# coding: utf-8 ## # Array # # ISO 15.2.12 class Array ## # Calls the given block for each element of +self+ # and pass the respective element. # # ISO def each(&block) return to_enum :each unless block idx = 0 while idx < length block.call(self[idx]) idx += 1 end self end ## # Calls the given block for each element of +self+ # and pass the index of the respective element. # # ISO def each_index(&block) return to_enum :each_index unless block idx = 0 while idx < length block.call(idx) idx += 1 end self end ## # Calls the given block for each element of +self+ # and pass the respective element. Each element will # be replaced by the resulting values. # # ISO def collect!(&block) return to_enum :collect! unless block idx = 0 len = size while idx < len self[idx] = block.call self[idx] idx += 1 end self end ## # Alias for collect! # # ISO alias map! collect! ## # Private method for Array creation. # # ISO def initialize(size=0, obj=nil, &block) raise TypeError, "expected Integer for 1st argument" unless size.kind_of? Integer raise ArgumentError, "negative array size" if size < 0 self.clear if size > 0 self[size - 1] = nil # allocate idx = 0 while idx < size self[idx] = (block)? block.call(idx): obj idx += 1 end end self end def _inspect return "[]" if self.size == 0 "["+self.map{|x|x.inspect}.join(", ")+"]" end ## # Return the contents of this array as a string. # # ISO (x) def inspect begin self._inspect rescue SystemStackError "[...]" end end # ISO (x) alias to_s inspect ## # Equality---Two arrays are equal if they contain the same number # of elements and if each element is equal to (according to # Object.==) the corresponding element in the other array. # # ISO (x) def ==(other) other = self.__ary_eq(other) return false if other == false return true if other == true len = self.size i = 0 while i < len return false if self[i] != other[i] i += 1 end return true end ## # Returns true if +self+ and _other_ are the same object, # or are both arrays with the same content. # # ISO (x) def eql?(other) other = self.__ary_eq(other) return false if other == false return true if other == true len = self.size i = 0 while i < len return false unless self[i].eql?(other[i]) i += 1 end return true end ## # Comparison---Returns an integer (-1, 0, or +1) # if this array is less than, equal to, or greater than other_ary. # Each object in each array is compared (using <=>). If any value isn't # equal, then that inequality is the return value. If all the # values found are equal, then the return is based on a # comparison of the array lengths. Thus, two arrays are # "equal" according to Array#<=> if and only if they have # the same length and the value of each element is equal to the # value of the corresponding element in the other array. # # ISO (x) def <=>(other) other = self.__ary_cmp(other) return 0 if 0 == other return nil if nil == other len = self.size n = other.size len = n if len > n i = 0 while i < len n = (self[i] <=> other[i]) return n if n.nil? || n != 0 i += 1 end len = self.size - other.size if len == 0 0 elsif len > 0 1 else -1 end end ## # Delete element with index +key+ def delete(key, &block) while i = self.index(key) self.delete_at(i) ret = key end return block.call if ret.nil? && block ret end # internal method to convert multi-value to single value def __svalue return self.first if self.size < 2 self end end ## # Array is enumerable class Array # ISO include Enumerable ## # Quick sort # a : the array to sort # left : the beginning of sort region # right : the end of sort region def __sort_sub__(a, left, right, &block) if left < right i = left j = right pivot = a[i + (j - i) / 2] while true while ((block)? block.call(a[i], pivot): (a[i] <=> pivot)) < 0 i += 1 end while ((block)? block.call(pivot, a[j]): (pivot <=> a[j])) < 0 j -= 1 end break if (i >= j) tmp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = tmp; i += 1 j -= 1 end __sort_sub__(a, left, i-1, &block) __sort_sub__(a, j+1, right, &block) end end # private :__sort_sub__ ## # Sort all elements and replace +self+ with these # elements. def sort!(&block) size = self.size if size > 1 __sort_sub__(self, 0, size - 1, &block) end self end def sort(&block) self.dup.sort!(&block) end end