/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ /** @file storage/perfschema/table_events_transactions.cc Table EVENTS_TRANSACTIONS_xxx (implementation). */ #include "my_global.h" #include "my_thread.h" #include "table_events_transactions.h" #include "pfs_instr_class.h" #include "pfs_instr.h" #include "pfs_events_transactions.h" #include "pfs_timer.h" #include "table_helper.h" #include "pfs_buffer_container.h" #include "field.h" //#include "xa.h" THR_LOCK table_events_transactions_current::m_table_lock; PFS_engine_table_share_state table_events_transactions_current::m_share_state = { false /* m_checked */ }; PFS_engine_table_share table_events_transactions_current::m_share= { { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("events_transactions_current") }, &pfs_truncatable_acl, table_events_transactions_current::create, NULL, /* write_row */ table_events_transactions_current::delete_all_rows, table_events_transactions_current::get_row_count, sizeof(PFS_simple_index), /* ref length */ &m_table_lock, { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("CREATE TABLE events_transactions_current(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null comment 'The thread associated with the event.'," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null comment 'The event id associated with the event.'," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned comment 'This column is set to NULL when the event starts and updated to the thread current event number when the event ends.'," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null comment 'The name of the instrument from which the event was collected. This is a NAME value from the setup_instruments table.'," "STATE ENUM('ACTIVE', 'COMMITTED', 'ROLLED BACK') comment 'The current transaction state. The value is ACTIVE (after START TRANSACTION or BEGIN), COMMITTED (after COMMIT), or ROLLED BACK (after ROLLBACK).'," "TRX_ID BIGINT unsigned comment 'Unused.'," "GTID VARCHAR(64) comment 'Transaction GTID, using the format DOMAIN-SERVER_ID-SEQUENCE_NO.'," "XID_FORMAT_ID INTEGER comment 'XA transaction format ID for GTRID and BQUAL values.'," "XID_GTRID VARCHAR(130) comment 'XA global transaction ID.'," "XID_BQUAL VARCHAR(130) comment 'XA transaction branch qualifier.'," "XA_STATE VARCHAR(64) comment 'The state of the XA transaction. The value is ACTIVE (after XA START), IDLE (after XA END), PREPARED (after XA PREPARE), ROLLED BACK (after XA ROLLBACK), or COMMITTED (after XA COMMIT).'," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64) comment 'The name of the source file containing the instrumented code that produced the event and the line number in the file at which the instrumentation occurs.'," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned comment 'The unit is picoseconds. When event timing started. NULL if event has no timing information.'," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned comment 'The unit is picoseconds. When event timing ended. NULL if event has no timing information.'," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned comment 'The unit is picoseconds. Event duration. NULL if event has not timing information.'," "ACCESS_MODE ENUM('READ ONLY', 'READ WRITE') comment 'Transaction access mode.'," "ISOLATION_LEVEL VARCHAR(64) comment 'Transaction isolation level. One of: REPEATABLE READ, READ COMMITTED, READ UNCOMMITTED, or SERIALIZABLE.'," "AUTOCOMMIT ENUM('YES','NO') not null comment 'Whether autcommit mode was enabled when the transaction started.'," "NUMBER_OF_SAVEPOINTS BIGINT unsigned comment 'The number of SAVEPOINT statements issued during the transaction.'," "NUMBER_OF_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT BIGINT unsigned comment 'The number of ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT statements issued during the transaction.'," "NUMBER_OF_RELEASE_SAVEPOINT BIGINT unsigned comment 'The number of RELEASE_SAVEPOINT statements issued during the transaction.'," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned comment 'Unused.'," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned comment 'The EVENT_ID value of the event within which this event is nested.'," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT') comment 'The nesting event type.')")}, false, /* m_perpetual */ false, /* m_optional */ &m_share_state }; THR_LOCK table_events_transactions_history::m_table_lock; PFS_engine_table_share_state table_events_transactions_history::m_share_state = { false /* m_checked */ }; PFS_engine_table_share table_events_transactions_history::m_share= { { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("events_transactions_history") }, &pfs_truncatable_acl, table_events_transactions_history::create, NULL, /* write_row */ table_events_transactions_history::delete_all_rows, table_events_transactions_history::get_row_count, sizeof(pos_events_transactions_history), /* ref length */ &m_table_lock, { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("CREATE TABLE events_transactions_history(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null comment 'The thread associated with the event.'," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null comment 'The event id associated with the event.'," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned comment 'This column is set to NULL when the event starts and updated to the thread current event number when the event ends.'," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null comment 'The name of the instrument from which the event was collected. This is a NAME value from the setup_instruments table.'," "STATE ENUM('ACTIVE', 'COMMITTED', 'ROLLED BACK') comment 'The current transaction state. The value is ACTIVE (after START TRANSACTION or BEGIN), COMMITTED (after COMMIT), or ROLLED BACK (after ROLLBACK).'," "TRX_ID BIGINT unsigned comment 'Unused.'," "GTID VARCHAR(64) comment 'Transaction GTID, using the format DOMAIN-SERVER_ID-SEQUENCE_NO.'," "XID_FORMAT_ID INTEGER comment 'XA transaction format ID for GTRID and BQUAL values.'," "XID_GTRID VARCHAR(130) comment 'XA global transaction ID.'," "XID_BQUAL VARCHAR(130) comment 'XA transaction branch qualifier.'," "XA_STATE VARCHAR(64) comment 'The state of the XA transaction. The value is ACTIVE (after XA START), IDLE (after XA END), PREPARED (after XA PREPARE), ROLLED BACK (after XA ROLLBACK), or COMMITTED (after XA COMMIT).'," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64) comment 'The name of the source file containing the instrumented code that produced the event and the line number in the file at which the instrumentation occurs.'," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned comment 'The unit is picoseconds. When event timing started. NULL if event has no timing information.'," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned comment 'The unit is picoseconds. When event timing ended. NULL if event has no timing information.'," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned comment 'The unit is picoseconds. Event duration. NULL if event has not timing information.'," "ACCESS_MODE ENUM('READ ONLY', 'READ WRITE') comment 'Transaction access mode.'," "ISOLATION_LEVEL VARCHAR(64) comment 'Transaction isolation level. One of: REPEATABLE READ, READ COMMITTED, READ UNCOMMITTED, or SERIALIZABLE.'," "AUTOCOMMIT ENUM('YES','NO') not null comment 'Whether autcommit mode was enabled when the transaction started.'," "NUMBER_OF_SAVEPOINTS BIGINT unsigned comment 'The number of SAVEPOINT statements issued during the transaction.'," "NUMBER_OF_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT BIGINT unsigned comment 'The number of ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT statements issued during the transaction.'," "NUMBER_OF_RELEASE_SAVEPOINT BIGINT unsigned comment 'The number of RELEASE_SAVEPOINT statements issued during the transaction.'," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned comment 'Unused.'," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned comment 'The EVENT_ID value of the event within which this event is nested.'," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT') comment 'The nesting event type.')")}, false, /* m_perpetual */ false, /* m_optional */ &m_share_state }; THR_LOCK table_events_transactions_history_long::m_table_lock; PFS_engine_table_share_state table_events_transactions_history_long::m_share_state = { false /* m_checked */ }; PFS_engine_table_share table_events_transactions_history_long::m_share= { { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("events_transactions_history_long") }, &pfs_truncatable_acl, table_events_transactions_history_long::create, NULL, /* write_row */ table_events_transactions_history_long::delete_all_rows, table_events_transactions_history_long::get_row_count, sizeof(PFS_simple_index), /* ref length */ &m_table_lock, { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("CREATE TABLE events_transactions_history_long(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null comment 'The thread associated with the event.'," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null comment 'The event id associated with the event.'," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned comment 'This column is set to NULL when the event starts and updated to the thread current event number when the event ends.'," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null comment 'The name of the instrument from which the event was collected. This is a NAME value from the setup_instruments table.'," "STATE ENUM('ACTIVE', 'COMMITTED', 'ROLLED BACK') comment 'The current transaction state. The value is ACTIVE (after START TRANSACTION or BEGIN), COMMITTED (after COMMIT), or ROLLED BACK (after ROLLBACK).'," "TRX_ID BIGINT unsigned comment 'Unused.'," "GTID VARCHAR(64) comment 'Transaction GTID, using the format DOMAIN-SERVER_ID-SEQUENCE_NO.'," "XID_FORMAT_ID INTEGER comment 'XA transaction format ID for GTRID and BQUAL values.'," "XID_GTRID VARCHAR(130) comment 'XA global transaction ID.'," "XID_BQUAL VARCHAR(130) comment 'XA transaction branch qualifier.'," "XA_STATE VARCHAR(64) comment 'The state of the XA transaction. The value is ACTIVE (after XA START), IDLE (after XA END), PREPARED (after XA PREPARE), ROLLED BACK (after XA ROLLBACK), or COMMITTED (after XA COMMIT).'," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64) comment 'The name of the source file containing the instrumented code that produced the event and the line number in the file at which the instrumentation occurs.'," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned comment 'The unit is picoseconds. When event timing started. NULL if event has no timing information.'," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned comment 'The unit is picoseconds. When event timing ended. NULL if event has no timing information.'," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned comment 'The unit is picoseconds. Event duration. NULL if event has not timing information.'," "ACCESS_MODE ENUM('READ ONLY', 'READ WRITE') comment 'Transaction access mode.'," "ISOLATION_LEVEL VARCHAR(64) comment 'Transaction isolation level. One of: REPEATABLE READ, READ COMMITTED, READ UNCOMMITTED, or SERIALIZABLE.'," "AUTOCOMMIT ENUM('YES','NO') not null comment 'Whether autcommit mode was enabled when the transaction started.'," "NUMBER_OF_SAVEPOINTS BIGINT unsigned comment 'The number of SAVEPOINT statements issued during the transaction.'," "NUMBER_OF_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT BIGINT unsigned comment 'The number of ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT statements issued during the transaction.'," "NUMBER_OF_RELEASE_SAVEPOINT BIGINT unsigned comment 'The number of RELEASE_SAVEPOINT statements issued during the transaction.'," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned comment 'Unused.'," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned comment 'The EVENT_ID value of the event within which this event is nested.'," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT') comment 'The nesting event type.')")}, false, /* m_perpetual */ false, /* m_optional */ &m_share_state }; table_events_transactions_common::table_events_transactions_common (const PFS_engine_table_share *share, void *pos) : PFS_engine_table(share, pos), m_row_exists(false) {} /** Build a row. @param transaction the transaction the cursor is reading */ void table_events_transactions_common::make_row(PFS_events_transactions *transaction) { ulonglong timer_end; m_row_exists= false; PFS_transaction_class *unsafe= (PFS_transaction_class*) transaction->m_class; PFS_transaction_class *klass= sanitize_transaction_class(unsafe); if (unlikely(klass == NULL)) return; m_row.m_thread_internal_id= transaction->m_thread_internal_id; m_row.m_event_id= transaction->m_event_id; m_row.m_end_event_id= transaction->m_end_event_id; m_row.m_nesting_event_id= transaction->m_nesting_event_id; m_row.m_nesting_event_type= transaction->m_nesting_event_type; if (m_row.m_end_event_id == 0) { timer_end= get_timer_raw_value(transaction_timer); } else { timer_end= transaction->m_timer_end; } m_normalizer->to_pico(transaction->m_timer_start, timer_end, &m_row.m_timer_start, &m_row.m_timer_end, &m_row.m_timer_wait); m_row.m_name= klass->m_name; m_row.m_name_length= klass->m_name_length; /* Disable source file and line to avoid stale __FILE__ pointers. */ m_row.m_source_length= 0; /* A GTID consists of the SID (source id) and GNO (transaction number). The SID is stored in transaction->m_sid and the GNO is stored in transaction->m_gtid_spec.gno. On a master, the GTID is assigned when the transaction commit. On a slave, the GTID is assigned before the transaction starts. If GTID_MODE = OFF, all transactions have the special GTID 'ANONYMOUS'. Therefore, a transaction can be in three different states wrt GTIDs: - Before the GTID has been assigned, the state is 'AUTOMATIC'. On a master, this is the state until the transaction commits. On a slave, this state does not appear. - If GTID_MODE = ON, and a GTID is assigned, the GTID is a string of the form 'UUID:NUMBER'. - If GTID_MODE = OFF, and a GTID is assigned, the GTID is a string of the form 'ANONYMOUS'. The Gtid_specification contains the GNO, as well as a type code that specifies which of the three modes is currently in effect. Given a SID, it can generate the textual representation of the GTID. */ //rpl_sid *sid= &transaction->m_sid; Gtid_specification *gtid_spec= &transaction->m_gtid_spec; m_row.m_gtid_length= static_cast(gtid_spec->to_string(m_row.m_gtid)); m_row.m_xid= transaction->m_xid; m_row.m_isolation_level= transaction->m_isolation_level; m_row.m_read_only= transaction->m_read_only; m_row.m_trxid= transaction->m_trxid; m_row.m_state= transaction->m_state; m_row.m_xa_state= transaction->m_xa_state; m_row.m_xa= transaction->m_xa; m_row.m_autocommit= transaction->m_autocommit; m_row.m_savepoint_count= transaction->m_savepoint_count; m_row.m_rollback_to_savepoint_count= transaction->m_rollback_to_savepoint_count; m_row.m_release_savepoint_count= transaction->m_release_savepoint_count; m_row_exists= true; return; } /** Size of XID converted to null-terminated hex string prefixed with 0x. */ static const ulong XID_BUFFER_SIZE= XIDDATASIZE*2 + 2 + 1; /** Convert the XID to HEX string prefixed by '0x' @param[out] buf output hex string buffer, null-terminated @param buf_len size of buffer, must be at least @c XID_BUFFER_SIZE @param xid XID structure @param offset offset into XID.data[] @param length number of bytes to process @return number of bytes in hex string */ static size_t xid_to_hex(char *buf, size_t buf_len, PSI_xid *xid, size_t offset, size_t length) { assert(buf_len >= XID_BUFFER_SIZE); assert(offset + length <= XIDDATASIZE); *buf++= '0'; *buf++= 'x'; return bin_to_hex_str(buf, buf_len-2, (char*)(xid->data + offset), length) + 2; } /** Store the XID in printable format if possible, otherwise convert to a string of hex digits. @param field Record field @param xid XID structure @param offset offset into XID.data[] @param length number of bytes to process */ static void xid_store(Field *field, PSI_xid *xid, size_t offset, size_t length) { assert(!xid->is_null()); if (xid_printable(xid, offset, length)) { field->store(xid->data + offset, length, &my_charset_bin); } else { /* xid_buf contains enough space for 0x followed by hex representation of the binary XID data and one null termination character. */ char xid_buf[XID_BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t xid_str_len= xid_to_hex(xid_buf, sizeof(xid_buf), xid, offset, length); field->store(xid_buf, xid_str_len, &my_charset_bin); } } static void xid_store_bqual(Field *field, PSI_xid *xid) { xid_store(field, xid, xid->gtrid_length, xid->bqual_length); } static void xid_store_gtrid(Field *field, PSI_xid *xid) { xid_store(field, xid, 0, xid->gtrid_length); } int table_events_transactions_common::read_row_values(TABLE *table, unsigned char *buf, Field **fields, bool read_all) { Field *f; if (unlikely(! m_row_exists)) return HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED; /* Set the null bits */ assert(table->s->null_bytes == 3); buf[0]= 0; buf[1]= 0; buf[2]= 0; for (; (f= *fields) ; fields++) { if (read_all || bitmap_is_set(table->read_set, f->field_index)) { switch(f->field_index) { case 0: /* THREAD_ID */ set_field_ulonglong(f, m_row.m_thread_internal_id); break; case 1: /* EVENT_ID */ set_field_ulonglong(f, m_row.m_event_id); break; case 2: /* END_EVENT_ID */ if (m_row.m_end_event_id > 0) set_field_ulonglong(f, m_row.m_end_event_id - 1); else f->set_null(); break; case 3: /* EVENT_NAME */ set_field_varchar_utf8(f, m_row.m_name, m_row.m_name_length); break; case 4: /* STATE */ set_field_enum(f, m_row.m_state); break; case 5: /* TRX_ID */ if (m_row.m_trxid != 0) set_field_ulonglong(f, m_row.m_trxid); else f->set_null(); break; case 6: /* GTID */ set_field_varchar_utf8(f, m_row.m_gtid, m_row.m_gtid_length); break; case 7: /* XID_FORMAT_ID */ if (!m_row.m_xa || m_row.m_xid.is_null()) f->set_null(); else set_field_long(f, m_row.m_xid.formatID); break; case 8: /* XID_GTRID */ if (!m_row.m_xa || m_row.m_xid.is_null() || m_row.m_xid.gtrid_length <= 0) f->set_null(); else xid_store_gtrid(f, &m_row.m_xid); break; case 9: /* XID_BQUAL */ if (!m_row.m_xa || m_row.m_xid.is_null() || m_row.m_xid.bqual_length <= 0) f->set_null(); else xid_store_bqual(f, &m_row.m_xid); break; case 10: /* XA STATE */ if (!m_row.m_xa || m_row.m_xid.is_null()) f->set_null(); else set_field_xa_state(f, m_row.m_xa_state); break; case 11: /* SOURCE */ set_field_varchar_utf8(f, m_row.m_source, m_row.m_source_length); break; case 12: /* TIMER_START */ if (m_row.m_timer_start != 0) set_field_ulonglong(f, m_row.m_timer_start); else f->set_null(); break; case 13: /* TIMER_END */ if (m_row.m_timer_end != 0) set_field_ulonglong(f, m_row.m_timer_end); else f->set_null(); break; case 14: /* TIMER_WAIT */ if (m_row.m_timer_wait != 0) set_field_ulonglong(f, m_row.m_timer_wait); else f->set_null(); break; case 15: /* ACCESS_MODE */ set_field_enum(f, m_row.m_read_only ? TRANS_MODE_READ_ONLY : TRANS_MODE_READ_WRITE); break; case 16: /* ISOLATION_LEVEL */ set_field_isolation_level(f, m_row.m_isolation_level); break; case 17: /* AUTOCOMMIT */ set_field_enum(f, m_row.m_autocommit ? ENUM_YES : ENUM_NO); break; case 18: /* NUMBER_OF_SAVEPOINTS */ set_field_ulonglong(f, m_row.m_savepoint_count); break; case 19: /* NUMBER_OF_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT */ set_field_ulonglong(f, m_row.m_rollback_to_savepoint_count); break; case 20: /* NUMBER_OF_RELEASE_SAVEPOINT */ set_field_ulonglong(f, m_row.m_release_savepoint_count); break; case 21: /* OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN */ f->set_null(); break; case 22: /* NESTING_EVENT_ID */ if (m_row.m_nesting_event_id != 0) set_field_ulonglong(f, m_row.m_nesting_event_id); else f->set_null(); break; case 23: /* NESTING_EVENT_TYPE */ if (m_row.m_nesting_event_id != 0) set_field_enum(f, m_row.m_nesting_event_type); else f->set_null(); break; default: assert(false); } } } return 0; } PFS_engine_table* table_events_transactions_current::create(void) { return new table_events_transactions_current(); } table_events_transactions_current::table_events_transactions_current() : table_events_transactions_common(&m_share, &m_pos), m_pos(0), m_next_pos(0) {} void table_events_transactions_current::reset_position(void) { m_pos.m_index= 0; m_next_pos.m_index= 0; } int table_events_transactions_current::rnd_init(bool scan) { m_normalizer= time_normalizer::get(transaction_timer); return 0; } int table_events_transactions_current::rnd_next(void) { PFS_thread *pfs_thread; PFS_events_transactions *transaction; bool has_more_thread= true; for (m_pos.set_at(&m_next_pos); has_more_thread; m_pos.next()) { pfs_thread= global_thread_container.get(m_pos.m_index, & has_more_thread); if (pfs_thread != NULL) { transaction= &pfs_thread->m_transaction_current; make_row(transaction); m_next_pos.set_after(&m_pos); return 0; } } return HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE; } int table_events_transactions_current::rnd_pos(const void *pos) { PFS_thread *pfs_thread; PFS_events_transactions *transaction; set_position(pos); pfs_thread= global_thread_container.get(m_pos.m_index); if (pfs_thread != NULL) { transaction= &pfs_thread->m_transaction_current; if (transaction->m_class != NULL) { make_row(transaction); return 0; } } return HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED; } int table_events_transactions_current::delete_all_rows(void) { reset_events_transactions_current(); return 0; } ha_rows table_events_transactions_current::get_row_count(void) { return global_thread_container.get_row_count(); } PFS_engine_table* table_events_transactions_history::create(void) { return new table_events_transactions_history(); } table_events_transactions_history::table_events_transactions_history() : table_events_transactions_common(&m_share, &m_pos), m_pos(), m_next_pos() {} void table_events_transactions_history::reset_position(void) { m_pos.reset(); m_next_pos.reset(); } int table_events_transactions_history::rnd_init(bool scan) { m_normalizer= time_normalizer::get(transaction_timer); return 0; } int table_events_transactions_history::rnd_next(void) { PFS_thread *pfs_thread; PFS_events_transactions *transaction; bool has_more_thread= true; if (events_transactions_history_per_thread == 0) return HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE; for (m_pos.set_at(&m_next_pos); has_more_thread; m_pos.next_thread()) { pfs_thread= global_thread_container.get(m_pos.m_index_1, & has_more_thread); if (pfs_thread != NULL) { if (m_pos.m_index_2 >= events_transactions_history_per_thread) { /* This thread does not have more (full) history */ continue; } if ( ! pfs_thread->m_transactions_history_full && (m_pos.m_index_2 >= pfs_thread->m_transactions_history_index)) { /* This thread does not have more (not full) history */ continue; } transaction= &pfs_thread->m_transactions_history[m_pos.m_index_2]; if (transaction->m_class != NULL) { make_row(transaction); /* Next iteration, look for the next history in this thread */ m_next_pos.set_after(&m_pos); return 0; } } } return HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE; } int table_events_transactions_history::rnd_pos(const void *pos) { PFS_thread *pfs_thread; PFS_events_transactions *transaction; assert(events_transactions_history_per_thread != 0); set_position(pos); assert(m_pos.m_index_2 < events_transactions_history_per_thread); pfs_thread= global_thread_container.get(m_pos.m_index_1); if (pfs_thread != NULL) { if ( ! pfs_thread->m_transactions_history_full && (m_pos.m_index_2 >= pfs_thread->m_transactions_history_index)) return HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED; transaction= &pfs_thread->m_transactions_history[m_pos.m_index_2]; if (transaction->m_class != NULL) { make_row(transaction); return 0; } } return HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED; } int table_events_transactions_history::delete_all_rows(void) { reset_events_transactions_history(); return 0; } ha_rows table_events_transactions_history::get_row_count(void) { return events_transactions_history_per_thread * global_thread_container.get_row_count(); } PFS_engine_table* table_events_transactions_history_long::create(void) { return new table_events_transactions_history_long(); } table_events_transactions_history_long::table_events_transactions_history_long() : table_events_transactions_common(&m_share, &m_pos), m_pos(0), m_next_pos(0) {} void table_events_transactions_history_long::reset_position(void) { m_pos.m_index= 0; m_next_pos.m_index= 0; } int table_events_transactions_history_long::rnd_init(bool scan) { m_normalizer= time_normalizer::get(transaction_timer); return 0; } int table_events_transactions_history_long::rnd_next(void) { PFS_events_transactions *transaction; uint limit; if (events_transactions_history_long_size == 0) return HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE; if (events_transactions_history_long_full) limit= events_transactions_history_long_size; else limit= events_transactions_history_long_index.m_u32 % events_transactions_history_long_size; for (m_pos.set_at(&m_next_pos); m_pos.m_index < limit; m_pos.next()) { transaction= &events_transactions_history_long_array[m_pos.m_index]; if (transaction->m_class != NULL) { make_row(transaction); /* Next iteration, look for the next entry */ m_next_pos.set_after(&m_pos); return 0; } } return HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE; } int table_events_transactions_history_long::rnd_pos(const void *pos) { PFS_events_transactions *transaction; uint limit; if (events_transactions_history_long_size == 0) return HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED; set_position(pos); if (events_transactions_history_long_full) limit= events_transactions_history_long_size; else limit= events_transactions_history_long_index.m_u32 % events_transactions_history_long_size; if (m_pos.m_index >= limit) return HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED; transaction= &events_transactions_history_long_array[m_pos.m_index]; if (transaction->m_class == NULL) return HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED; make_row(transaction); return 0; } int table_events_transactions_history_long::delete_all_rows(void) { reset_events_transactions_history_long(); return 0; } ha_rows table_events_transactions_history_long::get_row_count(void) { return events_transactions_history_long_size; }