local comm = require "comm" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" description = [[ Enumerates SCADA Modbus slave ids (sids) and collects their device information. Modbus is one of the popular SCADA protocols. This script does Modbus device information disclosure. It tries to find legal sids (slave ids) of Modbus devices and to get additional information about the vendor and firmware. This script is improvement of modscan python utility written by Mark Bristow. Information about MODBUS protocol and security issues: * MODBUS application protocol specification: http://www.modbus.org/docs/Modbus_Application_Protocol_V1_1b.pdf * Defcon 16 Modscan presentation: https://www.defcon.org/images/defcon-16/dc16-presentations/defcon-16-bristow.pdf * Modscan utility is hosted at google code: http://code.google.com/p/modscan/ ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script modbus-discover.nse --script-args='modbus-discover.aggressive=true' -p 502 -- -- @args aggressive - boolean value defines find all or just first sid -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 502/tcp open modbus -- | modbus-discover: -- | sid 0x64: -- | Slave ID data: \xFA\xFFPM710PowerMeter -- | Device identification: Schneider Electric PM710 v03.110 -- | sid 0x96: -- |_ error: GATEWAY TARGET DEVICE FAILED TO RESPONSE -- -- @xmloutput -- -- \xFA\xFFPM710PowerMeter -- Schneider Electric PM710 v03.110 --
-- Version 0.2 - /12.12.10/ - script cleanup -- Version 0.3 - /13.12.10/ - several bugfixes author = "Alexander Rudakov" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"discovery", "intrusive"} portrule = shortport.port_or_service(502, "modbus") local form_rsid = function(sid, functionId, data) local payload_len = 2 if ( #data > 0 ) then payload_len = payload_len + #data end return "\0\0\0\0\0" .. string.pack('BBB', payload_len, sid, functionId) .. data end discover_device_id_recursive = function(host, port, sid, start_id, objects_table) local rsid = form_rsid(sid, 0x2B, "\x0E\x01" .. string.pack('B', start_id)) local status, result = comm.exchange(host, port, rsid) if ( status and (#result >= 8)) then local ret_code = string.byte(result, 8) if ( ret_code == 0x2B and #result >= 15 ) then local more_follows = string.byte(result, 12) local next_object_id = string.byte(result, 13) local number_of_objects = string.byte(result, 14) stdnse.debug1("more = 0x%x, next_id = 0x%x, obj_number = 0x%x", more_follows, next_object_id, number_of_objects) local offset = 15 for i = start_id, (number_of_objects - 1) do local object_id = string.byte(result, offset) local object_len = string.byte(result, offset + 1) -- error data format -- if object_len == nil then break end local object_value = string.sub(result, offset + 2, offset + 1 + object_len) stdnse.debug1("Object id = 0x%x, value = %s", object_id, object_value) table.insert(objects_table, object_id + 1, object_value) offset = offset + 2 + object_len end if ( more_follows == 0xFF and next_object_id ~= 0x00 ) then stdnse.debug1("Has more objects") return discover_device_id_recursive(host, port, sid, next_object_id, objects_table) end end end return objects_table end local discover_device_id = function(host, port, sid) return discover_device_id_recursive(host, port, sid, 0x0, {}) end local extract_slave_id = function(response) local byte_count = string.byte(response, 9) if ( byte_count == nil or byte_count == 0) then return nil end return string.unpack("c"..byte_count, response, 10) end modbus_exception_codes = { [1] = "ILLEGAL FUNCTION", [2] = "ILLEGAL DATA ADDRESS", [3] = "ILLEGAL DATA VALUE", [4] = "SLAVE DEVICE FAILURE", [5] = "ACKNOWLEDGE", [6] = "SLAVE DEVICE BUSY", [8] = "MEMORY PARITY ERROR", [10] = "GATEWAY PATH UNAVAILABLE", [11] = "GATEWAY TARGET DEVICE FAILED TO RESPOND" } action = function(host, port) -- If false, stop after first sid. local aggressive = stdnse.get_script_args('modbus-discover.aggressive') local opts = {request_timeout=2000} local results = stdnse.output_table() for sid = 1, 246 do stdnse.debug3("Sending command with sid = %d", sid) local rsid = form_rsid(sid, 0x11, "") local status, result = comm.exchange(host, port, rsid, opts) if ( status and (#result >= 8) ) then local ret_code = string.byte(result, 8) if ( ret_code == (0x11) or ret_code == (0x11 + 128) ) then local sid_table = stdnse.output_table() if ret_code == (0x11) then local slave_id = extract_slave_id(result) sid_table["Slave ID data"] = slave_id or "" elseif ret_code == (0x11 + 128) then local exception_code = string.byte(result, 9) local exception_string = modbus_exception_codes[exception_code] if ( exception_string == nil ) then exception_string = ("Unknown exception (0x%x)"):format(exception_code) end sid_table["error"] = exception_string end local device_table = discover_device_id(host, port, sid) if ( #device_table > 0 ) then sid_table["Device identification"] = table.concat(device_table, " ") end if ( #sid_table > 0 ) then results[("sid 0x%x"):format(sid)] = sid_table end if ( not aggressive ) then break end end end end if ( #results > 0 ) then port.state = "open" port.version.name = "modbus" nmap.set_port_version(host, port) return results end end