/* * Copyright 2013-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pacemaker-attrd.h" static xmlNode * attrd_confirmation(int callid) { xmlNode *node = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, __func__); crm_xml_add(node, PCMK__XA_T, PCMK__VALUE_ATTRD); crm_xml_add(node, PCMK__XA_SRC, pcmk__cluster_local_node_name()); crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_CONFIRM); crm_xml_add_int(node, PCMK__XA_CALL_ID, callid); return node; } static void attrd_peer_message(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml) { const char *election_op = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_CRM_TASK); if (election_op) { attrd_handle_election_op(peer, xml); return; } if (attrd_shutting_down(false)) { /* If we're shutting down, we want to continue responding to election * ops as long as we're a cluster member (because our vote may be * needed). Ignore all other messages. */ return; } else { pcmk__request_t request = { .ipc_client = NULL, .ipc_id = 0, .ipc_flags = 0, .peer = peer->uname, .xml = xml, .call_options = 0, .result = PCMK__UNKNOWN_RESULT, }; request.op = crm_element_value_copy(request.xml, PCMK_XA_TASK); CRM_CHECK(request.op != NULL, return); attrd_handle_request(&request); /* Having finished handling the request, check to see if the originating * peer requested confirmation. If so, send that confirmation back now. */ if (pcmk__xe_attr_is_true(xml, PCMK__XA_CONFIRM) && !pcmk__str_eq(request.op, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_CONFIRM, pcmk__str_none)) { int callid = 0; xmlNode *reply = NULL; /* Add the confirmation ID for the message we are confirming to the * response so the originating peer knows what they're a confirmation * for. */ crm_element_value_int(xml, PCMK__XA_CALL_ID, &callid); reply = attrd_confirmation(callid); /* And then send the confirmation back to the originating peer. This * ends up right back in this same function (attrd_peer_message) on the * peer where it will have to do something with a PCMK__XA_CONFIRM type * message. */ crm_debug("Sending %s a confirmation", peer->uname); attrd_send_message(peer, reply, false); free_xml(reply); } pcmk__reset_request(&request); } } static void attrd_cpg_dispatch(cpg_handle_t handle, const struct cpg_name *groupName, uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg, size_t msg_len) { uint32_t kind = 0; xmlNode *xml = NULL; const char *from = NULL; char *data = pcmk__cpg_message_data(handle, nodeid, pid, msg, &kind, &from); if(data == NULL) { return; } if (kind == crm_class_cluster) { xml = pcmk__xml_parse(data); } if (xml == NULL) { crm_err("Bad message of class %d received from %s[%u]: '%.120s'", kind, from, nodeid, data); } else { attrd_peer_message(pcmk__get_node(nodeid, from, NULL, pcmk__node_search_cluster_member), xml); } free_xml(xml); free(data); } static void attrd_cpg_destroy(gpointer unused) { if (attrd_shutting_down(false)) { crm_info("Disconnected from Corosync process group"); } else { crm_crit("Lost connection to Corosync process group, shutting down"); attrd_exit_status = CRM_EX_DISCONNECT; attrd_shutdown(0); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Broadcast an update for a single attribute value * * \param[in] a Attribute to broadcast * \param[in] v Attribute value to broadcast */ void attrd_broadcast_value(const attribute_t *a, const attribute_value_t *v) { xmlNode *op = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, PCMK_XE_OP); crm_xml_add(op, PCMK_XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE); attrd_add_value_xml(op, a, v, false); attrd_send_message(NULL, op, false); free_xml(op); } #define state_text(state) pcmk__s((state), "in unknown state") static void attrd_peer_change_cb(enum crm_status_type kind, crm_node_t *peer, const void *data) { bool gone = false; bool is_remote = pcmk_is_set(peer->flags, crm_remote_node); switch (kind) { case crm_status_uname: crm_debug("%s node %s is now %s", (is_remote? "Remote" : "Cluster"), peer->uname, state_text(peer->state)); break; case crm_status_processes: if (!pcmk_is_set(peer->processes, crm_get_cluster_proc())) { gone = true; } crm_debug("Node %s is %s a peer", peer->uname, (gone? "no longer" : "now")); break; case crm_status_nstate: crm_debug("%s node %s is now %s (was %s)", (is_remote? "Remote" : "Cluster"), peer->uname, state_text(peer->state), state_text(data)); if (pcmk__str_eq(peer->state, CRM_NODE_MEMBER, pcmk__str_casei)) { /* If we're the writer, send new peers a list of all attributes * (unless it's a remote node, which doesn't run its own attrd) */ if (attrd_election_won() && !pcmk_is_set(peer->flags, crm_remote_node)) { attrd_peer_sync(peer); } } else { // Remove all attribute values associated with lost nodes attrd_peer_remove(peer->uname, false, "loss"); gone = true; } break; } // Remove votes from cluster nodes that leave, in case election in progress if (gone && !is_remote) { attrd_remove_voter(peer); attrd_remove_peer_protocol_ver(peer->uname); attrd_do_not_expect_from_peer(peer->uname); } } static void record_peer_nodeid(attribute_value_t *v, const char *host) { crm_node_t *known_peer = pcmk__get_node(v->nodeid, host, NULL, pcmk__node_search_cluster_member); crm_trace("Learned %s has node id %s", known_peer->uname, known_peer->uuid); if (attrd_election_won()) { attrd_write_attributes(attrd_write_changed); } } #define readable_value(rv_v) pcmk__s((rv_v)->current, "(unset)") #define readable_peer(p) \ (((p) == NULL)? "all peers" : pcmk__s((p)->uname, "unknown peer")) static void update_attr_on_host(attribute_t *a, const crm_node_t *peer, const xmlNode *xml, const char *attr, const char *value, const char *host, bool filter) { int is_remote = 0; bool changed = false; attribute_value_t *v = NULL; // Create entry for value if not already existing v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host); if (v == NULL) { v = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(attribute_value_t)); v->nodename = pcmk__str_copy(host); g_hash_table_replace(a->values, v->nodename, v); } // If value is for a Pacemaker Remote node, remember that crm_element_value_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_IS_REMOTE, &is_remote); if (is_remote) { attrd_set_value_flags(v, attrd_value_remote); CRM_ASSERT(pcmk__cluster_lookup_remote_node(host) != NULL); } // Check whether the value changed changed = !pcmk__str_eq(v->current, value, pcmk__str_casei); if (changed && filter && pcmk__str_eq(host, attrd_cluster->uname, pcmk__str_casei)) { /* Broadcast the local value for an attribute that differs from the * value provided in a peer's attribute synchronization response. This * ensures a node's values for itself take precedence and all peers are * kept in sync. */ v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, attrd_cluster->uname); crm_notice("%s[%s]: local value '%s' takes priority over '%s' from %s", attr, host, readable_value(v), value, peer->uname); attrd_broadcast_value(a, v); } else if (changed) { crm_notice("Setting %s[%s]%s%s: %s -> %s " CRM_XS " from %s with %s write delay", attr, host, a->set_type ? " in " : "", pcmk__s(a->set_type, ""), readable_value(v), pcmk__s(value, "(unset)"), peer->uname, (a->timeout_ms == 0)? "no" : pcmk__readable_interval(a->timeout_ms)); pcmk__str_update(&v->current, value); attrd_set_attr_flags(a, attrd_attr_changed); if (pcmk__str_eq(host, attrd_cluster->uname, pcmk__str_casei) && pcmk__str_eq(attr, PCMK__NODE_ATTR_SHUTDOWN, pcmk__str_none)) { if (!pcmk__str_eq(value, "0", pcmk__str_null_matches)) { attrd_set_requesting_shutdown(); } else { attrd_clear_requesting_shutdown(); } } // Write out new value or start dampening timer if (a->timeout_ms && a->timer) { crm_trace("Delaying write of %s %s for dampening", attr, pcmk__readable_interval(a->timeout_ms)); mainloop_timer_start(a->timer); } else { attrd_write_or_elect_attribute(a); } } else { int is_force_write = 0; crm_element_value_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTRD_IS_FORCE_WRITE, &is_force_write); if (is_force_write == 1 && a->timeout_ms && a->timer) { /* Save forced writing and set change flag. */ /* The actual attribute is written by Writer after election. */ crm_trace("%s[%s] from %s is unchanged (%s), forcing write", attr, host, peer->uname, pcmk__s(value, "unset")); attrd_set_attr_flags(a, attrd_attr_force_write); } else { crm_trace("%s[%s] from %s is unchanged (%s)", attr, host, peer->uname, pcmk__s(value, "unset")); } } // This allows us to later detect local values that peer doesn't know about attrd_set_value_flags(v, attrd_value_from_peer); /* If this is a cluster node whose node ID we are learning, remember it */ if ((v->nodeid == 0) && !pcmk_is_set(v->flags, attrd_value_remote) && (crm_element_value_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST_ID, (int*)&v->nodeid) == 0) && (v->nodeid > 0)) { record_peer_nodeid(v, host); } } static void attrd_peer_update_one(const crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml, bool filter) { attribute_t *a = NULL; const char *attr = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME); const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE); const char *host = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST); if (attr == NULL) { crm_warn("Could not update attribute: peer did not specify name"); return; } a = attrd_populate_attribute(xml, attr); if (a == NULL) { return; } if (host == NULL) { // If no host was specified, update all hosts GHashTableIter vIter; crm_debug("Setting %s for all hosts to %s", attr, value); pcmk__xe_remove_attr(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST_ID); g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, (gpointer *) & host, NULL)) { update_attr_on_host(a, peer, xml, attr, value, host, filter); } } else { // Update attribute value for the given host update_attr_on_host(a, peer, xml, attr, value, host, filter); } /* If this is a message from some attrd instance broadcasting its protocol * version, check to see if it's a new minimum version. */ if (pcmk__str_eq(attr, CRM_ATTR_PROTOCOL, pcmk__str_none)) { attrd_update_minimum_protocol_ver(peer->uname, value); } } static void broadcast_unseen_local_values(void) { GHashTableIter aIter; GHashTableIter vIter; attribute_t *a = NULL; attribute_value_t *v = NULL; xmlNode *sync = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) { g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & v)) { if (!pcmk_is_set(v->flags, attrd_value_from_peer) && pcmk__str_eq(v->nodename, attrd_cluster->uname, pcmk__str_casei)) { crm_trace("* %s[%s]='%s' is local-only", a->id, v->nodename, readable_value(v)); if (sync == NULL) { sync = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, __func__); crm_xml_add(sync, PCMK_XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_SYNC_RESPONSE); } attrd_add_value_xml(sync, a, v, a->timeout_ms && a->timer); } } } if (sync != NULL) { crm_debug("Broadcasting local-only values"); attrd_send_message(NULL, sync, false); free_xml(sync); } } int attrd_cluster_connect(void) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; attrd_cluster = pcmk_cluster_new(); pcmk_cluster_set_destroy_fn(attrd_cluster, attrd_cpg_destroy); pcmk_cpg_set_deliver_fn(attrd_cluster, attrd_cpg_dispatch); pcmk_cpg_set_confchg_fn(attrd_cluster, pcmk__cpg_confchg_cb); pcmk__cluster_set_status_callback(&attrd_peer_change_cb); rc = pcmk_cluster_connect(attrd_cluster); rc = pcmk_rc2legacy(rc); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { crm_err("Cluster connection failed"); return rc; } return pcmk_ok; } void attrd_peer_clear_failure(pcmk__request_t *request) { xmlNode *xml = request->xml; const char *rsc = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_RESOURCE); const char *host = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST); const char *op = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_CLEAR_OPERATION); const char *interval_spec = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_CLEAR_INTERVAL); guint interval_ms = 0U; char *attr = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; regex_t regex; crm_node_t *peer = pcmk__get_node(0, request->peer, NULL, pcmk__node_search_cluster_member); pcmk_parse_interval_spec(interval_spec, &interval_ms); if (attrd_failure_regex(®ex, rsc, op, interval_ms) != pcmk_ok) { crm_info("Ignoring invalid request to clear failures for %s", pcmk__s(rsc, "all resources")); return; } crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK_XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE); /* Make sure value is not set, so we delete */ pcmk__xe_remove_attr(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, attributes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &attr, NULL)) { if (regexec(®ex, attr, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) { crm_trace("Matched %s when clearing %s", attr, pcmk__s(rsc, "all resources")); crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME, attr); attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, false); } } regfree(®ex); } /*! * \internal * \brief Load attributes from a peer sync response * * \param[in] peer Peer that sent sync response * \param[in] peer_won Whether peer is the attribute writer * \param[in,out] xml Request XML */ void attrd_peer_sync_response(const crm_node_t *peer, bool peer_won, xmlNode *xml) { crm_info("Processing " PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_SYNC_RESPONSE " from %s", peer->uname); if (peer_won) { /* Initialize the "seen" flag for all attributes to cleared, so we can * detect attributes that local node has but the writer doesn't. */ attrd_clear_value_seen(); } // Process each attribute update in the sync response for (xmlNode *child = pcmk__xe_first_child(xml, NULL, NULL, NULL); child != NULL; child = pcmk__xe_next(child)) { attrd_peer_update(peer, child, crm_element_value(child, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST), true); } if (peer_won) { /* If any attributes are still not marked as seen, the writer doesn't * know about them, so send all peers an update with them. */ broadcast_unseen_local_values(); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Remove all attributes and optionally peer cache entries for a node * * \param[in] host Name of node to purge * \param[in] uncache If true, remove node from peer caches * \param[in] source Who requested removal (only used for logging) */ void attrd_peer_remove(const char *host, bool uncache, const char *source) { attribute_t *a = NULL; GHashTableIter aIter; CRM_CHECK(host != NULL, return); crm_notice("Removing all %s attributes for node %s " CRM_XS " %s reaping node from cache", host, source, (uncache? "and" : "without")); g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) { if(g_hash_table_remove(a->values, host)) { crm_debug("Removed %s[%s] for peer %s", a->id, host, source); } } if (uncache) { pcmk__purge_node_from_cache(host, 0); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Send all known attributes and values to a peer * * \param[in] peer Peer to send sync to (if NULL, broadcast to all peers) */ void attrd_peer_sync(crm_node_t *peer) { GHashTableIter aIter; GHashTableIter vIter; attribute_t *a = NULL; attribute_value_t *v = NULL; xmlNode *sync = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, __func__); crm_xml_add(sync, PCMK_XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_SYNC_RESPONSE); g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) { g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & v)) { crm_debug("Syncing %s[%s]='%s' to %s", a->id, v->nodename, readable_value(v), readable_peer(peer)); attrd_add_value_xml(sync, a, v, false); } } crm_debug("Syncing values to %s", readable_peer(peer)); attrd_send_message(peer, sync, false); free_xml(sync); } void attrd_peer_update(const crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml, const char *host, bool filter) { bool handle_sync_point = false; CRM_CHECK((peer != NULL) && (xml != NULL), return); if (xml->children != NULL) { for (xmlNode *child = pcmk__xe_first_child(xml, PCMK_XE_OP, NULL, NULL); child != NULL; child = pcmk__xe_next_same(child)) { pcmk__xe_copy_attrs(child, xml, pcmk__xaf_no_overwrite); attrd_peer_update_one(peer, child, filter); if (attrd_request_has_sync_point(child)) { handle_sync_point = true; } } } else { attrd_peer_update_one(peer, xml, filter); if (attrd_request_has_sync_point(xml)) { handle_sync_point = true; } } /* If the update XML specified that the client wanted to wait for a sync * point, process that now. */ if (handle_sync_point) { crm_trace("Hit local sync point for attribute update"); attrd_ack_waitlist_clients(attrd_sync_point_local, xml); } }