/* * Copyright (c) 2015 DeNA Co., Ltd., Kazuho Oku * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "../test.h" #include "../../../src/ssl.c" const uint64_t UTC2000 = (365 * 30 + 7) * 86400; static void test_load_tickets_file(void) { int ret = load_tickets_file("t/assets/session_tickets.yaml"); ok(ret == 0); if (ret != 0) return; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&session_tickets.rwlock); ok(session_tickets.tickets.size == 2); if (session_tickets.tickets.size != 2) goto Exit; /* first entry should be the newer one */ struct st_session_ticket_t *ticket = session_tickets.tickets.entries[0]; ok(memcmp(ticket->name, H2O_STRLIT("\xe7\xe3\xc6\x98\x0b\x18\x32\xbd\x5d\x23\x91\x75\x72\xe8\x44\x8f")) == 0); ok(ticket->cipher.cipher == EVP_aes_256_cbc()); ok(memcmp(ticket->cipher.key, H2O_STRLIT("\xf6\xe0\x71\xd9\x93\xb0\x5f\x77\xce\x51\xcb\x0f\xe2\xe0\xe1\x8c\x72\x00\xc2\xa7" "\x87\x3a\x66\x00\x8c\x8e\x1d\x75\xae\x7b\x8e\x2a")) == 0); ok(ticket->hmac.md == EVP_sha256()); ok(memcmp(ticket->hmac.key, H2O_STRLIT("\xf4\xfc\xb8\x6f\xdf\x03\xa7\xf3\x35\x63\x2e\x66\x8a\x8f\xe9\x56\xc5\xbf\xe7\x7a\x41\x41\x2d\x26\x99" "\x79\x63\x47\x68\x99\x9a\xdd\x6a\x84\xca\xfe\xa4\x1b\x6b\x2c\x47\xaa\xf1\xa5\x14\xca\x9d\x2a\x84\xf4" "\x8d\x1f\x5f\x70\x18\xff\x17\x40\xcf\x9b\x94\x4b\x8f\xcf")) == 0); ok(ticket->not_before == 1437093330); ok(ticket->not_after == 1437096929); /* second is the older one */ ticket = session_tickets.tickets.entries[1]; ok(memcmp(ticket->name, H2O_STRLIT("\xa3\x97\xb6\xb7\xfa\xb9\x29\x36\x62\x03\xf1\x6f\xc8\x1f\xfb\xed")) == 0); ok(ticket->cipher.cipher == EVP_aes_128_cbc()); ok(memcmp(ticket->cipher.key, H2O_STRLIT("\xf1\xed\x89\xcd\xe6\x87\x63\x63\x0e\x80\xd2\xbe\x82\x7c\xfb\x98")) == 0); ok(ticket->hmac.md == EVP_sha1()); ok(memcmp(ticket->hmac.key, H2O_STRLIT("\xe3\xfe\x72\x64\x4f\x64\x31\x5a\x4a\x8a\xd6\x37\x69\xa3\x57\x7c\xce\xc4\xdd\x13\xb2\x0e\xaf\x8c\x00\x88" "\x86\xe5\x45\x8d\xb1\x0e\x65\x8c\xf2\xa8\x3f\x04\x40\x3a\xc4\xe9\x80\x35\xd2\x42\x2a\x75\x80\x67\x30\xeb" "\x4f\x2f\xee\x12\xfa\xff\x95\x48\x95\xbc\x65\xd1")) == 0); ok(ticket->not_before == 1437092430); ok(ticket->not_after == 1437096029); ticket = find_ticket_for_encryption(&session_tickets.tickets, 1437092429); ok(ticket == NULL); ticket = find_ticket_for_encryption(&session_tickets.tickets, 1437092430); ok(ticket == session_tickets.tickets.entries[1]); ticket = find_ticket_for_encryption(&session_tickets.tickets, 1437093329); ok(ticket == session_tickets.tickets.entries[1]); ticket = find_ticket_for_encryption(&session_tickets.tickets, 1437093330); ok(ticket == session_tickets.tickets.entries[0]); ticket = find_ticket_for_encryption(&session_tickets.tickets, 1437096029); ok(ticket == session_tickets.tickets.entries[0]); ticket = find_ticket_for_encryption(&session_tickets.tickets, 1437096030); ok(ticket == session_tickets.tickets.entries[0]); ticket = find_ticket_for_encryption(&session_tickets.tickets, 1437096929); ok(ticket == session_tickets.tickets.entries[0]); ticket = find_ticket_for_encryption(&session_tickets.tickets, 1437096930); ok(ticket == NULL); Exit: pthread_rwlock_unlock(&session_tickets.rwlock); ; } static void test_serialize_tickets(void) { session_ticket_vector_t orig = {NULL}, parsed = {NULL}; h2o_iovec_t serialized; char errstr[256]; int ret; size_t i; h2o_vector_reserve(NULL, &orig, orig.size + 2); orig.entries[orig.size++] = new_ticket(EVP_aes_256_cbc(), EVP_sha256(), UTC2000, UTC2000 + 3600, 1); orig.entries[orig.size++] = new_ticket(EVP_aes_256_cbc(), EVP_sha256(), UTC2000 + 600, UTC2000 + 4200, 1); serialized = serialize_tickets(&orig); ok(serialized.base != NULL); ret = parse_tickets(&parsed, serialized.base, serialized.len, errstr); ok(ret == 0); ok(parsed.size == orig.size); for (i = 0; i != parsed.size; ++i) { #define OK_VALUE(n) ok(parsed.entries[i]->n == orig.entries[i]->n) #define OK_MEMCMP(n, s) ok(memcmp(parsed.entries[i]->n, orig.entries[i]->n, (s)) == 0) OK_MEMCMP(name, sizeof(parsed.entries[i]->name)); OK_VALUE(cipher.cipher); OK_MEMCMP(cipher.key, EVP_CIPHER_key_length(parsed.entries[i]->cipher.cipher)); OK_VALUE(hmac.md); OK_MEMCMP(hmac.key, EVP_MD_block_size(parsed.entries[i]->hmac.md)); OK_VALUE(not_before); OK_VALUE(not_after); #undef OK_VALUE #undef OK_MEMCMP } free_tickets(&orig); free_tickets(&parsed); free(serialized.base); } static void test_memcached_ticket_update(void) { #define TEST_KEY "h2o:session-ticket-test" const char *memc_port_str; uint16_t memc_port; yrmcds conn; yrmcds_response resp; yrmcds_error err; /* obtain port number (or skip) */ if ((memc_port_str = getenv("MEMCACHED_PORT")) == NULL) { printf("MEMCACHED_PORT is not defined; skipping tests\n"); return; } if (sscanf(memc_port_str, "%" SCNu16, &memc_port) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to parse the value of MEMCACHED_PORT\n"); ok(0); return; } /* connect */ err = yrmcds_connect(&conn, "", memc_port); ok(err == YRMCDS_OK); if (err != YRMCDS_OK) return; /* delete test key */ err = yrmcds_remove(&conn, H2O_STRLIT(TEST_KEY), 0, NULL); ok(err == YRMCDS_OK); if (err != YRMCDS_OK) return; err = yrmcds_recv(&conn, &resp); ok(err == YRMCDS_OK); if (err != YRMCDS_OK) return; /* set a new entry that immediately becomes active */ int retry = ticket_memcached_update_tickets(&conn, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT(TEST_KEY)), UTC2000); ok(retry == 1); /* first attempt should return a retry, since valid ticket does not exist */ retry = ticket_memcached_update_tickets(&conn, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT(TEST_KEY)), UTC2000 + 1); ok(retry == 0); ok(session_tickets.tickets.size == 1); ok(session_tickets.tickets.entries[0]->not_before == UTC2000); /* continue using existing one */ retry = ticket_memcached_update_tickets(&conn, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT(TEST_KEY)), UTC2000 + conf.lifetime / 8); ok(retry == 0); ok(session_tickets.tickets.size == 1); ok(session_tickets.tickets.entries[0]->not_before == UTC2000); /* schedule a new entry */ retry = ticket_memcached_update_tickets(&conn, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT(TEST_KEY)), UTC2000 + conf.lifetime / 2); ok(retry == 1); retry = ticket_memcached_update_tickets(&conn, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT(TEST_KEY)), UTC2000 + conf.lifetime / 2); ok(retry == 0); ok(session_tickets.tickets.size == 2); ok(session_tickets.tickets.entries[0]->not_before > UTC2000 + conf.lifetime / 2); ok(session_tickets.tickets.entries[1]->not_before == UTC2000); /* old entry gets removed when expired, and new entry is scheduled */ retry = ticket_memcached_update_tickets(&conn, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT(TEST_KEY)), UTC2000 + conf.lifetime); ok(retry == 1); retry = ticket_memcached_update_tickets(&conn, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT(TEST_KEY)), UTC2000 + conf.lifetime); ok(retry == 0); ok(session_tickets.tickets.size == 2); ok(session_tickets.tickets.entries[0]->not_before > UTC2000 + conf.lifetime); ok(session_tickets.tickets.entries[1]->not_before > UTC2000 + conf.lifetime / 2); /* disconnect */ yrmcds_close(&conn); } void test_src__ssl_c(void) { subtest("load-tickets-file", test_load_tickets_file); subtest("serialize-tickets", test_serialize_tickets); subtest("memcached-ticket-update", test_memcached_ticket_update); }