package t::Util; use strict; use warnings; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use Net::EmptyPort qw(check_port empty_port); use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; use Path::Tiny; use Scope::Guard qw(scope_guard); use Test::More; use Time::HiRes qw(sleep); use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(ASSETS_DIR DOC_ROOT bindir server_features exec_unittest exec_mruby_unittest spawn_server spawn_h2o empty_ports create_data_file md5_file prog_exists run_prog openssl_can_negotiate curl_supports_http2 run_with_curl); use constant ASSETS_DIR => 't/assets'; use constant DOC_ROOT => ASSETS_DIR . "/doc_root"; sub bindir { $ENV{BINARY_DIR} || '.'; } sub server_features { open my $fh, "-|", bindir() . "/h2o", "--version" or die "failed to invoke: h2o --version:$!"; <$fh>; # skip h2o version +{ map { chomp($_); split /:/, $_, 2 } <$fh> }; } sub exec_unittest { my $base = shift; my $fn = bindir() . "/t-00unit-$base.t"; plan skip_all => "unit test:$base does not exist" if ! -e $fn; if (prog_exists("memcached")) { my $port = empty_port(); pipe my $rfh, my $wfh or die "pipe failed:$!"; my $pid = fork; die "fork failed:$!" unless defined $pid; if ($pid == 0) { # child process close $wfh; POSIX::dup2($rfh->fileno, 5) or die "dup2 failed:$!"; exec qw(share/h2o/kill-on-close -- memcached -l -p), $port; exit 1; } close $rfh; POSIX::dup($wfh->fileno) or die "dup failed:$!"; sleep 1; if (waitpid($pid, WNOHANG) == $pid) { die "failed to launch memcached"; } $ENV{MEMCACHED_PORT} = $port; } exec $fn; die "failed to exec $fn:$!"; } sub exec_mruby_unittest { plan skip_all => 'mruby support is off' unless server_features()->{mruby}; my $test_dir = path('t/00unit.mruby'); my $bin = path(bindir(), 'mruby/host/bin/mruby'); unless (-e $bin) { die "unit test: mruby binary $bin does not exist"; } my $k = 0; $test_dir->visit(sub { my ($path) = @_; return unless $path =~ /\.rb$/; my $fn = "$bin $path"; my $output = `$fn`; # parse mruby test output $output =~ /# Running tests:\n\n([SFE\.]+)\n/ or die "cannot parse test output for $path"; my ($i, $j) = (0, 0); my @results = map { +{ type => $_, index => ++$i, failed => ($_ eq 'F' || $_ eq 'E') } } split(//, $1); while ($output =~ /\d\) (Skipped|Failure|Error):\n([^\n]+)/g) { my ($type, $detail) = (substr($1, 0, 1), $2); while ($results[$j]->{type} ne $type) { $j++; } $results[$j++]->{detail} = $detail; } # print TAP compatible output printf("%s %s\n", $path, '.' x (51 - length($path))); for my $r (@results) { printf(" %s %d - %s\n", $r->{failed} ? 'not ok' : 'ok', $r->{index}, $r->{detail} || ''); printf STDERR ("# Error - %s\n", $r->{detail}) if $r->{failed}; } printf(" 1..%d\n", scalar(@results)); printf("%s %d - %s\n", (grep { $_->{failed} } @results) ? 'not ok' : 'ok', ++$k, $path); }, +{ recurse => 1 }); printf("1..%d\n", $k); } # spawns a child process and returns a guard object that kills the process when destroyed sub spawn_server { my %args = @_; my $pid = fork; die "fork failed:$!" unless defined $pid; if ($pid != 0) { print STDERR "spawning $args{argv}->[0]... "; if ($args{is_ready}) { while (1) { if ($args{is_ready}->()) { print STDERR "done\n"; last; } if (waitpid($pid, WNOHANG) == $pid) { die "server failed to start (got $?)\n"; } sleep 0.1; } } my $guard = scope_guard(sub { print STDERR "killing $args{argv}->[0]... "; my $sig = 'TERM'; Retry: if (kill $sig, $pid) { my $i = 0; while (1) { if (waitpid($pid, WNOHANG) == $pid) { print STDERR "killed (got $?)\n"; last; } if ($i++ == 100) { if ($sig eq 'TERM') { print STDERR "failed, sending SIGKILL... "; $sig = 'KILL'; goto Retry; } print STDERR "failed, continuing anyways\n"; last; } sleep 0.1; } } else { print STDERR "no proc? ($!)\n"; } }); return wantarray ? ($guard, $pid) : $guard; } # child process exec @{$args{argv}}; die "failed to exec $args{argv}->[0]:$!"; } # returns a hash containing `port`, `tls_port`, `guard` sub spawn_h2o { my ($conf) = @_; my @opts; # decide the port numbers my ($port, $tls_port) = empty_ports(2); # setup the configuration file my ($conffh, $conffn) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); $conf = $conf->($port, $tls_port) if ref $conf eq 'CODE'; if (ref $conf eq 'HASH') { @opts = @{$conf->{opts}} if $conf->{opts}; $conf = $conf->{conf}; } print $conffh <<"EOT"; $conf listen: host: port: $port listen: host: port: $tls_port ssl: key-file: examples/h2o/server.key certificate-file: examples/h2o/server.crt EOT # spawn the server my ($guard, $pid) = spawn_server( argv => [ bindir() . "/h2o", "-c", $conffn, @opts ], is_ready => sub { check_port($port) && check_port($tls_port); }, ); my $ret = { port => $port, tls_port => $tls_port, guard => $guard, pid => $pid, conf_file => $conffn, }; return $ret; } sub empty_ports { my $n = shift; my @ports; while (@ports < $n) { my $t = empty_port(); push @ports, $t unless grep { $_ == $t } @ports; } return @ports; } sub create_data_file { my $sz = shift; my ($fh, $fn) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); print $fh '0' x $sz; close $fh; return $fn; } sub md5_file { my $fn = shift; open my $fh, "<", $fn or die "failed to open file:$fn:$!"; local $/; return md5_hex(join '', <$fh>); } sub prog_exists { my $prog = shift; system("which $prog > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0; } sub run_prog { my $cmd = shift; my ($tempfh, $tempfn) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); my $stderr = `$cmd 2>&1 > $tempfn`; my $stdout = do { local $/; <$tempfh> }; return ($stderr, $stdout); } sub openssl_can_negotiate { my $openssl_ver = `openssl version`; $openssl_ver =~ /^\S+\s(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ or die "cannot parse OpenSSL version: $openssl_ver"; $openssl_ver = $1 * 10000 + $2 * 100 + $3; return $openssl_ver >= 10001; } sub curl_supports_http2 { return !! (`curl --version` =~ /^Features:.*\sHTTP2(?:\s|$)/m); } sub run_with_curl { my ($server, $cb) = @_; plan skip_all => "curl not found" unless prog_exists("curl"); subtest "http/1" => sub { $cb->("http", $server->{port}, "curl"); }; subtest "https/1" => sub { my $cmd = "curl --insecure"; $cmd .= " --http1.1" if curl_supports_http2(); $cb->("https", $server->{tls_port}, $cmd); }; subtest "https/2" => sub { plan skip_all => "curl does not support HTTP/2" unless curl_supports_http2(); $cb->("https", $server->{tls_port}, "curl --insecure --http2"); }; } 1;