# yamllint disable rule:line-length --- - id: 'notify-telegram' meta: name: 'Telegram' link: 'https://telegram.org/' categories: - notify.agent icon_filename: 'telegram.svg' keywords: - Telegram overview: notification_description: | Send notifications to Telegram using Netdata's Agent alert notification feature, which supports dozens of endpoints, user roles, and more. notification_limitations: '' setup: prerequisites: list: - title: '' description: | - A bot token. To get one, contact the [@BotFather](https://t.me/BotFather) bot and send the command `/newbot` and follow the instructions. Start a conversation with your bot or invite it into a group where you want it to send messages. - The chat ID for every chat you want to send messages to. Contact the [@myidbot](https://t.me/myidbot) bot and send the `/getid` command to get your personal chat ID or invite it into a group and use the `/getgroupid` command to get the group chat ID. Group IDs start with a hyphen, supergroup IDs start with `-100`. - Alternatively, you can get the chat ID directly from the bot API. Send your bot a command in the chat you want to use, then check `https://api.telegram.org/bot{YourBotToken}/getUpdates`, eg. `https://api.telegram.org/bot111122223:7OpFlFFRzRBbrUUmIjj5HF9Ox2pYJZy5/getUpdates` - Terminal access to the Agent you wish to configure configuration: file: name: 'health_alarm_notify.conf' options: description: 'The following options can be defined for this notification' folding: title: 'Config Options' enabled: true list: - name: 'SEND_TELEGRAM' default_value: 'YES' description: "Set `SEND_TELEGRAM` to YES" required: true - name: 'TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN' default_value: '' description: "set `TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN` to your bot token." required: true - name: 'DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_TELEGRAM' default_value: '' description: "Set `DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_TELEGRAM` to the chat ID you want the alert notifications to be sent to. You can define multiple chat IDs like this: 49999333322 -1009999222255." required: true detailed_description: | All roles will default to this variable if left unconfigured. The `DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_CUSTOM` can be edited in the following entries at the bottom of the same file: ```conf role_recipients_telegram[sysadmin]="49999333324" role_recipients_telegram[domainadmin]="49999333389" role_recipients_telegram[dba]="-1009999222255" role_recipients_telegram[webmaster]="-1009999222255 49999333389" role_recipients_telegram[proxyadmin]="49999333344" role_recipients_telegram[sitemgr]="49999333876" ``` examples: folding: enabled: true title: '' list: - name: 'Basic Configuration' folding: enabled: false description: '' config: | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # telegram (telegram.org) global notification options SEND_TELEGRAM="YES" TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN="111122223:7OpFlFFRzRBbrUUmIjj5HF9Ox2pYJZy5" DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_TELEGRAM="-100233335555" troubleshooting: problems: list: []