PKGNAME= librdkafka LIBNAME= librdkafka++ LIBVER= 1 CXXSRCS= RdKafka.cpp ConfImpl.cpp HandleImpl.cpp \ ConsumerImpl.cpp ProducerImpl.cpp KafkaConsumerImpl.cpp \ TopicImpl.cpp TopicPartitionImpl.cpp MessageImpl.cpp \ HeadersImpl.cpp QueueImpl.cpp MetadataImpl.cpp HDRS= rdkafkacpp.h OBJS= $(CXXSRCS:%.cpp=%.o) all: lib check # No linker script/symbol hiding for C++ library DISABLE_LDS=y MKL_NO_SELFCONTAINED_STATIC_LIB=y include ../mklove/Makefile.base # Use C++ compiler as linker rather than the default C compiler CC_LD=$(CXX) # OSX and Cygwin requires linking required libraries ifeq ($(_UNAME_S),Darwin) FWD_LINKING_REQ=y endif ifeq ($(_UNAME_S),AIX) FWD_LINKING_REQ=y endif ifeq ($(shell uname -o 2>/dev/null),Cygwin) FWD_LINKING_REQ=y endif # Ignore previously defined library dependencies for the C library, # we'll get those dependencies through the C library linkage. LIBS := -L../src -lrdkafka MKL_PKGCONFIG_REQUIRES_PRIVATE := rdkafka MKL_PKGCONFIG_REQUIRES := rdkafka CHECK_FILES+= $(LIBFILENAME) $(LIBNAME).a file-check: lib check: file-check install: lib-install uninstall: lib-uninstall clean: lib-clean -include $(DEPS)