{ "file": { "File-constructor.any.js": { "flaky": [ "Using type in File constructor: nonparsable" ] } }, "blob": { "Blob-constructor.any.js": { "skip": true }, "Blob-stream.any.js": { "fail": [ "Reading Blob.stream() with BYOB reader" ] } }, "url": { "url-with-xhr.any.js": { "skip": true }, "url-with-fetch.any.js": { "note": "needs investigation", "fail": [ "Only exact matches should revoke URLs, using fetch", "Revoke blob URL after creating Request, will fetch", "Revoke blob URL after creating Request, then clone Request, will fetch" ] }, "url-format.any.js": { "fail": [ "Origin of Blob URL matches our origin", "Blob URL parses correctly", "Origin of Blob URL matches our origin for Files" ] } }, "reading-data-section": { "filereader_result.any.js": { "note": "has to do with html microtask queue being different than queueMicrotask", "skip": true }, "filereader_events.any.js": { "note": "has to do with html microtask queue being different than queueMicrotask", "fail": [ "events are dispatched in the correct order for an empty blob", "events are dispatched in the correct order for a non-empty blob" ] } }, "idlharness.any.js": { "note": "These flaky tests only fail in < node v19; add in a way to mark them as such eventually", "flaky": [ "Blob interface: attribute size", "Blob interface: attribute type", "Blob interface: operation slice(optional long long, optional long long, optional DOMString)", "Blob interface: operation stream()", "Blob interface: operation text()", "Blob interface: operation arrayBuffer()", "URL interface: operation createObjectURL((Blob or MediaSource))", "URL interface: operation revokeObjectURL(DOMString)" ], "fail": [ "FileList interface: existence and properties of interface object", "FileList interface object length", "FileList interface object name", "FileList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object", "FileList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's \"constructor\" property", "FileList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property", "FileList interface: operation item(unsigned long)", "FileList interface: attribute length" ] } }