import buffer from 'node:buffer' import { readFileSync } from 'node:fs' import { join } from 'node:path' import { setFlagsFromString } from 'node:v8' import { runInNewContext, runInThisContext } from 'node:vm' import { parentPort, workerData } from 'node:worker_threads' import { fetch, File, FileReader, FormData, Headers, Request, Response, setGlobalOrigin } from '../../../index.js' import { CloseEvent } from '../../../lib/websocket/events.js' import { WebSocket } from '../../../lib/websocket/websocket.js' import { Cache } from '../../../lib/cache/cache.js' import { CacheStorage } from '../../../lib/cache/cachestorage.js' import { kConstruct } from '../../../lib/cache/symbols.js' const { initScripts, meta, test, url, path } = workerData process.on('uncaughtException', (err) => { parentPort.postMessage({ type: 'error', error: { message: err.message, name:, stack: err.stack } }) }) const basePath = join(process.cwd(), 'test/wpt/tests') const urlPath = path.slice(basePath.length) const globalPropertyDescriptors = { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true } Object.defineProperties(globalThis, { fetch: { ...globalPropertyDescriptors, enumerable: true, value: fetch }, File: { ...globalPropertyDescriptors, value: buffer.File ?? File }, FormData: { ...globalPropertyDescriptors, value: FormData }, Headers: { ...globalPropertyDescriptors, value: Headers }, Request: { ...globalPropertyDescriptors, value: Request }, Response: { ...globalPropertyDescriptors, value: Response }, FileReader: { ...globalPropertyDescriptors, value: FileReader }, WebSocket: { ...globalPropertyDescriptors, value: WebSocket }, CloseEvent: { ...globalPropertyDescriptors, value: CloseEvent }, Blob: { ...globalPropertyDescriptors, // See value: buffer.Blob }, caches: { ...globalPropertyDescriptors, value: new CacheStorage(kConstruct) }, Cache: { ...globalPropertyDescriptors, value: Cache }, CacheStorage: { ...globalPropertyDescriptors, value: CacheStorage } }) // self is required by testharness // GLOBAL is required by self runInThisContext(` globalThis.self = globalThis globalThis.GLOBAL = { isWorker () { return false }, isShadowRealm () { return false }, isWindow () { return false } } globalThis.window = globalThis globalThis.location = new URL('${urlPath.replace(/\\/g, '/')}', '${url}') globalThis.Window = Object.getPrototypeOf(globalThis).constructor `) if (meta.title) { runInThisContext(`globalThis.META_TITLE = "${meta.title}"`) } const harness = readFileSync(join(basePath, '/resources/testharness.js'), 'utf-8') runInThisContext(harness) // add_*_callback comes from testharness // stolen from node's wpt test runner // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef add_result_callback((result) => { parentPort.postMessage({ type: 'result', result: { status: result.status, name:, message: result.message, stack: result.stack } }) }) // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef add_completion_callback((_, status) => { parentPort.postMessage({ type: 'completion', status }) }) setGlobalOrigin(globalThis.location) // Inject any script the user provided before // running the tests. for (const initScript of initScripts) { runInThisContext(initScript) } // Inject any files from the META tags for (const script of meta.scripts) { runInThisContext(script) } // A few tests require gc, which can't be passed to a Worker. // see setFlagsFromString('--expose-gc') globalThis.gc = runInNewContext('gc') // Finally, run the test. runInThisContext(test)