.. _mozilla_projects_nss: Legacy documentation ==================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :glob: :hidden: getting_started_with_nss/index.rst introduction_to_network_security_services/index.rst More documentation .. warning:: This NSS documentation was just imported from our legacy MDN repository. It currently is very deprecated and likely incorrect or broken in many places. Legacy Documentation -------------------- .. container:: **Network Security Services** (**NSS**) is a set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications. Applications built with NSS can support SSL v3, TLS, PKCS #5, PKCS #7, PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509 v3 certificates, and other security standards. For detailed information on standards supported, see :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_overview`. For a list of frequently asked questions, see the :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_faq`. NSS is available under the Mozilla Public License. For information on downloading NSS releases as tar files, see :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_nss_sources_building_testing`. If you're a developer and would like to contribute to NSS, you might want to read the documents :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_an_overview_of_nss_internals` and :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_getting_started_with_nss`. .. rubric:: Background Information :name: Background_Information :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_overview` Provides a brief summary of NSS and its capabilities. :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_faq` Answers basic questions about NSS. `Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography `__ Explains the basic concepts of public-key cryptography that underlie NSS. `Introduction to SSL `__ Introduces the SSL protocol, including information about cryptographic ciphers supported by SSL and the steps involved in the SSL handshake. .. rubric:: Getting Started :name: Getting_Started :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_nss_releases` This page contains information about the current and past releases of NSS. :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_nss_sources_building_testing` Instructions on how to build NSS on the different supported platforms. `Get Mozilla Source Code Using Mercurial `__ Information about with working with Mercurial. `Get Mozilla Source Code Using CVS (deprecated) `__ Old deprecated CVS documentation. .. rubric:: NSS APIs :name: NSS_APIs :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_introduction_to_network_security_services` Provides an overview of the NSS libraries and what you need to know to use them. :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_ssl_functions` Summarizes the SSL APIs exported by the NSS shared libraries. :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_reference` API used to invoke SSL operations. :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_nss_api_guidelines` Explains how the libraries and code are organized, and guidelines for developing code (naming conventions, error handling, thread safety, etc.) :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_nss_tech_notes` Links to NSS technical notes, which provide latest information about new NSS features and supplementary documentation for advanced topics in programming with NSS. .. rubric:: Tools, testing, and other technical details :name: Tools_testing_and_other_technical_details :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_building` Describe how to check out and build NSS releases. :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_nss_developer_tutorial` How to make changes in NSS. Coding style, maintaining ABI compatibility. :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_tools` Tools for developing, debugging, and managing applications that use NSS. :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_nss_sample_code` Demonstrates how NSS can be used for cryptographic operations, certificate handling, SSL, etc. :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_nss_third-party_code` A list of third-party code included in the NSS library. `NSS 3.2 Test Suite `__ **Archived version.** Describes how to run the standard NSS tests. `NSS Performance Reports `__ **Archived version.** Links to performance reports for NSS 3.2 and later releases. `Encryption Technologies Available in NSS 3.11 `__ **Archived version.** Lists the cryptographic algorithms used by NSS 3.11. `NSS 3.1 Loadable Root Certificates `__ **Archived version.** Describes the scheme for loading root CA certificates. `cert7.db `__ **Archived version.** General format of the cert7.db database. .. rubric:: PKCS #11 information :name: PKCS_11_information - :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_pkcs11` - :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_pkcs11_implement` - :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_pkcs11_module_specs` - :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_pkcs11_faq` - `Using the JAR Installation Manager to Install a PKCS #11 Cryptographic Module `__ - `PKCS #11 Conformance Testing - Archived version `__ .. rubric:: CA certificates pre-loaded into NSS :name: CA_certificates_pre-loaded_into_NSS - `Mozilla CA certificate policy `__ - `List of pre-loaded CA certificates `__ - Consumers of this list must consider the trust bit setting for each included root certificate. `More Information `__, `Extracting roots and their trust bits `__ .. rubric:: NSS is built on top of Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR) :name: NSS_is_built_on_top_of_Netscape_Portable_Runtime_NSPR `Netscape Portable Runtime `__ NSPR project page. `NSPR Reference `__ NSPR API documentation. .. rubric:: Additional Information :name: Additional_Information - `Using the window.crypto object from JavaScript `__ - :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_http_delegation` - :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_tls_cipher_suite_discovery` - :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_certificate_download_specification` - :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_fips_mode_-_an_explanation` - :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_key_log_format` .. rubric:: Planning :name: Planning Information on NSS planning can be found at `wiki.mozilla.org `__, including: - `FIPS Validation `__ - `NSS Roadmap page `__ - `NSS Improvement Project `__ Community ~~~~~~~~~ - View Mozilla Security forums... - `Mailing list `__ - `Newsgroup `__ - `RSS feed `__ - View Mozilla Cryptography forums... - `Mailing list `__ - `Newsgroup `__ - `RSS feed `__ Related Topics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Security `__