/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* Fluent Bit * ========== * Copyright (C) 2015-2022 The Fluent Bit Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fw.h" #include "fw_prot.h" #include "fw_conn.h" /* Callback invoked every time an event is triggered for a connection */ int fw_conn_event(void *data) { int ret; int bytes; int available; int size; char *tmp; struct fw_conn *conn; struct mk_event *event; struct flb_in_fw_config *ctx; struct flb_connection *connection; connection = (struct flb_connection *) data; conn = connection->user_data; ctx = conn->ctx; event = &connection->event; if (event->mask & MK_EVENT_READ) { available = (conn->buf_size - conn->buf_len); if (available < 1) { if (conn->buf_size >= ctx->buffer_max_size) { flb_plg_warn(ctx->ins, "fd=%i incoming data exceed limit (%lu bytes)", event->fd, (ctx->buffer_max_size)); fw_conn_del(conn); return -1; } else if (conn->buf_size + ctx->buffer_chunk_size > ctx->buffer_max_size) { /* no space to add buffer_chunk_size */ /* set maximum size */ size = ctx->buffer_max_size; } else { size = conn->buf_size + ctx->buffer_chunk_size; } tmp = flb_realloc(conn->buf, size); if (!tmp) { flb_errno(); return -1; } flb_plg_trace(ctx->ins, "fd=%i buffer realloc %i -> %i", event->fd, conn->buf_size, size); conn->buf = tmp; conn->buf_size = size; available = (conn->buf_size - conn->buf_len); } bytes = flb_io_net_read(connection, (void *) &conn->buf[conn->buf_len], available); if (bytes > 0) { flb_plg_trace(ctx->ins, "read()=%i pre_len=%i now_len=%i", bytes, conn->buf_len, conn->buf_len + bytes); conn->buf_len += bytes; ret = fw_prot_process(ctx->ins, conn); if (ret == -1) { fw_conn_del(conn); return -1; } return bytes; } else { flb_plg_trace(ctx->ins, "fd=%i closed connection", event->fd); fw_conn_del(conn); return -1; } } if (event->mask & MK_EVENT_CLOSE) { flb_plg_trace(ctx->ins, "fd=%i hangup", event->fd); fw_conn_del(conn); return -1; } return 0; } /* Create a new Forward request instance */ struct fw_conn *fw_conn_add(struct flb_connection *connection, struct flb_in_fw_config *ctx) { struct fw_conn *conn; int ret; conn = flb_malloc(sizeof(struct fw_conn)); if (!conn) { flb_errno(); return NULL; } conn->connection = connection; /* Set data for the event-loop */ connection->user_data = conn; connection->event.type = FLB_ENGINE_EV_CUSTOM; connection->event.handler = fw_conn_event; /* Connection info */ conn->ctx = ctx; conn->buf_len = 0; conn->rest = 0; conn->status = FW_NEW; /* Allocate read buffer */ conn->buf = flb_malloc(ctx->buffer_chunk_size); if (!conn->buf) { flb_errno(); flb_free(conn); return NULL; } conn->buf_size = ctx->buffer_chunk_size; conn->in = ctx->ins; /* Register instance into the event loop */ ret = mk_event_add(flb_engine_evl_get(), connection->fd, FLB_ENGINE_EV_CUSTOM, MK_EVENT_READ, &connection->event); if (ret == -1) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "could not register new connection"); flb_free(conn->buf); flb_free(conn); return NULL; } mk_list_add(&conn->_head, &ctx->connections); return conn; } int fw_conn_del(struct fw_conn *conn) { /* The downstream unregisters the file descriptor from the event-loop * so there's nothing to be done by the plugin */ flb_downstream_conn_release(conn->connection); /* Release resources */ mk_list_del(&conn->_head); flb_free(conn->buf); flb_free(conn); return 0; } int fw_conn_del_all(struct flb_in_fw_config *ctx) { struct mk_list *tmp; struct mk_list *head; struct fw_conn *conn; mk_list_foreach_safe(head, tmp, &ctx->connections) { conn = mk_list_entry(head, struct fw_conn, _head); fw_conn_del(conn); } return 0; }