local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local os = require "os" local table = require "table" local rand = require "rand" description = [[ Discovers Jenkins servers on a LAN by sending a discovery broadcast probe. For more information about Jenkins auto discovery, see: * https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Auto-discovering+Jenkins+on+the+network ]] --- -- @usage nmap --script broadcast-jenkins-discover -- @usage nmap --script broadcast-jenkins-discover --script-args timeout=15s -- -- @output -- Pre-scan script results: -- | broadcast-jenkins: -- | Version: 2.60.2; Server ID: d5e31b7a9d69cf3c89cc799c23199760; Slave Port: 35928 -- |_ Version: 2.60.2; Server ID: b98e8e1b862c3eecb14e8be0028cf4ee; Slave Port: 45435 -- -- @args broadcast-jenkins.address -- address to which the probe packet is sent. (default: -- @args broadcast-jenkins.timeout -- socket timeout (default: 5s) --- author = "Brendan Coles" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"discovery", "broadcast", "safe"} prerule = function() return ( nmap.address_family() == "inet") end local arg_address = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".address") local arg_timeout = stdnse.parse_timespec(stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".timeout")) action = function() local host = { ip = arg_address or "" } -- broadcast -- local host = { ip = arg_address or "" } -- multicast local port = { number = 33848, protocol = "udp" } local socket = nmap.new_socket("udp") socket:set_timeout(500) -- send two packets, just in case local probe = rand.random_string(10) for i=1,2 do local status = socket:sendto(host, port, probe) if ( not(status) ) then return stdnse.format_output(false, "Failed to send broadcast probe") end end local timeout = tonumber(arg_timeout) or ( 20 / ( nmap.timing_level() + 1 ) ) local results = {} local stime = os.time() -- listen until timeout repeat local status, data = socket:receive() if ( status ) then local jenkins_pkt = data:match("^(.+)") if ( jenkins_pkt ) then local status, _, _, rhost, _ = socket:get_info() local version = jenkins_pkt:match("(.*)") local server_id = jenkins_pkt:match("(.*)") local slave_port = jenkins_pkt:match("(.*)") if version and server_id and slave_port then stdnse.print_debug(2, "Received Jenkins discovery response from %s (%s bytes)", rhost, string.len(jenkins_pkt)) local str = ("Version: %s; Server ID: %s; Slave Port: %s"):format(version, server_id, slave_port) table.insert( results, str ) end end end until( os.time() - stime > timeout ) socket:close() local response = stdnse.output_table() if #results > 0 then -- remove duplicates local hash = {} for _,v in ipairs(results) do if (not hash[v]) then table.insert( response, v ) hash[v] = true end end return response end end