path: root/contrib/slapd-modules/ppm/slapm-ppm.5
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-15 17:54:12 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-15 17:54:12 +0000
commitb527294153be3b79563c82c66102adc0004736c0 (patch)
tree9b423a224848441885190b5ea7cf0feb23510c9d /contrib/slapd-modules/ppm/slapm-ppm.5
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 2.6.7+dfsg.upstream/2.6.7+dfsg
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/slapd-modules/ppm/slapm-ppm.5 b/contrib/slapd-modules/ppm/slapm-ppm.5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a852037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/slapd-modules/ppm/slapm-ppm.5
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc
+.TH "ppm" "5" "August 24, 2021" "ppm" "File Formats Manual"
+ppm (Password Policy Module) - extension of the password policy overlay
+\f[B]ppm\f[R] is an OpenLDAP module for checking password quality when
+they are modified.
+Passwords are checked against the presence or absence of certain
+character classes.
+This module is used as an extension of the OpenLDAP password policy
+controls, see slapo-ppolicy(5) section \f[B]pwdCheckModule\f[R].
+Create a password policy entry and indicate the path of the
+library and the content of the desired policy.
+Use a base64 tool to code / decode the content of the policy stored into
+Here is an example for OpenLDAP 2.6:
+dn: cn=default,ou=policies,dc=my-domain,dc=com
+objectClass: pwdPolicy
+objectClass: top
+objectClass: pwdPolicyChecker
+objectClass: person
+pwdCheckQuality: 2
+pwdAttribute: userPassword
+sn: default
+cn: default
+pwdMinLength: 6
+pwdCheckModuleArg:: bWluUXVhbGl0eSAzCmNoZWNrUkROIDAKY2hlY2tBdHRyaWJ1dGVzCmZvcmJpZGRlbkNoYXJzCm1heENvbnNlY3V0aXZlUGVyQ2xhc3MgMAp1c2VDcmFja2xpYiAwCmNyYWNrbGliRGljdCAvdmFyL2NhY2hlL2NyYWNrbGliL2NyYWNrbGliX2RpY3QKY2xhc3MtdXBwZXJDYXNlIEFCQ0RFRkdISUpLTE1OT1BRUlNUVVZXWFlaIDAgMSAwCmNsYXNzLWxvd2VyQ2FzZSBhYmNkZWZnaGlqa2xtbm9wcXJzdHV2d3h5eiAwIDEgMApjbGFzcy1kaWdpdCAwMTIzNDU2Nzg5IDAgMSAwCmNsYXNzLXNwZWNpYWwgPD4sPzsuOi8hwqfDuSUqwrVewqgkwqPCsibDqX4iIyd7KFstfMOoYF9cw6dew6BAKV3CsD19KyAwIDEgMAoK
+pwdUseCheckModule: TRUE
+For OpenLDAP 2.5, you must add a \f[B]pwdCheckModule\f[R] attribute
+pointing to the ppm module (for example /usr/local/lib/, and
+remove the \f[B]pwdUseCheckModule\f[R] attribute.
+See \f[B]slapo-ppolicy\f[R] for more information, but to sum up:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+enable ppolicy overlay in your database.
+.IP \[bu] 2
+define a default password policy in OpenLDAP configuration or use
+pwdPolicySubentry attribute to point to the given policy.
+This example show the activation for a \f[B]slapd.conf\f[R] file for
+OpenLDAP 2.6 (see \f[B]slapd-config\f[R] and \f[B]slapo-ppolicy\f[R] for
+more information for \f[B]cn=config\f[R] configuration)
+overlay ppolicy
+ppolicy_default \[dq]cn=default,ou=policies,dc=my-domain,dc=com\[dq]
+ppolicy_check_module /usr/local/openldap/libexec/openldap/
+#ppolicy_use_lockout # for having more infos about the lockout
+For OpenLDAP 2.5, you must remove \f[B]ppolicy_check_module\f[R]
+parameter as it is managed in the password policy definition
+Here are the main features:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+4 character classes are defined by default: upper case, lower case,
+digits and special characters.
+.IP \[bu] 2
+more character classes can be defined, just write your own.
+.IP \[bu] 2
+passwords must match the amount of quality points.
+A point is validated when at least m characters of the corresponding
+character class are present in the password.
+.IP \[bu] 2
+passwords must have at least n of the corresponding character class
+present, else they are rejected.
+.IP \[bu] 2
+passwords must have at the most x occurrences of characters from the
+corresponding character class, else they are rejected.
+.IP \[bu] 2
+the three previous criteria are checked against any specific character
+class defined.
+.IP \[bu] 2
+if a password contains any of the forbidden characters, then it is
+.IP \[bu] 2
+if a password contains tokens from the RDN, then it is rejected.
+.IP \[bu] 2
+if a password contains tokens from defined attributes, then it is
+.IP \[bu] 2
+if a password does not pass cracklib check, then it is rejected.
+Since OpenLDAP 2.5 version, ppm configuration is held in a binary
+attribute of the password policy: \f[B]pwdCheckModuleArg\f[R]
+The example file (\f[B]/usr/local/etc/openldap/ppm.example\f[R] by default) is to be
+considered as an example configuration, to import in the
+\f[B]pwdCheckModuleArg\f[R] attribute.
+It is also used for testing passwords with the test program provided.
+If for some reasons, any parameter is not found, it will be given its
+default value.
+Note: you can still compile ppm to use the configuration file, by
+enabling \f[B]PPM_READ_FILE\f[R] in \f[B]ppm.h\f[R] (but this is
+deprecated now).
+If you decide to do so, you can use the \f[B]PPM_CONFIG_FILE\f[R]
+environment variable for overloading the configuration file path.
+The syntax of a configuration line is:
+parameter value [min] [minForPoint] [max]
+with spaces being delimiters and Line Feed (LF) ending the line.
+Parameter names \f[B]are\f[R] case sensitive.
+Lines beginning by a \f[B]#\f[R] are considered as comments.
+The default configuration is the following:
+# minQuality parameter
+# Format:
+# minQuality [NUMBER]
+# Description:
+# One point is granted for each class for which MIN_FOR_POINT criteria is fulfilled.
+# defines the minimum point numbers for the password to be accepted.
+minQuality 3
+# checkRDN parameter
+# Format:
+# checkRDN [0 | 1]
+# Description:
+# If set to 1, password must not contain a token from the RDN.
+# Tokens are separated by the following delimiters : space tabulation _ - , ; \[Po]
+checkRDN 0
+# checkAttributes parameter
+# Format:
+# checkAttributes [ATTR1,ATTR2,...]
+# Description:
+# Password must not contain a token from the values in the given list of attributes
+# Tokens are substrings of the values of the given attributes,
+# delimited by: space tabulation _ - , ; \[at]
+# For example, if uid=\[dq]the wonderful entry\[dq],
+# password must not contain \[dq]the\[dq], nor \[dq]wonderful\[dq], nor \[dq]entry\[dq]
+# forbiddenChars parameter
+# Format:
+# forbiddenChars [CHARACTERS_FORBIDDEN]
+# Description:
+# Defines the forbidden characters list (no separator).
+# If one of them is found in the password, then it is rejected.
+# maxConsecutivePerClass parameter
+# Format:
+# maxConsecutivePerClass [NUMBER]
+# Description:
+# Defines the maximum number of consecutive character allowed for any class
+maxConsecutivePerClass 0
+# useCracklib parameter
+# Format:
+# useCracklib [0 | 1]
+# Description:
+# If set to 1, the password must pass the cracklib check
+useCracklib 0
+# cracklibDict parameter
+# Format:
+# cracklibDict [path_to_cracklib_dictionary]
+# Description:
+# directory+filename-prefix that your version of CrackLib will go hunting for
+# For example, /var/pw_dict resolves as /var/pw_dict.pwd,
+# /var/pw_dict.pwi and /var/pw_dict.hwm dictionary files
+cracklibDict /var/cache/cracklib/cracklib_dict
+# classes parameter
+# Format:
+# Description:
+# [CHARACTERS_DEFINING_CLASS]: characters defining the class (no separator)
+# [MIN]: If at least [MIN] characters of this class is not found in the password, then it is rejected
+# [MIN_FOR_POINT]: one point is granted if password contains at least [MIN_FOR_POINT] character numbers of this class
+# [MAX]: if > [MAX] occurrences of characters from this class are found, then the password is rejected (0 means no maximum)
+class-lowerCase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 1 0
+class-digit 0123456789 0 1 0
+class-special <>,?;.:/!\[sc]\[`u]%*\[mc]\[ha]\[ad]$\[Po]\[S2]&\['e]\[ti]\[dq]#\[aq]{([-|\[`e]\[ga]_\[rs]\[,c]\[ha]\[`a]\[at])]\[de]=}+ 0 1 0
+With this policy:
+minQuality 4
+forbiddenChars .?,
+checkRDN 1
+checkAttributes mail
+class-lowerCase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 12 0
+class-digit 0123456789 0 1 0
+class-special <>,?;.:/!\[sc]\[`u]%*\[mc]\[ha]\[ad]$\[Po]\[S2]&\['e]\[ti]\[dq]#\[aq]{([-|\[`e]\[ga]_\[rs]\[,c]\[ha]\[`a]\[at])]\[de]=}+ 0 1 0
+class-myClass :) 1 1 0
+the password \f[B]ThereIsNoCowLevel)\f[R] is working, because:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+it has 4 character classes validated : upper, lower, special, and
+.IP \[bu] 2
+it has no character among .?,
+.IP \[bu] 2
+it has at least one character among : or )
+but it won\[cq]t work for the user uid=John
+Cowlevel,ou=people,cn=example,cn=com, because the token
+\[lq]Cowlevel\[rq] from his RDN exists in the password (case
+Also, it won\[cq]t work for a mail attribute containing:
+\[lq]thereis\[at]\[rq] because the part \[lq]thereis\[rq]
+matches the password.
+If a user password is rejected by \f[B]ppm\f[R], the user will get this
+type of message:
+Typical user message from ldappasswd(5):
+ Result: Constraint violation (19)
+ Additional info: Password for dn=\[rs]\[dq]%s\[rs]\[dq] does not pass required number of strength checks (2 of 3)
+A more detailed message is written to the server log.
+While evaluating a password change, you should observe something looking
+at this in the logs:
+ppm: entry uid=jack.oneill,ou=people,dc=my-domain,dc=com
+ppm: Reading pwdCheckModuleArg attribute
+ppm: RAW configuration: minQuality 3#012checkRDN 0#012checkAttributes mail,uid#012forbiddenChars#012maxConsecutivePerClass 0#012useCracklib 0#012cracklibDict /var/cache/cracklib/cracklib_dict#012class-upperCase ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0 1 0#012class-lowerCase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 1 0#012class-digit 0123456789 0 1 0#012class-special <>,?;.:/!\[sc]\[`u]%*\[mc]\[ha]\[ad]$\[Po]\[S2]&\['e]\[ti]\[dq]#\[aq]{([-|\[`e]\[ga]_\[rs]\[,c]\[ha]\[`a]\[at])]\[de]=}+ 0 1 0
+ppm: Parsing pwdCheckModuleArg attribute
+ppm: get line: minQuality 3
+ppm: Param = minQuality, value = 3, min = (null), minForPoint= (null)
+ppm: Accepted replaced value: 3
+ppm: get line: checkRDN 0
+ppm: Param = checkRDN, value = 0, min = (null), minForPoint= (null)
+ppm: Accepted replaced value: 0
+ppm: get line: checkAttributes mail,uid
+ppm: Param = checkAttributes, value = mail,uid, min = (null), minForPoint= (null)
+ppm: Accepted replaced value: mail,uid
+ppm: get line: forbiddenChars
+ppm: No value, goto next parameter
+ppm: get line: maxConsecutivePerClass 0
+ppm: Param = maxConsecutivePerClass, value = 0, min = (null), minForPoint= (null)
+ppm: Accepted replaced value: 0
+ppm: get line: useCracklib 0
+ppm: Param = useCracklib, value = 0, min = (null), minForPoint= (null)
+ppm: Accepted replaced value: 0
+ppm: get line: cracklibDict /var/cache/cracklib/cracklib_dict
+ppm: Param = cracklibDict, value = /var/cache/cracklib/cracklib_dict, min = (null), minForPoint= (null)
+ppm: Accepted replaced value: /var/cache/cracklib/cracklib_dict
+ppm: get line: class-upperCase ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0 1 0
+ppm: Param = class-upperCase, value = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, min = 0, minForPoint = 1, max = 0
+ppm: Accepted replaced value: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
+ppm: get line: class-lowerCase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 1 0
+ppm: Param = class-lowerCase, value = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, min = 0, minForPoint = 1, max = 0
+ppm: Accepted replaced value: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+ppm: get line: class-digit 0123456789 0 1 0
+ppm: Param = class-digit, value = 0123456789, min = 0, minForPoint = 1, max = 0
+ppm: Accepted replaced value: 0123456789
+ppm: get line: class-special <>,?;.:/!\[sc]\[`u]%*\[mc]\[ha]\[ad]$\[Po]\[S2]&\['e]\[ti]\[dq]#\[aq]{([-|\[`e]\[ga]_\[rs]\[,c]\[ha]\[`a]\[at])]\[de]=}+ 0 1 0
+ppm: Param = class-special, value = <>,?;.:/!\[sc]\[`u]%*\[mc]\[ha]\[ad]$\[Po]\[S2]&\['e]\[ti]\[dq]#\[aq]{([-|\[`e]\[ga]_\[rs]\[,c]\[ha]\[`a]\[at])]\[de]=}+, min = 0, minForPoint = 1, max = 0
+ppm: Accepted replaced value: <>,?;.:/!\[sc]\[`u]%*\[mc]\[ha]\[ad]$\[Po]\[S2]&\['e]\[ti]\[dq]#\[aq]{([-|\[`e]\[ga]_\[rs]\[,c]\[ha]\[`a]\[at])]\[de]=}+
+ppm: 1 point granted for class class-upperCase
+ppm: 1 point granted for class class-lowerCase
+ppm: Reallocating szErrStr from 64 to 179
+check_password_quality: module error: (/usr/local/openldap/libexec/openldap/ Password for dn=\[dq]uid=jack.oneill,ou=people,dc=my-domain,dc=com\[dq] does not pass required number of strength checks (2 of 3).[1]
+There is a unit test script: \f[B]\f[R] that illustrates
+checking some passwords.
+It is possible to test one particular password using directly the test
+cd /usr/local/lib
+LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./ppm_test \[dq]uid=test,ou=users,dc=my-domain,dc=com\[dq] \[dq]my_password\[dq] \[dq]/usr/local/etc/openldap/ppm.example\[dq] && echo OK
+example of ppm configuration to be inserted in
+\f[B]pwdCheckModuleArg\f[R] attribute of given password policy
+ppm library, loaded by the \f[B]pwdCheckModule\f[R] attribute of given
+password policy (OpenLDAP 2.5) or by the \f[B]ppolicy_check_module\f[R]
+/ \f[B]olcPPolicyCheckModule\f[R] parameters of the ppolicy overlay
+(OpenLDAP 2.6)
+small test program for checking password in a command-line
+\f[B]slapo-ppolicy\f[R](5), \f[B]slapd-config\f[R](5),
+This module was developed in 2014-2022 by David Coutadeur.