[Unit] Description=Pacemaker Remote executor daemon Documentation=man:pacemaker-remoted Documentation=https://clusterlabs.org/pacemaker/doc/ # See main pacemaker unit file for descriptions of why these are needed After=network.target After=time-sync.target After=dbus.service Wants=dbus.service After=resource-agents-deps.target Wants=resource-agents-deps.target After=syslog.service After=rsyslog.service [Install] Alias=pacemaker-remote.service WantedBy=multi-user.target [Service] Type=simple KillMode=process NotifyAccess=none EnvironmentFile=-@CONFIGDIR@/pacemaker EnvironmentFile=-@CONFIGDIR@/sbd # Not actually success, but fatal failure -- this ensures no respawn SuccessExitStatus=100 ExecStart=@sbindir@/pacemaker-remoted # Systemd v227 and above can limit the number of processes spawned by a # service. That is a bad idea for an HA cluster resource manager, so disable it # by default. The administrator can create a local override if they really want # a limit. If your systemd version does not support TasksMax, and you want to # get rid of the resulting log warnings, comment out this option. TasksMax=infinity # If connected to the cluster and when the service functions properly, it will # wait to exit until the cluster notifies it all resources on the remote node # have been stopped. The default of 30min should cover most typical cluster # configurations, but it may need an increase to adapt to local conditions # (e.g. a large, clustered database could conceivably take longer to stop). TimeoutStopSec=30min TimeoutStartSec=30s # Restart options include: no, on-success, on-failure, on-abort or always Restart=on-failure # crm_perror() writes directly to stderr, so ignore it here # to avoid double-logging with the wrong format StandardError=null