### Understand the alert This alert is triggered when the state of a ZFS pool changes to a warning state, indicating potential issues with the pool, such as disk errors, corruption, or degraded performance. ### Troubleshoot the alert 1. **Check pool status**: Use the `zpool status` command to check the status of the ZFS pool and identify any issues or errors. 2. **Review disk health**: Inspect the health of the disks in the ZFS pool using `smartctl` or other disk health monitoring tools. 3. **Replace faulty disks**: If a disk in the ZFS pool is faulty, replace it with a new one and perform a resilvering operation using `zpool replace`. 4. **Scrub the pool**: Run a manual scrub operation on the ZFS pool with `zpool scrub` to verify data integrity and repair any detected issues. 5. **Monitor pool health**: Keep an eye on the ZFS pool's health and performance metrics to ensure that issues are resolved and do not recur. ### Useful resources 1. [ZFS on Linux Documentation](https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/) 2. [FreeBSD Handbook - ZFS](https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/zfs.html)