/* * nghttp2 - HTTP/2 C Library * * Copyright (c) 2012 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "shrpx_downstream.h" #include #include "url-parser/url_parser.h" #include "shrpx_upstream.h" #include "shrpx_client_handler.h" #include "shrpx_config.h" #include "shrpx_error.h" #include "shrpx_downstream_connection.h" #include "shrpx_downstream_queue.h" #include "shrpx_worker.h" #include "shrpx_http2_session.h" #include "shrpx_log.h" #ifdef HAVE_MRUBY # include "shrpx_mruby.h" #endif // HAVE_MRUBY #include "util.h" #include "http2.h" namespace shrpx { namespace { void header_timeoutcb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w, int revents) { auto downstream = static_cast(w->data); auto upstream = downstream->get_upstream(); if (LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DLOG(INFO, downstream) << "request header timeout stream_id=" << downstream->get_stream_id(); } downstream->disable_upstream_rtimer(); downstream->disable_upstream_wtimer(); upstream->on_timeout(downstream); } } // namespace namespace { void upstream_timeoutcb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w, int revents) { auto downstream = static_cast(w->data); auto upstream = downstream->get_upstream(); auto which = revents == EV_READ ? "read" : "write"; if (LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DLOG(INFO, downstream) << "upstream timeout stream_id=" << downstream->get_stream_id() << " event=" << which; } downstream->disable_upstream_rtimer(); downstream->disable_upstream_wtimer(); upstream->on_timeout(downstream); } } // namespace namespace { void upstream_rtimeoutcb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w, int revents) { upstream_timeoutcb(loop, w, EV_READ); } } // namespace namespace { void upstream_wtimeoutcb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w, int revents) { upstream_timeoutcb(loop, w, EV_WRITE); } } // namespace namespace { void downstream_timeoutcb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w, int revents) { auto downstream = static_cast(w->data); auto which = revents == EV_READ ? "read" : "write"; if (LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DLOG(INFO, downstream) << "downstream timeout stream_id=" << downstream->get_downstream_stream_id() << " event=" << which; } downstream->disable_downstream_rtimer(); downstream->disable_downstream_wtimer(); auto dconn = downstream->get_downstream_connection(); if (dconn) { dconn->on_timeout(); } } } // namespace namespace { void downstream_rtimeoutcb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w, int revents) { downstream_timeoutcb(loop, w, EV_READ); } } // namespace namespace { void downstream_wtimeoutcb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w, int revents) { downstream_timeoutcb(loop, w, EV_WRITE); } } // namespace // upstream could be nullptr for unittests Downstream::Downstream(Upstream *upstream, MemchunkPool *mcpool, int64_t stream_id) : dlnext(nullptr), dlprev(nullptr), response_sent_body_length(0), balloc_(1024, 1024), req_(balloc_), resp_(balloc_), request_start_time_(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()), blocked_request_buf_(mcpool), request_buf_(mcpool), response_buf_(mcpool), upstream_(upstream), blocked_link_(nullptr), addr_(nullptr), num_retry_(0), stream_id_(stream_id), assoc_stream_id_(-1), downstream_stream_id_(-1), response_rst_stream_error_code_(NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR), affinity_cookie_(0), request_state_(DownstreamState::INITIAL), response_state_(DownstreamState::INITIAL), dispatch_state_(DispatchState::NONE), upgraded_(false), chunked_request_(false), chunked_response_(false), expect_final_response_(false), request_pending_(false), request_header_sent_(false), accesslog_written_(false), new_affinity_cookie_(false), blocked_request_data_eof_(false), expect_100_continue_(false), stop_reading_(false) { auto config = get_config(); auto &httpconf = config->http; ev_timer_init(&header_timer_, header_timeoutcb, 0., httpconf.timeout.header); auto &timeoutconf = config->http2.timeout; ev_timer_init(&upstream_rtimer_, &upstream_rtimeoutcb, 0., timeoutconf.stream_read); ev_timer_init(&upstream_wtimer_, &upstream_wtimeoutcb, 0., timeoutconf.stream_write); ev_timer_init(&downstream_rtimer_, &downstream_rtimeoutcb, 0., timeoutconf.stream_read); ev_timer_init(&downstream_wtimer_, &downstream_wtimeoutcb, 0., timeoutconf.stream_write); header_timer_.data = this; upstream_rtimer_.data = this; upstream_wtimer_.data = this; downstream_rtimer_.data = this; downstream_wtimer_.data = this; rcbufs_.reserve(32); #ifdef ENABLE_HTTP3 rcbufs3_.reserve(32); #endif // ENABLE_HTTP3 } Downstream::~Downstream() { if (LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DLOG(INFO, this) << "Deleting"; } // check nullptr for unittest if (upstream_) { auto loop = upstream_->get_client_handler()->get_loop(); ev_timer_stop(loop, &upstream_rtimer_); ev_timer_stop(loop, &upstream_wtimer_); ev_timer_stop(loop, &downstream_rtimer_); ev_timer_stop(loop, &downstream_wtimer_); ev_timer_stop(loop, &header_timer_); #ifdef HAVE_MRUBY auto handler = upstream_->get_client_handler(); auto worker = handler->get_worker(); auto mruby_ctx = worker->get_mruby_context(); mruby_ctx->delete_downstream(this); #endif // HAVE_MRUBY } #ifdef HAVE_MRUBY if (dconn_) { const auto &group = dconn_->get_downstream_addr_group(); if (group) { const auto &mruby_ctx = group->shared_addr->mruby_ctx; mruby_ctx->delete_downstream(this); } } #endif // HAVE_MRUBY // DownstreamConnection may refer to this object. Delete it now // explicitly. dconn_.reset(); #ifdef ENABLE_HTTP3 for (auto rcbuf : rcbufs3_) { nghttp3_rcbuf_decref(rcbuf); } #endif // ENABLE_HTTP3 for (auto rcbuf : rcbufs_) { nghttp2_rcbuf_decref(rcbuf); } if (LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DLOG(INFO, this) << "Deleted"; } } int Downstream::attach_downstream_connection( std::unique_ptr dconn) { if (dconn->attach_downstream(this) != 0) { return -1; } dconn_ = std::move(dconn); return 0; } void Downstream::detach_downstream_connection() { if (!dconn_) { return; } #ifdef HAVE_MRUBY const auto &group = dconn_->get_downstream_addr_group(); if (group) { const auto &mruby_ctx = group->shared_addr->mruby_ctx; mruby_ctx->delete_downstream(this); } #endif // HAVE_MRUBY dconn_->detach_downstream(this); auto handler = dconn_->get_client_handler(); handler->pool_downstream_connection( std::unique_ptr(dconn_.release())); } DownstreamConnection *Downstream::get_downstream_connection() { return dconn_.get(); } std::unique_ptr Downstream::pop_downstream_connection() { #ifdef HAVE_MRUBY if (!dconn_) { return nullptr; } const auto &group = dconn_->get_downstream_addr_group(); if (group) { const auto &mruby_ctx = group->shared_addr->mruby_ctx; mruby_ctx->delete_downstream(this); } #endif // HAVE_MRUBY return std::unique_ptr(dconn_.release()); } void Downstream::pause_read(IOCtrlReason reason) { if (dconn_) { dconn_->pause_read(reason); } } int Downstream::resume_read(IOCtrlReason reason, size_t consumed) { if (dconn_) { return dconn_->resume_read(reason, consumed); } return 0; } void Downstream::force_resume_read() { if (dconn_) { dconn_->force_resume_read(); } } namespace { const HeaderRefs::value_type * search_header_linear_backwards(const HeaderRefs &headers, const StringRef &name) { for (auto it = headers.rbegin(); it != headers.rend(); ++it) { auto &kv = *it; if (kv.name == name) { return &kv; } } return nullptr; } } // namespace StringRef Downstream::assemble_request_cookie() { size_t len = 0; for (auto &kv : req_.fs.headers()) { if (kv.token != http2::HD_COOKIE || kv.value.empty()) { continue; } len += kv.value.size() + str_size("; "); } auto iov = make_byte_ref(balloc_, len + 1); auto p = std::begin(iov); for (auto &kv : req_.fs.headers()) { if (kv.token != http2::HD_COOKIE || kv.value.empty()) { continue; } auto end = std::end(kv.value); for (auto it = std::begin(kv.value) + kv.value.size(); it != std::begin(kv.value); --it) { auto c = *(it - 1); if (c == ' ' || c == ';') { continue; } end = it; break; } p = std::copy(std::begin(kv.value), end, p); p = util::copy_lit(p, "; "); } // cut trailing "; " if (p - std::begin(iov) >= 2) { p -= 2; } return StringRef{std::span{std::begin(iov), p}}; } uint32_t Downstream::find_affinity_cookie(const StringRef &name) { for (auto &kv : req_.fs.headers()) { if (kv.token != http2::HD_COOKIE) { continue; } for (auto it = std::begin(kv.value); it != std::end(kv.value);) { if (*it == '\t' || *it == ' ' || *it == ';') { ++it; continue; } auto end = std::find(it, std::end(kv.value), '='); if (end == std::end(kv.value)) { return 0; } if (name != StringRef{it, end}) { it = std::find(it, std::end(kv.value), ';'); continue; } it = std::find(end + 1, std::end(kv.value), ';'); auto val = StringRef{end + 1, it}; if (val.size() != 8) { return 0; } uint32_t h = 0; for (auto c : val) { auto n = util::hex_to_uint(c); if (n == 256) { return 0; } h <<= 4; h += n; } affinity_cookie_ = h; return h; } } return 0; } size_t Downstream::count_crumble_request_cookie() { size_t n = 0; for (auto &kv : req_.fs.headers()) { if (kv.token != http2::HD_COOKIE) { continue; } for (auto it = std::begin(kv.value); it != std::end(kv.value);) { if (*it == '\t' || *it == ' ' || *it == ';') { ++it; continue; } it = std::find(it, std::end(kv.value), ';'); ++n; } } return n; } void Downstream::crumble_request_cookie(std::vector &nva) { for (auto &kv : req_.fs.headers()) { if (kv.token != http2::HD_COOKIE) { continue; } for (auto it = std::begin(kv.value); it != std::end(kv.value);) { if (*it == '\t' || *it == ' ' || *it == ';') { ++it; continue; } auto first = it; it = std::find(it, std::end(kv.value), ';'); nva.push_back({(uint8_t *)"cookie", (uint8_t *)first, str_size("cookie"), (size_t)(it - first), (uint8_t)(NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_COPY_NAME | NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_COPY_VALUE | (kv.no_index ? NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_INDEX : 0))}); } } } namespace { void add_header(size_t &sum, HeaderRefs &headers, const StringRef &name, const StringRef &value, bool no_index, int32_t token) { sum += name.size() + value.size(); headers.emplace_back(name, value, no_index, token); } } // namespace namespace { StringRef alloc_header_name(BlockAllocator &balloc, const StringRef &name) { auto iov = make_byte_ref(balloc, name.size() + 1); auto p = std::copy(std::begin(name), std::end(name), std::begin(iov)); util::inp_strlower(std::begin(iov), p); *p = '\0'; return StringRef{std::span{std::begin(iov), p}}; } } // namespace namespace { void append_last_header_key(BlockAllocator &balloc, bool &key_prev, size_t &sum, HeaderRefs &headers, const char *data, size_t len) { assert(key_prev); sum += len; auto &item = headers.back(); auto name = realloc_concat_string_ref(balloc, item.name, StringRef{data, len}); auto p = const_cast(name.byte()); util::inp_strlower(p + name.size() - len, p + name.size()); item.name = name; item.token = http2::lookup_token(item.name); } } // namespace namespace { void append_last_header_value(BlockAllocator &balloc, bool &key_prev, size_t &sum, HeaderRefs &headers, const char *data, size_t len) { key_prev = false; sum += len; auto &item = headers.back(); item.value = realloc_concat_string_ref(balloc, item.value, StringRef{data, len}); } } // namespace int FieldStore::parse_content_length() { content_length = -1; for (auto &kv : headers_) { if (kv.token != http2::HD_CONTENT_LENGTH) { continue; } auto len = util::parse_uint(kv.value); if (!len) { return -1; } if (content_length != -1) { return -1; } content_length = *len; } return 0; } const HeaderRefs::value_type *FieldStore::header(int32_t token) const { for (auto it = headers_.rbegin(); it != headers_.rend(); ++it) { auto &kv = *it; if (kv.token == token) { return &kv; } } return nullptr; } HeaderRefs::value_type *FieldStore::header(int32_t token) { for (auto it = headers_.rbegin(); it != headers_.rend(); ++it) { auto &kv = *it; if (kv.token == token) { return &kv; } } return nullptr; } const HeaderRefs::value_type *FieldStore::header(const StringRef &name) const { return search_header_linear_backwards(headers_, name); } void FieldStore::add_header_token(const StringRef &name, const StringRef &value, bool no_index, int32_t token) { shrpx::add_header(buffer_size_, headers_, name, value, no_index, token); } void FieldStore::alloc_add_header_name(const StringRef &name) { auto name_ref = alloc_header_name(balloc_, name); auto token = http2::lookup_token(name_ref); add_header_token(name_ref, StringRef{}, false, token); header_key_prev_ = true; } void FieldStore::append_last_header_key(const char *data, size_t len) { shrpx::append_last_header_key(balloc_, header_key_prev_, buffer_size_, headers_, data, len); } void FieldStore::append_last_header_value(const char *data, size_t len) { shrpx::append_last_header_value(balloc_, header_key_prev_, buffer_size_, headers_, data, len); } void FieldStore::clear_headers() { headers_.clear(); header_key_prev_ = false; } void FieldStore::add_trailer_token(const StringRef &name, const StringRef &value, bool no_index, int32_t token) { // Header size limit should be applied to all header and trailer // fields combined. shrpx::add_header(buffer_size_, trailers_, name, value, no_index, token); } void FieldStore::alloc_add_trailer_name(const StringRef &name) { auto name_ref = alloc_header_name(balloc_, name); auto token = http2::lookup_token(name_ref); add_trailer_token(name_ref, StringRef{}, false, token); trailer_key_prev_ = true; } void FieldStore::append_last_trailer_key(const char *data, size_t len) { shrpx::append_last_header_key(balloc_, trailer_key_prev_, buffer_size_, trailers_, data, len); } void FieldStore::append_last_trailer_value(const char *data, size_t len) { shrpx::append_last_header_value(balloc_, trailer_key_prev_, buffer_size_, trailers_, data, len); } void FieldStore::erase_content_length_and_transfer_encoding() { for (auto &kv : headers_) { switch (kv.token) { case http2::HD_CONTENT_LENGTH: case http2::HD_TRANSFER_ENCODING: kv.name = StringRef{}; kv.token = -1; break; } } } void Downstream::set_request_start_time( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point time) { request_start_time_ = std::move(time); } const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point & Downstream::get_request_start_time() const { return request_start_time_; } void Downstream::reset_upstream(Upstream *upstream) { upstream_ = upstream; if (dconn_) { dconn_->on_upstream_change(upstream); } } Upstream *Downstream::get_upstream() const { return upstream_; } void Downstream::set_stream_id(int64_t stream_id) { stream_id_ = stream_id; } int64_t Downstream::get_stream_id() const { return stream_id_; } void Downstream::set_request_state(DownstreamState state) { request_state_ = state; } DownstreamState Downstream::get_request_state() const { return request_state_; } bool Downstream::get_chunked_request() const { return chunked_request_; } void Downstream::set_chunked_request(bool f) { chunked_request_ = f; } bool Downstream::request_buf_full() { auto handler = upstream_->get_client_handler(); auto faddr = handler->get_upstream_addr(); auto worker = handler->get_worker(); // We don't check buffer size here for API endpoint. if (faddr->alt_mode == UpstreamAltMode::API) { return false; } if (dconn_) { auto &downstreamconf = *worker->get_downstream_config(); return blocked_request_buf_.rleft() + request_buf_.rleft() >= downstreamconf.request_buffer_size; } return false; } DefaultMemchunks *Downstream::get_request_buf() { return &request_buf_; } // Call this function after this object is attached to // Downstream. Otherwise, the program will crash. int Downstream::push_request_headers() { if (!dconn_) { DLOG(INFO, this) << "dconn_ is NULL"; return -1; } return dconn_->push_request_headers(); } int Downstream::push_upload_data_chunk(const uint8_t *data, size_t datalen) { req_.recv_body_length += datalen; if (!dconn_ && !request_header_sent_) { blocked_request_buf_.append(data, datalen); req_.unconsumed_body_length += datalen; return 0; } // Assumes that request headers have already been pushed to output // buffer using push_request_headers(). if (!dconn_) { DLOG(INFO, this) << "dconn_ is NULL"; return -1; } if (dconn_->push_upload_data_chunk(data, datalen) != 0) { return -1; } req_.unconsumed_body_length += datalen; return 0; } int Downstream::end_upload_data() { if (!dconn_ && !request_header_sent_) { blocked_request_data_eof_ = true; return 0; } if (!dconn_) { DLOG(INFO, this) << "dconn_ is NULL"; return -1; } return dconn_->end_upload_data(); } void Downstream::rewrite_location_response_header( const StringRef &upstream_scheme) { auto hd = resp_.fs.header(http2::HD_LOCATION); if (!hd) { return; } if (request_downstream_host_.empty() || req_.authority.empty()) { return; } http_parser_url u{}; auto rv = http_parser_parse_url(hd->value.data(), hd->value.size(), 0, &u); if (rv != 0) { return; } auto new_uri = http2::rewrite_location_uri(balloc_, hd->value, u, request_downstream_host_, req_.authority, upstream_scheme); if (new_uri.empty()) { return; } hd->value = new_uri; } bool Downstream::get_chunked_response() const { return chunked_response_; } void Downstream::set_chunked_response(bool f) { chunked_response_ = f; } int Downstream::on_read() { if (!dconn_) { DLOG(INFO, this) << "dconn_ is NULL"; return -1; } return dconn_->on_read(); } void Downstream::set_response_state(DownstreamState state) { response_state_ = state; } DownstreamState Downstream::get_response_state() const { return response_state_; } DefaultMemchunks *Downstream::get_response_buf() { return &response_buf_; } bool Downstream::response_buf_full() { if (dconn_) { auto handler = upstream_->get_client_handler(); auto worker = handler->get_worker(); auto &downstreamconf = *worker->get_downstream_config(); return response_buf_.rleft() >= downstreamconf.response_buffer_size; } return false; } bool Downstream::validate_request_recv_body_length() const { if (req_.fs.content_length == -1) { return true; } if (req_.fs.content_length != req_.recv_body_length) { if (LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DLOG(INFO, this) << "request invalid bodylen: content-length=" << req_.fs.content_length << ", received=" << req_.recv_body_length; } return false; } return true; } bool Downstream::validate_response_recv_body_length() const { if (!expect_response_body() || resp_.fs.content_length == -1) { return true; } if (resp_.fs.content_length != resp_.recv_body_length) { if (LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DLOG(INFO, this) << "response invalid bodylen: content-length=" << resp_.fs.content_length << ", received=" << resp_.recv_body_length; } return false; } return true; } void Downstream::check_upgrade_fulfilled_http2() { // This handles nonzero req_.connect_proto and h1 frontend requests // WebSocket upgrade. upgraded_ = (req_.method == HTTP_CONNECT || req_.connect_proto == ConnectProto::WEBSOCKET) && resp_.http_status / 100 == 2; } void Downstream::check_upgrade_fulfilled_http1() { if (req_.method == HTTP_CONNECT) { if (req_.connect_proto == ConnectProto::WEBSOCKET) { if (resp_.http_status != 101) { return; } // This is done for HTTP/2 frontend only. auto accept = resp_.fs.header(http2::HD_SEC_WEBSOCKET_ACCEPT); if (!accept) { return; } std::array accept_buf; auto expected = http2::make_websocket_accept_token(accept_buf.data(), ws_key_); upgraded_ = !expected.empty() && expected == accept->value; } else { upgraded_ = resp_.http_status / 100 == 2; } return; } if (resp_.http_status == 101) { // TODO Do more strict checking for upgrade headers upgraded_ = req_.upgrade_request; return; } } void Downstream::inspect_http2_request() { if (req_.method == HTTP_CONNECT) { req_.upgrade_request = true; } } void Downstream::inspect_http1_request() { if (req_.method == HTTP_CONNECT) { req_.upgrade_request = true; } else if (req_.http_minor > 0) { auto upgrade = req_.fs.header(http2::HD_UPGRADE); if (upgrade) { const auto &val = upgrade->value; // TODO Perform more strict checking for upgrade headers if (NGHTTP2_CLEARTEXT_PROTO_VERSION_ID ""_sr == val) { req_.http2_upgrade_seen = true; } else { req_.upgrade_request = true; // TODO Should we check Sec-WebSocket-Key, and // Sec-WebSocket-Version as well? if (util::strieq("websocket"_sr, val)) { req_.connect_proto = ConnectProto::WEBSOCKET; } } } } auto transfer_encoding = req_.fs.header(http2::HD_TRANSFER_ENCODING); if (transfer_encoding) { req_.fs.content_length = -1; } auto expect = req_.fs.header(http2::HD_EXPECT); expect_100_continue_ = expect && util::strieq(expect->value, "100-continue"_sr); } void Downstream::inspect_http1_response() { auto transfer_encoding = resp_.fs.header(http2::HD_TRANSFER_ENCODING); if (transfer_encoding) { resp_.fs.content_length = -1; } } void Downstream::reset_response() { resp_.http_status = 0; resp_.http_major = 1; resp_.http_minor = 1; } bool Downstream::get_non_final_response() const { return !upgraded_ && resp_.http_status / 100 == 1; } bool Downstream::supports_non_final_response() const { return req_.http_major == 3 || req_.http_major == 2 || (req_.http_major == 1 && req_.http_minor == 1); } bool Downstream::get_upgraded() const { return upgraded_; } bool Downstream::get_http2_upgrade_request() const { return req_.http2_upgrade_seen && req_.fs.header(http2::HD_HTTP2_SETTINGS) && response_state_ == DownstreamState::INITIAL; } StringRef Downstream::get_http2_settings() const { auto http2_settings = req_.fs.header(http2::HD_HTTP2_SETTINGS); if (!http2_settings) { return StringRef{}; } return http2_settings->value; } void Downstream::set_downstream_stream_id(int64_t stream_id) { downstream_stream_id_ = stream_id; } int64_t Downstream::get_downstream_stream_id() const { return downstream_stream_id_; } uint32_t Downstream::get_response_rst_stream_error_code() const { return response_rst_stream_error_code_; } void Downstream::set_response_rst_stream_error_code(uint32_t error_code) { response_rst_stream_error_code_ = error_code; } void Downstream::set_expect_final_response(bool f) { expect_final_response_ = f; } bool Downstream::get_expect_final_response() const { return expect_final_response_; } bool Downstream::expect_response_body() const { return !resp_.headers_only && http2::expect_response_body(req_.method, resp_.http_status); } bool Downstream::expect_response_trailer() const { // In HTTP/2, if final response HEADERS does not bear END_STREAM it // is possible trailer fields might come, regardless of request // method or status code. return !resp_.headers_only && (resp_.http_major == 3 || resp_.http_major == 2); } void Downstream::repeat_header_timer() { auto loop = upstream_->get_client_handler()->get_loop(); ev_timer_again(loop, &header_timer_); } void Downstream::stop_header_timer() { auto loop = upstream_->get_client_handler()->get_loop(); ev_timer_stop(loop, &header_timer_); } namespace { void reset_timer(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w) { ev_timer_again(loop, w); } } // namespace namespace { void try_reset_timer(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w) { if (!ev_is_active(w)) { return; } ev_timer_again(loop, w); } } // namespace namespace { void ensure_timer(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w) { if (ev_is_active(w)) { return; } ev_timer_again(loop, w); } } // namespace namespace { void disable_timer(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w) { ev_timer_stop(loop, w); } } // namespace void Downstream::reset_upstream_rtimer() { if (get_config()->http2.timeout.stream_read == 0.) { return; } auto loop = upstream_->get_client_handler()->get_loop(); reset_timer(loop, &upstream_rtimer_); } void Downstream::reset_upstream_wtimer() { auto loop = upstream_->get_client_handler()->get_loop(); auto &timeoutconf = get_config()->http2.timeout; if (timeoutconf.stream_write != 0.) { reset_timer(loop, &upstream_wtimer_); } if (timeoutconf.stream_read != 0.) { try_reset_timer(loop, &upstream_rtimer_); } } void Downstream::ensure_upstream_wtimer() { if (get_config()->http2.timeout.stream_write == 0.) { return; } auto loop = upstream_->get_client_handler()->get_loop(); ensure_timer(loop, &upstream_wtimer_); } void Downstream::disable_upstream_rtimer() { if (get_config()->http2.timeout.stream_read == 0.) { return; } auto loop = upstream_->get_client_handler()->get_loop(); disable_timer(loop, &upstream_rtimer_); } void Downstream::disable_upstream_wtimer() { if (get_config()->http2.timeout.stream_write == 0.) { return; } auto loop = upstream_->get_client_handler()->get_loop(); disable_timer(loop, &upstream_wtimer_); } void Downstream::reset_downstream_rtimer() { if (get_config()->http2.timeout.stream_read == 0.) { return; } auto loop = upstream_->get_client_handler()->get_loop(); reset_timer(loop, &downstream_rtimer_); } void Downstream::reset_downstream_wtimer() { auto loop = upstream_->get_client_handler()->get_loop(); auto &timeoutconf = get_config()->http2.timeout; if (timeoutconf.stream_write != 0.) { reset_timer(loop, &downstream_wtimer_); } if (timeoutconf.stream_read != 0.) { try_reset_timer(loop, &downstream_rtimer_); } } void Downstream::ensure_downstream_wtimer() { if (get_config()->http2.timeout.stream_write == 0.) { return; } auto loop = upstream_->get_client_handler()->get_loop(); ensure_timer(loop, &downstream_wtimer_); } void Downstream::disable_downstream_rtimer() { if (get_config()->http2.timeout.stream_read == 0.) { return; } auto loop = upstream_->get_client_handler()->get_loop(); disable_timer(loop, &downstream_rtimer_); } void Downstream::disable_downstream_wtimer() { if (get_config()->http2.timeout.stream_write == 0.) { return; } auto loop = upstream_->get_client_handler()->get_loop(); disable_timer(loop, &downstream_wtimer_); } bool Downstream::accesslog_ready() const { return !accesslog_written_ && resp_.http_status > 0; } void Downstream::add_retry() { ++num_retry_; } bool Downstream::no_more_retry() const { return num_retry_ > 50; } void Downstream::set_request_downstream_host(const StringRef &host) { request_downstream_host_ = host; } void Downstream::set_request_pending(bool f) { request_pending_ = f; } bool Downstream::get_request_pending() const { return request_pending_; } void Downstream::set_request_header_sent(bool f) { request_header_sent_ = f; } bool Downstream::get_request_header_sent() const { return request_header_sent_; } bool Downstream::request_submission_ready() const { return (request_state_ == DownstreamState::HEADER_COMPLETE || request_state_ == DownstreamState::MSG_COMPLETE) && (request_pending_ || !request_header_sent_) && response_state_ == DownstreamState::INITIAL; } DispatchState Downstream::get_dispatch_state() const { return dispatch_state_; } void Downstream::set_dispatch_state(DispatchState s) { dispatch_state_ = s; } void Downstream::attach_blocked_link(BlockedLink *l) { assert(!blocked_link_); l->downstream = this; blocked_link_ = l; } BlockedLink *Downstream::detach_blocked_link() { auto link = blocked_link_; blocked_link_ = nullptr; return link; } bool Downstream::can_detach_downstream_connection() const { // We should check request and response buffer. If request buffer // is not empty, then we might leave downstream connection in weird // state, especially for HTTP/1.1 return dconn_ && response_state_ == DownstreamState::MSG_COMPLETE && request_state_ == DownstreamState::MSG_COMPLETE && !upgraded_ && !resp_.connection_close && request_buf_.rleft() == 0; } DefaultMemchunks Downstream::pop_response_buf() { return std::move(response_buf_); } void Downstream::set_assoc_stream_id(int64_t stream_id) { assoc_stream_id_ = stream_id; } int64_t Downstream::get_assoc_stream_id() const { return assoc_stream_id_; } BlockAllocator &Downstream::get_block_allocator() { return balloc_; } void Downstream::add_rcbuf(nghttp2_rcbuf *rcbuf) { nghttp2_rcbuf_incref(rcbuf); rcbufs_.push_back(rcbuf); } #ifdef ENABLE_HTTP3 void Downstream::add_rcbuf(nghttp3_rcbuf *rcbuf) { nghttp3_rcbuf_incref(rcbuf); rcbufs3_.push_back(rcbuf); } #endif // ENABLE_HTTP3 void Downstream::set_downstream_addr_group( const std::shared_ptr &group) { group_ = group; } void Downstream::set_addr(const DownstreamAddr *addr) { addr_ = addr; } const DownstreamAddr *Downstream::get_addr() const { return addr_; } void Downstream::set_accesslog_written(bool f) { accesslog_written_ = f; } void Downstream::renew_affinity_cookie(uint32_t h) { affinity_cookie_ = h; new_affinity_cookie_ = true; } uint32_t Downstream::get_affinity_cookie_to_send() const { if (new_affinity_cookie_) { return affinity_cookie_; } return 0; } DefaultMemchunks *Downstream::get_blocked_request_buf() { return &blocked_request_buf_; } bool Downstream::get_blocked_request_data_eof() const { return blocked_request_data_eof_; } void Downstream::set_blocked_request_data_eof(bool f) { blocked_request_data_eof_ = f; } void Downstream::set_ws_key(const StringRef &key) { ws_key_ = key; } bool Downstream::get_expect_100_continue() const { return expect_100_continue_; } bool Downstream::get_stop_reading() const { return stop_reading_; } void Downstream::set_stop_reading(bool f) { stop_reading_ = f; } } // namespace shrpx