.TH SLAPD-PW-RADIUS 5 "RELEASEDATE" "OpenLDAP LDVERSION" .\" Copyright 2015-2024 The OpenLDAP Foundation All Rights Reserved. .\" Copying restrictions apply. See COPYRIGHT/LICENSE. .\" $OpenLDAP$ .SH NAME slapd-pw-radius \- Radius backend password module to slapd .SH SYNOPSIS ETCDIR/slapd.conf .RS .LP .B moduleload .B pw-radius .I /path/to/radius.conf .RE .SH DESCRIPTION .LP The .B pw-radius module to .BR slapd (8) provides support for using a RADIUS infrastructure as backend to verify the password provided in Simple Bind operations to OpenLDAP. .LP It does so by providing an additional password scheme for use in slapd: .RS .TP .B {RADIUS} RADIUS password scheme .RE .LP Unlike in other password schemes, the value following the scheme is not a - potentially hashed - password, but the name of the corresponding RADIUS user in the RADIUS infrastructure. .LP This value, together with the password used in the Simple Bind operation, will be sent to the RADIUS server for authentication. .LP If the RADIUS server successfully authenticates the user, then the password verification succeeds, resulting in the LDAP Bind operation's success. .LP Conversely, failed RADIUS authentications leads to failing LDAP Binds. .SH CONFIGURATION The .B pw-radius module needs no configuration beyond the additional .I filename argument to .BR slapd.conf (5)'s .B moduleload directive. This filename is expected to point to a valid .BR radius.conf (5). file adhering to .BR libradius (3). .LP After loading the module, the password scheme .B {RADIUS} will be recognised in values of the .I userPassword attribute. .SH NOTES Owing to its construction, using the .B {RADIUS} scheme as argument to the .BR password-hash option in .BR slapd.conf (5) does not make much sense, because of the scheme's construction. .LP This also applies to the use of the .B {RADIUS} scheme in .B slappasswd or .BR ldappasswd . .SH EXAMPLES To indicate that Simple Bind operations shall use the RADIUS user .B johndoe when validating passwords against the RADIUS infrastructure, set a user's LDAP attribute userPassword to: .EX .LP userPassword: {RADIUS}johndoe .EE .SH LIMITATIONS Due to the way the configuration is loaded (additional argument to slapd.conf's moduleload directive), this module cannot be used with table-driven configuration. .SH SEE ALSO .BR slapd.conf (5), .BR libradius (3) .BR ldap (3), .LP "OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide" (http://www.OpenLDAP.org/doc/admin/) .LP .SH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This manual page has been written by Peter Marschall. .LP .B OpenLDAP is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project (http://www.openldap.org/). .B OpenLDAP is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.