/* * Copyright 2004-2023 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pacemaker-schedulerd.h" static GHashTable *schedulerd_handlers = NULL; static pcmk_scheduler_t * init_working_set(void) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = pe_new_working_set(); CRM_ASSERT(scheduler != NULL); crm_config_error = FALSE; crm_config_warning = FALSE; was_processing_error = FALSE; was_processing_warning = FALSE; scheduler->priv = logger_out; return scheduler; } static xmlNode * handle_pecalc_request(pcmk__request_t *request) { static struct series_s { const char *name; const char *param; /* Maximum number of inputs of this kind to save to disk. * If -1, save all; if 0, save none. */ int wrap; } series[] = { { "pe-error", "pe-error-series-max", -1 }, { "pe-warn", "pe-warn-series-max", 5000 }, { "pe-input", "pe-input-series-max", 4000 }, }; xmlNode *msg = request->xml; xmlNode *xml_data = get_message_xml(msg, F_CRM_DATA); static char *last_digest = NULL; static char *filename = NULL; unsigned int seq; int series_id = 0; int series_wrap = 0; char *digest = NULL; const char *value = NULL; time_t execution_date = time(NULL); xmlNode *converted = NULL; xmlNode *reply = NULL; bool is_repoke = false; bool process = true; pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = init_working_set(); pcmk__ipc_send_ack(request->ipc_client, request->ipc_id, request->ipc_flags, "ack", NULL, CRM_EX_INDETERMINATE); digest = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(xml_data, FALSE, FALSE, CRM_FEATURE_SET); converted = copy_xml(xml_data); if (!cli_config_update(&converted, NULL, TRUE)) { scheduler->graph = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_GRAPH); crm_xml_add_int(scheduler->graph, "transition_id", 0); crm_xml_add_int(scheduler->graph, "cluster-delay", 0); process = false; free(digest); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(digest, last_digest, pcmk__str_casei)) { is_repoke = true; free(digest); } else { free(last_digest); last_digest = digest; } if (process) { pcmk__schedule_actions(converted, pcmk_sched_no_counts |pcmk_sched_no_compat |pcmk_sched_show_utilization, scheduler); } // Get appropriate index into series[] array if (was_processing_error) { series_id = 0; } else if (was_processing_warning) { series_id = 1; } else { series_id = 2; } value = pe_pref(scheduler->config_hash, series[series_id].param); if ((value == NULL) || (pcmk__scan_min_int(value, &series_wrap, -1) != pcmk_rc_ok)) { series_wrap = series[series_id].wrap; } if (pcmk__read_series_sequence(PE_STATE_DIR, series[series_id].name, &seq) != pcmk_rc_ok) { // @TODO maybe handle errors better ... seq = 0; } crm_trace("Series %s: wrap=%d, seq=%u, pref=%s", series[series_id].name, series_wrap, seq, value); scheduler->input = NULL; reply = create_reply(msg, scheduler->graph); if (reply == NULL) { pcmk__format_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR, "Failed building ping reply for client %s", pcmk__client_name(request->ipc_client)); goto done; } if (series_wrap == 0) { // Don't save any inputs of this kind free(filename); filename = NULL; } else if (!is_repoke) { // Input changed, save to disk free(filename); filename = pcmk__series_filename(PE_STATE_DIR, series[series_id].name, seq, true); } crm_xml_add(reply, F_CRM_TGRAPH_INPUT, filename); crm_xml_add_int(reply, PCMK__XA_GRAPH_ERRORS, was_processing_error); crm_xml_add_int(reply, PCMK__XA_GRAPH_WARNINGS, was_processing_warning); crm_xml_add_int(reply, PCMK__XA_CONFIG_ERRORS, crm_config_error); crm_xml_add_int(reply, PCMK__XA_CONFIG_WARNINGS, crm_config_warning); pcmk__log_transition_summary(filename); if (series_wrap == 0) { crm_debug("Not saving input to disk (disabled by configuration)"); } else if (is_repoke) { crm_info("Input has not changed since last time, not saving to disk"); } else { unlink(filename); crm_xml_add_ll(xml_data, "execution-date", (long long) execution_date); write_xml_file(xml_data, filename, TRUE); pcmk__write_series_sequence(PE_STATE_DIR, series[series_id].name, ++seq, series_wrap); } pcmk__set_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_OK, PCMK_EXEC_DONE, NULL); done: free_xml(converted); pe_free_working_set(scheduler); return reply; } static xmlNode * handle_unknown_request(pcmk__request_t *request) { pcmk__ipc_send_ack(request->ipc_client, request->ipc_id, request->ipc_flags, "ack", NULL, CRM_EX_INVALID_PARAM); pcmk__format_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_PROTOCOL, PCMK_EXEC_INVALID, "Unknown IPC request type '%s' (bug?)", pcmk__client_name(request->ipc_client)); return NULL; } static xmlNode * handle_hello_request(pcmk__request_t *request) { pcmk__ipc_send_ack(request->ipc_client, request->ipc_id, request->ipc_flags, "ack", NULL, CRM_EX_INDETERMINATE); crm_trace("Received IPC hello from %s", pcmk__client_name(request->ipc_client)); pcmk__set_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_OK, PCMK_EXEC_DONE, NULL); return NULL; } static void schedulerd_register_handlers(void) { pcmk__server_command_t handlers[] = { { CRM_OP_HELLO, handle_hello_request }, { CRM_OP_PECALC, handle_pecalc_request }, { NULL, handle_unknown_request }, }; schedulerd_handlers = pcmk__register_handlers(handlers); } static int32_t pe_ipc_accept(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { crm_trace("Connection %p", c); if (pcmk__new_client(c, uid, gid) == NULL) { return -EIO; } return 0; } static int32_t pe_ipc_dispatch(qb_ipcs_connection_t * qbc, void *data, size_t size) { uint32_t id = 0; uint32_t flags = 0; xmlNode *msg = NULL; pcmk__client_t *c = pcmk__find_client(qbc); const char *sys_to = NULL; CRM_CHECK(c != NULL, return 0); if (schedulerd_handlers == NULL) { schedulerd_register_handlers(); } msg = pcmk__client_data2xml(c, data, &id, &flags); if (msg == NULL) { pcmk__ipc_send_ack(c, id, flags, "ack", NULL, CRM_EX_PROTOCOL); return 0; } sys_to = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_SYS_TO); if (pcmk__str_eq(crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_MSG_TYPE), XML_ATTR_RESPONSE, pcmk__str_none)) { pcmk__ipc_send_ack(c, id, flags, "ack", NULL, CRM_EX_INDETERMINATE); crm_info("Ignoring IPC reply from %s", pcmk__client_name(c)); } else if (!pcmk__str_eq(sys_to, CRM_SYSTEM_PENGINE, pcmk__str_none)) { pcmk__ipc_send_ack(c, id, flags, "ack", NULL, CRM_EX_INDETERMINATE); crm_info("Ignoring invalid IPC message: to '%s' not " CRM_SYSTEM_PENGINE, pcmk__s(sys_to, "")); } else { char *log_msg = NULL; const char *reason = NULL; xmlNode *reply = NULL; pcmk__request_t request = { .ipc_client = c, .ipc_id = id, .ipc_flags = flags, .peer = NULL, .xml = msg, .call_options = 0, .result = PCMK__UNKNOWN_RESULT, }; request.op = crm_element_value_copy(request.xml, F_CRM_TASK); CRM_CHECK(request.op != NULL, return 0); reply = pcmk__process_request(&request, schedulerd_handlers); if (reply != NULL) { pcmk__ipc_send_xml(c, id, reply, crm_ipc_server_event); free_xml(reply); } reason = request.result.exit_reason; log_msg = crm_strdup_printf("Processed %s request from %s %s: %s%s%s%s", request.op, pcmk__request_origin_type(&request), pcmk__request_origin(&request), pcmk_exec_status_str(request.result.execution_status), (reason == NULL)? "" : " (", (reason == NULL)? "" : reason, (reason == NULL)? "" : ")"); if (!pcmk__result_ok(&request.result)) { crm_warn("%s", log_msg); } else { crm_debug("%s", log_msg); } free(log_msg); pcmk__reset_request(&request); } free_xml(msg); return 0; } /* Error code means? */ static int32_t pe_ipc_closed(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c) { pcmk__client_t *client = pcmk__find_client(c); if (client == NULL) { return 0; } crm_trace("Connection %p", c); pcmk__free_client(client); return 0; } static void pe_ipc_destroy(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c) { crm_trace("Connection %p", c); pe_ipc_closed(c); } struct qb_ipcs_service_handlers ipc_callbacks = { .connection_accept = pe_ipc_accept, .connection_created = NULL, .msg_process = pe_ipc_dispatch, .connection_closed = pe_ipc_closed, .connection_destroyed = pe_ipc_destroy };