/* Extension dependent execution. Copyright (C) 1994-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: Jakub Jelinek, 1995 Miguel de Icaza, 1994 Slava Zanko , 2013 This file is part of the Midnight Commander. The Midnight Commander is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Midnight Commander is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /** \file ext.c * \brief Source: extension dependent execution */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/global.h" #include "lib/tty/tty.h" #include "lib/search.h" #include "lib/fileloc.h" #include "lib/mcconfig.h" #include "lib/util.h" #include "lib/vfs/vfs.h" #include "lib/widget.h" #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET #include "lib/charsets.h" /* get_codepage_index */ #endif #ifdef USE_FILE_CMD #include "src/setup.h" /* use_file_to_check_type */ #endif #include "src/execute.h" #include "src/history.h" #include "src/usermenu.h" #include "src/consaver/cons.saver.h" #include "src/viewer/mcviewer.h" #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET #include "src/selcodepage.h" /* do_set_codepage */ #endif #include "filemanager.h" /* current_panel */ #include "panel.h" /* panel_cd */ #include "ext.h" /*** global variables ****************************************************************************/ /*** file scope macro definitions ****************************************************************/ #ifdef USE_FILE_CMD #ifdef FILE_B #define FILE_CMD "file -z " FILE_B FILE_S FILE_L #else #define FILE_CMD "file -z " FILE_S FILE_L #endif #endif /*** file scope type declarations ****************************************************************/ typedef char *(*quote_func_t) (const char *name, gboolean quote_percent); /*** forward declarations (file scope functions) *************************************************/ /*** file scope variables ************************************************************************/ /* This variable points to a copy of the mc.ext file in memory * With this we avoid loading/parsing the file each time we * need it */ static mc_config_t *ext_ini = NULL; static gchar **ext_ini_groups = NULL; static vfs_path_t *localfilecopy_vpath = NULL; static char buffer[BUF_1K]; static char *pbuffer = NULL; static time_t localmtime = 0; static quote_func_t quote_func = name_quote; static gboolean run_view = FALSE; static gboolean is_cd = FALSE; static gboolean written_nonspace = FALSE; static gboolean do_local_copy = FALSE; static const char *descr_group = "mc.ext.ini"; static const char *default_group = "Default"; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*** file scope functions ************************************************************************/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void exec_cleanup_script (vfs_path_t * script_vpath) { if (script_vpath != NULL) { (void) mc_unlink (script_vpath); vfs_path_free (script_vpath, TRUE); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void exec_cleanup_file_name (const vfs_path_t * filename_vpath, gboolean has_changed) { if (localfilecopy_vpath == NULL) return; if (has_changed) { struct stat mystat; mc_stat (localfilecopy_vpath, &mystat); has_changed = localmtime != mystat.st_mtime; } mc_ungetlocalcopy (filename_vpath, localfilecopy_vpath, has_changed); vfs_path_free (localfilecopy_vpath, TRUE); localfilecopy_vpath = NULL; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static char * exec_get_file_name (const vfs_path_t * filename_vpath) { if (!do_local_copy) return quote_func (vfs_path_get_last_path_str (filename_vpath), FALSE); if (localfilecopy_vpath == NULL) { struct stat mystat; localfilecopy_vpath = mc_getlocalcopy (filename_vpath); if (localfilecopy_vpath == NULL) return NULL; mc_stat (localfilecopy_vpath, &mystat); localmtime = mystat.st_mtime; } return quote_func (vfs_path_get_last_path_str (localfilecopy_vpath), FALSE); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static char * exec_expand_format (char symbol, gboolean is_result_quoted) { char *text; text = expand_format (NULL, symbol, TRUE); if (is_result_quoted && text != NULL) { char *quoted_text; quoted_text = g_strdup_printf ("\"%s\"", text); g_free (text); text = quoted_text; } return text; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static GString * exec_get_export_variables (const vfs_path_t * filename_vpath) { char *text; GString *export_vars_string; size_t i; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ struct { const char symbol; const char *name; const gboolean is_result_quoted; } export_variables[] = { {'p', "MC_EXT_BASENAME", FALSE}, {'d', "MC_EXT_CURRENTDIR", FALSE}, {'s', "MC_EXT_SELECTED", TRUE}, {'t', "MC_EXT_ONLYTAGGED", TRUE}, {'\0', NULL, FALSE} }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ text = exec_get_file_name (filename_vpath); if (text == NULL) return NULL; export_vars_string = g_string_new ("MC_EXT_FILENAME="); g_string_append_printf (export_vars_string, "%s\nexport MC_EXT_FILENAME\n", text); g_free (text); for (i = 0; export_variables[i].name != NULL; i++) { text = exec_expand_format (export_variables[i].symbol, export_variables[i].is_result_quoted); if (text != NULL) { g_string_append_printf (export_vars_string, "%s=%s\nexport %s\n", export_variables[i].name, text, export_variables[i].name); g_free (text); } } return export_vars_string; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static GString * exec_make_shell_string (const char *lc_data, const vfs_path_t * filename_vpath) { GString *shell_string; char lc_prompt[80] = "\0"; gboolean parameter_found = FALSE; gboolean expand_prefix_found = FALSE; shell_string = g_string_new (""); for (; *lc_data != '\0' && *lc_data != '\n'; lc_data++) { if (parameter_found) { if (*lc_data == '}') { char *parameter; parameter_found = FALSE; parameter = input_dialog (_("Parameter"), lc_prompt, MC_HISTORY_EXT_PARAMETER, "", INPUT_COMPLETE_NONE); if (parameter == NULL) { /* User canceled */ g_string_free (shell_string, TRUE); exec_cleanup_file_name (filename_vpath, FALSE); return NULL; } g_string_append (shell_string, parameter); written_nonspace = TRUE; g_free (parameter); } else { size_t len = strlen (lc_prompt); if (len < sizeof (lc_prompt) - 1) { lc_prompt[len] = *lc_data; lc_prompt[len + 1] = '\0'; } } } else if (expand_prefix_found) { expand_prefix_found = FALSE; if (*lc_data == '{') parameter_found = TRUE; else { int i; i = check_format_view (lc_data); if (i != 0) { lc_data += i - 1; run_view = TRUE; } else { i = check_format_cd (lc_data); if (i > 0) { is_cd = TRUE; quote_func = fake_name_quote; do_local_copy = FALSE; pbuffer = buffer; lc_data += i - 1; } else { char *v; i = check_format_var (lc_data, &v); if (i > 0) { g_string_append (shell_string, v); g_free (v); lc_data += i; } else { char *text; if (*lc_data != 'f') text = expand_format (NULL, *lc_data, !is_cd); else { text = exec_get_file_name (filename_vpath); if (text == NULL) { g_string_free (shell_string, TRUE); return NULL; } } if (text != NULL) { if (!is_cd) g_string_append (shell_string, text); else { strcpy (pbuffer, text); pbuffer = strchr (pbuffer, '\0'); } g_free (text); } written_nonspace = TRUE; } } } } } else if (*lc_data == '%') expand_prefix_found = TRUE; else { if (!whitespace (*lc_data)) written_nonspace = TRUE; if (is_cd) *(pbuffer++) = *lc_data; else g_string_append_c (shell_string, *lc_data); } } /* for */ return shell_string; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void exec_extension_view (void *target, char *cmd, const vfs_path_t * filename_vpath, int start_line) { mcview_mode_flags_t def_flags = { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ .wrap = FALSE, .hex = mcview_global_flags.hex, .magic = FALSE, .nroff = mcview_global_flags.nroff /* *INDENT-ON* */ }; mcview_mode_flags_t changed_flags; mcview_clear_mode_flags (&changed_flags); mcview_altered_flags.hex = FALSE; mcview_altered_flags.nroff = FALSE; if (def_flags.hex != mcview_global_flags.hex) changed_flags.hex = TRUE; if (def_flags.nroff != mcview_global_flags.nroff) changed_flags.nroff = TRUE; if (target == NULL) mcview_viewer (cmd, filename_vpath, start_line, 0, 0); else mcview_load ((WView *) target, cmd, vfs_path_as_str (filename_vpath), start_line, 0, 0); if (changed_flags.hex && !mcview_altered_flags.hex) mcview_global_flags.hex = def_flags.hex; if (changed_flags.nroff && !mcview_altered_flags.nroff) mcview_global_flags.nroff = def_flags.nroff; dialog_switch_process_pending (); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void exec_extension_cd (WPanel * panel) { char *q; vfs_path_t *p_vpath; *pbuffer = '\0'; pbuffer = buffer; /* Search last non-space character. Start search at the end in order not to short filenames containing spaces. */ q = pbuffer + strlen (pbuffer) - 1; while (q >= pbuffer && whitespace (*q)) q--; q[1] = 0; p_vpath = vfs_path_from_str_flags (pbuffer, VPF_NO_CANON); panel_cd (panel, p_vpath, cd_parse_command); vfs_path_free (p_vpath, TRUE); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static vfs_path_t * exec_extension (WPanel * panel, void *target, const vfs_path_t * filename_vpath, const char *lc_data, int start_line) { GString *shell_string, *export_variables; vfs_path_t *script_vpath = NULL; int cmd_file_fd; FILE *cmd_file; char *cmd = NULL; pbuffer = NULL; localmtime = 0; quote_func = name_quote; run_view = FALSE; is_cd = FALSE; written_nonspace = FALSE; /* Avoid making a local copy if we are doing a cd */ do_local_copy = !vfs_file_is_local (filename_vpath); shell_string = exec_make_shell_string (lc_data, filename_vpath); if (shell_string == NULL) goto ret; if (is_cd) { exec_extension_cd (panel); g_string_free (shell_string, TRUE); goto ret; } /* * All commands should be run in /bin/sh regardless of user shell. * To do that, create temporary shell script and run it. * Sometimes it's not needed (e.g. for %cd and %view commands), * but it's easier to create it anyway. */ cmd_file_fd = mc_mkstemps (&script_vpath, "mcext", SCRIPT_SUFFIX); if (cmd_file_fd == -1) { message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _("Cannot create temporary command file\n%s"), unix_error_string (errno)); g_string_free (shell_string, TRUE); goto ret; } cmd_file = fdopen (cmd_file_fd, "w"); fputs ("#! /bin/sh\n\n", cmd_file); export_variables = exec_get_export_variables (filename_vpath); if (export_variables != NULL) { fputs (export_variables->str, cmd_file); g_string_free (export_variables, TRUE); } fputs (shell_string->str, cmd_file); g_string_free (shell_string, TRUE); /* * Make the script remove itself when it finishes. * Don't do it for the viewer - it may need to rerun the script, * so we clean up after calling view(). */ if (!run_view) fprintf (cmd_file, "\n/bin/rm -f %s\n", vfs_path_as_str (script_vpath)); fclose (cmd_file); if ((run_view && !written_nonspace) || is_cd) { exec_cleanup_script (script_vpath); script_vpath = NULL; } else { /* Set executable flag on the command file ... */ mc_chmod (script_vpath, S_IRWXU); /* ... but don't rely on it - run /bin/sh explicitly */ cmd = g_strconcat ("/bin/sh ", vfs_path_as_str (script_vpath), (char *) NULL); } if (run_view) { /* If we've written whitespace only, then just load filename into view */ if (!written_nonspace) exec_extension_view (target, NULL, filename_vpath, start_line); else exec_extension_view (target, cmd, filename_vpath, start_line); } else { shell_execute (cmd, EXECUTE_INTERNAL); if (mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0') { handle_console (CONSOLE_SAVE); if (output_lines != 0 && mc_global.keybar_visible) { unsigned char end_line; end_line = LINES - (mc_global.keybar_visible ? 1 : 0) - 1; show_console_contents (output_start_y, end_line - output_lines, end_line); } } } g_free (cmd); exec_cleanup_file_name (filename_vpath, TRUE); ret: return script_vpath; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Run cmd_file with args, put result into buf. * If error, put '\0' into buf[0] * Return 1 if the data is valid, 0 otherwise, -1 for fatal errors. * * NOTES: buf is null-terminated string. */ #ifdef USE_FILE_CMD static int get_popen_information (const char *cmd_file, const char *args, char *buf, int buflen) { gboolean read_bytes = FALSE; char *command; FILE *f; command = g_strconcat (cmd_file, args, " 2>/dev/null", (char *) NULL); f = popen (command, "r"); g_free (command); if (f != NULL) { #ifdef __QNXNTO__ if (setvbuf (f, NULL, _IOFBF, 0) != 0) { (void) pclose (f); return -1; } #endif read_bytes = (fgets (buf, buflen, f) != NULL); if (!read_bytes) buf[0] = '\0'; /* Paranoid termination */ pclose (f); } else { buf[0] = '\0'; /* Paranoid termination */ return -1; } buf[buflen - 1] = '\0'; return read_bytes ? 1 : 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Run the "file" command on the local file. * Return 1 if the data is valid, 0 otherwise, -1 for fatal errors. */ static int get_file_type_local (const vfs_path_t * filename_vpath, char *buf, int buflen) { char *filename_quoted; int ret = 0; filename_quoted = name_quote (vfs_path_get_last_path_str (filename_vpath), FALSE); if (filename_quoted != NULL) { ret = get_popen_information (FILE_CMD, filename_quoted, buf, buflen); g_free (filename_quoted); } return ret; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Run the "enca" command on the local file. * Return 1 if the data is valid, 0 otherwise, -1 for fatal errors. */ #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET static int get_file_encoding_local (const vfs_path_t * filename_vpath, char *buf, int buflen) { char *filename_quoted; int ret = 0; filename_quoted = name_quote (vfs_path_get_last_path_str (filename_vpath), FALSE); if (filename_quoted != NULL) { char *lang; lang = name_quote (autodetect_codeset, FALSE); if (lang != NULL) { char *args; args = g_strdup_printf (" -L %s -i %s", lang, filename_quoted); g_free (lang); ret = get_popen_information ("enca", args, buf, buflen); g_free (args); } g_free (filename_quoted); } return ret; } #endif /* HAVE_CHARSET */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Invoke the "file" command on the file and match its output against PTR. * have_type is a flag that is set if we already have tried to determine * the type of that file. * Return TRUE for match, FALSE otherwise. */ static gboolean regex_check_type (const vfs_path_t * filename_vpath, const char *ptr, gboolean case_insense, gboolean * have_type, GError ** mcerror) { gboolean found = FALSE; /* Following variables are valid if *have_type is TRUE */ static char content_string[2048]; static size_t content_shift = 0; static int got_data = 0; mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); if (!*have_type) { vfs_path_t *localfile_vpath; #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET static char encoding_id[21]; /* CSISO51INISCYRILLIC -- 20 */ int got_encoding_data; #endif /* HAVE_CHARSET */ /* Don't repeate even unsuccessful checks */ *have_type = TRUE; localfile_vpath = mc_getlocalcopy (filename_vpath); if (localfile_vpath == NULL) { mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, _("Cannot fetch a local copy of %s"), vfs_path_as_str (filename_vpath)); return FALSE; } #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET got_encoding_data = is_autodetect_codeset_enabled ? get_file_encoding_local (localfile_vpath, encoding_id, sizeof (encoding_id)) : 0; if (got_encoding_data > 0) { char *pp; int cp_id; pp = strchr (encoding_id, '\n'); if (pp != NULL) *pp = '\0'; cp_id = get_codepage_index (encoding_id); if (cp_id == -1) cp_id = default_source_codepage; do_set_codepage (cp_id); } #endif /* HAVE_CHARSET */ got_data = get_file_type_local (localfile_vpath, content_string, sizeof (content_string)); mc_ungetlocalcopy (filename_vpath, localfile_vpath, FALSE); if (got_data > 0) { char *pp; pp = strchr (content_string, '\n'); if (pp != NULL) *pp = '\0'; #ifndef FILE_B { const char *real_name; /* name used with "file" */ size_t real_len; real_name = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (localfile_vpath); real_len = strlen (real_name); if (strncmp (content_string, real_name, real_len) == 0) { /* Skip "real_name: " */ content_shift = real_len; /* Solaris' file prints tab(s) after ':' */ if (content_string[content_shift] == ':') for (content_shift++; whitespace (content_string[content_shift]); content_shift++) ; } } #endif /* FILE_B */ } else { /* No data */ content_string[0] = '\0'; } vfs_path_free (localfile_vpath, TRUE); } if (got_data == -1) { mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("Pipe failed")); return FALSE; } if (content_string[0] != '\0') { mc_search_t *search; search = mc_search_new (ptr, DEFAULT_CHARSET); if (search != NULL) { search->search_type = MC_SEARCH_T_REGEX; search->is_case_sensitive = !case_insense; found = mc_search_run (search, content_string + content_shift, 0, -1, NULL); mc_search_free (search); } else { mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("Regular expression error")); } } return found; } #endif /* USE_FILE_CMD */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void check_old_extension_file (void) { char *extension_old_file; extension_old_file = mc_config_get_full_path (MC_EXT_OLD_FILE); if (exist_file (extension_old_file)) message (D_ERROR, _("Warning"), _("You have an outdated %s file.\nMidnight Commander now uses %s file.\n" "Please copy your modifications of the old file to the new one."), extension_old_file, MC_EXT_FILE); g_free (extension_old_file); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static gboolean load_extension_file (void) { char *extension_file; gboolean mc_user_ext = TRUE; gboolean home_error = FALSE; extension_file = mc_config_get_full_path (MC_EXT_FILE); if (!exist_file (extension_file)) { g_free (extension_file); check_old_extension_file (); check_stock_mc_ext: extension_file = mc_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, MC_EXT_FILE, (char *) NULL); if (!exist_file (extension_file)) { g_free (extension_file); extension_file = mc_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, MC_EXT_FILE, (char *) NULL); if (!exist_file (extension_file)) MC_PTR_FREE (extension_file); } mc_user_ext = FALSE; } if (extension_file != NULL) { ext_ini = mc_config_init (extension_file, TRUE); g_free (extension_file); } if (ext_ini == NULL) return FALSE; /* Check version */ if (!mc_config_has_group (ext_ini, descr_group)) { flush_extension_file (); if (!mc_user_ext) { message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _("The format of the\n%s%s\nfile has changed with version 4.0.\n" "It seems that the installation has failed.\nPlease fetch a fresh copy " "from the Midnight Commander package."), mc_global.sysconfig_dir, MC_EXT_FILE); return FALSE; } home_error = TRUE; goto check_stock_mc_ext; } if (home_error) { extension_file = mc_config_get_full_path (MC_EXT_FILE); message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _("The format of the\n%s\nfile has changed with version 4.0.\nYou may either want " "to copy it from\n%s%s\nor use that file as an example of how to write it."), extension_file, mc_global.sysconfig_dir, MC_EXT_FILE); g_free (extension_file); } return TRUE; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*** public functions ****************************************************************************/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void flush_extension_file (void) { g_strfreev (ext_ini_groups); ext_ini_groups = NULL; mc_config_deinit (ext_ini); ext_ini = NULL; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * The second argument is action, i.e. Open, View or Edit * Use target object to open file in. * * This function returns: * * -1 for a failure or user interrupt * 0 if no command was run * 1 if some command was run * * If action == "View" then a parameter is checked in the form of "View:%d", * if the value for %d exists, then the viewer is started up at that line number. */ int regex_command_for (void *target, const vfs_path_t * filename_vpath, const char *action, vfs_path_t ** script_vpath) { const char *filename; size_t filename_len; gboolean found = FALSE; gboolean error_flag = FALSE; int ret = 0; struct stat mystat; int view_at_line_number = 0; #ifdef USE_FILE_CMD gboolean have_type = FALSE; /* Flag used by regex_check_type() */ #endif char **group_iter; char *include_group = NULL; const char *current_group; if (filename_vpath == NULL) return 0; if (script_vpath != NULL) *script_vpath = NULL; /* Check for the special View:%d parameter */ if (strncmp (action, "View:", 5) == 0) { view_at_line_number = atoi (action + 5); action = "View"; } if (ext_ini == NULL && !load_extension_file ()) return 0; mc_stat (filename_vpath, &mystat); filename = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (filename_vpath); filename = x_basename (filename); filename_len = strlen (filename); if (ext_ini_groups == NULL) ext_ini_groups = mc_config_get_groups (ext_ini, NULL); /* find matched type, regex or shell pattern */ for (group_iter = ext_ini_groups; *group_iter != NULL && !found; group_iter++) { enum { TYPE_UNUSED, TYPE_NOT_FOUND, TYPE_FOUND } type_state = TYPE_UNUSED; const gchar *g = *group_iter; gchar *pattern; gboolean ignore_case; if (strcmp (g, descr_group) == 0 || strncmp (g, "Include/", 8) == 0 || strcmp (g, default_group) == 0) continue; /* The "Directory" parameter is a special case: if it's present then "Type", "Regex", and "Shell" parameters are ignored */ pattern = mc_config_get_string_raw (ext_ini, g, "Directory", NULL); if (pattern != NULL) { found = S_ISDIR (mystat.st_mode) && mc_search (pattern, DEFAULT_CHARSET, vfs_path_as_str (filename_vpath), MC_SEARCH_T_REGEX); g_free (pattern); continue; /* stop if found */ } #ifdef USE_FILE_CMD if (use_file_to_check_type) { pattern = mc_config_get_string_raw (ext_ini, g, "Type", NULL); if (pattern != NULL) { GError *mcerror = NULL; ignore_case = mc_config_get_bool (ext_ini, g, "TypeIgnoreCase", FALSE); type_state = regex_check_type (filename_vpath, pattern, ignore_case, &have_type, &mcerror) ? TYPE_FOUND : TYPE_NOT_FOUND; g_free (pattern); if (mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL)) error_flag = TRUE; /* leave it if file cannot be opened */ if (type_state == TYPE_NOT_FOUND) continue; } } #endif /* USE_FILE_CMD */ pattern = mc_config_get_string_raw (ext_ini, g, "Regex", NULL); if (pattern != NULL) { mc_search_t *search; ignore_case = mc_config_get_bool (ext_ini, g, "RegexIgnoreCase", FALSE); search = mc_search_new (pattern, DEFAULT_CHARSET); g_free (pattern); if (search != NULL) { search->search_type = MC_SEARCH_T_REGEX; search->is_case_sensitive = !ignore_case; found = mc_search_run (search, filename, 0, filename_len, NULL); mc_search_free (search); } found = found && (type_state == TYPE_UNUSED || type_state == TYPE_FOUND); } else { pattern = mc_config_get_string_raw (ext_ini, g, "Shell", NULL); if (pattern != NULL) { int (*cmp_func) (const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n); size_t pattern_len; ignore_case = mc_config_get_bool (ext_ini, g, "ShellIgnoreCase", FALSE); cmp_func = ignore_case ? strncasecmp : strncmp; pattern_len = strlen (pattern); if (*pattern == '.' && filename_len >= pattern_len) found = cmp_func (pattern, filename + filename_len - pattern_len, pattern_len) == 0; else found = pattern_len == filename_len && cmp_func (pattern, filename, filename_len) == 0; g_free (pattern); found = found && (type_state == TYPE_UNUSED || type_state == TYPE_FOUND); } else found = type_state == TYPE_FOUND; } } /* group is found, process actions */ if (found) { char *include_value; group_iter--; /* "Include" parameter has the highest priority over any actions */ include_value = mc_config_get_string_raw (ext_ini, *group_iter, "Include", NULL); if (include_value != NULL) { /* find "Include/include_value" group */ include_group = g_strconcat ("Include/", include_value, (char *) NULL); g_free (include_value); found = mc_config_has_group (ext_ini, include_group); } } if (found) current_group = include_group != NULL ? include_group : *group_iter; else { current_group = default_group; found = mc_config_has_group (ext_ini, current_group); } if (found && !error_flag) { gchar *action_value; action_value = mc_config_get_string_raw (ext_ini, current_group, action, NULL); if (action_value == NULL) { /* Not found, try the action from default section */ action_value = mc_config_get_string_raw (ext_ini, default_group, action, NULL); found = (action_value != NULL && *action_value != '\0'); } else { /* If action's value is empty, ignore action from default section */ found = (*action_value != '\0'); } if (found) { vfs_path_t *sv; sv = exec_extension (current_panel, target, filename_vpath, action_value, view_at_line_number); if (script_vpath != NULL) *script_vpath = sv; else exec_cleanup_script (sv); ret = 1; } g_free (action_value); } g_free (include_group); return (error_flag ? -1 : ret); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */