path: root/tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/test_all
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 462 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/test_all b/tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/test_all
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f5f9be6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/test_all
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+# A tester for extfs helpers.
+# Copyright (C) 2016-2017
+# The Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of the Midnight Commander.
+# The Midnight Commander is free software: you can redistribute it
+# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
+# or (at your option) any later version.
+# The Midnight Commander is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+help() {
+ cat << EOS
+$(basename "$0") - Tests the 'list' command of extfs helpers.
+ $(basename "$0") \\
+ --data-dir /path/to/where/data/files/are/stored \\
+ --helpers-dir /path/to/where/helpers/are/stored \\
+ --data-build-dir /path/to/where/
+(But you're more likely to invoke this program with the 'run' script
+created by 'make check'; or by 'make check' itself.)
+This program tests extfs helpers by feeding them input and comparing
+their output to the expected output.
+See README for full details.
+You need to tell this program primarily two things: where the helpers are
+stored, and where the "data files" are stored. The data files are *.input
+files that are fed to the helpers and *.output files that are the correct
+output expected from these helpers.
+You also need to tell this program where the build flavor of the "data
+files" is stored. Most notably this is where the '' file is
+created during build time. You do this with '--data-build-dir'.
+# Some helpers use the 'sort' utility. The "expected output" files we
+# provide must be generated in the same locale these helpers are to be run
+# by the tester or else 'sort' will produce a different output than ours,
+# failing the tests.
+# We settle on the C locale.
+export LC_ALL
+############################ Global variables ##############################
+# The directories used.
+opt_create_output=no # "yes" if '--create-output' provided.
+opt_run_mcdiff_on_error=no # "yes" if '--mcdiff' provided.
+############################ Coding guidance ###############################
+# Portability notes:
+# - We do `local var="$whatever"` instead of `local var=$whatever` for
+# compatibility with Dash. See
+# - The 'local' keyword used in this file isn't mandatory. Feel free to
+# remove it if it isn't supported by your archaic shell.
+############################ Utility functions #############################
+# Does $1 contain $2?
+# Accepts basic regex.
+has_string() {
+ local haystack="$1" # quotes needed for Dash, as may contain spaces (see notes above).
+ local needle="$2"
+ echo "$haystack" | grep "$needle" > /dev/null
+# Given "/path/to/basename.and.some.ext", returns "basename"
+basename_sans_extensions() {
+ local base="$(basename "$1")"
+ echo "${base%%.*}"
+# Does an executable exist?
+has_prog() {
+ # see
+ command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
+# Are we running interactively? Or is our output redirected to a file/pipe?
+is_interactive() {
+ [ -t 1 ]
+# Can we use colors?
+has_colors() {
+ is_interactive && has_string "$TERM" 'linux\|xterm\|screen\|tmux\|putty'
+init_colors() {
+ if has_colors; then
+ local esc="$(printf '\033')" # for portability
+ C_bold="$esc[1m"
+ C_green="$esc[1;32m"
+ C_red="$esc[1;31m"
+ C_magenta="$esc[1;35m"
+ C_norm="$esc[0m"
+ fi
+# A few colorful alternatives to 'echo'.
+header() { echo $C_bold"$@"$C_norm; }
+err() { echo $C_red"$@"$C_norm; }
+notice() { echo $C_magenta"$@"$C_norm; }
+success() { echo $C_green"$@"$C_norm; }
+die() {
+ err "Error: $@"
+ exit 1
+assert_dir_exists() {
+ [ -d "$1" ] || die "The directory '$1' doesn't exist, or is not a directory."
+# Creates a temporary file.
+temp_file() {
+ local template="$1"
+ # BSD's doesn't support -t.
+ mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/$template"
+################################ Main code #################################
+# Prints out the command to run a helper, if it can find it.
+# For example,
+# find_helper uzip /path/to/helpers/dir
+# prints:
+# /usr/bin/perl -w /path/to/helpers/dir/uzip
+# Since helpers in the build tree don't yet have executable bit set, we
+# need to extract the shebang line.
+find_helper() {
+ local helper_name="$1"
+ local dir="$2"
+ local try="$dir/$helper_name"
+ if [ -f "$try" ]; then
+ helper_CMD="$(head -1 $try | cut -c 3-) $try" # reason #1 we don't allow spaces in pathnames.
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ fi
+# Returns the path of ''.
+path_of_config_sh() {
+ echo "$data_build_dir/"
+# Export variables to be used by tests.
+# See README for their documentation.
+export_useful_variables() {
+ local input="$1"
+ # Frequently used variables:
+ MC_TEST_EXTFS_LIST_CMD="mc_xcat $input" # reason #2 we don't allow spaces in pathnames.
+ # Infrequently used variables:
+ MC_TEST_EXTFS_DATA_BUILD_DIR=$data_build_dir
+ MC_TEST_EXTFS_CONFIG_SH=$(path_of_config_sh)
+# The crux of this program.
+run() {
+ local error_count=0
+ local pass_count=0
+ for input in "$data_dir"/*.input; do
+ has_string "$input" '\*' && break # we can't use 'shopt -s nullglob' as it's bash-specific.
+ header "Testing $input"
+ has_string "$input" " " && die "Error: filename contains spaces."
+ #
+ # Set up variables:
+ #
+ local helper_name="$(basename_sans_extensions "$input")"
+ local expected_parsed_output="${input%.input}.output"
+ local env_vars_file="${input%.input}.env_vars"
+ local args_file="${input%.input}.args"
+ local do_create_output=no
+ if [ ! -f "$expected_parsed_output" ]; then
+ # Corresponding *.output file doesn't exist. We either create it, later, or exit with error.
+ if [ $opt_create_output = "yes" ]; then
+ do_create_output=yes
+ else
+ err
+ err "Missing file: '$expected_parsed_output'."
+ err "You have to create an '.output' file for each '.input' one."
+ err
+ notice "Tip: invoke this program with '--create-output' to"
+ notice "automatically create missing '.output' files."
+ notice
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ find_helper "$helper_name" "$helpers_dir1" ||
+ find_helper "$helper_name" "$helpers_dir2" ||
+ die "I can't find helper '$helper_name' in either $helpers_dir1 or $helpers_dir2"
+ local extra_parser_args=""
+ [ -f "$args_file" ] && extra_parser_args="$(cat "$args_file")"
+ local actual_output="$(temp_file $helper_name.actual-output.XXXXXXXX)"
+ local actual_parsed_output="$(temp_file $helper_name.actual-parsed-output.XXXXXXXX)"
+ #
+ # Variables are all set. Now do the actual stuff:
+ #
+ (
+ export_useful_variables "$input"
+ if [ -f "$env_vars_file" ]; then
+ set -a # "allexport: Export all variables assigned to."
+ . "$env_vars_file"
+ set +a
+ fi
+ $helper_CMD list /dev/null > "$actual_output"
+ )
+ error_count=$((error_count + 1)) # we'll decrement it later.
+ if [ ! -s "$actual_output" ]; then
+ err
+ err "The helper '$helper_name' produced no output for this input. Something is wrong."
+ err
+ err "Make sure this helper supports testability: that it uses \$MC_TEST_EXTFS_LIST_CMD."
+ err
+ err "You may try running the helper yourself with:"
+ err
+ err " \$ MC_TEST_EXTFS_LIST_CMD=\"mc_xcat $input\" \\"
+ err " $helper_CMD list /dev/null"
+ err
+ continue
+ fi
+ # '--symbolic-ids': uid/gid aren't portable between computers,
+ # of course, so we always represent them symbolically when possible.
+ if ! mc_parse_ls_l --symbolic-ids $extra_parser_args "$actual_output" > "$actual_parsed_output"; then
+ err
+ err "ERROR: Parsing of the output of the helper '$helper_name' has failed."
+ err "This means that $helper_name has produced output that MC won't be able to parse."
+ err "Run the parsing command yourself ('mc_parse_ls_l $extra_parser_args $actual_output')"
+ err "to figure out the problem."
+ err
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [ $do_create_output = "yes" ]; then
+ # We arrive here if we were invoked with '--create-output' and
+ # the .output file doesn't exist. We create it and move to the next iteration.
+ cp "$actual_parsed_output" "$expected_parsed_output"
+ notice "The output file has been created in $expected_parsed_output"
+ continue
+ fi
+ if ! cmp "$expected_parsed_output" "$actual_parsed_output"; then
+ err
+ err "ERROR: $helper_name has produced output that's different than the expected output."
+ err
+ err " Expected output (after parsing): $expected_parsed_output"
+ err " Actual output (after parsing): $actual_parsed_output"
+ err
+ err "This might mean that a bug was introduced into $helper_name. Or that a bug was fixed."
+ err "Please compare the files."
+ err
+ err "If the actual output is the correct one, just copy the latter file"
+ err "onto the former (and commit to the git repository)."
+ err
+ if is_interactive; then
+ if [ $opt_run_mcdiff_on_error = "yes" ]; then
+ notice "Hit ENTER to launch mcdiff ..."
+ read dummy_var # dash needs this.
+ ${MCDIFF:-mcdiff} "$expected_parsed_output" "$actual_parsed_output"
+ else
+ notice "Tip: invoke this program with '--mcdiff' to automatically launch"
+ notice "mcdiff to visually inspect the diff."
+ notice
+ notice "(Running this program non-interactively (i.e., redirecting the"
+ notice "output to a file or pipe) automatically adds diff to the output.)"
+ notice
+ fi
+ else
+ err "------------ diff of the expected output vs the actual output: -------------"
+ diff -U2 "$expected_parsed_output" "$actual_parsed_output"
+ err "------------------------------- end of diff --------------------------------"
+ fi
+ continue
+ fi
+ rm "$actual_output" "$actual_parsed_output"
+ error_count=$((error_count - 1)) # cancel the earlier "+1".
+ pass_count=$((pass_count + 1))
+ success "PASSED."
+ done
+ [ $pass_count = "0" -a $error_count = "0" ] && notice "Note: The data directory contains no *.input files."
+ [ $error_count = "0" ] # exit status of function.
+parse_command_line_arguments() {
+ # We want --long-options, so we don't use 'getopts'.
+ while [ -n "$1" ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --data-dir)
+ data_dir=$2
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --data-build-dir)
+ data_build_dir=$2
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --helpers-dir)
+ if [ -z "$helpers_dir1" ]; then
+ helpers_dir1=$2
+ else
+ helpers_dir2=$2
+ fi
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --create-output)
+ opt_create_output=yes
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --mcdiff)
+ opt_run_mcdiff_on_error=yes
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --help|-h)
+ help
+ exit
+ ;;
+ *)
+ die "Unknown command-line option $1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+# Check that everything is set up correctly.
+verify_setup() {
+ [ -n "$data_dir" ] || die "You didn't specify the data dir (--data-dir). Run me with --help for info."
+ [ -n "$data_build_dir" ] || die "You didn't specify the data build dir (--data-build-dir). Run me with --help for info."
+ [ -n "$helpers_dir1" ] || die "You didn't specify the helpers dir (--helpers-dir). Run me with --help for info."
+ [ -z "$helpers_dir2" ] && helpers_dir2=$helpers_dir1 # we're being lazy.
+ local dir
+ for dir in "$data_dir" "$data_build_dir" "$helpers_dir1" "$helpers_dir2"; do
+ assert_dir_exists "$dir"
+ has_string "$dir" " " && die "$dir: Sorry, spaces aren't allowed in pathnames." # search "reason", twice, above.
+ done
+ [ -e "$(path_of_config_sh)" ] || die "Missing file $(path_of_config_sh). You probably have a mistake in the '--data-build-dir' path."
+ local missing_progs=""
+ check_prog() {
+ if ! has_prog "$1"; then
+ err "I can't see the program '$1'."
+ missing_progs="${missing_progs}${missing_progs:+ and }'$1'"
+ fi
+ }
+ check_prog "mc_parse_ls_l"
+ check_prog "mc_xcat"
+ check_prog "mktemp" # non-POSIX
+ [ -z "$missing_progs" ] || die "You need to add to your PATH the directories containing the executables $missing_progs."
+main() {
+ init_colors
+ parse_command_line_arguments "$@"
+ verify_setup
+ run # being the last command executed, its exit status is that of this whole script.
+main "$@"