path: root/TOOLS/lua/acompressor.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'TOOLS/lua/acompressor.lua')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TOOLS/lua/acompressor.lua b/TOOLS/lua/acompressor.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a69140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TOOLS/lua/acompressor.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+-- This script adds control to the dynamic range compression ffmpeg
+-- filter including key bindings for adjusting parameters.
+-- See for explanation
+-- of the parameters.
+local mp = require 'mp'
+local options = require 'mp.options'
+local o = {
+ default_enable = false,
+ show_osd = true,
+ osd_timeout = 4000,
+ filter_label = mp.get_script_name(),
+ key_toggle = 'n',
+ key_increase_threshold = 'F1',
+ key_decrease_threshold = 'Shift+F1',
+ key_increase_ratio = 'F2',
+ key_decrease_ratio = 'Shift+F2',
+ key_increase_knee = 'F3',
+ key_decrease_knee = 'Shift+F3',
+ key_increase_makeup = 'F4',
+ key_decrease_makeup = 'Shift+F4',
+ key_increase_attack = 'F5',
+ key_decrease_attack = 'Shift+F5',
+ key_increase_release = 'F6',
+ key_decrease_release = 'Shift+F6',
+ default_threshold = -25.0,
+ default_ratio = 3.0,
+ default_knee = 2.0,
+ default_makeup = 8.0,
+ default_attack = 20.0,
+ default_release = 250.0,
+ step_threshold = -2.5,
+ step_ratio = 1.0,
+ step_knee = 1.0,
+ step_makeup = 1.0,
+ step_attack = 10.0,
+ step_release = 10.0,
+local params = {
+ { name = 'attack', min=0.01, max=2000, hide_default=true, dB='' },
+ { name = 'release', min=0.01, max=9000, hide_default=true, dB='' },
+ { name = 'threshold', min= -30, max= 0, hide_default=false, dB='dB' },
+ { name = 'ratio', min= 1, max= 20, hide_default=false, dB='' },
+ { name = 'knee', min= 1, max= 10, hide_default=true, dB='dB' },
+ { name = 'makeup', min= 0, max= 24, hide_default=false, dB='dB' },
+local function parse_value(value)
+ -- Using nil here because tonumber differs between lua 5.1 and 5.2 when parsing fractions in combination with explicit base argument set to 10.
+ -- And we can't omit it because gsub returns 2 values which would get unpacked and cause more problems. Gotta love scripting languages.
+ return tonumber(value:gsub('dB$', ''), nil)
+local function format_value(value, dB)
+ return string.format('%g%s', value, dB)
+local function show_osd(filter)
+ if not o.show_osd then
+ return
+ end
+ if not filter.enabled then
+ mp.commandv('show-text', 'Dynamic range compressor: disabled', o.osd_timeout)
+ return
+ end
+ local pretty = {}
+ for _,param in ipairs(params) do
+ local value = parse_value(filter.params[])
+ if not (param.hide_default and value == o['default_' ..]) then
+ pretty[#pretty+1] = string.format('%s: %g%s',"^%l", string.upper), value, param.dB)
+ end
+ end
+ if #pretty == 0 then
+ pretty = ''
+ else
+ pretty = '\n(' .. table.concat(pretty, ', ') .. ')'
+ end
+ mp.commandv('show-text', 'Dynamic range compressor: enabled' .. pretty, o.osd_timeout)
+local function get_filter()
+ local af = mp.get_property_native('af', {})
+ for i = 1, #af do
+ if af[i].label == o.filter_label then
+ return af, i
+ end
+ end
+ af[#af+1] = {
+ name = 'acompressor',
+ label = o.filter_label,
+ enabled = false,
+ params = {},
+ }
+ for _,param in pairs(params) do
+ af[#af].params[] = format_value(o['default_' ..], param.dB)
+ end
+ return af, #af
+local function toggle_acompressor()
+ local af, i = get_filter()
+ af[i].enabled = not af[i].enabled
+ mp.set_property_native('af', af)
+ show_osd(af[i])
+local function update_param(name, increment)
+ for _,param in pairs(params) do
+ if == string.lower(name) then
+ local af, i = get_filter()
+ local value = parse_value(af[i].params[])
+ value = math.max(param.min, math.min(value + increment, param.max))
+ af[i].params[] = format_value(value, param.dB)
+ af[i].enabled = true
+ mp.set_property_native('af', af)
+ show_osd(af[i])
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ mp.msg.error('Unknown parameter "' .. name .. '"')
+mp.add_key_binding(o.key_toggle, "toggle-acompressor", toggle_acompressor)
+mp.register_script_message('update-param', update_param)
+for _,param in pairs(params) do
+ for direction,step in pairs({increase=1, decrease=-1}) do
+ mp.add_key_binding(o['key_' .. direction .. '_' ..],
+ 'acompressor-' .. direction .. '-' ..,
+ function() update_param(, step*o['step_' ..]); end,
+ { repeatable = true })
+ end
+if o.default_enable then
+ local af, i = get_filter()
+ af[i].enabled = true
+ mp.set_property_native('af', af)