import {HidConnectionReceiver, HidDeviceInfo} from '/gen/services/device/public/mojom/hid.mojom.m.js'; import {HidService, HidServiceReceiver} from '/gen/third_party/blink/public/mojom/hid/hid.mojom.m.js'; // Fake implementation of device.mojom.HidConnection. HidConnection represents // an open connection to a HID device and can be used to send and receive // reports. class FakeHidConnection { constructor(client) { this.client_ = client; this.receiver_ = new HidConnectionReceiver(this); this.expectedWrites_ = []; this.expectedGetFeatureReports_ = []; this.expectedSendFeatureReports_ = []; } bindNewPipeAndPassRemote() { return this.receiver_.$.bindNewPipeAndPassRemote(); } // Simulate an input report sent from the device to the host. The connection // client's onInputReport method will be called with the provided |reportId| // and |buffer|. simulateInputReport(reportId, reportData) { if (this.client_) { this.client_.onInputReport(reportId, reportData); } } // Specify the result for an expected call to write. If |success| is true the // write will be successful, otherwise it will simulate a failure. The // parameters of the next write call must match |reportId| and |buffer|. queueExpectedWrite(success, reportId, reportData) { this.expectedWrites_.push({ params: {reportId, data: reportData}, result: {success}, }); } // Specify the result for an expected call to getFeatureReport. If |success| // is true the operation is successful, otherwise it will simulate a failure. // The parameter of the next getFeatureReport call must match |reportId|. queueExpectedGetFeatureReport(success, reportId, reportData) { this.expectedGetFeatureReports_.push({ params: {reportId}, result: {success, buffer: reportData}, }); } // Specify the result for an expected call to sendFeatureReport. If |success| // is true the operation is successful, otherwise it will simulate a failure. // The parameters of the next sendFeatureReport call must match |reportId| and // |buffer|. queueExpectedSendFeatureReport(success, reportId, reportData) { this.expectedSendFeatureReports_.push({ params: {reportId, data: reportData}, result: {success}, }); } // Asserts that there are no more expected operations. assertExpectationsMet() { assert_equals(this.expectedWrites_.length, 0); assert_equals(this.expectedGetFeatureReports_.length, 0); assert_equals(this.expectedSendFeatureReports_.length, 0); } read() {} // Implementation of HidConnection::Write. Causes an assertion failure if // there are no expected write operations, or if the parameters do not match // the expected call. async write(reportId, buffer) { let expectedWrite = this.expectedWrites_.shift(); assert_not_equals(expectedWrite, undefined); assert_equals(reportId, expectedWrite.params.reportId); let actual = new Uint8Array(buffer); compareDataViews( new DataView(actual.buffer, actual.byteOffset), new DataView(,; return expectedWrite.result; } // Implementation of HidConnection::GetFeatureReport. Causes an assertion // failure if there are no expected write operations, or if the parameters do // not match the expected call. async getFeatureReport(reportId) { let expectedGetFeatureReport = this.expectedGetFeatureReports_.shift(); assert_not_equals(expectedGetFeatureReport, undefined); assert_equals(reportId, expectedGetFeatureReport.params.reportId); return expectedGetFeatureReport.result; } // Implementation of HidConnection::SendFeatureReport. Causes an assertion // failure if there are no expected write operations, or if the parameters do // not match the expected call. async sendFeatureReport(reportId, buffer) { let expectedSendFeatureReport = this.expectedSendFeatureReports_.shift(); assert_not_equals(expectedSendFeatureReport, undefined); assert_equals(reportId, expectedSendFeatureReport.params.reportId); let actual = new Uint8Array(buffer); compareDataViews( new DataView(actual.buffer, actual.byteOffset), new DataView(,; return expectedSendFeatureReport.result; } } // A fake implementation of the HidService mojo interface. HidService manages // HID device access for clients in the render process. Typically, when a client // requests access to a HID device a chooser dialog is shown with a list of // available HID devices. Selecting a device from the chooser also grants // permission for the client to access that device. // // The fake implementation allows tests to simulate connected devices. It also // skips the chooser dialog and instead allows tests to specify which device // should be selected. All devices are treated as if the user had already // granted permission. It is possible to revoke permission with forget() later. class FakeHidService { constructor() { this.interceptor_ = new MojoInterfaceInterceptor(HidService.$interfaceName); this.interceptor_.oninterfacerequest = e => this.bind(e.handle); this.receiver_ = new HidServiceReceiver(this); this.nextGuidValue_ = 0; this.simulateConnectFailure_ = false; this.reset(); } start() { this.interceptor_.start(); } stop() { this.interceptor_.stop(); } reset() { this.devices_ = new Map(); this.allowedDevices_ = new Map(); this.fakeConnections_ = new Map(); this.selectedDevices_ = []; } // Creates and returns a HidDeviceInfo with the specified device IDs. makeDevice(vendorId, productId) { let guidValue = ++this.nextGuidValue_; let info = new HidDeviceInfo(); info.guid = 'guid-' + guidValue.toString(); info.physicalDeviceId = 'physical-device-id-' + guidValue.toString(); info.vendorId = vendorId; info.productId = productId; info.productName = 'product name'; info.serialNumber = '0'; info.reportDescriptor = new Uint8Array(); info.collections = []; info.deviceNode = 'device node'; return info; } // Simulates a connected device the client has already been granted permission // to. Returns the key used to store the device in the map. The key is either // the physical device ID, or the device GUID if it has no physical device ID. addDevice(deviceInfo, grantPermission = true) { let key = deviceInfo.physicalDeviceId; if (key.length === 0) key = deviceInfo.guid; let devices = this.devices_.get(key) || []; devices.push(deviceInfo); this.devices_.set(key, devices); if (grantPermission) { let allowedDevices = this.allowedDevices_.get(key) || []; allowedDevices.push(deviceInfo); this.allowedDevices_.set(key, allowedDevices); } if (this.client_) this.client_.deviceAdded(deviceInfo); return key; } // Simulates disconnecting a connected device. removeDevice(key) { let devices = this.devices_.get(key); this.devices_.delete(key); if (this.client_ && devices) { devices.forEach(deviceInfo => { this.client_.deviceRemoved(deviceInfo); }); } } // Simulates updating the device information for a connected device. changeDevice(deviceInfo) { let key = deviceInfo.physicalDeviceId; if (key.length === 0) key = deviceInfo.guid; let devices = this.devices_.get(key) || []; let i = devices.length; while (i--) { if (devices[i].guid == deviceInfo.guid) devices.splice(i, 1); } devices.push(deviceInfo); this.devices_.set(key, devices); let allowedDevices = this.allowedDevices_.get(key) || []; let j = allowedDevices.length; while (j--) { if (allowedDevices[j].guid == deviceInfo.guid) allowedDevices.splice(j, 1); } allowedDevices.push(deviceInfo); this.allowedDevices_.set(key, allowedDevices); if (this.client_) this.client_.deviceChanged(deviceInfo); return key; } // Sets a flag that causes the next call to connect() to fail. simulateConnectFailure() { this.simulateConnectFailure_ = true; } // Sets the key of the device that will be returned as the selected item the // next time requestDevice is called. The device with this key must have been // previously added with addDevice. setSelectedDevice(key) { this.selectedDevices_ = this.devices_.get(key); } // Returns the fake HidConnection object for this device, if there is one. A // connection is created once the device is opened. getFakeConnection(guid) { return this.fakeConnections_.get(guid); } bind(handle) { this.receiver_.$.bindHandle(handle); } registerClient(client) { this.client_ = client; } // Returns an array of connected devices the client has already been granted // permission to access. async getDevices() { let devices = []; this.allowedDevices_.forEach((value) => { devices = devices.concat(value); }); return {devices}; } // Simulates a device chooser prompt, returning |selectedDevices_| as the // simulated selection. |options| is ignored. async requestDevice(options) { return {devices: this.selectedDevices_}; } // Returns a fake connection to the device with the specified GUID. If // |connectionClient| is not null, its onInputReport method will be called // when input reports are received. If simulateConnectFailure() was called // then a null connection is returned instead, indicating failure. async connect(guid, connectionClient) { if (this.simulateConnectFailure_) { this.simulateConnectFailure_ = false; return {connection: null}; } const fakeConnection = new FakeHidConnection(connectionClient); this.fakeConnections_.set(guid, fakeConnection); return {connection: fakeConnection.bindNewPipeAndPassRemote()}; } // Removes the allowed device. async forget(deviceInfo) { for (const [key, value] of this.allowedDevices_) { for (const device of value) { if (device.guid == deviceInfo.guid) { this.allowedDevices_.delete(key); break; } } } return {success: true}; } } export const fakeHidService = new FakeHidService();