# Lightweight ring buffer manager Library provides generic FIFO ring buffer implementation.

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## Features * Written in ANSI C99, compatible with ``size_t`` for size data types * Platform independent, no architecture specific code * FIFO (First In First Out) buffer implementation * No dynamic memory allocation, data is static array * Uses optimized memory copy instead of loops to read/write data from/to memory * Thread safe when used as pipe with single write and single read entries * Interrupt safe when used as pipe with single write and single read entries * Suitable for DMA transfers from and to memory with zero-copy overhead between buffer and application memory * Supports data peek, skip for read and advance for write * Implements support for event notifications * User friendly MIT license ## Contribute Fresh contributions are always welcome. Simple instructions to proceed:: 1. Fork Github repository 2. Respect [C style & coding rules](https://github.com/MaJerle/c-code-style) used by the library 3. Create a pull request to develop branch with new features or bug fixes Alternatively you may: 1. Report a bug 2. Ask for a feature request