**mdadm** is a utility used to create and manage **software RAID** devices implemented through **Multiple devices driver (MD)** in kernel. It supports following RAID metadata formats: * [Linux native RAID](https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/RAID_superblock_formats): Known as **native** or **native RAID**. First and default metadata format. Metadata management is implemented in **MD driver**. * Matrix Storage Manager Support (no reference, metadata format documentation is proprietary). Known as **IMSM**. Metadata format developed and maintained by **IntelĀ®** as a part of **VROC** solution. There are some functional differences between **native** and **imsm**. The most important difference is that the metadata is managed from userspace. **CAUTION:** **imsm** is compatible with **Intel RST**, however it is not officially supported. You are using it on your own risk. * [Common RAID DDF Specification Revision](https://www.snia.org/sites/default/files/SNIA_DDF_Technical_Position_v2.0.pdf) **IMPORTANT:** DDF is in **maintenance only** mode. There is no active development around it. Please do not use it in new solutions. # How to Contribute **mdadm** is hosted on [kernel.org](https://kernel.org/). You can access repository [here](https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/mdadm/mdadm.git). It is maintained similarly to kernel, using *mailing list*. Patches must be send through email. Please familiarize with general kernel [submitting patches](https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.17/process/submitting-patches.html) documentation. Formatting, tags and commit message guidelines applies to **mdadm**. ## Sending patches step-by-step To maximize change of patches being taken, follow this instruction when submitting: 1. Create possibly logically separated commits and generate patches: Use ``git format-patch --cover-letter --signoff -v `` to create patches: * ``--cover-letter`` can be skipped if it is only one patch; * ``--signoff`` adds sign-off tag; * ``-v `` indicates review revision number, sender should increment it before resending. 2. Check style of every patch with kernel [checkpatch](https://docs.kernel.org/dev-tools/checkpatch.html) script: It is important to keep same coding style that is why in **mdadm** [kernel coding style](https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.10/process/coding-style.html) is preferred. ``checkpath --no-tree `` can be used to verify patches. Following checkpatch issues can be ignored: - New typedefs. - comparing with *True/False*. - kernel *MAINTAINERS* file warning. - *extern* keyword in headers. 3. Send patches using ``git send-mail --to=linux-raid@vger.kernel.org (...)`` # Maintainers It is good practice to add **mdadm maintainers** to recipients for patches: - Jes Sorensen ; - Mariusz Tkaczyk ; Adding **MD maintainers** could be reasonable, especially if patches may affect MD driver: - Song Liu ; - Yu Kuai ; # Reviewers **mdadm** utility is not part of kernel tree, so there is no certificated *Reviewers* list. Everyone can comment on mailing list, last decision (and merging) belongs to maintainers. # Minimal supported kernel version We do not support kernel versions below **v3.10**. Please be aware that maintainers may remove workarounds and fixes for legacy issues. # License It is released under the terms of the **GNU General Public License version 2** as published by the **Free Software Foundation**.