import pickle import unittest from paramiko import RSAKey from paramiko.ssh_exception import ( NoValidConnectionsError, BadAuthenticationType, PartialAuthentication, ChannelException, BadHostKeyException, ProxyCommandFailure, ) class NoValidConnectionsErrorTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_pickling(self): # Regression test for exc = NoValidConnectionsError({("", "22"): Exception()}) new_exc = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(exc)) self.assertEqual(type(exc), type(new_exc)) self.assertEqual(str(exc), str(new_exc)) self.assertEqual(exc.args, new_exc.args) def test_error_message_for_single_host(self): exc = NoValidConnectionsError({("", "22"): Exception()}) assert "Unable to connect to port 22 on" in str(exc) def test_error_message_for_two_hosts(self): exc = NoValidConnectionsError( {("", "22"): Exception(), ("::1", "22"): Exception()} ) assert "Unable to connect to port 22 on or ::1" in str(exc) def test_error_message_for_multiple_hosts(self): exc = NoValidConnectionsError( { ("", "22"): Exception(), ("::1", "22"): Exception(), ("", "22"): Exception(), } ) exp = "Unable to connect to port 22 on, or ::1" assert exp in str(exc) class ExceptionStringDisplayTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_BadAuthenticationType(self): exc = BadAuthenticationType( "Bad authentication type", ["ok", "also-ok"] ) expected = "Bad authentication type; allowed types: ['ok', 'also-ok']" assert str(exc) == expected def test_PartialAuthentication(self): exc = PartialAuthentication(["ok", "also-ok"]) expected = "Partial authentication; allowed types: ['ok', 'also-ok']" assert str(exc) == expected def test_BadHostKeyException(self): got_key = RSAKey.generate(2048) wanted_key = RSAKey.generate(2048) exc = BadHostKeyException("myhost", got_key, wanted_key) expected = "Host key for server 'myhost' does not match: got '{}', expected '{}'" # noqa assert str(exc) == expected.format( got_key.get_base64(), wanted_key.get_base64() ) def test_ProxyCommandFailure(self): exc = ProxyCommandFailure("man squid", 7) expected = 'ProxyCommand("man squid") returned nonzero exit status: 7' assert str(exc) == expected def test_ChannelException(self): exc = ChannelException(17, "whatever") assert str(exc) == "ChannelException(17, 'whatever')"