path: root/scripts/http-cross-domain-policy.nse
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/http-cross-domain-policy.nse b/scripts/http-cross-domain-policy.nse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76da3b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/http-cross-domain-policy.nse
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+local http = require "http"
+local stdnse = require "stdnse"
+local vulns = require "vulns"
+local nmap = require "nmap"
+local shortport = require "shortport"
+local table = require "table"
+local tableaux = require "tableaux"
+local string = require "string"
+local slaxml = require "slaxml"
+description = [[
+Checks the cross-domain policy file (/crossdomain.xml) and the client-acces-policy file (/clientaccesspolicy.xml)
+in web applications and lists the trusted domains. Overly permissive settings enable Cross Site Request Forgery
+attacks and may allow attackers to access sensitive data. This script is useful to detect permissive
+configurations and possible domain names available for purchase to exploit the application.
+The script queries to lookup the domains. This functionality is
+turned off by default, to enable it set the script argument http-cross-domain-policy.domain-lookup.
+-- @usage nmap --script http-cross-domain-policy <target>
+-- @usage nmap -p 80 --script http-cross-domain-policy --script-args http-cross-domain-policy.domain-lookup=true <target>
+-- @output
+-- 8080/tcp open http-proxy syn-ack
+-- | http-cross-domain-policy:
+-- | Cross-domain policy file (crossdomain.xml)
+-- | State: VULNERABLE
+-- | A cross-domain policy file specifies the permissions that a web client such as Java, Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader,
+-- | etc. use to access data across different domains. A client acces policy file is similar to cross-domain policy
+-- | but is used for M$ Silverlight applications. Overly permissive configurations enables Cross-site Request
+-- | Forgery attacks, and may allow third parties to access sensitive data meant for the user.
+-- | Check results:
+-- | /crossdomain.xml:
+-- | <cross-domain-policy>
+-- | <allow-access-from domain="*"/>
+-- | <allow-access-from domain="*"/>
+-- | <allow-access-from domain="*"/>'
+-- | </cross-domain-policy>
+-- | /clientaccesspolicy.xml:
+-- | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+-- | </accesspolicy>
+-- | <crossdomainaccess>
+-- | <policy>
+-- | <allowfrom httprequestheaders="SOAPAction">
+-- | <domain uri="*"/>
+-- | <domain uri="*"/>
+-- | <domain uri="*"/>
+-- | </allowfrom>
+-- | <granto>
+-- | <resource path="/" includesubpaths="true"/>
+-- | </granto>
+-- | </policy>
+-- | </crossdomainaccess>
+-- | </accesspolicy>
+-- | Extra information:
+-- | Trusted,,, *,,
+-- | Use the script argument 'domain-lookup' to find trusted domains available for purchase
+-- | References:
+-- |
+-- |
+-- |
+-- |
+-- |
+-- |_
+-- @args http-cross-domain-policy.domain-lookup Boolean to check domain availability. Default:false
+-- @xmloutput
+-- <elem key="title">Cross-domain and Client Access policies.</elem>
+-- <elem key="state">VULNERABLE</elem>
+-- <table key="description">
+-- <elem>A cross-domain policy file specifies the permissions that a
+-- web client such as Java, Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, etc. use to
+-- access data across different domains. A client acces policy file
+-- is similar to cross-domain policy but is used for M$ Silverlight
+-- applications. Overly permissive configurations enables Cross-site
+-- Request Forgery attacks, and may allow third parties to access
+-- sensitive data meant for the user.</elem>
+-- </table>
+-- <table key="check_results">
+-- <table>
+-- <elem key="name">/crossdomain.xml</elem>
+-- <elem key="body">&lt;cross-domain-policy&gt;
+-- &lt;allow-access-from domain="*"/&gt;
+-- &lt;allow-access-from domain="*"/&gt;
+-- &lt;allow-access-from domain="*"/&gt;'
+-- &lt;/cross-domain-policy&gt;</elem>
+-- </table>
+-- <table>
+-- <elem key="name">/clientaccesspolicy.xml</elem>
+-- <elem key="body">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?&gt;
+-- &lt;/accesspolicy&gt; &lt;crossdomainaccess&gt; &lt;policy&gt;
+-- &lt;allowfrom httprequestheaders="SOAPAction"&gt; &lt;domain
+-- uri="*"/&gt; &lt;domain uri="*"/&gt; &lt;domain
+-- uri="*"/&gt; &lt;/allowfrom&gt; &lt;granto&gt;
+-- &lt;resource path="/" includesubpaths="true"/&gt;
+-- &lt;/granto&gt; &lt;/policy&gt; &lt;/crossdomainaccess&gt;
+-- &lt;/accesspolicy&gt;</elem>
+-- </table>
+-- </table>
+-- <table key="extra_info">
+-- <elem>Trusted,,
+--, *,, Use the script argument
+-- 'domain-lookup' to find trusted domains available for
+-- purchase</elem>
+-- </table>
+-- <table key="refs">
+-- <elem>
+-- <elem>
+-- <elem>
+-- <elem>
+-- <elem>
+-- <elem>
+-- </table>
+author = {"Seth Art <sethsec()gmail>", "Paulino Calderon <calderon()>", "Gyanendra Mishra"}
+license = "Same as Nmap--See"
+categories = {"safe", "external", "vuln"}
+portrule = shortport.http
+local tlds_instantdomainsearch = {".com", ".net", ".org", ".co", ".info", ".biz", ".mobi", ".us", ".ca", "",
+ ".in", ".io", ".it", ".pt", ".me", ".tv"}
+-- Queries to check if domains are available
+-- Returns nil if the query failed and true/false to indicate domain availability
+-- Sample response:
+-- {"label":"nmap","tld":"com","isRegistered":true,"isBid":false,
+-- "price":0,"aftermarketProvider":"","rank":14.028985023498535,"search":"name"}
+-- {"words":["nmap"],"synonyms":["nmap","scans"],"tld":"com","isBid":false,"price":0,
+-- "aftermarketProvider":"","rank":0.23496590554714203,"search":"word"}
+-- {"label":"snmap","tld":"com","isBid":false,"price":2994,"aftermarketProvider":"",
+-- "rank":9.352656364440918,"search":"ngram"}
+local function check_domain (domain)
+ local name, tld = domain:match("(%w*)%.*(%w*%.%w+)$")
+ if not(tableaux.contains(tlds_instantdomainsearch, tld)) then
+ stdnse.debug(1, "TLD '%s' is not supported by Check manually.", tld)
+ return nil
+ end
+ stdnse.print_debug(1, "Checking availability of domain %s with tld:%s ", name, tld)
+ local path = string.format("/all/%s?/tlds=%s&limit=1", name, tld)
+ local response = http.get("", 443, path, {any_af=true})
+ if ( not(response) or (response.status and response.status ~= 200) ) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local _, _, registered = response.body:find('"isRegistered":(.-),"isBid":')
+ return registered
+-- Requests and parses crossdomain.xml file
+function check_crossdomain(host, port, lookup)
+ local trusted_domains = {}
+ local trusted_domains_available = {}
+ local content = {}
+ local req_opt = {redirect_ok=function(host,port)
+ local c = 3
+ return function(uri)
+ if ( c==0 ) then return false end
+ c = c - 1
+ return true
+ end
+ end}
+ local domain_table = {}
+ local CROSSDOMAIN = {
+ uri = '/crossdomain.xml',
+ attribute = function(name, value)
+ if name == 'domain' then
+ table.insert(domain_table, value)
+ end
+ end,
+ }
+ local CLIENTACCESS = {
+ uri = '/clientaccesspolicy.xml',
+ attribute = function(name, value)
+ if name == 'uri' then
+ table.insert(domain_table, value)
+ end
+ end,
+ }
+ local lists = {}
+ table.insert(lists, CROSSDOMAIN)
+ table.insert(lists, CLIENTACCESS)
+ for _, list in pairs(lists) do
+ local req = http.get(host, port, list.uri, req_opt)
+ if req.status and req.status == 200 then
+ domain_table = {}
+ local parser = slaxml.parser:new({attribute = list.attribute})
+ parser:parseSAX (req.body)
+ table.insert(content, {name = list.uri, body = req.body})
+ for _, domain in pairs(domain_table) do
+ --Matches wildcard, which means vulnerable as any host can comunicate with app
+ if domain == '*' or domain == 'http://' or domain == 'https://' then
+ stdnse.debug(1, "Wildcard detected!")
+ table.insert(trusted_domains, domain)
+ else
+ --Parse domains
+ local line = domain:gsub("%*%.", "")
+ stdnse.debug(1, "Extracted line: %s", line)
+ local domain = line:match("(%w*%.*%w+%.%w+)$")
+ if domain ~= nil then
+ --Deals with tlds with double extension
+ local tld = domain:match("%w*(%.%w*)%.%w+$")
+ if tld ~= nil and not(tableaux.contains(tlds_instantdomainsearch, tld)) then
+ domain = domain:match("%w*%.(.*)$")
+ end
+ --We add domains only once as they can appear multiple times
+ if not(tableaux.contains(trusted_domains, domain)) then
+ stdnse.debug(1, "Added trusted domain:%s", domain)
+ table.insert(trusted_domains, domain)
+ --Lookup domains if script argument is set
+ if ( lookup ) then
+ if check_domain(domain) == "false" then
+ stdnse.debug(1, "Domain '%s' is available for purchase!", domain)
+ table.insert(trusted_domains_available, domain)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ stdnse.debug(1, "Extracted domain: %s", domain)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (#trusted_domains> 0) then
+ return true, trusted_domains, trusted_domains_available, content
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+action = function(host, port)
+ local lookup = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME..".domain-lookup") or false
+ local vuln_report = vulns.Report:new(SCRIPT_NAME, host, port)
+ local vuln = {
+ title = 'Cross-domain and Client Access policies.',
+ state = vulns.STATE.NOT_VULN,
+ description = [[
+A cross-domain policy file specifies the permissions that a web client such as Java, Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader,
+etc. use to access data across different domains. A client acces policy file is similar to cross-domain policy
+but is used for M$ Silverlight applications. Overly permissive configurations enables Cross-site Request
+Forgery attacks, and may allow third parties to access sensitive data meant for the user.]],
+ references = {
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ''
+ },
+ }
+ local check, domains, domains_available, content = check_crossdomain(host, port, lookup)
+ local mt = {__tostring=function(p) return ("%s:\n %s"):format(, p.body:gsub("\n", "\n ")) end}
+ if check then
+ if tableaux.contains(domains, "*") or tableaux.contains(domains, "https://") or tableaux.contains(domains, "http://") then
+ vuln.state = vulns.STATE.VULN
+ else
+ vuln.state = vulns.STATE.LIKELY_VULN
+ end
+ for i, _ in pairs(content) do
+ setmetatable(content[i], mt)
+ tostring(content[i])
+ end
+ vuln.check_results = content
+ vuln.extra_info = string.format("Trusted domains:%s\n", table.concat(domains, ', '))
+ if not(lookup) and nmap.verbosity()>=2 then
+ vuln.extra_info = vuln.extra_info .. "Use the script argument 'domain-lookup' to find trusted domains available for purchase"
+ end
+ if lookup ~= nil and #domains_available>0 then
+ vuln.state = vulns.STATE.EXPLOIT
+ vuln.extra_info = vuln.extra_info .. string.format("[!]Trusted domains available for purchase:%s", table.concat(domains_available, ', '))
+ end
+ end
+ return vuln_report:make_output(vuln)