/* * librdkafka - Apache Kafka C library * * Copyright (c) 2019, Magnus Edenhill * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "test.h" #include "rdkafka.h" /** * @name Producer transaction tests * */ /** * @brief Produce messages using batch interface. */ void do_produce_batch(rd_kafka_t *rk, const char *topic, uint64_t testid, int32_t partition, int msg_base, int cnt) { rd_kafka_message_t *messages; rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt = rd_kafka_topic_new(rk, topic, NULL); int i; int ret; int remains = cnt; TEST_SAY("Batch-producing %d messages to partition %" PRId32 "\n", cnt, partition); messages = rd_calloc(sizeof(*messages), cnt); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { char key[128]; char value[128]; test_prepare_msg(testid, partition, msg_base + i, value, sizeof(value), key, sizeof(key)); messages[i].key = rd_strdup(key); messages[i].key_len = strlen(key); messages[i].payload = rd_strdup(value); messages[i].len = strlen(value); messages[i]._private = &remains; } ret = rd_kafka_produce_batch(rkt, partition, RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_COPY, messages, cnt); rd_kafka_topic_destroy(rkt); TEST_ASSERT(ret == cnt, "Failed to batch-produce: %d/%d messages produced", ret, cnt); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { TEST_ASSERT(!messages[i].err, "Failed to produce message: %s", rd_kafka_err2str(messages[i].err)); rd_free(messages[i].key); rd_free(messages[i].payload); } rd_free(messages); /* Wait for deliveries */ test_wait_delivery(rk, &remains); } /** * @brief Basic producer transaction testing without consumed input * (only consumed output for verification). * e.g., no consumer offsets to commit with transaction. */ static void do_test_basic_producer_txn(rd_bool_t enable_compression) { const char *topic = test_mk_topic_name("0103_transactions", 1); const int partition_cnt = 4; #define _TXNCNT 6 struct { const char *desc; uint64_t testid; int msgcnt; rd_bool_t abort; rd_bool_t sync; rd_bool_t batch; rd_bool_t batch_any; } txn[_TXNCNT] = { {"Commit transaction, sync producing", 0, 100, rd_false, rd_true}, {"Commit transaction, async producing", 0, 1000, rd_false, rd_false}, {"Commit transaction, sync batch producing to any partition", 0, 100, rd_false, rd_true, rd_true, rd_true}, {"Abort transaction, sync producing", 0, 500, rd_true, rd_true}, {"Abort transaction, async producing", 0, 5000, rd_true, rd_false}, {"Abort transaction, sync batch producing to one partition", 0, 500, rd_true, rd_true, rd_true, rd_false}, }; rd_kafka_t *p, *c; rd_kafka_conf_t *conf, *p_conf, *c_conf; int i; /* Mark one of run modes as quick so we don't run both when * in a hurry.*/ SUB_TEST0(enable_compression /* quick */, "with%s compression", enable_compression ? "" : "out"); test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 30); /* Create producer */ p_conf = rd_kafka_conf_dup(conf); rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_msg_cb(p_conf, test_dr_msg_cb); test_conf_set(p_conf, "transactional.id", topic); if (enable_compression) test_conf_set(p_conf, "compression.type", "lz4"); p = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, p_conf); // FIXME: add testing were the txn id is reused (and thus fails) /* Create topic */ test_create_topic(p, topic, partition_cnt, 3); /* Create consumer */ c_conf = conf; test_conf_set(conf, "auto.offset.reset", "earliest"); /* Make sure default isolation.level is transaction aware */ TEST_ASSERT( !strcmp(test_conf_get(c_conf, "isolation.level"), "read_committed"), "expected isolation.level=read_committed, not %s", test_conf_get(c_conf, "isolation.level")); c = test_create_consumer(topic, NULL, c_conf, NULL); /* Wait for topic to propagate to avoid test flakyness */ test_wait_topic_exists(c, topic, tmout_multip(5000)); /* Subscribe to topic */ test_consumer_subscribe(c, topic); /* Wait for assignment to make sure consumer is fetching messages * below, so we can use the poll_no_msgs() timeout to * determine that messages were indeed aborted. */ test_consumer_wait_assignment(c, rd_true); /* Init transactions */ TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, 30 * 1000)); for (i = 0; i < _TXNCNT; i++) { int wait_msgcnt = 0; TEST_SAY(_C_BLU "txn[%d]: Begin transaction: %s\n" _C_CLR, i, txn[i].desc); /* Begin a transaction */ TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_begin_transaction(p)); /* If the transaction is aborted it is okay if * messages fail producing, since they'll be * purged from queues. */ test_curr->ignore_dr_err = txn[i].abort; /* Produce messages */ txn[i].testid = test_id_generate(); TEST_SAY( "txn[%d]: Produce %d messages %ssynchronously " "with testid %" PRIu64 "\n", i, txn[i].msgcnt, txn[i].sync ? "" : "a", txn[i].testid); if (!txn[i].batch) { if (txn[i].sync) test_produce_msgs2(p, topic, txn[i].testid, RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA, 0, txn[i].msgcnt, NULL, 0); else test_produce_msgs2_nowait( p, topic, txn[i].testid, RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA, 0, txn[i].msgcnt, NULL, 0, &wait_msgcnt); } else if (txn[i].batch_any) { /* Batch: use any partition */ do_produce_batch(p, topic, txn[i].testid, RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA, 0, txn[i].msgcnt); } else { /* Batch: specific partition */ do_produce_batch(p, topic, txn[i].testid, 1 /* partition */, 0, txn[i].msgcnt); } /* Abort or commit transaction */ TEST_SAY("txn[%d]: %s" _C_CLR " transaction\n", i, txn[i].abort ? _C_RED "Abort" : _C_GRN "Commit"); if (txn[i].abort) { test_curr->ignore_dr_err = rd_true; TEST_CALL_ERROR__( rd_kafka_abort_transaction(p, 30 * 1000)); } else { test_curr->ignore_dr_err = rd_false; TEST_CALL_ERROR__( rd_kafka_commit_transaction(p, 30 * 1000)); } if (!txn[i].sync) /* Wait for delivery reports */ test_wait_delivery(p, &wait_msgcnt); /* Consume messages */ if (txn[i].abort) test_consumer_poll_no_msgs(txn[i].desc, c, txn[i].testid, 3000); else test_consumer_poll(txn[i].desc, c, txn[i].testid, partition_cnt, 0, txn[i].msgcnt, NULL); TEST_SAY(_C_GRN "txn[%d]: Finished successfully: %s\n" _C_CLR, i, txn[i].desc); } rd_kafka_destroy(p); test_consumer_close(c); rd_kafka_destroy(c); SUB_TEST_PASS(); } /** * @brief Consumes \p cnt messages and returns them in the provided array * which must be pre-allocated. */ static void consume_messages(rd_kafka_t *c, rd_kafka_message_t **msgs, int msgcnt) { int i = 0; while (i < msgcnt) { msgs[i] = rd_kafka_consumer_poll(c, 1000); if (!msgs[i]) continue; if (msgs[i]->err) { TEST_SAY("%s consumer error: %s\n", rd_kafka_name(c), rd_kafka_message_errstr(msgs[i])); rd_kafka_message_destroy(msgs[i]); continue; } TEST_SAYL(3, "%s: consumed message %s [%d] @ %" PRId64 "\n", rd_kafka_name(c), rd_kafka_topic_name(msgs[i]->rkt), msgs[i]->partition, msgs[i]->offset); i++; } } static void destroy_messages(rd_kafka_message_t **msgs, int msgcnt) { while (msgcnt-- > 0) rd_kafka_message_destroy(msgs[msgcnt]); } /** * @brief Test a transactional consumer + transactional producer combo, * mimicing a streams job. * * One input topic produced to by transactional producer 1, * consumed by transactional consumer 1, which forwards messages * to transactional producer 2 that writes messages to output topic, * which is consumed and verified by transactional consumer 2. * * Every 3rd transaction is aborted. */ void do_test_consumer_producer_txn(void) { char *input_topic = rd_strdup(test_mk_topic_name("0103-transactions-input", 1)); char *output_topic = rd_strdup(test_mk_topic_name("0103-transactions-output", 1)); const char *c1_groupid = input_topic; const char *c2_groupid = output_topic; rd_kafka_t *p1, *p2, *c1, *c2; rd_kafka_conf_t *conf, *tmpconf; uint64_t testid; #define _MSGCNT (10 * 30) const int txncnt = 10; const int msgcnt = _MSGCNT; int txn; int committed_msgcnt = 0; test_msgver_t expect_mv, actual_mv; SUB_TEST_QUICK("transactional test with %d transactions", txncnt); test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 30); testid = test_id_generate(); /* * * Producer 1 * | * v * input topic * | * v * Consumer 1 } * | } transactional streams job * v } * Producer 2 } * | * v * output tpic * | * v * Consumer 2 */ /* Create Producer 1 and seed input topic */ tmpconf = rd_kafka_conf_dup(conf); test_conf_set(tmpconf, "transactional.id", input_topic); rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_msg_cb(tmpconf, test_dr_msg_cb); p1 = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, tmpconf); /* Create input and output topics */ test_create_topic(p1, input_topic, 4, 3); test_create_topic(p1, output_topic, 4, 3); /* Seed input topic with messages */ TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_init_transactions(p1, 30 * 1000)); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_begin_transaction(p1)); test_produce_msgs2(p1, input_topic, testid, RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA, 0, msgcnt, NULL, 0); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_commit_transaction(p1, 30 * 1000)); rd_kafka_destroy(p1); /* Create Consumer 1: reading msgs from input_topic (Producer 1) */ tmpconf = rd_kafka_conf_dup(conf); test_conf_set(tmpconf, "isolation.level", "read_committed"); test_conf_set(tmpconf, "auto.offset.reset", "earliest"); test_conf_set(tmpconf, "enable.auto.commit", "false"); c1 = test_create_consumer(c1_groupid, NULL, tmpconf, NULL); test_consumer_subscribe(c1, input_topic); /* Create Producer 2 */ tmpconf = rd_kafka_conf_dup(conf); test_conf_set(tmpconf, "transactional.id", output_topic); rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_msg_cb(tmpconf, test_dr_msg_cb); p2 = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, tmpconf); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_init_transactions(p2, 30 * 1000)); /* Create Consumer 2: reading msgs from output_topic (Producer 2) */ tmpconf = rd_kafka_conf_dup(conf); test_conf_set(tmpconf, "isolation.level", "read_committed"); test_conf_set(tmpconf, "auto.offset.reset", "earliest"); c2 = test_create_consumer(c2_groupid, NULL, tmpconf, NULL); test_consumer_subscribe(c2, output_topic); /* Keep track of what messages to expect on the output topic */ test_msgver_init(&expect_mv, testid); for (txn = 0; txn < txncnt; txn++) { int msgcnt2 = 10 * (1 + (txn % 3)); rd_kafka_message_t *msgs[_MSGCNT]; int i; rd_bool_t do_abort = !(txn % 3); rd_bool_t recreate_consumer = (do_abort && txn == 3) || (!do_abort && txn == 2); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *offsets, *expected_offsets = NULL; rd_kafka_resp_err_t err; rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_t *c1_cgmetadata; int remains = msgcnt2; TEST_SAY(_C_BLU "Begin transaction #%d/%d " "(msgcnt=%d, do_abort=%s, recreate_consumer=%s)\n", txn, txncnt, msgcnt2, do_abort ? "true" : "false", recreate_consumer ? "true" : "false"); consume_messages(c1, msgs, msgcnt2); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_begin_transaction(p2)); for (i = 0; i < msgcnt2; i++) { rd_kafka_message_t *msg = msgs[i]; if (!do_abort) { /* The expected msgver based on the input topic * will be compared to the actual msgver based * on the output topic, so we need to * override the topic name to match * the actual msgver's output topic. */ test_msgver_add_msg0( __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, rd_kafka_name(p2), &expect_mv, msg, output_topic); committed_msgcnt++; } err = rd_kafka_producev( p2, RD_KAFKA_V_TOPIC(output_topic), RD_KAFKA_V_KEY(msg->key, msg->key_len), RD_KAFKA_V_VALUE(msg->payload, msg->len), RD_KAFKA_V_MSGFLAGS(RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_COPY), RD_KAFKA_V_OPAQUE(&remains), RD_KAFKA_V_END); TEST_ASSERT(!err, "produce failed: %s", rd_kafka_err2str(err)); rd_kafka_poll(p2, 0); } destroy_messages(msgs, msgcnt2); err = rd_kafka_assignment(c1, &offsets); TEST_ASSERT(!err, "failed to get consumer assignment: %s", rd_kafka_err2str(err)); err = rd_kafka_position(c1, offsets); TEST_ASSERT(!err, "failed to get consumer position: %s", rd_kafka_err2str(err)); c1_cgmetadata = rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata(c1); TEST_ASSERT(c1_cgmetadata != NULL, "failed to get consumer group metadata"); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_send_offsets_to_transaction( p2, offsets, c1_cgmetadata, -1)); if (recreate_consumer && !do_abort) { expected_offsets = rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_new(offsets->cnt); /* Cannot use rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_copy * as it needs to be destroyed before closing the * consumer, because of the _private field holding * a reference to the internal toppar */ for (i = 0; i < offsets->cnt; i++) { rd_kafka_topic_partition_t *rktpar = &offsets->elems[i]; rd_kafka_topic_partition_t *rktpar_new; rktpar_new = rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_add( expected_offsets, rktpar->topic, rktpar->partition); rktpar_new->offset = rktpar->offset; rd_kafka_topic_partition_set_leader_epoch( rktpar_new, rd_kafka_topic_partition_get_leader_epoch( rktpar)); } } rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_destroy(c1_cgmetadata); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(offsets); if (do_abort) { test_curr->ignore_dr_err = rd_true; TEST_CALL_ERROR__( rd_kafka_abort_transaction(p2, 30 * 1000)); } else { test_curr->ignore_dr_err = rd_false; TEST_CALL_ERROR__( rd_kafka_commit_transaction(p2, 30 * 1000)); } TEST_ASSERT(remains == 0, "expected no remaining messages " "in-flight/in-queue, got %d", remains); if (recreate_consumer) { /* Recreate the consumer to pick up * on the committed offset. */ TEST_SAY("Recreating consumer 1\n"); rd_kafka_consumer_close(c1); rd_kafka_destroy(c1); tmpconf = rd_kafka_conf_dup(conf); test_conf_set(tmpconf, "isolation.level", "read_committed"); test_conf_set(tmpconf, "auto.offset.reset", "earliest"); test_conf_set(tmpconf, "enable.auto.commit", "false"); c1 = test_create_consumer(c1_groupid, NULL, tmpconf, NULL); test_consumer_subscribe(c1, input_topic); if (expected_offsets) { rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *committed_offsets = rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_copy( expected_offsets); /* Set committed offsets and epochs to a * different value before requesting them. */ for (i = 0; i < committed_offsets->cnt; i++) { rd_kafka_topic_partition_t *rktpar = &committed_offsets->elems[i]; rktpar->offset = -100; rd_kafka_topic_partition_set_leader_epoch( rktpar, -100); } TEST_CALL_ERR__(rd_kafka_committed( c1, committed_offsets, -1)); if (test_partition_list_and_offsets_cmp( expected_offsets, committed_offsets)) { TEST_SAY("expected list:\n"); test_print_partition_list( expected_offsets); TEST_SAY("committed() list:\n"); test_print_partition_list( committed_offsets); TEST_FAIL( "committed offsets don't match"); } rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy( committed_offsets); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy( expected_offsets); } } } rd_kafka_conf_destroy(conf); test_msgver_init(&actual_mv, testid); test_consumer_poll("Verify output topic", c2, testid, -1, 0, committed_msgcnt, &actual_mv); test_msgver_verify_compare("Verify output topic", &actual_mv, &expect_mv, TEST_MSGVER_ALL); test_msgver_clear(&actual_mv); test_msgver_clear(&expect_mv); rd_kafka_consumer_close(c1); rd_kafka_consumer_close(c2); rd_kafka_destroy(c1); rd_kafka_destroy(c2); rd_kafka_destroy(p2); rd_free(input_topic); rd_free(output_topic); SUB_TEST_PASS(); } /** * @brief Testing misuse of the transaction API. */ static void do_test_misuse_txn(void) { const char *topic = test_mk_topic_name("0103-test_misuse_txn", 1); rd_kafka_t *p; rd_kafka_conf_t *conf; rd_kafka_error_t *error; rd_kafka_resp_err_t fatal_err; char errstr[512]; int i; /* * transaction.timeout.ms out of range (from broker's point of view) */ SUB_TEST_QUICK(); test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 10); test_conf_set(conf, "transactional.id", topic); test_conf_set(conf, "transaction.timeout.ms", "2147483647"); p = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf); error = rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, 10 * 1000); TEST_ASSERT(error, "Expected init_transactions() to fail"); TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_error_code(error) == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, "Expected error ERR_INVALID_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, " "not %s: %s", rd_kafka_error_name(error), error ? rd_kafka_error_string(error) : ""); TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_error_is_fatal(error), "Expected error to have is_fatal() set"); rd_kafka_error_destroy(error); /* Check that a fatal error is raised */ fatal_err = rd_kafka_fatal_error(p, errstr, sizeof(errstr)); TEST_ASSERT(fatal_err == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, "Expected fatal error ERR_INVALID_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, " "not %s: %s", rd_kafka_err2name(fatal_err), fatal_err ? errstr : ""); rd_kafka_destroy(p); /* * Multiple calls to init_transactions(): finish on first. */ TEST_SAY("[ Test multiple init_transactions(): finish on first ]\n"); test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 10); test_conf_set(conf, "transactional.id", topic); p = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, 30 * 1000)); error = rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, 1); TEST_ASSERT(error, "Expected init_transactions() to fail"); TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_error_code(error) == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE, "Expected ERR__STATE error, not %s", rd_kafka_error_name(error)); rd_kafka_error_destroy(error); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_begin_transaction(p)); error = rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, 3 * 1000); TEST_ASSERT(error, "Expected init_transactions() to fail"); TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_error_code(error) == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE, "Expected ERR__STATE error, not %s", rd_kafka_error_name(error)); rd_kafka_error_destroy(error); rd_kafka_destroy(p); /* * Multiple calls to init_transactions(): timeout on first. */ TEST_SAY("[ Test multiple init_transactions(): timeout on first ]\n"); test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 10); test_conf_set(conf, "transactional.id", topic); p = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf); error = rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, 1); TEST_ASSERT(error, "Expected init_transactions() to fail"); TEST_SAY("error: %s, %d\n", rd_kafka_error_string(error), rd_kafka_error_is_retriable(error)); TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_error_code(error) == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT, "Expected ERR__TIMED_OUT, not %s: %s", rd_kafka_error_name(error), rd_kafka_error_string(error)); TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_error_is_retriable(error), "Expected error to be retriable"); rd_kafka_error_destroy(error); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, 30 * 1000)); rd_kafka_destroy(p); /* * Multiple calls to init_transactions(): hysterical amounts */ TEST_SAY("[ Test multiple init_transactions(): hysterical amounts ]\n"); test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 10); test_conf_set(conf, "transactional.id", topic); p = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf); /* Call until init succeeds */ for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { if (!(error = rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, 1))) break; TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_error_is_retriable(error), "Expected error to be retriable"); rd_kafka_error_destroy(error); error = rd_kafka_begin_transaction(p); TEST_ASSERT(error, "Expected begin_transactions() to fail"); TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_error_code(error) == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT, "Expected begin_transactions() to fail " "with CONFLICT, not %s", rd_kafka_error_name(error)); rd_kafka_error_destroy(error); } TEST_ASSERT(i <= 5000, "init_transactions() did not succeed after %d calls\n", i); TEST_SAY("init_transactions() succeeded after %d call(s)\n", i + 1); /* Make sure a sub-sequent init call fails. */ error = rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, 5 * 1000); TEST_ASSERT(error, "Expected init_transactions() to fail"); TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_error_code(error) == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE, "Expected init_transactions() to fail with STATE, not %s", rd_kafka_error_name(error)); rd_kafka_error_destroy(error); /* But begin.. should work now */ TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_begin_transaction(p)); rd_kafka_destroy(p); SUB_TEST_PASS(); } /** * @brief is_fatal_cb for fenced_txn test. */ static int fenced_txn_is_fatal_cb(rd_kafka_t *rk, rd_kafka_resp_err_t err, const char *reason) { TEST_SAY("is_fatal?: %s: %s\n", rd_kafka_err2str(err), reason); if (err == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FENCED) { TEST_SAY("Saw the expected fatal error\n"); return 0; } return 1; } /** * @brief Check that transaction fencing is handled correctly. */ static void do_test_fenced_txn(rd_bool_t produce_after_fence) { const char *topic = test_mk_topic_name("0103_fenced_txn", 1); rd_kafka_conf_t *conf; rd_kafka_t *p1, *p2; rd_kafka_error_t *error; uint64_t testid; SUB_TEST_QUICK("%sproduce after fence", produce_after_fence ? "" : "do not "); if (produce_after_fence) test_curr->is_fatal_cb = fenced_txn_is_fatal_cb; test_curr->ignore_dr_err = rd_false; testid = test_id_generate(); test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 30); test_conf_set(conf, "transactional.id", topic); rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_msg_cb(conf, test_dr_msg_cb); p1 = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, rd_kafka_conf_dup(conf)); p2 = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, rd_kafka_conf_dup(conf)); rd_kafka_conf_destroy(conf); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_init_transactions(p1, 30 * 1000)); /* Begin a transaction */ TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_begin_transaction(p1)); /* Produce some messages */ test_produce_msgs2(p1, topic, testid, RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA, 0, 10, NULL, 0); /* Initialize transactions on producer 2, this should * fence off producer 1. */ TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_init_transactions(p2, 30 * 1000)); if (produce_after_fence) { /* This will fail hard since the epoch was bumped. */ TEST_SAY("Producing after producing fencing\n"); test_curr->ignore_dr_err = rd_true; test_produce_msgs2(p1, topic, testid, RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA, 0, 10, NULL, 0); } error = rd_kafka_commit_transaction(p1, 30 * 1000); TEST_ASSERT(error, "Expected commit to fail"); TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_fatal_error(p1, NULL, 0), "Expected a fatal error to have been raised"); TEST_ASSERT(error, "Expected commit_transaction() to fail"); TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_error_is_fatal(error), "Expected commit_transaction() to return a " "fatal error"); TEST_ASSERT(!rd_kafka_error_txn_requires_abort(error), "Expected commit_transaction() not to return an " "abortable error"); TEST_ASSERT(!rd_kafka_error_is_retriable(error), "Expected commit_transaction() not to return a " "retriable error"); TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_error_code(error) == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FENCED, "Expected commit_transaction() to return %s, " "not %s: %s", rd_kafka_err2name(RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FENCED), rd_kafka_error_name(error), rd_kafka_error_string(error)); rd_kafka_error_destroy(error); rd_kafka_destroy(p1); rd_kafka_destroy(p2); /* Make sure no messages were committed. */ test_consume_txn_msgs_easy( topic, topic, testid, test_get_partition_count(NULL, topic, 10 * 1000), 0, NULL); SUB_TEST_PASS(); } /** * @brief Check that fatal idempotent producer errors are also fatal * transactional errors when KIP-360 is not supported. */ static void do_test_fatal_idempo_error_without_kip360(void) { const char *topic = test_mk_topic_name("0103_fatal_idempo", 1); const int32_t partition = 0; rd_kafka_conf_t *conf, *c_conf; rd_kafka_t *p, *c; rd_kafka_error_t *error; uint64_t testid; const int msgcnt[3] = {6, 4, 1}; rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *records; test_msgver_t expect_mv, actual_mv; /* This test triggers UNKNOWN_PRODUCER_ID on AK <2.4 and >2.4, but * not on AK 2.4. * On AK <2.5 (pre KIP-360) these errors are unrecoverable, * on AK >2.5 (with KIP-360) we can recover. * Since 2.4 is not behaving as the other releases we skip it here. */ rd_bool_t expect_fail = test_broker_version < TEST_BRKVER(2, 5, 0, 0); SUB_TEST_QUICK( "%s", expect_fail ? "expecting failure since broker is < 2.5" : "not expecting failure since broker is >= 2.5"); if (test_broker_version >= TEST_BRKVER(2, 4, 0, 0) && test_broker_version < TEST_BRKVER(2, 5, 0, 0)) SUB_TEST_SKIP("can't trigger UNKNOWN_PRODUCER_ID on AK 2.4"); if (expect_fail) test_curr->is_fatal_cb = test_error_is_not_fatal_cb; test_curr->ignore_dr_err = expect_fail; testid = test_id_generate(); /* Keep track of what messages to expect on the output topic */ test_msgver_init(&expect_mv, testid); test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 30); test_conf_set(conf, "transactional.id", topic); test_conf_set(conf, "batch.num.messages", "1"); rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_msg_cb(conf, test_dr_msg_cb); p = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf); test_create_topic(p, topic, 1, 3); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, 30 * 1000)); /* * 3 transactions: * 1. Produce some messages, commit. * 2. Produce some messages, then delete the messages from txn 1 and * then produce some more messages: UNKNOWN_PRODUCER_ID should be * raised as a fatal error. * 3. Start a new transaction, produce and commit some new messages. * (this step is only performed when expect_fail is false). */ /* * Transaction 1 */ TEST_SAY(_C_BLU "Transaction 1: %d msgs\n", msgcnt[0]); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_begin_transaction(p)); test_produce_msgs2(p, topic, testid, partition, 0, msgcnt[0], NULL, 0); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_commit_transaction(p, -1)); /* * Transaction 2 */ TEST_SAY(_C_BLU "Transaction 2: %d msgs\n", msgcnt[1]); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_begin_transaction(p)); /* Now delete the messages from txn1 */ TEST_SAY("Deleting records < %s [%" PRId32 "] offset %d+1\n", topic, partition, msgcnt[0]); records = rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_new(1); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_add(records, topic, partition)->offset = msgcnt[0]; /* include the control message too */ TEST_CALL_ERR__(test_DeleteRecords_simple(p, NULL, records, NULL)); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(records); /* Wait for deletes to propagate */ rd_sleep(2); if (!expect_fail) test_curr->dr_mv = &expect_mv; /* Produce more messages, should now fail */ test_produce_msgs2(p, topic, testid, partition, 0, msgcnt[1], NULL, 0); error = rd_kafka_commit_transaction(p, -1); TEST_SAY_ERROR(error, "commit_transaction() returned: "); if (expect_fail) { TEST_ASSERT(error != NULL, "Expected transaction to fail"); TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_error_txn_requires_abort(error), "Expected abortable error"); rd_kafka_error_destroy(error); /* Now abort transaction, which should raise the fatal error * since it is the abort that performs the PID reinitialization. */ error = rd_kafka_abort_transaction(p, -1); TEST_SAY_ERROR(error, "abort_transaction() returned: "); TEST_ASSERT(error != NULL, "Expected abort to fail"); TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_error_is_fatal(error), "Expecting fatal error"); TEST_ASSERT(!rd_kafka_error_is_retriable(error), "Did not expect retriable error"); TEST_ASSERT(!rd_kafka_error_txn_requires_abort(error), "Did not expect abortable error"); rd_kafka_error_destroy(error); } else { TEST_ASSERT(!error, "Did not expect commit to fail: %s", rd_kafka_error_string(error)); } if (!expect_fail) { /* * Transaction 3 */ TEST_SAY(_C_BLU "Transaction 3: %d msgs\n", msgcnt[2]); test_curr->dr_mv = &expect_mv; TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_begin_transaction(p)); test_produce_msgs2(p, topic, testid, partition, 0, msgcnt[2], NULL, 0); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_commit_transaction(p, -1)); } rd_kafka_destroy(p); /* Consume messages. * On AK<2.5 (expect_fail=true) we do not expect to see any messages * since the producer will have failed with a fatal error. * On AK>=2.5 (expect_fail=false) we should only see messages from * txn 3 which are sent after the producer has recovered. */ test_conf_init(&c_conf, NULL, 0); test_conf_set(c_conf, "enable.partition.eof", "true"); c = test_create_consumer(topic, NULL, c_conf, NULL); test_consumer_assign_partition("consume", c, topic, partition, RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_BEGINNING); test_msgver_init(&actual_mv, testid); test_msgver_ignore_eof(&actual_mv); test_consumer_poll("Verify output topic", c, testid, 1, 0, -1, &actual_mv); test_msgver_verify_compare("Verify output topic", &actual_mv, &expect_mv, TEST_MSGVER_ALL); test_msgver_clear(&actual_mv); test_msgver_clear(&expect_mv); rd_kafka_destroy(c); SUB_TEST_PASS(); } /** * @brief Check that empty transactions, with no messages produced, work * as expected. */ static void do_test_empty_txn(rd_bool_t send_offsets, rd_bool_t do_commit) { const char *topic = test_mk_topic_name("0103_empty_txn", 1); rd_kafka_conf_t *conf, *c_conf; rd_kafka_t *p, *c; uint64_t testid; const int msgcnt = 10; rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *committed; int64_t offset; SUB_TEST_QUICK("%ssend offsets, %s", send_offsets ? "" : "don't ", do_commit ? "commit" : "abort"); testid = test_id_generate(); test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 30); c_conf = rd_kafka_conf_dup(conf); test_conf_set(conf, "transactional.id", topic); rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_msg_cb(conf, test_dr_msg_cb); p = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf); test_create_topic(p, topic, 1, 3); /* Produce some non-txnn messages for the consumer to read and commit */ test_produce_msgs_easy(topic, testid, 0, msgcnt); /* Create consumer and subscribe to the topic */ test_conf_set(c_conf, "auto.offset.reset", "earliest"); test_conf_set(c_conf, "enable.auto.commit", "false"); c = test_create_consumer(topic, NULL, c_conf, NULL); test_consumer_subscribe(c, topic); test_consumer_wait_assignment(c, rd_false); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, -1)); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_begin_transaction(p)); /* send_offsets? Consume messages and send those offsets to the txn */ if (send_offsets) { rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *offsets; rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_t *cgmetadata; test_consumer_poll("consume", c, testid, -1, 0, msgcnt, NULL); TEST_CALL_ERR__(rd_kafka_assignment(c, &offsets)); TEST_CALL_ERR__(rd_kafka_position(c, offsets)); cgmetadata = rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata(c); TEST_ASSERT(cgmetadata != NULL, "failed to get consumer group metadata"); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_send_offsets_to_transaction( p, offsets, cgmetadata, -1)); rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_destroy(cgmetadata); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(offsets); } if (do_commit) TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_commit_transaction(p, -1)); else TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_abort_transaction(p, -1)); /* Wait before checking the committed offsets (Kafka < 2.5.0) */ if (test_broker_version < TEST_BRKVER(2, 5, 0, 0)) rd_usleep(tmout_multip(5000 * 1000), NULL); /* Get the committed offsets */ TEST_CALL_ERR__(rd_kafka_assignment(c, &committed)); TEST_CALL_ERR__(rd_kafka_committed(c, committed, 10 * 1000)); TEST_ASSERT(committed->cnt == 1, "expected one committed offset, not %d", committed->cnt); offset = committed->elems[0].offset; TEST_SAY("Committed offset is %" PRId64 "\n", offset); if (do_commit && send_offsets) TEST_ASSERT(offset >= msgcnt, "expected committed offset >= %d, got %" PRId64, msgcnt, offset); else TEST_ASSERT(offset < 0, "expected no committed offset, got %" PRId64, offset); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(committed); rd_kafka_destroy(c); rd_kafka_destroy(p); SUB_TEST_PASS(); } /** * @returns the high watermark for the given partition. */ int64_t query_hi_wmark0(int line, rd_kafka_t *c, const char *topic, int32_t partition) { rd_kafka_resp_err_t err; int64_t lo = -1, hi = -1; err = rd_kafka_query_watermark_offsets(c, topic, partition, &lo, &hi, tmout_multip(5 * 1000)); TEST_ASSERT(!err, "%d: query_watermark_offsets(%s) failed: %s", line, topic, rd_kafka_err2str(err)); return hi; } #define query_hi_wmark(c, topic, part) query_hi_wmark0(__LINE__, c, topic, part) /** * @brief Check that isolation.level works as expected for query_watermark..(). */ static void do_test_wmark_isolation_level(void) { const char *topic = test_mk_topic_name("0103_wmark_isol", 1); rd_kafka_conf_t *conf, *c_conf; rd_kafka_t *p, *c1, *c2; uint64_t testid; int64_t hw_uncommitted, hw_committed; SUB_TEST_QUICK(); testid = test_id_generate(); test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 30); c_conf = rd_kafka_conf_dup(conf); test_conf_set(conf, "transactional.id", topic); rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_msg_cb(conf, test_dr_msg_cb); p = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, rd_kafka_conf_dup(conf)); test_create_topic(p, topic, 1, 3); /* Produce some non-txn messages to avoid 0 as the committed hwmark */ test_produce_msgs_easy(topic, testid, 0, 100); /* Create consumer and subscribe to the topic */ test_conf_set(c_conf, "isolation.level", "read_committed"); c1 = test_create_consumer(topic, NULL, rd_kafka_conf_dup(c_conf), NULL); test_conf_set(c_conf, "isolation.level", "read_uncommitted"); c2 = test_create_consumer(topic, NULL, c_conf, NULL); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, -1)); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_begin_transaction(p)); /* Produce some txn messages */ test_produce_msgs2(p, topic, testid, 0, 0, 100, NULL, 0); test_flush(p, 10 * 1000); hw_committed = query_hi_wmark(c1, topic, 0); hw_uncommitted = query_hi_wmark(c2, topic, 0); TEST_SAY("Pre-commit hwmarks: committed %" PRId64 ", uncommitted %" PRId64 "\n", hw_committed, hw_uncommitted); TEST_ASSERT(hw_committed > 0 && hw_committed < hw_uncommitted, "Committed hwmark %" PRId64 " should be lower than " "uncommitted hwmark %" PRId64 " for %s [0]", hw_committed, hw_uncommitted, topic); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_commit_transaction(p, -1)); /* Re-create the producer and re-init transactions to make * sure the transaction is fully committed in the cluster. */ rd_kafka_destroy(p); p = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf); TEST_CALL_ERROR__(rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, -1)); rd_kafka_destroy(p); /* Now query wmarks again */ hw_committed = query_hi_wmark(c1, topic, 0); hw_uncommitted = query_hi_wmark(c2, topic, 0); TEST_SAY("Post-commit hwmarks: committed %" PRId64 ", uncommitted %" PRId64 "\n", hw_committed, hw_uncommitted); TEST_ASSERT(hw_committed == hw_uncommitted, "Committed hwmark %" PRId64 " should be equal to " "uncommitted hwmark %" PRId64 " for %s [0]", hw_committed, hw_uncommitted, topic); rd_kafka_destroy(c1); rd_kafka_destroy(c2); SUB_TEST_PASS(); } int main_0103_transactions(int argc, char **argv) { do_test_misuse_txn(); do_test_basic_producer_txn(rd_false /* without compression */); do_test_basic_producer_txn(rd_true /* with compression */); do_test_consumer_producer_txn(); do_test_fenced_txn(rd_false /* no produce after fencing */); do_test_fenced_txn(rd_true /* produce after fencing */); do_test_fatal_idempo_error_without_kip360(); do_test_empty_txn(rd_false /*don't send offsets*/, rd_true /*commit*/); do_test_empty_txn(rd_false /*don't send offsets*/, rd_false /*abort*/); do_test_empty_txn(rd_true /*send offsets*/, rd_true /*commit*/); do_test_empty_txn(rd_true /*send offsets*/, rd_false /*abort*/); do_test_wmark_isolation_level(); return 0; } /** * @brief Transaction tests that don't require a broker. */ static void do_test_txn_local(void) { rd_kafka_conf_t *conf; rd_kafka_t *p; rd_kafka_error_t *error; test_timing_t t_init; int timeout_ms = 7 * 1000; SUB_TEST_QUICK(); /* * No transactional.id, init_transactions() should fail. */ test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 0); test_conf_set(conf, "bootstrap.servers", NULL); p = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf); error = rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, 10); TEST_ASSERT(error, "Expected init_transactions() to fail"); TEST_ASSERT( rd_kafka_error_code(error) == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOT_CONFIGURED, "Expected ERR__NOT_CONFIGURED, not %s", rd_kafka_error_name(error)); rd_kafka_error_destroy(error); rd_kafka_destroy(p); /* * No brokers, init_transactions() should time out according * to the timeout. */ test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 0); test_conf_set(conf, "bootstrap.servers", NULL); test_conf_set(conf, "transactional.id", "test"); p = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf); TEST_SAY("Waiting for init_transactions() timeout %d ms\n", timeout_ms); test_timeout_set((timeout_ms + 2000) / 1000); TIMING_START(&t_init, "init_transactions()"); error = rd_kafka_init_transactions(p, timeout_ms); TIMING_STOP(&t_init); TEST_ASSERT(error, "Expected init_transactions() to fail"); TEST_ASSERT(rd_kafka_error_code(error) == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT, "Expected RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT, " "not %s: %s", rd_kafka_error_name(error), rd_kafka_error_string(error)); TEST_SAY("init_transactions() failed as expected: %s\n", rd_kafka_error_string(error)); rd_kafka_error_destroy(error); TIMING_ASSERT(&t_init, timeout_ms - 2000, timeout_ms + 5000); rd_kafka_destroy(p); SUB_TEST_PASS(); } int main_0103_transactions_local(int argc, char **argv) { do_test_txn_local(); return 0; }