/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * pkix_pl_ldapcertstore.c * * LDAPCertStore Function Definitions * */ /* We can't decode the length of a message without at least this many bytes */ #define MINIMUM_MSG_LENGTH 5 #include "pkix_pl_ldapcertstore.h" /* --Private-Ldap-CertStore-Database-Functions----------------------- */ /* * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DecodeCrossCertPair * DESCRIPTION: * * This function decodes a DER-encoded CrossCertPair pointed to by * "responseList" and extracts and decodes the Certificates in that pair, * adding the resulting Certs, if the decoding was successful, to the List * (possibly empty) pointed to by "certList". If none of the objects * can be decoded into a Cert, the List is returned unchanged. * * PARAMETERS: * "derCCPItem" * The address of the SECItem containing the DER representation of the * CrossCertPair. Must be non-NULL. * "certList" * The address of the List to which the decoded Certs are added. May be * empty, but must be non-NULL. * "plContext" * Platform-specific context pointer. * THREAD SAFETY: * Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide) * RETURNS: * Returns NULL if the function succeeds. * Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way. * Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way. */ PKIX_Error * pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DecodeCrossCertPair( SECItem *derCCPItem, PKIX_List *certList, void *plContext) { LDAPCertPair certPair = {{ siBuffer, NULL, 0 }, { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }}; SECStatus rv = SECFailure; PLArenaPool *tempArena = NULL; PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DecodeCrossCertPair"); PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(derCCPItem, certList); tempArena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE); if (!tempArena) { PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY); } rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(tempArena, &certPair, PKIX_PL_LDAPCrossCertPairTemplate, derCCPItem); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto cleanup; } if (certPair.forward.data != NULL) { PKIX_CHECK( pkix_pl_Cert_CreateToList(&certPair.forward, certList, plContext), PKIX_CERTCREATETOLISTFAILED); } if (certPair.reverse.data != NULL) { PKIX_CHECK( pkix_pl_Cert_CreateToList(&certPair.reverse, certList, plContext), PKIX_CERTCREATETOLISTFAILED); } cleanup: if (tempArena) { PORT_FreeArena(tempArena, PR_FALSE); } PKIX_RETURN(CERTSTORE); } /* * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCertList * DESCRIPTION: * * This function takes a List of LdapResponse objects pointed to by * "responseList" and extracts and decodes the Certificates in those responses, * storing the List of those Certificates at "pCerts". If none of the objects * can be decoded into a Cert, the returned List is empty. * * PARAMETERS: * "responseList" * The address of the List of LdapResponses. Must be non-NULL. * "pCerts" * The address at which the result is stored. Must be non-NULL. * "plContext" * Platform-specific context pointer. * THREAD SAFETY: * Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide) * RETURNS: * Returns NULL if the function succeeds. * Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way. * Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way. */ PKIX_Error * pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCertList( PKIX_List *responseList, PKIX_List **pCerts, void *plContext) { PKIX_UInt32 numResponses = 0; PKIX_UInt32 respIx = 0; LdapAttrMask attrBits = 0; PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response = NULL; PKIX_List *certList = NULL; LDAPMessage *message = NULL; LDAPSearchResponseEntry *sre = NULL; LDAPSearchResponseAttr **sreAttrArray = NULL; LDAPSearchResponseAttr *sreAttr = NULL; SECItem *attrType = NULL; SECItem **attrVal = NULL; SECItem *derCertItem = NULL; PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCertList"); PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(responseList, pCerts); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&certList, plContext), PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED); /* extract certs from response */ PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength (responseList, &numResponses, plContext), PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED); for (respIx = 0; respIx < numResponses; respIx++) { PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem (responseList, respIx, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&response, plContext), PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapResponse_GetMessage (response, &message, plContext), PKIX_LDAPRESPONSEGETMESSAGEFAILED); sre = &(message->protocolOp.op.searchResponseEntryMsg); sreAttrArray = sre->attributes; /* Get next element of null-terminated array */ sreAttr = *sreAttrArray++; while (sreAttr != NULL) { attrType = &(sreAttr->attrType); PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapRequest_AttrTypeToBit (attrType, &attrBits, plContext), PKIX_LDAPREQUESTATTRTYPETOBITFAILED); /* Is this attrVal a Certificate? */ if (((LDAPATTR_CACERT | LDAPATTR_USERCERT) & attrBits) == attrBits) { attrVal = sreAttr->val; derCertItem = *attrVal++; while (derCertItem != 0) { /* create a PKIX_PL_Cert from derCert */ PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_CreateToList (derCertItem, certList, plContext), PKIX_CERTCREATETOLISTFAILED); derCertItem = *attrVal++; } } else if ((LDAPATTR_CROSSPAIRCERT & attrBits) == attrBits){ /* Is this attrVal a CrossPairCertificate? */ attrVal = sreAttr->val; derCertItem = *attrVal++; while (derCertItem != 0) { /* create PKIX_PL_Certs from derCert */ PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DecodeCrossCertPair (derCertItem, certList, plContext), PKIX_LDAPCERTSTOREDECODECROSSCERTPAIRFAILED); derCertItem = *attrVal++; } } sreAttr = *sreAttrArray++; } PKIX_DECREF(response); } *pCerts = certList; cleanup: if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) { PKIX_DECREF(certList); } PKIX_DECREF(response); PKIX_RETURN(CERTSTORE); } /* * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCrlList * DESCRIPTION: * * This function takes a List of LdapResponse objects pointed to by * "responseList" and extracts and decodes the CRLs in those responses, storing * the List of those CRLs at "pCrls". If none of the objects can be decoded * into a CRL, the returned List is empty. * * PARAMETERS: * "responseList" * The address of the List of LdapResponses. Must be non-NULL. * "pCrls" * The address at which the result is stored. Must be non-NULL. * "plContext" * Platform-specific context pointer. * THREAD SAFETY: * Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide) * RETURNS: * Returns NULL if the function succeeds. * Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way. * Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way. */ PKIX_Error * pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCrlList( PKIX_List *responseList, PKIX_List **pCrls, void *plContext) { PKIX_UInt32 numResponses = 0; PKIX_UInt32 respIx = 0; LdapAttrMask attrBits = 0; CERTSignedCrl *nssCrl = NULL; PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response = NULL; PKIX_List *crlList = NULL; PKIX_PL_CRL *crl = NULL; LDAPMessage *message = NULL; LDAPSearchResponseEntry *sre = NULL; LDAPSearchResponseAttr **sreAttrArray = NULL; LDAPSearchResponseAttr *sreAttr = NULL; SECItem *attrType = NULL; SECItem **attrVal = NULL; SECItem *derCrlCopy = NULL; SECItem *derCrlItem = NULL; PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCrlList"); PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(responseList, pCrls); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&crlList, plContext), PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED); /* extract crls from response */ PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength (responseList, &numResponses, plContext), PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED); for (respIx = 0; respIx < numResponses; respIx++) { PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem (responseList, respIx, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&response, plContext), PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapResponse_GetMessage (response, &message, plContext), PKIX_LDAPRESPONSEGETMESSAGEFAILED); sre = &(message->protocolOp.op.searchResponseEntryMsg); sreAttrArray = sre->attributes; /* Get next element of null-terminated array */ sreAttr = *sreAttrArray++; while (sreAttr != NULL) { attrType = &(sreAttr->attrType); PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapRequest_AttrTypeToBit (attrType, &attrBits, plContext), PKIX_LDAPREQUESTATTRTYPETOBITFAILED); /* Is this attrVal a Revocation List? */ if (((LDAPATTR_CERTREVLIST | LDAPATTR_AUTHREVLIST) & attrBits) == attrBits) { attrVal = sreAttr->val; derCrlItem = *attrVal++; while (derCrlItem != 0) { /* create a PKIX_PL_Crl from derCrl */ derCrlCopy = SECITEM_DupItem(derCrlItem); if (!derCrlCopy) { PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_ALLOCERROR); } /* crl will be based on derCrlCopy, but wont * own the der. */ nssCrl = CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags(NULL, derCrlCopy, SEC_CRL_TYPE, CRL_DECODE_DONT_COPY_DER | CRL_DECODE_SKIP_ENTRIES); if (!nssCrl) { SECITEM_FreeItem(derCrlCopy, PKIX_TRUE); continue; } /* pkix crl own the der. */ PKIX_CHECK( pkix_pl_CRL_CreateWithSignedCRL(nssCrl, derCrlCopy, NULL, &crl, plContext), PKIX_CRLCREATEWITHSIGNEDCRLFAILED); /* Left control over memory pointed by derCrlCopy and * nssCrl to pkix crl. */ derCrlCopy = NULL; nssCrl = NULL; PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem (crlList, (PKIX_PL_Object *) crl, plContext), PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED); PKIX_DECREF(crl); derCrlItem = *attrVal++; } /* Clean up after PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL */ pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE; } sreAttr = *sreAttrArray++; } PKIX_DECREF(response); } *pCrls = crlList; crlList = NULL; cleanup: if (derCrlCopy) { SECITEM_FreeItem(derCrlCopy, PKIX_TRUE); } if (nssCrl) { SEC_DestroyCrl(nssCrl); } PKIX_DECREF(crl); PKIX_DECREF(crlList); PKIX_DECREF(response); PKIX_RETURN(CERTSTORE); } /* * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DestroyAVAList * DESCRIPTION: * * This function frees the space allocated for the components of the * equalFilters that make up the andFilter pointed to by "filter". * * PARAMETERS: * "requestParams" * The address of the andFilter whose components are to be freed. Must be * non-NULL. * "plContext" * Platform-specific context pointer * THREAD SAFETY: * Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide) * RETURNS: * Returns NULL if the function succeeds. * Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way. * Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way. */ static PKIX_Error * pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DestroyAVAList( LDAPNameComponent **nameComponents, void *plContext) { LDAPNameComponent **currentNC = NULL; unsigned char *component = NULL; PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DestroyAVAList"); PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nameComponents); /* Set currentNC to point to first AVA pointer */ currentNC = nameComponents; while ((*currentNC) != NULL) { component = (*currentNC)->attrValue; if (component != NULL) { PORT_Free(component); } currentNC++; } PKIX_RETURN(CERTSTORE); } /* * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_MakeNameAVAList * DESCRIPTION: * * This function allocates space from the arena pointed to by "arena" to * construct a filter that will match components of the X500Name pointed to * by "name", and stores the resulting filter at "pFilter". * * "name" is checked for commonName and organizationName components (cn=, * and o=). The component strings are extracted using the family of * CERT_Get* functions, and each must be freed with PORT_Free. * * It is not clear which components should be in a request, so, for now, * we stop adding components after we have found one. * * PARAMETERS: * "arena" * The address of the PLArenaPool used in creating the filter. Must be * non-NULL. * "name" * The address of the X500Name whose components define the desired * matches. Must be non-NULL. * "pList" * The address at which the result is stored. * "plContext" * Platform-specific context pointer * THREAD SAFETY: * Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide) * RETURNS: * Returns NULL if the function succeeds. * Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way. * Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way. */ static PKIX_Error * pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_MakeNameAVAList( PLArenaPool *arena, PKIX_PL_X500Name *subjectName, LDAPNameComponent ***pList, void *plContext) { LDAPNameComponent **setOfNameComponents; LDAPNameComponent *currentNameComponent = NULL; PKIX_UInt32 componentsPresent = 0; void *v = NULL; unsigned char *component = NULL; PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_MakeNameAVAList"); PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(arena, subjectName, pList); /* Increase this if additional components may be extracted */ #define MAX_NUM_COMPONENTS 3 /* Space for (MAX_NUM_COMPONENTS + 1) pointers to LDAPNameComponents */ PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(CERTSTORE, v, PORT_ArenaZAlloc, (arena, (MAX_NUM_COMPONENTS + 1)*sizeof(LDAPNameComponent *))); setOfNameComponents = (LDAPNameComponent **)v; /* Space for MAX_NUM_COMPONENTS LDAPNameComponents */ PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(CERTSTORE, v, PORT_ArenaZNewArray, (arena, LDAPNameComponent, MAX_NUM_COMPONENTS)); currentNameComponent = (LDAPNameComponent *)v; /* Try for commonName */ PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_X500Name_GetCommonName (subjectName, &component, plContext), PKIX_X500NAMEGETCOMMONNAMEFAILED); if (component) { setOfNameComponents[componentsPresent] = currentNameComponent; currentNameComponent->attrType = (unsigned char *)"cn"; currentNameComponent->attrValue = component; componentsPresent++; currentNameComponent++; } /* * The LDAP specification says we can send multiple name components * in an "AND" filter, but the LDAP Servers don't seem to be able to * handle such requests. So we'll quit after the cn component. */ #if 0 /* Try for orgName */ PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_X500Name_GetOrgName (subjectName, &component, plContext), PKIX_X500NAMEGETORGNAMEFAILED); if (component) { setOfNameComponents[componentsPresent] = currentNameComponent; currentNameComponent->attrType = (unsigned char *)"o"; currentNameComponent->attrValue = component; componentsPresent++; currentNameComponent++; } /* Try for countryName */ PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_X500Name_GetCountryName (subjectName, &component, plContext), PKIX_X500NAMEGETCOUNTRYNAMEFAILED); if (component) { setOfNameComponents[componentsPresent] = currentNameComponent; currentNameComponent->attrType = (unsigned char *)"c"; currentNameComponent->attrValue = component; componentsPresent++; currentNameComponent++; } #endif setOfNameComponents[componentsPresent] = NULL; *pList = setOfNameComponents; cleanup: PKIX_RETURN(CERTSTORE); } #if 0 /* * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertstore_ConvertCertResponses * DESCRIPTION: * * This function processes the List of LDAPResponses pointed to by "responses" * into a List of resulting Certs, storing the result at "pCerts". If there * are no responses converted successfully, a NULL may be stored. * * PARAMETERS: * "responses" * The LDAPResponses whose contents are to be converted. Must be non-NULL. * "pCerts" * Address at which the returned List is stored. Must be non-NULL. * "plContext" * Platform-specific context pointer. * THREAD SAFETY: * Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide) * RETURNS: * Returns NULL if the function succeeds. * Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way * Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way. */ PKIX_Error * pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_ConvertCertResponses( PKIX_List *responses, PKIX_List **pCerts, void *plContext) { PKIX_List *unfiltered = NULL; PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_ConvertCertResponses"); PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(responses, pCerts); /* * We have a List of LdapResponse objects that have to be * turned into Certs. */ PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCertList (responses, &unfiltered, plContext), PKIX_LDAPCERTSTOREBUILDCERTLISTFAILED); *pCerts = unfiltered; cleanup: PKIX_RETURN(CERTSTORE); } #endif /* * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCert * (see description of PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback in pkix_certstore.h) */ PKIX_Error * pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCert( PKIX_CertStore *store, PKIX_CertSelector *selector, PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode, void **pNBIOContext, PKIX_List **pCertList, void *plContext) { PLArenaPool *requestArena = NULL; LDAPRequestParams requestParams; void *pollDesc = NULL; PKIX_Int32 minPathLen = 0; PKIX_Boolean cacheFlag = PKIX_FALSE; PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params = NULL; PKIX_PL_LdapCertStoreContext *lcs = NULL; PKIX_List *responses = NULL; PKIX_List *unfilteredCerts = NULL; PKIX_List *filteredCerts = NULL; PKIX_PL_X500Name *subjectName = 0; PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCert"); PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, selector, pCertList); requestParams.baseObject = "c=US"; requestParams.scope = WHOLE_SUBTREE; requestParams.derefAliases = NEVER_DEREF; requestParams.sizeLimit = 0; requestParams.timeLimit = 0; /* Prepare elements for request filter */ /* * Get a short-lived arena. We'll be done with this space once * the request is encoded. */ requestArena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE); if (!requestArena) { PKIX_ERROR_FATAL(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY); } PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_GetCommonCertSelectorParams (selector, ¶ms, plContext), PKIX_CERTSELECTORGETCOMCERTSELPARAMSFAILED); /* * If we have the subject name for the desired subject, * ask the server for Certs with that subject. */ PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubject (params, &subjectName, plContext), PKIX_COMCERTSELPARAMSGETSUBJECTFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetBasicConstraints (params, &minPathLen, plContext), PKIX_COMCERTSELPARAMSGETBASICCONSTRAINTSFAILED); if (subjectName) { PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_MakeNameAVAList (requestArena, subjectName, &(requestParams.nc), plContext), PKIX_LDAPCERTSTOREMAKENAMEAVALISTFAILED); if (*requestParams.nc == NULL) { /* * The subjectName may not include any components * that we know how to encode. We do not return * an error, because the caller did not necessarily * do anything wrong, but we return an empty List. */ PKIX_PL_NSSCALL(CERTSTORE, PORT_FreeArena, (requestArena, PR_FALSE)); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&filteredCerts, plContext), PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable (filteredCerts, plContext), PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED); *pNBIOContext = NULL; *pCertList = filteredCerts; filteredCerts = NULL; goto cleanup; } } else { PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_INSUFFICIENTCRITERIAFORCERTQUERY); } /* Prepare attribute field of request */ requestParams.attributes = 0; if (minPathLen < 0) { requestParams.attributes |= LDAPATTR_USERCERT; } if (minPathLen > -2) { requestParams.attributes |= LDAPATTR_CACERT | LDAPATTR_CROSSPAIRCERT; } /* All request fields are done */ PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext (store, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&lcs, plContext), PKIX_CERTSTOREGETCERTSTORECONTEXTFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_LdapClient_InitiateRequest ((PKIX_PL_LdapClient *)lcs, &requestParams, &pollDesc, &responses, plContext), PKIX_LDAPCLIENTINITIATEREQUESTFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DestroyAVAList (requestParams.nc, plContext), PKIX_LDAPCERTSTOREDESTROYAVALISTFAILED); if (requestArena) { PKIX_PL_NSSCALL(CERTSTORE, PORT_FreeArena, (requestArena, PR_FALSE)); requestArena = NULL; } if (pollDesc != NULL) { /* client is waiting for non-blocking I/O to complete */ *pNBIOContext = (void *)pollDesc; *pCertList = NULL; goto cleanup; } /* LdapClient has given us a response! */ if (responses) { PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreCacheFlag (store, &cacheFlag, plContext), PKIX_CERTSTOREGETCERTSTORECACHEFLAGFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCertList (responses, &unfilteredCerts, plContext), PKIX_LDAPCERTSTOREBUILDCERTLISTFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Select (selector, unfilteredCerts, &filteredCerts, plContext), PKIX_CERTSELECTORSELECTFAILED); } *pNBIOContext = NULL; *pCertList = filteredCerts; filteredCerts = NULL; cleanup: PKIX_DECREF(params); PKIX_DECREF(subjectName); PKIX_DECREF(responses); PKIX_DECREF(unfilteredCerts); PKIX_DECREF(filteredCerts); PKIX_DECREF(lcs); PKIX_RETURN(CERTSTORE); } /* * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCertContinue * (see description of PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback in pkix_certstore.h) */ PKIX_Error * pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCertContinue( PKIX_CertStore *store, PKIX_CertSelector *selector, PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode, void **pNBIOContext, PKIX_List **pCertList, void *plContext) { PKIX_Boolean cacheFlag = PKIX_FALSE; PKIX_PL_LdapCertStoreContext *lcs = NULL; void *pollDesc = NULL; PKIX_List *responses = NULL; PKIX_List *unfilteredCerts = NULL; PKIX_List *filteredCerts = NULL; PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCertContinue"); PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, selector, pCertList); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext (store, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&lcs, plContext), PKIX_CERTSTOREGETCERTSTORECONTEXTFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_LdapClient_ResumeRequest ((PKIX_PL_LdapClient *)lcs, &pollDesc, &responses, plContext), PKIX_LDAPCLIENTRESUMEREQUESTFAILED); if (pollDesc != NULL) { /* client is waiting for non-blocking I/O to complete */ *pNBIOContext = (void *)pollDesc; *pCertList = NULL; goto cleanup; } /* LdapClient has given us a response! */ if (responses) { PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreCacheFlag (store, &cacheFlag, plContext), PKIX_CERTSTOREGETCERTSTORECACHEFLAGFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCertList (responses, &unfilteredCerts, plContext), PKIX_LDAPCERTSTOREBUILDCERTLISTFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Select (selector, unfilteredCerts, &filteredCerts, plContext), PKIX_CERTSELECTORSELECTFAILED); } *pNBIOContext = NULL; *pCertList = filteredCerts; cleanup: PKIX_DECREF(responses); PKIX_DECREF(unfilteredCerts); PKIX_DECREF(lcs); PKIX_RETURN(CERTSTORE); } /* * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCRL * (see description of PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback in pkix_certstore.h) */ PKIX_Error * pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCRL( PKIX_CertStore *store, PKIX_CRLSelector *selector, void **pNBIOContext, PKIX_List **pCrlList, void *plContext) { LDAPRequestParams requestParams; void *pollDesc = NULL; PLArenaPool *requestArena = NULL; PKIX_UInt32 numNames = 0; PKIX_UInt32 thisName = 0; PKIX_PL_CRL *candidate = NULL; PKIX_List *responses = NULL; PKIX_List *issuerNames = NULL; PKIX_List *filteredCRLs = NULL; PKIX_List *unfilteredCRLs = NULL; PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuer = NULL; PKIX_PL_LdapCertStoreContext *lcs = NULL; PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params = NULL; PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCRL"); PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, selector, pCrlList); requestParams.baseObject = "c=US"; requestParams.scope = WHOLE_SUBTREE; requestParams.derefAliases = NEVER_DEREF; requestParams.sizeLimit = 0; requestParams.timeLimit = 0; requestParams.attributes = LDAPATTR_CERTREVLIST | LDAPATTR_AUTHREVLIST; /* Prepare elements for request filter */ /* XXX Place CRLDP code here. Handle the case when */ /* RFC 5280. Paragraph: */ /* If the distributionPoint field contains a directoryName, the entry */ /* for that directoryName contains the current CRL for the associated */ /* reasons and the CRL is issued by the associated cRLIssuer. The CRL */ /* may be stored in either the certificateRevocationList or */ /* authorityRevocationList attribute. The CRL is to be obtained by the */ /* application from whatever directory server is locally configured. */ /* The protocol the application uses to access the directory (e.g., DAP */ /* or LDAP) is a local matter. */ /* * Get a short-lived arena. We'll be done with this space once * the request is encoded. */ PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV (CERTSTORE, requestArena, PORT_NewArena, (DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE)); if (!requestArena) { PKIX_ERROR_FATAL(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY); } PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CRLSelector_GetCommonCRLSelectorParams (selector, ¶ms, plContext), PKIX_CRLSELECTORGETCOMCERTSELPARAMSFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetIssuerNames (params, &issuerNames, plContext), PKIX_COMCRLSELPARAMSGETISSUERNAMESFAILED); /* * The specification for PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetIssuerNames in * pkix_crlsel.h says that if the criterion is not set we get a null * pointer. If we get an empty List the criterion is impossible to * meet ("must match at least one of the names in the List"). */ if (issuerNames) { PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength (issuerNames, &numNames, plContext), PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED); if (numNames > 0) { /* * LDAP Servers don't seem to be able to handle * requests with more than more than one name. * So only use first name. */ PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem (issuerNames, thisName, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&issuer, plContext), PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED); PKIX_CHECK (pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_MakeNameAVAList (requestArena, issuer, &(requestParams.nc), plContext), PKIX_LDAPCERTSTOREMAKENAMEAVALISTFAILED); PKIX_DECREF(issuer); if (*requestParams.nc == NULL) { /* * The issuer may not include any * components that we know how to * encode. We do not return an error, * because the caller did not * necessarily do anything wrong, but * we return an empty List. */ PKIX_PL_NSSCALL (CERTSTORE, PORT_FreeArena, (requestArena, PR_FALSE)); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create (&filteredCRLs, plContext), PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable (filteredCRLs, plContext), PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED); *pNBIOContext = NULL; *pCrlList = filteredCRLs; goto cleanup; } } else { PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_IMPOSSIBLECRITERIONFORCRLQUERY); } } else { PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_IMPOSSIBLECRITERIONFORCRLQUERY); } /* All request fields are done */ PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext (store, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&lcs, plContext), PKIX_CERTSTOREGETCERTSTORECONTEXTFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_LdapClient_InitiateRequest ((PKIX_PL_LdapClient *)lcs, &requestParams, &pollDesc, &responses, plContext), PKIX_LDAPCLIENTINITIATEREQUESTFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DestroyAVAList (requestParams.nc, plContext), PKIX_LDAPCERTSTOREDESTROYAVALISTFAILED); if (requestArena) { PKIX_PL_NSSCALL(CERTSTORE, PORT_FreeArena, (requestArena, PR_FALSE)); } if (pollDesc != NULL) { /* client is waiting for non-blocking I/O to complete */ *pNBIOContext = (void *)pollDesc; *pCrlList = NULL; goto cleanup; } /* client has finished! */ if (responses) { /* * We have a List of LdapResponse objects that still have to be * turned into Crls. */ PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCrlList (responses, &unfilteredCRLs, plContext), PKIX_LDAPCERTSTOREBUILDCRLLISTFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CRLSelector_Select (selector, unfilteredCRLs, &filteredCRLs, plContext), PKIX_CRLSELECTORSELECTFAILED); } /* Don't throw away the list if one CRL was bad! */ pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE; *pNBIOContext = NULL; *pCrlList = filteredCRLs; cleanup: if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) { PKIX_DECREF(filteredCRLs); } PKIX_DECREF(params); PKIX_DECREF(issuerNames); PKIX_DECREF(issuer); PKIX_DECREF(candidate); PKIX_DECREF(responses); PKIX_DECREF(unfilteredCRLs); PKIX_DECREF(lcs); PKIX_RETURN(CERTSTORE); } /* * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCRLContinue * (see description of PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback in pkix_certstore.h) */ PKIX_Error * pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCRLContinue( PKIX_CertStore *store, PKIX_CRLSelector *selector, void **pNBIOContext, PKIX_List **pCrlList, void *plContext) { void *nbio = NULL; PKIX_PL_CRL *candidate = NULL; PKIX_List *responses = NULL; PKIX_PL_LdapCertStoreContext *lcs = NULL; PKIX_List *filteredCRLs = NULL; PKIX_List *unfilteredCRLs = NULL; PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCRLContinue"); PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(store, selector, pNBIOContext, pCrlList); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext (store, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&lcs, plContext), PKIX_CERTSTOREGETCERTSTORECONTEXTFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_LdapClient_ResumeRequest ((PKIX_PL_LdapClient *)lcs, &nbio, &responses, plContext), PKIX_LDAPCLIENTRESUMEREQUESTFAILED); if (nbio != NULL) { /* client is waiting for non-blocking I/O to complete */ *pNBIOContext = (void *)nbio; *pCrlList = NULL; goto cleanup; } /* client has finished! */ if (responses) { /* * We have a List of LdapResponse objects that still have to be * turned into Crls. */ PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCrlList (responses, &unfilteredCRLs, plContext), PKIX_LDAPCERTSTOREBUILDCRLLISTFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CRLSelector_Select (selector, unfilteredCRLs, &filteredCRLs, plContext), PKIX_CRLSELECTORSELECTFAILED); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(filteredCRLs, plContext), PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED); } /* Don't throw away the list if one CRL was bad! */ pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE; *pCrlList = filteredCRLs; cleanup: if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) { PKIX_DECREF(filteredCRLs); } PKIX_DECREF(candidate); PKIX_DECREF(responses); PKIX_DECREF(unfilteredCRLs); PKIX_DECREF(lcs); PKIX_RETURN(CERTSTORE); } /* --Public-LdapCertStore-Functions----------------------------------- */ /* * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_LdapCertStore_Create * (see comments in pkix_samples_modules.h) */ PKIX_Error * PKIX_PL_LdapCertStore_Create( PKIX_PL_LdapClient *client, PKIX_CertStore **pCertStore, void *plContext) { PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL; PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_PL_LdapCertStore_Create"); PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, pCertStore); PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_Create (pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCert, pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCRL, pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCertContinue, pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCRLContinue, NULL, /* don't support trust */ NULL, /* can not store crls */ NULL, /* can not do revocation check */ (PKIX_PL_Object *)client, PKIX_TRUE, /* cache flag */ PKIX_FALSE, /* not local */ &certStore, plContext), PKIX_CERTSTORECREATEFAILED); *pCertStore = certStore; cleanup: PKIX_RETURN(CERTSTORE); }