path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
55 files changed, 5020 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a9b2105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects
+ $(srcdir)/health_mgmtapi/ \
+ $(srcdir)/acls/ \
+ $(srcdir)/urls/ \
+ $(srcdir)/alarm_repetition/ \
+ $(srcdir)/template_dimension/ \
+ $(srcdir)/ebpf/ \
+ $(NULL)
+include $(top_srcdir)/build/
+dist_noinst_DATA = \
+ $(srcdir)/health_mgmtapi/ \
+ $(srcdir)/acls/ \
+ $(srcdir)/urls/ \
+ $(srcdir)/alarm_repetition/ \
+ $(srcdir)/template_dimension/ \
+ $(srcdir)/ebpf/ \
+ $(NULL)
+dist_plugins_SCRIPTS = \
+ $(srcdir)/health_mgmtapi/ \
+ $(srcdir)/acls/ \
+ $(srcdir)/urls/ \
+ $(srcdir)/alarm_repetition/ \
+ $(srcdir)/template_dimension/ \
+ $(srcdir)/ebpf/ \
+ $(NULL)
+dist_noinst_SCRIPTS = \
+ $(srcdir)/ \
+ $(NULL)
diff --git a/tests/acls/ b/tests/acls/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ac404c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/acls/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#change the previous acl file and with a new
+#and store it on a new file
+ sed "s/$1/$2/g" netdata.cfg > "$4"
+ KEYROW="ssl key = $3/key.pem"
+ CERTROW="ssl certificate = $3/cert.pem"
+ sed "s@ssl key =@$KEYROW@g" netdata.ssl.cfg > tmp
+ sed "s@ssl certificate =@$CERTROW@g" tmp > tmp2
+ sed "s/$1/$2/g" tmp2 > "$4"
+run_acl_tests() {
+ #Give a time for netdata start properly
+ sleep 2
+ curl -v -k --tls-max 1.2 --create-dirs -o index.html "$2" 2> log_index.txt
+ curl -v -k --tls-max 1.2 --create-dirs -o netdata.txt "$2/netdata.conf" 2> log_nc.txt
+ curl -v -k --tls-max 1.2 --create-dirs -o badge.csv "$2/api/v1/badge.svg?chart=cpu.cpu0_interrupts" 2> log_badge.txt
+ curl -v -k --tls-max 1.2 --create-dirs -o info.txt "$2/api/v1/info" 2> log_info.txt
+ curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $1" -v -k --tls-max 1.2 --create-dirs -o health.csv "$2/api/v1/manage/health?cmd=LIST" 2> log_health.txt
+ TOT=$(grep -c "HTTP/1.1 301" log_*.txt | cut -d: -f2| grep -c 1)
+ if [ "$TOT" -ne "$4" ]; then
+ echo -e "${RED}I got a wrong number of redirects($TOT) when SSL is activated, It was expected $4 ${NOCOLOR}"
+ rm log_* netdata.conf.test* netdata.txt health.csv index.html badge.csv tmp* key.pem cert.pem info.txt
+ exit 1
+ elif [ "$TOT" -eq "$4" ] && [ "$4" -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo -e "${YELLOW}I got the correct number of redirects($4) when SSL is activated and I try to access with HTTP. ${NOCOLOR}"
+ return
+ fi
+ TOT=$(grep -c "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" log_* | cut -d: -f2| grep -c 1)
+ if [ "$TOT" -ne "$3" ]; then
+ echo -e "${RED}I got a wrong number of \"200 OK\" from the queries, it was expected $3. ${NOCOLOR}"
+ rm log_* netdata.conf.test* netdata.txt health.csv index.html badge.csv tmp* key.pem cert.pem info.txt
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo -e "${GREEN}ACLs were applied correctly ${NOCOLOR}"
+CONF=$(grep "bind" netdata.cfg)
+MUSER=$(grep run netdata.cfg | cut -d= -f2|sed 's/^[ \t]*//')
+openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -sha512 -subj "/C=US/ST=Denied/L=Somewhere/O=Dis/" -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem
+chown "$MUSER" key.pem cert.pem
+if [ -f "${NETDATA_VARLIB_DIR}/netdata.api.key" ] ;then
+ read -r TOKEN < "${NETDATA_VARLIB_DIR}/netdata.api.key"
+change_file "$CONF" " bind to = *" "$CWD" "netdata.conf.test0"
+netdata -c "netdata.conf.test0" -D &
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURL:19999" 5 0
+change_ssl_file "$CONF" " bind to = *=dashboard|registry|badges|management|netdata.conf *:20000=dashboard|registry|badges|management *:20001=dashboard|registry|netdata.conf^SSL=optional *:20002=dashboard|registry" "$CWD" "netdata.conf.test1"
+netdata -c "netdata.conf.test1" -D &
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURL:19999" 5 5
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURLS:19999" 5 0
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURL:20000" 4 5
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURLS:20000" 4 0
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURL:20001" 4 0
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURLS:20001" 4 0
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURL:20002" 3 5
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURLS:20002" 3 0
+change_ssl_file "$CONF" " bind to = *=dashboard|registry|badges|management|netdata.conf *:20000=dashboard|registry|badges|management *:20001=dashboard|registry|netdata.conf^SSL=force *:20002=dashboard|registry" "$CWD" "netdata.conf.test2"
+netdata -c "netdata.conf.test2" -D &
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURL:19999" 5 5
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURLS:19999" 5 0
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURL:20000" 4 5
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURLS:20000" 4 0
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURL:20001" 4 5
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURLS:20001" 4 0
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURL:20002" 3 5
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURLS:20002" 3 0
+change_ssl_file "$CONF" " bind to = *=dashboard|registry|badges|management|netdata.conf *:20000=dashboard|registry|badges|management^SSL=optional *:20001=dashboard|registry|netdata.conf^SSL=force" "$CWD" "netdata.conf.test3"
+netdata -c "netdata.conf.test3" -D &
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURL:19999" 5 5
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURLS:19999" 5 0
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURL:20000" 4 0
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURLS:20000" 4 0
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURL:20001" 4 5
+run_acl_tests $TOKEN "$BASICURLS:20001" 4 0
+rm log_* netdata.conf.test* netdata.txt health.csv index.html badge.csv tmp* key.pem cert.pem info.txt
+echo "All the tests were successful ${NOCOLOR}"
diff --git a/tests/acls/netdata.cfg b/tests/acls/netdata.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1dcb4a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/acls/netdata.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# netdata configuration
+# You can download the latest version of this file, using:
+# wget -O /etc/netdata/netdata.conf http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf
+# or
+# curl -o /etc/netdata/netdata.conf http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf
+# You can uncomment and change any of the options below.
+# The value shown in the commented settings, is the default value.
+ run as user = netdata
+ # the default database size - 1 hour
+ history = 3600
+ # by default do not expose the netdata port
+ bind to = localhost
diff --git a/tests/acls/netdata.ssl.cfg b/tests/acls/netdata.ssl.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28e0030d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/acls/netdata.ssl.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# netdata configuration
+# You can download the latest version of this file, using:
+# wget -O /etc/netdata/netdata.conf http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf
+# or
+# curl -o /etc/netdata/netdata.conf http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf
+# You can uncomment and change any of the options below.
+# The value shown in the commented settings, is the default value.
+ run as user = netdata
+ # the default database size - 1 hour
+ history = 3600
+ # by default do not expose the netdata port
+ bind to = localhost
+ ssl key =
+ ssl certificate =
diff --git a/tests/alarm_repetition/ b/tests/alarm_repetition/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ceab660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/alarm_repetition/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#The health directory to put the alarms
+#output directory
+#url to do download
+#error messages
+change_alarm_file() {
+ if [ -f "$1" ]; then
+ rm "$1"
+ fi
+ #copy keeping the permissions
+ cp -a "$2" "$3"
+netdata_test_download() {
+ OPT="-e"
+ if [ "$3" == "I" ]; then
+ OPT="-v"
+ fi
+ grep "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" "$1" 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+ TEST="$?"
+ if [ "$TEST" -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo -e "${RED} Error to get the alarms. ${NOCOLOR}"
+ kill "$5"
+ rm "$HEALTHDIR/ram.conf"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ COUNT=$(grep -w "\"last_repeat\":" "$2" | grep -c "$OPT" "\"0\"")
+ if [ "$COUNT" -eq "0" ]; then
+ echo -e "${RED} Netdata gave an unexpected result when alarm repetition is $4 ${NOCOLOR}"
+ killall "$5"
+ rm "$HEALTHDIR/ram.conf"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo -e "${GREEN} I got the expected result ${NOCOLOR}"
+get_the_logs() {
+ curl -v -k --create-dirs -o "$OUTDIR/$1.out" "$MURL" 2> "$OUTDIR/$1.err"
+ netdata_test_download "$OUTDIR/$1.err" "$OUTDIR/$1.out" "$2" "$3" "$4"
+process_data() {
+ SEC=120
+ netdata -c "$CONFFILE" -D &
+ echo -e "${NOCOLOR}Sleeping during $SEC seconds to create alarm entries"
+ sleep $SEC
+ get_the_logs "$1" "$2" "$3" "$NETDATAPID"
+mkdir "$OUTDIR"
+if [ "$CREATEDIR" -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo -e "${RED}Cannot create the output directory, it already exists. The test will overwrite previous results. ${NOCOLOR}"
+change_alarm_file "./0" "ram_without_repetition.conf" "$HEALTHDIR/ram.conf"
+cp -a netdata.conf_without_repetition netdata.conf
+process_data "ram_without" "K" "not activated."
+rm netdata.conf
+change_alarm_file "$HEALTHDIR/ram.conf" "ram_with_repetition.conf" "$HEALTHDIR/ram.conf"
+cp -a netdata.conf_with_repetition netdata.conf
+process_data "ram_with" "I" "activated."
+rm netdata.conf
+echo -e "${GREEN} all the tests were successful ${NOCOLOR}"
+rm "$HEALTHDIR/ram.conf"
+rm -rf $OUTDIR
diff --git a/tests/alarm_repetition/netdata.conf_with_repetition b/tests/alarm_repetition/netdata.conf_with_repetition
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a1d88b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/alarm_repetition/netdata.conf_with_repetition
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# netdata configuration
+# You can download the latest version of this file, using:
+# wget -O /etc/netdata/netdata.conf http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf
+# or
+# curl -o /etc/netdata/netdata.conf http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf
+# You can uncomment and change any of the options below.
+# The value shown in the commented settings, is the default value.
+# global netdata configuration
+ #run as user = netdata
+ #ssl key = /etc/netdata/ssl/key2048.pem
+ #ssl certificate = /etc/netdata/ssl/cert2048.pem
+ mode = static-threaded
+ # listen backlog = 4096
+ default port = 19999
+ #bind to = *=dashboard|registry|streaming|netdata.conf|badges|management *:20000=dashboard|registry|streaming|netdata.conf|badges|management^SSL=optional *:20001=dashboard|registry|streaming|netdata.conf|badges|management^SSL=force unix:/tmp/netdata/netdata.sock
+ #accept a streaming request every seconds = 2
+ proc = yes
+ diskspace = no
+ timex = no
+ cgroups = no
+ tc = no
+ idlejitter = no
+ enable running new plugins = no
+ check for new plugins every = 60
+ go.d = no
+ charts.d = no
+ nfacct = no
+ python.d = no
+ apps = no
+ cups = no
+ enabled = yes
+ in memory max health log entries = 1000
+ default repeat warning = 4s
+ default repeat critical = 2s
+ enabled = yes
+ allow from = *
+ cloud base url =
diff --git a/tests/alarm_repetition/netdata.conf_without_repetition b/tests/alarm_repetition/netdata.conf_without_repetition
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e78cef27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/alarm_repetition/netdata.conf_without_repetition
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# netdata configuration
+# You can download the latest version of this file, using:
+# wget -O /etc/netdata/netdata.conf http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf
+# or
+# curl -o /etc/netdata/netdata.conf http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf
+# You can uncomment and change any of the options below.
+# The value shown in the commented settings, is the default value.
+# global netdata configuration
+ #run as user = netdata
+ #ssl key = /etc/netdata/ssl/key2048.pem
+ #ssl certificate = /etc/netdata/ssl/cert2048.pem
+ mode = static-threaded
+ # listen backlog = 4096
+ default port = 19999
+ #bind to = *=dashboard|registry|streaming|netdata.conf|badges|management *:20000=dashboard|registry|streaming|netdata.conf|badges|management^SSL=optional *:20001=dashboard|registry|streaming|netdata.conf|badges|management^SSL=force unix:/tmp/netdata/netdata.sock
+ #accept a streaming request every seconds = 2
+ proc = yes
+ diskspace = no
+ timex = no
+ cgroups = no
+ tc = no
+ idlejitter = no
+ enable running new plugins = no
+ check for new plugins every = 60
+ go.d = no
+ charts.d = no
+ nfacct = no
+ python.d = no
+ apps = no
+ cups = no
+ enabled = yes
+ in memory max health log entries = 1000
+ #default repeat warning = 4s
+ #default repeat critical = 2s
+ enabled = yes
+ allow from = *
+ cloud base url =
diff --git a/tests/alarm_repetition/ram_with_repetition.conf b/tests/alarm_repetition/ram_with_repetition.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c215a71d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/alarm_repetition/ram_with_repetition.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# you can disable an alarm notification by setting the 'to' line to: silent
+ alarm: used_ram_to_ignore
+ on: system.ram
+ os: linux freebsd
+ hosts: *
+ calc: ($zfs.arc_size.arcsz = nan)?(0):($zfs.arc_size.arcsz)
+ every: 10s
+ info: the amount of memory that is reported as used, but it is actually capable for resizing itself based on the system needs (eg. ZFS ARC)
+ alarm: ram_in_use
+ on: system.ram
+ os: linux
+ hosts: *
+# calc: $used * 100 / ($used + $cached + $free)
+ calc: ($used - $used_ram_to_ignore) * 100 / ($used - $used_ram_to_ignore + $cached + $free)
+ units: %
+ every: 1s
+ warn: $this > 1
+ crit: $this > 5
+ delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
+ info: system RAM used
+ to: sysadmin #alarms
+ repeat: warning 30s critical 60s
+ alarm: ram_available
+ on: mem.available
+ os: linux
+ hosts: *
+ calc: ($avail + $used_ram_to_ignore) * 100 / ($system.ram.used + $system.ram.cached + $ + $system.ram.buffers)
+ units: %
+ every: 10s
+ warn: $this < (($status >= $WARNING) ? (15) : (10))
+ crit: $this < (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (10) : ( 5))
+ delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
+ info: estimated amount of RAM available for userspace processes, without causing swapping
+ to: sysadmin #alarms
+## FreeBSD
+alarm: ram_in_use
+ on: system.ram
+ os: freebsd
+hosts: *
+ calc: ($active + $wired + $laundry + $buffers - $used_ram_to_ignore) * 100 / ($active + $wired + $laundry + $buffers - $used_ram_to_ignore + $cache + $free + $inactive)
+units: %
+every: 10s
+ warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING) ? (80) : (90))
+ crit: $this > (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (90) : (98))
+delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
+ info: system RAM usage
+ to: sysadmin #alarms
+ alarm: ram_available
+ on: system.ram
+ os: freebsd
+ hosts: *
+ calc: ($free + $inactive + $used_ram_to_ignore) * 100 / ($free + $active + $inactive + $wired + $cache + $laundry + $buffers)
+ units: %
+ every: 10s
+ warn: $this < (($status >= $WARNING) ? (15) : (10))
+ crit: $this < (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (10) : ( 5))
+ delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
+ info: estimated amount of RAM available for userspace processes, without causing swapping
+ to: sysadmin #alarms
diff --git a/tests/alarm_repetition/ram_without_repetition.conf b/tests/alarm_repetition/ram_without_repetition.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..edfc492e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/alarm_repetition/ram_without_repetition.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# you can disable an alarm notification by setting the 'to' line to: silent
+ alarm: used_ram_to_ignore
+ on: system.ram
+ os: linux freebsd
+ hosts: *
+ calc: ($zfs.arc_size.arcsz = nan)?(0):($zfs.arc_size.arcsz)
+ every: 10s
+ info: the amount of memory that is reported as used, but it is actually capable for resizing itself based on the system needs (eg. ZFS ARC)
+ alarm: ram_in_use
+ on: system.ram
+ os: linux
+ hosts: *
+# calc: $used * 100 / ($used + $cached + $free)
+ calc: ($used - $used_ram_to_ignore) * 100 / ($used - $used_ram_to_ignore + $cached + $free)
+ units: %
+ every: 1s
+ warn: $this > 1
+ crit: $this > 5
+ delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
+ info: system RAM used
+ to: sysadmin #alarms
+ alarm: ram_available
+ on: mem.available
+ os: linux
+ hosts: *
+ calc: ($avail + $used_ram_to_ignore) * 100 / ($system.ram.used + $system.ram.cached + $ + $system.ram.buffers)
+ units: %
+ every: 10s
+ warn: $this < (($status >= $WARNING) ? (15) : (10))
+ crit: $this < (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (10) : ( 5))
+ delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
+ info: estimated amount of RAM available for userspace processes, without causing swapping
+ to: sysadmin #alarms
+## FreeBSD
+alarm: ram_in_use
+ on: system.ram
+ os: freebsd
+hosts: *
+ calc: ($active + $wired + $laundry + $buffers - $used_ram_to_ignore) * 100 / ($active + $wired + $laundry + $buffers - $used_ram_to_ignore + $cache + $free + $inactive)
+units: %
+every: 10s
+ warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING) ? (80) : (90))
+ crit: $this > (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (90) : (98))
+delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
+ info: system RAM usage
+ to: sysadmin #alarms
+ alarm: ram_available
+ on: system.ram
+ os: freebsd
+ hosts: *
+ calc: ($free + $inactive + $used_ram_to_ignore) * 100 / ($free + $active + $inactive + $wired + $cache + $laundry + $buffers)
+ units: %
+ every: 10s
+ warn: $this < (($status >= $WARNING) ? (15) : (10))
+ crit: $this < (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (10) : ( 5))
+ delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
+ info: estimated amount of RAM available for userspace processes, without causing swapping
+ to: sysadmin #alarms
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee12a028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+import argparse
+import json
+import logging
+import posixpath
+import random
+import re
+import requests
+import string
+import sys
+import urllib.parse
+# Utilities
+def some(s):
+ return random.choice(sorted(s))
+def not_some(s):
+ test_set = random.choice([string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase,
+ string.digits,
+ string.digits + ".E-",
+ '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJK'
+ 'LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!"#$%\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ '])
+ test_len = random.choice([1, 2, 3, 37, 61, 121])
+ while True:
+ x = ''.join([random.choice(test_set) for _ in range(test_len)])
+ if x not in s:
+ return x
+def build_url(host_maybe_scheme, base_path):
+ try:
+ if '//' not in host_maybe_scheme:
+ host_maybe_scheme = '//' + host_maybe_scheme
+ url_tuple = urllib.parse.urlparse(host_maybe_scheme)
+ if base_path[0] == '/':
+ base_path = base_path[1:]
+ return url_tuple.netloc, posixpath.join(url_tuple.path, base_path)
+ except Exception as e:
+ L.error(f"Critical failure decoding arguments -> {e}")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+# Data-model and processing
+class Param(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, location, kind):
+ self.location = location
+ self.kind = kind
+ = name
+ self.values = set()
+ def dump(self):
+ print(f"{} in {self.location} is {self.kind} : {{{self.values}}}")
+def does_response_fit_schema(schema_path, schema, resp):
+ '''The schema_path argument tells us where we are (globally) in the schema. The schema argument is the
+ sub-tree within the schema json that we are validating against. The resp is the json subtree from the
+ target host's response.
+ The basic idea is this: swagger defines a model of valid json trees. In this sense it is a formal
+ language and we can validate a given server response by checking if the language accepts a particular
+ server response. This is basically a parser, but instead of strings we are operating on languages
+ of trees.
+ This could probably be extended to arbitrary swagger definitions - but the amount of work increases
+ rapidly as we attempt to cover the full semantics of languages of trees defined in swagger. Instead
+ we have some special cases that describe the parts of the semantics that we've used to describe the
+ netdata API.
+ If we hit an error (in the schema) that prevents further checks then we return early, otherwise we
+ try to collect as many errors as possible.
+ '''
+ success = True
+ if "type" not in schema:
+ L.error(f"Cannot progress past {schema_path} -> no type specified in dictionary")
+ print(json.dumps(schema, indent=2))
+ return False
+ if schema["type"] == "object":
+ if isinstance(resp, dict) and "properties" in schema and isinstance(schema["properties"], dict):
+ L.debug(f"Validate properties against dictionary at {schema_path}")
+ for k, v in schema["properties"].items():
+ L.debug(f"Validate {k} received with {v}")
+ if v.get("required", False) and k not in resp:
+ L.error(f"Missing {k} in response at {schema_path}")
+ print(json.dumps(resp, indent=2))
+ return False
+ if k in resp:
+ if not does_response_fit_schema(posixpath.join(schema_path, k), v, resp[k]):
+ success = False
+ elif isinstance(resp, dict) and "additionalProperties" in schema \
+ and isinstance(schema["additionalProperties"], dict):
+ kv_schema = schema["additionalProperties"]
+ L.debug(f"Validate additionalProperties against every value in dictionary at {schema_path}")
+ if "type" in kv_schema and kv_schema["type"] == "object":
+ for k, v in resp.items():
+ if not does_response_fit_schema(posixpath.join(schema_path, k), kv_schema, v):
+ success = False
+ else:
+ L.error("Don't understand what the additionalProperties means (it has no type?)")
+ return False
+ else:
+ L.error(f"Can't understand schema at {schema_path}")
+ print(json.dumps(schema, indent=2))
+ return False
+ elif schema["type"] == "string":
+ if isinstance(resp, str):
+ L.debug(f"{repr(resp)} matches {repr(schema)} at {schema_path}")
+ return True
+ L.error(f"{repr(resp)} does not match schema {repr(schema)} at {schema_path}")
+ return False
+ elif schema["type"] == "boolean":
+ if isinstance(resp, bool):
+ L.debug(f"{repr(resp)} matches {repr(schema)} at {schema_path}")
+ return True
+ L.error(f"{repr(resp)} does not match schema {repr(schema)} at {schema_path}")
+ return False
+ elif schema["type"] == "number":
+ if 'nullable' in schema and resp is None:
+ L.debug(f"{repr(resp)} matches {repr(schema)} at {schema_path} (because nullable)")
+ return True
+ if isinstance(resp, int) or isinstance(resp, float):
+ L.debug(f"{repr(resp)} matches {repr(schema)} at {schema_path}")
+ return True
+ L.error(f"{repr(resp)} does not match schema {repr(schema)} at {schema_path}")
+ return False
+ elif schema["type"] == "integer":
+ if 'nullable' in schema and resp is None:
+ L.debug(f"{repr(resp)} matches {repr(schema)} at {schema_path} (because nullable)")
+ return True
+ if isinstance(resp, int):
+ L.debug(f"{repr(resp)} matches {repr(schema)} at {schema_path}")
+ return True
+ L.error(f"{repr(resp)} does not match schema {repr(schema)} at {schema_path}")
+ return False
+ elif schema["type"] == "array":
+ if "items" not in schema:
+ L.error(f"Schema for array at {schema_path} does not specify items!")
+ return False
+ item_schema = schema["items"]
+ if not isinstance(resp, list):
+ L.error(f"Server did not return a list for {schema_path} (typed as array in schema)")
+ return False
+ for i, item in enumerate(resp):
+ if not does_response_fit_schema(posixpath.join(schema_path, str(i)), item_schema, item):
+ success = False
+ else:
+ L.error(f"Invalid swagger type {schema['type']} for {type(resp)} at {schema_path}")
+ print(json.dumps(schema, indent=2))
+ return False
+ return success
+class GetPath(object):
+ def __init__(self, url, spec):
+ self.url = url
+ self.req_params = {}
+ self.opt_params = {}
+ self.success = None
+ self.failures = {}
+ if 'parameters' in spec.keys():
+ for p in spec['parameters']:
+ name = p['name']
+ req = p.get('required', False)
+ target = self.req_params if req else self.opt_params
+ target[name] = Param(name, p['in'], p['type'])
+ if 'default' in p:
+ defs = p['default']
+ if isinstance(defs, list):
+ for d in defs:
+ target[name].values.add(d)
+ else:
+ target[name].values.add(defs)
+ if 'enum' in p:
+ for v in p['enum']:
+ target[name].values.add(v)
+ if req and len(target[name].values) == 0:
+ print(f"FAIL: No default values in swagger for required parameter {name} in {self.url}")
+ for code, schema in spec['responses'].items():
+ if code[0] == "2" and 'schema' in schema:
+ self.success = schema['schema']
+ elif code[0] == "2":
+ L.error(f"2xx response with no schema in {self.url}")
+ else:
+ self.failures[code] = schema
+ def generate_success(self, host):
+ url_args = "&".join([f"{}={some(p.values)}" for p in self.req_params.values()])
+ base_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(host, self.url)
+ test_url = f"{base_url}?{url_args}"
+ if url_filter.match(test_url):
+ try:
+ resp = requests.get(url=test_url, verify=(not args.tls_no_verify))
+ self.validate(test_url, resp, True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ L.error(f"Network failure in test {e}")
+ else:
+ L.debug(f"url_filter skips {test_url}")
+ def generate_failure(self, host):
+ all_params = list(self.req_params.values()) + list(self.opt_params.values())
+ bad_param = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(5)])
+ while bad_param in all_params:
+ bad_param = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(5)])
+ all_params.append(Param(bad_param, "query", "string"))
+ url_args = "&".join([f"{}={not_some(p.values)}" for p in all_params])
+ base_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(host, self.url)
+ test_url = f"{base_url}?{url_args}"
+ if url_filter.match(test_url):
+ try:
+ resp = requests.get(url=test_url, verify=(not args.tls_no_verify))
+ self.validate(test_url, resp, False)
+ except Exception as e:
+ L.error(f"Network failure in test {e}")
+ def validate(self, test_url, resp, expect_success):
+ try:
+ resp_json = json.loads(resp.text)
+ except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
+ L.error(f"Non-json response from {test_url}")
+ return
+ success_code = resp.status_code >= 200 and resp.status_code < 300
+ if success_code and expect_success:
+ if self.success is not None:
+ if does_response_fit_schema(posixpath.join(self.url, str(resp.status_code)), self.success, resp_json):
+"tested {test_url}")
+ else:
+ L.error(f"tested {test_url}")
+ else:
+ L.error(f"Missing schema {test_url}")
+ elif not success_code and not expect_success:
+ schema = self.failures.get(str(resp.status_code), None)
+ if schema is not None:
+ if does_response_fit_schema(posixpath.join(self.url, str(resp.status_code)), schema, resp_json):
+"tested {test_url}")
+ else:
+ L.error(f"tested {test_url}")
+ else:
+ L.error("Missing schema for {resp.status_code} from {test_url}")
+ else:
+ L.error(f"Received incorrect status code {resp.status_code} against {test_url}")
+def get_the_spec(url):
+ if url[:7] == "file://":
+ with open(url[7:]) as f:
+ return
+ return requests.get(url=url).text
+# Swagger paths look absolute but they are relative to the base.
+def not_absolute(path):
+ return path[1:] if path[0] == '/' else path
+def find_ref(spec, path):
+ if len(path) > 0 and path[0] == '#':
+ return find_ref(spec, path[1:])
+ if len(path) == 1:
+ return spec[path[0]]
+ return find_ref(spec[path[0]], path[1:])
+def resolve_refs(spec, spec_root=None):
+ '''Find all "$ref" keys in the swagger spec and inline their target schemas.
+ As with all inliners this will break if a definition recursively links to itself, but this should not
+ happen in swagger as embedding a structure inside itself would produce a record of infinite size.'''
+ if spec_root is None:
+ spec_root = spec
+ newspec = {}
+ for k, v in spec.items():
+ if k == "$ref":
+ path = v.split('/')
+ target = find_ref(spec_root, path)
+ # Unfold one level of the tree and erase the $ref if possible.
+ if isinstance(target, dict):
+ for kk, vv in resolve_refs(target, spec_root).items():
+ newspec[kk] = vv
+ else:
+ newspec[k] = target
+ elif isinstance(v, dict):
+ newspec[k] = resolve_refs(v, spec_root)
+ else:
+ newspec[k] = v
+ # This is an artifact of inline the $refs when they are inside a properties key as their children should be
+ # pushed up into the parent dictionary. They must be merged (union) rather than replace as we use this to
+ # implement polymorphism in the data-model.
+ if 'properties' in newspec and isinstance(newspec['properties'], dict) and \
+ 'properties' in newspec['properties']:
+ sub = newspec['properties']['properties']
+ del newspec['properties']['properties']
+ if 'type' in newspec['properties']:
+ del newspec['properties']['type']
+ for k, v in sub.items():
+ newspec['properties'][k] = v
+ return newspec
+# Initialization
+random.seed(7) # Default is reproducible sequences
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument('--url', type=str,
+ default='',
+ help='The URL of the API definition in swagger. The default will pull the latest version '
+ 'from the main branch.')
+parser.add_argument('--host', type=str,
+ help='The URL of the target host to fuzz. The default will read the host from the swagger '
+ 'definition.')
+parser.add_argument('--reseed', action='store_true',
+ help="Pick a random seed for the PRNG. The default uses a constant seed for reproducibility.")
+parser.add_argument('--passes', action='store_true',
+ help="Log information about tests that pass")
+parser.add_argument('--detail', action='store_true',
+ help="Log information about the response/schema comparisons during each test")
+parser.add_argument('--filter', type=str,
+ default=".*",
+ help="Supply a regex used to filter the testing URLs generated")
+parser.add_argument('--tls-no-verify', action='store_true',
+ help="Disable TLS certification verification to allow connection to hosts that use"
+ "self-signed certificates")
+parser.add_argument('--dump-inlined', action='store_true',
+ help='Dump the inlined swagger spec instead of fuzzing. For "reasons".')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+if args.reseed:
+ random.seed()
+spec = json.loads(get_the_spec(args.url))
+inlined_spec = resolve_refs(spec)
+if args.dump_inlined:
+ print(json.dumps(inlined_spec, indent=2))
+ sys.exit(-1)
+logging.addLevelName(40, "FAIL")
+logging.addLevelName(20, "PASS")
+logging.addLevelName(10, "DETAIL")
+L = logging.getLogger()
+handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+if not args.passes and not args.detail:
+ L.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
+elif args.passes and not args.detail:
+ L.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+elif args.detail:
+ L.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt="%(levelname)s %(message)s"))
+url_filter = re.compile(args.filter)
+if spec['swagger'] != '2.0':
+ L.error(f"Unexpected swagger version")
+ sys.exit(-1)"Fuzzing {spec['info']['title']} / {spec['info']['version']}")
+host, base_url = build_url( or spec['host'], inlined_spec['basePath'])
+"Target host is {base_url}")
+paths = []
+for name, p in inlined_spec['paths'].items():
+ if 'get' in p:
+ name = not_absolute(name)
+ paths.append(GetPath(posixpath.join(base_url, name), p['get']))
+ elif 'put' in p:
+ L.error(f"Generation of PUT methods (for {name} is unimplemented")
+for s in inlined_spec['schemes']:
+ for p in paths:
+ resp = p.generate_success(s + "://" + host)
+ resp = p.generate_failure(s+"://"+host)
diff --git a/tests/ebpf/ b/tests/ebpf/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86e3dd87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ebpf/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+The file `sync_tester.c` can be used to fill all dimensions present in synchronization submenu.
diff --git a/tests/ebpf/ebpf.d.conf b/tests/ebpf/ebpf.d.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b781d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ebpf/ebpf.d.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ ebpf load mode = entry
+ apps = yes
+ cgroups = no
+ update every = 5
+ pid table size = 32768
+ btf path = /sys/kernel/btf/
+ maps per core = yes
+ life time = 300
+[ebpf programs]
+ cachestat = no
+ dcstat = no
+ disk = no
+ fd = no
+ filesystem = no
+ hardirq = no
+ mdflush = no
+ mount = no
+ oomkill = no
+ process = no
+ shm = no
+ socket = no
+ softirq = no
+ sync = no
+ swap = no
+ vfs = no
+ network connections = no
diff --git a/tests/ebpf/ b/tests/ebpf/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd1e7b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ebpf/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+netdata_ebpf_test_functions() {
+ echo "QUERYING: ${1}"
+ curl -k -o /tmp/ebpf_netdata_test_functions.txt "${1}"
+ TEST=$?
+ if [ $TEST -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Cannot request run a for ${1}. See '/tmp/ebpf_netdata_test_functions.txt' for more details."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ grep "${2}" /tmp/ebpf_netdata_test_functions.txt >/dev/null
+ TEST=$?
+ if [ $TEST -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Cannot find ${2} in the output. See '/tmp/ebpf_netdata_test_functions.txt' for more details.."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm /tmp/ebpf_netdata_test_functions.txt
+if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ MURL="$1"
+# Check function loaded
+netdata_ebpf_test_functions "${MURL}/api/v1/functions" "ebpf_thread"
+# Check function help
+netdata_ebpf_test_functions "${MURL}/api/v1/function?function=ebpf_thread%20help" "allows user to control eBPF threads"
+#Test default request
+netdata_ebpf_test_functions "${MURL}/api/v1/function?function=ebpf_thread" "columns"
+#Test thread requests . The mdflush is not enabled, because it is not present in all distributions by default.
+#Socket is not in the list, because it will have a complete refactory with next PR
+for THREAD in "cachestat" "dc" "disk" "fd" "filesystem" "hardirq" "mount" "oomkill" "process" "shm" "softirq" "sync" "swap" "vfs" ;
+ echo "TESTING ${THREAD}"
+ netdata_ebpf_test_functions "${MURL}/api/v1/function?function=ebpf_thread%20enable:${THREAD}:${INTERVAL}%20thread:${THREAD}"
+ sleep 17
+ netdata_ebpf_test_functions "${MURL}/api/v1/function?function=ebpf_thread%20thread:${THREAD}" "running"
+ sleep 17
+ netdata_ebpf_test_functions "${MURL}/api/v1/function?function=ebpf_thread%20disable:${THREAD}"
+ sleep 6
+ netdata_ebpf_test_functions "${MURL}/api/v1/function?function=ebpf_thread%20thread:${THREAD}" "stopped"
+ sleep 6
diff --git a/tests/ebpf/sync_tester.c b/tests/ebpf/sync_tester.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..373c85c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ebpf/sync_tester.c
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#define _GNU_SOURCE /* See feature_test_macros(7) */
+#define __USE_GNU
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+void test_sync_file_range(char *output, char *text, size_t length)
+ int fd = open (output, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0660);
+ if (fd < 0 ) {
+ perror("Cannot get page size");
+ return;
+ }
+ int i;
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < 10000; i++ ) {
+ write(fd, text, length);
+ sync_file_range(fd, offset, length, SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE);
+ offset += length;
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ sleep(5);
+// test based on IBM example
+void test_msync(char *output, char *text, size_t length)
+ int pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
+ if (pagesize < 0) {
+ perror("Cannot get page size");
+ return;
+ }
+ int fd = open(output, (O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR), (S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO));
+ if (fd < 0 ) {
+ perror("Cannot open file");
+ return;
+ }
+ off_t lastoffset = lseek( fd, pagesize, SEEK_SET);
+ ssize_t written = write(fd, " ", 1);
+ if ( written != 1 ) {
+ perror("Write error. ");
+ close(fd);
+ return;
+ }
+ off_t my_offset = 0;
+ void *address = mmap(NULL, pagesize, PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, my_offset);
+ if ( address == MAP_FAILED ) {
+ perror("Map error. ");
+ close(fd);
+ return;
+ }
+ (void) strcpy( (char*) address, text);
+ if ( msync( address, pagesize, MS_SYNC) < 0 ) {
+ perror("msync failed with error:");
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ sleep(5);
+void test_synchronization(char *output, char *text, size_t length, int (*fcnt)(int))
+ int fd = open (output, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0660);
+ if (fd < 0 ) {
+ perror("Cannot get page size");
+ return;
+ }
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < 10000; i++ )
+ write(fd, text, length);
+ fcnt(fd);
+ close(fd);
+ sleep(5);
+void remove_files(char **files) {
+ size_t i = 0;
+ while (files[i]) {
+ unlink(files[i]);
+ i++;
+ }
+int main()
+ char *default_text = { "This is a simple example to test a PR. The sleep is used to create different peaks on charts.\n" };
+ char *files[] = { "fsync.txt", "fdatasync.txt", "syncfs.txt", "msync.txt", "sync_file_range.txt", NULL };
+ size_t length = strlen(default_text);
+ test_synchronization(files[0], default_text, length, fsync);
+ test_synchronization(files[1], default_text, length, fdatasync);
+ test_synchronization(files[2], default_text, length, syncfs);
+ test_msync(files[3], default_text, length);
+ test_sync_file_range(files[4], default_text, length);
+ sync();
+ remove_files(files);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/exporting/prometheus-avg-oldunits.txt b/tests/exporting/prometheus-avg-oldunits.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53ee8ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/exporting/prometheus-avg-oldunits.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
diff --git a/tests/exporting/prometheus-avg.txt b/tests/exporting/prometheus-avg.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1aedff2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/exporting/prometheus-avg.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
diff --git a/tests/exporting/prometheus-raw.txt b/tests/exporting/prometheus-raw.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ac4c2c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/exporting/prometheus-raw.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
diff --git a/tests/exporting/prometheus.bats b/tests/exporting/prometheus.bats
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..40f87b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/exporting/prometheus.bats
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bats
+validate_metrics() {
+ fname="${1}"
+ params="${2}"
+ curl -sS "http://localhost:19999/api/v1/allmetrics?format=prometheus&prefix=nd&timestamps=no${params}" |
+ grep -E 'nd_system_|nd_cpu_|nd_system_|nd_net_|nd_disk_|nd_ip_|nd_ipv4_|nd_ipv6_|nd_mem_|nd_netdata_|nd_apps_|nd_services_' |
+ sed -ne 's/{.*//p' | sort | uniq > tests/exportings/new-${fname}
+ diff tests/exportings/${fname} tests/exportings/new-${fname}
+ rm tests/exportings/new-${fname}
+if [ ! -f .gitignore ]; then
+ echo "Need to run as ./tests/exportings/$(basename "$0") from top level directory of git repository" >&2
+ exit 1
+@test "prometheus raw" {
+ validate_metrics prometheus-raw.txt "&data=raw"
+@test "prometheus avg" {
+ validate_metrics prometheus-avg.txt ""
+@test "prometheus avg oldunits" {
+ validate_metrics prometheus-avg-oldunits.txt "&oldunits=yes"
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73e217c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+title: "Health command API tester"
+sidebar_label: "Health command API tester"
+learn_status: "Published"
+learn_topic_type: "References"
+learn_rel_path: "Developers"
+# Health command API tester
+The directory `tests/health_cmdapi` contains the test script `` for the [health command API](
+The script can be executed with options to prepare the system for the tests, run them and restore the system to its previous state.
+It depends on the management API being accessible on localhost:19999 and on the responses to the api/v1/alarms?all requests being functional.
+It also requires read access to the management API key that is usually under `/var/lib/netdata/netdata.api.key` (`@varlibdir_POST@/netdata.api.key`).
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/ALARM_CPU_IOWAIT-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/ALARM_CPU_IOWAIT-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f05efe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/ALARM_CPU_IOWAIT-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": false, "type": "SILENCE", "silencers": [ { "alarm": "*10min_cpu_iowait" }, { "alarm": "*10min_cpu_usage *load_trigger" } ] }
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/ALARM_CPU_USAGE-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/ALARM_CPU_USAGE-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbf87992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/ALARM_CPU_USAGE-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": false, "type": "SILENCE", "silencers": [ { "alarm": "*10min_cpu_usage *load_trigger", "context": "system.cpu" }, { "alarm": "*10min_cpu_usage *load_trigger", "chart": "system.load" } ] }
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/CONTEXT_SYSTEM_CPU-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/CONTEXT_SYSTEM_CPU-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a267cfd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/CONTEXT_SYSTEM_CPU-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": false, "type": "DISABLE", "silencers": [ { "context": "system.cpu" }, { "chart": "system.load" } ] }
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/DISABLE-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/DISABLE-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2c77810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/DISABLE-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": false, "type": "DISABLE", "silencers": [ { "alarm": "*10min_cpu_usage *load_trigger" } ] }
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/DISABLE_ALL-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/DISABLE_ALL-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbc3f4f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/DISABLE_ALL-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": true, "type": "DISABLE", "silencers": [] }
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/DISABLE_ALL_ERROR-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/DISABLE_ALL_ERROR-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8aee179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/DISABLE_ALL_ERROR-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Auth Error
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/DISABLE_SYSTEM_LOAD-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/DISABLE_SYSTEM_LOAD-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7fc1cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/DISABLE_SYSTEM_LOAD-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": false, "type": "DISABLE", "silencers": [ { "chart": "system.load" } ] }
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/FAMILIES_LOAD-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/FAMILIES_LOAD-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50119f79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/FAMILIES_LOAD-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": false, "type": "None", "silencers": [ { "families": "load" } ] }
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/HOSTS-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/HOSTS-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9db21b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/HOSTS-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": false, "type": "SILENCE", "silencers": [ { "hosts": "*" } ] }
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/RESET-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/RESET-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d3f09d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/RESET-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": false, "type": "None", "silencers": [] }
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d157f2d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": false, "type": "SILENCE", "silencers": [ { "alarm": "*10min_cpu_usage *load_trigger" } ] }
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_2-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_2-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5e6fa2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_2-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": false, "type": "SILENCE", "silencers": [ { "families": "load" } ] }
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_3-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_3-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69e98cc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_3-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": false, "type": "SILENCE", "silencers": [] } WARNING: SILENCE or DISABLE command is ineffective without defining any alarm selectors.
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_ALARM_CPU_USAGE-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_ALARM_CPU_USAGE-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd789cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_ALARM_CPU_USAGE-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": false, "type": "SILENCE", "silencers": [ { "alarm": "*10min_cpu_usage *load_trigger", "chart": "system.load" } ] }
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_ALARM_CPU_USAGE_LOAD_TRIGGER-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_ALARM_CPU_USAGE_LOAD_TRIGGER-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d157f2d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_ALARM_CPU_USAGE_LOAD_TRIGGER-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": false, "type": "SILENCE", "silencers": [ { "alarm": "*10min_cpu_usage *load_trigger" } ] }
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_ALL-list.json b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_ALL-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c88ef9fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/expected_list/SILENCE_ALL-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "all": true, "type": "SILENCE", "silencers": [] }
diff --git a/tests/health_mgmtapi/ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..972ee741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/health_mgmtapi/
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# shellcheck disable=SC1117,SC2034,SC2059,SC2086,SC2181
+check () {
+ sec=1
+ echo -e " ${GRAY}Check: '${1}' in $sec sec"
+ sleep $sec
+ number=$RANDOM
+ resp=$(curl -s "http://$URL/api/v1/alarms?all&$number")
+ r=$(echo "${resp}" | \
+ python3 -c "import sys, json; d=json.load(sys.stdin); \
+ print(\
+ d['alarms']['system.cpu.10min_cpu_usage']['disabled'], \
+ d['alarms']['system.cpu.10min_cpu_usage']['silenced'] , \
+ d['alarms']['system.cpu.10min_cpu_iowait']['disabled'], \
+ d['alarms']['system.cpu.10min_cpu_iowait']['silenced'], \
+ d['alarms']['system.load.load_trigger']['disabled'], \
+ d['alarms']['system.load.load_trigger']['silenced'], \
+ );" 2>&1)
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo -e " ${RED}ERROR: Unexpected response stored in /tmp/resp-$number.json"
+ echo "$resp" > /tmp/resp-$number.json
+ err=$((err+1))
+ iter=0
+ elif [ "${r}" != "${2}" ] ; then
+ echo -e " ${GRAY}WARNING: 'Got ${r}'. Expected '${2}'"
+ iter=$((iter+1))
+ if [ $iter -lt 10 ] ; then
+ echo -e " ${GRAY}Repeating test "
+ check "$1" "$2"
+ else
+ echo -e " ${RED}ERROR: 'Got ${r}'. Expected '${2}'"
+ iter=0
+ err=$((err+1))
+ fi
+ else
+ echo -e " ${GREEN}Success"
+ iter=0
+ fi
+cmd () {
+ echo -e "${WHITE}Cmd '${1}'"
+ echo -en " ${GRAY}Expecting '${2}' : "
+ RESPONSE=$(curl -s "http://$URL/api/v1/manage/health?${1}" -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" 2>&1)
+ if [ "${RESPONSE}" != "${2}" ] ; then
+ echo -e "${RED}ERROR: Response '${RESPONSE}'"
+ err=$((err+1))
+ else
+ echo -e "${GREEN}Success"
+ fi
+check_list() {
+ RESPONSE=$(curl -s "http://$URL/api/v1/manage/health?cmd=LIST" -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" 2>&1)
+ NAME="$1-list.json"
+ echo $RESPONSE > $NAME
+ diff $NAME expected_list/$NAME 1>/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo -e "${GREEN}Success: The list command got the correct answer for $NAME!"
+ else
+ echo -e "${RED}ERROR: the files $NAME and expected_list/$NAME does not match."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ HEALTH_CMDAPI_MSG_SILENCEALL="All alarm notifications are silenced"
+ HEALTH_CMDAPI_MSG_DISABLEALL="All health checks are disabled"
+ HEALTH_CMDAPI_MSG_RESET="All health checks and notifications are enabled"
+ HEALTH_CMDAPI_MSG_DISABLE="Health checks disabled for alarms matching the selectors"
+ HEALTH_CMDAPI_MSG_SILENCE="Alarm notifications silenced for alarms matching the selectors"
+ HEALTH_CMDAPI_MSG_ADDED="Alarm selector added"
+ HEALTH_CMDAPI_MSG_INVALID_KEY="Invalid key. Ignoring it."
+ HEALTH_CMDAPI_MSG_STYPEWARNING="WARNING: Added alarm selector to silence/disable alarms without a SILENCE or DISABLE command."
+ HEALTH_CMDAPI_MSG_NOSELECTORWARNING="WARNING: SILENCE or DISABLE command is ineffective without defining any alarm selectors."
+ if [ -f "${NETDATA_VARLIB_DIR}/netdata.api.key" ] ;then
+ read -r CORRECT_TOKEN < "${NETDATA_VARLIB_DIR}/netdata.api.key"
+ else
+ echo "${NETDATA_VARLIB_DIR}/netdata.api.key not found"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Set correct token
+ # Test default state
+ check "Default State" "False False False False False False"
+ check_list "RESET"
+ # Test auth failure
+ TOKEN="Wrong token"
+ check "Default State" "False False False False False False"
+ check_list "DISABLE_ALL_ERROR"
+ # Set correct token
+ # Test disable
+ check "All disabled" "True False True False True False"
+ check_list "DISABLE_ALL"
+ # Reset
+ check "Default State" "False False False False False False"
+ check_list "RESET"
+ # Test silence
+ check "All silenced" "False True False True False True"
+ check_list "SILENCE_ALL"
+ # Reset
+ check "Default State" "False False False False False False"
+ check_list "RESET"
+ # Add silencer by name
+ cmd "cmd=SILENCE&alarm=*10min_cpu_usage *load_trigger" "${resp}"
+ check "Silence notifications for alarm1 and load_trigger" "False True False False False True"
+ # Convert to disable health checks
+ check "Disable notifications for alarm1 and load_trigger" "True False False False True False"
+ check_list "DISABLE"
+ # Convert back to silence notifications
+ check "Silence notifications for alarm1 and load_trigger" "False True False False False True"
+ check_list "SILENCE"
+ # Add second silencer by name
+ cmd "alarm=*10min_cpu_iowait" "$HEALTH_CMDAPI_MSG_ADDED"
+ check "Silence notifications for alarm1,alarm2 and load_trigger" "False True False True False True"
+ check_list "ALARM_CPU_IOWAIT"
+ # Reset
+ check_list "RESET"
+ # Add silencer by chart
+ cmd "cmd=DISABLE&chart=system.load" "${resp}"
+ check "Default State" "False False False False True False"
+ check_list "DISABLE_SYSTEM_LOAD"
+ # Add silencer by context
+ cmd "context=system.cpu" "$HEALTH_CMDAPI_MSG_ADDED"
+ check "Default State" "True False True False True False"
+ check_list "CONTEXT_SYSTEM_CPU"
+ # Reset
+ check_list "RESET"
+ # Add second condition to a selector (AND)
+ cmd "cmd=SILENCE&alarm=*10min_cpu_usage *load_trigger&chart=system.load" "${resp}"
+ check "Silence notifications load_trigger" "False False False False False True"
+ # Add second selector with two conditions
+ cmd "alarm=*10min_cpu_usage *load_trigger&context=system.cpu" "$HEALTH_CMDAPI_MSG_ADDED"
+ check "Silence notifications load_trigger" "False True False False False True"
+ check_list "ALARM_CPU_USAGE"
+ # Reset
+ check_list "RESET"
+ # Add silence command
+ check "Silence family load" "False False False False False True"
+ check_list "SILENCE_2"
+ # Reset
+ check_list "RESET"
+ # Add command without silencers
+ cmd "cmd=SILENCE" "${resp}"
+ check "Command with no selector" "False False False False False False"
+ check_list "SILENCE_3"
+ # Add hosts silencer
+ cmd "hosts=*" "$HEALTH_CMDAPI_MSG_ADDED"
+ check "Silence all hosts" "False True False True False True"
+ check_list "HOSTS"
+ # Reset
+ check_list "RESET"
+if [ $err -gt 0 ] ; then
+ echo "$err error(s) found"
+ exit 1
diff --git a/tests/k6/data.js b/tests/k6/data.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb4e087e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/k6/data.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import http from "k6/http";
+import { log, check, group, sleep } from "k6";
+import { Rate } from "k6/metrics";
+// A custom metric to track failure rates
+var failureRate = new Rate("check_failure_rate");
+// Options
+export let options = {
+ stages: [
+ // Linearly ramp up from 1 to 20 VUs during first 30s
+ { target: 20, duration: "30s" },
+ // Hold at 50 VUs for the next 1 minute
+ { target: 20, duration: "1m" },
+ // Linearly ramp down from 50 to 0 VUs over the last 10 seconds
+ { target: 0, duration: "10s" }
+ ],
+ thresholds: {
+ // We want the 95th percentile of all HTTP request durations to be less than 500ms
+ "http_req_duration": ["p(95)<500"],
+ // Requests with the fast tag should finish even faster
+ "http_req_duration{fast:yes}": ["p(99)<250"],
+ // Thresholds based on the custom metric we defined and use to track application failures
+ "check_failure_rate": [
+ // Global failure rate should be less than 1%
+ "rate<0.01",
+ // Abort the test early if it climbs over 5%
+ { threshold: "rate<=0.05", abortOnFail: true },
+ ],
+ },
+function rnd(min, max) {
+ min = Math.ceil(min);
+ max = Math.floor(max);
+ return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; //The maximum is exclusive and the minimum is inclusive
+// Main function
+export default function () {
+ // Control what the data request asks for
+ let charts = [ "example.random" ]
+ let chartmin = 0;
+ let chartmax = charts.length - 1;
+ let aftermin = 60;
+ let aftermax = 3600;
+ let beforemin = 3503600;
+ let beforemax = 3590000;
+ let pointsmin = 300;
+ let pointsmax = 3600;
+ group("Requests", function () {
+ // Execute multiple requests in parallel like a browser, to fetch data for the charts. The one taking the longes is the data request.
+ let resps = http.batch([
+ ["GET", "http://localhost:19999/api/v1/info", { tags: { fast: "yes" } }],
+ ["GET", "http://localhost:19999/api/v1/charts", { tags: { fast: "yes" } }],
+ ["GET", "http://localhost:19999/api/v1/data?chart="+charts[rnd(chartmin,chartmax)]+"&before=-"+rnd(beforemin,beforemax)+"&after=-"+rnd(aftermin,aftermax)+"&points="+rnd(pointsmin,pointsmax)+"&format=json&group=average&gtime=0&options=ms%7Cflip%7Cjsonwrap%7Cnonzero&_="+rnd(1,1000000000000), { }],
+ ["GET", "http://localhost:19999/api/v1/alarms", { tags: { fast: "yes" } }]
+ ]);
+ // Combine check() call with failure tracking
+ failureRate.add(!check(resps, {
+ "status is 200": (r) => r[0].status === 200 && r[1].status === 200
+ }));
+ });
+ sleep(Math.random() * 2 + 1); // Random sleep between 1s and 3s
diff --git a/tests/profile/Makefile b/tests/profile/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3510e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/profile/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+COMMON_CFLAGS = -I ../../ -Wall -Wextra
+ ../../libnetdata/popen/popen.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/storage_number/storage_number.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/avl/avl.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/socket/socket.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/os.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/clocks/clocks.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/procfile/procfile.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/statistical/statistical.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/eval/eval.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/threads/threads.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/dictionary/dictionary.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/simple_pattern/simple_pattern.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/url/url.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/config/appconfig.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/libnetdata.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/buffer/buffer.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/adaptive_resortable_list/adaptive_resortable_list.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/locks/locks.o \
+ ../../libnetdata/log/log.o \
+ $(NULL)
+all: statsd-stress benchmark-procfile-parser test-eval benchmark-dictionary benchmark-value-pairs
+benchmark-procfile-parser: benchmark-procfile-parser.c
+ gcc ${CFLAGS} -o $@ $^ ${COMMON_LDFLAGS}
+benchmark-dictionary: benchmark-dictionary.c
+ gcc ${CFLAGS} -o $@ $^ ${COMMON_LDFLAGS}
+benchmark-value-pairs: benchmark-value-pairs.c
+ gcc ${CFLAGS} -o $@ $^ ${COMMON_LDFLAGS}
+statsd-stress: statsd-stress.c
+ gcc ${CFLAGS} -o $@ $^ ${COMMON_LDFLAGS}
+test-eval: test-eval.c
+ gcc ${CFLAGS} -o $@ $^ ${COMMON_LDFLAGS}
+ rm -f benchmark-procfile-parser statsd-stress test-eval benchmark-dictionary benchmark-value-pairs
diff --git a/tests/profile/benchmark-dictionary.c b/tests/profile/benchmark-dictionary.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7cc9ab0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/profile/benchmark-dictionary.c
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */
+ * 1. build netdata (as normally)
+ * 2. cd tests/profile/
+ * 3. compile with:
+ * gcc -O3 -Wall -Wextra -I ../../src/ -I ../../ -o benchmark-dictionary benchmark-dictionary.c ../../src/dictionary.o ../../src/log.o ../../src/avl.o ../../src/common.o -pthread
+ *
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "libnetdata/libnetdata.h"
+struct myvalue {
+ int i;
+void netdata_cleanup_and_exit(int ret) { exit(ret); }
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ if(argc || argv) {;}
+ DICTIONARY *dict = dictionary_create(DICT_OPTION_STATS);
+ if(!dict) fatal("Cannot create dictionary.");
+ struct rusage start, end;
+ unsigned long long dt;
+ char buf[100 + 1];
+ struct myvalue value, *v;
+ int i, max = 30000000, max2;
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start);
+ dict->stats->inserts = dict->stats->deletes = dict->stats->searches = 0ULL;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Inserting %d entries in the dictionary\n", max);
+ for(i = 0; i < max; i++) {
+ value.i = i;
+ snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", i);
+ dictionary_set(dict, buf, &value, sizeof(struct myvalue));
+ }
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end);
+ dt = (end.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + end.ru_utime.tv_usec) - (start.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + start.ru_utime.tv_usec);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Added %d entries in %llu nanoseconds: %llu inserts per second\n", max, dt, max * 1000000ULL / dt);
+ fprintf(stderr, " > Dictionary: %llu inserts, %llu deletes, %llu searches\n\n", dict->stats->inserts, dict->stats->deletes, dict->stats->searches);
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start);
+ dict->stats->inserts = dict->stats->deletes = dict->stats->searches = 0ULL;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Retrieving %d entries from the dictionary\n", max);
+ for(i = 0; i < max; i++) {
+ value.i = i;
+ snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", i);
+ v = dictionary_get(dict, buf);
+ if(!v)
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot get value %d from the dictionary\n", i);
+ else if(v->i != i)
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected %d but got %d\n", i, v->i);
+ }
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end);
+ dt = (end.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + end.ru_utime.tv_usec) - (start.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + start.ru_utime.tv_usec);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Read %d entries in %llu nanoseconds: %llu searches per second\n", max, dt, max * 1000000ULL / dt);
+ fprintf(stderr, " > Dictionary: %llu inserts, %llu deletes, %llu searches\n\n", dict->stats->inserts, dict->stats->deletes, dict->stats->searches);
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start);
+ dict->stats->inserts = dict->stats->deletes = dict->stats->searches = 0ULL;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Resetting %d entries in the dictionary\n", max);
+ for(i = 0; i < max; i++) {
+ value.i = i;
+ snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", i);
+ dictionary_set(dict, buf, &value, sizeof(struct myvalue));
+ }
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end);
+ dt = (end.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + end.ru_utime.tv_usec) - (start.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + start.ru_utime.tv_usec);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Reset %d entries in %llu nanoseconds: %llu resets per second\n", max, dt, max * 1000000ULL / dt);
+ fprintf(stderr, " > Dictionary: %llu inserts, %llu deletes, %llu searches\n\n", dict->stats->inserts, dict->stats->deletes, dict->stats->searches);
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start);
+ dict->stats->inserts = dict->stats->deletes = dict->stats->searches = 0ULL;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Searching %d non-existing entries in the dictionary\n", max);
+ max2 = max * 2;
+ for(i = max; i < max2; i++) {
+ value.i = i;
+ snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", i);
+ v = dictionary_get(dict, buf);
+ if(v)
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot got non-existing value %d from the dictionary\n", i);
+ }
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end);
+ dt = (end.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + end.ru_utime.tv_usec) - (start.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + start.ru_utime.tv_usec);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Searched %d non-existing entries in %llu nanoseconds: %llu not found searches per second\n", max, dt, max * 1000000ULL / dt);
+ fprintf(stderr, " > Dictionary: %llu inserts, %llu deletes, %llu searches\n\n", dict->stats->inserts, dict->stats->deletes, dict->stats->searches);
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start);
+ dict->stats->inserts = dict->stats->deletes = dict->stats->searches = 0ULL;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Deleting %d entries from the dictionary\n", max);
+ for(i = 0; i < max; i++) {
+ value.i = i;
+ snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", i);
+ dictionary_del(dict, buf);
+ }
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end);
+ dt = (end.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + end.ru_utime.tv_usec) - (start.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + start.ru_utime.tv_usec);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Deleted %d entries in %llu nanoseconds: %llu deletes per second\n", max, dt, max * 1000000ULL / dt);
+ fprintf(stderr, " > Dictionary: %llu inserts, %llu deletes, %llu searches\n\n", dict->stats->inserts, dict->stats->deletes, dict->stats->searches);
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start);
+ dict->stats->inserts = dict->stats->deletes = dict->stats->searches = 0ULL;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Destroying dictionary\n");
+ dictionary_destroy(dict);
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end);
+ dt = (end.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + end.ru_utime.tv_usec) - (start.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + start.ru_utime.tv_usec);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Destroyed in %llu nanoseconds\n", dt);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/profile/benchmark-line-parsing.c b/tests/profile/benchmark-line-parsing.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d47cc83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/profile/benchmark-line-parsing.c
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
+#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
+#define simple_hash(name) ({ \
+ register unsigned char *__hash_source = (unsigned char *)(name); \
+ register uint32_t __hash_value = 0x811c9dc5; \
+ while (*__hash_source) { \
+ __hash_value *= 16777619; \
+ __hash_value ^= (uint32_t) *__hash_source++; \
+ } \
+ __hash_value; \
+static inline uint32_t simple_hash2(const char *name) {
+ register unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)name;
+ register uint32_t hval = 0x811c9dc5;
+ while (*s) {
+ hval *= 16777619;
+ hval ^= (uint32_t) *s++;
+ }
+ return hval;
+static inline unsigned long long fast_strtoull(const char *s) {
+ register unsigned long long n = 0;
+ register char c;
+ for(c = *s; c >= '0' && c <= '9' ; c = *(++s)) {
+ n *= 10;
+ n += c - '0';
+ // n = (n << 1) + (n << 3) + (c - '0');
+ }
+ return n;
+static uint32_t cache_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t rss_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t rss_huge_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t mapped_file_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t writeback_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t dirty_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t swap_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t pgpgin_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t pgpgout_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t pgfault_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t pgmajfault_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t inactive_anon_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t active_anon_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t inactive_file_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t active_file_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t unevictable_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t hierarchical_memory_limit_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_cache_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_rss_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_rss_huge_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_mapped_file_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_writeback_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_dirty_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_swap_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_pgpgin_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_pgpgout_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_pgfault_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_pgmajfault_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_inactive_anon_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_active_anon_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_inactive_file_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_active_file_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_unevictable_hash = 0;
+char *strings[] = {
+ "cache",
+ "rss",
+ "rss_huge",
+ "mapped_file",
+ "writeback",
+ "dirty",
+ "swap",
+ "pgpgin",
+ "pgpgout",
+ "pgfault",
+ "pgmajfault",
+ "inactive_anon",
+ "active_anon",
+ "inactive_file",
+ "active_file",
+ "unevictable",
+ "hierarchical_memory_limit",
+ "total_cache",
+ "total_rss",
+ "total_rss_huge",
+ "total_mapped_file",
+ "total_writeback",
+ "total_dirty",
+ "total_swap",
+ "total_pgpgin",
+ "total_pgpgout",
+ "total_pgfault",
+ "total_pgmajfault",
+ "total_inactive_anon",
+ "total_active_anon",
+ "total_inactive_file",
+ "total_active_file",
+ "total_unevictable",
+unsigned long long values1[12] = { 0 };
+unsigned long long values2[12] = { 0 };
+unsigned long long values3[12] = { 0 };
+unsigned long long values4[12] = { 0 };
+unsigned long long values5[12] = { 0 };
+unsigned long long values6[12] = { 0 };
+#define NUMBER1 "12345678901234"
+#define NUMBER2 "23456789012345"
+#define NUMBER3 "34567890123456"
+#define NUMBER4 "45678901234567"
+#define NUMBER5 "56789012345678"
+#define NUMBER6 "67890123456789"
+#define NUMBER7 "78901234567890"
+#define NUMBER8 "89012345678901"
+#define NUMBER9 "90123456789012"
+#define NUMBER10 "12345678901234"
+#define NUMBER11 "23456789012345"
+// simple system strcmp()
+void test1() {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; strings[i] ; i++) {
+ char *s = strings[i];
+ if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "cache")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(NUMBER1, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "rss")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(NUMBER2, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "rss_huge")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(NUMBER3, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "mapped_file")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(NUMBER4, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "writeback")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(NUMBER5, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "dirty")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(NUMBER6, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "swap")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(NUMBER7, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "pgpgin")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(NUMBER8, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "pgpgout")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(NUMBER9, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "pgfault")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(NUMBER10, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "pgmajfault")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(NUMBER11, NULL, 10);
+ }
+// inline simple_hash() with system strtoull()
+void test2() {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; strings[i] ; i++) {
+ char *s = strings[i];
+ uint32_t hash = simple_hash2(s);
+ if(unlikely(hash == cache_hash && !strcmp(s, "cache")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(NUMBER1, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == rss_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(NUMBER2, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == rss_huge_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss_huge")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(NUMBER3, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == mapped_file_hash && !strcmp(s, "mapped_file")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(NUMBER4, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == writeback_hash && !strcmp(s, "writeback")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(NUMBER5, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == dirty_hash && !strcmp(s, "dirty")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(NUMBER6, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == swap_hash && !strcmp(s, "swap")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(NUMBER7, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgpgin_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgin")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(NUMBER8, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgpgout_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgout")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(NUMBER9, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgfault")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(NUMBER10, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgmajfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgmajfault")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(NUMBER11, NULL, 10);
+ }
+// statement expression simple_hash(), system strtoull()
+void test3() {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; strings[i] ; i++) {
+ char *s = strings[i];
+ uint32_t hash = simple_hash(s);
+ if(unlikely(hash == cache_hash && !strcmp(s, "cache")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(NUMBER1, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == rss_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(NUMBER2, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == rss_huge_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss_huge")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(NUMBER3, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == mapped_file_hash && !strcmp(s, "mapped_file")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(NUMBER4, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == writeback_hash && !strcmp(s, "writeback")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(NUMBER5, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == dirty_hash && !strcmp(s, "dirty")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(NUMBER6, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == swap_hash && !strcmp(s, "swap")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(NUMBER7, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgpgin_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgin")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(NUMBER8, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgpgout_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgout")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(NUMBER9, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgfault")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(NUMBER10, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgmajfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgmajfault")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(NUMBER11, NULL, 10);
+ }
+// inline simple_hash(), if-continue checks
+void test4() {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; strings[i] ; i++) {
+ char *s = strings[i];
+ uint32_t hash = simple_hash2(s);
+ if(unlikely(hash == cache_hash && !strcmp(s, "cache"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(NUMBER1, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == rss_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(NUMBER2, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == rss_huge_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss_huge"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(NUMBER3, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == mapped_file_hash && !strcmp(s, "mapped_file"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(NUMBER4, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == writeback_hash && !strcmp(s, "writeback"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(NUMBER5, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == dirty_hash && !strcmp(s, "dirty"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(NUMBER6, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == swap_hash && !strcmp(s, "swap"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(NUMBER7, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == pgpgin_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgin"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(NUMBER8, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == pgpgout_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgout"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(NUMBER9, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == pgfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgfault"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(NUMBER10, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == pgmajfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgmajfault"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(NUMBER11, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+// inline simple_hash(), if-else-if-else-if (netdata default)
+void test5() {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; strings[i] ; i++) {
+ char *s = strings[i];
+ uint32_t hash = simple_hash2(s);
+ if(unlikely(hash == cache_hash && !strcmp(s, "cache")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(NUMBER1);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == rss_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(NUMBER2);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == rss_huge_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss_huge")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(NUMBER3);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == mapped_file_hash && !strcmp(s, "mapped_file")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(NUMBER4);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == writeback_hash && !strcmp(s, "writeback")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(NUMBER5);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == dirty_hash && !strcmp(s, "dirty")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(NUMBER6);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == swap_hash && !strcmp(s, "swap")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(NUMBER7);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgpgin_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgin")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(NUMBER8);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgpgout_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgout")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(NUMBER9);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgfault")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(NUMBER10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgmajfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgmajfault")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(NUMBER11);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+struct entry {
+ char *name;
+ uint32_t hash;
+ int found;
+ void (*func)(void *data1, void *data2);
+ void *data1;
+ void *data2;
+ struct entry *prev, *next;
+struct base {
+ int iteration;
+ int registered;
+ int wanted;
+ int found;
+ struct entry *entries, *last;
+static inline void callback(void *data1, void *data2) {
+ char *string = data1;
+ unsigned long long *value = data2;
+ *value = fast_strtoull(string);
+static inline void callback_system_strtoull(void *data1, void *data2) {
+ char *string = data1;
+ unsigned long long *value = data2;
+ *value = strtoull(string, NULL, 10);
+static inline struct base *entry(struct base *base, const char *name, void *data1, void *data2, void (*func)(void *, void *)) {
+ if(!base)
+ base = calloc(1, sizeof(struct base));
+ struct entry *e = malloc(sizeof(struct entry));
+ e->name = strdup(name);
+ e->hash = simple_hash2(e->name);
+ e->data1 = data1;
+ e->data2 = data2;
+ e->func = func;
+ e->prev = NULL;
+ e->next = base->entries;
+ if(base->entries) base->entries->prev = e;
+ else base->last = e;
+ base->entries = e;
+ base->registered++;
+ base->wanted = base->registered;
+ return base;
+static inline int check(struct base *base, const char *s) {
+ uint32_t hash = simple_hash2(s);
+ if(likely(!strcmp(s, base->last->name))) {
+ base->last->found = 1;
+ base->found++;
+ if(base->last->func) base->last->func(base->last->data1, base->last->data2);
+ base->last = base->last->next;
+ if(!base->last)
+ base->last = base->entries;
+ if(base->found == base->registered)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // find it
+ struct entry *e;
+ for(e = base->entries; e ; e = e->next)
+ if(e->hash == hash && !strcmp(e->name, s))
+ break;
+ if(e == base->last) {
+ printf("ERROR\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(e) {
+ // found
+ // run it
+ if(e->func) e->func(e->data1, e->data2);
+ // unlink it
+ if(e->next) e->next->prev = e->prev;
+ if(e->prev) e->prev->next = e->next;
+ if(base->entries == e)
+ base->entries = e->next;
+ }
+ else {
+ // not found
+ // create it
+ e = calloc(1, sizeof(struct entry));
+ e->name = strdup(s);
+ e->hash = hash;
+ }
+ // link it here
+ e->next = base->last;
+ if(base->last) {
+ e->prev = base->last->prev;
+ base->last->prev = e;
+ if(base->entries == base->last)
+ base->entries = e;
+ }
+ else
+ e->prev = NULL;
+ if(e->prev)
+ e->prev->next = e;
+ base->last = e->next;
+ if(!base->last)
+ base->last = base->entries;
+ e->found = 1;
+ base->found++;
+ if(base->found == base->registered)
+ return 1;
+ printf("relinked '%s' after '%s' and before '%s': ", e->name, e->prev?e->prev->name:"NONE", e->next?e->next->name:"NONE");
+ for(e = base->entries; e ; e = e->next) printf("%s ", e->name);
+ printf("\n");
+ return 0;
+static inline void begin(struct base *base) {
+ if(unlikely(base->iteration % 60) == 1) {
+ base->wanted = 0;
+ struct entry *e;
+ for(e = base->entries; e ; e = e->next)
+ if(e->found) base->wanted++;
+ }
+ base->iteration++;
+ base->last = base->entries;
+ base->found = 0;
+void test6() {
+ static struct base *base = NULL;
+ if(unlikely(!base)) {
+ base = entry(base, "cache", NUMBER1, &values6[0], callback_system_strtoull);
+ base = entry(base, "rss", NUMBER2, &values6[1], callback_system_strtoull);
+ base = entry(base, "rss_huge", NUMBER3, &values6[2], callback_system_strtoull);
+ base = entry(base, "mapped_file", NUMBER4, &values6[3], callback_system_strtoull);
+ base = entry(base, "writeback", NUMBER5, &values6[4], callback_system_strtoull);
+ base = entry(base, "dirty", NUMBER6, &values6[5], callback_system_strtoull);
+ base = entry(base, "swap", NUMBER7, &values6[6], callback_system_strtoull);
+ base = entry(base, "pgpgin", NUMBER8, &values6[7], callback_system_strtoull);
+ base = entry(base, "pgpgout", NUMBER9, &values6[8], callback_system_strtoull);
+ base = entry(base, "pgfault", NUMBER10, &values6[9], callback_system_strtoull);
+ base = entry(base, "pgmajfault", NUMBER11, &values6[10], callback_system_strtoull);
+ }
+ begin(base);
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; strings[i] ; i++) {
+ if(check(base, strings[i]))
+ break;
+ }
+void test7() {
+ static struct base *base = NULL;
+ if(unlikely(!base)) {
+ base = entry(base, "cache", NUMBER1, &values6[0], callback);
+ base = entry(base, "rss", NUMBER2, &values6[1], callback);
+ base = entry(base, "rss_huge", NUMBER3, &values6[2], callback);
+ base = entry(base, "mapped_file", NUMBER4, &values6[3], callback);
+ base = entry(base, "writeback", NUMBER5, &values6[4], callback);
+ base = entry(base, "dirty", NUMBER6, &values6[5], callback);
+ base = entry(base, "swap", NUMBER7, &values6[6], callback);
+ base = entry(base, "pgpgin", NUMBER8, &values6[7], callback);
+ base = entry(base, "pgpgout", NUMBER9, &values6[8], callback);
+ base = entry(base, "pgfault", NUMBER10, &values6[9], callback);
+ base = entry(base, "pgmajfault", NUMBER11, &values6[10], callback);
+ }
+ begin(base);
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; strings[i] ; i++) {
+ if(check(base, strings[i]))
+ break;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ==============
+// --- Poor man cycle counting.
+static unsigned long tsc;
+static void begin_tsc(void)
+ unsigned long a, d;
+ asm volatile ("cpuid\nrdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d) : "0" (0) : "ebx", "ecx");
+ tsc = ((unsigned long)d << 32) | (unsigned long)a;
+static unsigned long end_tsc(void)
+ unsigned long a, d;
+ asm volatile ("rdtscp" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d) : : "ecx");
+ return (((unsigned long)d << 32) | (unsigned long)a) - tsc;
+// ===============
+static unsigned long long clk;
+static void begin_clock() {
+ struct timeval tv;
+ if(unlikely(gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == -1))
+ return;
+ clk = tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec;
+static unsigned long long end_clock() {
+ struct timeval tv;
+ if(unlikely(gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == -1))
+ return -1;
+ return clk = tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec - clk;
+void main(void)
+ cache_hash = simple_hash("cache");
+ rss_hash = simple_hash("rss");
+ rss_huge_hash = simple_hash("rss_huge");
+ mapped_file_hash = simple_hash("mapped_file");
+ writeback_hash = simple_hash("writeback");
+ dirty_hash = simple_hash("dirty");
+ swap_hash = simple_hash("swap");
+ pgpgin_hash = simple_hash("pgpgin");
+ pgpgout_hash = simple_hash("pgpgout");
+ pgfault_hash = simple_hash("pgfault");
+ pgmajfault_hash = simple_hash("pgmajfault");
+ inactive_anon_hash = simple_hash("inactive_anon");
+ active_anon_hash = simple_hash("active_anon");
+ inactive_file_hash = simple_hash("inactive_file");
+ active_file_hash = simple_hash("active_file");
+ unevictable_hash = simple_hash("unevictable");
+ hierarchical_memory_limit_hash = simple_hash("hierarchical_memory_limit");
+ total_cache_hash = simple_hash("total_cache");
+ total_rss_hash = simple_hash("total_rss");
+ total_rss_huge_hash = simple_hash("total_rss_huge");
+ total_mapped_file_hash = simple_hash("total_mapped_file");
+ total_writeback_hash = simple_hash("total_writeback");
+ total_dirty_hash = simple_hash("total_dirty");
+ total_swap_hash = simple_hash("total_swap");
+ total_pgpgin_hash = simple_hash("total_pgpgin");
+ total_pgpgout_hash = simple_hash("total_pgpgout");
+ total_pgfault_hash = simple_hash("total_pgfault");
+ total_pgmajfault_hash = simple_hash("total_pgmajfault");
+ total_inactive_anon_hash = simple_hash("total_inactive_anon");
+ total_active_anon_hash = simple_hash("total_active_anon");
+ total_inactive_file_hash = simple_hash("total_inactive_file");
+ total_active_file_hash = simple_hash("total_active_file");
+ total_unevictable_hash = simple_hash("total_unevictable");
+ unsigned long i, c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0, c4 = 0, c5 = 0, c6 = 0, c7;
+ unsigned long max = 1000000;
+ // let the processor get up to speed
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test1();
+ c1 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test1();
+ c1 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test2();
+ c2 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test3();
+ c3 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test4();
+ c4 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test5();
+ c5 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test6();
+ c6 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test7();
+ c7 = end_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i < 11 ; i++)
+ printf("value %lu: %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu\n", i, values1[i], values2[i], values3[i], values4[i], values5[i], values6[i]);
+ printf("\n\nRESULTS\n");
+ printf("test1() in %lu usecs: if-else-if-else-if, simple strcmp() with system strtoull().\n"
+ "test2() in %lu usecs: inline simple_hash() if-else-if-else-if, with system strtoull().\n"
+ "test3() in %lu usecs: statement expression simple_hash(), system strtoull().\n"
+ "test4() in %lu usecs: inline simple_hash(), if-continue checks, system strtoull().\n"
+ "test5() in %lu usecs: inline simple_hash(), if-else-if-else-if, custom strtoull() (netdata default prior to ARL).\n"
+ "test6() in %lu usecs: adaptive re-sortable list, system strtoull() (wow!)\n"
+ "test7() in %lu usecs: adaptive re-sortable list, custom strtoull() (wow!)\n"
+ , c1
+ , c2
+ , c3
+ , c4
+ , c5
+ , c6
+ , c7
+ );
diff --git a/tests/profile/benchmark-procfile-parser.c b/tests/profile/benchmark-procfile-parser.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7302da54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/profile/benchmark-procfile-parser.c
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "libnetdata/libnetdata.h"
+void netdata_cleanup_and_exit(int ret) {
+ exit(ret);
+extern size_t procfile_max_lines;
+extern size_t procfile_max_words;
+extern size_t procfile_max_allocation;
+static inline void pflines_reset(pflines *fl) {
+ // netdata_log_debug(D_PROCFILE, PF_PREFIX ": resetting lines");
+ fl->len = 0;
+static inline void pflines_free(pflines *fl) {
+ // netdata_log_debug(D_PROCFILE, PF_PREFIX ": freeing lines");
+ freez(fl);
+static inline void pfwords_reset(pfwords *fw) {
+ // netdata_log_debug(D_PROCFILE, PF_PREFIX ": resetting words");
+ fw->len = 0;
+static inline void pfwords_add(procfile *ff, char *str) {
+ // netdata_log_debug(D_PROCFILE, PF_PREFIX ": adding word No %d: '%s'", fw->len, str);
+ pfwords *fw = ff->words;
+ if(unlikely(fw->len == fw->size)) {
+ // netdata_log_debug(D_PROCFILE, PF_PREFIX ": expanding words");
+ ff->words = fw = reallocz(fw, sizeof(pfwords) + (fw->size + PFWORDS_INCREASE_STEP) * sizeof(char *));
+ }
+ fw->words[fw->len++] = str;
+static inline size_t *pflines_add(procfile *ff) {
+ // netdata_log_debug(D_PROCFILE, PF_PREFIX ": adding line %d at word %d", fl->len, first_word);
+ pflines *fl = ff->lines;
+ if(unlikely(fl->len == fl->size)) {
+ // netdata_log_debug(D_PROCFILE, PF_PREFIX ": expanding lines");
+ ff->lines = fl = reallocz(fl, sizeof(pflines) + (fl->size + PFLINES_INCREASE_STEP) * sizeof(ffline));
+ }
+ ffline *ffl = &fl->lines[fl->len++];
+ ffl->words = 0;
+ ffl->first = ff->words->len;
+ return &ffl->words;
+static void procfile_parser(procfile *ff) {
+ // netdata_log_debug(D_PROCFILE, PF_PREFIX ": Parsing file '%s'", ff->filename);
+ char *s = ff->data // our current position
+ , *e = &ff->data[ff->len] // the terminating null
+ , *t = ff->data; // the first character of a word (or quoted / parenthesized string)
+ // the look up array to find our type of character
+ PF_CHAR_TYPE *separators = ff->separators;
+ char quote = 0; // the quote character - only when in quoted string
+ size_t opened = 0; // counts the number of open parenthesis
+ size_t *line_words = pflines_add(ff);
+ while(s < e) {
+ PF_CHAR_TYPE ct = separators[(unsigned char)(*s)];
+ // this is faster than a switch()
+ // read more here:
+ switch(ct) {
+ if(!quote && !opened) {
+ if (s != t) {
+ // separator, but we have word before it
+ *s = '\0';
+ pfwords_add(ff, t);
+ (*line_words)++;
+ }
+ t = s + 1;
+ }
+ // fallthrough
+ s++;
+ break;
+ // end of line
+ *s = '\0';
+ pfwords_add(ff, t);
+ (*line_words)++;
+ t = ++s;
+ // netdata_log_debug(D_PROCFILE, PF_PREFIX ": ended line %d with %d words", l, ff->lines->lines[l].words);
+ line_words = pflines_add(ff);
+ break;
+ if(unlikely(!quote && s == t)) {
+ // quote opened at the beginning
+ quote = *s;
+ t = ++s;
+ }
+ else if(unlikely(quote && quote == *s)) {
+ // quote closed
+ quote = 0;
+ *s = '\0';
+ pfwords_add(ff, t);
+ (*line_words)++;
+ t = ++s;
+ }
+ else
+ s++;
+ break;
+ if(s == t) {
+ opened++;
+ t = ++s;
+ }
+ else if(opened) {
+ opened++;
+ s++;
+ }
+ else
+ s++;
+ break;
+ if(opened) {
+ opened--;
+ if(!opened) {
+ *s = '\0';
+ pfwords_add(ff, t);
+ (*line_words)++;
+ t = ++s;
+ }
+ else
+ s++;
+ }
+ else
+ s++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatal("Internal Error: procfile_readall() does not handle all the cases.");
+ }
+ }
+ if(likely(s > t && t < e)) {
+ // the last word
+ if(unlikely(ff->len >= ff->size)) {
+ // we are going to loose the last byte
+ s = &ff->data[ff->size - 1];
+ }
+ *s = '\0';
+ pfwords_add(ff, t);
+ (*line_words)++;
+ // t = ++s;
+ }
+procfile *procfile_readall1(procfile *ff) {
+ // netdata_log_debug(D_PROCFILE, PF_PREFIX ": Reading file '%s'.", ff->filename);
+ ff->len = 0; // zero the used size
+ ssize_t r = 1; // read at least once
+ while(r > 0) {
+ ssize_t s = ff->len;
+ ssize_t x = ff->size - s;
+ if(unlikely(!x)) {
+ netdata_log_debug(D_PROCFILE, PF_PREFIX ": Expanding data buffer for file '%s'.", procfile_filename(ff));
+ ff = reallocz(ff, sizeof(procfile) + ff->size + PROCFILE_INCREMENT_BUFFER);
+ }
+ netdata_log_debug(D_PROCFILE, "Reading file '%s', from position %zd with length %zd", procfile_filename(ff), s, (ssize_t)(ff->size - s));
+ r = read(ff->fd, &ff->data[s], ff->size - s);
+ if(unlikely(r == -1)) {
+ if(unlikely(!(ff->flags & PROCFILE_FLAG_NO_ERROR_ON_FILE_IO))) netdata_log_error(PF_PREFIX ": Cannot read from file '%s' on fd %d", procfile_filename(ff), ff->fd);
+ procfile_close(ff);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ff->len += r;
+ }
+ // netdata_log_debug(D_PROCFILE, "Rewinding file '%s'", ff->filename);
+ if(unlikely(lseek(ff->fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1)) {
+ if(unlikely(!(ff->flags & PROCFILE_FLAG_NO_ERROR_ON_FILE_IO))) netdata_log_error(PF_PREFIX ": Cannot rewind on file '%s'.", procfile_filename(ff));
+ procfile_close(ff);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pflines_reset(ff->lines);
+ pfwords_reset(ff->words);
+ procfile_parser(ff);
+ if(unlikely(procfile_adaptive_initial_allocation)) {
+ if(unlikely(ff->len > procfile_max_allocation)) procfile_max_allocation = ff->len;
+ if(unlikely(ff->lines->len > procfile_max_lines)) procfile_max_lines = ff->lines->len;
+ if(unlikely(ff->words->len > procfile_max_words)) procfile_max_words = ff->words->len;
+ }
+ // netdata_log_debug(D_PROCFILE, "File '%s' updated.", ff->filename);
+ return ff;
+// ==============
+// --- Poor man cycle counting.
+static unsigned long tsc;
+void begin_tsc(void)
+ unsigned long a, d;
+ asm volatile ("cpuid\nrdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d) : "0" (0) : "ebx", "ecx");
+ tsc = ((unsigned long)d << 32) | (unsigned long)a;
+unsigned long end_tsc(void)
+ unsigned long a, d;
+ asm volatile ("rdtscp" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d) : : "ecx");
+ return (((unsigned long)d << 32) | (unsigned long)a) - tsc;
+// ==============
+unsigned long test_netdata_internal(void) {
+ static procfile *ff = NULL;
+ ff = procfile_reopen(ff, "/proc/self/status", " \t:,-()/", PROCFILE_FLAG_NO_ERROR_ON_FILE_IO);
+ if(!ff) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open filename\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ begin_tsc();
+ ff = procfile_readall(ff);
+ unsigned long c = end_tsc();
+ if(!ff) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read filename\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ return c;
+unsigned long test_method1(void) {
+ static procfile *ff = NULL;
+ ff = procfile_reopen(ff, "/proc/self/status", " \t:,-()/", PROCFILE_FLAG_NO_ERROR_ON_FILE_IO);
+ if(!ff) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open filename\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ begin_tsc();
+ ff = procfile_readall1(ff);
+ unsigned long c = end_tsc();
+ if(!ff) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read filename\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ return c;
+//--- Test
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ (void)argc; (void)argv;
+ int i, max = 1000000;
+ unsigned long c1 = 0;
+ test_netdata_internal();
+ for(i = 0; i < max ; i++)
+ c1 += test_netdata_internal();
+ unsigned long c2 = 0;
+ test_method1();
+ for(i = 0; i < max ; i++)
+ c2 += test_method1();
+ printf("netdata internal: completed in %lu cycles, %lu cycles per read, %0.2f %%.\n", c1, c1 / max, (float)c1 * 100.0 / (float)c1);
+ printf("method1 : completed in %lu cycles, %lu cycles per read, %0.2f %%.\n", c2, c2 / max, (float)c2 * 100.0 / (float)c1);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/profile/benchmark-registry.c b/tests/profile/benchmark-registry.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfed6d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/profile/benchmark-registry.c
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */
+ * compile with
+ * gcc -O1 -ggdb -Wall -Wextra -I ../src/ -I ../ -o benchmark-registry benchmark-registry.c ../src/dictionary.o ../src/log.o ../src/avl.o ../src/common.o ../src/appconfig.o ../src/web_buffer.o ../src/storage_number.o ../src/rrd.o ../src/health.o -pthread -luuid -lm -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DVARLIB_DIR="\"/tmp\""
+ */
+char *hostname = "me";
+#include "../src/registry.c"
+void netdata_cleanup_and_exit(int ret) { exit(ret); }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int test1(int argc, char **argv) {
+ void print_stats(uint32_t requests, unsigned long long start, unsigned long long end) {
+ fprintf(stderr, " > SPEED: %u requests served in %0.2f seconds ( >>> %llu per second <<< )\n",
+ requests, (end-start) / 1000000.0, (unsigned long long)requests * 1000000ULL / (end-start));
+ fprintf(stderr, " > DB : persons %llu, machines %llu, unique URLs %llu, accesses %llu, URLs: for persons %llu, for machines %llu\n",
+ registry.persons_count, registry.machines_count, registry.urls_count, registry.usages_count,
+ registry.persons_urls_count, registry.machines_urls_count);
+ }
+ (void) argc;
+ (void) argv;
+ uint32_t u, users = 1000000;
+ uint32_t m, machines = 200000;
+ uint32_t machines2 = machines * 2;
+ char **users_guids = malloc(users * sizeof(char *));
+ char **machines_guids = malloc(machines2 * sizeof(char *));
+ char **machines_urls = malloc(machines2 * sizeof(char *));
+ unsigned long long start;
+ registry_init();
+ fprintf(stderr, "Generating %u machine guids\n", machines2);
+ for(m = 0; m < machines2 ;m++) {
+ uuid_t uuid;
+ machines_guids[m] = malloc(36+1);
+ uuid_generate(uuid);
+ uuid_unparse(uuid, machines_guids[m]);
+ char buf[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
+ snprintfz(buf, FILENAME_MAX, "", m+1);
+ machines_urls[m] = strdup(buf);
+ // fprintf(stderr, "\tmachine %u: '%s', url: '%s'\n", m + 1, machines_guids[m], machines_urls[m]);
+ }
+ start = timems();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nGenerating %u users accessing %u machines\n", users, machines);
+ m = 0;
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+ for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
+ if(++m == machines) m = 0;
+ PERSON *p = registry_request_access(NULL, machines_guids[m], machines_urls[m], "test", now);
+ users_guids[u] = p->guid;
+ }
+ print_stats(u, start, timems());
+ start = timems();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nAll %u users accessing again the same %u servers\n", users, machines);
+ m = 0;
+ now = time(NULL);
+ for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
+ if(++m == machines) m = 0;
+ PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[u], machines_guids[m], machines_urls[m], "test", now);
+ if(p->guid != users_guids[u])
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[u], p->guid);
+ }
+ print_stats(u, start, timems());
+ start = timems();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nAll %u users accessing a new server, out of the %u servers\n", users, machines);
+ m = 1;
+ now = time(NULL);
+ for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
+ if(++m == machines) m = 0;
+ PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[u], machines_guids[m], machines_urls[m], "test", now);
+ if(p->guid != users_guids[u])
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[u], p->guid);
+ }
+ print_stats(u, start, timems());
+ start = timems();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n%u random users accessing a random server, out of the %u servers\n", users, machines);
+ now = time(NULL);
+ for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
+ uint32_t tu = random() * users / RAND_MAX;
+ uint32_t tm = random() * machines / RAND_MAX;
+ PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[tu], machines_guids[tm], machines_urls[tm], "test", now);
+ if(p->guid != users_guids[tu])
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[tu], p->guid);
+ }
+ print_stats(u, start, timems());
+ start = timems();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n%u random users accessing a random server, out of %u servers\n", users, machines2);
+ now = time(NULL);
+ for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
+ uint32_t tu = random() * users / RAND_MAX;
+ uint32_t tm = random() * machines2 / RAND_MAX;
+ PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[tu], machines_guids[tm], machines_urls[tm], "test", now);
+ if(p->guid != users_guids[tu])
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[tu], p->guid);
+ }
+ print_stats(u, start, timems());
+ for(m = 0; m < 10; m++) {
+ start = timems();
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "\n%u random user accesses to a random server, out of %u servers,\n > using 1/10000 with a random url, 1/1000 with a mismatched url\n",
+ users * 2, machines2);
+ now = time(NULL);
+ for (u = 0; u < users * 2; u++) {
+ uint32_t tu = random() * users / RAND_MAX;
+ uint32_t tm = random() * machines2 / RAND_MAX;
+ char *url = machines_urls[tm];
+ char buf[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
+ if (random() % 10000 == 1234) {
+ snprintfz(buf, FILENAME_MAX, "", random());
+ url = buf;
+ }
+ else if (random() % 1000 == 123)
+ url = machines_urls[random() * machines2 / RAND_MAX];
+ PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[tu], machines_guids[tm], url, "test", now);
+ if (p->guid != users_guids[tu])
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[tu], p->guid);
+ }
+ print_stats(u, start, timems());
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nSAVE\n");
+ start = timems();
+ registry_save();
+ print_stats(registry.persons_count, start, timems());
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nCLEANUP\n");
+ start = timems();
+ registry_free();
+ print_stats(registry.persons_count, start, timems());
+ return 0;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ config_set_boolean("registry", "enabled", 1);
+ //debug_flags = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ test1(argc, argv);
+ exit(0);
+ (void)argc;
+ (void)argv;
+ PERSON *p1, *p2;
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nINITIALIZATION\n");
+ registry_init();
+ int i = 2;
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ENTRY\n");
+ p1 = registry_request_access("2c95abd0-1542-11e6-8c66-00508db7e9c9", "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "http://localhost:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
+ if(0)
+ while(i--) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ENTRY\n");
+ p1 = registry_request_access(NULL, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "http://localhost:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER URL\n");
+ p1 = registry_request_access(p1->guid, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "", "test", time(NULL));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER URL\n");
+ p1 = registry_request_access(p1->guid, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "http://my.server:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER MACHINE\n");
+ p1 = registry_request_access(p1->guid, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "http://my.server:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER PERSON\n");
+ p2 = registry_request_access(NULL, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c3", "http://localhost:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER MACHINE\n");
+ p2 = registry_request_access(p2->guid, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c3", "http://localhost:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nSAVE\n");
+ registry_save();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nCLEANUP\n");
+ registry_free();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/profile/benchmark-value-pairs.c b/tests/profile/benchmark-value-pairs.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae4f53c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/profile/benchmark-value-pairs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "libnetdata/libnetdata.h"
+#ifdef simple_hash
+#undef simple_hash
+void netdata_cleanup_and_exit(int ret) {
+ exit(ret);
+#define simple_hash(name) ({ \
+ register unsigned char *__hash_source = (unsigned char *)(name); \
+ register uint32_t __hash_value = 0x811c9dc5; \
+ while (*__hash_source) { \
+ __hash_value *= 16777619; \
+ __hash_value ^= (uint32_t) *__hash_source++; \
+ } \
+ __hash_value; \
+static inline uint32_t simple_hash2(const char *name) {
+ register unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)name;
+ register uint32_t hval = 0x811c9dc5;
+ while (*s) {
+ hval *= 16777619;
+ hval ^= (uint32_t) *s++;
+ }
+ return hval;
+static inline unsigned long long fast_strtoull(const char *s) {
+ register unsigned long long n = 0;
+ register char c;
+ for(c = *s; c >= '0' && c <= '9' ; c = *(++s)) {
+ n *= 10;
+ n += c - '0';
+ // n = (n << 1) + (n << 3) + (c - '0');
+ }
+ return n;
+static uint32_t cache_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t rss_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t rss_huge_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t mapped_file_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t writeback_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t dirty_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t swap_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t pgpgin_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t pgpgout_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t pgfault_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t pgmajfault_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t inactive_anon_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t active_anon_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t inactive_file_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t active_file_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t unevictable_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t hierarchical_memory_limit_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_cache_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_rss_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_rss_huge_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_mapped_file_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_writeback_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_dirty_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_swap_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_pgpgin_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_pgpgout_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_pgfault_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_pgmajfault_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_inactive_anon_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_active_anon_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_inactive_file_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_active_file_hash = 0;
+static uint32_t total_unevictable_hash = 0;
+unsigned long long values1[50] = { 0 };
+unsigned long long values2[50] = { 0 };
+unsigned long long values3[50] = { 0 };
+unsigned long long values4[50] = { 0 };
+unsigned long long values5[50] = { 0 };
+unsigned long long values6[50] = { 0 };
+unsigned long long values7[50] = { 0 };
+unsigned long long values8[50] = { 0 };
+unsigned long long values9[50] = { 0 };
+struct pair {
+ const char *name;
+ const char *value;
+ uint32_t hash;
+ unsigned long long *collected8;
+ unsigned long long *collected9;
+} pairs[] = {
+ { "cache", "12345678901234", 0, &values8[0] ,&values9[0] },
+ { "rss", "23456789012345", 0, &values8[1] ,&values9[1] },
+ { "rss_huge", "34567890123456", 0, &values8[2] ,&values9[2] },
+ { "mapped_file", "45678901234567", 0, &values8[3] ,&values9[3] },
+ { "writeback", "56789012345678", 0, &values8[4] ,&values9[4] },
+ { "dirty", "67890123456789", 0, &values8[5] ,&values9[5] },
+ { "swap", "78901234567890", 0, &values8[6] ,&values9[6] },
+ { "pgpgin", "89012345678901", 0, &values8[7] ,&values9[7] },
+ { "pgpgout", "90123456789012", 0, &values8[8] ,&values9[8] },
+ { "pgfault", "10345678901234", 0, &values8[9] ,&values9[9] },
+ { "pgmajfault", "11456789012345", 0, &values8[10] ,&values9[10] },
+ { "inactive_anon", "12000000000000", 0, &values8[11] ,&values9[11] },
+ { "active_anon", "13345678901234", 0, &values8[12] ,&values9[12] },
+ { "inactive_file", "14345678901234", 0, &values8[13] ,&values9[13] },
+ { "active_file", "15345678901234", 0, &values8[14] ,&values9[14] },
+ { "unevictable", "16345678901234", 0, &values8[15] ,&values9[15] },
+ { "hierarchical_memory_limit", "17345678901234", 0, &values8[16] ,&values9[16] },
+ { "total_cache", "18345678901234", 0, &values8[17] ,&values9[17] },
+ { "total_rss", "19345678901234", 0, &values8[18] ,&values9[18] },
+ { "total_rss_huge", "20345678901234", 0, &values8[19] ,&values9[19] },
+ { "total_mapped_file", "21345678901234", 0, &values8[20] ,&values9[20] },
+ { "total_writeback", "22345678901234", 0, &values8[21] ,&values9[21] },
+ { "total_dirty", "23000000000000", 0, &values8[22] ,&values9[22] },
+ { "total_swap", "24345678901234", 0, &values8[23] ,&values9[23] },
+ { "total_pgpgin", "25345678901234", 0, &values8[24] ,&values9[24] },
+ { "total_pgpgout", "26345678901234", 0, &values8[25] ,&values9[25] },
+ { "total_pgfault", "27345678901234", 0, &values8[26] ,&values9[26] },
+ { "total_pgmajfault", "28345678901234", 0, &values8[27] ,&values9[27] },
+ { "total_inactive_anon", "29345678901234", 0, &values8[28] ,&values9[28] },
+ { "total_active_anon", "30345678901234", 0, &values8[29] ,&values9[29] },
+ { "total_inactive_file", "31345678901234", 0, &values8[30] ,&values9[30] },
+ { "total_active_file", "32345678901234", 0, &values8[31] ,&values9[31] },
+ { "total_unevictable", "33345678901234", 0, &values8[32] ,&values9[32] },
+ { NULL, NULL , 0, NULL ,NULL }
+// simple system strcmp()
+void test1() {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; pairs[i].name ; i++) {
+ const char *s = pairs[i].name;
+ const char *v = pairs[i].value;
+ if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "cache")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "rss")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "rss_huge")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "mapped_file")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "writeback")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "dirty")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "swap")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "pgpgin")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "pgpgout")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "pgfault")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(!strcmp(s, "pgmajfault")))
+ values1[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ }
+// inline simple_hash() with system strtoull()
+void test2() {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; pairs[i].name ; i++) {
+ const char *s = pairs[i].name;
+ const char *v = pairs[i].value;
+ uint32_t hash = simple_hash2(s);
+ if(unlikely(hash == cache_hash && !strcmp(s, "cache")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == rss_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == rss_huge_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss_huge")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == mapped_file_hash && !strcmp(s, "mapped_file")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == writeback_hash && !strcmp(s, "writeback")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == dirty_hash && !strcmp(s, "dirty")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == swap_hash && !strcmp(s, "swap")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgpgin_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgin")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgpgout_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgout")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgfault")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgmajfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgmajfault")))
+ values2[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ }
+// statement expression simple_hash(), system strtoull()
+void test3() {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; pairs[i].name ; i++) {
+ const char *s = pairs[i].name;
+ const char *v = pairs[i].value;
+ uint32_t hash = simple_hash(s);
+ if(unlikely(hash == cache_hash && !strcmp(s, "cache")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == rss_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == rss_huge_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss_huge")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == mapped_file_hash && !strcmp(s, "mapped_file")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == writeback_hash && !strcmp(s, "writeback")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == dirty_hash && !strcmp(s, "dirty")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == swap_hash && !strcmp(s, "swap")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgpgin_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgin")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgpgout_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgout")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgfault")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgmajfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgmajfault")))
+ values3[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 10);
+ }
+// inline simple_hash(), if-continue checks
+void test4() {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; pairs[i].name ; i++) {
+ const char *s = pairs[i].name;
+ const char *v = pairs[i].value;
+ uint32_t hash = simple_hash2(s);
+ if(unlikely(hash == cache_hash && !strcmp(s, "cache"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == rss_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == rss_huge_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss_huge"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == mapped_file_hash && !strcmp(s, "mapped_file"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == writeback_hash && !strcmp(s, "writeback"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == dirty_hash && !strcmp(s, "dirty"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == swap_hash && !strcmp(s, "swap"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == pgpgin_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgin"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == pgpgout_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgout"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == pgfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgfault"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(unlikely(hash == pgmajfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgmajfault"))) {
+ values4[i] = strtoull(v, NULL, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+// inline simple_hash(), if-else-if-else-if (netdata default)
+void test5() {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; pairs[i].name ; i++) {
+ const char *s = pairs[i].name;
+ const char *v = pairs[i].value;
+ uint32_t hash = simple_hash2(s);
+ if(unlikely(hash == cache_hash && !strcmp(s, "cache")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(v);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == rss_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(v);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == rss_huge_hash && !strcmp(s, "rss_huge")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(v);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == mapped_file_hash && !strcmp(s, "mapped_file")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(v);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == writeback_hash && !strcmp(s, "writeback")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(v);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == dirty_hash && !strcmp(s, "dirty")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(v);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == swap_hash && !strcmp(s, "swap")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(v);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgpgin_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgin")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(v);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgpgout_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgpgout")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(v);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgfault")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(v);
+ else if(unlikely(hash == pgmajfault_hash && !strcmp(s, "pgmajfault")))
+ values5[i] = fast_strtoull(v);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void arl_strtoull(const char *name, uint32_t hash, const char *value, void *dst) {
+ (void)name;
+ (void)hash;
+ register unsigned long long *d = dst;
+ *d = strtoull(value, NULL, 10);
+ // fprintf(stderr, "name '%s' with hash %u and value '%s' is %llu\n", name, hash, value, *d);
+void test6() {
+ static ARL_BASE *base = NULL;
+ if(unlikely(!base)) {
+ base = arl_create("test6", arl_strtoull, 60);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "cache", NULL, &values6[0]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "rss", NULL, &values6[1]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "rss_huge", NULL, &values6[2]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "mapped_file", NULL, &values6[3]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "writeback", NULL, &values6[4]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "dirty", NULL, &values6[5]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "swap", NULL, &values6[6]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "pgpgin", NULL, &values6[7]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "pgpgout", NULL, &values6[8]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "pgfault", NULL, &values6[9]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "pgmajfault", NULL, &values6[10]);
+ }
+ arl_begin(base);
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; pairs[i].name ; i++)
+ if(arl_check(base, pairs[i].name, pairs[i].value)) break;
+void arl_str2ull(const char *name, uint32_t hash, const char *value, void *dst) {
+ (void)name;
+ (void)hash;
+ register unsigned long long *d = dst;
+ *d = str2ull(value);
+ // fprintf(stderr, "name '%s' with hash %u and value '%s' is %llu\n", name, hash, value, *d);
+void test7() {
+ static ARL_BASE *base = NULL;
+ if(unlikely(!base)) {
+ base = arl_create("test7", arl_str2ull, 60);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "cache", NULL, &values7[0]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "rss", NULL, &values7[1]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "rss_huge", NULL, &values7[2]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "mapped_file", NULL, &values7[3]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "writeback", NULL, &values7[4]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "dirty", NULL, &values7[5]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "swap", NULL, &values7[6]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "pgpgin", NULL, &values7[7]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "pgpgout", NULL, &values7[8]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "pgfault", NULL, &values7[9]);
+ arl_expect_custom(base, "pgmajfault", NULL, &values7[10]);
+ }
+ arl_begin(base);
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; pairs[i].name ; i++)
+ if(arl_check(base, pairs[i].name, pairs[i].value)) break;
+void test8() {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; pairs[i].name; i++) {
+ uint32_t hash = simple_hash(pairs[i].name);
+ int j;
+ for(j = 0; pairs[j].name; j++) {
+ if(hash == pairs[j].hash && !strcmp(pairs[i].name, pairs[j].name)) {
+ *pairs[j].collected8 = strtoull(pairs[i].value, NULL, 10);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void test9() {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; pairs[i].name; i++) {
+ uint32_t hash = simple_hash(pairs[i].name);
+ int j;
+ for(j = 0; pairs[j].name; j++) {
+ if(hash == pairs[j].hash && !strcmp(pairs[i].name, pairs[j].name)) {
+ *pairs[j].collected9 = str2ull(pairs[i].value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ==============
+// --- Poor man cycle counting.
+static unsigned long tsc;
+static void begin_tsc(void)
+ unsigned long a, d;
+ asm volatile ("cpuid\nrdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d) : "0" (0) : "ebx", "ecx");
+ tsc = ((unsigned long)d << 32) | (unsigned long)a;
+static unsigned long end_tsc(void)
+ unsigned long a, d;
+ asm volatile ("rdtscp" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d) : : "ecx");
+ return (((unsigned long)d << 32) | (unsigned long)a) - tsc;
+// ===============
+static unsigned long long clk;
+static void begin_clock() {
+ struct timeval tv;
+ if(unlikely(gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == -1))
+ return;
+ clk = tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec;
+static unsigned long long end_clock() {
+ struct timeval tv;
+ if(unlikely(gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == -1))
+ return -1;
+ return clk = tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec - clk;
+int main(void)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; pairs[i].name; i++)
+ pairs[i].hash = simple_hash(pairs[i].name);
+ }
+ cache_hash = simple_hash("cache");
+ rss_hash = simple_hash("rss");
+ rss_huge_hash = simple_hash("rss_huge");
+ mapped_file_hash = simple_hash("mapped_file");
+ writeback_hash = simple_hash("writeback");
+ dirty_hash = simple_hash("dirty");
+ swap_hash = simple_hash("swap");
+ pgpgin_hash = simple_hash("pgpgin");
+ pgpgout_hash = simple_hash("pgpgout");
+ pgfault_hash = simple_hash("pgfault");
+ pgmajfault_hash = simple_hash("pgmajfault");
+ inactive_anon_hash = simple_hash("inactive_anon");
+ active_anon_hash = simple_hash("active_anon");
+ inactive_file_hash = simple_hash("inactive_file");
+ active_file_hash = simple_hash("active_file");
+ unevictable_hash = simple_hash("unevictable");
+ hierarchical_memory_limit_hash = simple_hash("hierarchical_memory_limit");
+ total_cache_hash = simple_hash("total_cache");
+ total_rss_hash = simple_hash("total_rss");
+ total_rss_huge_hash = simple_hash("total_rss_huge");
+ total_mapped_file_hash = simple_hash("total_mapped_file");
+ total_writeback_hash = simple_hash("total_writeback");
+ total_dirty_hash = simple_hash("total_dirty");
+ total_swap_hash = simple_hash("total_swap");
+ total_pgpgin_hash = simple_hash("total_pgpgin");
+ total_pgpgout_hash = simple_hash("total_pgpgout");
+ total_pgfault_hash = simple_hash("total_pgfault");
+ total_pgmajfault_hash = simple_hash("total_pgmajfault");
+ total_inactive_anon_hash = simple_hash("total_inactive_anon");
+ total_active_anon_hash = simple_hash("total_active_anon");
+ total_inactive_file_hash = simple_hash("total_inactive_file");
+ total_active_file_hash = simple_hash("total_active_file");
+ total_unevictable_hash = simple_hash("total_unevictable");
+ // cache functions
+ (void)simple_hash2("hello world");
+ (void)strcmp("1", "2");
+ (void)strtoull("123", NULL, 0);
+ unsigned long i, c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0, c4 = 0, c5 = 0, c6 = 0, c7 = 0, c8 = 0, c9 = 0;
+ unsigned long max = 1000000;
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test1();
+ c1 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test2();
+ c2 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test3();
+ c3 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test4();
+ c4 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test5();
+ c5 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test6();
+ c6 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test7();
+ c7 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test8();
+ c8 = end_clock();
+ begin_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i <= max ;i++) test9();
+ c9 = end_clock();
+ for(i = 0; i < 11 ; i++)
+ printf("value %lu: %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu\n", i, values1[i], values2[i], values3[i], values4[i], values5[i], values6[i], values7[i], values8[i], values9[i]);
+ printf("\n\nRESULTS\n");
+ printf("test1() [1] in %lu usecs: simple system strcmp().\n"
+ "test2() [4] in %lu usecs: inline simple_hash() with system strtoull().\n"
+ "test3() [5] in %lu usecs: statement expression simple_hash(), system strtoull().\n"
+ "test4() [6] in %lu usecs: inline simple_hash(), if-continue checks.\n"
+ "test5() [7] in %lu usecs: inline simple_hash(), if-else-if-else-if (netdata default prior to ARL).\n"
+ "test6() [8] in %lu usecs: adaptive re-sortable array with strtoull() (wow!)\n"
+ "test7() [9] in %lu usecs: adaptive re-sortable array with str2ull() (wow!)\n"
+ "test8() [2] in %lu usecs: nested loop with strtoull()\n"
+ "test9() [3] in %lu usecs: nested loop with str2ull()\n"
+ , c1
+ , c2
+ , c3
+ , c4
+ , c5
+ , c6
+ , c7
+ , c8
+ , c9
+ );
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/profile/statsd-stress.c b/tests/profile/statsd-stress.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..435d58d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/profile/statsd-stress.c
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+void diep(char *s)
+ perror(s);
+ exit(1);
+size_t run_threads = 1;
+size_t metrics = 1024;
+#define SERVER_IP ""
+#define PORT 8125
+size_t myrand(size_t max) {
+ size_t loops = max / RAND_MAX;
+ size_t i;
+ size_t ret = rand();
+ for(i = 0; i < loops ;i++)
+ ret += rand();
+ return ret % max;
+struct thread_data {
+ size_t id;
+ struct sockaddr_in *si_other;
+ int slen;
+ size_t counter;
+static void *report_thread(void *__data) {
+ struct thread_data *data = (struct thread_data *)__data;
+ size_t last = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ size_t i;
+ size_t total = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < run_threads ;i++)
+ total += data[i].counter;
+ printf("%zu metrics/s\n", total-last);
+ last = total;
+ sleep(1);
+ printf("\033[F\033[J");
+ }
+ return NULL;
+char *types[] = {"g", "c", "m", "ms", "h", "s", NULL};
+// char *types[] = {"g", "c", "C", "h", "ms", NULL}; // brubeck compatible
+static void *spam_thread(void *__data) {
+ struct thread_data *data = (struct thread_data *)__data;
+ int s;
+ char packet[1024];
+ if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0))==-1)
+ diep("socket");
+ char **packets = malloc(sizeof(char *) * metrics);
+ size_t i, *lengths = malloc(sizeof(size_t) * metrics);
+ size_t t;
+ for(i = 0, t = 0; i < metrics ;i++, t++) {
+ if(!types[t]) t = 0;
+ char *type = types[t];
+ lengths[i] = sprintf(packet, "stress.%s.t%zu.m%zu:%zu|%s", type, data->id, i, myrand(metrics), type);
+ packets[i] = strdup(packet);
+ // printf("packet %zu, of length %zu: '%s'\n", i, lengths[i], packets[i]);
+ }
+ //printf("\n");
+ for (;;) {
+ for(i = 0; i < metrics ;i++) {
+ if (sendto(s, packets[i], lengths[i], 0, (void *)data->si_other, data->slen) < 0) {
+ printf("C ==> DROPPED\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ data->counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ free(packets);
+ free(lengths);
+ close(s);
+ return NULL;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ if (argc != 5) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: '%s THREADS METRICS IP PORT'\n", argv[0]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ run_threads = atoi(argv[1]);
+ metrics = atoi(argv[2]);
+ char *ip = argv[3];
+ int port = atoi(argv[4]);
+ struct thread_data data[run_threads];
+ struct sockaddr_in si_other;
+ pthread_t threads[run_threads], report;
+ size_t i;
+ srand(time(NULL));
+ memset(&si_other, 0, sizeof(si_other));
+ si_other.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ si_other.sin_port = htons(port);
+ if (inet_aton(ip, &si_other.sin_addr)==0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "inet_aton() of ip '%s' failed\n", ip);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < run_threads; ++i) {
+ data[i].id = i;
+ data[i].si_other = &si_other;
+ data[i].slen = sizeof(si_other);
+ data[i].counter = 0;
+ pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, spam_thread, &data[i]);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("THREADS : %zu\n", run_threads);
+ printf("METRICS : %zu\n", metrics);
+ printf("DESTINATION : %s:%d\n", ip, port);
+ printf("\n");
+ pthread_create(&report, NULL, report_thread, &data);
+ for (i =0; i < run_threads; ++i)
+ pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/profile/test-eval.c b/tests/profile/test-eval.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17836f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/profile/test-eval.c
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */
+ * 1. build netdata (as normally)
+ * 2. cd profile/
+ * 3. compile with:
+ * gcc -O1 -ggdb -Wall -Wextra -I ../src/ -I ../ -o test-eval test-eval.c ../src/log.o ../src/eval.o ../src/common.o ../src/clocks.o ../src/web_buffer.o ../src/storage_number.o -pthread -lm
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "libnetdata/libnetdata.h"
+#include "libnetdata/required_dummies.h"
+#include "database/rrdcalc.h"
+void indent(int level, int show) {
+ int i = level;
+ while(i--) printf(" | ");
+ if(show) printf(" \\_ ");
+ else printf(" \\_ ");
+void print_node(EVAL_NODE *op, int level);
+void print_value(EVAL_VALUE *v, int level) {
+ indent(level, 0);
+ switch(v->type) {
+ printf("value (NOP)\n");
+ break;
+ printf("value %Lf (NUMBER)\n", v->number);
+ break;
+ printf("value (SUB-EXPRESSION)\n");
+ print_node(v->expression, level+1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("value (INVALID type %d)\n", v->type);
+ break;
+ }
+void print_node(EVAL_NODE *op, int level) {
+// if(op->operator != EVAL_OPERATOR_NOP) {
+ indent(level, 1);
+ if(op->operator) printf("%c (node %d, precedence: %d)\n", op->operator, op->id, op->precedence);
+ else printf("NOP (node %d, precedence: %d)\n", op->id, op->precedence);
+// }
+ int i = op->count;
+ while(i--) print_value(&op->ops[i], level + 1);
+NETDATA_DOUBLE evaluate(EVAL_NODE *op, int depth);
+NETDATA_DOUBLE evaluate_value(EVAL_VALUE *v, int depth) {
+ switch(v->type) {
+ return v->number;
+ return evaluate(v->expression, depth);
+ default:
+ fatal("I don't know how to handle EVAL_VALUE type %d", v->type);
+ }
+void print_depth(int depth) {
+ static int count = 0;
+ printf("%d. ", ++count);
+ while(depth--) printf(" ");
+NETDATA_DOUBLE evaluate(EVAL_NODE *op, int depth) {
+ NETDATA_DOUBLE n1, n2, r;
+ switch(op->operator) {
+ r = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ break;
+ r = -evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ break;
+ if(op->count != 2)
+ fatal("Operator '%c' requires 2 values, but we have %d", op->operator, op->count);
+ n1 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ n2 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[1], depth);
+ r = n1 + n2;
+ print_depth(depth);
+ printf("%Lf = %Lf + %Lf\n", r, n1, n2);
+ break;
+ if(op->count != 2)
+ fatal("Operator '%c' requires 2 values, but we have %d", op->operator, op->count);
+ n1 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ n2 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[1], depth);
+ r = n1 - n2;
+ print_depth(depth);
+ printf("%Lf = %Lf - %Lf\n", r, n1, n2);
+ break;
+ if(op->count != 2)
+ fatal("Operator '%c' requires 2 values, but we have %d", op->operator, op->count);
+ n1 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ n2 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[1], depth);
+ r = n1 * n2;
+ print_depth(depth);
+ printf("%Lf = %Lf * %Lf\n", r, n1, n2);
+ break;
+ if(op->count != 2)
+ fatal("Operator '%c' requires 2 values, but we have %d", op->operator, op->count);
+ n1 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ n2 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[1], depth);
+ r = n1 / n2;
+ print_depth(depth);
+ printf("%Lf = %Lf / %Lf\n", r, n1, n2);
+ break;
+ n1 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ r = !n1;
+ print_depth(depth);
+ printf("%Lf = NOT %Lf\n", r, n1);
+ break;
+ if(op->count != 2)
+ fatal("Operator '%c' requires 2 values, but we have %d", op->operator, op->count);
+ n1 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ n2 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[1], depth);
+ r = n1 && n2;
+ print_depth(depth);
+ printf("%Lf = %Lf AND %Lf\n", r, n1, n2);
+ break;
+ if(op->count != 2)
+ fatal("Operator '%c' requires 2 values, but we have %d", op->operator, op->count);
+ n1 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ n2 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[1], depth);
+ r = n1 || n2;
+ print_depth(depth);
+ printf("%Lf = %Lf OR %Lf\n", r, n1, n2);
+ break;
+ if(op->count != 2)
+ fatal("Operator '%c' requires 2 values, but we have %d", op->operator, op->count);
+ n1 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ n2 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[1], depth);
+ r = n1 >= n2;
+ print_depth(depth);
+ printf("%Lf = %Lf >= %Lf\n", r, n1, n2);
+ break;
+ if(op->count != 2)
+ fatal("Operator '%c' requires 2 values, but we have %d", op->operator, op->count);
+ n1 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ n2 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[1], depth);
+ r = n1 <= n2;
+ print_depth(depth);
+ printf("%Lf = %Lf <= %Lf\n", r, n1, n2);
+ break;
+ if(op->count != 2)
+ fatal("Operator '%c' requires 2 values, but we have %d", op->operator, op->count);
+ n1 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ n2 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[1], depth);
+ r = n1 > n2;
+ print_depth(depth);
+ printf("%Lf = %Lf > %Lf\n", r, n1, n2);
+ break;
+ if(op->count != 2)
+ fatal("Operator '%c' requires 2 values, but we have %d", op->operator, op->count);
+ n1 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ n2 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[1], depth);
+ r = n1 < n2;
+ print_depth(depth);
+ printf("%Lf = %Lf < %Lf\n", r, n1, n2);
+ break;
+ if(op->count != 2)
+ fatal("Operator '%c' requires 2 values, but we have %d", op->operator, op->count);
+ n1 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ n2 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[1], depth);
+ r = n1 != n2;
+ print_depth(depth);
+ printf("%Lf = %Lf <> %Lf\n", r, n1, n2);
+ break;
+ if(op->count != 2)
+ fatal("Operator '%c' requires 2 values, but we have %d", op->operator, op->count);
+ n1 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ n2 = evaluate_value(&op->ops[1], depth);
+ r = n1 == n2;
+ print_depth(depth);
+ printf("%Lf = %Lf == %Lf\n", r, n1, n2);
+ break;
+ r = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth + 1);
+ printf("END SUB-EXPRESSION\n");
+ break;
+ r = evaluate_value(&op->ops[0], depth);
+ break;
+ default:
+ netdata_log_error("I don't know how to handle operator '%c'", op->operator);
+ r = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return r;
+void print_expression(EVAL_NODE *op, const char *failed_at, int error) {
+ if(op) {
+ printf("expression tree:\n");
+ print_node(op, 0);
+ printf("\nevaluation steps:\n");
+ evaluate(op, 0);
+ int error;
+ NETDATA_DOUBLE ret = expression_evaluate(op, &error);
+ printf("\ninternal evaluator:\nSTATUS: %d, RESULT = %Lf\n", error, ret);
+ expression_free(op);
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("error: %d, failed_at: '%s'\n", error, (failed_at)?failed_at:"<NONE>");
+ }
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ if(argc != 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "I need an expression (enclose it in single-quotes (') as a single parameter)\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ const char *failed_at = NULL;
+ int error;
+ EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp = expression_parse(argv[1], &failed_at, &error);
+ if(!exp)
+ printf("\nPARSING FAILED\nExpression: '%s'\nParsing stopped at: '%s'\nParsing error code: %d (%s)\n", argv[1], (failed_at)?((*failed_at)?failed_at:"<END OF EXPRESSION>"):"<NONE>", error, expression_strerror(error));
+ else {
+ printf("\nPARSING OK\nExpression: '%s'\nParsed as : '%s'\nParsing error code: %d (%s)\n", argv[1], exp->parsed_as, error, expression_strerror(error));
+ if(expression_evaluate(exp)) {
+ printf("\nEvaluates to: %Lf\n\n", exp->result);
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("\nEvaluation failed with code %d and message: %s\n\n", exp->error, buffer_tostring(exp->error_msg));
+ }
+ expression_free(exp);
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1fedb880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Unit-testing script
+# This script does the following:
+# 1. Check whether any files were modified that would necessitate unit testing (using the `TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE` environment variable).
+# 2. If there are no changed files that require unit testing, exit successfully.
+# 3. Otherwise, run all the unit tests.
+# We do things this way because our unit testing takes a rather long
+# time (average 18-19 minutes as of the original creation of this script),
+# so skipping it when we don't actually need it can significantly speed
+# up the CI process.
+# Copyright: SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+# Author: Austin S. Hemmelgarn <>
+# shellcheck disable=SC2230
+install_netdata() {
+ echo "Installing Netdata"
+ fakeroot ./ \
+ --install-prefix "$HOME" \
+ --dont-wait \
+ --dont-start-it \
+ --enable-plugin-nfacct \
+ --enable-plugin-freeipmi \
+ --disable-lto \
+ --enable-logsmanagement-tests
+c_unit_tests() {
+ echo "Running C code unit tests"
+ "$HOME"/netdata/usr/sbin/netdata -W unittest
+install_netdata || exit 1
+c_unit_tests || exit 1
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..97cced03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+if ! hash curl 2>/dev/null
+ 1>&2 echo "'curl' not found on system. Please install 'curl'."
+ exit 1
+# set the host to connect to
+if [ -n "$1" ]
+ host="$1"
+ host=""
+echo "using netdata server at: $host"
+# shellcheck disable=SC2207 disable=SC1117
+charts=($(curl -k "$host/netdata.conf" 2>/dev/null | grep "^\[" | cut -d '[' -f 2 | cut -d ']' -f 1 | grep -v ^global$ | grep -v "^plugin" | sort -u))
+if [ "${#charts[@]}" -eq 0 ]
+ echo "Cannot download charts from server: $host"
+ exit 1
+update_every="$(curl -k "$host/netdata.conf" 2>/dev/null | grep "update every = " | head -n 1 | cut -d '=' -f 2)"
+[ $(( update_every + 1 - 1)) -eq 0 ] && update_every=1
+entries="$(curl -k "$host/netdata.conf" 2>/dev/null | grep "history = " | head -n 1 | cut -d '=' -f 2)"
+[ $(( entries + 1 - 1)) -eq 0 ] && entries=3600
+# to compare equal things, set the entries to 3600 max
+[ $entries -gt 3600 ] && entries=3600
+if [ $entries -ne 3600 ]
+ echo >&2 "You are running a test for a history of $entries entries."
+modes=("average" "max")
+formats=("jsonp" "json" "ssv" "csv" "datatable" "datasource" "tsv" "ssvcomma" "html" "array")
+now=$(date +%s)
+first=$((now - (entries * update_every)))
+duration=$((now - first))
+file="$(mktemp /tmp/netdata-stress-XXXXXXXX)"
+cleanup() {
+ echo "cleanup"
+ [ -f "$file" ] && rm "$file"
+trap cleanup EXIT
+while true
+ echo "curl -k --compressed --keepalive-time 120 --header \"Connection: keep-alive\" \\" >"$file"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+ for x in {1..100}
+ do
+ dt=$((RANDOM * duration / 32767))
+ st=$((RANDOM * duration / 32767))
+ et=$(( st + dt ))
+ [ $et -gt "$now" ] && st=$(( now - dt ))
+ points=$((RANDOM * 2000 / 32767 + 2))
+ st=$((first + st))
+ et=$((first + et))
+ mode=$((RANDOM * ${#modes[@]} / 32767))
+ mode="${modes[$mode]}"
+ chart=$((RANDOM * ${#charts[@]} / 32767))
+ chart="${charts[$chart]}"
+ format=$((RANDOM * ${#formats[@]} / 32767))
+ format="${formats[$format]}"
+ echo "--url \"$host/api/v1/data?chart=$chart&mode=$mode&format=$format&options=$options&after=$st&before=$et&points=$points\" \\"
+ done >>"$file"
+ bash "$file" >/dev/null
diff --git a/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.alarm_foreach b/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.alarm_foreach
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21a8cbb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.alarm_foreach
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ alarm: dev_dim_template
+ on: system.cpu
+ os: linux
+lookup: sum -3s at 0 every 3 percentage foreach system,user,nice
+ units: %
+ every: 1s
+ warn: $this > 1
+ crit: $this > 4
diff --git a/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.alarm_foreach_sp b/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.alarm_foreach_sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdd19e81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.alarm_foreach_sp
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ alarm: dev_dim_template
+ on: system.cpu
+ os: linux
+lookup: sum -3s at 0 every 3 percentage foreach *
+ units: %
+ every: 1s
+ warn: $this > 1
+ crit: $this > 4
diff --git a/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.template_alarm b/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.template_alarm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bd12a10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.template_alarm
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+template: dev_dim_template_system
+ on: system.cpu
+ os: linux
+ lookup: sum -3s at 0 every 3 percentage of system
+ units: %
+ every: 1s
+ warn: $this > 1
+ crit: $this > 4
+template: dev_dim_template_user
+ on: system.cpu
+ os: linux
+ lookup: sum -3s at 0 every 3 percentage of user
+ units: %
+ every: 1s
+ warn: $this > 1
+ crit: $this > 4
+template: dev_dim_template_nice
+ on: system.cpu
+ os: linux
+ lookup: sum -3s at 0 every 3 percentage of nice
+ units: %
+ every: 1s
+ warn: $this > 1
+ crit: $this > 4
diff --git a/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.template_foreach b/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.template_foreach
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c75c15b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.template_foreach
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+template: dev_dim_template
+ on: system.cpu
+ os: linux
+ lookup: sum -3s at 0 every 3 percentage foreach system,user,nice
+ units: %
+ every: 1s
+ warn: $this > 1
+ crit: $this > 4
diff --git a/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.template_foreach_sp b/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.template_foreach_sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f50a832c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.template_foreach_sp
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ template: dev_dim_template
+ on: system.cpu
+ os: linux
+ lookup: sum -3s at 0 every 3 percentage foreach *
+ units: %
+ every: 1s
+ warn: $this > 1
+ crit: $this > 4
diff --git a/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.unique_alarm b/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.unique_alarm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f38b6e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/template_dimension/system_cpu.conf.unique_alarm
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ alarm: dev_dim_template_system
+ on: system.cpu
+ os: linux
+lookup: sum -3s at 0 every 3 percentage of system
+ units: %
+ every: 1s
+ warn: $this > 1
+ crit: $this > 4
+ alarm: dev_dim_template_user
+ on: system.cpu
+ os: linux
+lookup: sum -3s at 0 every 3 percentage of user
+ units: %
+ every: 1s
+ warn: $this > 1
+ crit: $this > 4
+ alarm: dev_dim_template_nice
+ on: system.cpu
+ os: linux
+lookup: sum -3s at 0 every 3 percentage of nice
+ units: %
+ every: 1s
+ warn: $this > 1
+ crit: $this > 4
diff --git a/tests/template_dimension/ b/tests/template_dimension/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00789258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/template_dimension/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#The health directory to put the alarms
+#the current time
+#error messages
+change_alarm_file() {
+ if [ -f "$1" ]; then
+ rm "$1"
+ fi
+ #copy keeping the permissions
+ cp -a "$2" "$3"
+netdata_test_download() {
+ grep "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" "$1" 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+ TEST="$?"
+ if [ "$TEST" -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo -e "${RED} Error to get the alarm log. ${NOCOLOR}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ TOTALARM=$(grep "$ALARMTEST" "$2" | grep name | cut -d: -f2 | grep -c "$ALARMTEST")
+ if [ "$TOTALARM" -ne "$3" ]; then
+ echo -e "${RED} The number of actives alarms with the name $SYSTEMALARM is wrong ${NOCOLOR}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+get_the_logs() {
+ curl -v -k --create-dirs -o "$OUTDIR/$1.out" "$MURL" 2> "$OUTDIR/$1.err"
+ netdata_test_download "$OUTDIR/$1.err" "$OUTDIR/$1.out" "$2"
+process_data() {
+ netdata -D &
+ echo -e "${NOCOLOR}Sleeping during 15 seconds to create alarms"
+ sleep 15
+ get_the_logs "$1" "$2"
+mkdir "$OUTDIR"
+if [ "$CREATEDIR" -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo -e "${RED}Cannot create the output directory, it already exists. The test will overwrite previous results. ${NOCOLOR}"
+if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+change_alarm_file "./0" "system_cpu.conf.unique_alarm" "$HEALTHDIR/dim_double_without_template.conf"
+process_data "double_without_template" 3 "$HEALTHDIR/dim_double_without_template.conf"
+change_alarm_file "$HEALTHDIR/dim_double_without_template.conf" "system_cpu.conf.alarm_foreach" "$HEALTHDIR/dim_foreach_without_template.conf"
+process_data "foreach_without_template" 3 "$HEALTHDIR/dim_foreach_without_template.conf"
+change_alarm_file "$HEALTHDIR/dim_foreach_without_template.conf" "system_cpu.conf.alarm_foreach_sp" "$HEALTHDIR/dim_foreach_without_template_sp.conf"
+process_data "foreach_without_template" 10 "$HEALTHDIR/dim_foreach_without_template_sp.conf"
+change_alarm_file "$HEALTHDIR/dim_foreach_without_template_sp.conf" "system_cpu.conf.template_alarm" "$HEALTHDIR/dim_double_with_template.conf"
+process_data "double_with_template" 3 "$HEALTHDIR/dim_double_with_template.conf"
+change_alarm_file "$HEALTHDIR/dim_double_with_template.conf" "system_cpu.conf.template_foreach" "$HEALTHDIR/dim_foreach_with_template.conf"
+process_data "foreach_with_template" 3 "$HEALTHDIR/dim_foreach_with_template.conf"
+change_alarm_file "$HEALTHDIR/dim_foreach_with_template.conf" "system_cpu.conf.template_foreach_sp" "$HEALTHDIR/dim_foreach_with_template_sp.conf"
+process_data "foreach_with_template" 10 "$HEALTHDIR/dim_foreach_with_template_sp.conf"
+rm "$HEALTHDIR/dim_foreach_with_template_sp.conf"
+rm -rf "$OUTDIR"
+echo -e "${GREEN} all the tests were successful ${NOCOLOR}"
diff --git a/tests/urls/ b/tests/urls/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebdfc094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/urls/
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#### ####
+#### ####
+# The current time
+CT=$(date +'%s')
+# The previous time
+PT=$((CT - 30))
+# The output directory where we will store the results and error
+#### ####
+#### FUNCTIONS ####
+#### ####
+# Print error message and close script
+ echo "${RED} Closing due error \"$1\" code \"$2\" ${NOCOLOR}"
+ exit 1
+# Print the header message of the function
+netdata_print_header() {
+ echo "$1"
+# Create the main directory where the results will be stored
+netdata_create_directory() {
+ netdata_print_header "Creating directory $1"
+ if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
+ mkdir "$1"
+ TEST=$?
+ if [ $TEST -ne 0 ]; then
+ netdata_print_error "Cannot create directory $?"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Working with directory $OUTDIR"
+ fi
+#Check whether download did not have problem
+ grep "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" "$1" 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+ TEST=$?
+ if [ $TEST -ne 0 ]; then
+ netdata_print_error "Cannot do download of the page $2" $?
+ exit 1
+ fi
+#Check whether download had a problem
+ grep "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" "$1" 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+ TEST=$?
+ if [ $TEST -eq 0 ]; then
+ netdata_print_error "The page $2 did not answer with an error" $?
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Download information from Netdata
+netdata_download_various() {
+ netdata_print_header "Getting $2"
+ curl -v -k --create-dirs -o "$OUTDIR/$3.out" "$1/$2" 2> "$OUTDIR/$3.err"
+ netdata_test_download "$OUTDIR/$3.err" "$1/$2"
+netdata_download_various_with_options() {
+ netdata_print_header "Getting options for $2"
+ curl -X OPTIONS -v -k --create-dirs -o "$OUTOPTDIR/$3.out" "$1/$2" 2> "$OUTOPTDIR/$3.err"
+ netdata_test_download "$OUTOPTDIR/$3.err" "$1/$2"
+# Download information from Netdata
+netdata_wrong_request_various() {
+ netdata_print_header "Getting $2"
+ curl -v -k --create-dirs -o "$ERRDIR/$3.out" "$1/$2" 2> "$ERRDIR/$3.err"
+ netdata_error_test "$ERRDIR/$3.err" "$1/$2"
+# Download charts from Netdata
+netdata_download_charts() {
+ curl -v -k --create-dirs -o "$OUTDIR/charts.out" "$1/$2" 2> "$OUTDIR/charts.err"
+ netdata_test_download "$OUTDIR/charts.err" "$1/$2"
+ #Rewrite the next
+ grep -w "id" tests/charts.out| cut -d: -f2 | grep "\"," | sed s/,//g | sort
+#Test options for a specific chart
+netdata_download_chart() {
+ EQUAL="="
+ for I in $(seq 0 1); do
+ if [ "$I" -eq "1" ] ; then
+ EQUAL="%3D"
+ ENCODED="encoded"
+ fi
+ NAME=${3//\"/}
+ netdata_print_header "Getting data for $NAME using $4 $ENCODED"
+ LDIR=$OUTD"/"$4
+ NAME=$NAME"_$4"
+ curl -v -k --create-dirs -o "$LDIR/$NAME.out" "$LURL" 2> "$LDIR/$NAME.err"
+ netdata_test_download "$LDIR/$NAME.err" "$LURL"
+ UFILES=( "points" "before" "after" )
+ for OPT in "points=100" "before=$PT" "after=$CT" ;
+ do
+ curl -v -k --create-dirs -o "$LDIR/$LFILE.out" "$LURL" 2> "$LDIR/$LFILE.err"
+ netdata_test_download "$LDIR/$LFILE.err" "$LURL"
+ done
+ LURL="$LURL&group$EQUAL"
+ for OPT in "min" "max" "sum" "median" "stddev" "cv" "ses" "des" "incremental_sum" "average";
+ do
+ curl -v -k --create-dirs -o "$LDIR/$TFILE.out" "$TURL" 2> "$LDIR/$TFILE.err"
+ netdata_test_download "$LDIR/$TFILE.err" "$TURL"
+ for MORE in "jsonp" "json" "ssv" "csv" "datatable" "datasource" "tsv" "ssvcomma" "html" "array";
+ do
+ TURL=$TURL"&format="$MORE
+ curl -v -k --create-dirs -o "$LDIR/$TFILE.out" "$TURL" 2> "$LDIR/$TFILE.err"
+ netdata_test_download "$LDIR/$TFILE.err" "$TURL"
+ done
+ done
+ LURL="$LURL$OPT&gtime=60"
+ NFILE=$NAME"_gtime"
+ curl -v -k --create-dirs -o "$LDIR/$NFILE.out" "$TURL" 2> "$LDIR/$NFILE.err"
+ netdata_test_download "$LDIR/$NFILE.err" "$LURL"
+ LURL="$LURL$OPT&options=percentage"
+ NFILE=$NAME"_percentage"
+ curl -v -k --create-dirs -o "$LDIR/$NFILE.out" "$TURL" 2> "$LDIR/$NFILE.err"
+ netdata_test_download "$LDIR/$NFILE.err" "$LURL"
+ LURL="$LURL$OPT&dimensions=system%7Cnice"
+ NFILE=$NAME"_dimension"
+ curl -v -k --create-dirs -o "$LDIR/$NFILE.out" "$TURL" 2> "$LDIR/$NFILE.err"
+ netdata_test_download "$LDIR/$NFILE.err" "$LURL"
+ LURL="$LURL$OPT&label=testing"
+ NFILE=$NAME"_label"
+ curl -v -k --create-dirs -o "$LDIR/$NFILE.out" "$TURL" 2> "$LDIR/$NFILE.err"
+ netdata_test_download "$LDIR/$NFILE.err" "$LURL"
+ done
+# Download information from Netdata
+netdata_download_allmetrics() {
+ netdata_print_header "Getting All metrics"
+ LURL="$1/api/v1/allmetrics?format="
+ for FMT in "shell" "prometheus" "prometheus_all_hosts" "json" ;
+ do
+ for OPT in "yes" "no";
+ do
+ if [ "$FMT" == "prometheus" ]; then
+ TURL="$TURL&help=$OPT&types=$OPT&timestamps=$OPT"
+ fi
+ TURL="$TURL&names=$OPT&oldunits=$OPT&hideunits=$OPT&prefix=ND"
+ NAME="allmetrics_$FMT"
+ echo "$OUTDIR/$2/$NAME.out"
+ curl -v -k --create-dirs -o "$OUTDIR/$2/$NAME.out" "$TURL" 2> "$OUTDIR/$2/$NAME.err"
+ netdata_test_download "$OUTDIR/$2/$NAME.err" "$TURL"
+ done
+ done
+#### ####
+#### MAIN ROUTINE ####
+#### ####
+if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ MURL="$1"
+netdata_create_directory $OUTDIR
+netdata_create_directory $OUTEDIR
+netdata_create_directory $OUTOPTDIR
+netdata_create_directory $ERRDIR
+wget --no-check-certificate --execute="robots = off" --mirror --convert-links --no-parent "$MURL"
+if [ $TEST -ne "0" ] ; then
+ echo "Cannot connect to Netdata"
+ exit 1
+netdata_download_various "$MURL" "netdata.conf" "netdata.conf"
+netdata_download_various_with_options "$MURL" "netdata.conf" "netdata.conf"
+netdata_wrong_request_various "$MURL" "api/v15/info?this%20could%20not%20be%20here" "err_version"
+netdata_wrong_request_various "$MURL" "api/v1/\(*@&$\!$%%5E\)\!$*%&\)\!$*%%5E*\!%5E%\!%5E$%\!%5E%\(\!*%5E*%5E%\(*@&$%5E%\(\!%5E#*&\!^#$*&\!^%\)@\($%^\)\!*&^\(\!*&^#$&#$\)\!$%^\)\!$*%&\)#$\!^#*$^\!\(*#^#\)\!%^\!\)$*%&\!\(*&$\!^#$*&^\!*#^$\!*^\)%\(\!*&$%\)\(\!&#$\!^*#&$^\!*^%\)\!$%\)\!\(&#$\!^#*&^$" "err_version2"
+netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/info" "info"
+netdata_download_various_with_options "$MURL" "api/v1/info" "info"
+netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/info?this%20could%20not%20be%20here" "err_info"
+netdata_print_header "Getting all the netdata charts"
+CHARTS=$( netdata_download_charts "$MURL" "api/v1/charts" )
+WCHARTS=$( netdata_download_charts "$MURL" "api/v1/charts?this%20could%20not%20be%20here" )
+WCHARTS2=$( netdata_download_charts "$MURL" "api/v1/charts%3fthis%20could%20not%20be%20here" )
+if [ ${#CHARTS[@]} -ne ${#WCHARTS[@]} ]; then
+ echo "The number of charts does not match with division not encoded.";
+ exit 2;
+elif [ ${#CHARTS[@]} -ne ${#WCHARTS2[@]} ]; then
+ echo "The number of charts does not match when everything is encoded";
+ exit 3;
+netdata_wrong_request_various "$MURL" "api/v1/chart" "err_chart_without_chart"
+netdata_wrong_request_various "$MURL" "api/v1/chart?_=234231424242" "err_chart_arg"
+netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/chart?chart=cpu.cpu0_interrupts&_=234231424242" "chart_cpu_with_more_args"
+netdata_download_various_with_options "$MURL" "api/v1/chart?chart=cpu.cpu0_interrupts&_=234231424242" "chart_cpu_with_more_args"
+netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/chart%3Fchart=cpu.cpu0_interrupts&_=234231424242" "chart_cpu_with_more_args_encoded"
+netdata_download_various_with_options "$MURL" "api/v1/chart%3Fchart=cpu.cpu0_interrupts&_=234231424242" "chart_cpu_with_more_args_encoded"
+netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/chart%3Fchart=cpu.cpu0_interrupts%26_=234231424242" "chart_cpu_with_more_args_encoded2"
+netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/chart%3Fchart%3Dcpu.cpu0_interrupts%26_%3D234231424242" "chart_cpu_with_more_args_encoded3"
+netdata_create_directory "$OUTDIR/chart"
+for I in $CHARTS ; do
+ NAME=${I//\"/}
+ netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/chart?chart=$NAME" "chart/$NAME"
+netdata_wrong_request_various "$MURL" "api/v1/alarm_variables" "err_alarm_variables_without_chart"
+netdata_wrong_request_various "$MURL" "api/v1/alarm_variables?_=234231424242" "err_alarm_variables_arg"
+netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/alarm_variables?chart=cpu.cpu0_interrupts&_=234231424242" "alarm_cpu_with_more_args"
+netdata_create_directory "$OUTDIR/alarm_variables"
+for I in $CHARTS ; do
+ NAME=${I//\"/}
+ netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/alarm_variables?chart=$NAME" "alarm_variables/$NAME"
+netdata_create_directory "$OUTDIR/badge"
+netdata_create_directory "$OUTEDIR/badge"
+for I in $CHARTS ; do
+ netdata_download_chart "$MURL" "api/v1/badge.svg?chart" "$I" "badge"
+netdata_create_directory "$OUTDIR/allmetrics"
+netdata_download_allmetrics "$MURL" "allmetrics"
+netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/alarms?all" "alarms_all"
+netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/alarms?active" "alarms_active"
+netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/alarms" "alarms_nothing"
+netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/alarm_log?after" "alarm_without"
+netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/alarm_log" "alarm_nothing"
+netdata_download_various "$MURL" "api/v1/alarm_log?after&_=$PT" "alarm_log"
+netdata_create_directory "$OUTDIR/data"
+netdata_create_directory "$OUTEDIR/data"
+for I in $CHARTS ; do
+ netdata_download_chart "$MURL" "api/v1/data?chart" "$I" "data"
+ break;
+echo -e "${GREEN}ALL the URLS got 200 as answer! ${NOCOLOR}"
+exit 0