# vim: set encoding=utf-8 : # ***********************IMPORTANT NMAP LICENSE TERMS************************ # * # * The Nmap Security Scanner is (C) 1996-2023 Nmap Software LLC ("The Nmap # * Project"). Nmap is also a registered trademark of the Nmap Project. # * # * This program is distributed under the terms of the Nmap Public Source # * License (NPSL). The exact license text applying to a particular Nmap # * release or source code control revision is contained in the LICENSE # * file distributed with that version of Nmap or source code control # * revision. More Nmap copyright/legal information is available from # * https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html, and further information on the # * NPSL license itself can be found at https://nmap.org/npsl/ . This # * header summarizes some key points from the Nmap license, but is no # * substitute for the actual license text. # * # * Nmap is generally free for end users to download and use themselves, # * including commercial use. It is available from https://nmap.org. # * # * The Nmap license generally prohibits companies from using and # * redistributing Nmap in commercial products, but we sell a special Nmap # * OEM Edition with a more permissive license and special features for # * this purpose. See https://nmap.org/oem/ # * # * If you have received a written Nmap license agreement or contract # * stating terms other than these (such as an Nmap OEM license), you may # * choose to use and redistribute Nmap under those terms instead. # * # * The official Nmap Windows builds include the Npcap software # * (https://npcap.com) for packet capture and transmission. It is under # * separate license terms which forbid redistribution without special # * permission. So the official Nmap Windows builds may not be redistributed # * without special permission (such as an Nmap OEM license). # * # * Source is provided to this software because we believe users have a # * right to know exactly what a program is going to do before they run it. # * This also allows you to audit the software for security holes. # * # * Source code also allows you to port Nmap to new platforms, fix bugs, and add # * new features. You are highly encouraged to submit your changes as a Github PR # * or by email to the dev@nmap.org mailing list for possible incorporation into # * the main distribution. Unless you specify otherwise, it is understood that # * you are offering us very broad rights to use your submissions as described in # * the Nmap Public Source License Contributor Agreement. This is important # * because we fund the project by selling licenses with various terms, and also # * because the inability to relicense code has caused devastating problems for # * other Free Software projects (such as KDE and NASM). # * # * The free version of Nmap is distributed in the hope that it will be # * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Warranties, # * indemnification and commercial support are all available through the # * Npcap OEM program--see https://nmap.org/oem/ # * # ***************************************************************************/ import gi gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") from gi.repository import Gtk, GLib, Gdk import math import cairo from functools import reduce import radialnet.util.geometry as geometry import radialnet.util.misc as misc from radialnet.core.Coordinate import PolarCoordinate, CartesianCoordinate from radialnet.core.Interpolation import Linear2DInterpolator from radialnet.core.Graph import Node from radialnet.gui.NodeWindow import NodeWindow from radialnet.gui.Image import Icons, get_pixels_for_cairo_image_surface REGION_COLORS = [(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)] REGION_RED = 0 REGION_YELLOW = 1 REGION_GREEN = 2 SQUARE_TYPES = ['router', 'switch', 'wap'] ICON_DICT = {'router': 'router', 'switch': 'switch', 'wap': 'wireless', 'firewall': 'firewall'} POINTER_JUMP_TO = 0 POINTER_INFO = 1 POINTER_GROUP = 2 POINTER_FILL = 3 LAYOUT_SYMMETRIC = 0 LAYOUT_WEIGHTED = 1 INTERPOLATION_CARTESIAN = 0 INTERPOLATION_POLAR = 1 FILE_TYPE_PDF = 1 FILE_TYPE_PNG = 2 FILE_TYPE_PS = 3 FILE_TYPE_SVG = 4 class RadialNet(Gtk.DrawingArea): """ Radial network visualization widget """ def __init__(self, layout=LAYOUT_SYMMETRIC): """ Constructor method of RadialNet widget class @type number_of_rings: number @param number_of_rings: Number of rings in radial layout """ self.__center_of_widget = (0, 0) self.__graph = None self.__number_of_rings = 0 self.__ring_gap = 30 self.__min_ring_gap = 10 self.__layout = layout self.__interpolation = INTERPOLATION_POLAR self.__interpolation_slow_in_out = True self.__animating = False self.__animation_rate = 1000 // 60 # 60Hz (human perception factor) self.__number_of_frames = 60 self.__scale = 1.0 # rotated so that single-host traceroute doesn't have overlapping hosts self.__rotate = 225 self.__translation = (0, 0) self.__button1_press = False self.__button2_press = False self.__button3_press = False self.__last_motion_point = None self.__fisheye = False self.__fisheye_ring = 0 self.__fisheye_spread = 0.5 self.__fisheye_interest = 2 self.__show_address = True self.__show_hostname = True self.__show_icon = True self.__show_latency = False self.__show_ring = True self.__show_region = True self.__region_color = REGION_RED self.__node_views = dict() self.__last_group_node = None self.__pointer_status = POINTER_JUMP_TO self.__sorted_nodes = list() self.__icon = Icons() super(RadialNet, self).__init__() self.connect('draw', self.draw) self.connect('button_press_event', self.button_press) self.connect('button_release_event', self.button_release) self.connect('motion_notify_event', self.motion_notify) self.connect('enter_notify_event', self.enter_notify) self.connect('leave_notify_event', self.leave_notify) self.connect('key_press_event', self.key_press) self.connect('key_release_event', self.key_release) self.connect('scroll_event', self.scroll_event) self.add_events(Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.KEY_RELEASE_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.SCROLL_MASK) self.set_can_focus(True) self.grab_focus() def graph_is_not_empty(function): """ Decorator function to prevent the execution when graph not is set @type function: function @param function: Protected function """ def check_graph_status(*args): if args[0].__graph is None: return False return function(*args) return check_graph_status def not_is_in_animation(function): """ Decorator function to prevent the execution when graph is animating @type function: function @param function: Protected function """ def check_animation_status(*args): if args[0].__animating: return False return function(*args) return check_animation_status def save_drawing_to_file(self, file, type=FILE_TYPE_PNG): """ """ allocation = self.get_allocation() if type == FILE_TYPE_PDF: self.surface = cairo.PDFSurface(file, allocation.width, allocation.height) elif type == FILE_TYPE_PNG: self.surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, allocation.width, allocation.height) elif type == FILE_TYPE_PS: self.surface = cairo.PSSurface(file, allocation.width, allocation.height) elif type == FILE_TYPE_SVG: self.surface = cairo.SVGSurface(file, allocation.width, allocation.height) else: raise TypeError('unknown surface type') context = cairo.Context(self.surface) context.rectangle(0, 0, allocation.width, allocation.height) context.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.fill() self.__draw(context) if type == FILE_TYPE_PNG: self.surface.write_to_png(file) self.surface.flush() self.surface.finish() return True def get_slow_inout(self): """ """ return self.__interpolation_slow_in_out def set_slow_inout(self, value): """ """ self.__interpolation_slow_in_out = value def get_region_color(self): """ """ return self.__region_color def set_region_color(self, value): """ """ self.__region_color = value def get_show_region(self): """ """ return self.__show_region def set_show_region(self, value): """ """ self.__show_region = value self.queue_draw() def get_pointer_status(self): """ """ return self.__pointer_status def set_pointer_status(self, pointer_status): """ """ self.__pointer_status = pointer_status def get_show_address(self): """ """ return self.__show_address def get_show_hostname(self): """ """ return self.__show_hostname def get_show_ring(self): """ """ return self.__show_ring def set_show_address(self, value): """ """ self.__show_address = value self.queue_draw() def set_show_hostname(self, value): """ """ self.__show_hostname = value self.queue_draw() def set_show_ring(self, value): """ """ self.__show_ring = value self.queue_draw() def get_min_ring_gap(self): """ """ return self.__min_ring_gap @graph_is_not_empty @not_is_in_animation def set_min_ring_gap(self, value): """ """ self.__min_ring_gap = int(value) if self.__ring_gap < self.__min_ring_gap: self.__ring_gap = self.__min_ring_gap self.__update_nodes_positions() self.queue_draw() return True def get_number_of_frames(self): """ """ return self.__number_of_frames @not_is_in_animation def set_number_of_frames(self, number_of_frames): """ """ if number_of_frames > 2: self.__number_of_frames = int(number_of_frames) return True self.__number_of_frames = 3 return False @not_is_in_animation def update_layout(self): """ """ if self.__graph is None: return self.__animating = True self.__calc_interpolation(self.__graph.get_main_node()) self.__livens_up() @not_is_in_animation def set_layout(self, layout): """ """ if self.__layout != layout: self.__layout = layout if self.__graph is not None: self.__animating = True self.__calc_interpolation(self.__graph.get_main_node()) self.__livens_up() return True return False def get_layout(self): """ """ return self.__layout @not_is_in_animation def set_interpolation(self, interpolation): """ """ self.__interpolation = interpolation return True def get_interpolation(self): """ """ return self.__interpolation def get_number_of_rings(self): """ """ return self.__number_of_rings def get_fisheye_ring(self): """ """ return self.__fisheye_ring def get_fisheye_interest(self): """ """ return self.__fisheye_interest def get_fisheye_spread(self): """ """ return self.__fisheye_spread def get_fisheye(self): """ """ return self.__fisheye def set_fisheye(self, enable): """ """ self.__fisheye = enable self.__update_nodes_positions() self.queue_draw() def set_fisheye_ring(self, value): """ """ self.__fisheye_ring = value self.__check_fisheye_ring() self.__update_nodes_positions() self.queue_draw() def set_fisheye_interest(self, value): """ """ self.__fisheye_interest = value self.__update_nodes_positions() self.queue_draw() def set_fisheye_spread(self, value): """ """ self.__fisheye_spread = value self.__update_nodes_positions() self.queue_draw() def get_show_icon(self): """ """ return self.__show_icon def set_show_icon(self, value): """ """ self.__show_icon = value self.queue_draw() def get_show_latency(self): """ """ return self.__show_latency def set_show_latency(self, value): """ """ self.__show_latency = value self.queue_draw() def get_scale(self): """ """ return self.__scale def get_zoom(self): """ """ return int(round(self.__scale * 100)) def set_scale(self, scale): """ """ if scale >= 0.01: self.__scale = scale self.queue_draw() def set_zoom(self, zoom): """ """ if float(zoom) >= 1: self.set_scale(float(zoom) / 100.0) self.queue_draw() def get_ring_gap(self): """ """ return self.__ring_gap @not_is_in_animation def set_ring_gap(self, ring_gap): """ """ if ring_gap >= self.__min_ring_gap: self.__ring_gap = ring_gap self.__update_nodes_positions() self.queue_draw() def scroll_event(self, widget, event): """ """ if event.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.UP: self.set_scale(self.__scale + 0.01) if event.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.DOWN: self.set_scale(self.__scale - 0.01) self.queue_draw() @graph_is_not_empty @not_is_in_animation def key_press(self, widget, event): """ """ key = Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) if key == 'KP_Add': self.set_ring_gap(self.__ring_gap + 1) elif key == 'KP_Subtract': self.set_ring_gap(self.__ring_gap - 1) elif key == 'Page_Up': self.set_scale(self.__scale + 0.01) elif key == 'Page_Down': self.set_scale(self.__scale - 0.01) self.queue_draw() return True @graph_is_not_empty def key_release(self, widget, event): """ """ key = Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) if key == 'c': self.__translation = (0, 0) elif key == 'r': self.__show_ring = not self.__show_ring elif key == 'a': self.__show_address = not self.__show_address elif key == 'h': self.__show_hostname = not self.__show_hostname elif key == 'i': self.__show_icon = not self.__show_icon elif key == 'l': self.__show_latency = not self.__show_latency self.queue_draw() return True @graph_is_not_empty @not_is_in_animation def enter_notify(self, widget, event): """ """ self.grab_focus() return False @graph_is_not_empty @not_is_in_animation def leave_notify(self, widget, event): """ """ for node in self.__graph.get_nodes(): node.set_draw_info({'over': False}) self.queue_draw() return False @graph_is_not_empty def button_press(self, widget, event): """ Drawing callback @type widget: GtkWidget @param widget: Gtk widget superclass @type event: GtkEvent @param event: Gtk event of widget @rtype: boolean @return: Indicator of the event propagation """ result = self.__get_node_by_coordinate(self.get_pointer()) if event.button == 1: self.__button1_press = True # animate if node is pressed if self.__pointer_status == POINTER_JUMP_TO and event.button == 1: # prevent double animation if self.__animating: return False if result is not None: node, point = result main_node = self.__graph.get_main_node() if node != main_node: if node.get_draw_info('group'): node.set_draw_info({'group': False}) node.set_subtree_info({'grouped': False, 'group_node': None}) self.__animating = True self.__calc_interpolation(node) self.__livens_up() # group node if it's pressed elif self.__pointer_status == POINTER_GROUP and event.button == 1: # prevent group on animation if self.__animating: return False if result is not None: node, point = result main_node = self.__graph.get_main_node() if node != main_node: if node.get_draw_info('group'): node.set_draw_info({'group': False}) node.set_subtree_info({'grouped': False, 'group_node': None}) else: self.__last_group_node = node node.set_draw_info({'group': True}) node.set_subtree_info({'grouped': True, 'group_node': node}) self.__animating = True self.__calc_interpolation(self.__graph.get_main_node()) self.__livens_up() # setting to show node's region elif self.__pointer_status == POINTER_FILL and event.button == 1: if result is not None: node, point = result if node.get_draw_info('region') == self.__region_color: node.set_draw_info({'region': None}) else: node.set_draw_info({'region': self.__region_color}) self.queue_draw() # show node details elif event.button == 3 or self.__pointer_status == POINTER_INFO: if event.button == 3: self.__button3_press = True if result is not None: # first returned value is not meaningful and should be ignored _, xw, yw = self.get_window().get_origin() node, point = result x, y = point if node in self.__node_views.keys(): self.__node_views[node].present() elif node.get_draw_info('scanned'): view = NodeWindow(node, (int(xw + x), int(yw + y))) def close_view(view, event, node): view.destroy() del self.__node_views[node] view.connect("delete-event", close_view, node) view.show_all() self.__node_views[node] = view return False @graph_is_not_empty def button_release(self, widget, event): """ Drawing callback @type widget: GtkWidget @param widget: Gtk widget superclass @type event: GtkEvent @param event: Gtk event of widget @rtype: boolean @return: Indicator of the event propagation """ if event.button == 1: self.__button1_press = False if event.button == 2: self.__button2_press = False if event.button == 3: self.__button3_press = False self.grab_focus() return False @graph_is_not_empty def motion_notify(self, widget, event): """ Drawing callback @type widget: GtkWidget @param widget: Gtk widget superclass @type event: GtkEvent @param event: Gtk event of widget @rtype: boolean @return: Indicator of the event propagation """ pointer = self.get_pointer() for node in self.__graph.get_nodes(): node.set_draw_info({'over': False}) result = self.__get_node_by_coordinate(self.get_pointer()) if result is not None: result[0].set_draw_info({'over': True}) elif self.__button1_press and self.__last_motion_point is not None: ax, ay = pointer ox, oy = self.__last_motion_point tx, ty = self.__translation self.__translation = (tx + ax - ox, ty - ay + oy) self.__last_motion_point = pointer self.grab_focus() self.queue_draw() return False def draw(self, widget, context): """ Drawing callback @type widget: GtkWidget @param widget: Gtk widget superclass @type context: cairo.Context @param context: cairo context class @rtype: boolean @return: Indicator of the event propagation """ context.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.fill() self.__draw(context) return False @graph_is_not_empty def __draw(self, context): """ Drawing method """ # getting allocation reference allocation = self.get_allocation() self.__center_of_widget = (allocation.width // 2, allocation.height // 2) xc, yc = self.__center_of_widget ax, ay = self.__translation # xc = 320 yc = 240 # -1.5 | -0.5 ( 480, 360) # -1.0 | 0.0 ( 320, 240) # -0.5 | 0.5 ( 160, 120) # 0.0 | 1.0 ( 0, 0) # 0.5 | 1.5 (-160, -120) # 1.0 | 2.0 (-320, -240) # 1.5 | 2.5 (-480, -360) # scaling and translate factor = -(self.__scale - 1) context.translate(xc * factor + ax, yc * factor - ay) if self.__scale != 1.0: context.scale(self.__scale, self.__scale) # drawing over node's region if self.__show_region and not self.__animating: for node in self.__sorted_nodes: not_grouped = not node.get_draw_info('grouped') if node.get_draw_info('region') is not None and not_grouped: xc, yc = self.__center_of_widget r, g, b = REGION_COLORS[node.get_draw_info('region')] start, final = node.get_draw_info('range') i_radius = node.get_coordinate_radius() f_radius = self.__calc_radius(self.__number_of_rings - 1) is_fill_all = abs(final - start) == 360 final = math.radians(final + self.__rotate) start = math.radians(start + self.__rotate) context.move_to(xc, yc) context.set_source_rgba(r, g, b, 0.1) context.new_path() context.arc(xc, yc, i_radius, -final, -start) context.arc_negative(xc, yc, f_radius, -start, -final) context.close_path() context.fill() context.stroke() if not is_fill_all: context.set_source_rgb(r, g, b) context.set_line_width(1) xa, ya = PolarCoordinate( i_radius, final).to_cartesian() xb, yb = PolarCoordinate( f_radius, final).to_cartesian() context.move_to(xc + xa, yc - ya) context.line_to(xc + xb, yc - yb) context.stroke() xa, ya = PolarCoordinate( i_radius, start).to_cartesian() xb, yb = PolarCoordinate( f_radius, start).to_cartesian() context.move_to(xc + xa, yc - ya) context.line_to(xc + xb, yc - yb) context.stroke() # drawing network rings if self.__show_ring and not self.__animating: for i in range(1, self.__number_of_rings): radius = self.__calc_radius(i) context.arc(xc, yc, radius, 0, 2 * math.pi) context.set_source_rgb(0.8, 0.8, 0.8) context.set_line_width(1) context.stroke() # drawing nodes and your connections for edge in self.__graph.get_edges(): # check group constraints for edges a, b = edge.get_nodes() a_is_grouped = a.get_draw_info('grouped') b_is_grouped = b.get_draw_info('grouped') a_is_group = a.get_draw_info('group') b_is_group = b.get_draw_info('group') a_group = a.get_draw_info('group_node') b_group = b.get_draw_info('group_node') a_is_child = a in b.get_draw_info('children') b_is_child = b in a.get_draw_info('children') last_group = self.__last_group_node groups = [a_group, b_group] if last_group in groups and last_group is not None: self.__draw_edge(context, edge) elif not a_is_grouped or not b_is_grouped: if not (a_is_group and b_is_child or b_is_group and a_is_child): self.__draw_edge(context, edge) elif a_group != b_group: self.__draw_edge(context, edge) for node in reversed(self.__sorted_nodes): # check group constraints for nodes group = node.get_draw_info('group_node') grouped = node.get_draw_info('grouped') if group == self.__last_group_node or not grouped: self.__draw_node(context, node) def __draw_edge(self, context, edge): """ Draw the connection between two nodes @type : Edge @param : The second node that will be connected """ a, b = edge.get_nodes() xa, ya = a.get_cartesian_coordinate() xb, yb = b.get_cartesian_coordinate() xc, yc = self.__center_of_widget a_children = a.get_draw_info('children') b_children = b.get_draw_info('children') latency = edge.get_weights_mean() # check if isn't an hierarchy connection if a not in b_children and b not in a_children: context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 0.6, 0.1, 0.8) elif a.get_draw_info('no_route') or b.get_draw_info('no_route'): context.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8) else: context.set_source_rgba(0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 0.8) # calculating line thickness by latency if latency is not None: min = self.__graph.get_min_edge_mean_weight() max = self.__graph.get_max_edge_mean_weight() if max != min: thickness = (latency - min) * 4 / (max - min) + 1 else: thickness = 1 context.set_line_width(thickness) else: context.set_dash([2, 2]) context.set_line_width(1) context.move_to(xc + xa, yc - ya) context.line_to(xc + xb, yc - yb) context.stroke() context.set_dash([1, 0]) if not self.__animating and self.__show_latency: if latency is not None: context.set_font_size(8) context.set_line_width(1) context.move_to(xc + (xa + xb) / 2 + 1, yc - (ya + yb) / 2 + 4) context.show_text(str(round(latency, 2))) context.stroke() def __draw_node(self, context, node): """ Draw nodes and your information @type : NetNode @param : The node to be drawn """ x, y = node.get_cartesian_coordinate() xc, yc = self.__center_of_widget r, g, b = node.get_draw_info('color') radius = node.get_draw_info('radius') type = node.get_info('device_type') x_gap = radius + 2 y_gap = 0 # draw group indication if node.get_draw_info('group'): x_gap += 5 if type in SQUARE_TYPES: context.rectangle(xc + x - radius - 5, yc - y - radius - 5, 2 * radius + 10, 2 * radius + 10) else: context.arc(xc + x, yc - y, radius + 5, 0, 2 * math.pi) context.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) context.fill_preserve() if node.deep_search_child(self.__graph.get_main_node()): context.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) else: context.set_source_rgb(0.1, 0.5, 1.0) context.set_line_width(2) context.stroke() # draw over node if node.get_draw_info('over'): context.set_line_width(0) if type in SQUARE_TYPES: context.rectangle(xc + x - radius - 5, yc - y - radius - 5, 2 * radius + 10, 2 * radius + 10) else: context.arc(xc + x, yc - y, radius + 5, 0, 2 * math.pi) context.set_source_rgb(0.1, 0.5, 1.0) context.fill_preserve() context.stroke() # draw node if type in SQUARE_TYPES: context.rectangle(xc + x - radius, yc - y - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius) else: context.arc(xc + x, yc - y, radius, 0, 2 * math.pi) # draw icons if not self.__animating and self.__show_icon: icons = list() if type in ICON_DICT.keys(): icons.append(self.__icon.get_pixbuf(ICON_DICT[type])) if node.get_info('filtered'): icons.append(self.__icon.get_pixbuf('padlock')) for icon in icons: stride, data = get_pixels_for_cairo_image_surface(icon) # Cairo documentation says that the correct way to obtain a # legal stride value is using the function # cairo.ImageSurface.format_stride_for_width(). # But this method is only available since cairo 1.6. So we are # using the stride returned by # get_pixels_for_cairo_image_surface() function. surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(data, cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, icon.get_width(), icon.get_height(), stride) context.set_source_surface(surface, round(xc + x + x_gap), round(yc - y + y_gap - 6)) context.paint() x_gap += 13 # draw node text context.set_source_rgb(r, g, b) context.fill_preserve() if node.get_draw_info('valid'): context.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) else: context.set_source_rgb(0.1, 0.5, 1.0) if not self.__animating and self.__show_address: context.set_font_size(8) context.move_to(round(xc + x + x_gap), round(yc - y + y_gap + 4)) hostname = node.get_info('hostname') if hostname is not None and self.__show_hostname: context.show_text(hostname) elif node.get_info('ip') is not None: context.show_text(node.get_info('ip')) context.set_line_width(1) context.stroke() def __check_fisheye_ring(self): """ """ if self.__fisheye_ring >= self.__number_of_rings: self.__fisheye_ring = self.__number_of_rings - 1 def __set_number_of_rings(self, value): """ """ self.__number_of_rings = value self.__check_fisheye_ring() def __fisheye_function(self, ring): """ """ distance = abs(self.__fisheye_ring - ring) level_of_detail = self.__ring_gap * self.__fisheye_interest spread_distance = distance - distance * self.__fisheye_spread value = level_of_detail / (spread_distance + 1) if value < self.__min_ring_gap: value = self.__min_ring_gap return value @graph_is_not_empty @not_is_in_animation def __update_nodes_positions(self): """ """ for node in self.__sorted_nodes: if node.get_draw_info('grouped'): # deep group check group = node.get_draw_info('group_node') while group.get_draw_info('group_node') is not None: group = group.get_draw_info('group_node') ring = group.get_draw_info('ring') node.set_coordinate_radius(self.__calc_radius(ring)) else: ring = node.get_draw_info('ring') node.set_coordinate_radius(self.__calc_radius(ring)) @graph_is_not_empty def __get_node_by_coordinate(self, point): """ """ xc, yc = self.__center_of_widget for node in self.__graph.get_nodes(): if node.get_draw_info('grouped'): continue ax, ay = self.__translation xn, yn = node.get_cartesian_coordinate() center = (xc + xn * self.__scale + ax, yc - yn * self.__scale - ay) radius = node.get_draw_info('radius') * self.__scale type = node.get_info('device_type') if type in SQUARE_TYPES: if geometry.is_in_square(point, radius, center): return node, center else: if geometry.is_in_circle(point, radius, center): return node, center return None def __calc_radius(self, ring): """ """ if self.__fisheye: radius = 0 while ring > 0: radius += self.__fisheye_function(ring) ring -= 1 else: radius = ring * self.__ring_gap return radius @graph_is_not_empty def __arrange_nodes(self): """ """ new_nodes = set([self.__graph.get_main_node()]) old_nodes = set() number_of_needed_rings = 1 ring = 0 # while new nodes were found while len(new_nodes) > 0: tmp_nodes = set() # for each new nodes for node in new_nodes: old_nodes.add(node) # set ring location node.set_draw_info({'ring': ring}) # check group constraints if (node.get_draw_info('group') or node.get_draw_info('grouped')): children = node.get_draw_info('children') else: # getting connections and fixing multiple fathers children = set() for child in self.__graph.get_node_connections(node): if child in old_nodes or child in new_nodes: continue if child.get_draw_info('grouped'): continue children.add(child) # setting father foreign for child in children: child.set_draw_info({'father': node}) node.set_draw_info( {'children': misc.sort_children(children, node)}) tmp_nodes.update(children) # check group influence in number of rings for node in tmp_nodes: if not node.get_draw_info('grouped'): number_of_needed_rings += 1 break # update new nodes set new_nodes.update(tmp_nodes) new_nodes.difference_update(old_nodes) ring += 1 self.__set_number_of_rings(number_of_needed_rings) def __weighted_layout(self): """ """ # calculating the space needed by each node self.__graph.get_main_node().set_draw_info({'range': (0, 360)}) new_nodes = set([self.__graph.get_main_node()]) self.__graph.get_main_node().calc_needed_space() while len(new_nodes) > 0: node = new_nodes.pop() # add only no grouped nodes children = set() for child in node.get_draw_info('children'): if not child.get_draw_info('grouped'): children.add(child) new_nodes.add(child) if len(children) > 0: min, max = node.get_draw_info('range') node_total = max - min children_need = node.get_draw_info('children_need') for child in children: child_need = child.get_draw_info('space_need') child_total = node_total * child_need / children_need theta = child_total / 2 + min + self.__rotate child.set_coordinate_theta(theta) child.set_draw_info({'range': (min, min + child_total)}) min += child_total def __symmetric_layout(self): """ """ self.__graph.get_main_node().set_draw_info({'range': (0, 360)}) new_nodes = set([self.__graph.get_main_node()]) while len(new_nodes) > 0: node = new_nodes.pop() # add only no grouped nodes children = set() for child in node.get_draw_info('children'): if not child.get_draw_info('grouped'): children.add(child) new_nodes.add(child) if len(children) > 0: min, max = node.get_draw_info('range') factor = float(max - min) / len(children) for child in children: theta = factor / 2 + min + self.__rotate child.set_coordinate_theta(theta) child.set_draw_info({'range': (min, min + factor)}) min += factor @graph_is_not_empty def __calc_layout(self, reference): """ """ # selecting layout algorithm if self.__layout == LAYOUT_SYMMETRIC: self.__symmetric_layout() elif self.__layout == LAYOUT_WEIGHTED: self.__weighted_layout() # rotating focus' children to keep orientation if reference is not None: father, angle = reference theta = father.get_coordinate_theta() factor = theta - angle for node in self.__graph.get_nodes(): theta = node.get_coordinate_theta() node.set_coordinate_theta(theta - factor) a, b = node.get_draw_info('range') node.set_draw_info({'range': (a - factor, b - factor)}) @graph_is_not_empty def __calc_node_positions(self, reference=None): """ """ # set nodes' hierarchy self.__arrange_nodes() self.calc_sorted_nodes() # set nodes' coordinate radius for node in self.__graph.get_nodes(): ring = node.get_draw_info('ring') node.set_coordinate_radius(self.__calc_radius(ring)) # set nodes' coordinate theta self.__calc_layout(reference) def __calc_interpolation(self, focus): """ """ old_main_node = self.__graph.get_main_node() self.__graph.set_main_node(focus) # getting initial coordinates for node in self.__graph.get_nodes(): if self.__interpolation == INTERPOLATION_POLAR: coordinate = node.get_polar_coordinate() elif self.__interpolation == INTERPOLATION_CARTESIAN: coordinate = node.get_cartesian_coordinate() node.set_draw_info({'start_coordinate': coordinate}) father = focus.get_draw_info('father') # calculate nodes positions (and father orientation)? if father is not None: xa, ya = father.get_cartesian_coordinate() xb, yb = focus.get_cartesian_coordinate() angle = math.atan2(yb - ya, xb - xa) angle = math.degrees(angle) self.__calc_node_positions((father, 180 + angle)) else: self.__calc_node_positions() # steps for slow-in/slow-out animation steps = list(range(self.__number_of_frames)) for i in range(len(steps) // 2): steps[self.__number_of_frames - 1 - i] = steps[i] # normalize angles and calculate interpolated points for node in self.__sorted_nodes: l2di = Linear2DInterpolator() # change grouped nodes coordinate if node.get_draw_info('grouped'): group_node = node.get_draw_info('group_node') a, b = group_node.get_draw_info('final_coordinate') if self.__interpolation == INTERPOLATION_POLAR: node.set_polar_coordinate(a, b) elif self.__interpolation == INTERPOLATION_CARTESIAN: node.set_cartesian_coordinate(a, b) # change interpolation method if self.__interpolation == INTERPOLATION_POLAR: coordinate = node.get_polar_coordinate() node.set_draw_info({'final_coordinate': coordinate}) # adjusting polar coordinates ri, ti = node.get_draw_info('start_coordinate') rf, tf = node.get_draw_info('final_coordinate') # normalization [0, 360] ti = geometry.normalize_angle(ti) tf = geometry.normalize_angle(tf) # against longest path ti, tf = geometry.calculate_short_path(ti, tf) # main node goes direct to center (no arc) if node == self.__graph.get_main_node(): tf = ti # old main node goes direct to new position (no arc) if node == old_main_node: ti = tf node.set_draw_info({'start_coordinate': (ri, ti)}) node.set_draw_info({'final_coordinate': (rf, tf)}) elif self.__interpolation == INTERPOLATION_CARTESIAN: coordinate = node.get_cartesian_coordinate() node.set_draw_info({'final_coordinate': coordinate}) # calculate interpolated points ai, bi = node.get_draw_info('start_coordinate') af, bf = node.get_draw_info('final_coordinate') l2di.set_start_point(ai, bi) l2di.set_final_point(af, bf) if self.__interpolation_slow_in_out: points = l2di.get_weighed_points( self.__number_of_frames, steps) else: points = l2di.get_points(self.__number_of_frames) node.set_draw_info({'interpolated_coordinate': points}) return True def __livens_up(self, index=0): """ """ if self.__graph is None: # Bail out if the graph became empty during an animation. self.__last_group_node = None self.__animating = False return False # prepare interpolated points if index == 0: # prevent unnecessary animation no_need_to_move = True for node in self.__graph.get_nodes(): ai, bi = node.get_draw_info('start_coordinate') af, bf = node.get_draw_info('final_coordinate') start_c = round(ai), round(bi) final_c = round(af), round(bf) if start_c != final_c: no_need_to_move = False if no_need_to_move: self.__animating = False return False # move all nodes for pass 'index' for node in self.__graph.get_nodes(): a, b = node.get_draw_info('interpolated_coordinate')[index] if self.__interpolation == INTERPOLATION_POLAR: node.set_polar_coordinate(a, b) elif self.__interpolation == INTERPOLATION_CARTESIAN: node.set_cartesian_coordinate(a, b) self.queue_draw() # animation continue condition if index < self.__number_of_frames - 1: GLib.timeout_add(self.__animation_rate, # time to recall self.__livens_up, # recursive call index + 1) # next iteration else: self.__last_group_node = None self.__animating = False return False @not_is_in_animation def set_graph(self, graph): """ Set graph to be displayed in layout @type : Graph @param : Set the graph used in visualization """ if graph.get_number_of_nodes() > 0: self.__graph = graph self.__calc_node_positions() self.queue_draw() else: self.__graph = None def get_scanned_nodes(self): """ """ nodes = list() if self.__graph is None: return nodes for node in self.__graph.get_nodes(): if node.get_draw_info('scanned'): nodes.append(node) return nodes def get_graph(self): """ """ return self.__graph def set_empty(self): """ """ del(self.__graph) self.__graph = None self.queue_draw() def get_rotation(self): """ """ return self.__rotate @graph_is_not_empty def set_rotation(self, angle): """ """ delta = angle - self.__rotate self.__rotate = angle for node in self.__graph.get_nodes(): theta = node.get_coordinate_theta() node.set_coordinate_theta(theta + delta) self.queue_draw() def get_translation(self): """ """ return self.__translation @graph_is_not_empty def set_translation(self, translation): """ """ self.__translation = translation self.queue_draw() def is_empty(self): """ """ return self.__graph is None def is_in_animation(self): """ """ return self.__animating def calc_sorted_nodes(self): """ """ self.__sorted_nodes = list(self.__graph.get_nodes()) self.__sorted_nodes.sort(key=lambda n: n.get_draw_info('ring')) class NetNode(Node): """ Node class for radial network widget """ def __init__(self): """ """ self.__draw_info = dict() """Hash with draw information""" self.__coordinate = PolarCoordinate() super(NetNode, self).__init__() def get_host(self): """ Set the HostInfo that this node represents """ return self.get_data() def set_host(self, host): """ Set the HostInfo that this node represents """ self.set_data(host) def get_info(self, info): """Return various information extracted from the host set with set_host.""" host = self.get_data() if host is not None: if info == "number_of_open_ports": return host.get_port_count_by_states(["open"]) elif info == "vulnerability_score": num_open_ports = host.get_port_count_by_states(["open"]) if num_open_ports < 3: return 0 elif num_open_ports < 7: return 1 else: return 2 elif info == "addresses": addresses = [] if host.ip is not None: addresses.append(host.ip) if host.ipv6 is not None: addresses.append(host.ipv6) if host.mac is not None: addresses.append(host.mac) return addresses elif info == "ip": for addr in (host.ip, host.ipv6, host.mac): if addr: return addr.get("addr") elif info == "hostnames": hostnames = [] for hostname in host.hostnames: copy = {} copy["name"] = hostname.get("hostname", "") copy["type"] = hostname.get("hostname_type", "") hostnames.append(copy) return hostnames elif info == "hostname": return host.get_hostname() elif info == "uptime": if host.uptime.get("seconds") or host.uptime.get("lastboot"): return host.uptime elif info == "device_type": osmatch = host.get_best_osmatch() if osmatch is None: return None osclasses = osmatch['osclasses'] if len(osclasses) == 0: return None types = ["router", "wap", "switch", "firewall"] for type in types: if type in osclasses[0].get("type", "").lower(): return type elif info == "os": os = {} # osmatches if len(host.osmatches) > 0 and \ host.osmatches[0]["accuracy"] != "" and \ host.osmatches[0]["name"] != "": if os is None: os = {} os["matches"] = host.osmatches os["matches"][0]["db_line"] = 0 # not supported os_classes = [] for osclass in host.osmatches[0]["osclasses"]: os_class = {} os_class["type"] = osclass.get("type", "") os_class["vendor"] = osclass.get("vendor", "") os_class["accuracy"] = osclass.get("accuracy", "") os_class["os_family"] = osclass.get("osfamily", "") os_class["os_gen"] = osclass.get("osgen", "") os_classes.append(os_class) os["classes"] = os_classes # ports_used if len(host.ports_used) > 0: if os is None: os = {} os_portsused = [] for portused in host.ports_used: os_portused = {} os_portused["state"] = portused.get("state", "") os_portused["protocol"] = portused.get("proto", "") os_portused["id"] = int(portused.get("portid", "0")) os_portsused.append(os_portused) os["used_ports"] = os_portsused if len(os) > 0: os["fingerprint"] = "" return os elif info == "sequences": # getting sequences information sequences = {} # If all fields are empty, we don't put it into the sequences # list if reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, host.tcpsequence.values(), "") != "": tcp = {} if host.tcpsequence.get("index", "") != "": tcp["index"] = int(host.tcpsequence["index"]) else: tcp["index"] = 0 tcp["class"] = "" # not supported tcp["values"] = host.tcpsequence.get( "values", "").split(",") tcp["difficulty"] = host.tcpsequence.get("difficulty", "") sequences["tcp"] = tcp if reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, host.ipidsequence.values(), "") != "": ip_id = {} ip_id["class"] = host.ipidsequence.get("class", "") ip_id["values"] = host.ipidsequence.get( "values", "").split(",") sequences["ip_id"] = ip_id if reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, host.tcptssequence.values(), "") != "": tcp_ts = {} tcp_ts["class"] = host.tcptssequence.get("class", "") tcp_ts["values"] = host.tcptssequence.get( "values", "").split(",") sequences["tcp_ts"] = tcp_ts return sequences elif info == "filtered": if (len(host.extraports) > 0 and host.extraports[0]["state"] == "filtered"): return True else: for port in host.ports: if port["port_state"] == "filtered": return True return False elif info == "ports": ports = list() for host_port in host.ports: port = dict() state = dict() service = dict() port["id"] = int(host_port.get("portid", "")) port["protocol"] = host_port.get("protocol", "") state["state"] = host_port.get("port_state", "") state["reason"] = "" # not supported state["reason_ttl"] = "" # not supported state["reason_ip"] = "" # not supported service["name"] = host_port.get("service_name", "") service["conf"] = host_port.get("service_conf", "") service["method"] = host_port.get("service_method", "") service["version"] = host_port.get("service_version", "") service["product"] = host_port.get("service_product", "") service["extrainfo"] = host_port.get( "service_extrainfo", "") port["state"] = state port["scripts"] = None # not supported port["service"] = service ports.append(port) return ports elif info == "extraports": # extraports all_extraports = list() for extraport in host.extraports: extraports = dict() extraports["count"] = int(extraport.get("count", "")) extraports["state"] = extraport.get("state", "") extraports["reason"] = list() # not supported extraports["all_reason"] = list() # not supported all_extraports.append(extraports) return all_extraports elif info == "trace": # getting traceroute information if len(host.trace) > 0: trace = {} hops = [] for host_hop in host.trace.get("hops", []): hop = {} hop["ip"] = host_hop.get("ipaddr", "") hop["ttl"] = int(host_hop.get("ttl", "")) hop["rtt"] = host_hop.get("rtt", "") hop["hostname"] = host_hop.get("host", "") hops.append(hop) trace["hops"] = hops trace["port"] = host.trace.get("port", "") trace["protocol"] = host.trace.get("proto", "") return trace else: # host is None pass return None def get_coordinate_theta(self): """ """ return self.__coordinate.get_theta() def get_coordinate_radius(self): """ """ return self.__coordinate.get_radius() def set_coordinate_theta(self, value): """ """ self.__coordinate.set_theta(value) def set_coordinate_radius(self, value): """ """ self.__coordinate.set_radius(value) def set_polar_coordinate(self, r, t): """ Set polar coordinate @type r: number @param r: The radius of coordinate @type t: number @param t: The angle (theta) of coordinate in radians """ self.__coordinate.set_coordinate(r, t) def get_polar_coordinate(self): """ Get cartesian coordinate @rtype: tuple @return: Cartesian coordinates (x, y) """ return self.__coordinate.get_coordinate() def set_cartesian_coordinate(self, x, y): """ Set cartesian coordinate """ cartesian = CartesianCoordinate(x, y) r, t = cartesian.to_polar() self.set_polar_coordinate(r, math.degrees(t)) def get_cartesian_coordinate(self): """ Get cartesian coordinate @rtype: tuple @return: Cartesian coordinates (x, y) """ return self.__coordinate.to_cartesian() def get_draw_info(self, info=None): """ Get draw information about node @type : string @param : Information name @rtype: mixed @return: The requested information """ if info is None: return self.__draw_info return self.__draw_info.get(info) def set_draw_info(self, info): """ Set draw information @type : dict @param : Draw information dictionary """ for key in info: self.__draw_info[key] = info[key] def deep_search_child(self, node): """ """ for child in self.get_draw_info('children'): if child == node: return True elif child.deep_search_child(node): return True return False def set_subtree_info(self, info): """ """ for child in self.get_draw_info('children'): child.set_draw_info(info) if not child.get_draw_info('group'): child.set_subtree_info(info) def calc_needed_space(self): """ """ number_of_children = len(self.get_draw_info('children')) sum_angle = 0 own_angle = 0 if number_of_children > 0 and not self.get_draw_info('group'): for child in self.get_draw_info('children'): child.calc_needed_space() sum_angle += child.get_draw_info('space_need') distance = self.get_coordinate_radius() size = self.get_draw_info('radius') * 2 own_angle = geometry.angle_from_object(distance, size) self.set_draw_info({'children_need': sum_angle}) self.set_draw_info({'space_need': max(sum_angle, own_angle)})