the optimized HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2 server

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Configure > Using Mruby

mruby is a lightweight implementation of the Ruby programming language. With H2O, users can implement their own request handling logic using mruby, either to generate responses or to fix-up the request / response.

Rack-based Programming Interface

The interface between the mruby program and the H2O server is based on Rack interface specification. Below is a simple configuration that returns hello world.

Example. Hello-world in mruby
    mruby.handler: |
      Proc.new do |env|
        [200, {'content-type' => 'text/plain'}, ["Hello world\n"]]

It should be noted that as of H2O version 1.7.0, there are limitations when compared to ordinary web application server with support for Rack such as Unicorn:

In addition to the Rack interface specification, H2O recognizes status code 399 which can be used to delegate request to the next handler. The feature can be used to implement access control and response header modifiers.

Access Control

By using the 399 status code, it is possible to implement access control using mruby. The example below restricts access to requests from 192.168. private address.

Example. Restricting access to 192.168.
    mruby.handler: |
      lambda do |env|
        if /\A192\.168\./.match(env["REMOTE_ADDR"])
          return [399, {}, []]
        [403, {'content-type' => 'text/plain'}, ["access forbidden\n"]]

Support for Basic Authentication is also provided by an mruby script.

Delegating the Request

When enabled using the reproxy directive, it is possible to delegate the request from the mruby handler to any other handler.

Example. Rewriting URL with delegation
    mruby.handler: |
      lambda do |env|
        if /\/user\/([^\/]+)/.match(env["PATH_INFO"])
          return [307, {"x-reproxy-url" => "/user.php?user=#{$1}"}, []]
        return [399, {}, []]

Modifying the Response

When the mruby handler returns status code 399, H2O delegates the request to the next handler while preserving the headers emitted by the handler. The feature can be used to add extra headers to the response.

For example, the following example sets cache-control header for requests against .css and .js files.

Example. Setting cache-control header for certain types of files
    mruby.handler: |
      Proc.new do |env|
        headers = {}
        if /\.(css|js)\z/.match(env["PATH_INFO"])
          headers["cache-control"] = "max-age=86400"
        [399, headers, []]
    file.dir: /path/to/doc-root

Or in the example below, the handler triggers HTTP/2 server push with the use of Link: rel=preload headers, and then requests a FastCGI application to process the request.

Example. Pushing asset files
    mruby.handler: |
      Proc.new do |env|
        push_paths = []
        # push css and js when request is to dir root or HTML
        if /(\/|\.html)\z/.match(env["PATH_INFO"])
          push_paths << ["/css/style.css", "style"]
          push_paths << ["/js/app.js", "script"]
        [399, push_paths.empty? ? {} : {"link" => push_paths.map{|p| "<#{p[0]}>; rel=preload; as=#{p[1]}"}.join("\n")}, []]
    fastcgi.connect: ...

Using the HTTP Client

Starting from version 1.7, a HTTP client API is provided. HTTP requests issued through the API will be handled asynchronously; the client does not block the event loop of the HTTP server.

Example. Mruby handler returning the response of http://example.com
    mruby.handler: |
      Proc.new do |env|
        req = http_request("http://example.com")
        status, headers, body = req.join
        [status, headers, body]

http_request is the method that issues a HTTP request.

The method takes two arguments. First argument is the target URI. Second argument is an optional hash; method (defaults to GET), header, body attributes are recognized.

The method returns a promise object. When #join method of the promise is invoked, a three-argument array containing the status code, response headers, and the body is returned. The response body is also a promise. Applications can choose from three ways when dealing with the body: a) call #each method to receive the contents, b) call #join to retrieve the body as a string, c) return the object as the response body of the mruby handler.

The header and the body object passed to http_request should conform to the requirements laid out by the Rack specification for request header and request body. The response header and the response body object returned by the #join method of the promise returned by http_request conforms to the requirements of the Rack specification.

Since the API provides an asynchronous HTTP client, it is possible to effectively issue multiple HTTP requests concurrently and merge them into a single response.

When HTTPS is used, servers are verified using the properties of proxy.ssl.cafile and proxy.ssl.verify-peer specified at the global level.

Logging Arbitrary Variable

In version 2.3, it is possible from mruby to set and log an arbitrary-named variable that is associated to a HTTP request. A HTTP response header that starts with x-fallthru-set- is handled specially by the H2O server. Instead of sending the header downstream, the server accepts the value as a request environment variable, taking the suffix of the header name as the name of the variable.

This example shows how to read request data, parse json and then log data from mruby.

Example. Logging the content of a POST request via request environment variable
    mruby.handler: |
      Proc.new do |env|
        input = env["rack.input"] ? env["rack.input"].read : '{"default": "true"}'
        parsed_json = JSON.parse(input)
        parsed_json["time"] = Time.now.to_i
        logdata = parsed_json.to_s
        [204, {"x-fallthru-set-POSTDATA" => logdata}, []]
      path: /path/to/access-log.json
      escape: json
      format: '{"POST": %{POSTDATA}e}'