/* * draft-irtf-cfrg-hpke-07 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "keyhi.h" #include "pkcs11t.h" #include "pk11func.h" #include "pk11hpke.h" #include "pk11pqg.h" #include "secerr.h" #include "secitem.h" #include "secmod.h" #include "secmodi.h" #include "secmodti.h" #include "secutil.h" #define SERIALIZATION_VERSION 2 static const char *V1_LABEL = "HPKE-v1"; static const char *EXP_LABEL = "exp"; static const char *HPKE_LABEL = "HPKE"; static const char *INFO_LABEL = "info_hash"; static const char *KEM_LABEL = "KEM"; static const char *KEY_LABEL = "key"; static const char *NONCE_LABEL = "base_nonce"; static const char *PSK_ID_LABEL = "psk_id_hash"; static const char *SECRET_LABEL = "secret"; static const char *SEC_LABEL = "sec"; static const char *EAE_PRK_LABEL = "eae_prk"; static const char *SH_SEC_LABEL = "shared_secret"; struct HpkeContextStr { const hpkeKemParams *kemParams; const hpkeKdfParams *kdfParams; const hpkeAeadParams *aeadParams; PRUint8 mode; /* Base and PSK modes supported. */ SECItem *encapPubKey; /* Marshalled public key, sent to receiver. */ SECItem *baseNonce; /* Deterministic nonce for AEAD. */ SECItem *pskId; /* PSK identifier (non-secret). */ PK11Context *aeadContext; /* AEAD context used by Seal/Open. */ PRUint64 sequenceNumber; /* seqNo for decrypt IV construction. */ PK11SymKey *sharedSecret; /* ExtractAndExpand output key. */ PK11SymKey *key; /* Key used with the AEAD. */ PK11SymKey *exporterSecret; /* Derivation key for ExportSecret. */ PK11SymKey *psk; /* PSK imported by the application. */ }; static const hpkeKemParams kemParams[] = { /* KEM, Nsk, Nsecret, Npk, oidTag, Hash mechanism */ { HpkeDhKemX25519Sha256, 32, 32, 32, SEC_OID_CURVE25519, CKM_SHA256 }, }; #define MAX_WRAPPED_EXP_LEN 72 // Largest kdfParams->Nh + 8 static const hpkeKdfParams kdfParams[] = { /* KDF, Nh, mechanism */ { HpkeKdfHkdfSha256, SHA256_LENGTH, CKM_SHA256 }, { HpkeKdfHkdfSha384, SHA384_LENGTH, CKM_SHA384 }, { HpkeKdfHkdfSha512, SHA512_LENGTH, CKM_SHA512 }, }; #define MAX_WRAPPED_KEY_LEN 40 // Largest aeadParams->Nk + 8 static const hpkeAeadParams aeadParams[] = { /* AEAD, Nk, Nn, tagLen, mechanism */ { HpkeAeadAes128Gcm, 16, 12, 16, CKM_AES_GCM }, { HpkeAeadAes256Gcm, 32, 12, 16, CKM_AES_GCM }, { HpkeAeadChaCha20Poly1305, 32, 12, 16, CKM_CHACHA20_POLY1305 }, }; static inline const hpkeKemParams * kemId2Params(HpkeKemId kemId) { switch (kemId) { case HpkeDhKemX25519Sha256: return &kemParams[0]; default: return NULL; } } static inline const hpkeKdfParams * kdfId2Params(HpkeKdfId kdfId) { switch (kdfId) { case HpkeKdfHkdfSha256: return &kdfParams[0]; case HpkeKdfHkdfSha384: return &kdfParams[1]; case HpkeKdfHkdfSha512: return &kdfParams[2]; default: return NULL; } } static const inline hpkeAeadParams * aeadId2Params(HpkeAeadId aeadId) { switch (aeadId) { case HpkeAeadAes128Gcm: return &aeadParams[0]; case HpkeAeadAes256Gcm: return &aeadParams[1]; case HpkeAeadChaCha20Poly1305: return &aeadParams[2]; default: return NULL; } } static PRUint8 * encodeNumber(PRUint64 value, PRUint8 *b, size_t count) { PRUint64 encoded; PORT_Assert(b && count > 0 && count <= sizeof(encoded)); encoded = PR_htonll(value); PORT_Memcpy(b, ((unsigned char *)(&encoded)) + (sizeof(encoded) - count), count); return b + count; } static PRUint8 * decodeNumber(PRUint64 *value, PRUint8 *b, size_t count) { unsigned int i; PRUint64 number = 0; PORT_Assert(b && value && count <= sizeof(*value)); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { number = (number << 8) + b[i]; } *value = number; return b + count; } SECStatus PK11_HPKE_ValidateParameters(HpkeKemId kemId, HpkeKdfId kdfId, HpkeAeadId aeadId) { /* If more variants are added, ensure the combination is also * legal. For now it is, since only the AEAD may vary. */ const hpkeKemParams *kem = kemId2Params(kemId); const hpkeKdfParams *kdf = kdfId2Params(kdfId); const hpkeAeadParams *aead = aeadId2Params(aeadId); if (!kem || !kdf || !aead) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); return SECFailure; } return SECSuccess; } HpkeContext * PK11_HPKE_NewContext(HpkeKemId kemId, HpkeKdfId kdfId, HpkeAeadId aeadId, PK11SymKey *psk, const SECItem *pskId) { SECStatus rv = SECSuccess; PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL; HpkeContext *cx = NULL; /* Both the PSK and the PSK ID default to empty. */ SECItem emptyItem = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; cx = PORT_ZNew(HpkeContext); if (!cx) { return NULL; } cx->mode = psk ? HpkeModePsk : HpkeModeBase; cx->kemParams = kemId2Params(kemId); cx->kdfParams = kdfId2Params(kdfId); cx->aeadParams = aeadId2Params(aeadId); CHECK_FAIL_ERR((!!psk != !!pskId), SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); CHECK_FAIL_ERR(!cx->kemParams || !cx->kdfParams || !cx->aeadParams, SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); /* Import the provided PSK or the default. */ slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN, NULL); CHECK_FAIL(!slot); if (psk) { cx->psk = PK11_ReferenceSymKey(psk); cx->pskId = SECITEM_DupItem(pskId); } else { cx->psk = PK11_ImportDataKey(slot, CKM_HKDF_DATA, PK11_OriginUnwrap, CKA_DERIVE, &emptyItem, NULL); cx->pskId = SECITEM_DupItem(&emptyItem); } CHECK_FAIL(!cx->psk); CHECK_FAIL(!cx->pskId); CLEANUP: if (rv != SECSuccess) { PK11_FreeSymKey(cx->psk); SECITEM_FreeItem(cx->pskId, PR_TRUE); cx->pskId = NULL; cx->psk = NULL; PORT_Free(cx); cx = NULL; } if (slot) { PK11_FreeSlot(slot); } return cx; } void PK11_HPKE_DestroyContext(HpkeContext *cx, PRBool freeit) { if (!cx) { return; } if (cx->aeadContext) { PK11_DestroyContext((PK11Context *)cx->aeadContext, PR_TRUE); cx->aeadContext = NULL; } PK11_FreeSymKey(cx->exporterSecret); PK11_FreeSymKey(cx->sharedSecret); PK11_FreeSymKey(cx->key); PK11_FreeSymKey(cx->psk); SECITEM_FreeItem(cx->pskId, PR_TRUE); SECITEM_FreeItem(cx->baseNonce, PR_TRUE); SECITEM_FreeItem(cx->encapPubKey, PR_TRUE); cx->exporterSecret = NULL; cx->sharedSecret = NULL; cx->key = NULL; cx->psk = NULL; cx->pskId = NULL; cx->baseNonce = NULL; cx->encapPubKey = NULL; if (freeit) { PORT_ZFree(cx, sizeof(HpkeContext)); } } /* Export Format: struct { uint8 serilizationVersion; uint16 kemId; uint16 kdfId; uint16 aeadId; uint16 modeId; uint64 sequenceNumber; opaque senderPubKey<1..2^16-1>; opaque baseNonce<1..2^16-1>; opaque key<1..2^16-1>; opaque exporterSecret<1..2^16-1>; } HpkeSerializedContext */ #define EXPORTED_CTX_BASE_LEN 25 /* Fixed size plus 2B for each variable. */ #define REMAINING_BYTES(walker, buf) \ buf->len - (walker - buf->data) SECStatus PK11_HPKE_ExportContext(const HpkeContext *cx, PK11SymKey *wrapKey, SECItem **serialized) { SECStatus rv; size_t allocLen; PRUint8 *walker; SECItem *keyBytes = NULL; // Maybe wrapped SECItem *exporterBytes = NULL; // Maybe wrapped SECItem *serializedCx = NULL; PRUint8 wrappedKeyBytes[MAX_WRAPPED_KEY_LEN] = { 0 }; PRUint8 wrappedExpBytes[MAX_WRAPPED_EXP_LEN] = { 0 }; SECItem wrappedKey = { siBuffer, wrappedKeyBytes, sizeof(wrappedKeyBytes) }; SECItem wrappedExp = { siBuffer, wrappedExpBytes, sizeof(wrappedExpBytes) }; CHECK_FAIL_ERR((!cx || !cx->aeadContext || !serialized), SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); CHECK_FAIL_ERR((cx->aeadContext->operation != (CKA_NSS_MESSAGE | CKA_DECRYPT)), SEC_ERROR_NOT_A_RECIPIENT); /* If a wrapping key was provided, do the wrap first * so that we know what size to allocate. */ if (wrapKey) { rv = PK11_WrapSymKey(CKM_AES_KEY_WRAP_KWP, NULL, wrapKey, cx->key, &wrappedKey); CHECK_RV(rv); rv = PK11_WrapSymKey(CKM_AES_KEY_WRAP_KWP, NULL, wrapKey, cx->exporterSecret, &wrappedExp); CHECK_RV(rv); keyBytes = &wrappedKey; exporterBytes = &wrappedExp; } else { rv = PK11_ExtractKeyValue(cx->key); CHECK_RV(rv); keyBytes = PK11_GetKeyData(cx->key); CHECK_FAIL(!keyBytes); PORT_Assert(keyBytes->len == cx->aeadParams->Nk); rv = PK11_ExtractKeyValue(cx->exporterSecret); CHECK_RV(rv); exporterBytes = PK11_GetKeyData(cx->exporterSecret); CHECK_FAIL(!exporterBytes); PORT_Assert(exporterBytes->len == cx->kdfParams->Nh); } allocLen = EXPORTED_CTX_BASE_LEN + cx->baseNonce->len + cx->encapPubKey->len; allocLen += wrapKey ? wrappedKey.len : cx->aeadParams->Nk; allocLen += wrapKey ? wrappedExp.len : cx->kdfParams->Nh; serializedCx = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, allocLen); CHECK_FAIL(!serializedCx); walker = &serializedCx->data[0]; *(walker)++ = (PRUint8)SERIALIZATION_VERSION; walker = encodeNumber(cx->kemParams->id, walker, 2); walker = encodeNumber(cx->kdfParams->id, walker, 2); walker = encodeNumber(cx->aeadParams->id, walker, 2); walker = encodeNumber(cx->mode, walker, 2); walker = encodeNumber(cx->sequenceNumber, walker, 8); /* sender public key, serialized. */ walker = encodeNumber(cx->encapPubKey->len, walker, 2); PORT_Memcpy(walker, cx->encapPubKey->data, cx->encapPubKey->len); walker += cx->encapPubKey->len; /* base nonce */ walker = encodeNumber(cx->baseNonce->len, walker, 2); PORT_Memcpy(walker, cx->baseNonce->data, cx->baseNonce->len); walker += cx->baseNonce->len; /* key. */ walker = encodeNumber(keyBytes->len, walker, 2); PORT_Memcpy(walker, keyBytes->data, keyBytes->len); walker += keyBytes->len; /* exporter_secret. */ walker = encodeNumber(exporterBytes->len, walker, 2); PORT_Memcpy(walker, exporterBytes->data, exporterBytes->len); walker += exporterBytes->len; CHECK_FAIL_ERR(REMAINING_BYTES(walker, serializedCx) != 0, SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE); *serialized = serializedCx; CLEANUP: if (rv != SECSuccess) { SECITEM_ZfreeItem(serializedCx, PR_TRUE); } return rv; } HpkeContext * PK11_HPKE_ImportContext(const SECItem *serialized, PK11SymKey *wrapKey) { SECStatus rv = SECSuccess; HpkeContext *cx = NULL; PRUint8 *walker; PRUint64 tmpn; PRUint8 tmp8; HpkeKemId kem; HpkeKdfId kdf; HpkeAeadId aead; PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL; PK11SymKey *tmpKey = NULL; SECItem tmpItem = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; SECItem emptyItem = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; CHECK_FAIL_ERR((!serialized || !serialized->data || serialized->len == 0), SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); CHECK_FAIL_ERR((serialized->len < EXPORTED_CTX_BASE_LEN), SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA); walker = serialized->data; tmp8 = *(walker++); CHECK_FAIL_ERR((tmp8 != SERIALIZATION_VERSION), SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA); walker = decodeNumber(&tmpn, walker, 2); kem = (HpkeKemId)tmpn; walker = decodeNumber(&tmpn, walker, 2); kdf = (HpkeKdfId)tmpn; walker = decodeNumber(&tmpn, walker, 2); aead = (HpkeAeadId)tmpn; /* Create context. We'll manually set the mode, though we * no longer have the PSK and have no need for it. */ cx = PK11_HPKE_NewContext(kem, kdf, aead, NULL, NULL); CHECK_FAIL(!cx); walker = decodeNumber(&tmpn, walker, 2); CHECK_FAIL_ERR((tmpn != HpkeModeBase && tmpn != HpkeModePsk), SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA); cx->mode = (HpkeModeId)tmpn; walker = decodeNumber(&cx->sequenceNumber, walker, 8); slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(CKM_HKDF_DERIVE, NULL); CHECK_FAIL(!slot); /* Import sender public key (serialized). */ walker = decodeNumber(&tmpn, walker, 2); CHECK_FAIL_ERR(tmpn >= REMAINING_BYTES(walker, serialized), SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA); tmpItem.data = walker; tmpItem.len = tmpn; cx->encapPubKey = SECITEM_DupItem(&tmpItem); CHECK_FAIL(!cx->encapPubKey); walker += tmpItem.len; /* Import base_nonce. */ walker = decodeNumber(&tmpn, walker, 2); CHECK_FAIL_ERR(tmpn != cx->aeadParams->Nn, SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA); CHECK_FAIL_ERR(tmpn >= REMAINING_BYTES(walker, serialized), SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA); tmpItem.data = walker; tmpItem.len = tmpn; cx->baseNonce = SECITEM_DupItem(&tmpItem); CHECK_FAIL(!cx->baseNonce); walker += tmpItem.len; /* Import key */ walker = decodeNumber(&tmpn, walker, 2); CHECK_FAIL_ERR(tmpn >= REMAINING_BYTES(walker, serialized), SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA); tmpItem.data = walker; tmpItem.len = tmpn; walker += tmpItem.len; if (wrapKey) { cx->key = PK11_UnwrapSymKey(wrapKey, CKM_AES_KEY_WRAP_KWP, NULL, &tmpItem, cx->aeadParams->mech, CKA_NSS_MESSAGE | CKA_DECRYPT, 0); CHECK_FAIL(!cx->key); } else { CHECK_FAIL_ERR(tmpn != cx->aeadParams->Nk, SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA); tmpKey = PK11_ImportSymKey(slot, cx->aeadParams->mech, PK11_OriginUnwrap, CKA_NSS_MESSAGE | CKA_DECRYPT, &tmpItem, NULL); CHECK_FAIL(!tmpKey); cx->key = tmpKey; } /* Import exporter_secret. */ walker = decodeNumber(&tmpn, walker, 2); CHECK_FAIL_ERR(tmpn != REMAINING_BYTES(walker, serialized), SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA); tmpItem.data = walker; tmpItem.len = tmpn; walker += tmpItem.len; if (wrapKey) { cx->exporterSecret = PK11_UnwrapSymKey(wrapKey, CKM_AES_KEY_WRAP_KWP, NULL, &tmpItem, cx->kdfParams->mech, CKM_HKDF_DERIVE, 0); CHECK_FAIL(!cx->exporterSecret); } else { CHECK_FAIL_ERR(tmpn != cx->kdfParams->Nh, SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA); tmpKey = PK11_ImportSymKey(slot, CKM_HKDF_DERIVE, PK11_OriginUnwrap, CKA_DERIVE, &tmpItem, NULL); CHECK_FAIL(!tmpKey); cx->exporterSecret = tmpKey; } cx->aeadContext = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(cx->aeadParams->mech, CKA_NSS_MESSAGE | CKA_DECRYPT, cx->key, &emptyItem); CLEANUP: if (rv != SECSuccess) { PK11_FreeSymKey(tmpKey); PK11_HPKE_DestroyContext(cx, PR_TRUE); cx = NULL; } if (slot) { PK11_FreeSlot(slot); } return cx; } SECStatus PK11_HPKE_Serialize(const SECKEYPublicKey *pk, PRUint8 *buf, unsigned int *len, unsigned int maxLen) { if (!pk || !len || pk->keyType != ecKey) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); return SECFailure; } /* If no buffer provided, return the length required for * the serialized public key. */ if (!buf) { *len = pk->u.ec.publicValue.len; return SECSuccess; } if (maxLen < pk->u.ec.publicValue.len) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INPUT_LEN); return SECFailure; } PORT_Memcpy(buf, pk->u.ec.publicValue.data, pk->u.ec.publicValue.len); *len = pk->u.ec.publicValue.len; return SECSuccess; }; SECStatus PK11_HPKE_Deserialize(const HpkeContext *cx, const PRUint8 *enc, unsigned int encLen, SECKEYPublicKey **outPubKey) { SECStatus rv; SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey = NULL; SECOidData *oidData = NULL; PLArenaPool *arena; if (!cx || !enc || encLen == 0 || !outPubKey) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); return SECFailure; } arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE); CHECK_FAIL(!arena); pubKey = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, SECKEYPublicKey); CHECK_FAIL(!pubKey); pubKey->arena = arena; pubKey->keyType = ecKey; pubKey->pkcs11Slot = NULL; pubKey->pkcs11ID = CK_INVALID_HANDLE; rv = SECITEM_MakeItem(pubKey->arena, &pubKey->u.ec.publicValue, enc, encLen); CHECK_RV(rv); pubKey->u.ec.encoding = ECPoint_Undefined; pubKey->u.ec.size = 0; oidData = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(cx->kemParams->oidTag); CHECK_FAIL_ERR(!oidData, SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ALGORITHM); // Create parameters. CHECK_FAIL(!SECITEM_AllocItem(pubKey->arena, &pubKey->u.ec.DEREncodedParams, 2 + oidData->oid.len)); // Set parameters. pubKey->u.ec.DEREncodedParams.data[0] = SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID; pubKey->u.ec.DEREncodedParams.data[1] = oidData->oid.len; PORT_Memcpy(pubKey->u.ec.DEREncodedParams.data + 2, oidData->oid.data, oidData->oid.len); *outPubKey = pubKey; CLEANUP: if (rv != SECSuccess) { SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(pubKey); } return rv; }; static SECStatus pk11_hpke_CheckKeys(const HpkeContext *cx, const SECKEYPublicKey *pk, const SECKEYPrivateKey *sk) { SECOidTag pkTag; unsigned int i; if (pk->keyType != ecKey || (sk && sk->keyType != ecKey)) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_KEY); return SECFailure; } pkTag = SECKEY_GetECCOid(&pk->u.ec.DEREncodedParams); if (pkTag != cx->kemParams->oidTag) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_KEY); return SECFailure; } for (i = 0; i < PR_ARRAY_SIZE(kemParams); i++) { if (cx->kemParams->oidTag == kemParams[i].oidTag) { return SECSuccess; } } return SECFailure; } static SECStatus pk11_hpke_GenerateKeyPair(const HpkeContext *cx, SECKEYPublicKey **pkE, SECKEYPrivateKey **skE) { SECStatus rv = SECSuccess; SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey = NULL; SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey = NULL; SECOidData *oidData = NULL; SECKEYECParams ecp; PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL; ecp.data = NULL; PORT_Assert(cx && skE && pkE); oidData = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(cx->kemParams->oidTag); CHECK_FAIL_ERR(!oidData, SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ALGORITHM); ecp.data = PORT_Alloc(2 + oidData->oid.len); CHECK_FAIL(!ecp.data); ecp.len = 2 + oidData->oid.len; ecp.type = siDEROID; ecp.data[0] = SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID; ecp.data[1] = oidData->oid.len; PORT_Memcpy(&ecp.data[2], oidData->oid.data, oidData->oid.len); slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN, NULL); CHECK_FAIL(!slot); privKey = PK11_GenerateKeyPair(slot, CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN, &ecp, &pubKey, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE, NULL); CHECK_FAIL_ERR((!privKey || !pubKey), SEC_ERROR_KEYGEN_FAIL); PORT_Assert(rv == SECSuccess); *skE = privKey; *pkE = pubKey; CLEANUP: if (rv != SECSuccess) { SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(privKey); SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(pubKey); } if (slot) { PK11_FreeSlot(slot); } PORT_Free(ecp.data); return rv; } static inline SECItem * pk11_hpke_MakeExtractLabel(const char *prefix, unsigned int prefixLen, const char *label, unsigned int labelLen, const SECItem *suiteId, const SECItem *ikm) { SECItem *out = NULL; PRUint8 *walker; out = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, prefixLen + labelLen + suiteId->len + (ikm ? ikm->len : 0)); if (!out) { return NULL; } walker = out->data; PORT_Memcpy(walker, prefix, prefixLen); walker += prefixLen; PORT_Memcpy(walker, suiteId->data, suiteId->len); walker += suiteId->len; PORT_Memcpy(walker, label, labelLen); walker += labelLen; if (ikm && ikm->data) { PORT_Memcpy(walker, ikm->data, ikm->len); } return out; } static SECStatus pk11_hpke_LabeledExtractData(const HpkeContext *cx, SECItem *salt, const SECItem *suiteId, const char *label, unsigned int labelLen, const SECItem *ikm, SECItem **out) { SECStatus rv; CK_HKDF_PARAMS params = { 0 }; PK11SymKey *importedIkm = NULL; PK11SymKey *prk = NULL; PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL; SECItem *borrowed; SECItem *outDerived = NULL; SECItem *labeledIkm; SECItem paramsItem = { siBuffer, (unsigned char *)¶ms, sizeof(params) }; PORT_Assert(cx && ikm && label && labelLen && out && suiteId); labeledIkm = pk11_hpke_MakeExtractLabel(V1_LABEL, strlen(V1_LABEL), label, labelLen, suiteId, ikm); CHECK_FAIL(!labeledIkm); params.bExtract = CK_TRUE; params.bExpand = CK_FALSE; params.prfHashMechanism = cx->kdfParams->mech; params.ulSaltType = salt ? CKF_HKDF_SALT_DATA : CKF_HKDF_SALT_NULL; params.pSalt = salt ? (CK_BYTE_PTR)salt->data : NULL; params.ulSaltLen = salt ? salt->len : 0; params.pInfo = labeledIkm->data; params.ulInfoLen = labeledIkm->len; slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN, NULL); CHECK_FAIL(!slot); importedIkm = PK11_ImportDataKey(slot, CKM_HKDF_DATA, PK11_OriginUnwrap, CKA_DERIVE, labeledIkm, NULL); CHECK_FAIL(!importedIkm); prk = PK11_Derive(importedIkm, CKM_HKDF_DATA, ¶msItem, CKM_HKDF_DERIVE, CKA_DERIVE, 0); CHECK_FAIL(!prk); rv = PK11_ExtractKeyValue(prk); CHECK_RV(rv); borrowed = PK11_GetKeyData(prk); CHECK_FAIL(!borrowed); outDerived = SECITEM_DupItem(borrowed); CHECK_FAIL(!outDerived); *out = outDerived; CLEANUP: PK11_FreeSymKey(importedIkm); PK11_FreeSymKey(prk); SECITEM_FreeItem(labeledIkm, PR_TRUE); if (slot) { PK11_FreeSlot(slot); } return rv; } static SECStatus pk11_hpke_LabeledExtract(const HpkeContext *cx, PK11SymKey *salt, const SECItem *suiteId, const char *label, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE hashMech, unsigned int labelLen, PK11SymKey *ikm, PK11SymKey **out) { SECStatus rv = SECSuccess; SECItem *innerLabel = NULL; PK11SymKey *labeledIkm = NULL; PK11SymKey *prk = NULL; CK_HKDF_PARAMS params = { 0 }; CK_KEY_DERIVATION_STRING_DATA labelData; SECItem labelDataItem = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; SECItem paramsItem = { siBuffer, (unsigned char *)¶ms, sizeof(params) }; PORT_Assert(cx && ikm && label && labelLen && out && suiteId); innerLabel = pk11_hpke_MakeExtractLabel(V1_LABEL, strlen(V1_LABEL), label, labelLen, suiteId, NULL); CHECK_FAIL(!innerLabel); labelData.pData = innerLabel->data; labelData.ulLen = innerLabel->len; labelDataItem.data = (PRUint8 *)&labelData; labelDataItem.len = sizeof(labelData); labeledIkm = PK11_Derive(ikm, CKM_CONCATENATE_DATA_AND_BASE, &labelDataItem, CKM_GENERIC_SECRET_KEY_GEN, CKA_DERIVE, 0); CHECK_FAIL(!labeledIkm); params.bExtract = CK_TRUE; params.bExpand = CK_FALSE; params.prfHashMechanism = hashMech; params.ulSaltType = salt ? CKF_HKDF_SALT_KEY : CKF_HKDF_SALT_NULL; params.hSaltKey = salt ? PK11_GetSymKeyHandle(salt) : CK_INVALID_HANDLE; prk = PK11_Derive(labeledIkm, CKM_HKDF_DERIVE, ¶msItem, CKM_HKDF_DERIVE, CKA_DERIVE, 0); CHECK_FAIL(!prk); *out = prk; CLEANUP: PK11_FreeSymKey(labeledIkm); SECITEM_ZfreeItem(innerLabel, PR_TRUE); return rv; } static SECStatus pk11_hpke_LabeledExpand(const HpkeContext *cx, PK11SymKey *prk, const SECItem *suiteId, const char *label, unsigned int labelLen, const SECItem *info, unsigned int L, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE hashMech, PK11SymKey **outKey, SECItem **outItem) { SECStatus rv = SECSuccess; CK_MECHANISM_TYPE keyMech; CK_MECHANISM_TYPE deriveMech; CK_HKDF_PARAMS params = { 0 }; PK11SymKey *derivedKey = NULL; SECItem *labeledInfoItem = NULL; SECItem paramsItem = { siBuffer, (unsigned char *)¶ms, sizeof(params) }; SECItem *derivedKeyData; PRUint8 encodedL[2]; PRUint8 *walker = encodedL; size_t len; PORT_Assert(cx && prk && label && (!!outKey != !!outItem)); walker = encodeNumber(L, walker, 2); len = info ? info->len : 0; len += sizeof(encodedL) + strlen(V1_LABEL) + suiteId->len + labelLen; labeledInfoItem = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, len); CHECK_FAIL(!labeledInfoItem); walker = labeledInfoItem->data; PORT_Memcpy(walker, encodedL, sizeof(encodedL)); walker += sizeof(encodedL); PORT_Memcpy(walker, V1_LABEL, strlen(V1_LABEL)); walker += strlen(V1_LABEL); PORT_Memcpy(walker, suiteId->data, suiteId->len); walker += suiteId->len; PORT_Memcpy(walker, label, labelLen); walker += labelLen; if (info) { PORT_Memcpy(walker, info->data, info->len); } params.bExtract = CK_FALSE; params.bExpand = CK_TRUE; params.prfHashMechanism = hashMech; params.ulSaltType = CKF_HKDF_SALT_NULL; params.pInfo = labeledInfoItem->data; params.ulInfoLen = labeledInfoItem->len; deriveMech = outItem ? CKM_HKDF_DATA : CKM_HKDF_DERIVE; /* If we're expanding to the encryption key use the appropriate mechanism. */ keyMech = (label && !strcmp(KEY_LABEL, label)) ? cx->aeadParams->mech : CKM_HKDF_DERIVE; derivedKey = PK11_Derive(prk, deriveMech, ¶msItem, keyMech, CKA_DERIVE, L); CHECK_FAIL(!derivedKey); if (outItem) { /* Don't allow export of real keys. */ CHECK_FAIL_ERR(deriveMech != CKM_HKDF_DATA, SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE); rv = PK11_ExtractKeyValue(derivedKey); CHECK_RV(rv); derivedKeyData = PK11_GetKeyData(derivedKey); CHECK_FAIL_ERR((!derivedKeyData), SEC_ERROR_NO_KEY); *outItem = SECITEM_DupItem(derivedKeyData); CHECK_FAIL(!*outItem); PK11_FreeSymKey(derivedKey); } else { *outKey = derivedKey; } CLEANUP: if (rv != SECSuccess) { PK11_FreeSymKey(derivedKey); } SECITEM_ZfreeItem(labeledInfoItem, PR_TRUE); return rv; } static SECStatus pk11_hpke_ExtractAndExpand(const HpkeContext *cx, PK11SymKey *ikm, const SECItem *kemContext, PK11SymKey **out) { SECStatus rv; PK11SymKey *eaePrk = NULL; PK11SymKey *sharedSecret = NULL; PRUint8 suiteIdBuf[5]; PRUint8 *walker; PORT_Memcpy(suiteIdBuf, KEM_LABEL, strlen(KEM_LABEL)); SECItem suiteIdItem = { siBuffer, suiteIdBuf, sizeof(suiteIdBuf) }; PORT_Assert(cx && ikm && kemContext && out); walker = &suiteIdBuf[3]; walker = encodeNumber(cx->kemParams->id, walker, 2); rv = pk11_hpke_LabeledExtract(cx, NULL, &suiteIdItem, EAE_PRK_LABEL, cx->kemParams->hashMech, strlen(EAE_PRK_LABEL), ikm, &eaePrk); CHECK_RV(rv); rv = pk11_hpke_LabeledExpand(cx, eaePrk, &suiteIdItem, SH_SEC_LABEL, strlen(SH_SEC_LABEL), kemContext, cx->kemParams->Nsecret, cx->kemParams->hashMech, &sharedSecret, NULL); CHECK_RV(rv); *out = sharedSecret; CLEANUP: if (rv != SECSuccess) { PK11_FreeSymKey(sharedSecret); } PK11_FreeSymKey(eaePrk); return rv; } static SECStatus pk11_hpke_Encap(HpkeContext *cx, const SECKEYPublicKey *pkE, SECKEYPrivateKey *skE, SECKEYPublicKey *pkR) { SECStatus rv; PK11SymKey *dh = NULL; SECItem *kemContext = NULL; SECItem *encPkR = NULL; unsigned int tmpLen; PORT_Assert(cx && skE && pkE && pkR); rv = pk11_hpke_CheckKeys(cx, pkE, skE); CHECK_RV(rv); rv = pk11_hpke_CheckKeys(cx, pkR, NULL); CHECK_RV(rv); dh = PK11_PubDeriveWithKDF(skE, pkR, PR_FALSE, NULL, NULL, CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE, CKM_SHA512_HMAC /* unused */, CKA_DERIVE, 0, CKD_NULL, NULL, NULL); CHECK_FAIL(!dh); /* Encapsulate our sender public key. Many use cases * (including ECH) require that the application fetch * this value, so do it once and store into the cx. */ rv = PK11_HPKE_Serialize(pkE, NULL, &tmpLen, 0); CHECK_RV(rv); cx->encapPubKey = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, tmpLen); CHECK_FAIL(!cx->encapPubKey); rv = PK11_HPKE_Serialize(pkE, cx->encapPubKey->data, &cx->encapPubKey->len, cx->encapPubKey->len); CHECK_RV(rv); rv = PK11_HPKE_Serialize(pkR, NULL, &tmpLen, 0); CHECK_RV(rv); kemContext = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, cx->encapPubKey->len + tmpLen); CHECK_FAIL(!kemContext); PORT_Memcpy(kemContext->data, cx->encapPubKey->data, cx->encapPubKey->len); rv = PK11_HPKE_Serialize(pkR, &kemContext->data[cx->encapPubKey->len], &tmpLen, tmpLen); CHECK_RV(rv); rv = pk11_hpke_ExtractAndExpand(cx, dh, kemContext, &cx->sharedSecret); CHECK_RV(rv); CLEANUP: if (rv != SECSuccess) { PK11_FreeSymKey(cx->sharedSecret); cx->sharedSecret = NULL; } SECITEM_FreeItem(encPkR, PR_TRUE); SECITEM_FreeItem(kemContext, PR_TRUE); PK11_FreeSymKey(dh); return rv; } SECStatus PK11_HPKE_ExportSecret(const HpkeContext *cx, const SECItem *info, unsigned int L, PK11SymKey **out) { SECStatus rv; PK11SymKey *exported; PRUint8 suiteIdBuf[10]; PRUint8 *walker; PORT_Memcpy(suiteIdBuf, HPKE_LABEL, strlen(HPKE_LABEL)); SECItem suiteIdItem = { siBuffer, suiteIdBuf, sizeof(suiteIdBuf) }; /* Arbitrary info length limit well under the specified max. */ if (!cx || !info || (!info->data && info->len) || info->len > 0xFFFF || !L || (L > 255 * cx->kdfParams->Nh)) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); return SECFailure; } walker = &suiteIdBuf[4]; walker = encodeNumber(cx->kemParams->id, walker, 2); walker = encodeNumber(cx->kdfParams->id, walker, 2); walker = encodeNumber(cx->aeadParams->id, walker, 2); rv = pk11_hpke_LabeledExpand(cx, cx->exporterSecret, &suiteIdItem, SEC_LABEL, strlen(SEC_LABEL), info, L, cx->kdfParams->mech, &exported, NULL); CHECK_RV(rv); *out = exported; CLEANUP: return rv; } static SECStatus pk11_hpke_Decap(HpkeContext *cx, const SECKEYPublicKey *pkR, SECKEYPrivateKey *skR, const SECItem *encS) { SECStatus rv; PK11SymKey *dh = NULL; SECItem *encR = NULL; SECItem *kemContext = NULL; SECKEYPublicKey *pkS = NULL; unsigned int tmpLen; if (!cx || !skR || !pkR || !encS || !encS->data || !encS->len) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); return SECFailure; } rv = PK11_HPKE_Deserialize(cx, encS->data, encS->len, &pkS); CHECK_RV(rv); rv = pk11_hpke_CheckKeys(cx, pkR, skR); CHECK_RV(rv); rv = pk11_hpke_CheckKeys(cx, pkS, NULL); CHECK_RV(rv); dh = PK11_PubDeriveWithKDF(skR, pkS, PR_FALSE, NULL, NULL, CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE, CKM_SHA512_HMAC /* unused */, CKA_DERIVE, 0, CKD_NULL, NULL, NULL); CHECK_FAIL(!dh); /* kem_context = concat(enc, pkRm) */ rv = PK11_HPKE_Serialize(pkR, NULL, &tmpLen, 0); CHECK_RV(rv); kemContext = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, encS->len + tmpLen); CHECK_FAIL(!kemContext); PORT_Memcpy(kemContext->data, encS->data, encS->len); rv = PK11_HPKE_Serialize(pkR, &kemContext->data[encS->len], &tmpLen, kemContext->len - encS->len); CHECK_RV(rv); rv = pk11_hpke_ExtractAndExpand(cx, dh, kemContext, &cx->sharedSecret); CHECK_RV(rv); /* Store the sender serialized public key, which * may be required by application use cases. */ cx->encapPubKey = SECITEM_DupItem(encS); CHECK_FAIL(!cx->encapPubKey); CLEANUP: if (rv != SECSuccess) { PK11_FreeSymKey(cx->sharedSecret); cx->sharedSecret = NULL; } PK11_FreeSymKey(dh); SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(pkS); SECITEM_FreeItem(encR, PR_TRUE); SECITEM_ZfreeItem(kemContext, PR_TRUE); return rv; } const SECItem * PK11_HPKE_GetEncapPubKey(const HpkeContext *cx) { if (!cx) { return NULL; } return cx->encapPubKey; } static SECStatus pk11_hpke_KeySchedule(HpkeContext *cx, const SECItem *info) { SECStatus rv; SECItem contextItem = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; unsigned int len; unsigned int off; PK11SymKey *secret = NULL; SECItem *pskIdHash = NULL; SECItem *infoHash = NULL; PRUint8 suiteIdBuf[10]; PRUint8 *walker; PORT_Memcpy(suiteIdBuf, HPKE_LABEL, strlen(HPKE_LABEL)); SECItem suiteIdItem = { siBuffer, suiteIdBuf, sizeof(suiteIdBuf) }; PORT_Assert(cx && info && cx->psk && cx->pskId); walker = &suiteIdBuf[4]; walker = encodeNumber(cx->kemParams->id, walker, 2); walker = encodeNumber(cx->kdfParams->id, walker, 2); walker = encodeNumber(cx->aeadParams->id, walker, 2); rv = pk11_hpke_LabeledExtractData(cx, NULL, &suiteIdItem, PSK_ID_LABEL, strlen(PSK_ID_LABEL), cx->pskId, &pskIdHash); CHECK_RV(rv); rv = pk11_hpke_LabeledExtractData(cx, NULL, &suiteIdItem, INFO_LABEL, strlen(INFO_LABEL), info, &infoHash); CHECK_RV(rv); // Make the context string len = sizeof(cx->mode) + pskIdHash->len + infoHash->len; CHECK_FAIL(!SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, &contextItem, len)); off = 0; PORT_Memcpy(&contextItem.data[off], &cx->mode, sizeof(cx->mode)); off += sizeof(cx->mode); PORT_Memcpy(&contextItem.data[off], pskIdHash->data, pskIdHash->len); off += pskIdHash->len; PORT_Memcpy(&contextItem.data[off], infoHash->data, infoHash->len); off += infoHash->len; // Compute the keys rv = pk11_hpke_LabeledExtract(cx, cx->sharedSecret, &suiteIdItem, SECRET_LABEL, cx->kdfParams->mech, strlen(SECRET_LABEL), cx->psk, &secret); CHECK_RV(rv); rv = pk11_hpke_LabeledExpand(cx, secret, &suiteIdItem, KEY_LABEL, strlen(KEY_LABEL), &contextItem, cx->aeadParams->Nk, cx->kdfParams->mech, &cx->key, NULL); CHECK_RV(rv); rv = pk11_hpke_LabeledExpand(cx, secret, &suiteIdItem, NONCE_LABEL, strlen(NONCE_LABEL), &contextItem, cx->aeadParams->Nn, cx->kdfParams->mech, NULL, &cx->baseNonce); CHECK_RV(rv); rv = pk11_hpke_LabeledExpand(cx, secret, &suiteIdItem, EXP_LABEL, strlen(EXP_LABEL), &contextItem, cx->kdfParams->Nh, cx->kdfParams->mech, &cx->exporterSecret, NULL); CHECK_RV(rv); CLEANUP: /* If !SECSuccess, callers will tear down the context. */ PK11_FreeSymKey(secret); SECITEM_FreeItem(&contextItem, PR_FALSE); SECITEM_FreeItem(infoHash, PR_TRUE); SECITEM_FreeItem(pskIdHash, PR_TRUE); return rv; } SECStatus PK11_HPKE_SetupR(HpkeContext *cx, const SECKEYPublicKey *pkR, SECKEYPrivateKey *skR, const SECItem *enc, const SECItem *info) { SECStatus rv; SECItem empty = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; CHECK_FAIL_ERR((!cx || !skR || !info || !enc || !enc->data || !enc->len), SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); /* Already setup */ CHECK_FAIL_ERR((cx->aeadContext), SEC_ERROR_INVALID_STATE); rv = pk11_hpke_Decap(cx, pkR, skR, enc); CHECK_RV(rv); rv = pk11_hpke_KeySchedule(cx, info); CHECK_RV(rv); /* Store the key context for subsequent calls to Open(). * PK11_CreateContextBySymKey refs the key internally. */ PORT_Assert(cx->key); cx->aeadContext = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(cx->aeadParams->mech, CKA_NSS_MESSAGE | CKA_DECRYPT, cx->key, &empty); CHECK_FAIL_ERR((!cx->aeadContext), SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE); CLEANUP: if (rv != SECSuccess) { /* Clear everything past NewContext. */ PK11_HPKE_DestroyContext(cx, PR_FALSE); } return rv; } SECStatus PK11_HPKE_SetupS(HpkeContext *cx, const SECKEYPublicKey *pkE, SECKEYPrivateKey *skE, SECKEYPublicKey *pkR, const SECItem *info) { SECStatus rv; SECItem empty = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; SECKEYPublicKey *tmpPkE = NULL; SECKEYPrivateKey *tmpSkE = NULL; CHECK_FAIL_ERR((!cx || !pkR || !info || (!!skE != !!pkE)), SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); /* Already setup */ CHECK_FAIL_ERR((cx->aeadContext), SEC_ERROR_INVALID_STATE); /* If NULL was passed for the local keypair, generate one. */ if (skE == NULL) { rv = pk11_hpke_GenerateKeyPair(cx, &tmpPkE, &tmpSkE); if (rv != SECSuccess) { /* Code set */ return SECFailure; } rv = pk11_hpke_Encap(cx, tmpPkE, tmpSkE, pkR); } else { rv = pk11_hpke_Encap(cx, pkE, skE, pkR); } CHECK_RV(rv); SECItem defaultInfo = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; if (!info || !info->data) { info = &defaultInfo; } rv = pk11_hpke_KeySchedule(cx, info); CHECK_RV(rv); PORT_Assert(cx->key); cx->aeadContext = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(cx->aeadParams->mech, CKA_NSS_MESSAGE | CKA_ENCRYPT, cx->key, &empty); CHECK_FAIL_ERR((!cx->aeadContext), SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE); CLEANUP: if (rv != SECSuccess) { /* Clear everything past NewContext. */ PK11_HPKE_DestroyContext(cx, PR_FALSE); } SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(tmpSkE); SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(tmpPkE); return rv; } SECStatus PK11_HPKE_Seal(HpkeContext *cx, const SECItem *aad, const SECItem *pt, SECItem **out) { SECStatus rv; PRUint8 ivOut[12] = { 0 }; SECItem *ct = NULL; size_t maxOut; unsigned char tagBuf[HASH_LENGTH_MAX]; size_t tagLen; unsigned int fixedBits; /* aad may be NULL, PT may be zero-length but not NULL. */ if (!cx || !cx->aeadContext || (aad && aad->len && !aad->data) || !pt || (pt->len && !pt->data) || !out) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); return SECFailure; } PORT_Assert(cx->baseNonce->len == sizeof(ivOut)); PORT_Memcpy(ivOut, cx->baseNonce->data, cx->baseNonce->len); tagLen = cx->aeadParams->tagLen; maxOut = pt->len + tagLen; fixedBits = (cx->baseNonce->len - 8) * 8; ct = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, maxOut); CHECK_FAIL(!ct); rv = PK11_AEADOp(cx->aeadContext, CKG_GENERATE_COUNTER_XOR, fixedBits, ivOut, sizeof(ivOut), aad ? aad->data : NULL, aad ? aad->len : 0, ct->data, (int *)&ct->len, maxOut, tagBuf, tagLen, pt->data, pt->len); CHECK_RV(rv); CHECK_FAIL_ERR((ct->len > maxOut - tagLen), SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE); /* Append the tag to the ciphertext. */ PORT_Memcpy(&ct->data[ct->len], tagBuf, tagLen); ct->len += tagLen; *out = ct; CLEANUP: if (rv != SECSuccess) { SECITEM_ZfreeItem(ct, PR_TRUE); } return rv; } /* PKCS #11 defines the IV generator function to be ignored on * decrypt (i.e. it uses the nonce input, as provided, as the IV). * The sequence number is kept independently on each endpoint and * the XORed IV is not transmitted, so we have to do our own IV * construction XOR outside of the token. */ static SECStatus pk11_hpke_makeIv(HpkeContext *cx, PRUint8 *iv, size_t ivLen) { unsigned int counterLen = sizeof(cx->sequenceNumber); PORT_Assert(cx->baseNonce->len == ivLen); PORT_Assert(counterLen == 8); if (cx->sequenceNumber == PR_UINT64(0xffffffffffffffff)) { /* Overflow */ PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_KEY); return SECFailure; } PORT_Memcpy(iv, cx->baseNonce->data, cx->baseNonce->len); for (size_t i = 0; i < counterLen; i++) { iv[cx->baseNonce->len - 1 - i] ^= PORT_GET_BYTE_BE(cx->sequenceNumber, counterLen - 1 - i, counterLen); } return SECSuccess; } SECStatus PK11_HPKE_Open(HpkeContext *cx, const SECItem *aad, const SECItem *ct, SECItem **out) { SECStatus rv; PRUint8 constructedNonce[12] = { 0 }; unsigned int tagLen; SECItem *pt = NULL; /* aad may be NULL, CT may be zero-length but not NULL. */ if ((!cx || !cx->aeadContext || !ct || !out) || (aad && aad->len && !aad->data) || (!ct->data || (ct->data && !ct->len))) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); return SECFailure; } tagLen = cx->aeadParams->tagLen; CHECK_FAIL_ERR((ct->len < tagLen), SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); pt = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, ct->len); CHECK_FAIL(!pt); rv = pk11_hpke_makeIv(cx, constructedNonce, sizeof(constructedNonce)); CHECK_RV(rv); rv = PK11_AEADOp(cx->aeadContext, CKG_NO_GENERATE, 0, constructedNonce, sizeof(constructedNonce), aad ? aad->data : NULL, aad ? aad->len : 0, pt->data, (int *)&pt->len, pt->len, &ct->data[ct->len - tagLen], tagLen, ct->data, ct->len - tagLen); CHECK_RV(rv); cx->sequenceNumber++; *out = pt; CLEANUP: if (rv != SECSuccess) { SECITEM_ZfreeItem(pt, PR_TRUE); } return rv; }