.TH SLAPD 8C "RELEASEDATE" "OpenLDAP LDVERSION" .\" Copyright 1998-2024 The OpenLDAP Foundation All Rights Reserved. .\" Copying restrictions apply. See COPYRIGHT/LICENSE. .\" $OpenLDAP$ .SH NAME slapd \- Stand-alone LDAP Daemon .SH SYNOPSIS .B LIBEXECDIR/slapd [\c .BR \-V [ V [ V ]] [\c .BR \-4 | \-6 ] [\c .BR \-T \ { acl \||\| a [ dd ]\||\| auth \||\| c [ at ]\||\| .BR d [ n ]\||\| i [ ndex ]\||\| m [ odify ]\||\| p [ asswd ]\||\| s [ chema ]\||\| t [ est ]}] [\c .BI \-d \ debug-level\fR] [\c .BI \-f \ slapd-config-file\fR] [\c .BI \-F \ slapd-config-directory\fR] [\c .BI \-h \ URLs\fR] [\c .BI \-n \ service-name\fR] [\c .BI \-s \ syslog-level\fR] [\c .BI \-l \ syslog-local-user\fR] [\c .BI \-o \ option\fR[ = value\fR]] [\c .BI \-r \ directory\fR] [\c .BI \-u \ user\fR] [\c .BI \-g \ group\fR] [\c .BI \-c \ cookie\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .LP .B Slapd is the stand-alone LDAP daemon. It listens for LDAP connections on any number of ports (default \fB389\fP), responding to the LDAP operations it receives over these connections. .B slapd is typically invoked at boot time, usually out of .BR /etc/rc.local . Upon startup, .B slapd normally forks and disassociates itself from the invoking tty. If configured in the config file (or config directory), the .B slapd process will print its process ID (see .BR getpid (2)) to a .B .pid file, as well as the command line options during invocation to an .B .args file (see .BR slapd.conf (5)). If the .B \-d flag is given, even with a zero argument, .B slapd will not fork and disassociate from the invoking tty. .LP See the "OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide" for more details on .BR slapd . .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-V [ V [ V ]] Print version info and proceed with startup. If \fB\-VV\fP is given, exit after providing version info. If \fB\-VVV\fP is given, additionally provide information on static overlays and backends. .TP .B \-4 Listen on IPv4 addresses only. .TP .B \-6 Listen on IPv6 addresses only. .TP .BI \-T \ tool Run in Tool mode. The \fItool\fP argument selects whether to run as .IR slapadd , .IR slapcat , .IR slapdn , .IR slapindex , .IR slapmodify , .IR slappasswd , .IR slapschema , or .I slaptest (\fIslapacl\fP and \fIslapauth\fP need the entire \fBacl\fP and \fBauth\fP option value to be spelled out, as \fBa\fP is reserved to .IR slapadd ). This option should be the first option specified when it is used; any remaining options will be interpreted by the corresponding slap tool program, according to the respective man pages. Note that these tool programs will usually be symbolic links to .BR slapd . This option is provided for situations where symbolic links are not provided or not usable. .TP .BI \-d \ debug-level Turn on debugging as defined by .IR debug-level . If this option is specified, even with a zero argument, .B slapd will not fork or disassociate from the invoking terminal. Some general operation and status messages are printed for any value of \fIdebug-level\fP. \fIdebug-level\fP is taken as a bit string, with each bit corresponding to a different kind of debugging information. See for details. Comma-separated arrays of friendly names can be specified to select debugging output of the corresponding debugging information. All the names recognized by the \fIloglevel\fP directive described in \fBslapd.conf\fP(5) are supported. If \fIdebug-level\fP is \fB?\fP, a list of installed debug-levels is printed, and slapd exits. Remember that if you turn on packet logging, packets containing bind passwords will be output, so if you redirect the log to a logfile, that file should be read-protected. .TP .BI \-s \ syslog-level This option tells .B slapd at what debug-level debugging statements should be logged to the .BR syslog (8) facility. The value \fIsyslog-level\fP can be set to any value or combination allowed by the \fB\-d\fP switch. Slapd logs all messages selected by \fIsyslog-level\fP at the .BR syslog (3) severity debug-level \fBDEBUG\fP, on the unit specified with \fB\-l\fP. .TP .BI \-n \ service-name Specifies the service name for logging and other purposes. Defaults to basename of argv[0], i.e.: "slapd". .TP .BI \-l \ syslog-local-user Selects the local user of the .BR syslog (8) facility. Value can be .BR LOCAL0 , through .BR LOCAL7 , as well as .B USER and .BR DAEMON . The default is .BR LOCAL4 . However, this option is only permitted on systems that support local users with the .BR syslog (8) facility. Logging to syslog(8) occurs at the "DEBUG" severity debug-level. .TP .BI \-f \ slapd-config-file Specifies the slapd configuration file. The default is .BR ETCDIR/slapd.conf . .TP .BI \-F \ slapd-config-directory Specifies the slapd configuration directory. The default is .BR ETCDIR/slapd.d . If both .B \-f and .B \-F are specified, the config file will be read and converted to config directory format and written to the specified directory. If neither option is specified, slapd will attempt to read the default config directory before trying to use the default config file. If a valid config directory exists then the default config file is ignored. All of the slap tools that use the config options observe this same behavior. .TP .BI \-h \ URLlist .B slapd will by default serve .B ldap:/// (LDAP over TCP on all interfaces on default LDAP port). That is, it will bind using INADDR_ANY and port \fB389\fP. The .B \-h option may be used to specify LDAP (and other scheme) URLs to serve. For example, if slapd is given .BR "\-h \(dqldap:// ldaps:/// ldapi:///\(dq" , it will listen on for LDAP, for LDAP over TLS, and LDAP over IPC (Unix domain sockets). Host represents INADDR_ANY (any interface). A space separated list of URLs is expected. The URLs should be of the LDAP, PLDAP, LDAPS, PLDAPS, or LDAPI schemes, and generally without a DN or other optional parameters (excepting as discussed below). Support for the latter three schemes depends on selected configuration options. Hosts may be specified by name or IPv4 and IPv6 address formats. Ports, if specified, must be numeric. The default ldap:// port is \fB389\fP and the default ldaps:// port is \fB636\fP, same for the proxy enabled variants. The PLDAP and PLDAPS URL schemes provide support for the HAProxy proxy protocol version 2, which allows a load balancer or proxy server to provide the remote client IP address to slapd to be used for access control or logging. Ports configured for PLDAP or PLDAPS will only accept connections that include the necessary proxy protocol header. Connections to these ports should be restricted at the network level to only trusted load balancers or proxies to avoid spoofing of client IP addresses by third parties. For LDAP over IPC, .B name is the name of the socket, and no .B port is required, nor allowed; note that directory separators must be URL-encoded, like any other characters that are special to URLs; so the socket /usr/local/var/ldapi must be specified as ldapi://%2Fusr%2Flocal%2Fvar%2Fldapi The default location for the IPC socket is LOCALSTATEDIR/run/ldapi The listener permissions are indicated by "x\-mod=\-rwxrwxrwx", "x\-mod=0777" or "x\-mod=777", where any of the "rwx" can be "\-" to suppress the related permission, while any of the "7" can be any legal octal digit, according to chmod(1). The listeners can take advantage of the "x\-mod" extension to apply rough limitations to operations, e.g. allow read operations ("r", which applies to search and compare), write operations ("w", which applies to add, delete, modify and modrdn), and execute operations ("x", which means bind is required). "User" permissions apply to authenticated users, while "other" apply to anonymous users; "group" permissions are ignored. For example, "ldap:///????x\-mod=\-rw\-\-\-\-\-\-\-" means that read and write is only allowed for authenticated connections, and bind is required for all operations. This feature is experimental, and requires to be manually enabled at configure time. .TP .BI \-r \ directory Specifies a directory to become the root directory. slapd will change the current working directory to this directory and then .BR chroot (2) to this directory. This is done after opening listeners but before reading any configuration file or initializing any backend. When used as a security mechanism, it should be used in conjunction with .B \-u and .B \-g options. .TP .BI \-u \ user .B slapd will run slapd with the specified user name or id, and that user's supplementary group access list as set with initgroups(3). The group ID is also changed to this user's gid, unless the \fB\-g\fP option is used to override. Note when used with .BR \-r , slapd will use the user database in the change root environment. Note that on some systems, running as a non-privileged user will prevent passwd back-ends from accessing the encrypted passwords. Note also that any shell back-ends will run as the specified non-privileged user. .TP .BI \-g \ group .B slapd will run with the specified group name or id. Note when used with .BR \-r , slapd will use the group database in the change root environment. .TP .BI \-c \ cookie This option provides a cookie for the syncrepl replication consumer. The cookie is a comma separated list of \fIname=value\fP pairs. Currently supported syncrepl cookie fields are .BR rid , .BR sid , and .BR csn . .B rid identifies a replication thread within the consumer server and is used to find the syncrepl specification in .BR slapd.conf (5) or .BR slapd\-config (5) having the matching replication identifier in its definition. The .B rid must be provided in order for any other specified values to be used. .B sid is the server id in a multi-provider configuration. .B csn is the commit sequence number received by a previous synchronization and represents the state of the consumer content which the syncrepl engine will synchronize to the current provider content. In case of \fImulti-provider\fP replication agreement, multiple .B csn values, semicolon separated, can appear. Use only the .B rid part to force a full reload. .TP .BI \-o \ option\fR[ = value\fR] This option provides a generic means to specify options without the need to reserve a separate letter for them. It supports the following options: .RS .TP .BR slp= { on \||\| off \||\| \fIslp-attrs\fP } When SLP support is compiled into slapd, disable it (\fBoff\fP), enable it by registering at SLP DAs without specific SLP attributes (\fBon\fP), or with specific SLP attributes .I slp-attrs that must be an SLP attribute list definition according to the SLP standard. For example, \fB"slp=(tree=production),(server-type=OpenLDAP),(server\-version=2.4.15)"\fP registers at SLP DAs with the three SLP attributes tree, server-type and server-version that have the values given above. This allows one to specifically query the SLP DAs for LDAP servers holding the .I production tree in case multiple trees are available. .RE .SH EXAMPLES To start .I slapd and have it fork and detach from the terminal and start serving the LDAP databases defined in the default config file, just type: .LP .nf .ft tt LIBEXECDIR/slapd .ft .fi .LP To start .B slapd with an alternate configuration file, and turn on voluminous debugging which will be printed on standard error, type: .LP .nf .ft tt LIBEXECDIR/slapd \-f /var/tmp/slapd.conf \-d 255 .ft .fi .LP To test whether the configuration file is correct or not, type: .LP .nf .ft tt LIBEXECDIR/slapd \-Tt .ft .fi .LP .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR ldap (3), .BR slapd.conf (5), .BR slapd\-config (5), .BR slapd.access (5), .BR slapacl (8), .BR slapadd (8), .BR slapauth (8), .BR slapcat (8), .BR slapdn (8), .BR slapindex (8), .BR slapmodify (8), .BR slappasswd (8), .BR slapschema (8), .BR slaptest (8). .LP "OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide" (http://www.OpenLDAP.org/doc/admin/) .SH BUGS See http://www.openldap.org/its/ .SH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .so ../Project