### Understand the alert The `mysql_galera_cluster_state_crit` alert is triggered when the Galera node state is either `Undefined`, `Joining`, or `Error`. This indicates that there is an issue with a Galera node in your MySQL Galera Cluster. ### What is a MySQL Galera Cluster? MySQL Galera Cluster is a synchronous, multi-master database cluster that provides high availability, no data loss, and scalability for your MySQL databases. It uses Galera replication library and MySQL server to achieve these goals. ### Troubleshoot the alert To troubleshoot the MySQL Galera Cluster State Critical alert, follow these steps: 1. Inspect the MariaDB error log Check the MariaDB error log for any relevant error messages that can help identify the issue. ``` sudo tail -f /var/log/mysql/error.log ``` 2. Check the Galera node's status Connect to the problematic MySQL node and check the Galera node status by running the following query: ``` SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_%'; ``` Take note of the value of `wsrep_local_state` and `wsrep_local_state_comment`. 3. Diagnose the issue - If `wsrep_local_state` is 0 (`Undefined`), it means the node is not part of any cluster. - If `wsrep_local_state` is 1 (`Joining`), it means the node is trying to connect or reconnect to the cluster. - If `wsrep_local_state` is 5 (`Error`), it means the node has encountered a consistency error. 4. Resolve the issue - For an `Undefined` state, check and fix the wsrep configuration settings and restart the node. - For a `Joining` state, ensure that the node can communicate with the other nodes in the cluster and make sure that the cluster's state is healthy. Then, retry joining the node to the cluster. - For an `Error` state, the node may need to be resynchronized with the cluster. Restart the mysqld process on the affected node, or you may need to perform a full state transfer to recover. 5. Monitor the cluster After resolving the issue, monitor the cluster to ensure that all nodes are healthy and remain in-sync.