0; for (vlp = GetArray(bap); vlp; vlp = GetNext(vlp)) { vp = (b && IsJson(vlp)) ? GetRowValue(g, vlp, n + 1) : vlp; switch (vp->Type) { case TYPE_BINT: if (type == TYPE_INT) type = TYPE_BIGINT; break; case TYPE_DBL: case TYPE_FLOAT: type = TYPE_DOUBLE; prec = MY_MAX(prec, vp->Nd); break; default: break; } // endswitch Type } // endfor vlp } else { type = Buf_Type; prec = GetPrecision(); } // endif Buf_Type break; case OP_SEP: if (IsTypeChar(Buf_Type)) { type = TYPE_DOUBLE; prec = 2; } else { type = Buf_Type; prec = GetPrecision(); } // endif Buf_Type break; case OP_MIN: case OP_MAX: type = Buf_Type; lng = Long; prec = GetPrecision(); break; case OP_CNC: type = TYPE_STRING; if (IsTypeChar(Buf_Type)) { lng = (Long) ? Long : 512; prec = GetPrecision(); } else lng = 512; break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(!"Implement new op type support."); } // endswitch Op return valp = AllocateValue(g, type, lng, prec); } // end of GetCalcValue /*********************************************************************************/ /* CalculateArray */ /*********************************************************************************/ PVAL BJNX::CalculateArray(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL bap, int n) { int i, ars = GetArraySize(bap), nv = 0; bool err; OPVAL op = Nodes[n].Op; PVAL val[2], vp = GetCalcValue(g, bap, n); PVAL mulval = AllocateValue(g, vp); PBVAL bvrp, bvp; BVAL bval; vp->Reset(); xtrc(1, "CalculateArray size=%d op=%d\n", ars, op); try { for (i = 0; i < ars; i++) { bvrp = GetArrayValue(bap, i); xtrc(1, "i=%d nv=%d\n", i, nv); if (!IsValueNull(bvrp) || (op == OP_CNC && GetJsonNull())) { if (IsValueNull(bvrp)) { SetString(bvrp, NewStr(GetJsonNull()), 0); bvp = bvrp; } else if (n < Nod - 1 && IsJson(bvrp)) { SetValue(&bval, GetColumnValue(g, bvrp, n + 1)); bvp = &bval; } else bvp = bvrp; if (trace(1)) htrc("bvp=%s null=%d\n", GetString(bvp), IsValueNull(bvp) ? 1 : 0); if (!nv++) { SetJsonValue(g, vp, bvp); continue; } else SetJsonValue(g, mulval, bvp); if (!mulval->IsNull()) { switch (op) { case OP_CNC: if (Nodes[n].CncVal) { val[0] = Nodes[n].CncVal; err = vp->Compute(g, val, 1, op); } // endif CncVal val[0] = mulval; err = vp->Compute(g, val, 1, op); break; // case OP_NUM: case OP_SEP: val[0] = vp; val[1] = mulval; err = vp->Compute(g, val, 2, OP_ADD); break; default: val[0] = vp; val[1] = mulval; err = vp->Compute(g, val, 2, op); } // endswitch Op if (err) vp->Reset(); if (trace(1)) { char buf(32); htrc("vp='%s' err=%d\n", vp->GetCharString(&buf), err ? 1 : 0); } // endif trace } // endif Zero } // endif jvrp } // endfor i if (op == OP_SEP) { // Calculate average mulval->SetValue(nv); val[0] = vp; val[1] = mulval; if (vp->Compute(g, val, 2, OP_DIV)) vp->Reset(); } // endif Op } catch (int n) { xtrc(1, "Exception %d: %s\n", n, g->Message); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } catch (const char* msg) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "%s", msg); } // end catch return vp; } // end of CalculateArray /***********************************************************************/ /* GetRow: Set the complete path of the object to be set. */ /***********************************************************************/ PBVAL BJNX::GetRow(PGLOBAL g) { PBVAL val = NULL; PBVAL arp; PBVAL nwr, row = Row; for (int i = 0; i < Nod - 1 && row; i++) { if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_XX) break; else if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_EXP) { PUSH_WARNING("Expand not supported by this function"); return NULL; } else switch (row->Type) { case TYPE_JOB: if (!Nodes[i].Key) // Expected Array was not there, wrap the value continue; val = GetKeyValue(row, Nodes[i].Key); break; case TYPE_JAR: arp = row; if (!Nodes[i].Key) { if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_EQ) val = GetArrayValue(arp, Nodes[i].Rank); else val = GetArrayValue(arp, Nodes[i].Rx); } else { // Unexpected array, unwrap it as [0] val = GetArrayValue(arp, 0); i--; } // endif Nodes break; case TYPE_JVAL: val = MVP(row->To_Val); break; default: snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Invalid row JSON type %d", row->Type); val = NULL; } // endswitch Type if (val) { row = val; } else { // Construct missing objects for (i++; row && i < Nod; i++) { if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_XX) break; // Construct new row nwr = NewVal(); if (row->Type == TYPE_JOB) { SetKeyValue(row, MOF(nwr), Nodes[i - 1].Key); } else if (row->Type == TYPE_JAR) { AddArrayValue(row, MOF(nwr)); } else { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Wrong type when writing new row"); nwr = NULL; } // endif's row = nwr; } // endfor i break; } // endelse } // endfor i return row; } // end of GetRow /***********************************************************************/ /* WriteValue: */ /***********************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::WriteValue(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL jvalp) { PBVAL objp = NULL; PBVAL arp = NULL; PBVAL jvp = NULL; PBVAL row = GetRow(g); if (!row) return true; switch (row->Type) { case TYPE_JOB: objp = row; break; case TYPE_JAR: arp = row; break; case TYPE_JVAL: jvp = MVP(row->To_Val); break; default: snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Invalid target type"); return true; } // endswitch Type if (arp) { if (!Nodes[Nod - 1].Key) { if (Nodes[Nod - 1].Op == OP_EQ) SetArrayValue(arp, jvalp, Nodes[Nod - 1].Rank); else AddArrayValue(arp, MOF(jvalp)); } // endif Key } else if (objp) { if (Nodes[Nod - 1].Key) SetKeyValue(objp, MOF(jvalp), Nodes[Nod - 1].Key); } else if (jvp) SetValueVal(jvp, jvalp); return false; } // end of WriteValue /*********************************************************************************/ /* GetRowValue: */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::DeleteItem(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL row) { int n = -1; my_bool b = false; bool loop; PBVAL vlp, pvp, rwp; do { loop = false; vlp = NULL; pvp = rwp = row; for (int i = 0; i < Nod && rwp; i++) { if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_XX) break; else switch (rwp->Type) { case TYPE_JOB: if (!Nodes[i].Key) { vlp = NULL; } else vlp = GetKeyValue(rwp, Nodes[i].Key); break; case TYPE_JAR: if (!Nodes[i].Key) { if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_EXP) { if (loop) { PUSH_WARNING("Only one expand can be handled"); return b; } // endif loop n++; } else n = Nodes[i].Rank; vlp = GetArrayValue(rwp, n); if (GetNext(vlp) && Nodes[i].Op == OP_EXP) loop = true; } else vlp = NULL; break; case TYPE_JVAL: vlp = rwp; break; default: vlp = NULL; } // endswitch Type pvp = rwp; rwp = vlp; vlp = NULL; } // endfor i if (rwp) { if (Nodes[Nod - 1].Op == OP_XX) { if (!IsJson(rwp)) rwp->Type = TYPE_NULL; rwp->To_Val = 0; } else switch (pvp->Type) { case TYPE_JOB: b = DeleteKey(pvp, Nodes[Nod - 1].Key); break; case TYPE_JAR: if (Nodes[Nod - 1].Op == OP_EXP) { pvp->To_Val = 0; loop = false; } else b = DeleteValue(pvp, n); break; default: break; } // endswitch Type } // endif rwp } while (loop); return b; } // end of DeleteItem /*********************************************************************************/ /* CheckPath: Checks whether the path exists in the document. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::CheckPath(PGLOBAL g) { PBVAL val = NULL; PBVAL row = Row; for (int i = 0; i < Nod && row; i++) { val = NULL; if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_NUM || Nodes[i].Op == OP_XX) { } else switch (row->Type) { case TYPE_JOB: if (Nodes[i].Key) val = GetKeyValue(row, Nodes[i].Key); break; case TYPE_JAR: if (!Nodes[i].Key) if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_EQ || Nodes[i].Op == OP_LE) val = GetArrayValue(row, Nodes[i].Rank); break; case TYPE_JVAL: val = row; break; default: snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Invalid row JSON type %d", row->Type); } // endswitch Type if (i < Nod-1) if (!(row = (IsJson(val)) ? val : NULL)) val = NULL; } // endfor i return (val != NULL); } // end of CheckPath /*********************************************************************************/ /* Check if a path was specified and set jvp according to it. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::CheckPath(PGLOBAL g, UDF_ARGS *args, PBVAL jsp, PBVAL& jvp, int n) { for (uint i = n; i < args->arg_count; i++) if (args->arg_type[i] == STRING_RESULT && args->args[i]) { // A path to a subset of the json tree is given char *path = MakePSZ(g, args, i); if (path) { Row = jsp; if (SetJpath(g, path)) return true; if (!(jvp = GetJson(g))) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "No sub-item at '%s'", path); return true; } else return false; } else { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Path argument is null"); return true; } // endif path } // endif type jvp = jsp; return false; } // end of CheckPath /*********************************************************************************/ /* Locate a value in a JSON tree: */ /*********************************************************************************/ PSZ BJNX::Locate(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL jsp, PBVAL jvp, int k) { PSZ str = NULL; my_bool err = true; g->Message[0] = 0; if (!jsp) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Null json tree"); return NULL; } // endif jsp try { // Write to the path string Jp = new(g) JOUTSTR(g); Jp->WriteChr('$'); Bvalp = jvp; K = k; switch (jsp->Type) { case TYPE_JAR: err = LocateArray(g, jsp); break; case TYPE_JOB: err = LocateObject(g, jsp); break; case TYPE_JVAL: err = LocateValue(g, MVP(jsp->To_Val)); break; default: err = true; } // endswitch Type if (err) { if (!g->Message[0]) snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Invalid json tree"); } else if (Found) { Jp->WriteChr('\0'); PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, Jp->N); str = Jp->Strp; } // endif's } catch (int n) { xtrc(1, "Exception %d: %s\n", n, g->Message); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } catch (const char* msg) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "%s", msg); } // end catch return str; } // end of Locate /*********************************************************************************/ /* Locate in a JSON Array. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::LocateArray(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL jarp) { char s[16]; int n = GetArraySize(jarp); size_t m = Jp->N; for (int i = 0; i < n && !Found; i++) { Jp->N = m; snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "[%d]", i + B); if (Jp->WriteStr(s)) return true; if (LocateValue(g, GetArrayValue(jarp, i))) return true; } // endfor i return false; } // end of LocateArray /*********************************************************************************/ /* Locate in a JSON Object. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::LocateObject(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL jobp) { size_t m; if (Jp->WriteChr('.')) return true; m = Jp->N; for (PBPR pair = GetObject(jobp); pair && !Found; pair = GetNext(pair)) { Jp->N = m; if (Jp->WriteStr(MZP(pair->Key))) return true; if (LocateValue(g, GetVlp(pair))) return true; } // endfor i return false; } // end of LocateObject /*********************************************************************************/ /* Locate a JSON Value. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::LocateValue(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL jvp) { if (CompareTree(g, Bvalp, jvp)) Found = (--K == 0); else if (jvp->Type == TYPE_JAR) return LocateArray(g, jvp); else if (jvp->Type == TYPE_JOB) return LocateObject(g, jvp); return false; } // end of LocateValue /*********************************************************************************/ /* Locate all occurrences of a value in a JSON tree: */ /*********************************************************************************/ PSZ BJNX::LocateAll(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL jsp, PBVAL bvp, int mx) { PSZ str = NULL; my_bool err = true; PJPN jnp; if (!jsp) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Null json tree"); return NULL; } // endif jsp try { jnp = (PJPN)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(JPN) * mx); memset(jnp, 0, sizeof(JPN) * mx); g->Message[0] = 0; // Write to the path string Jp = new(g)JOUTSTR(g); Bvalp = bvp; Imax = mx - 1; Jpnp = jnp; Jp->WriteChr('['); switch (jsp->Type) { case TYPE_JAR: err = LocateArrayAll(g, jsp); break; case TYPE_JOB: err = LocateObjectAll(g, jsp); break; case TYPE_JVAL: err = LocateValueAll(g, MVP(jsp->To_Val)); break; default: err = LocateValueAll(g, jsp); } // endswitch Type if (!err) { if (Jp->N > 1) Jp->N--; Jp->WriteChr(']'); Jp->WriteChr('\0'); PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, Jp->N); str = Jp->Strp; } else if (!g->Message[0]) snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Invalid json tree"); } catch (int n) { xtrc(1, "Exception %d: %s\n", n, g->Message); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } catch (const char* msg) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "%s", msg); } // end catch return str; } // end of LocateAll /*********************************************************************************/ /* Locate in a JSON Array. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::LocateArrayAll(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL jarp) { int i = 0; if (I < Imax) { Jpnp[++I].Type = TYPE_JAR; for (PBVAL vp = GetArray(jarp); vp; vp = GetNext(vp)) { Jpnp[I].N = i; if (LocateValueAll(g, GetArrayValue(jarp, i))) return true; i++; } // endfor i I--; } // endif I return false; } // end of LocateArrayAll /*********************************************************************************/ /* Locate in a JSON Object. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::LocateObjectAll(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL jobp) { if (I < Imax) { Jpnp[++I].Type = TYPE_JOB; for (PBPR pair = GetObject(jobp); pair; pair = GetNext(pair)) { Jpnp[I].Key = MZP(pair->Key); if (LocateValueAll(g, GetVlp(pair))) return true; } // endfor i I--; } // endif I return false; } // end of LocateObjectAll /*********************************************************************************/ /* Locate a JSON Value. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::LocateValueAll(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL jvp) { if (CompareTree(g, Bvalp, jvp)) return AddPath(); else if (jvp->Type == TYPE_JAR) return LocateArrayAll(g, jvp); else if (jvp->Type == TYPE_JOB) return LocateObjectAll(g, jvp); return false; } // end of LocateValueAll /*********************************************************************************/ /* Compare two JSON trees. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::CompareTree(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL jp1, PBVAL jp2) { if (!jp1 || !jp2 || jp1->Type != jp2->Type || GetSize(jp1) != GetSize(jp2)) return false; my_bool found = true; if (jp1->Type == TYPE_JAR) { for (int i = 0; found && i < GetArraySize(jp1); i++) found = (CompareValues(g, GetArrayValue(jp1, i), GetArrayValue(jp2, i))); } else if (jp1->Type == TYPE_JOB) { PBPR p1 = GetObject(jp1), p2 = GetObject(jp2); // Keys can be differently ordered for (; found && p1 && p2; p1 = GetNext(p1)) found = CompareValues(g, GetVlp(p1), GetKeyValue(jp2, GetKey(p1))); } else if (jp1->Type == TYPE_JVAL) { found = CompareTree(g, MVP(jp1->To_Val), (MVP(jp2->To_Val))); } else found = CompareValues(g, jp1, jp2); return found; } // end of CompareTree /*********************************************************************************/ /* Compare two VAL values and return true if they are equal. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::CompareValues(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL v1, PBVAL v2) { my_bool b = false; if (v1 && v2) switch (v1->Type) { case TYPE_JAR: case TYPE_JOB: if (v2->Type == v1->Type) b = CompareTree(g, v1, v2); break; case TYPE_STRG: if (v2->Type == TYPE_STRG) { if (v1->Nd || v2->Nd) // Case insensitive b = (!stricmp(MZP(v1->To_Val), MZP(v2->To_Val))); else b = (!strcmp(MZP(v1->To_Val), MZP(v2->To_Val))); } // endif Type break; case TYPE_DTM: if (v2->Type == TYPE_DTM) b = (!strcmp(MZP(v1->To_Val), MZP(v2->To_Val))); break; case TYPE_INTG: if (v2->Type == TYPE_INTG) b = (v1->N == v2->N); else if (v2->Type == TYPE_BINT) b = ((longlong)v1->N == LLN(v2->To_Val)); break; case TYPE_BINT: if (v2->Type == TYPE_INTG) b = (LLN(v1->To_Val) == (longlong)v2->N); else if (v2->Type == TYPE_BINT) b = (LLN(v1->To_Val) == LLN(v2->To_Val)); break; case TYPE_FLOAT: if (v2->Type == TYPE_FLOAT) b = (v1->F == v2->F); else if (v2->Type == TYPE_DBL) b = ((double)v1->F == DBL(v2->To_Val)); break; case TYPE_DBL: if (v2->Type == TYPE_DBL) b = (DBL(v1->To_Val) == DBL(v2->To_Val)); else if (v2->Type == TYPE_FLOAT) b = (DBL(v1->To_Val) == (double)v2->F); break; case TYPE_BOOL: if (v2->Type == TYPE_BOOL) b = (v1->B == v2->B); break; case TYPE_NULL: b = (v2->Type == TYPE_NULL); break; default: break; } // endswitch Type else b = (!v1 && !v2); return b; } // end of CompareValues /*********************************************************************************/ /* Add the found path to the list. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool BJNX::AddPath(void) { char s[16]; if (Jp->WriteStr("\"$")) return true; for (int i = 0; i <= I; i++) { if (Jpnp[i].Type == TYPE_JAR) { snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "[%d]", Jpnp[i].N + B); if (Jp->WriteStr(s)) return true; } else { if (Jp->WriteChr('.')) return true; if (Jp->WriteStr(Jpnp[i].Key)) return true; } // endif's } // endfor i if (Jp->WriteStr("\",")) return true; return false; } // end of AddPath /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a JSON value from the passed argument. */ /*********************************************************************************/ PBVAL BJNX::MakeValue(UDF_ARGS *args, uint i, bool b, PBVAL *top) { char *sap = (args->arg_count > i) ? args->args[i] : NULL; int n, len; int ci; long long bigint; PGLOBAL& g = G; PBVAL jvp = NewVal(); if (top) *top = NULL; if (sap) switch (args->arg_type[i]) { case STRING_RESULT: if ((len = args->lengths[i])) { if ((n = IsArgJson(args, i)) < 3) sap = MakePSZ(g, args, i); if (n) { if (n == 3) { PBSON bsp = (PBSON)sap; if (i == 0) { if (top) *top = (PBVAL)bsp->Top; jvp = (PBVAL)bsp->Jsp; G = bsp->G; Base = G->Sarea; } else { BJNX bnx(bsp->G); jvp = MoveJson(&bnx, (PBVAL)bsp->Jsp); } // endelse i } else { if (n == 2) { if (!(sap = GetJsonFile(g, sap))) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); return jvp; } // endif sap len = strlen(sap); } // endif n if (!(jvp = ParseJson(g, sap, strlen(sap)))) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); else if (top) *top = jvp; } // endif's n } else { PBVAL bp = NULL; if (b) { if (strchr("[{ \t\r\n", *sap)) { // Check whether this string is a valid json string JsonMemSave(g); if (!(bp = ParseJson(g, sap, strlen(sap)))) JsonSubSet(g); // Recover suballocated memory g->Saved_Size = 0; } else { // Perhaps a file name char* s = GetJsonFile(g, sap); if (s) bp = ParseJson(g, s, strlen(s)); } // endif's } // endif b if (!bp) { ci = (strnicmp(args->attributes[i], "ci", 2)) ? 0 : 1; SetString(jvp, sap, ci); } else { if (top) *top = bp; jvp = bp; } // endif bp } // endif n } // endif len break; case INT_RESULT: bigint = *(long long*)sap; if ((bigint == 0LL && !strcmp(args->attributes[i], "FALSE")) || (bigint == 1LL && !strcmp(args->attributes[i], "TRUE"))) SetBool(jvp, (char)bigint); else SetBigint(jvp, bigint); break; case REAL_RESULT: SetFloat(jvp, *(double*)sap); break; case DECIMAL_RESULT: SetFloat(jvp, MakePSZ(g, args, i)); break; case TIME_RESULT: case ROW_RESULT: default: break; } // endswitch arg_type return jvp; } // end of MakeValue /*********************************************************************************/ /* Try making a JSON value of the passed type from the passed argument. */ /*********************************************************************************/ PBVAL BJNX::MakeTypedValue(PGLOBAL g, UDF_ARGS *args, uint i, JTYP type, PBVAL *top) { char *sap; PBVAL jsp; PBVAL jvp = MakeValue(args, i, false, top); //if (type == TYPE_JSON) { // if (jvp->GetValType() >= TYPE_JSON) // return jvp; //} else if (jvp->GetValType() == type) // return jvp; if (jvp->Type == TYPE_STRG) { sap = GetString(jvp); if ((jsp = ParseJson(g, sap, strlen(sap)))) { if ((type == TYPE_JSON && jsp->Type != TYPE_JVAL) || jsp->Type == type) { if (top) *top = jvp; SetValueVal(jvp, jsp); } // endif Type } // endif jsp } // endif Type return jvp; } // end of MakeTypedValue /*********************************************************************************/ /* Parse a json file. */ /*********************************************************************************/ PBVAL BJNX::ParseJsonFile(PGLOBAL g, char *fn, int& pty, size_t& len) { char *memory; HANDLE hFile; MEMMAP mm; PBVAL jsp; // Create the mapping file object hFile = CreateFileMap(g, fn, &mm, MODE_READ, false); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD rc = GetLastError(); if (!(*g->Message)) snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), MSG(OPEN_MODE_ERROR), "map", (int)rc, fn); return NULL; } // endif hFile // Get the file size len = (size_t)mm.lenL; if (mm.lenH) len += mm.lenH; memory = (char *)mm.memory; if (!len) { // Empty or deleted file CloseFileHandle(hFile); return NULL; } // endif len if (!memory) { CloseFileHandle(hFile); snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), MSG(MAP_VIEW_ERROR), fn, GetLastError()); return NULL; } // endif Memory CloseFileHandle(hFile); // Not used anymore // Parse the json file and allocate its tree structure g->Message[0] = 0; jsp = ParseJson(g, memory, len); pty = pretty; CloseMemMap(memory, len); return jsp; } // end of ParseJsonFile /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make the result according to the first argument type. */ /*********************************************************************************/ char *BJNX::MakeResult(UDF_ARGS *args, PBVAL top, uint n) { char *str = NULL; PGLOBAL& g = G; if (IsArgJson(args, 0) == 2) { // Make the change in the json file PSZ fn = MakePSZ(g, args, 0); if (Changed) { int pretty = 2; for (uint i = n; i < args->arg_count; i++) if (args->arg_type[i] == INT_RESULT) { pretty = (int)*(longlong*)args->args[i]; break; } // endif type if (!Serialize(g, top, fn, pretty)) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); Changed = false; } // endif Changed str = fn; } else if (IsArgJson(args, 0) == 3) { PBSON bsp = (PBSON)args->args[0]; if (bsp->Filename) { if (Changed) { // Make the change in the json file if (!Serialize(g, (PBVAL)top, bsp->Filename, bsp->Pretty)) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); Changed = false; } // endif Changed str = bsp->Filename; } else if (!(str = Serialize(g, (PBVAL)top, NULL, 0))) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } else if (!(str = Serialize(g, top, NULL, 0))) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); return str; } // end of MakeResult /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make the binary result according to the first argument type. */ /*********************************************************************************/ PBSON BJNX::MakeBinResult(UDF_ARGS *args, PBVAL top, ulong len, int n) { char* filename = NULL; int pretty = 2; PBSON bnp = NULL; if (IsArgJson(args, 0) == 3) { bnp = (PBSON)args->args[0]; if (bnp->Top != (PJSON)top) bnp->Top = bnp->Jsp = (PJSON)top; return bnp; } // endif 3 if (IsArgJson(args, 0) == 2) { for (uint i = n; i < args->arg_count; i++) if (args->arg_type[i] == INT_RESULT) { pretty = (int)*(longlong*)args->args[i]; break; } // endif type filename = (char*)args->args[0]; } // endif 2 if ((bnp = BbinAlloc(G, len, top))) { bnp->Filename = filename; bnp->Pretty = pretty; snprintf(bnp->Msg, sizeof(bnp->Msg), "Json Binary item"); } //endif bnp return bnp; } // end of MakeBinResult /***********************************************************************/ /* Move a Json val block from one area to the current area. */ /***********************************************************************/ PBVAL BJNX::MoveVal(PBVAL vlp) { PBVAL nvp = NewVal(vlp->Type); nvp->Nd = vlp->Nd; return nvp; } // end of MovedVal /***********************************************************************/ /* Move a Json tree from one area to current area. */ /***********************************************************************/ PBVAL BJNX::MoveJson(PBJNX bxp, PBVAL jvp) { PBVAL res = NULL; if (jvp) switch (jvp->Type) { case TYPE_JAR: res = MoveArray(bxp, jvp); break; case TYPE_JOB: res = MoveObject(bxp, jvp); break; default: res = MoveValue(bxp, jvp); break; } // endswitch Type return res; } // end of MoveJson /***********************************************************************/ /* Move an array. */ /***********************************************************************/ PBVAL BJNX::MoveArray(PBJNX bxp, PBVAL jap) { PBVAL vlp, vmp, jvp = NULL, jarp = MoveVal(jap); for (vlp = bxp->GetArray(jap); vlp; vlp = bxp->GetNext(vlp)) { vmp = MoveJson(bxp, vlp); if (jvp) jvp->Next = MOF(vmp); else jarp->To_Val = MOF(vmp); jvp = vmp; } // endfor vlp return jarp; } // end of MoveArray /***********************************************************************/ /* Replace all object pointers by offsets. */ /***********************************************************************/ PBVAL BJNX::MoveObject(PBJNX bxp, PBVAL jop) { PBPR mpp, prp, ppp = NULL; PBVAL vmp, jobp = MoveVal(jop); for (prp = bxp->GetObject(jop); prp; prp = bxp->GetNext(prp)) { vmp = MoveJson(bxp, GetVlp(prp)); mpp = NewPair(DupStr(bxp->MZP(prp->Key))); SetPairValue(mpp, vmp); if (ppp) ppp->Vlp.Next = MOF(mpp); else jobp->To_Val = MOF(mpp); ppp = mpp; } // endfor vlp return jobp; } // end of MoffObject /***********************************************************************/ /* Move a non json value. */ /***********************************************************************/ PBVAL BJNX::MoveValue(PBJNX bxp, PBVAL jvp) { double *dp; PBVAL nvp = MoveVal(jvp); switch (jvp->Type) { case TYPE_STRG: case TYPE_DTM: nvp->To_Val = DupStr(bxp->MZP(jvp->To_Val)); break; case TYPE_DBL: dp = (double*)BsonSubAlloc(sizeof(double)); *dp = bxp->DBL(jvp->To_Val); nvp->To_Val = MOF(dp); break; case TYPE_JVAL: nvp->To_Val = MOF(MoveJson(bxp, bxp->MVP(jvp->To_Val))); break; default: nvp->To_Val = jvp->To_Val; break; } // endswith Type return nvp; } // end of MoveValue /* -----------------------------Utility functions ------------------------------ */ /*********************************************************************************/ /* Returns a pointer to the first integer argument found from the nth argument. */ /*********************************************************************************/ static int *GetIntArgPtr(PGLOBAL g, UDF_ARGS *args, uint& n) { int *x = NULL; for (uint i = n; i < args->arg_count; i++) if (args->arg_type[i] == INT_RESULT) { if (args->args[i]) { if ((x = (int*)PlgDBSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(int)))) *x = (int)*(longlong*)args->args[i]; else PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } // endif args n = i + 1; break; } // endif arg_type return x; } // end of GetIntArgPtr /*********************************************************************************/ /* Returns not 0 if the argument is a JSON item or file name. */ /*********************************************************************************/ int IsArgJson(UDF_ARGS *args, uint i) { const char *pat = args->attributes[i]; int n = 0; if (*pat == '@') { pat++; if (*pat == '\'' || *pat == '"') pat++; } // endif pat if (i >= args->arg_count || args->arg_type[i] != STRING_RESULT) { } else if (!strnicmp(pat, "Bson_", 5) || !strnicmp(pat, "Json_", 5)) { if (!args->args[i] || strchr("[{ \t\r\n", *args->args[i])) n = 1; // arg should be is a json item // else // n = 2; // A file name may have been returned } else if (!strnicmp(pat, "Bbin_", 5)) { if (args->lengths[i] == sizeof(BSON)) n = 3; // arg is a binary json item // else // n = 2; // A file name may have been returned } else if (!strnicmp(pat, "Bfile_", 6) || !strnicmp(pat, "Jfile_", 6)) { n = 2; // arg is a json file name #if 0 } else if (args->lengths[i]) { PGLOBAL g = PlugInit(NULL, (size_t)args->lengths[i] * M + 1024); char *sap = MakePSZ(g, args, i); if (ParseJson(g, sap, strlen(sap))) n = 4; JsonFreeMem(g); #endif // 0 } // endif's return n; } // end of IsArgJson /*********************************************************************************/ /* GetFileLength: returns file size in number of bytes. */ /*********************************************************************************/ static long GetFileLength(char *fn) { int h; long len; h= open(fn, _O_RDONLY); if (h != -1) { if ((len = _filelength(h)) < 0) len = 0; close(h); } else len = 0; return len; } // end of GetFileLength /* ------------------------- Now the new Bin UDF's ----------------------------- */ /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a Json value containing the parameter. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bsonvalue_init(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count > 1) { strcpy(message, "Cannot accept more than 1 argument"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, false, reslen, memlen); } // end of bsonvalue_init char* bsonvalue(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* result, unsigned long* res_length, char*, char*) { char *str; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (!g->Xchk) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, false)) { BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL bvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true); if (!(str = bnx.Serialize(g, bvp, NULL, 0))) str = strcpy(result, g->Message); } else str = strcpy(result, g->Message); // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = (initid->const_item) ? str : NULL; } else str = (char*)g->Xchk; *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bsonValue void bsonvalue_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bsonvalue_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a Json array containing all the parameters. */ /* Note: jvp must be set before arp because it can be a binary argument. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_make_array_init(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, false, reslen, memlen); } // end of bson_make_array_init char* bson_make_array(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* result, unsigned long* res_length, char*, char*) { char* str = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (!g->Xchk) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, args->arg_count, false)) { BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0); PBVAL arp = bnx.NewVal(TYPE_JAR); for (uint i = 0; i < args->arg_count;) { bnx.AddArrayValue(arp, jvp); jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, ++i); } // endfor i if (!(str = bnx.Serialize(g, arp, NULL, 0))) str = strcpy(result, g->Message); } else str = strcpy(result, g->Message); // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = (initid->const_item) ? str : NULL; } else str = (char*)g->Xchk; *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_make_array void bson_make_array_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_make_array_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Add one or several values to a Bson array. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_array_add_values_init(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "This function must have at least 2 arguments"); return true; //} else if (!IsArgJson(args, 0, true)) { // strcpy(message, "First argument must be a valid json string or item"); // return true; } else CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); if (!JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen)) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; // This is a constant function g->N = (initid->const_item) ? 1 : 0; // This is to avoid double execution when using prepared statements if (IsArgJson(args, 0) > 1) initid->const_item = 0; return false; } else return true; } // end of bson_array_add_values_init char* bson_array_add_values(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* result, unsigned long* res_length, char* is_null, char*) { char* str = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (!g->Xchk) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, args->arg_count, true)) { BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL arp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true); if (arp->Type != TYPE_JAR) { PUSH_WARNING("First argument is not an array"); goto fin; } // endif arp for (uint i = 1; i < args->arg_count; i++) bnx.AddArrayValue(arp, bnx.MakeValue(args, i)); bnx.SetChanged(true); str = bnx.MakeResult(args, arp, INT_MAX); } // endif CheckMemory if (!str) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); str = args->args[0]; } // endif str // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = (g->N) ? str : NULL; } else str = (char*)g->Xchk; fin: if (!str) { *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_array_add_values void bson_array_add_values_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_array_add_values_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Add one value to a Json array. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_array_add_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "This function must have at least 2 arguments"); return true; //} else if (!IsArgJson(args, 0, true)) { // strcpy(message, "First argument is not a valid Json item"); // return true; } else CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen, true); if (!JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen)) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; // This is a constant function g->N = (initid->const_item) ? 1 : 0; // This is to avoid double execution when using prepared statements if (IsArgJson(args, 0) > 1) initid->const_item = 0; return false; } else return true; } // end of bson_array_add_init char *bson_array_add(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { char *str = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->Xchk) { // This constant function was recalled str = (char*)g->Xchk; goto fin; } // endif Xchk if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 2, false, false, true)) { int *x; uint n = 2; BJNX bnx(g, NULL, TYPE_STRING); PBVAL jsp, top; PBVAL arp, jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); jsp = jvp; x = GetIntArgPtr(g, args, n); if (bnx.CheckPath(g, args, jsp, jvp, 2)) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); else if (jvp) { if (jvp->Type != TYPE_JAR) { if ((arp = bnx.NewVal(TYPE_JAR))) { bnx.AddArrayValue(arp, jvp); if (!top) top = arp; } // endif arp } else arp = jvp; if (arp) { bnx.AddArrayValue(arp, bnx.MakeValue(args, 1), x); bnx.SetChanged(true); str = bnx.MakeResult(args, top, n); } else PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } else { PUSH_WARNING("Target is not an array"); // if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; (only if no path) } // endif jvp } // endif CheckMemory // In case of error or file, return unchanged argument if (!str) str = MakePSZ(g, args, 0); if (g->N) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = str; fin: if (!str) { *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; *error = 1; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_array_add void bson_array_add_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_array_add_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Delete a value from a Json array. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_array_delete_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "This function must have at least 2 arguments"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen, true); if (!JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen)) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; // This is a constant function g->N = (initid->const_item) ? 1 : 0; // This is to avoid double execution when using prepared statements if (IsArgJson(args, 0) > 1) initid->const_item = 0; return false; } else return true; } // end of bson_array_delete_init char *bson_array_delete(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { char *str = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->Xchk) { // This constant function was recalled str = (char*)g->Xchk; goto fin; } // endif Xchk if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, false, false, true)) { int *x; uint n = 1; BJNX bnx(g, NULL, TYPE_STRING); PBVAL arp, top; PBVAL jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); if (!(x = GetIntArgPtr(g, args, n))) PUSH_WARNING("Missing or null array index"); else if (bnx.CheckPath(g, args, jvp, arp, 1)) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); else if (arp && arp->Type == TYPE_JAR) { bnx.DeleteValue(arp, *x); bnx.SetChanged(true); str = bnx.MakeResult(args, top, n); } else { PUSH_WARNING("First argument target is not an array"); // if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; } // endif jvp } // endif CheckMemory // In case of error or file, return unchanged argument if (!str) str = MakePSZ(g, args, 0); if (g->N) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = str; fin: if (!str) { *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_array_delete void bson_array_delete_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_array_delete_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a Json Object containing all the parameters. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_make_object_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; CalcLen(args, true, reslen, memlen); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, false, reslen, memlen); } // end of bson_make_object_init char *bson_make_object(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *, char *) { char *str = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (!g->Xchk) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, args->arg_count, false, false, true)) { BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL objp; if ((objp = bnx.NewVal(TYPE_JOB))) { for (uint i = 0; i < args->arg_count; i++) bnx.SetKeyValue(objp, bnx.MakeValue(args, i), bnx.MakeKey(args, i)); str = bnx.Serialize(g, objp, NULL, 0); } // endif objp } // endif CheckMemory if (!str) str = strcpy(result, g->Message); // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = (initid->const_item) ? str : NULL; } else str = (char*)g->Xchk; *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_make_object void bson_make_object_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_make_object_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a Json Object containing all not null parameters. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_object_nonull_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; CalcLen(args, true, reslen, memlen); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, false, reslen, memlen); } // end of bson_object_nonull_init char *bson_object_nonull(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *, char *) { char *str = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (!g->Xchk) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, args->arg_count, false, true)) { BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL jvp, objp; if ((objp = bnx.NewVal(TYPE_JOB))) { for (uint i = 0; i < args->arg_count; i++) if (!bnx.IsValueNull(jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, i))) bnx.SetKeyValue(objp, jvp, bnx.MakeKey(args, i)); str = bnx.Serialize(g, objp, NULL, 0); } // endif objp } // endif CheckMemory if (!str) str = strcpy(result, g->Message); // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = (initid->const_item) ? str : NULL; } else str = (char*)g->Xchk; *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_object_nonull void bson_object_nonull_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_object_nonull_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a Json Object containing all the key/value parameters. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_object_key_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count % 2) { strcpy(message, "This function must have an even number of arguments"); return true; } // endif arg_count CalcLen(args, true, reslen, memlen); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, false, reslen, memlen); } // end of bson_object_key_init char *bson_object_key(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *, char *) { char *str = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (!g->Xchk) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, args->arg_count, false, true)) { BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL objp; if ((objp = bnx.NewVal(TYPE_JOB))) { for (uint i = 0; i < args->arg_count; i += 2) bnx.SetKeyValue(objp, bnx.MakeValue(args, i + 1), MakePSZ(g, args, i)); str = bnx.Serialize(g, objp, NULL, 0); } // endif objp } // endif CheckMemory if (!str) str = strcpy(result, g->Message); // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = (initid->const_item) ? str : NULL; } else str = (char*)g->Xchk; *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_object_key void bson_object_key_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_object_key_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Add or replace a value in a Json Object. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_object_add_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "This function must have at least 2 arguments"); return true; } else if (!IsArgJson(args, 0)) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, true, reslen, memlen, true); if (!JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen)) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; // This is a constant function g->N = (initid->const_item) ? 1 : 0; // This is to avoid double execution when using prepared statements if (IsArgJson(args, 0) > 1) initid->const_item = 0; return false; } else return true; } // end of bson_object_add_init char *bson_object_add(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PSZ key; char *str = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->Xchk) { // This constant function was recalled str = (char*)g->Xchk; goto fin; } // endif Xchk if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 2, false, true, true)) { BJNX bnx(g, NULL, TYPE_STRING); PBVAL jvp, objp; PBVAL jsp, top; jsp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); if (bnx.CheckPath(g, args, jsp, jvp, 2)) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); else if (jvp && jvp->Type == TYPE_JOB) { objp = jvp; jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 1); key = bnx.MakeKey(args, 1); bnx.SetKeyValue(objp, jvp, key); bnx.SetChanged(true); str = bnx.MakeResult(args, top); } else { PUSH_WARNING("First argument target is not an object"); // if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; (only if no path) } // endif jvp } // endif CheckMemory // In case of error or file, return unchanged argument if (!str) str = MakePSZ(g, args, 0); if (g->N) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = str; fin: if (!str) { *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_object_add void bson_object_add_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_object_add_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Delete a value from a Json object. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_object_delete_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "This function must have 2 or 3 arguments"); return true; } else if (!IsArgJson(args, 0)) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } else if (args->arg_type[1] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Second argument must be a key string"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, true, reslen, memlen, true); if (!JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen)) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; // This is a constant function g->N = (initid->const_item) ? 1 : 0; // This is to avoid double execution when using prepared statements if (IsArgJson(args, 0) > 1) initid->const_item = 0; return false; } else return true; } // end of bson_object_delete_init char *bson_object_delete(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { char *str = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->Xchk) { // This constant function was recalled str = (char*)g->Xchk; goto fin; } // endif Xchk if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, false, true, true)) { bool chg; BJNX bnx(g, NULL, TYPE_STRG); PSZ key; PBVAL jsp, objp, top; PBVAL jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, false, &top); jsp = jvp; if (bnx.CheckPath(g, args, jsp, jvp, 2)) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); else if (jvp && jvp->Type == TYPE_JOB) { key = bnx.MakeKey(args, 1); objp = jvp; chg = bnx.DeleteKey(objp, key); bnx.SetChanged(chg); str = bnx.MakeResult(args, top); } else { PUSH_WARNING("First argument target is not an object"); // if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; (only if no path) } // endif jvp } // endif CheckMemory // In case of error or file, return unchanged argument if (!str) str = MakePSZ(g, args, 0); if (g->N) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = str; fin: if (!str) { *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_object_delete void bson_object_delete_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_object_delete_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Returns an array of the Json object keys. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_object_list_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count != 1) { strcpy(message, "This function must have 1 argument"); return true; } else if (!IsArgJson(args, 0) && args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Argument must be a json item"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen); } // end of bson_object_list_init char *bson_object_list(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { char *str = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (!g->N) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true, true)) { BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL jarp; PBVAL jsp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true); if (jsp->Type == TYPE_JOB) { jarp = bnx.GetKeyList(jsp); if (!(str = bnx.Serialize(g, jarp, NULL, 0))) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } else { PUSH_WARNING("First argument is not an object"); if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; } // endif jvp } // endif CheckMemory if (initid->const_item) { // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = str; g->N = 1; // str can be NULL } // endif const_item } else str = (char*)g->Xchk; if (!str) { *is_null = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_object_list void bson_object_list_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_object_list_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Returns an array of the Json object values. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_object_values_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count != 1) { strcpy(message, "This function must have 1 argument"); return true; } else if (!IsArgJson(args, 0) && args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Argument must be a json object"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen); } // end of bson_object_values_init char *bson_object_values(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { char *str = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (!g->N) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true, true)) { BJNX bnx(g); char *p; PBVAL jsp, jarp; PBVAL jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0); if ((p = bnx.GetString(jvp))) { if (!(jsp = bnx.ParseJson(g, p, strlen(p)))) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); return NULL; } // endif jsp } else jsp = jvp; if (jsp->Type == TYPE_JOB) { jarp = bnx.GetObjectValList(jsp); if (!(str = bnx.Serialize(g, jarp, NULL, 0))) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } else { PUSH_WARNING("First argument is not an object"); if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; } // endif jvp } // endif CheckMemory if (initid->const_item) { // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = str; g->N = 1; // str can be NULL } // endif const_item } else str = (char*)g->Xchk; if (!str) { *is_null = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_object_values void bson_object_values_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_object_values_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Set the value of JsonGrpSize. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bsonset_def_prec_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { if (args->arg_count != 1 || args->arg_type[0] != INT_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "This function must have 1 integer argument"); return true; } else return false; } // end of bsonset_def_prec_init long long bsonset_def_prec(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *, char *) { long long n = *(long long*)args->args[0]; JsonDefPrec = (int)n; return (long long)GetJsonDefPrec(); } // end of bsonset_def_prec /*********************************************************************************/ /* Get the value of JsonGrpSize. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bsonget_def_prec_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { if (args->arg_count != 0) { strcpy(message, "This function must have no arguments"); return true; } else return false; } // end of bsonget_def_prec_init long long bsonget_def_prec(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *, char *) { return (long long)GetJsonDefPrec(); } // end of bsonget_def_prec /*********************************************************************************/ /* Set the value of JsonGrpSize. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bsonset_grp_size_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { if (args->arg_count != 1 || args->arg_type[0] != INT_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "This function must have 1 integer argument"); return true; } else return false; } // end of bsonset_grp_size_init long long bsonset_grp_size(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *, char *) { long long n = *(long long*)args->args[0]; JsonGrpSize = (uint)n; return (long long)GetJsonGroupSize(); } // end of bsonset_grp_size /*********************************************************************************/ /* Get the value of JsonGrpSize. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bsonget_grp_size_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { if (args->arg_count != 0) { strcpy(message, "This function must have no arguments"); return true; } else return false; } // end of bsonget_grp_size_init long long bsonget_grp_size(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *, char *) { return (long long)GetJsonGroupSize(); } // end of bsonget_grp_size /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a Json array from values coming from rows. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_array_grp_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen, n = GetJsonGroupSize(); if (args->arg_count != 1) { strcpy(message, "This function can only accept 1 argument"); return true; } else if (IsArgJson(args, 0) == 3) { strcpy(message, "This function does not support Jbin arguments"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); reslen *= n; memlen += ((memlen - MEMFIX) * (n - 1)); if (JsonInit(initid, args, message, false, reslen, memlen)) return true; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; (void) new(g) BJNX(g); JsonMemSave(g); return false; } // end of bson_array_grp_init void bson_array_grp_clear(UDF_INIT *initid, char*, char*) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBJNX bxp = (PBJNX)((char*)g->Sarea + sizeof(POOLHEADER)); JsonSubSet(g); g->Activityp = (PACTIVITY)bxp->NewVal(TYPE_JAR); g->N = GetJsonGroupSize(); } // end of bson_array_grp_clear void bson_array_grp_add(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char*, char*) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBJNX bxp = (PBJNX)((char*)g->Sarea + sizeof(POOLHEADER)); PBVAL arp = (PBVAL)g->Activityp; if (arp && g->N-- > 0) bxp->AddArrayValue(arp, bxp->MakeValue(args, 0)); } // end of bson_array_grp_add char *bson_array_grp(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *, char *) { char *str; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBJNX bxp = (PBJNX)((char*)g->Sarea + sizeof(POOLHEADER)); PBVAL arp = (PBVAL)g->Activityp; if (g->N < 0) PUSH_WARNING("Result truncated to json_grp_size values"); if (!arp || !(str = bxp->Serialize(g, arp, NULL, 0))) str = strcpy(result, g->Message); *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_array_grp void bson_array_grp_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_array_grp_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a Json object from values coming from rows. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_object_grp_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen, n = GetJsonGroupSize(); if (args->arg_count != 2) { strcpy(message, "This function requires 2 arguments (key, value)"); return true; } else if (IsArgJson(args, 0) == 3) { strcpy(message, "This function does not support Jbin arguments"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, true, reslen, memlen); reslen *= n; memlen += ((memlen - MEMFIX) * (n - 1)); if (JsonInit(initid, args, message, false, reslen, memlen)) return true; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; (void) new(g) BJNX(g); JsonMemSave(g); return false; } // end of bson_object_grp_init void bson_object_grp_clear(UDF_INIT *initid, char*, char*) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBJNX bxp = (PBJNX)((char*)g->Sarea + sizeof(POOLHEADER)); JsonSubSet(g); g->Activityp = (PACTIVITY)bxp->NewVal(TYPE_JOB); g->N = GetJsonGroupSize(); } // end of bson_object_grp_clear void bson_object_grp_add(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char*, char*) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBJNX bxp = (PBJNX)((char*)g->Sarea + sizeof(POOLHEADER)); PBVAL bop = (PBVAL)g->Activityp; if (g->N-- > 0) bxp->SetKeyValue(bop, bxp->MakeValue(args, 1), MakePSZ(g, args, 0)); } // end of bson_object_grp_add char *bson_object_grp(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *, char *) { char *str; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBJNX bxp = (PBJNX)((char*)g->Sarea + sizeof(POOLHEADER)); PBVAL bop = (PBVAL)g->Activityp; if (g->N < 0) PUSH_WARNING("Result truncated to json_grp_size values"); if (!bop || !(str = bxp->Serialize(g, bop, NULL, 0))) str = strcpy(result, g->Message); *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_object_grp void bson_object_grp_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_object_grp_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Test BJSON parse and serialize. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_test_init(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen, more = 1000; if (args->arg_count == 0) { strcpy(message, "At least 1 argument required (json)"); return true; } else if (!IsArgJson(args, 0) && args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen, more); } // end of bson_test_init char* bson_test(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* result, unsigned long* res_length, char* is_null, char* error) { char* str = NULL, *fn = NULL; int pretty = 1; PBVAL bvp; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->N) { str = (char*)g->Activityp; goto err; } else if (initid->const_item) g->N = 1; try { BJNX bnx(g); if (!g->Xchk) { if (CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, !g->Xchk)) { PUSH_WARNING("CheckMemory error"); *error = 1; goto err; } else // Sarea may have been reallocated bnx.Reset(); bvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true); if (bvp->Type == TYPE_NULL) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); goto err; } // endif bvp if (g->Mrr) { // First argument is a constant g->Xchk = bvp; JsonMemSave(g); } // endif Mrr } else bvp = (PBVAL)g->Xchk; for (uint i = 1; i < args->arg_count; i++) if (args->arg_type[i] == STRING_RESULT) fn = args->args[i]; else if (args->arg_type[i] == INT_RESULT) pretty = (int)*(longlong*)args->args[i]; // Serialize the parse tree str = bnx.Serialize(g, bvp, fn, pretty); if (initid->const_item) // Keep result of constant function g->Activityp = (PACTIVITY)str; } catch (int n) { xtrc(1, "json_test_bson: error %d: %s\n", n, g->Message); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); *error = 1; str = NULL; } catch (const char* msg) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "%s", msg); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); *error = 1; str = NULL; } // end catch err: if (!str) { *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_test void bson_test_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_test_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Locate a value in a Json tree. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bsonlocate_init(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen, more = 1000; if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "At least 2 arguments required"); return true; } else if (!IsArgJson(args, 0) && args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } else if (args->arg_count > 2 && args->arg_type[2] != INT_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Third argument is not an integer (rank)"); return true; } // endifs args CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); // TODO: calculate this if (IsArgJson(args, 0) == 3) more = 0; return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen, more); } // end of bsonlocate_init char* bsonlocate(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* result, unsigned long* res_length, char* is_null, char* error) { char *path = NULL; int k; PBVAL bvp, bvp2; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->N) { if (g->Activityp) { path = (char*)g->Activityp; *res_length = strlen(path); return path; } else { *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; return NULL; } // endif Activityp } else if (initid->const_item) g->N = 1; try { BJNX bnx(g); if (!g->Xchk) { if (CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, !g->Xchk)) { PUSH_WARNING("CheckMemory error"); *error = 1; goto err; } else { bnx.Reset(); // Sarea may have been re-allocated bvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true); if (!bvp) { bnx.GetMsg(g); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); goto err; } else if (bvp->Type == TYPE_NULL) { PUSH_WARNING("First argument is not a valid JSON item"); goto err; } // endif bvp if (g->Mrr) { // First argument is a constant g->Xchk = bvp; JsonMemSave(g); } // endif Mrr } // endif CheckMemory } else bvp = (PBVAL)g->Xchk; // The item to locate bvp2 = bnx.MakeValue(args, 1, true); if (bvp2->Type == TYPE_NULL) { PUSH_WARNING("Invalid second argument"); goto err; } // endif bvp k = (args->arg_count > 2) ? (int)*(long long*)args->args[2] : 1; // bnxp = new(g) BJNX(g, bvp, TYPE_STRING); path = bnx.Locate(g, bvp, bvp2, k); if (initid->const_item) // Keep result of constant function g->Activityp = (PACTIVITY)path; } catch (int n) { xtrc(1, "Exception %d: %s\n", n, g->Message); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); *error = 1; path = NULL; } catch (const char* msg) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "%s", msg); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); *error = 1; path = NULL; } // end catch err: if (!path) { *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; } else *res_length = strlen(path); return path; } // end of bsonlocate void bsonlocate_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bsonlocate_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Locate all occurences of a value in a Json tree. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_locate_all_init(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen, more = 1000; if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "At least 2 arguments required"); return true; } else if (!IsArgJson(args, 0) && args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } else if (args->arg_count > 2 && args->arg_type[2] != INT_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Third argument is not an integer (Depth)"); return true; } // endifs CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); // TODO: calculate this if (IsArgJson(args, 0) == 3) more = 0; return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen, more); } // end of bson_locate_all_init char* bson_locate_all(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* result, unsigned long* res_length, char* is_null, char* error) { char* path = NULL; int mx = 10; PBVAL bvp, bvp2; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->N) { if (g->Activityp) { path = (char*)g->Activityp; *res_length = strlen(path); return path; } else { *error = 1; *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; return NULL; } // endif Activityp } else if (initid->const_item) g->N = 1; try { BJNX bnx(g); if (!g->Xchk) { if (CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true)) { PUSH_WARNING("CheckMemory error"); *error = 1; goto err; } else bnx.Reset(); bvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true); if (bvp->Type == TYPE_NULL) { PUSH_WARNING("First argument is not a valid JSON item"); goto err; } // endif bvp if (g->Mrr) { // First argument is a constant g->Xchk = bvp; JsonMemSave(g); } // endif Mrr } else bvp = (PBVAL)g->Xchk; // The item to locate bvp2 = bnx.MakeValue(args, 1, true); if (bvp2->Type == TYPE_NULL) { PUSH_WARNING("Invalid second argument"); goto err; } // endif bvp if (args->arg_count > 2) mx = (int)*(long long*)args->args[2]; // bnxp = new(g) BJNX(g, bvp, TYPE_STRING); path = bnx.LocateAll(g, bvp, bvp2, mx); if (initid->const_item) // Keep result of constant function g->Activityp = (PACTIVITY)path; } catch (int n) { xtrc(1, "Exception %d: %s\n", n, g->Message); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); *error = 1; path = NULL; } catch (const char* msg) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "%s", msg); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); *error = 1; path = NULL; } // end catch err: if (!path) { *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; } else *res_length = strlen(path); return path; } // end of bson_locate_all void bson_locate_all_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_locate_all_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Check whether the document contains a value or item. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_contains_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen, more = 1024; int n = IsArgJson(args, 0); if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "At least 2 arguments required"); return true; } else if (!n && args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } else if (args->arg_count > 2 && args->arg_type[2] != INT_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Third argument is not an integer (index)"); return true; } else if (args->arg_count > 3) { if (args->arg_type[3] == INT_RESULT && args->args[3]) more += (unsigned long)*(long long*)args->args[3]; else strcpy(message, "Fourth argument is not an integer (memory)"); } // endif's CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); //memlen += more; // TODO: calculate this more += (IsArgJson(args, 0) != 3 ? 1000 : 0); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, false, reslen, memlen, more); } // end of bson contains_init long long bson_contains(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *, char *error) { char isn, res[256]; unsigned long reslen; isn = 0; bsonlocate(initid, args, res, &reslen, &isn, error); return (isn) ? 0LL : 1LL; } // end of bson_contains void bson_contains_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_contains_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Check whether the document contains a path. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bsoncontains_path_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen, more = 1024; int n = IsArgJson(args, 0); if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "At least 2 arguments required"); return true; } else if (!n && args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } else if (args->arg_type[1] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Second argument is not a string (path)"); return true; } else if (args->arg_count > 2) { if (args->arg_type[2] == INT_RESULT && args->args[2]) more += (unsigned long)*(long long*)args->args[2]; else strcpy(message, "Third argument is not an integer (memory)"); } // endif's CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); //memlen += more; // TODO: calculate this more += (IsArgJson(args, 0) != 3 ? 1000 : 0); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen, more); } // end of bsoncontains_path_init long long bsoncontains_path(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *, char *error) { char *p, *path; long long n; PBVAL jsp; PBVAL jvp; PBJNX bxp = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->N) { if (!g->Activityp) { return 0LL; } else return *(long long*)g->Activityp; } else if (initid->const_item) g->N = 1; if (!g->Xchk) { if (CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true)) { PUSH_WARNING("CheckMemory error"); goto err; } else { BJNX bnx(g); jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0); if ((p = bnx.GetString(jvp))) { if (!(jsp = bnx.ParseJson(g, p, strlen(p)))) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); goto err; } // endif jsp } else jsp = jvp; if (g->Mrr) { // First argument is a constant g->Xchk = jsp; JsonMemSave(g); } // endif Mrr } // endelse CheckMemory } else jsp = (PBVAL)g->Xchk; bxp = new(g) BJNX(g, jsp, TYPE_BIGINT); path = MakePSZ(g, args, 1); if (bxp->SetJpath(g, path)) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); goto err; } // endif SetJpath n = (bxp->CheckPath(g)) ? 1LL : 0LL; if (initid->const_item) { // Keep result of constant function long long *np = (long long*)PlgDBSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(long long)); if (np) { *np = n; g->Activityp = (PACTIVITY)np; } else PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } // endif const_item return n; err: if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; return 0LL; } // end of bsoncontains_path void bsoncontains_path_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bsoncontains_path_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Merge two arrays or objects. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_item_merge_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "This function must have at least 2 arguments"); return true; } else for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (!IsArgJson(args, i) && args->arg_type[i] != STRING_RESULT) { sprintf(message, "Argument %d must be a json item", i); return true; } // endif type CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen, true); if (!JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen)) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; // This is a constant function g->N = (initid->const_item) ? 1 : 0; // This is to avoid double execution when using prepared statements if (IsArgJson(args, 0) > 1) initid->const_item = 0; return false; } else return true; } // end of bson_item_merge_init char *bson_item_merge(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { char *str = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->Xchk) { // This constant function was recalled str = (char*)g->Xchk; goto fin; } // endif Xchk if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 2, false, false, true)) { JTYP type= TYPE_JAR; BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL jvp = NULL, top = NULL; PBVAL jsp[2] = {NULL, NULL}; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, i, true); if (i) { if (jvp && (jvp->Type != type)) { PUSH_WARNING("Argument types mismatch"); goto fin; } // endif type } else { type = (JTYP)jvp->Type; if (type != TYPE_JAR && type != TYPE_JOB) { PUSH_WARNING("First argument is not an array or object"); goto fin; } else top = jvp; } // endif i jsp[i] = jvp; } // endfor i if (type == TYPE_JAR) bnx.MergeArray(jsp[0], jsp[1]); else bnx.MergeObject(jsp[0], jsp[1]); bnx.SetChanged(true); str = bnx.MakeResult(args, top); } // endif CheckMemory // In case of error or file, return unchanged first argument if (!str) str = MakePSZ(g, args, 0); if (g->N) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = str; fin: if (!str) { *res_length = 0; *error = 1; *is_null = 1; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_item_merge void bson_item_merge_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_item_merge_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Get a Json item from a Json document. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_get_item_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen, more; int n = IsArgJson(args, 0); if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "This function must have at least 2 arguments"); return true; } else if (!n && args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } else if (args->arg_type[1] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Second argument is not a string (jpath)"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); if (n == 2 && args->args[0]) { char fn[_MAX_PATH]; long fl; memcpy(fn, args->args[0], args->lengths[0]); fn[args->lengths[0]] = 0; fl = GetFileLength(fn); more = fl * 3; } else if (n != 3) { more = args->lengths[0] * 3; } else more = 0; return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen, more); } // end of bson_get_item_init char *bson_get_item(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *) { char *path, *str = NULL; PBVAL jvp; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; BJNX bnx(g, NULL, TYPE_STRING, initid->max_length); if (g->N) { str = (char*)g->Activityp; goto fin; } else if (initid->const_item) g->N = 1; if (!g->Xchk) { if (CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true, true)) { PUSH_WARNING("CheckMemory error"); goto fin; } else { bnx.Reset(); jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true); if (g->Mrr) { // First argument is a constant g->Xchk = jvp; JsonMemSave(g); } // endif Mrr } // endelse CheckMemory } else jvp = (PBVAL)g->Xchk; path = MakePSZ(g, args, 1); if (bnx.SetJpath(g, path, true)) { goto fin; } else jvp = bnx.GetRowValue(g, jvp, 0); if (!bnx.IsJson(jvp)) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Not a Json item"); } else str = bnx.Serialize(g, jvp, NULL, 0); if (initid->const_item) // Keep result of constant function g->Activityp = (PACTIVITY)str; fin: if (!str) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); *is_null = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_get_item void bson_get_item_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_get_item_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Get a string value from a Json item. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bsonget_string_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen, more = 1024; int n = IsArgJson(args, 0); if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "At least 2 arguments required"); return true; } else if (!n && args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } else if (args->arg_type[1] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Second argument is not a string (jpath)"); return true; } else if (args->arg_count > 2) { if (args->arg_type[2] == INT_RESULT && args->args[2]) more += (unsigned long)*(long long*)args->args[2]; else strcpy(message, "Third argument is not an integer (memory)"); } // endif's CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); //memlen += more; if (n == 2 && args->args[0]) { char fn[_MAX_PATH]; long fl; memcpy(fn, args->args[0], args->lengths[0]); fn[args->lengths[0]] = 0; fl = GetFileLength(fn); more += fl * 3; } else if (n != 3) more += args->lengths[0] * 3; return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen, more); } // end of bsonget_string_init char *bsonget_string(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *) { char *p, *path, *str = NULL; PBVAL jsp, jvp; PBJNX bxp = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->N) { str = (char*)g->Activityp; goto err; } else if (initid->const_item) g->N = 1; try { if (!g->Xchk) { if (CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true)) { PUSH_WARNING("CheckMemory error"); goto err; } else { BJNX bnx(g); jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0); if ((p = bnx.GetString(jvp))) { if (!(jsp = bnx.ParseJson(g, p, strlen(p)))) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); goto err; } // endif jsp } else jsp = jvp; if (g->Mrr) { // First argument is a constant g->Xchk = jsp; JsonMemSave(g); } // endif Mrr } // endelse CheckMemory } else jsp = (PBVAL)g->Xchk; path = MakePSZ(g, args, 1); bxp = new(g) BJNX(g, jsp, TYPE_STRING, initid->max_length); if (bxp->SetJpath(g, path)) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); goto err; } else bxp->ReadValue(g); if (!bxp->GetValue()->IsNull()) str = bxp->GetValue()->GetCharValue(); if (initid->const_item) // Keep result of constant function g->Activityp = (PACTIVITY)str; } catch (int n) { if (trace(1)) htrc("Exception %d: %s\n", n, g->Message); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); str = NULL; } catch (const char *msg) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "%s", msg); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); str = NULL; } // end catch err: if (!str) { *is_null = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bsonget_string void bsonget_string_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bsonget_string_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Get an integer value from a Json item. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bsonget_int_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen, more; if (args->arg_count != 2) { strcpy(message, "This function must have 2 arguments"); return true; } else if (!IsArgJson(args, 0) && args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } else if (args->arg_type[1] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Second argument is not a (jpath) string"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); // TODO: calculate this more = (IsArgJson(args, 0) != 3) ? 1000 : 0; return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen, more); } // end of bsonget_int_init long long bsonget_int(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *is_null, char *error) { char *p, *path; long long n; PBVAL jsp, jvp; PBJNX bxp = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->N) { if (!g->Activityp) { *is_null = 1; return 0LL; } else return *(long long*)g->Activityp; } else if (initid->const_item) g->N = 1; if (!g->Xchk) { if (CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true)) { PUSH_WARNING("CheckMemory error"); if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; *is_null = 1; return 0LL; } else { BJNX bnx(g); jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0); if ((p = bnx.GetString(jvp))) { if (!(jsp = bnx.ParseJson(g, p, strlen(p)))) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; *is_null = 1; return 0; } // endif jsp } else jsp = jvp; if (g->Mrr) { // First argument is a constant g->Xchk = jsp; JsonMemSave(g); } // endif Mrr } // endelse CheckMemory } else jsp = (PBVAL)g->Xchk; path = MakePSZ(g, args, 1); bxp = new(g) BJNX(g, jsp, TYPE_BIGINT); if (bxp->SetJpath(g, path)) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); *is_null = 1; return 0; } else bxp->ReadValue(g); if (bxp->GetValue()->IsNull()) { *is_null = 1; return 0; } // endif IsNull n = bxp->GetValue()->GetBigintValue(); if (initid->const_item) { // Keep result of constant function long long *np = (long long*)PlgDBSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(long long)); if (np) { *np = n; g->Activityp = (PACTIVITY)np; } else PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } // endif const_item return n; } // end of bsonget_int void bsonget_int_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bsonget_int_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Get a double value from a Json item. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bsonget_real_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen, more; if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "At least 2 arguments required"); return true; } else if (!IsArgJson(args, 0) && args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } else if (args->arg_type[1] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Second argument is not a (jpath) string"); return true; } else if (args->arg_count > 2) { if (args->arg_type[2] != INT_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Third argument is not an integer (decimals)"); return true; } else initid->decimals = (uint)*(longlong*)args->args[2]; } else initid->decimals = 15; CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); // TODO: calculate this more = (IsArgJson(args, 0) != 3) ? 1000 : 0; return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen, more); } // end of bsonget_real_init double bsonget_real(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *is_null, char *error) { char *p, *path; double d; PBVAL jsp, jvp; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; BJNX bnx(g); if (g->N) { if (!g->Activityp) { *is_null = 1; return 0.0; } else return *(double*)g->Activityp; } else if (initid->const_item) g->N = 1; if (!g->Xchk) { if (CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true)) { PUSH_WARNING("CheckMemory error"); if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; *is_null = 1; return 0.0; } else { bnx.Reset(); jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0); if ((p = bnx.GetString(jvp))) { if (!(jsp = bnx.ParseJson(g, p, strlen(p)))) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); *is_null = 1; return 0.0; } // endif jsp } else jsp = jvp; if (g->Mrr) { // First argument is a constant g->Xchk = jsp; JsonMemSave(g); } // endif Mrr } // endelse CheckMemory } else jsp = (PBVAL)g->Xchk; path = MakePSZ(g, args, 1); //bxp = new(g) BJNX(g, jsp, TYPE_DOUBLE, 32, jsp->Nd); if (bnx.SetJpath(g, path)) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); *is_null = 1; return 0.0; } else jvp = bnx.GetRowValue(g, jsp, 0); if (!jvp || bnx.IsValueNull(jvp)) { *is_null = 1; return 0.0; } else if (args->arg_count == 2) { d = atof(bnx.GetString(jvp)); } else d = bnx.GetDouble(jvp); if (initid->const_item) { // Keep result of constant function double *dp; if ((dp = (double*)PlgDBSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(double)))) { *dp = d; g->Activityp = (PACTIVITY)dp; } else { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); *is_null = 1; return 0.0; } // endif dp } // endif const_item return d; } // end of jsonget_real void bsonget_real_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bsonget_real_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Delete items from a Json document. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_delete_item_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count < 2) { if (IsArgJson(args, 0) != 3) { strcpy(message, "This function must have at least 2 arguments or one binary"); return true; } // endif args } // endif count CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen, true); if (!JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen)) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; // Is this a constant function g->N = (initid->const_item) ? 1 : 0; // This is to avoid double execution when using prepared statements if (IsArgJson(args, 0) > 1) initid->const_item = 0; return false; } else return true; } // end of bson_delete_item_init char *bson_delete_item(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { char *path, *str = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->Xchk) { // This constant function was recalled str = (char*)g->Xchk; goto fin; } // endif Xchk if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, false, false, true)) { BJNX bnx(g, NULL, TYPE_STRING); PBVAL top, jar = NULL; PBVAL jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); if (args->arg_count == 1) { // This should be coming from bbin_locate_all jar = jvp; // This is the array of paths jvp = top; // And this is the document } else if(!bnx.IsJson(jvp)) { PUSH_WARNING("First argument is not a JSON document"); goto fin; } else if (args->arg_count == 2) { // Check whether this is an array of paths jar = bnx.MakeValue(args, 1, true); if (jar && jar->Type != TYPE_JAR) jar = NULL; } // endif arg_count if (jar) { // Do the deletion in reverse order for(int i = bnx.GetArraySize(jar) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { path = bnx.GetString(bnx.GetArrayValue(jar, i)); if (bnx.SetJpath(g, path, false)) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); continue; } // endif SetJpath bnx.SetChanged(bnx.DeleteItem(g, jvp)); } // endfor i } else for (uint i = 1; i < args->arg_count; i++) { path = MakePSZ(g, args, i); if (bnx.SetJpath(g, path, false)) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); continue; } // endif SetJpath bnx.SetChanged(bnx.DeleteItem(g, jvp)); } // endfor i str = bnx.MakeResult(args, top, INT_MAX); } // endif CheckMemory if (g->N) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = str; fin: if (!str) { *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_delete_item void bson_delete_item_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_delete_item_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* This function is used by the json_set/insert/update_item functions. */ /*********************************************************************************/ static char *bson_handle_item(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { char *path, *str = NULL; int w; my_bool b = true; PBJNX bxp; PBVAL jsp, jvp; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->Alchecked) { str = (char*)g->Activityp; goto fin; } else if (g->N) g->Alchecked = 1; if (!strcmp(result, "$set")) w = 0; else if (!strcmp(result, "$insert")) w = 1; else if (!strcmp(result, "$update")) w = 2; else { PUSH_WARNING("Logical error, please contact CONNECT developer"); goto fin; } // endelse try { if (!g->Xchk) { if (CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true, false, true)) { PUSH_WARNING("CheckMemory error"); throw 1; } else { BJNX bnx(g); jsp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true); if (g->Mrr) { // First argument is a constant g->Xchk = jsp; JsonMemSave(g); } // endif Mrr } // endif CheckMemory } else jsp = (PBVAL)g->Xchk; bxp = new(g)BJNX(g, jsp, TYPE_STRING, initid->max_length, 0, true); for (uint i = 1; i + 1 < args->arg_count; i += 2) { jvp = bxp->MakeValue(args, i); path = MakePSZ(g, args, i + 1); if (bxp->SetJpath(g, path, false)) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); continue; } // endif SetJpath if (w) { bxp->ReadValue(g); b = bxp->GetValue()->IsNull(); b = (w == 1) ? b : !b; } // endif w if (b && bxp->WriteValue(g, jvp)) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); continue; } // endif SetJpath bxp->SetChanged(true); } // endfor i // In case of error or file, return unchanged argument if (!(str = bxp->MakeResult(args, jsp, INT_MAX32))) str = MakePSZ(g, args, 0); if (g->N) // Keep result of constant function g->Activityp = (PACTIVITY)str; } catch (int n) { if (trace(1)) htrc("Exception %d: %s\n", n, g->Message); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); str = NULL; } catch (const char *msg) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "%s", msg); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); str = NULL; } // end catch fin: if (!str) { *is_null = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_handle_item /*********************************************************************************/ /* Set Json items of a Json document according to path. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_set_item_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen, more = 0; int n = IsArgJson(args, 0); if (!(args->arg_count % 2)) { strcpy(message, "This function must have an odd number of arguments"); return true; } else if (!n && args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); if (n == 2 && args->args[0]) { char fn[_MAX_PATH]; long fl; memcpy(fn, args->args[0], args->lengths[0]); fn[args->lengths[0]] = 0; fl = GetFileLength(fn); more += fl * 3; } else if (n != 3) more += args->lengths[0] * 3; if (!JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen, more)) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; // This is a constant function g->N = (initid->const_item) ? 1 : 0; // This is to avoid double execution when using prepared statements if (IsArgJson(args, 0) > 1) initid->const_item = 0; g->Alchecked = 0; return false; } else return true; } // end of bson_set_item_init char *bson_set_item(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *p) { strcpy(result, "$set"); return bson_handle_item(initid, args, result, res_length, is_null, p); } // end of bson_set_item void bson_set_item_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_set_item_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Insert Json items of a Json document according to path. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_insert_item_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { return bson_set_item_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bson_insert_item_init char *bson_insert_item(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *p) { strcpy(result, "$insert"); return bson_handle_item(initid, args, result, res_length, is_null, p); } // end of bson_insert_item void bson_insert_item_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_insert_item_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Update Json items of a Json document according to path. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_update_item_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { return bson_set_item_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bson_update_item_init char *bson_update_item(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *p) { strcpy(result, "$update"); return bson_handle_item(initid, args, result, res_length, is_null, p); } // end of bson_update_item void bson_update_item_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_update_item_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Returns a json file as a json string. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_file_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen, fl, more = 1024; if (args->arg_count < 1 || args->arg_count > 4) { strcpy(message, "This function only accepts 1 to 4 arguments"); return true; } else if (args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a string (file name)"); return true; } // endif's args[0] for (unsigned int i = 1; i < args->arg_count; i++) { if (!(args->arg_type[i] == INT_RESULT || args->arg_type[i] == STRING_RESULT)) { sprintf(message, "Argument %d is not an integer or a string (pretty or path)", i); return true; } // endif arg_type // Take care of eventual memory argument if (args->arg_type[i] == INT_RESULT && args->args[i]) more += (ulong)*(longlong*)args->args[i]; } // endfor i initid->maybe_null = 1; CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); if (args->args[0]) fl = GetFileLength(args->args[0]); else fl = 100; // What can be done here? reslen += fl; if (initid->const_item) more += fl; if (args->arg_count > 1) more += fl * M; memlen += more; return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen); } // end of bson_file_init char *bson_file(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { char *fn, *str = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->N) { str = (char*)g->Xchk; goto fin; } else if (initid->const_item) g->N = 1; PlugSubSet(g->Sarea, g->Sarea_Size); fn = MakePSZ(g, args, 0); if (args->arg_count > 1) { int pretty = 3, pty = 3; size_t len; PBVAL jsp, jvp = NULL; BJNX bnx(g); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < args->arg_count; i++) if (args->arg_type[i] == INT_RESULT && *(longlong*)args->args[i] < 4) { pretty = (int) * (longlong*)args->args[i]; break; } // endif type // Parse the json file and allocate its tree structure if (!(jsp = bnx.ParseJsonFile(g, fn, pty, len))) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); goto fin; } // endif jsp if (pty == 3) PUSH_WARNING("File pretty format cannot be determined"); else if (pretty != 3 && pty != pretty) PUSH_WARNING("File pretty format doesn't match the specified pretty value"); else if (pretty == 3) pretty = pty; // Check whether a path was specified if (bnx.CheckPath(g, args, jsp, jvp, 1)) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); goto fin; } else if (jvp) jsp = jvp; if (!(str = bnx.Serialize(g, jsp, NULL, 0))) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } else if (!(str = GetJsonFile(g, fn))) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); if (initid->const_item) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = str; fin: if (!str) { *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_file void bson_file_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_file_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a json file from a json item. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bfile_make_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count < 1 || args->arg_count > 3) { strcpy(message, "Wrong number of arguments"); return true; } else if (!IsArgJson(args, 0) && args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } // endif CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); memlen = memlen + 5000; // To take care of not pretty files return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen); } // end of bfile_make_init char *bfile_make(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *) { char *p, *str = NULL, *fn = NULL; int n, pretty = 2; PBVAL jsp, jvp; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; BJNX bnx(g); if (g->N) { str = (char*)g->Activityp; goto fin; } else if (initid->const_item) g->N = 1; if ((n = IsArgJson(args, 0)) == 3) { // Get default file name and pretty PBSON bsp = (PBSON)args->args[0]; fn = bsp->Filename; pretty = bsp->Pretty; } else if ((n = IsArgJson(args, 0)) == 2) fn = args->args[0]; if (!g->Xchk) { if (CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true)) { PUSH_WARNING("CheckMemory error"); goto fin; } else bnx.Reset(); jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0); if (!n && (p = bnx.GetString(jvp))) { if (!strchr("[{ \t\r\n", *p)) { // Is this a file name? if (!(p = GetJsonFile(g, p))) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); goto fin; } else fn = bnx.GetString(jvp); } // endif p if (!(jsp = bnx.ParseJson(g, p, strlen(p)))) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); goto fin; } // endif jsp bnx.SetValueVal(jvp, jsp); } // endif p if (g->Mrr) { // First argument is a constant g->Xchk = jvp; JsonMemSave(g); } // endif Mrr } else jvp = (PBVAL)g->Xchk; for (uint i = 1; i < args->arg_count; i++) switch (args->arg_type[i]) { case STRING_RESULT: fn = MakePSZ(g, args, i); break; case INT_RESULT: pretty = (int)*(longlong*)args->args[i]; break; default: PUSH_WARNING("Unexpected argument type in bfile_make"); } // endswitch arg_type if (fn) { if (!bnx.Serialize(g, jvp, fn, pretty)) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } else PUSH_WARNING("Missing file name"); str = fn; if (initid->const_item) // Keep result of constant function g->Activityp = (PACTIVITY)str; fin: if (!str) { *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; } else *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bfile_make void bfile_make_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bfile_make_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Convert a prettiest Json file to Pretty=0. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bfile_convert_init(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count != 3) { strcpy(message, "This function must have 3 arguments"); return true; } else if (args->arg_type[2] != INT_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Third Argument must be an integer (LRECL)"); return true; } else for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (args->arg_type[i] != STRING_RESULT) { sprintf(message, "Arguments %d must be a string (file name)", i+1); return true; } // endif args CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen); } // end of bfile_convert_init char *bfile_convert(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { char *str, *fn, *ofn; int lrecl = (int)*(longlong*)args->args[2]; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PlugSubSet(g->Sarea, g->Sarea_Size); fn = MakePSZ(g, args, 0); ofn = MakePSZ(g, args, 1); if (!g->Xchk) { JUP* jup = new(g) JUP(g); str = jup->UnprettyJsonFile(g, fn, ofn, lrecl); g->Xchk = str; } else str = (char*)g->Xchk; if (!str) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message[0] != '\0' ? g->Message : "Unexpected error"); *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else { strcpy(result, str); *res_length = strlen(str); } // endif str return str; } // end of bfile_convert void bfile_convert_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bfile_convert_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Convert a pretty=0 Json file to binary BJSON. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bfile_bjson_init(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count != 2 && args->arg_count != 3) { strcpy(message, "This function must have 2 or 3 arguments"); return true; } else if (args->arg_count == 3 && args->arg_type[2] != INT_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Third Argument must be an integer (LRECL)"); return true; } else for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (args->arg_type[i] != STRING_RESULT) { sprintf(message, "Arguments %d must be a string (file name)", i + 1); return true; } // endif args CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); memlen = memlen * M; memlen += (args->arg_count == 3) ? (ulong)*(longlong*)args->args[2] : 1024; return JsonInit(initid, args, message, false, reslen, memlen); } // end of bfile_bjson_init char *bfile_bjson(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char*, char *error) { char *buf, *str = NULL, fn[_MAX_PATH], ofn[_MAX_PATH]; bool loop; ssize_t len, newloc; size_t lrecl, binszp; PBVAL jsp; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; BDOC doc(g); snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s", MakePSZ(g, args, 0)); snprintf(ofn, sizeof(ofn), "%s", MakePSZ(g, args, 1)); if (args->arg_count == 3) lrecl = (size_t)*(longlong*)args->args[2]; else lrecl = 1024; if (!g->Xchk) { int msgid = MSGID_OPEN_MODE_STRERROR; FILE *fout = NULL; FILE *fin; if (!(fin = global_fopen(g, msgid, fn, "rt"))) str = strcpy(result, g->Message); else if (!(fout = global_fopen(g, msgid, ofn, "wb"))) str = strcpy(result, g->Message); else if ((buf = (char*)malloc(lrecl))) { try { do { loop = false; PlugSubSet(g->Sarea, g->Sarea_Size); if (!fgets(buf, lrecl, fin)) { if (!feof(fin)) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Error %d reading %zu bytes from %s", errno, lrecl, fn); str = strcpy(result, g->Message); } else str = strcpy(result, ofn); } else if ((len = strlen(buf))) { if ((jsp = doc.ParseJson(g, buf, len))) { newloc = (size_t)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, 0); binszp = newloc - (size_t)jsp; if (fwrite(&binszp, sizeof(binszp), 1, fout) != 1) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Error %d writing %zu bytes to %s", errno, sizeof(binszp), ofn); str = strcpy(result, g->Message); } else if (fwrite(jsp, binszp, 1, fout) != 1) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "Error %d writing %zu bytes to %s", errno, binszp, ofn); str = strcpy(result, g->Message); } else loop = true; } else { str = strcpy(result, g->Message); } // endif jsp } else loop = true; } while (loop); } catch (int) { str = strcpy(result, g->Message); } catch (const char* msg) { str = strcpy(result, msg); } // end catch free(buf); } else str = strcpy(result, "Buffer malloc failed"); if (fin) fclose(fin); if (fout) fclose(fout); g->Xchk = str; } else str = (char*)g->Xchk; if (!str) { if (g->Message[0] != '\0') str = strcpy(result, g->Message); else str = strcpy(result, "Unexpected error"); } // endif str *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bfile_bjson void bfile_bjson_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bfile_bjson_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Serialize a Json document. . */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bson_serialize_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->args[0] && IsArgJson(args, 0) != 3) { strcpy(message, "Argument must be a Jbin tree"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, false, reslen, memlen); } // end of bson_serialize_init char *bson_serialize(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *, char *error) { char *str; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (!g->Xchk) { if (IsArgJson(args, 0) == 3) { PBSON bsp = (PBSON)args->args[0]; BJNX bnx(bsp->G); PBVAL bvp = (args->arg_count == 1) ? (PBVAL)bsp->Jsp : (PBVAL)bsp->Top; // if (!(str = bnx.Serialize(g, bvp, bsp->Filename, bsp->Pretty))) if (!(str = bnx.Serialize(g, bvp, NULL, 0))) str = strcpy(result, g->Message); // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = (initid->const_item) ? str : NULL; } else { // *error = 1; str = strcpy(result, "Argument is not a Jbin tree"); } // endif } else str = (char*)g->Xchk; *res_length = strlen(str); return str; } // end of bson_serialize void bson_serialize_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bson_serialize_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make and return a binary Json array containing all the parameters. */ /* Note: jvp must be set before arp because it can be a binary argument. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_make_array_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen); } // end of bbin_make_array_init char *bbin_make_array(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBSON bsp = NULL; if (!g->Xchk) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, args->arg_count, false)) { BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0); PBVAL arp = bnx.NewVal(TYPE_JAR); for (uint i = 0; i < args->arg_count;) { bnx.AddArrayValue(arp, jvp); jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, ++i); } // endfor i if ((bsp = BbinAlloc(bnx.G, initid->max_length, arp))) { safe_strcat(bsp->Msg, sizeof(bsp->Msg), " array"); // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = (initid->const_item) ? bsp : NULL; } // endif bsp } // endif CheckMemory } else bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; if (!bsp) { *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_make_array void bbin_make_array_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_make_array_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Add one value to a Json array. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_array_add_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "This function must have at least 2 arguments"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, false, reslen, memlen, true); if (!JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen)) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; // This is a constant function g->N = (initid->const_item) ? 1 : 0; // This is to avoid double execution when using prepared statements if (IsArgJson(args, 0) > 1) initid->const_item = 0; return false; } else return true; } // end of bbin_array_add_init char *bbin_array_add(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBSON bsp = NULL; if (g->Xchk) { // This constant function was recalled bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } else if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 2, false, false, true)) { uint n = 2; int* x = GetIntArgPtr(g, args, n); BJNX bnx(g, NULL, TYPE_STRING); PBVAL jarp = NULL, top = NULL, jvp = NULL; PBVAL jsp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); if (bnx.CheckPath(g, args, jsp, jvp, 2)) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); else if (jvp && jvp->Type != TYPE_JAR) { if ((jarp = bnx.NewVal(TYPE_JAR))) { bnx.AddArrayValue(jarp, jvp); if (!top) top = jarp; } // endif jarp } else jarp = jvp; if (jarp) { bnx.AddArrayValue(jarp, bnx.MakeValue(args, 1), x); bnx.SetChanged(true); bsp = bnx.MakeBinResult(args, top, initid->max_length); if (initid->const_item) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = bsp; } else PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } // endif CheckMemory if (!bsp) { *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; *error = 1; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_array_add void bbin_array_add_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_array_add_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Add one or several values to a Bson array. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_array_add_values_init(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* message) { return bson_array_add_values_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bbin_array_add_values_init char* bbin_array_add_values(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* result, unsigned long* res_length, char* is_null, char* error) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBSON bsp = NULL; if (!g->Xchk) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, args->arg_count, true)) { uint i = 0; BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL arp, top; PBVAL bvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); if (bvp->Type == TYPE_JAR) { arp = bvp; i = 1; } else // First argument is not an array arp = bnx.NewVal(TYPE_JAR); for (; i < args->arg_count; i++) bnx.AddArrayValue(arp, bnx.MakeValue(args, i)); bnx.SetChanged(true); bsp = bnx.MakeBinResult(args, top, initid->max_length); } // endif CheckMemory // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = (g->N) ? bsp : NULL; } else bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; if (!bsp) { *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; *error = 1; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_array_add_values void bbin_array_add_values_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_array_add_values_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a Json array from values coming from rows. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_array_grp_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { return bson_array_grp_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bbin_array_grp_init void bbin_array_grp_clear(UDF_INIT *initid, char *a, char *b) { bson_array_grp_clear(initid, a, b); } // end of bbin_array_grp_clear void bbin_array_grp_add(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *a, char *b) { bson_array_grp_add(initid, args, a, b); } // end of bbin_array_grp_add char *bbin_array_grp(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PBSON bsp = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBVAL arp = (PBVAL)g->Activityp; if (g->N < 0) PUSH_WARNING("Result truncated to json_grp_size values"); if (arp) if ((bsp = BbinAlloc(g, initid->max_length, arp))) { safe_strcat(bsp->Msg, sizeof(bsp->Msg), " array"); } if (!bsp) { *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; *error = 1; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_array_grp void bbin_array_grp_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_array_grp_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a Json object from values coming from rows. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_object_grp_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { return bson_object_grp_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bbin_object_grp_init void bbin_object_grp_clear(UDF_INIT *initid, char *a, char *b) { bson_object_grp_clear(initid, a, b); } // end of bbin_object_grp_clear void bbin_object_grp_add(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *a, char *b) { bson_object_grp_add(initid, args, a, b); } // end of bbin_object_grp_add char *bbin_object_grp(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PBSON bsp = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBVAL bop = (PBVAL)g->Activityp; if (g->N < 0) PUSH_WARNING("Result truncated to json_grp_size values"); if (bop) if ((bsp = BbinAlloc(g, initid->max_length, bop))) { safe_strcat(bsp->Msg, sizeof(bsp->Msg), " object"); } if (!bsp) { *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; *error = 1; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_object_grp void bbin_object_grp_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_object_grp_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a Json Object containing all the parameters. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_make_object_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; CalcLen(args, true, reslen, memlen); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, false, reslen, memlen); } // end of bbin_make_object_init char *bbin_make_object(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBSON bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; if (!bsp) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, args->arg_count, true)) { BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL objp; if ((objp = bnx.NewVal(TYPE_JOB))) { for (uint i = 0; i < args->arg_count; i++) bnx.SetKeyValue(objp, bnx.MakeValue(args, i), bnx.MakeKey(args, i)); if ((bsp = BbinAlloc(bnx.G, initid->max_length, objp))) { safe_strcat(bsp->Msg, sizeof(bsp->Msg), " object"); // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = (initid->const_item) ? bsp : NULL; } // endif bsp } // endif objp } // endif CheckMemory } // endif Xchk if (!bsp) { *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_make_object void bbin_make_object_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_make_object_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a Json Object containing all not null parameters. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_object_nonull_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; CalcLen(args, true, reslen, memlen); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen); } // end of bbin_object_nonull_init char *bbin_object_nonull(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBSON bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; if (!bsp) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, args->arg_count, false, true)) { BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL jvp, objp; if ((objp = bnx.NewVal(TYPE_JOB))) { for (uint i = 0; i < args->arg_count; i++) if (!bnx.IsValueNull(jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, i))) bnx.SetKeyValue(objp, jvp, bnx.MakeKey(args, i)); if ((bsp = BbinAlloc(bnx.G, initid->max_length, objp))) { safe_strcat(bsp->Msg, sizeof(bsp->Msg), " object"); // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = (initid->const_item) ? bsp : NULL; } // endif bsp } // endif objp } // endif CheckMemory } // endif Xchk if (!bsp) { *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_object_nonull void bbin_object_nonull_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_object_nonull_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Make a Json Object containing all the key/value parameters. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_object_key_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count % 2) { strcpy(message, "This function must have an even number of arguments"); return true; } // endif arg_count CalcLen(args, true, reslen, memlen); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen); } // end of bbin_object_key_init char *bbin_object_key(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBSON bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; if (!bsp) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, args->arg_count, false, true)) { BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL objp; if ((objp = bnx.NewVal(TYPE_JOB))) { for (uint i = 0; i < args->arg_count; i += 2) bnx.SetKeyValue(objp, bnx.MakeValue(args, i + 1), MakePSZ(g, args, i)); if ((bsp = BbinAlloc(bnx.G, initid->max_length, objp))) { safe_strcat(bsp->Msg, sizeof(bsp->Msg), " object"); // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = (initid->const_item) ? bsp : NULL; } // endif bsp } // endif objp } // endif CheckMemory } // endif Xchk if (!bsp) { *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_object_key void bbin_object_key_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_object_key_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Add or replace a value in a Json Object. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_object_add_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "This function must have at least 2 arguments"); return true; } else if (!IsArgJson(args, 0)) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, true, reslen, memlen, true); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen); } // end of bbin_object_add_init char *bbin_object_add(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBSON bsp = NULL; if (g->Xchk) { // This constant function was recalled bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } else if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 2, false, true, true)) { PSZ key; BJNX bnx(g, NULL, TYPE_STRING); PBVAL top; PBVAL jobp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); PBVAL jvp = jobp; if (bnx.CheckPath(g, args, jvp, jobp, 2)) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); else if (jobp && jobp->Type == TYPE_JOB) { jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 1); key = bnx.MakeKey(args, 1); bnx.SetKeyValue(jobp, jvp, key); bnx.SetChanged(true); } else { PUSH_WARNING("First argument target is not an object"); // if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; (only if no path) } // endif jobp // In case of error unchanged argument will be returned bsp = bnx.MakeBinResult(args, top, initid->max_length); if (initid->const_item) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = bsp; } // endif CheckMemory if (!bsp) { *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_object_add void bbin_object_add_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_object_add_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Delete a value from a Json array. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_array_delete_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { return bson_array_delete_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bbin_array_delete_init char *bbin_array_delete(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBSON bsp = NULL; if (g->Xchk) { // This constant function was recalled bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; } else if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, false, false, true)) { int* x; uint n = 1; BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL arp, top; PBVAL jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); if (!(x = GetIntArgPtr(g, args, n))) PUSH_WARNING("Missing or null array index"); else if (bnx.CheckPath(g, args, jvp, arp, 1)) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); else if (arp && arp->Type == TYPE_JAR) { bnx.SetChanged(bnx.DeleteValue(arp, *x)); bsp = bnx.MakeBinResult(args, top, initid->max_length); } else { PUSH_WARNING("First argument target is not an array"); // if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; } // endif jvp if (g->N) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = bsp; } // endif CheckMemory if (!bsp) { *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_array_delete void bbin_array_delete_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_array_delete_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Delete a value from a Json object. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_object_delete_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { unsigned long reslen, memlen; if (args->arg_count < 2) { strcpy(message, "This function must have 2 or 3 arguments"); return true; } else if (!IsArgJson(args, 0)) { strcpy(message, "First argument must be a json item"); return true; } else if (args->arg_type[1] != STRING_RESULT) { strcpy(message, "Second argument must be a key string"); return true; } else CalcLen(args, true, reslen, memlen, true); return JsonInit(initid, args, message, true, reslen, memlen); } // end of bbin_object_delete_init char *bbin_object_delete(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBSON bsp = NULL; if (g->Xchk) { // This constant function was recalled bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } else if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, false, true, true)) { PCSZ key; BJNX bnx(g, NULL, TYPE_STRING); PBVAL top; PBVAL jobp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); if (bnx.CheckPath(g, args, top, jobp, 2)) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); else if (jobp && jobp->Type == TYPE_JOB) { key = bnx.MakeKey(args, 1); bnx.SetChanged(bnx.DeleteKey(jobp, key)); } else { PUSH_WARNING("First argument target is not an object"); // if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; (only if no path) } // endif jvp // In case of error unchanged argument will be returned bsp = bnx.MakeBinResult(args, top, initid->max_length); if (initid->const_item) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = bsp; } // endif CheckMemory if (!bsp) { *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_object_delete void bbin_object_delete_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_object_delete_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Returns an array of the Json object keys. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_object_list_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { return bson_object_list_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bbin_object_list_init char *bbin_object_list(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBSON bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; if (!bsp) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true, true)) { BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL top, jarp = NULL; PBVAL jsp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); if (jsp->Type == TYPE_JOB) { jarp = bnx.GetKeyList(jsp); } else { PUSH_WARNING("First argument is not an object"); if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; } // endif jsp type // In case of error unchanged argument will be returned bsp = bnx.MakeBinResult(args, top, initid->max_length); bsp->Jsp = (PJSON)jarp; } // endif CheckMemory // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = (initid->const_item) ? bsp : NULL; } // endif bsp if (!bsp) { *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_object_list void bbin_object_list_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_object_list_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Returns an array of the Json object values. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_object_values_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { return bson_object_values_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bbin_object_values_init char *bbin_object_values(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBSON bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; if (!bsp) { if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true, true)) { BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL top, jarp = NULL; PBVAL jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); if (jvp->Type == TYPE_JOB) { jarp = bnx.GetObjectValList(jvp); } else { PUSH_WARNING("First argument is not an object"); if (g->Mrr) *error = 1; } // endif jvp // In case of error unchanged argument will be returned bsp = bnx.MakeBinResult(args, top, initid->max_length); bsp->Jsp = (PJSON)jarp; } // endif CheckMemory if (initid->const_item) { // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = bsp; } // endif const_item } // endif bsp if (!bsp) { *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_object_values void bbin_object_values_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_object_values_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Get a Json item from a Json document. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_get_item_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { return bson_get_item_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bbin_get_item_init char *bbin_get_item(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PBSON bsp = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->Xchk) { bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; } else if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true, true)) { BJNX bnx(g, NULL, TYPE_STRING, initid->max_length); PBVAL top, jvp = NULL; PBVAL jsp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); if (bnx.CheckPath(g, args, jsp, jvp, 1)) PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); else if (jvp) { bsp = bnx.MakeBinResult(args, top, initid->max_length); bsp->Jsp = (PJSON)jvp; if (initid->const_item) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = bsp; } // endif jvp } else PUSH_WARNING("CheckMemory error"); if (!bsp) { *is_null = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_get_item void bbin_get_item_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_get_item_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Merge two arrays or objects. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_item_merge_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { return bson_item_merge_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bbin_item_merge_init char *bbin_item_merge(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { PBSON bsp = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->Xchk) { // This constant function was recalled bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; goto fin; } // endif Xchk if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 2, false, false, true)) { JTYP type = TYPE_JAR; BJNX bnx(g); PBVAL jvp = NULL, top = NULL; PBVAL jsp[2] = {NULL, NULL}; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (i) { jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, i, true); if (jvp && (jvp->Type != type)) { PUSH_WARNING("Argument types mismatch"); goto fin; } // endif type } else { jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, i, true, &top); type = (JTYP)jvp->Type; if (type != TYPE_JAR && type != TYPE_JOB) { PUSH_WARNING("First argument is not an array or object"); goto fin; } // endif type } // endif i jsp[i] = jvp; } // endfor i if (type == TYPE_JAR) bnx.MergeArray(jsp[0], jsp[1]); else bnx.MergeObject(jsp[0], jsp[1]); bnx.SetChanged(true); bsp = bnx.MakeBinResult(args, top, initid->max_length); } // endif CheckMemory if (g->N) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = bsp; fin: if (!bsp) { *res_length = 0; *error = 1; *is_null = 1; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_item_merge void bbin_item_merge_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_item_merge_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* This function is used by the jbin_set/insert/update_item functions. */ /*********************************************************************************/ static char *bbin_handle_item(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { char *path; int w; my_bool b = true; PBJNX bxp; PBVAL jsp, jvp, top; PBSON bsp = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->Alchecked) { bsp = (PBSON)g->Activityp; goto fin; } else if (g->N) g->Alchecked = 1; if (!strcmp(result, "$set")) w = 0; else if (!strcmp(result, "$insert")) w = 1; else if (!strcmp(result, "$update")) w = 2; else { PUSH_WARNING("Logical error, please contact CONNECT developer"); goto fin; } // endelse try { if (!g->Xchk) { if (CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true, false, true)) { throw 1; } else { BJNX bnx(g); jsp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); if (g->Mrr) { // First argument is a constant g->Xchk = jsp; g->More = (size_t)top; JsonMemSave(g); } // endif Mrr } // endif CheckMemory } else { jsp = (PBVAL)g->Xchk; top = (PBVAL)g->More; } // endif Xchk bxp = new(g)BJNX(g, jsp, TYPE_STRING, initid->max_length, 0, true); for (uint i = 1; i + 1 < args->arg_count; i += 2) { jvp = bxp->MakeValue(args, i); path = MakePSZ(g, args, i + 1); if (bxp->SetJpath(g, path, false)) throw 2; if (w) { bxp->ReadValue(g); b = bxp->GetValue()->IsNull(); b = (w == 1) ? b : !b; } // endif w if (b && bxp->WriteValue(g, jvp)) throw 3; bxp->SetChanged(true); } // endfor i if (!(bsp = bxp->MakeBinResult(args, top, initid->max_length))) throw 4; if (g->N) // Keep result of constant function g->Activityp = (PACTIVITY)bsp; } catch (int n) { if (trace(1)) htrc("Exception %d: %s\n", n, g->Message); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } catch (const char *msg) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "%s", msg); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); } // end catch fin: if (!bsp) { *is_null = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_handle_item /*********************************************************************************/ /* Set Json items of a Json document according to path. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_set_item_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { return bson_set_item_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bbin_set_item_init char *bbin_set_item(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *p) { strcpy(result, "$set"); return bbin_handle_item(initid, args, result, res_length, is_null, p); } // end of bbin_set_item void bbin_set_item_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_set_item_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Insert Json items of a Json document according to path. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_insert_item_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { return bson_set_item_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bbin_insert_item_init char *bbin_insert_item(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *p) { strcpy(result, "$insert"); return bbin_handle_item(initid, args, result, res_length, is_null, p); } // end of bbin_insert_item void bbin_insert_item_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_insert_item_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Update Json items of a Json document according to path. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_update_item_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { return bson_set_item_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bbin_update_item_init char *bbin_update_item(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *p) { strcpy(result, "$update"); return bbin_handle_item(initid, args, result, res_length, is_null, p); } // end of bbin_update_item void bbin_update_item_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_update_item_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Delete items from a Json document. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_delete_item_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { return bson_delete_item_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bbin_delete_item_init char *bbin_delete_item(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { char *path; PBSON bsp = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; if (g->Xchk) { // This constant function was recalled bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; goto fin; } // endif Xchk if (!CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, false, false, true)) { BJNX bnx(g, NULL, TYPE_STRING); PBVAL top, jar = NULL; PBVAL jvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); if (args->arg_count == 1) { // This should be coming from bbin_locate_all jar = jvp; // This is the array of paths jvp = top; // And this is the document } else if(!bnx.IsJson(jvp)) { PUSH_WARNING("First argument is not a JSON document"); goto fin; } else if (args->arg_count == 2) { // Check whether this is an array of paths jar = bnx.MakeValue(args, 1, true); if (jar && jar->Type != TYPE_JAR) jar = NULL; } // endif arg_count if (jar) { // Do the deletion in reverse order for(int i = bnx.GetArraySize(jar) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { path = bnx.GetString(bnx.GetArrayValue(jar, i)); if (bnx.SetJpath(g, path, false)) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); continue; } // endif SetJpath bnx.SetChanged(bnx.DeleteItem(g, jvp)); } // endfor i } else for (uint i = 1; i < args->arg_count; i++) { path = MakePSZ(g, args, i); if (bnx.SetJpath(g, path, false)) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); continue; } // endif SetJpath bnx.SetChanged(bnx.DeleteItem(g, jvp)); } // endfor i bsp = bnx.MakeBinResult(args, top, initid->max_length); if (args->arg_count == 1) // Here Jsp was not a sub-item of top bsp->Jsp = (PJSON)top; } // endif CheckMemory if (g->N) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = bsp; fin: if (!bsp) { *is_null = 1; *error = 1; *res_length = 0; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_delete_item void bbin_delete_item_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_delete_item_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Returns a json file as a json binary tree. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_file_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) { return bson_file_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bbin_file_init char *bbin_file(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result, unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error) { char *fn; int pretty = 3; size_t len = 0; PBVAL jsp, jvp = NULL; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; BJNX bnx(g); PBSON bsp = (PBSON)g->Xchk; if (bsp) goto fin; fn = MakePSZ(g, args, 0); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < args->arg_count; i++) if (args->arg_type[i] == INT_RESULT && *(longlong*)args->args[i] < 4) { pretty = (int) * (longlong*)args->args[i]; break; } // endif type // Parse the json file and allocate its tree structure if (!(jsp = bnx.ParseJsonFile(g, fn, pretty, len))) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); *error = 1; goto fin; } // endif jsp // if (pretty == 3) // PUSH_WARNING("File pretty format cannot be determined"); // else if (pretty == 3) // pretty = pty; if ((bsp = BbinAlloc(bnx.G, len, jsp))) { safe_strcat(bsp->Msg, sizeof(bsp->Msg), " file"); bsp->Filename = fn; bsp->Pretty = pretty; } else { *error = 1; goto fin; } // endif bsp // Check whether a path was specified if (bnx.CheckPath(g, args, jsp, jvp, 1)) { PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); bsp = NULL; goto fin; } else if (jvp) bsp->Jsp = (PJSON)jvp; if (initid->const_item) // Keep result of constant function g->Xchk = bsp; fin: if (!bsp) { *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_file void bbin_file_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_file_deinit /*********************************************************************************/ /* Locate all occurences of a value in a Json tree. */ /*********************************************************************************/ my_bool bbin_locate_all_init(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* message) { return bson_locate_all_init(initid, args, message); } // end of bbin_locate_all_init char* bbin_locate_all(UDF_INIT* initid, UDF_ARGS* args, char* result, unsigned long* res_length, char* is_null, char* error) { char *path = NULL; int mx = 10; PBVAL bvp, bvp2; PGLOBAL g = (PGLOBAL)initid->ptr; PBSON bsp = NULL; if (g->N) { if (g->Activityp) { bsp = (PBSON)g->Activityp; *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } else { *error = 1; *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; return NULL; } // endif Activityp } else if (initid->const_item) g->N = 1; try { PBVAL top = NULL; BJNX bnx(g); if (!g->Xchk) { if (CheckMemory(g, initid, args, 1, true)) { PUSH_WARNING("CheckMemory error"); *error = 1; goto err; } else bnx.Reset(); bvp = bnx.MakeValue(args, 0, true, &top); if (bvp->Type == TYPE_NULL) { PUSH_WARNING("First argument is not a valid JSON item"); goto err; } // endif bvp if (g->Mrr) { // First argument is a constant g->Xchk = bvp; g->More = (size_t)top; JsonMemSave(g); } // endif Mrr } else { bvp = (PBVAL)g->Xchk; top = (PBVAL)g->More; } // endif Xchk // The item to locate bvp2 = bnx.MakeValue(args, 1, true); if (bvp2->Type == TYPE_NULL) { PUSH_WARNING("Invalid second argument"); goto err; } // endif bvp2 if (args->arg_count > 2) mx = (int)*(long long*)args->args[2]; if ((path = bnx.LocateAll(g, bvp, bvp2, mx))) { bsp = bnx.MakeBinResult(args, top, initid->max_length); bsp->Jsp = (PJSON)bnx.ParseJson(g, path, strlen(path)); } // endif path if (initid->const_item) // Keep result of constant function g->Activityp = (PACTIVITY)bsp; } catch (int n) { xtrc(1, "Exception %d: %s\n", n, g->Message); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); *error = 1; path = NULL; } catch (const char* msg) { snprintf(g->Message, sizeof(g->Message), "%s", msg); PUSH_WARNING(g->Message); *error = 1; path = NULL; } // end catch err: if (!bsp) { *res_length = 0; *is_null = 1; } else *res_length = sizeof(BSON); return (char*)bsp; } // end of bbin_locate_all void bbin_locate_all_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid) { JsonFreeMem((PGLOBAL)initid->ptr); } // end of bbin_locate_all_deinit