local http = require "http" local io = require "io" local json = require "json" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local tab = require "tab" local table = require "table" local ipOps = require "ipOps" description = [[ Lists the geographic locations of each hop in a traceroute and optionally saves the results to a KML file, plottable on Google earth and maps. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --traceroute --script traceroute-geolocation -- -- @output -- | traceroute-geolocation: -- | hop RTT ADDRESS GEOLOCATION -- | 1 ... -- | 2 ... -- | 3 ... -- | 4 ... -- | 5 16.76 e4-0.barleymow.stk.router.colt.net ( 62,15 Sweden (Unknown) -- | 6 48.61 te0-0-2-0-crs1.FRA.router.colt.net ( 54,-2 United Kingdom (Unknown) -- | 7 57.16 42,12 Italy (Unknown) -- | 8 157.85 42,12 Italy (Unknown) -- | 9 ... -- |_ 10 ... -- @xmloutput -- -- 1 --
-- -- 2 --
-- -- 3 --
-- -- 4 --
-- -- 5 -- 16.76 -- -- e4-0.barleymow.stk.router.colt.net -- 62 -- 15 --
-- -- 6 -- 48.61 -- -- te0-0-2-0-crs1.FRA.router.colt.net -- 54 -- -2 --
-- -- @args traceroute-geolocation.kmlfile full path and name of file to write KML -- data to. The KML file can be used in Google earth or maps to plot the -- traceroute data. -- author = "Patrik Karlsson" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"safe", "external", "discovery"} local arg_kmlfile = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".kmlfile") hostrule = function(host) if ( not(host.traceroute) ) then return false end return true end -- -- GeoPlugin requires no API key and has no limitations on lookups -- local function geoLookup(ip, no_cache) local output = stdnse.registry_get({SCRIPT_NAME, ip}) if output then return output end local response = http.get("www.geoplugin.net", 80, "/json.gp?ip="..ip, {any_af=true}) local stat, loc = json.parse(response.body) local get_value = function (d) local t = type(d) return (t == "string" or t == "number") and d or nil end if not (stat and get_value(loc.geoplugin_latitude) and get_value(loc.geoplugin_longitude)) then return nil end output = { lat = loc.geoplugin_latitude, lon = loc.geoplugin_longitude, reg = get_value(loc.geoplugin_regionName) or "Unknown", ctry = get_value(loc.geoplugin_countryName) or "Unknown" } if not no_cache then stdnse.registry_add_table({SCRIPT_NAME}, ip, output) end return output end local function createKMLFile(filename, coords) local header = '\r\n' local footer = '' local output = {} for _, coord in ipairs(coords) do output[#output+1] = ("%s,%s, 0.\r\n"):format(coord.lon, coord.lat) end local f = io.open(filename, "w") if ( not(f) ) then return false, "Failed to create KML file" end f:write(header .. table.concat(output) .. footer) f:close() return true end -- Tables used to accumulate output. local output_structured = {} local output = tab.new(4) local coordinates = {} local function output_hop(count, ip, name, rtt, geo) if ip then local label if name then label = ("%s (%s)"):format(name or "", ip) else label = ("%s"):format(ip) end if geo then table.insert(output_structured, { hop = count, ip = ip, hostname = name, rtt = ("%.2f"):format(rtt), lat = geo.lat, lon = geo.lon }) tab.addrow(output, count, ("%.2f"):format(rtt), label, ("%.3f,%.3f %s (%s)"):format(geo.lat, geo.lon, geo.ctry, geo.reg)) table.insert(coordinates, { hop = count, lat = geo.lat, lon = geo.lon }) else table.insert(output_structured, { hop = count, ip = ip, hostname = name, rtt = ("%.2f"):format(rtt) }) tab.addrow(output, count, ("%.2f"):format(rtt), label, ("%s,%s"):format("- ", "- ")) end else table.insert(output_structured, { hop = count }) tab.addrow(output, count, "...") end end action = function(host) tab.addrow(output, "HOP", "RTT", "ADDRESS", "GEOLOCATION") for count = 1, #host.traceroute do local hop = host.traceroute[count] -- avoid timedout hops, marked as empty entries -- do not add the current scanned host.ip if hop.ip then local rtt = tonumber(hop.srtt) * 1000 local geo if not ipOps.isPrivate(hop.ip) then -- be sure not to cache the target address, since it's not likely to be -- a hop for something else. geo = geoLookup(hop.ip, ipOps.compare_ip(hop.ip, "eq", host.ip) ) end output_hop(count, hop.ip, hop.name, rtt, geo) else output_hop(count) end end if (#output_structured > 0) then output = tab.dump(output) if ( arg_kmlfile ) then if ( not(createKMLFile(arg_kmlfile, coordinates)) ) then output = output .. ("\n\nERROR: Failed to write KML to file: %s"):format(arg_kmlfile) end end return output_structured, stdnse.format_output(true, output) end end