From f26f66d866ba1a9f3204e6fdfe2b07e67b5492ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Baumann Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 21:41:32 +0200 Subject: Adding upstream version 2.8. Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann --- Documentation/nvme-connect-all.html | 1283 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1283 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Documentation/nvme-connect-all.html (limited to 'Documentation/nvme-connect-all.html') diff --git a/Documentation/nvme-connect-all.html b/Documentation/nvme-connect-all.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a3ef23 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/nvme-connect-all.html @@ -0,0 +1,1283 @@ + + + + + + +nvme-connect-all(1) + + + + + +


nvme connect-all [--transport=<trtype> | -t <trtype>]
+                        [--nqn=<subnqn> | -n <subnqn>]
+                        [--traddr=<traddr> | -a <traddr>]
+                        [--trsvcid=<trsvcid> | -s <trsvcid>]
+                        [--host-traddr=<traddr> | -w <traddr>]
+                        [--host-iface=<iface> | -f <iface>]
+                        [--hostnqn=<hostnqn> | -q <hostnqn>]
+                        [--hostid=<hostid> | -I <hostid>]
+                        [--raw=<filename> | -r <filename>]
+                        [--device=<device> | -d <device>]
+                        [--config=<filename> | -J <cfg>]
+                        [--keep-alive-tmo=<sec> | -k <sec>]
+                        [--reconnect-delay=<#> | -c <#>]
+                        [--ctrl-loss-tmo=<#>     | -l <#>]
+                        [--nr-io-queues=<#> | -i <#>]
+                        [--nr-write-queues=<#> | -W <#>]
+                        [--nr-poll-queues=<#> | -P <#>]
+                        [--queue-size=<#> | -Q <#>] [--keyring=<#>]
+                        [--tls_key=<#>] [--hdr-digest | -g] [--data-digest | -G]
+                        [--persistent | -p] [--tls] [--concat] [--quiet | -S]
+                        [--dump-config | -O] [--nbft] [--no-nbft]
+                        [--nbft-path=<STR>] [--context=<STR>]
+                        [--output-format=<fmt> | -o <fmt>] [--verbose | -v]



Send one or more Discovery requests to a NVMe over Fabrics Discovery +Controller, and create controllers for the returned discovery records.


If no parameters are given, then nvme connect-all will attempt to +find a /usr/local/etc/nvme/discovery.conf file to use to supply a list of +connect-all commands to run. If no /usr/local/etc/nvme/discovery.conf file +exists, the command will quit with an error.


Otherwise a specific Discovery Controller should be specified using the +--transport, --traddr and if necessary the --trsvcid and a Discovery +request will be sent to the specified Discovery Controller.


See the documentation for the nvme-discover(1) command for further +background.



+-t <trtype> +
+--transport=<trtype> +

+ This field specifies the network fabric being used for + a NVMe-over-Fabrics network. Current string values include: +

+ +++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +




The network fabric is an rdma network (RoCE, iWARP, Infiniband, basic rdma, etc)


WIP The network fabric is a Fibre Channel network.


The network fabric is a TCP/IP network.


Connect to a NVMe over Fabrics target on the local host

+-n <subnqn> +
+--nqn <subnqn> +

+ This field specifies the name for the NVMe subsystem to connect to. +

+-a <traddr> +
+--traddr=<traddr> +

+ This field specifies the network address of the Discovery Controller. + For transports using IP addressing (e.g. rdma) this should be an + IP-based address (ex. IPv4). +

+-s <trsvcid> +
+--trsvcid=<trsvcid> +

+ This field specifies the transport service id. For transports using IP + addressing (e.g. rdma) this field is the port number. By default, the IP + port number for the RDMA transport is 4420. +

+-w <traddr> +
+--host-traddr=<traddr> +

+ This field specifies the network address used on the host to connect + to the Controller. For TCP, this sets the source address on the socket. +

+-f <iface> +
+--host-iface=<iface> +

+ This field specifies the network interface used on the host to connect + to the Controller (e.g. IP eth1, enp2s0, enx78e7d1ea46da). This forces + the connection to be made on a specific interface instead of letting + the system decide. +

+-q <hostnqn> +
+--hostnqn=<hostnqn> +

+ Overrides the default Host NQN that identifies the NVMe Host. + If this option is not specified, the default is read from + /usr/local/etc/nvme/hostnqn first. If that does not exist, the + autogenerated NQN value from the NVMe Host kernel module is used next. + The Host NQN uniquely identifies the NVMe Host, and may be used by the + the Discovery Controller to control what NVMe Target resources are + allocated to the NVMe Host for a connection. +

+-I <hostid> +
+--hostid=<hostid> +

+ UUID(Universally Unique Identifier) to be discovered which should be + formatted. +

+-r <filename> +
+--raw=<filename> +

+ This field will take the output of the nvme connect-all command + and dump it to a raw binary file. By default nvme connect-all will + dump the output to stdout. +

+-d <device> +
+--device=<device> +

+ This field takes a device as input. It must be a persistent device + associated with a Discovery Controller previously created by the + command "connect-all" or "discover". <device> follows the format + nvme*, eg. nvme0, nvme1. +

+-J <filename> +
+--config=<filename> +

+ Use the specified JSON configuration file instead of the + default /usr/local/etc/nvme/config.json file or none to not read in + an existing configuration file. The JSON configuration file + format is documented in + +

+-k <#> +
+--keep-alive-tmo=<#> +

+ Overrides the default keep alive timeout (in seconds). This + option will be ignored for discovery, but will be passed on to + the subsequent connect call. +

+-c <#> +
+--reconnect-delay=<#> +

+ Overrides the default delay (in seconds) before reconnect is attempted + after a connect loss. +

+-l <#> +
+--ctrl-loss-tmo=<#> +

+ Overrides the default controller loss timeout period (in seconds). +

+-i <#> +
+--nr-io-queues=<#> +

+ Overrides the default number of I/O queues create by the driver. + This option will be ignored for discovery, but will be passed on + to the subsequent connect call. +

+-W <#> +
+--nr-write-queues=<#> +

+ Adds additional queues that will be used for write I/O. +

+-P <#> +
+--nr-poll-queues=<#> +

+ Adds additional queues that will be used for polling latency sensitive I/O. +

+-Q <#> +
+--queue-size=<#> +

+ Overrides the default number of elements in the I/O queues created + by the driver. This option will be ignored for discovery, but will be + passed on to the subsequent connect call. +

+--keyring=<#> +

+ Keyring for TLS key lookup. +

+--tls_key=<#> +

+ TLS key for the connection (TCP). +

+-g +
+--hdr-digest +

+ Generates/verifies header digest (TCP). +

+-G +
+--data-digest +

+ Generates/verifies data digest (TCP). +

+-p +
+--persistent +

+ Don’t remove the discovery controller after retrieving the discovery + log page. +

+--tls +

+ Enable TLS encryption (TCP). +

+--concat +

+ Enable secure concatenation (TCP). +

+-S +
+--quiet +

+ Suppress error messages. +

+-O +
+--dump-config +

+ Print out resulting JSON configuration file to stdout. +

+--nbft +

+ Only look at NBFT tables +

+--no-nbft +

+ Do not look at NBFT tables +

+--nbft-path=<STR> +

+ Use a user-defined path to the NBFT tables +

+--context <STR> +

+ Set the execution context to <STR>. This allows to coordinate + the management of the global resources. +

+-o <fmt> +
+--output-format=<fmt> +

+ Set the reporting format to normal, json or binary. Only one + output format can be used at a time. +

+-v +
+--verbose +

+ Increase the information detail in the output. +



  • +

    +Connect to all records returned by the Discover Controller with IP4 address + for all resources allocated for NVMe Host name host1-rogue-nqn on +the RDMA network. Port 4420 is used by default: +

    # nvme connect-all --transport=rdma --traddr= \
  • +
  • +

    +Issue a nvme connect-all command using the default system defined NBFT tables: +

    # nvme connect-all --nbft
  • +
  • +

    +Issue a nvme connect-all command with a user-defined path for the NBFT table: +

    # nvme connet-all --nbft-path=/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/NBFT1
  • +
  • +

    +Issue a nvme connect-all command using a /usr/local/etc/nvme/discovery.conf file: +

    # Machine default 'nvme discover' commands. Query the
    +# Discovery Controller's two ports (some resources may only
    +# be accessible on a single port). Note an official
    +# nqn (Host) name defined in the NVMe specification is being used
    +# in this example.
    +-t rdma -a -s 4420 -q
    +-t rdma -a   -s 4420 -q
    +At the prompt type "nvme connect-all".
  • +



nvme-discover(1) +nvme-connect(1)




Part of the nvme-user suite


+ + + -- cgit v1.2.3