# These warnings are not useful in unit tests. # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring,missing-function-docstring,missing-module-docstring __copyright__ = "Copyright 2023 the Pacemaker project contributors" __license__ = "GPLv2+" import unittest from pacemaker._cts.network import next_ip # next_ip makes a bunch of assumptions that we are not going to test here: # # * The env argument actually contains an "IPBase" key with a string in it # * The string is a properly formatted IPv4 or IPv6 address, with no extra # leading or trailing whitespace class NextIPTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_ipv4(self): # The first time next_ip is called, it will read the IPBase out of # the environment. After that, it just goes off whatever it # previously returned, so the environment value doesn't matter. self.assertEqual(next_ip(""), "") self.assertEqual(next_ip(), "") # Passing reset=True will force it to re-read the environment. Here, # we use that to ask it for a value outside of the available range. self.assertRaises(ValueError, next_ip, "", reset=True) def test_ipv6(self): # Same comments as for the test_ipv4 function, plus we need to reset # here because otherwise it will remember what happened in that function. self.assertEqual(next_ip("fe80::fc54:ff:fe09:101", reset=True), "fe80::fc54:ff:fe09:102") self.assertEqual(next_ip(), "fe80::fc54:ff:fe09:103") self.assertRaises(ValueError, next_ip, "fe80::fc54:ff:fe09:ffff", reset=True)