/** * Copyright (c) 2012 ooxi/xml.c * https://github.com/ooxi/xml.c * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the * use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be * appreciated but is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be * misrepresented as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef XML_PARSER_VERBOSE #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "xml.h" /* * public domain strtok_r() by Charlie Gordon * * from comp.lang.c 9/14/2007 * * http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.c/msg/2ab1ecbb86646684 * * (Declaration that it's public domain): * http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.c/msg/7c7b39328fefab9c */ static char* xml_strtok_r(char *str, const char *delim, char **nextp) { char *ret; if (str == NULL) { str = *nextp; } str += strspn(str, delim); if (*str == '\0') { return NULL; } ret = str; str += strcspn(str, delim); if (*str) { *str++ = '\0'; } *nextp = str; return ret; } /** * [OPAQUE API] * * UTF-8 text */ struct xml_string { uint8_t const* buffer; size_t length; }; /** * [OPAQUE API] * * An xml_attribute may contain text content. */ struct xml_attribute { struct xml_string* name; struct xml_string* content; }; /** * [OPAQUE API] * * An xml_node will always contain a tag name, a 0-terminated list of attributes * and a 0-terminated list of children. Moreover it may contain text content. */ struct xml_node { struct xml_string* name; struct xml_string* content; struct xml_attribute** attributes; struct xml_node** children; }; /** * [OPAQUE API] * * An xml_document simply contains the root node and the underlying buffer */ struct xml_document { struct { uint8_t* buffer; size_t length; } buffer; struct xml_node* root; }; /** * [PRIVATE] * * Parser context */ struct xml_parser { uint8_t* buffer; size_t position; size_t length; }; /** * [PRIVATE] * * Character offsets */ enum xml_parser_offset { NO_CHARACTER = -1, CURRENT_CHARACTER = 0, NEXT_CHARACTER = 1, }; /** * [PRIVATE] * * @return Number of attributes in 0-terminated array */ static size_t get_zero_terminated_array_attributes(struct xml_attribute** attributes) { size_t elements = 0; while (attributes[elements]) { ++elements; } return elements; } /** * [PRIVATE] * * @return Number of nodes in 0-terminated array */ static size_t get_zero_terminated_array_nodes(struct xml_node** nodes) { size_t elements = 0; while (nodes[elements]) { ++elements; } return elements; } /** * [PRIVATE] * * @warning No UTF conversions will be attempted * * @return true iff a == b */ static _Bool xml_string_equals(struct xml_string* a, struct xml_string* b) { size_t i = 0; if (a->length != b->length) { return false; } for (; i < a->length; ++i) { if (a->buffer[i] != b->buffer[i]) { return false; } } return true; } /** * [PRIVATE] */ static uint8_t* xml_string_clone(struct xml_string* s) { uint8_t* clone; if (!s) { return 0; } clone = ms3_ccalloc(s->length + 1, sizeof(uint8_t)); xml_string_copy(s, clone, s->length); clone[s->length] = 0; return clone; } /** * [PRIVATE] * * Frees the resources allocated by the string * * @warning `buffer` must _not_ be freed, since it is a reference to the * document's buffer */ static void xml_string_free(struct xml_string* string) { ms3_cfree(string); } /** * [PRIVATE] * * Frees the resources allocated by the attribute */ static void xml_attribute_free(struct xml_attribute* attribute) { if(attribute->name) { xml_string_free(attribute->name); } if(attribute->content) { xml_string_free(attribute->content); } ms3_cfree(attribute); } /** * [PRIVATE] * * Frees the resources allocated by the node */ static void xml_node_free(struct xml_node* node) { struct xml_attribute** at; struct xml_node** it; xml_string_free(node->name); if (node->content) { xml_string_free(node->content); } at = node->attributes; while(*at) { xml_attribute_free(*at); ++at; } ms3_cfree(node->attributes); it = node->children; while (*it) { xml_node_free(*it); ++it; } ms3_cfree(node->children); ms3_cfree(node); } /** * [PRIVATE] * * Echos the parsers call stack for debugging purposes */ #ifdef XML_PARSER_VERBOSE static void xml_parser_info(struct xml_parser* parser, char const* message) { fprintf(stdout, "xml_parser_info %s\n", message); } #else #define xml_parser_info(parser, message) {} #endif /** * [PRIVATE] * * Echos an error regarding the parser's source to the console */ #define tmp_min(X,Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y)) static void xml_parser_error(struct xml_parser* parser, enum xml_parser_offset offset, char const* message) { int row = 0; int column = 0; size_t character = tmp_min(parser->length, parser->position + offset); size_t position = 0; for (; position < character; ++position) { column++; if ('\n' == parser->buffer[position]) { row++; column = 0; } } if (NO_CHARACTER != offset) { fprintf(stderr, "xml_parser_error at %i:%i (is %c): %s\n", row + 1, column, parser->buffer[character], message ); } else { fprintf(stderr, "xml_parser_error at %i:%i: %s\n", row + 1, column, message ); } } /** * [PRIVATE] * * Returns the n-th not-whitespace byte in parser and 0 if such a byte does not * exist */ static uint8_t xml_parser_peek(struct xml_parser* parser, size_t n) { size_t position = parser->position; while (position < parser->length) { if (!isspace(parser->buffer[position])) { if (n == 0) { return parser->buffer[position]; } else { --n; } } position++; } return 0; } /** * [PRIVATE] * * Moves the parser's position n bytes. If the new position would be out of * bounds, it will be converted to the bounds itself */ static void xml_parser_consume(struct xml_parser* parser, size_t n) { /* Debug information */ #ifdef XML_PARSER_VERBOSE #define min(X,Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y)) char* consumed = alloca((n + 1) * sizeof(char)); memcpy(consumed, &parser->buffer[parser->position], min(n, parser->length - parser->position)); consumed[n] = 0; #undef min size_t message_buffer_length = 512; char* message_buffer = alloca(512 * sizeof(char)); snprintf(message_buffer, message_buffer_length, "Consuming %li bytes \"%s\"", (long)n, consumed); message_buffer[message_buffer_length - 1] = 0; xml_parser_info(parser, message_buffer); #endif /* Move the position forward */ parser->position += n; /* Don't go too far * * @warning Valid because parser->length must be greater than 0 */ if (parser->position >= parser->length) { parser->position = parser->length - 1; } } /** * [PRIVATE] * * Skips to the next non-whitespace character */ static void xml_skip_whitespace(struct xml_parser* parser) { xml_parser_info(parser, "whitespace"); while (isspace(parser->buffer[parser->position])) { if (parser->position + 1 >= parser->length) { return; } else { parser->position++; } } } /** * [PRIVATE] * * Finds and creates all attributes on the given node. * * @author Blake Felt * @see https://github.com/Molorius */ static struct xml_attribute** xml_find_attributes(struct xml_parser* parser, struct xml_string* tag_open) { char* tmp; char* rest = NULL; char* token; char* str_name; char* str_content; const unsigned char* start_name; const unsigned char* start_content; size_t old_elements; size_t new_elements; struct xml_attribute* new_attribute; struct xml_attribute** attributes; long position; (void) parser; // clang for some reason thinks this isn't used xml_parser_info(parser, "find_attributes"); attributes = ms3_ccalloc(1, sizeof(struct xml_attribute*)); attributes[0] = 0; tmp = (char*) xml_string_clone(tag_open); token = xml_strtok_r(tmp, " ", &rest); // skip the first value if(token == NULL) { goto cleanup; } tag_open->length = strlen(token); for(token=xml_strtok_r(NULL," ", &rest); token!=NULL; token=xml_strtok_r(NULL," ", &rest)) { str_name = ms3_cmalloc(strlen(token)+1); str_content = ms3_cmalloc(strlen(token)+1); // %s=\"%s\" wasn't working for some reason, ugly hack to make it work if(sscanf(token, "%[^=]=\"%[^\"]", str_name, str_content) != 2) { if(sscanf(token, "%[^=]=\'%[^\']", str_name, str_content) != 2) { ms3_cfree(str_name); ms3_cfree(str_content); continue; } } position = token-tmp; start_name = &tag_open->buffer[position]; start_content = &tag_open->buffer[position + strlen(str_name) + 2]; new_attribute = ms3_cmalloc(sizeof(struct xml_attribute)); new_attribute->name = ms3_cmalloc(sizeof(struct xml_string)); new_attribute->name->buffer = (unsigned char*)start_name; new_attribute->name->length = strlen(str_name); new_attribute->content = ms3_cmalloc(sizeof(struct xml_string)); new_attribute->content->buffer = (unsigned char*)start_content; new_attribute->content->length = strlen(str_content); old_elements = get_zero_terminated_array_attributes(attributes); new_elements = old_elements + 1; attributes = ms3_crealloc(attributes, (new_elements+1)*sizeof(struct xml_attributes*)); attributes[new_elements-1] = new_attribute; attributes[new_elements] = 0; ms3_cfree(str_name); ms3_cfree(str_content); } cleanup: ms3_cfree(tmp); return attributes; } /** * [PRIVATE] * * Parses the name out of the an XML tag's ending * * ---( Example )--- * tag_name> * --- */ static struct xml_string* xml_parse_tag_end(struct xml_parser* parser) { size_t start; size_t length = 0; struct xml_string* name; xml_parser_info(parser, "tag_end"); start = parser->position; /* Parse until `>' or a whitespace is reached */ while (start + length < parser->length) { uint8_t current = xml_parser_peek(parser, CURRENT_CHARACTER); if (('>' == current) || isspace(current)) { break; } else { xml_parser_consume(parser, 1); length++; } } /* Consume `>' */ if ('>' != xml_parser_peek(parser, CURRENT_CHARACTER)) { xml_parser_error(parser, CURRENT_CHARACTER, "xml_parse_tag_end::expected tag end"); return 0; } xml_parser_consume(parser, 1); /* Return parsed tag name */ name = ms3_cmalloc(sizeof(struct xml_string)); name->buffer = &parser->buffer[start]; name->length = length; return name; } /** * [PRIVATE] * * Parses an opening XML tag without attributes * * ---( Example )--- * * --- */ static struct xml_string* xml_parse_tag_open(struct xml_parser* parser) { xml_parser_info(parser, "tag_open"); xml_skip_whitespace(parser); /* Consume `<' */ if ('<' != xml_parser_peek(parser, CURRENT_CHARACTER)) { xml_parser_error(parser, CURRENT_CHARACTER, "xml_parse_tag_open::expected opening tag"); return 0; } xml_parser_consume(parser, 1); /* Consume tag name */ return xml_parse_tag_end(parser); } /** * [PRIVATE] * * Parses an closing XML tag without attributes * * ---( Example )--- * * --- */ static struct xml_string* xml_parse_tag_close(struct xml_parser* parser) { xml_parser_info(parser, "tag_close"); xml_skip_whitespace(parser); /* Consume `position; /* Consume until `<' is reached */ while (start + length < parser->length) { uint8_t current = xml_parser_peek(parser, CURRENT_CHARACTER); if ('<' == current) { break; } else { xml_parser_consume(parser, 1); length++; } } /* Next character must be an `<' or we have reached end of file */ if ('<' != xml_parser_peek(parser, CURRENT_CHARACTER)) { xml_parser_error(parser, CURRENT_CHARACTER, "xml_parse_content::expected <"); return 0; } /* Ignore tailing whitespace */ while ((length > 0) && isspace(parser->buffer[start + length - 1])) { length--; } /* Return text */ content = ms3_cmalloc(sizeof(struct xml_string)); content->buffer = &parser->buffer[start]; content->length = length; return content; } /** * [PRIVATE] * * Parses an XML fragment node * * ---( Example without children )--- * Text * --- * * ---( Example with children )--- * * Text * Text * Content * * --- */ static struct xml_node* xml_parse_node(struct xml_parser* parser) { /* Setup variables */ struct xml_string* tag_open = 0; struct xml_string* tag_close = 0; struct xml_string* content = 0; struct xml_node* node; struct xml_node** it; size_t original_length; struct xml_attribute** attributes; struct xml_node** children = ms3_ccalloc(1, sizeof(struct xml_node*)); children[0] = 0; xml_parser_info(parser, "node"); /* Parse open tag */ tag_open = xml_parse_tag_open(parser); if (!tag_open) { xml_parser_error(parser, NO_CHARACTER, "xml_parse_node::tag_open"); goto exit_failure; } original_length = tag_open->length; attributes = xml_find_attributes(parser, tag_open); /* If tag ends with `/' it's self closing, skip content lookup */ if (tag_open->length > 0 && '/' == tag_open->buffer[original_length - 1]) { /* Drop `/' */ goto node_creation; } /* If the content does not start with '<', a text content is assumed */ if ('<' != xml_parser_peek(parser, CURRENT_CHARACTER)) { content = xml_parse_content(parser); if (!content) { xml_parser_error(parser, 0, "xml_parse_node::content"); goto exit_failure; } /* Otherwise children are to be expected */ } else while ('/' != xml_parser_peek(parser, NEXT_CHARACTER)) { /* Parse child node */ struct xml_node* child = xml_parse_node(parser); size_t old_elements, new_elements; if (!child) { xml_parser_error(parser, NEXT_CHARACTER, "xml_parse_node::child"); goto exit_failure; } /* Grow child array :) */ old_elements = get_zero_terminated_array_nodes(children); new_elements = old_elements + 1; children = ms3_crealloc(children, (new_elements + 1) * sizeof(struct xml_node*)); /* Save child */ children[new_elements - 1] = child; children[new_elements] = 0; } /* Parse close tag */ tag_close = xml_parse_tag_close(parser); if (!tag_close) { xml_parser_error(parser, NO_CHARACTER, "xml_parse_node::tag_close"); goto exit_failure; } /* Close tag has to match open tag */ if (!xml_string_equals(tag_open, tag_close)) { xml_parser_error(parser, NO_CHARACTER, "xml_parse_node::tag mismatch"); goto exit_failure; } /* Return parsed node */ xml_string_free(tag_close); node_creation:; node = ms3_cmalloc(sizeof(struct xml_node)); node->name = tag_open; node->content = content; node->attributes = attributes; node->children = children; return node; /* A failure occurred, so free all allocalted resources */ exit_failure: if (tag_open) { xml_string_free(tag_open); } if (tag_close) { xml_string_free(tag_close); } if (content) { xml_string_free(content); } it = children; while (*it) { xml_node_free(*it); ++it; } ms3_cfree(children); return 0; } /** * [PRIVATE] * Skips XML headers in format */ static void xml_parse_skip_meta(struct xml_parser* parser) { if ('<' == xml_parser_peek(parser, CURRENT_CHARACTER) && '?' == xml_parser_peek(parser, NEXT_CHARACTER)) { size_t pos = parser->position; while (pos < parser->length) { if ('?' == parser->buffer[pos] && '>' == parser->buffer[pos + 1]) { parser->position = pos + 2; return; } pos++; } } } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ struct xml_document* xml_parse_document(uint8_t* buffer, size_t length) { /* Initialize parser */ struct xml_parser parser = { .buffer = buffer, .position = 0, .length = length }; struct xml_node* root; struct xml_document* document; /* An empty buffer can never contain a valid document */ if (!length) { xml_parser_error(&parser, NO_CHARACTER, "xml_parse_document::length equals zero"); return 0; } /* Parse the root node */ xml_parse_skip_meta(&parser); root = xml_parse_node(&parser); if (!root) { xml_parser_error(&parser, NO_CHARACTER, "xml_parse_document::parsing document failed"); return 0; } /* Return parsed document */ document = ms3_cmalloc(sizeof(struct xml_document)); document->buffer.buffer = buffer; document->buffer.length = length; document->root = root; return document; } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ struct xml_document* xml_open_document(FILE* source) { /* Prepare buffer */ size_t const read_chunk = 1; // TODO 4096; size_t document_length = 0; size_t buffer_size = 1; // TODO 4069 struct xml_document* document; uint8_t* buffer = ms3_cmalloc(buffer_size * sizeof(uint8_t)); /* Read hole file into buffer */ while (!feof(source)) { size_t read; /* Reallocate buffer */ if (buffer_size - document_length < read_chunk) { buffer = ms3_crealloc(buffer, buffer_size + 2 * read_chunk); buffer_size += 2 * read_chunk; } read = fread(&buffer[document_length], sizeof(uint8_t), read_chunk, source ); document_length += read; } fclose(source); /* Try to parse buffer */ document = xml_parse_document(buffer, document_length); if (!document) { ms3_cfree(buffer); return 0; } return document; } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ void xml_document_free(struct xml_document* document, bool free_buffer) { xml_node_free(document->root); if (free_buffer) { ms3_cfree(document->buffer.buffer); } ms3_cfree(document); } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ struct xml_node* xml_document_root(struct xml_document* document) { return document->root; } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ struct xml_string* xml_node_name(struct xml_node* node) { return node->name; } int xml_node_name_cmp(struct xml_node* node, const char *name) { return strncmp((char*)node->name->buffer, name, node->name->length); } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ struct xml_string* xml_node_content(struct xml_node* node) { return node->content; } /** * [PUBLIC API] * * @warning O(n) */ size_t xml_node_children(struct xml_node* node) { return get_zero_terminated_array_nodes(node->children); } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ struct xml_node* xml_node_child(struct xml_node* node, size_t child) { if (child >= xml_node_children(node)) { return 0; } return node->children[child]; } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ size_t xml_node_attributes(struct xml_node* node) { return get_zero_terminated_array_attributes(node->attributes); } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ struct xml_string* xml_node_attribute_name(struct xml_node* node, size_t attribute) { if(attribute >= xml_node_attributes(node)) { return 0; } return node->attributes[attribute]->name; } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ struct xml_string* xml_node_attribute_content(struct xml_node* node, size_t attribute) { if(attribute >= xml_node_attributes(node)) { return 0; } return node->attributes[attribute]->content; } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ struct xml_node* xml_easy_child(struct xml_node* node, uint8_t const* child_name, ...) { /* Find children, one by one */ struct xml_node* current = node; va_list arguments; va_start(arguments, child_name); /* Descent to current.child */ while (child_name) { /* Convert child_name to xml_string for easy comparison */ struct xml_string cn = { .buffer = child_name, .length = strlen((const char*)child_name) }; /* Interate through all children */ struct xml_node* next = 0; size_t i = 0; for (; i < xml_node_children(current); ++i) { struct xml_node* child = xml_node_child(current, i); if (xml_string_equals(xml_node_name(child), &cn)) { if (!next) { next = child; /* Two children with the same name */ } else { va_end(arguments); return 0; } } } /* No child with that name found */ if (!next) { va_end(arguments); return 0; } current = next; /* Find name of next child */ child_name = va_arg(arguments, uint8_t const*); } va_end(arguments); /* Return current element */ return current; } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ uint8_t* xml_easy_name(struct xml_node* node) { if (!node) { return 0; } return xml_string_clone(xml_node_name(node)); } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ uint8_t* xml_easy_content(struct xml_node* node) { if (!node) { return 0; } return xml_string_clone(xml_node_content(node)); } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ size_t xml_string_length(struct xml_string* string) { if (!string) { return 0; } return string->length; } /** * [PUBLIC API] */ void xml_string_copy(struct xml_string* string, uint8_t* buffer, size_t length) { if (!string) { return; } #define min(X,Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y)) length = min(length, string->length); #undef min memcpy(buffer, string->buffer, length); buffer[length]= '\0'; }