path: root/cts/lab/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cts/lab/')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cts/lab/ b/cts/lab/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5b3aaab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cts/lab/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+# Copyright 2012-2023 the Pacemaker project contributors
+# The version control history for this file may have further details.
+# This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
+# or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
+# e.g. /etc/sysconfig or /etc/default
+cts_root=`dirname $0`
+patterns="-e CTS:"
+helpmsg=$(cat <<EOF
+Usage: %s [options] {[setup [TARGET]] | [OTHER-CMDS]}
+[--]help, -h show help screen and exit
+-x turn on debugging
+-a show relevant screen sessions and exit
+-c,-g CLUSTER_NAME set the cluster name
+-S show summary from the last CTS run
+-s show summary for the current log (see -l)
+-v increase verbosity
+-p (currently unused)
+-e PATTERN grep pattern to apply when 'summary' or 'watch' requested
+-l print the filename of the log that would be operated on
+-w continous (filtered) monitoring of the log file
+-f,-sf FILE show summary for the provided log
+-t TEST, [0-9]* add a test to the working set
+[--]kill request termination of cluster software
+[--]run request CTS run (passing remaining arguments through)
+[--]boot, start request CTS run (with --boot option)
+[--]clean request cleaning up after CTS run
+[--]install, --inst request installing packages to get ready to run CTS
+[--]setup request initialization to get ready to run CTS
+trace-ls, tls list traced functions
+trace-add, tadd FUNC add a function to the list of traced ones
+trace-rm, trm FUNC remove a function from the list of traced ones
+trace-set, tset FUNC set function(s) as the only to be traced
+(f|fedora|r|rhel).* specify target distro
+-- delimits tests that follow
+while true; do
+ case $1 in
+ -h|--help|help) printf "${helpmsg}\n" "$0"; exit;;
+ -x) set -x; shift;;
+ -a)
+ screen -ls | grep cts
+ exit 0;;
+ -c|-g) cluster_name=$2; shift; shift;;
+ -S) summary=1; saved=1; shift;;
+ -s) summary=1; shift;;
+ -v) verbose=`expr $verbose + 1`; shift;;
+ -p) shift;;
+ -e) patterns="$patterns -e `echo $2 | sed 's/ /\\\W/g'`"; shift; shift;;
+ -l) logfile=1; shift;;
+ -w) watch=1; shift;;
+ -f|-sf) summary=1; custom_log=$2; shift; shift;;
+ -t) tests="$tests $2"; shift; shift;;
+ [0-9]*) tests="$tests $1"; shift;;
+ --kill|kill) kill=1; shift; break;;
+ --run|run) run=1; shift; break;;
+ --boot|boot|start) boot=1; clean=1; shift; break;;
+ --clean|clean) clean=1; shift;;
+ --inst|--install|install) install=1; clean=1; shift;;
+ --setup|setup) setup=1; shift;;
+ trace-ls|tls) cmd=$1; shift;;
+ trace-add|tadd|trace-rm|trm|trace-set|tset) cmd=$1; trace=$2; shift; shift;;
+ f*)
+ target="fedora-`echo $1 | sed -e s/fedora// -e s/-// -e s/f//`"
+ shift;;
+ r|rhel) target="rhel-7"; shift;;
+ r*)
+ target="rhel-`echo $1 | sed -e s/rhel// -e s/-// -e s/r//`"
+ shift;;
+ --) shift; tests="$tests $*"; break;;
+ "") break;;
+ *) echo "Unknown argument: $1"; exit 1;;
+ esac
+# Add the location of this script
+export PATH="$PATH:$cts_root"
+which cluster-helper &>/dev/null
+if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ echo $0 needs the cluster-helper script to be in your path
+ exit 1
+which cluster-clean &>/dev/null
+if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ echo $0 needs the cluster-clean script to be in your path
+ exit 1
+if [ "x$cluster_name" = x ] || [ "x$cluster_name" = xpick ]; then
+ clusters=`ls -1 ~/.dsh/group/[a-z]+[0-9] | sed s/.*group.// | tr '\n' ' ' `
+ echo "custom) interactively define a cluster"
+ for i in $clusters; do
+ echo "$i) `cluster-helper --list short -g $i`"
+ done
+ read -p "Choose a cluster [custom]: " cluster_name
+ echo
+if [ -z $cluster_name ]; then
+ cluster_name=custom
+case $cluster_name in
+ custom)
+ read -p "Cluster name: " cluster_name
+ read -p "Cluster hosts: " cluster_hosts
+ read -p "Cluster log file: " cluster_log
+ cluster-helper add -g "$cluster_name" -w "$cluster_hosts"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ cluster_hosts=`cluster-helper --list short -g $cluster_name`
+ cluster_log=~/cluster-$cluster_name.log;
+ ;;
+if [ x$cmd != x ]; then
+ config="${CONFIG_DIR}/pacemaker"
+ case $cmd in
+ trace-ls|tls)
+ cluster-helper -g $cluster_name -- grep PCMK_trace_functions $config
+ ;;
+ trace-add|tadd)
+ echo "Adding $trace to PCMK_trace_functions"
+ cluster-helper -g $cluster_name -- sed -i "s/.*PCMK_trace_functions=/PCMK_trace_functions=$trace,/" $config
+ ;;
+ trace-rm|trm)
+ echo "Removing $trace from PCMK_trace_functions"
+ cluster-helper -g $cluster_name -- sed -i "s/.*PCMK_trace_functions=\\\\\\(.*\\\\\\)$trace,\\\\\\(.*\\\\\\)/PCMK_trace_functions=\\\\\\1\\\\\\2/" $config
+ ;;
+ trace-set|tset)
+ echo "Setting PCMK_trace_functions to '$trace'"
+ cluster-helper -g $cluster_name -- sed -i "s/.*PCMK_trace_functions.*/PCMK_trace_functions=$trace/" $config
+ ;;
+ esac
+ exit 0
+if [ $run = 1 ]; then
+ install=1
+ clean=1
+if [ $clean = 1 ]; then
+ rm -f $cluster_log; cluster-clean -g $cluster_name --kill
+elif [ $kill = 1 ]; then
+ cluster-clean -g $cluster_name --kill-only
+ exit 0
+if [ $install = 1 ]; then
+ cluster-helper -g $cluster_name -- yum install -y pacemaker pacemaker-debuginfo pacemaker-cts libqb libqb-debuginfo
+if [ $setup = 1 ]; then
+ cluster-init -g $cluster_name $target -u --test
+ exit 0
+elif [ $boot = 1 ]; then
+ $cts_root/ -r -c -g $cluster_name --boot
+ rc=$?
+ if [ $rc = 0 ]; then
+ echo "The cluster is ready..."
+ fi
+ exit $rc
+elif [ $run = 1 ]; then
+ $cts_root/ -r -c -g $cluster_name 500 "$@"
+ exit $?
+elif [ $clean = 1 ]; then
+ exit 0
+screen -ls | grep cts-$cluster_name &>/dev/null
+if [ ! -z $custom_log ]; then
+ cluster_log=$custom_log
+if [ "x$tests" != x ] && [ "x$tests" != "x " ]; then
+ for t in $tests; do
+ echo "crm_report --cts-log $cluster_log -d -T $t"
+ crm_report --cts-log $cluster_log -d -T $t
+ done
+elif [ $logfile = 1 ]; then
+ echo $cluster_log
+elif [ $summary = 1 ]; then
+ files=$cluster_log
+ if [ $saved = 1 ]; then
+ files=`ls -1tr ~/CTS-*/cluster-log.txt`
+ fi
+ for f in $files; do
+ echo $f
+ case $verbose in
+ 0) cat -n $f | grep $patterns | grep -v "CTS: debug:"
+ ;;
+ 1) cat -n $f | grep $patterns | grep -v "CTS:.* cmd:"
+ ;;
+ *) cat -n $f | grep $patterns
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo ""
+ done
+elif [ $watch = 1 ]; then
+ case $verbose in
+ 0) tail -F $cluster_log | grep $patterns | grep -v "CTS: debug:"
+ ;;
+ 1) tail -F $cluster_log | grep $patterns | grep -v "CTS:.* cmd:"
+ ;;
+ *) tail -F $cluster_log | grep $patterns
+ ;;
+ esac
+elif [ $active = 0 ]; then
+ screen -x cts-$cluster_name
+ touch $cluster_log
+# . ~/.bashrc
+ export cluster_name cluster_hosts cluster_log
+ screen -S cts-$cluster_name bash