/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* Monkey HTTP Server * ================== * Copyright 2001-2017 Eduardo Silva * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int str_to_regex(char *str, regex_t *reg) { char *p = str; regex_t *result; while (*p) { if (*p == ' ') *p = '|'; p++; } result = re_compile(str); memcpy(reg, result, REGEXP_SIZE); return 0; } /* * This function is triggered upon thread creation (inside the thread * context), here we configure per-thread data. */ int mk_vhost_fdt_worker_init(struct mk_server *server) { int i; int j; struct mk_vhost *h; struct mk_list *list; struct mk_list *head; struct vhost_fdt_host *fdt; struct vhost_fdt_hash_table *ht; struct vhost_fdt_hash_chain *hc; if (server->fdt == MK_FALSE) { return -1; } /* * We are under a thread context and the main configuration is * already in place. Now for every existent virtual host we are * going to create the File Descriptor Table (FDT) which aims to * hold references of 'open and shared' file descriptors under * the Virtual Host context. */ /* * Under an initialization context we need to protect this critical * section */ pthread_mutex_lock(&server->vhost_fdt_mutex); /* * Initialize the thread FDT/Hosts list and create an entry per * existent virtual host */ list = mk_mem_alloc_z(sizeof(struct mk_list)); mk_list_init(list); mk_list_foreach(head, &server->hosts) { h = mk_list_entry(head, struct mk_vhost, _head); fdt = mk_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct vhost_fdt_host)); fdt->host = h; /* Initialize hash table */ for (i = 0; i < VHOST_FDT_HASHTABLE_SIZE; i++) { ht = &fdt->hash_table[i]; ht->av_slots = VHOST_FDT_HASHTABLE_CHAINS; /* for each chain under the hash table, set the fd */ for (j = 0; j < VHOST_FDT_HASHTABLE_CHAINS; j++) { hc = &ht->chain[j]; hc->fd = -1; hc->hash = 0; hc->readers = 0; } } mk_list_add(&fdt->_head, list); } MK_TLS_SET(mk_tls_vhost_fdt, list); pthread_mutex_unlock(&server->vhost_fdt_mutex); return 0; } int mk_vhost_fdt_worker_exit(struct mk_server *server) { struct mk_list *list; struct mk_list *head; struct mk_list *tmp; struct vhost_fdt_host *fdt; if (server->fdt == MK_FALSE) { return -1; } list = MK_TLS_GET(mk_tls_vhost_fdt); mk_list_foreach_safe(head, tmp, list) { fdt = mk_list_entry(head, struct vhost_fdt_host, _head); mk_list_del(&fdt->_head); mk_mem_free(fdt); } mk_mem_free(list); return 0; } static inline struct vhost_fdt_hash_table *mk_vhost_fdt_table_lookup(int id, struct mk_vhost *host) { struct mk_list *head; struct mk_list *list; struct vhost_fdt_host *fdt_host; struct vhost_fdt_hash_table *ht = NULL; list = MK_TLS_GET(mk_tls_vhost_fdt); mk_list_foreach(head, list) { fdt_host = mk_list_entry(head, struct vhost_fdt_host, _head); if (fdt_host->host == host) { ht = &fdt_host->hash_table[id]; return ht; } } return ht; } static inline struct vhost_fdt_hash_chain *mk_vhost_fdt_chain_lookup(unsigned int hash, struct vhost_fdt_hash_table *ht) { int i; struct vhost_fdt_hash_chain *hc = NULL; for (i = 0; i < VHOST_FDT_HASHTABLE_CHAINS; i++) { hc = &ht->chain[i]; if (hc->hash == hash) { return hc; } } return NULL; } static inline int mk_vhost_fdt_open(int id, unsigned int hash, struct mk_http_request *sr, struct mk_server *server) { int i; int fd = -1; struct vhost_fdt_hash_table *ht = NULL; struct vhost_fdt_hash_chain *hc; if (server->fdt == MK_FALSE) { return open(sr->real_path.data, sr->file_info.flags_read_only); } ht = mk_vhost_fdt_table_lookup(id, sr->host_conf); if (mk_unlikely(!ht)) { return open(sr->real_path.data, sr->file_info.flags_read_only); } /* We got the hash table, now look around the chains array */ hc = mk_vhost_fdt_chain_lookup(hash, ht); if (hc) { /* Increment the readers and return the shared FD */ hc->readers++; sr->vhost_fdt_id = id; sr->vhost_fdt_hash = hash; sr->vhost_fdt_enabled = MK_TRUE; return hc->fd; } /* * Get here means that no entry exists in the hash table for the * requested file descriptor and hash, we must try to open the file * and register the entry in the table. */ fd = open(sr->real_path.data, sr->file_info.flags_read_only); if (fd == -1) { return -1; } /* If chains are full, just return the new FD, bad luck... */ if (ht->av_slots <= 0) { return fd; } /* Register the new entry in an available slot */ for (i = 0; i < VHOST_FDT_HASHTABLE_CHAINS; i++) { hc = &ht->chain[i]; if (hc->fd == -1) { hc->fd = fd; hc->hash = hash; hc->readers++; ht->av_slots--; sr->vhost_fdt_id = id; sr->vhost_fdt_hash = hash; sr->vhost_fdt_enabled = MK_TRUE; return fd; } } return fd; } static inline int mk_vhost_fdt_close(struct mk_http_request *sr, struct mk_server *server) { int id; unsigned int hash; struct vhost_fdt_hash_table *ht = NULL; struct vhost_fdt_hash_chain *hc; if (server->fdt == MK_FALSE || sr->vhost_fdt_enabled == MK_FALSE) { if (sr->in_file.fd > 0) { return close(sr->in_file.fd); } return -1; } id = sr->vhost_fdt_id; hash = sr->vhost_fdt_hash; ht = mk_vhost_fdt_table_lookup(id, sr->host_conf); if (mk_unlikely(!ht)) { return close(sr->in_file.fd); } /* We got the hash table, now look around the chains array */ hc = mk_vhost_fdt_chain_lookup(hash, ht); if (hc) { /* Increment the readers and check if we should close */ hc->readers--; sr->vhost_fdt_enabled = MK_FALSE; if (hc->readers == 0) { hc->fd = -1; hc->hash = 0; ht->av_slots++; return close(sr->in_file.fd); } else { return 0; } } return close(sr->in_file.fd); } int mk_vhost_open(struct mk_http_request *sr, struct mk_server *server) { int id; int off; unsigned int hash; off = sr->host_conf->documentroot.len; hash = mk_utils_gen_hash(sr->real_path.data + off, sr->real_path.len - off); id = (hash % VHOST_FDT_HASHTABLE_SIZE); return mk_vhost_fdt_open(id, hash, sr, server); } int mk_vhost_close(struct mk_http_request *sr, struct mk_server *server) { return mk_vhost_fdt_close(sr, server); } struct mk_vhost_handler *mk_vhost_handler_match(char *match, void (*cb)(struct mk_http_request *, void *), void *data) { int ret; struct mk_vhost_handler *h; h = mk_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct mk_vhost_handler)); if (!h) { return NULL; } h->name = NULL; h->cb = cb; h->data = data; h->match = mk_mem_alloc(REGEXP_SIZE); if (!h->match) { mk_mem_free(h); return NULL; } mk_list_init(&h->params); ret = str_to_regex(match, h->match); if (ret == -1) { mk_mem_free(h); return NULL; } return h; } /* * Open a virtual host configuration file and return a structure with * definitions. */ struct mk_vhost *mk_vhost_read(char *path) { int ret; char *tmp; char *host_low; struct stat checkdir; struct mk_vhost *host; struct mk_vhost_alias *new_alias; struct mk_vhost_error_page *err_page; struct mk_rconf *cnf; struct mk_rconf_section *section_host; struct mk_rconf_section *section_ep; struct mk_rconf_section *section_handlers; struct mk_rconf_entry *entry_ep; struct mk_string_line *entry; struct mk_list *head, *list, *line; struct mk_vhost_handler *h_handler; struct mk_vhost_handler_param *h_param; /* Read configuration file */ cnf = mk_rconf_open(path); if (!cnf) { mk_err("Configuration error, aborting."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Read 'HOST' section */ section_host = mk_rconf_section_get(cnf, "HOST"); if (!section_host) { mk_err("Invalid config file %s", path); return NULL; } /* Alloc configuration node */ host = mk_mem_alloc_z(sizeof(struct mk_vhost)); host->config = cnf; host->file = mk_string_dup(path); /* Init list for host name aliases */ mk_list_init(&host->server_names); /* Init list for custom error pages */ mk_list_init(&host->error_pages); /* Init list for content handlers */ mk_list_init(&host->handlers); /* Lookup Servername */ list = mk_rconf_section_get_key(section_host, "Servername", MK_RCONF_LIST); if (!list) { mk_err("Hostname does not contain a Servername"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mk_list_foreach(head, list) { entry = mk_list_entry(head, struct mk_string_line, _head); if (entry->len > MK_HOSTNAME_LEN - 1) { continue; } /* Hostname to lowercase */ host_low = mk_string_tolower(entry->val); /* Alloc node */ new_alias = mk_mem_alloc_z(sizeof(struct mk_vhost_alias)); new_alias->name = mk_mem_alloc_z(entry->len + 1); strncpy(new_alias->name, host_low, entry->len); mk_mem_free(host_low); new_alias->len = entry->len; mk_list_add(&new_alias->_head, &host->server_names); } mk_string_split_free(list); /* Lookup document root handled by a mk_ptr_t */ host->documentroot.data = mk_rconf_section_get_key(section_host, "DocumentRoot", MK_RCONF_STR); if (!host->documentroot.data) { mk_err("Missing DocumentRoot entry on %s file", path); mk_rconf_free(cnf); mk_mem_free(host->file); mk_mem_free(host); return NULL; } host->documentroot.len = strlen(host->documentroot.data); /* Validate document root configured */ if (stat(host->documentroot.data, &checkdir) == -1) { mk_err("Invalid path to DocumentRoot in %s", path); } else if (!(checkdir.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) { mk_err("DocumentRoot variable in %s has an invalid directory path", path); } if (mk_list_is_empty(&host->server_names) == 0) { mk_rconf_free(cnf); mk_mem_free(host->file); mk_mem_free(host); return NULL; } /* Check Virtual Host redirection */ host->header_redirect.data = NULL; host->header_redirect.len = 0; tmp = mk_rconf_section_get_key(section_host, "Redirect", MK_RCONF_STR); if (tmp) { host->header_redirect.data = mk_string_dup(tmp); host->header_redirect.len = strlen(tmp); mk_mem_free(tmp); } /* Error Pages */ section_ep = mk_rconf_section_get(cnf, "ERROR_PAGES"); if (section_ep) { mk_list_foreach(head, §ion_ep->entries) { entry_ep = mk_list_entry(head, struct mk_rconf_entry, _head); int ep_status = -1; char *ep_file = NULL; unsigned long len; ep_status = atoi(entry_ep->key); ep_file = entry_ep->val; /* Validate input values */ if (ep_status < MK_CLIENT_BAD_REQUEST || ep_status > MK_SERVER_HTTP_VERSION_UNSUP || ep_file == NULL) { continue; } /* Alloc error page node */ err_page = mk_mem_alloc_z(sizeof(struct mk_vhost_error_page)); err_page->status = ep_status; err_page->file = mk_string_dup(ep_file); err_page->real_path = NULL; mk_string_build(&err_page->real_path, &len, "%s/%s", host->documentroot.data, err_page->file); MK_TRACE("Map error page: status %i -> %s", err_page->status, err_page->file); /* Link page to the error page list */ mk_list_add(&err_page->_head, &host->error_pages); } } /* Handlers */ int i; int params; struct mk_list *head_line; section_handlers = mk_rconf_section_get(cnf, "HANDLERS"); if (!section_handlers) { return host; } mk_list_foreach(head, §ion_handlers->entries) { entry_ep = mk_list_entry(head, struct mk_rconf_entry, _head); if (strncasecmp(entry_ep->key, "Match", strlen(entry_ep->key)) == 0) { line = mk_string_split_line(entry_ep->val); if (!line) { continue; } h_handler = mk_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct mk_vhost_handler)); if (!h_handler) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } h_handler->match = mk_mem_alloc(REGEXP_SIZE); if (!h_handler->match) { mk_mem_free(h_handler); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } h_handler->cb = NULL; mk_list_init(&h_handler->params); i = 0; params = 0; mk_list_foreach(head_line, line) { entry = mk_list_entry(head_line, struct mk_string_line, _head); switch (i) { case 0: ret = str_to_regex(entry->val, h_handler->match); if (ret == -1) { return NULL; } break; case 1: h_handler->name = mk_string_dup(entry->val); break; default: /* link parameters */ h_param = mk_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct mk_vhost_handler_param)); h_param->p.data = mk_string_dup(entry->val); h_param->p.len = entry->len; mk_list_add(&h_param->_head, &h_handler->params); params++; }; i++; } h_handler->n_params = params; mk_string_split_free(line); if (i < 2) { mk_err("[Host Handlers] invalid Match value\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mk_list_add(&h_handler->_head, &host->handlers); } } return host; } int mk_vhost_map_handlers(struct mk_server *server) { int n = 0; struct mk_list *head; struct mk_list *head_handler; struct mk_vhost *host; struct mk_vhost_handler *h_handler; struct mk_plugin *p; mk_list_foreach(head, &server->hosts) { host = mk_list_entry(head, struct mk_vhost, _head); mk_list_foreach(head_handler, &host->handlers) { h_handler = mk_list_entry(head_handler, struct mk_vhost_handler, _head); /* Lookup plugin by name */ p = mk_plugin_lookup(h_handler->name, server); if (!p) { mk_err("Plugin '%s' was not loaded", h_handler->name); continue; } if (p->hooks != MK_PLUGIN_STAGE) { mk_err("Plugin '%s' is not a handler", h_handler->name); continue; } h_handler->handler = p; n++; } } return n; } void mk_vhost_set_single(char *path, struct mk_server *server) { struct mk_vhost *host; struct mk_vhost_alias *halias; struct stat checkdir; /* Set the default host */ host = mk_mem_alloc_z(sizeof(struct mk_vhost)); mk_list_init(&host->error_pages); mk_list_init(&host->server_names); /* Prepare the unique alias */ halias = mk_mem_alloc_z(sizeof(struct mk_vhost_alias)); halias->name = mk_string_dup(""); mk_list_add(&halias->_head, &host->server_names); host->documentroot.data = mk_string_dup(path); host->documentroot.len = strlen(path); host->header_redirect.data = NULL; /* Validate document root configured */ if (stat(host->documentroot.data, &checkdir) == -1) { mk_err("Invalid path to DocumentRoot in %s", path); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!(checkdir.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) { mk_err("DocumentRoot variable in %s has an invalid directory path", path); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mk_list_add(&host->_head, &server->hosts); mk_list_init(&host->handlers); } /* Given a configuration directory, start reading the virtual host entries */ void mk_vhost_init(char *path, struct mk_server *server) { DIR *dir; unsigned long len; char *buf = 0; char *sites = 0; char *file; struct mk_vhost *p_host; /* debug */ struct dirent *ent; struct file_info f_info; int ret; if (!server->conf_sites) { mk_warn("[vhost] skipping default site"); return; } /* Read default virtual host file */ mk_string_build(&sites, &len, "%s/%s/", path, server->conf_sites); ret = mk_file_get_info(sites, &f_info, MK_FILE_EXISTS); if (ret == -1 || f_info.is_directory == MK_FALSE) { mk_mem_free(sites); sites = server->conf_sites; } mk_string_build(&buf, &len, "%s/default", sites); p_host = mk_vhost_read(buf); if (!p_host) { mk_err("Error parsing main configuration file 'default'"); } mk_list_add(&p_host->_head, &server->hosts); server->nhosts++; mk_mem_free(buf); buf = NULL; /* Read all virtual hosts defined in sites/ */ if (!(dir = opendir(sites))) { mk_mem_free(sites); mk_err("Could not open %s", sites); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Reading content */ while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (ent->d_name[0] == '.') { continue; } if (strcmp((char *) ent->d_name, "..") == 0) { continue; } if (ent->d_name[strlen(ent->d_name) - 1] == '~') { continue; } if (strcasecmp((char *) ent->d_name, "default") == 0) { continue; } file = NULL; mk_string_build(&file, &len, "%s/%s", sites, ent->d_name); p_host = mk_vhost_read(file); mk_mem_free(file); if (!p_host) { continue; } else { mk_list_add(&p_host->_head, &server->hosts); server->nhosts++; } } closedir(dir); mk_mem_free(sites); } /* Lookup a registered virtual host based on the given 'host' input */ int mk_vhost_get(mk_ptr_t host, struct mk_vhost **vhost, struct mk_vhost_alias **alias, struct mk_server *server) { struct mk_vhost *entry_host; struct mk_vhost_alias *entry_alias; struct mk_list *head_vhost, *head_alias; mk_list_foreach(head_vhost, &server->hosts) { entry_host = mk_list_entry(head_vhost, struct mk_vhost, _head); mk_list_foreach(head_alias, &entry_host->server_names) { entry_alias = mk_list_entry(head_alias, struct mk_vhost_alias, _head); if (entry_alias->len == host.len && strncmp(entry_alias->name, host.data, host.len) == 0) { *vhost = entry_host; *alias = entry_alias; return 0; } } } return -1; } static void mk_vhost_handler_free(struct mk_vhost_handler *h) { struct mk_list *tmp; struct mk_list *head; struct mk_vhost_handler_param *param; /* Release Params */ mk_list_foreach_safe(head, tmp, &h->params) { param = mk_list_entry(head, struct mk_vhost_handler_param, _head); mk_list_del(¶m->_head); mk_mem_free(param->p.data); mk_mem_free(param); } mk_mem_free(h->match); mk_mem_free(h->name); mk_mem_free(h); } int mk_vhost_destroy(struct mk_vhost *vh) { struct mk_vhost_alias *halias = NULL; struct mk_vhost_handler *hhandler; struct mk_vhost_error_page *ep; struct mk_list *head; struct mk_list *tmp; if (vh) { /* Free aliases or servernames */ mk_list_foreach_safe(head, tmp, &vh->server_names) { halias = mk_list_entry(head, struct mk_vhost_alias, _head); if (halias) { mk_list_del(&halias->_head); if (halias->name) { mk_mem_free(halias->name); } mk_mem_free(halias); } } /* Handlers */ mk_list_foreach_safe(head, tmp, &vh->handlers) { hhandler = mk_list_entry(head, struct mk_vhost_handler, _head); if (hhandler) { mk_vhost_handler_free(hhandler); } } /* Free error pages */ mk_list_foreach_safe(head, tmp, &vh->error_pages) { ep = mk_list_entry(head, struct mk_vhost_error_page, _head); if (ep) { mk_list_del(&ep->_head); if (ep->file) { mk_mem_free(ep->file); } if (ep->real_path) { mk_mem_free(ep->real_path); } mk_mem_free(ep); } } mk_ptr_free(&vh->documentroot); /* Free source configuration */ if (vh->config) { mk_rconf_free(vh->config); } mk_list_del(&vh->_head); if (vh->file) { mk_mem_free(vh->file); } mk_mem_free(vh); } return 0; } void mk_vhost_free_all(struct mk_server *server) { struct mk_vhost *host; struct mk_list *head; struct mk_list *tmp; mk_list_foreach_safe(head, tmp, &server->hosts) { host = mk_list_entry(head, struct mk_vhost, _head); mk_vhost_destroy(host); } }