/* * Copyright 2004-2023 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include // PCMK__XML_LOG_BASE, etc. #include "crmcommon_private.h" static int show_xml_node(pcmk__output_t *out, GString *buffer, const char *prefix, const xmlNode *data, int depth, uint32_t options); // Log an XML library error void pcmk__log_xmllib_err(void *ctx, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); pcmk__if_tracing( { PCMK__XML_LOG_BASE(LOG_ERR, TRUE, crm_abort(__FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "xml library error", TRUE, TRUE), "XML Error: ", fmt, ap); }, { PCMK__XML_LOG_BASE(LOG_ERR, TRUE, 0, "XML Error: ", fmt, ap); } ); va_end(ap); } /*! * \internal * \brief Output an XML comment with depth-based indentation * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in] data XML node to output * \param[in] depth Current indentation level * \param[in] options Group of \p pcmk__xml_fmt_options flags * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note This currently produces output only for text-like output objects. */ static int show_xml_comment(pcmk__output_t *out, const xmlNode *data, int depth, uint32_t options) { if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_open)) { int width = pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty)? (2 * depth) : 0; return out->info(out, "%*s", width, "", (const char *) data->content); } return pcmk_rc_no_output; } /*! * \internal * \brief Output an XML element in a formatted way * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in,out] buffer Where to build output strings * \param[in] prefix String to prepend to every line of output * \param[in] data XML node to output * \param[in] depth Current indentation level * \param[in] options Group of \p pcmk__xml_fmt_options flags * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note This is a recursive helper function for \p show_xml_node(). * \note This currently produces output only for text-like output objects. * \note \p buffer may be overwritten many times. The caller is responsible for * freeing it using \p g_string_free() but should not rely on its * contents. */ static int show_xml_element(pcmk__output_t *out, GString *buffer, const char *prefix, const xmlNode *data, int depth, uint32_t options) { const char *name = crm_element_name(data); int spaces = pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty)? (2 * depth) : 0; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_open)) { const char *hidden = crm_element_value(data, "hidden"); g_string_truncate(buffer, 0); for (int lpc = 0; lpc < spaces; lpc++) { g_string_append_c(buffer, ' '); } pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, "<", name, NULL); for (const xmlAttr *attr = pcmk__xe_first_attr(data); attr != NULL; attr = attr->next) { xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = attr->_private; const char *p_name = (const char *) attr->name; const char *p_value = pcmk__xml_attr_value(attr); char *p_copy = NULL; if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_deleted)) { continue; } // @COMPAT Remove when v1 patchsets are removed if (pcmk_any_flags_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_plus |pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_minus) && (strcmp(XML_DIFF_MARKER, p_name) == 0)) { continue; } if ((hidden != NULL) && (p_name[0] != '\0') && (strstr(hidden, p_name) != NULL)) { pcmk__str_update(&p_copy, "*****"); } else { p_copy = crm_xml_escape(p_value); } pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, " ", p_name, "=\"", pcmk__s(p_copy, ""), "\"", NULL); free(p_copy); } if (xml_has_children(data) && pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_children)) { g_string_append_c(buffer, '>'); } else { g_string_append(buffer, "/>"); } rc = out->info(out, "%s%s%s", pcmk__s(prefix, ""), pcmk__str_empty(prefix)? "" : " ", buffer->str); } if (!xml_has_children(data)) { return rc; } if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_children)) { for (const xmlNode *child = pcmk__xml_first_child(data); child != NULL; child = pcmk__xml_next(child)) { int temp_rc = show_xml_node(out, buffer, prefix, child, depth + 1, options |pcmk__xml_fmt_open |pcmk__xml_fmt_close); rc = pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc); } } if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_close)) { int temp_rc = out->info(out, "%s%s%*s", pcmk__s(prefix, ""), pcmk__str_empty(prefix)? "" : " ", spaces, "", name); rc = pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc); } return rc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Output an XML element or comment in a formatted way * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in,out] buffer Where to build output strings * \param[in] prefix String to prepend to every line of output * \param[in] data XML node to log * \param[in] depth Current indentation level * \param[in] options Group of \p pcmk__xml_fmt_options flags * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note This is a recursive helper function for \p pcmk__xml_show(). * \note This currently produces output only for text-like output objects. * \note \p buffer may be overwritten many times. The caller is responsible for * freeing it using \p g_string_free() but should not rely on its * contents. */ static int show_xml_node(pcmk__output_t *out, GString *buffer, const char *prefix, const xmlNode *data, int depth, uint32_t options) { switch (data->type) { case XML_COMMENT_NODE: return show_xml_comment(out, data, depth, options); case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: return show_xml_element(out, buffer, prefix, data, depth, options); default: return pcmk_rc_no_output; } } /*! * \internal * \brief Output an XML element or comment in a formatted way * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in] prefix String to prepend to every line of output * \param[in] data XML node to output * \param[in] depth Current nesting level * \param[in] options Group of \p pcmk__xml_fmt_options flags * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note This currently produces output only for text-like output objects. */ int pcmk__xml_show(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *prefix, const xmlNode *data, int depth, uint32_t options) { int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; GString *buffer = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(out != NULL); CRM_CHECK(depth >= 0, depth = 0); if (data == NULL) { return rc; } /* Allocate a buffer once, for show_xml_node() to truncate and reuse in * recursive calls */ buffer = g_string_sized_new(1024); rc = show_xml_node(out, buffer, prefix, data, depth, options); g_string_free(buffer, TRUE); return rc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Output XML portions that have been marked as changed * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in] data XML node to output * \param[in] depth Current indentation level * \param[in] options Group of \p pcmk__xml_fmt_options flags * * \note This is a recursive helper for \p pcmk__xml_show_changes(), showing * changes to \p data and its children. * \note This currently produces output only for text-like output objects. */ static int show_xml_changes_recursive(pcmk__output_t *out, const xmlNode *data, int depth, uint32_t options) { /* @COMPAT: When log_data_element() is removed, we can remove the options * argument here and instead hard-code pcmk__xml_log_pretty. */ xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = (xml_node_private_t *) data->_private; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; int temp_rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; if (pcmk_all_flags_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_dirty|pcmk__xf_created)) { // Newly created return pcmk__xml_show(out, PCMK__XML_PREFIX_CREATED, data, depth, options |pcmk__xml_fmt_open |pcmk__xml_fmt_children |pcmk__xml_fmt_close); } if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_dirty)) { // Modified or moved bool pretty = pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty); int spaces = pretty? (2 * depth) : 0; const char *prefix = PCMK__XML_PREFIX_MODIFIED; if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_moved)) { prefix = PCMK__XML_PREFIX_MOVED; } // Log opening tag rc = pcmk__xml_show(out, prefix, data, depth, options|pcmk__xml_fmt_open); // Log changes to attributes for (const xmlAttr *attr = pcmk__xe_first_attr(data); attr != NULL; attr = attr->next) { const char *name = (const char *) attr->name; nodepriv = attr->_private; if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_deleted)) { const char *value = crm_element_value(data, name); temp_rc = out->info(out, "%s %*s @%s=%s", PCMK__XML_PREFIX_DELETED, spaces, "", name, value); } else if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_dirty)) { const char *value = crm_element_value(data, name); if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_created)) { prefix = PCMK__XML_PREFIX_CREATED; } else if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_modified)) { prefix = PCMK__XML_PREFIX_MODIFIED; } else if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_moved)) { prefix = PCMK__XML_PREFIX_MOVED; } else { prefix = PCMK__XML_PREFIX_MODIFIED; } temp_rc = out->info(out, "%s %*s @%s=%s", prefix, spaces, "", name, value); } rc = pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc); } // Log changes to children for (const xmlNode *child = pcmk__xml_first_child(data); child != NULL; child = pcmk__xml_next(child)) { temp_rc = show_xml_changes_recursive(out, child, depth + 1, options); rc = pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc); } // Log closing tag temp_rc = pcmk__xml_show(out, PCMK__XML_PREFIX_MODIFIED, data, depth, options|pcmk__xml_fmt_close); return pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc); } // This node hasn't changed, but check its children for (const xmlNode *child = pcmk__xml_first_child(data); child != NULL; child = pcmk__xml_next(child)) { temp_rc = show_xml_changes_recursive(out, child, depth + 1, options); rc = pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc); } return rc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Output changes to an XML node and any children * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in] xml XML node to output * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note This currently produces output only for text-like output objects. */ int pcmk__xml_show_changes(pcmk__output_t *out, const xmlNode *xml) { xml_doc_private_t *docpriv = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; int temp_rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; CRM_ASSERT(out != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(xml != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(xml->doc != NULL); docpriv = xml->doc->_private; if (!pcmk_is_set(docpriv->flags, pcmk__xf_dirty)) { return rc; } for (const GList *iter = docpriv->deleted_objs; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { const pcmk__deleted_xml_t *deleted_obj = iter->data; if (deleted_obj->position >= 0) { temp_rc = out->info(out, PCMK__XML_PREFIX_DELETED " %s (%d)", deleted_obj->path, deleted_obj->position); } else { temp_rc = out->info(out, PCMK__XML_PREFIX_DELETED " %s", deleted_obj->path); } rc = pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc); } temp_rc = show_xml_changes_recursive(out, xml, 0, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty); return pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc); } // Deprecated functions kept only for backward API compatibility // LCOV_EXCL_START #include #include void log_data_element(int log_level, const char *file, const char *function, int line, const char *prefix, const xmlNode *data, int depth, int legacy_options) { uint32_t options = 0; pcmk__output_t *out = NULL; // Confine log_level to uint8_t range log_level = pcmk__clip_log_level(log_level); if (data == NULL) { do_crm_log(log_level, "%s%sNo data to dump as XML", pcmk__s(prefix, ""), pcmk__str_empty(prefix)? "" : " "); return; } switch (log_level) { case LOG_NEVER: return; case LOG_STDOUT: CRM_CHECK(pcmk__text_output_new(&out, NULL) == pcmk_rc_ok, return); break; default: CRM_CHECK(pcmk__log_output_new(&out) == pcmk_rc_ok, return); pcmk__output_set_log_level(out, log_level); break; } /* Map xml_log_options to pcmk__xml_fmt_options so that we can go ahead and * start using the pcmk__xml_fmt_options in all the internal functions. * * xml_log_option_dirty_add and xml_log_option_diff_all are ignored by * internal code and only used here, so they don't need to be addressed. */ if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_filtered)) { options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_filtered; } if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_formatted)) { options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty; } if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_full_fledged)) { options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_full; } if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_open)) { options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_open; } if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_children)) { options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_children; } if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_close)) { options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_close; } if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_text)) { options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_text; } if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_diff_plus)) { options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_plus; } if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_diff_minus)) { options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_minus; } if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_diff_short)) { options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_short; } // Log element based on options if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_dirty_add)) { CRM_CHECK(depth >= 0, depth = 0); show_xml_changes_recursive(out, data, depth, options); goto done; } if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty) && (!xml_has_children(data) || (crm_element_value(data, XML_DIFF_MARKER) != NULL))) { if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_plus)) { legacy_options |= xml_log_option_diff_all; prefix = PCMK__XML_PREFIX_CREATED; } else if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_minus)) { legacy_options |= xml_log_option_diff_all; prefix = PCMK__XML_PREFIX_DELETED; } } if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_short) && !pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_diff_all)) { if (!pcmk_any_flags_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_plus |pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_minus)) { // Nothing will ever be logged goto done; } // Keep looking for the actual change for (const xmlNode *child = pcmk__xml_first_child(data); child != NULL; child = pcmk__xml_next(child)) { log_data_element(log_level, file, function, line, prefix, child, depth + 1, options); } } else { pcmk__xml_show(out, prefix, data, depth, options |pcmk__xml_fmt_open |pcmk__xml_fmt_children |pcmk__xml_fmt_close); } done: out->finish(out, CRM_EX_OK, true, NULL); pcmk__output_free(out); } void xml_log_changes(uint8_t log_level, const char *function, const xmlNode *xml) { pcmk__output_t *out = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; switch (log_level) { case LOG_NEVER: return; case LOG_STDOUT: CRM_CHECK(pcmk__text_output_new(&out, NULL) == pcmk_rc_ok, return); break; default: CRM_CHECK(pcmk__log_output_new(&out) == pcmk_rc_ok, return); pcmk__output_set_log_level(out, log_level); break; } rc = pcmk__xml_show_changes(out, xml); out->finish(out, pcmk_rc2exitc(rc), true, NULL); pcmk__output_free(out); } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP // End deprecated API